Sunday, October 6, 2024

How They Compare: Carmilla


Countess Mircalla Karstein otherwise known by her pseudonym Carmilla is the primary antagonist of the horror novella Carmilla, predating Dracula as a vampire novel by 25 years (Dracula came out in 1897, Carmilla in 1872.) Once there lived the beautiful and beloved Countess Mircala Karstein. In her time a Moravian noblemen was much in love with her. The Countess however died of mysterious illness at a youthful age, being fed upon by a vampire. The noblemen did not believe in the superstitions of vampirism. In an effort to prevent the common folk from destroying her remains and prevent her rising the nobleman moved her tomb and destroyed any signs of where it was located. Mircala rose from the grave, as beautiful as ever on the outside, but with something wholly different within her. 

The now Vampiric Mircalla began to feed upon locals, taking on the guise of a poor injured young woman as she infiltrated homes and fed off young women. She would take on several identities, the last of which being Carmilla. When she infiltrated the home of Laura, the protagonist of the story, Carmilla would begin her feeding, while at the same time falling in love with the lovely young woman, her predations and seductions of the young woman being hard to tell apart. 

While it's not nearly to the extent of some vampire stories, Carmilla does seem to have enhanced physical stats. In terms of strength, she seems to consistently overpower grown men. It's stated that the grip of her hand is like a vice of steel suggesting some level of superhuman physical strength. In terms of speed there are two scenes where Carmilla seems to demonstrate superhuman speed enough to blitz humans at close range, literally just appearing somewhere else in the room, though this is somewhat complicated by the fact that she also seems to have teleportation which means it's unclear when she is moving fast and when she is teleporting.

Carmilla can shapeshift into a black cat which is gigantic, described as 4-5 feet in length. This would make her about the size of a Clouded Leopard which supports having superhuman level stats as the Clouded Leopard's speeds can reach nearly 18 meters per second and have a bite force of 334.2 Newtons with a normal human bite having a bite force of 70-150 Newtons.

What's more impressive about Carmilla are her other abilities, which are potent for her tier. On a basic level Carmilla has the vampiric traits of fangs and the ability to turn someone into a vampire by feeding on them. However her fangs are quite subtle with only someone experienced in dentistry noticing and seems to have some ability to render her bite marks invisible early into her feeding. Unlike most modern vampires, she also has a pulse, a rosy complexion after she has recently fed, and does not die in sunlight, though as mentioned later it does weaken her. Moreover she has a rather extreme form of immortality, where in order to kill a vampire like her it requires her head to be removed, their bodies burned to ashes, then those ashes thrown into a moving river. Otherwise they will return, though the timeframe is unknown.

One of the main things Carmilla is known for is her beauty. All the characters, especially Laura, comment regularly on her beauty that seems to hypnotize and lets her manipulate people. This hypnosis is so strong that despite Laura feel pangs of repulsion and horror at Carmilla, she nonetheless thinks of her new friend as irresistibly charming and grows to find the notion of dying to not be unpleasant under Carmilla's sway. She seems to use this to aid her manipulation regularly. She also potentially seems to have a form of dream manipulation as Laura had strange dreams when Carmilla was around and even when Laura was six she had a dream of Carmilla feeding on her before they met. 

In terms of combat abilities Carmilla has the ability to phase intangible. She simply passes through locked doors and it's remarked that vampires escape their tombs underground in a manner that scientists have no answer for. She can also teleport. As mentioned before she seems to disappear and reappear from direct eyesight and when Laura enters a room while searching for Carmilla in the night, Carmilla was able to disappear from it despite the chamber leading out having people there looking for her. Finally Carmilla's touch has the ability to sap the strength from people, which it is stated they recover from slowly or never recover at all. 

Carmilla is an experienced manipulator and killer who's over 170 years old. She shows good ability to manipulate people especially in conjunction with her beauty and hypnosis which she uses to get people to just accept her into their homes despite her strange and mysterious ways. She speaks German and French so well that people can't tell what her native tongue is, described as very intelligent and knowledgeable about the world by Laura, and takes precautions to keep her sleeping body's location secret. 

In terms of weaknesses, Carmilla's biggest is that Sunlight makes her highly weak and tired with it being described that she can only walk as far as a three year old before getting exhausted in the daytime. She is also highly pained and hurt by holy things with the sound of a hymn seriously hurting her and driving her into an angry uncomposed state for the first time in the story, though most anti-vampire banes don't work on her and she scoffs at the notion of an "anti-vampire charm" as she wears one. Carmilla is speculated to have a rather strange weakness that any of her pseudonyms must be an anagram of her true name. It's also expressed in Carmilla that Vampires are creatures of obsessions, described as having a engrossing vehemence that resembles the passion of love speculated to be born from the desire for sympathy and the end of loneliness. 

Name: Carmilla, Countess Mircalla Karstein, Millarca 
Origin: Carmilla
Powers and Abilities: Vampiric Physiology, Immortality, Shapeshifting, Corruption (can turn others into Vampires), Enhanced Beauty, Hypnosis, Potential Dream Manipulation, Phasing, Teleportation, Strength-Draining Touch
Weaknesses: Sunlight weakens her and tires her, Holy Things, Pseudonyms are Anagrams of her Real Name, Obsessive Personality
Destructive Capacity: Superhuman (Hands are like steel vices, can turn into a large cat with a powerful bite force)
Range: At least several meters with teleportation
Speed: Likely Superhuman (Seems to blitz normal humans at close range. Can turn into a large cat)
Durability: Superhuman
Stamina: Low during Daytime, at least Normal otherwise
Standard Equipment: Amulet against Vampires 
Intelligence: Likely Brilliant. Is a Predatory Killer with over a century of experience, described as highly intelligent and manipulative. Can control people and has wide knowledge of the world. 

So how would Carmilla do if she infiltrated other worlds?

In the DCU Carmilla would best fit in Earth-43, the Vampire World. Her raw stat level on Earth-43 would be on the lower end but fairly normal for a Vampire with many of them able to break cement, bash in doors and fly fast enough to keep up with cars. While most Vampires in this setting have the advantage of broadly more combat capable of abilities, Carmilla would have the advantage of both much better manipulation of the degenerated vampires and the ability to turn intangible which only some Vampires in the setting have and teleportation which none really do. This would give her a clear niche as a tricksy manipulator who would no longer have to hide being a vampire and can rally numerous vampires into packs to grow her power.

The big risk would be if any of the Vampiric Justice League notice her and decide they don't want her there, no amount of vampire allies can really help. Even Vampire Batman can basically tank any amount of vampires attacking him with his ability to also turn to mist and can resist hypnosis stronger than Carmilla's. So she would do well so long as she lays low. 

In the Marvel Multiverse, Carmilla would best fit in Earth-26320 which is the Earth the Blade Film Series was set on. In this would Carmilla would have physical stats akin to most vampires but far better abilities. Not only does she have immortality on a level far beyond what most of them do, her passive charisma and ability to phase intangible as well as teleport would make her almost impossible for anyone but the high tiers to get a hit on. She would also have an advantage in that she is technically a Daywalker, a vampiric individual who can walk in the daylight. Even if it does weaken her substantially, the ability would give her some credit among other vampires. 

Against Higher Tiers it would be a bit harder. Drake who was stronger than Blade but not so much stronger than Blade and other Reaper Tier Vampires slammed Blade into concrete, cratering it which is a power gap likely hundreds or thousands of times compared to Carmilla and the characters have the reaction speed to bullet-time, albeit their actual movement speed feats are similar to what Carmilla could do with appearing someone else in a room untracked by human eye. In a direct fight Carmilla has the advantages of better immortality albeit over an unknown timeframe, and teleportation/phasing, at the expensive of combat skill, power, and reaction time meaning anytime she's not phased she would be in immediate peril. It's possible she could eventually take down someone like Jared or Drake via strength-draining touch or outlasting them until the Sun comes up, though someone Deacon would easily defeat her with the soul absorption he used against the Vampire Elders. As a side note Earth-26320 seems to really like biological forms of attack and it seems like many of these would work on Carmilla as she still retains some elements of biological functioning let alone Daystar Virus or Reaper Virus which works on completely dead vampires. So overall Carmilla would be in the same tier as high tiers due to abilities even with her middling stats for the verse. 

The verse you were probably all thinking of, how would Carmilla do against in the world's most famous vampire story, coming out around the same time. Well unfortunately Dracula vs Carmilla is a stomp pretty clearly. Carmilla is essentially a normal vampire and flees from confrontation with large groups of humans even at nighttime. Dracula is the leader of a Vampiric Family, taught dark magic at Scholomance by the Devil, and only runs from similar groups of humans during the daytime. Dracula has the same physical feats during daytime Carmilla has at night and has relative or better versions of practically all her abilities. 

A much more interesting version would be a matchup of Carmilla vs Vampire Lucy or one of the Weird Sisters (called the Brides of Dracula in most versions.) This pits the basic vampire abilities of both verses against each other and are much more balanced. Dracula-verse vampires scale to a boatload of abilities and weaknesses due to a chapter basically just being an explanation of the properties of vampires, while Carmilla has no equivalent. Comparing the two Carmilla has stronger immortality (requiring decapitation, burning to ashes, and being scattered into a moving river vs. decapitation then a stake through the heart), both having standard vampiric abilities including similar stats and the ability to change into a large mammal (large cat vs wolf), and surprisingly both have teleportation. Carmilla has a passive hypnotic beauty while the Weird Sisters have passive fear aura enough to scare horses to death. Carmilla's only other ability advantage is her strength-draining touch while the Dracula-verse vampires have way more combat abilities including element manipulation, commanding the creatures of the night, levitation and more. On the other hand Carmilla has far less weaknesses. While she can't exploit their weakness to holy items or their similar weakness to sunlight, she has no notable weakness to running water, can enter abodes without permission, and can use garlic or the wild rose to repel them or trap them in their coffins. It's quite plausible the anti-vampire amulet Carmilla laughed at would genuinely work on the Dracula-verse vampires. 

I think it's pretty fair to say Carmilla could pretty easily beat Lucy as she has vastly more experience than Lucy as a vampire. The Weird Sisters much less is known about, but so long as it's one of them at a time, it seems pretty reasonable to say Carmilla could defeat them, especially if she manipulates them into thinking she's just interested in becoming one of them. 

In Vampire: The Masquerade Carmilla would be a fairly normal member of the Kindred in most ways. Her powers and intellect are roughly equivalent to that of a young Vampire, maybe 11th or 12th generation, above the Thinbloods but far below the more ancient Kindred. She would have the equivalent of 1-2 dots in Celerity, Fortitude, Potence and Presence with 3 Dots in Protean to represent her abilities pretty well. This would make her fairly well rounded for a young Kindred aided by having over a century of experience. She would be particularly notable for her much stronger resistance to Sunlight then most of the Kindred who typically catch fire in the open Sun and can get burns even from prolonged exposure to moonlight (reflected Sunlight.)

The big question is whether or not she can survive in the extended politicking of the Kindred society. Granted as a Countess and a good manipulator even without usage of her hypnosis than the Kindred would be resistant to, she should be able to do at least decently, though once again she'd certainly be outclassed by older vampire generations. This means she'd fit in pretty normally into the verse and would basically not be much different than normal there, much weaker than that universe's version of her. 

Finally, what would happen if Carmilla crossed paths with another Old Vampire from the same region, Count Orlok. The two would be fairly similar in strength (Count Orlok's best being easily carrying coffins) with Carmilla arguably having the speed advantage. Both have similar mental powers though Orlok's seemed to be focusing on causing madness, fear, or sleep while Carmilla's on enticement, persuasion, and dream manipulation. Neither would be particularly resistant to the other's powers though Carmilla's wouldn't be moreso manipulation Orlok into not seeing her as a threat while Orlok's would be much more powerful over Carmilla. That said Orlok would be at a disadvantage in that he would have no idea how difficult it is to kill Carmilla and even if he was able to brainwash her, he'd probably just send her out into the day and stop thinking about her, giving her a chance to strike back. 

Beyond that both have the ability to phase intangible with Orlok having the ability to turn into a shadow as well. This would nullify other forms of trying to physically harm each other such as Nosferatu sending a swarm of rats at her, using his quite powerful telekinesis that might have maintained his entire castle, or powerful gusts of wind strong enough to move a ship. It would likely prevent Carmilla from trying to drain Orlok with her touch or trying to kill him conventionally as he lacks her immortality. 

Count Orlok's powers are definitely much more overt but his big weakness in contrast is daytime. Orlok was the first vampire to outright die to sunlight which is how he is killed. He must sleep during the day. As such a fight between them depends on time and mindsight. Orlok has much more overt powers and can use stealth and magic that Carmilla has no direct counters to. That said Carmilla's phasing and moreover her immortality means that Orlok might think he has beaten her when he hasn't, especially if she does her usual gambit of playing the part of the innocent hurt young woman Orlok likes to feed on and can potentially counterattack when he's not suspecting, either killing him through conventional means or outlasting him until the Sun comes up. 

If the fight takes place right after Sundown and Orlok wants to kill Carmilla as a fellow vampire in his territory, he can turn into a shadow and exert his power over her without her being able to do much outside maybe manipulating him, and once she's in his power can force her into revealing how to kill her before doing that very thing. If they cross paths with no knowledge near Sunrise, Orlok would likely be transfixed and Carmilla can likely manipulate him with the Sun rising and killing Orlok. If it's right after sundown but they have no knowledge, it broadly depends how long Carmilla can stall Orlok for and how attentive he is to her lack of demise from things he would presume would kill her or if she can catch him off guard and cut his throat out. If it takes places near sunrise but Orlok is determined to kill her quickly is the most tense scenario as it depends entirely on if Orlok can do something to prevent Carmilla from killing him as soon as the Sun rises such as just opening his coffin such as crumpling her body with telekinesis.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

DC Exploration: Snowflame


Who is he?

Snowflame is a villain who fought the New Guardians in the 80s. Stefan was a Colombian Drug Lord who had metahuman abilities unleashed whenever he did cocaine. Brought into fits of manic high by the drug and taking the identity of Snowflame, he essentially worshipped the Cocaine as a deity, considering himself the living instrument of his will. For his insane over the top presentation Snowflame became a rather beloved obscure character.

More recently Snowflame has been brought back to fight against the likes of Catwoman and Peacemaker on separate occasions. There he has shown himself to be much cleverer and more subtle then previously established, having faked his death at the end of his encounter with the New Guardians and organizing the local supervillains together. However when he uses cocaine he regains his insanely over the top egomaniac persona.  

How Strong is He?

So this depends whether Snowflame has inhaled cocaine recently. Without it, Stefan is a pretty normal Drug Lord physically though it is implied he somehow escaped a several meters tall angry jungle cat. With it Snowflame's power begins to rise dramatically. It's very clear however he is on a metahuman level. He was able to easily beat the New Guardians in his confrontation with them, the New Guardians being supposedly the next step in evolution with metahuman tier feats even in the same issues they fight Snowflame such as Gloss closing a large rift in the ground  and the entire team withstanding a barrage of bullets from Snowflame's men. During their fight, relatively early on Ram hits him with a blow Snowflame would "send any normal man reeling" with Snowflame tanking it. He was also presented as a physical powerhouse to the likes of Catwoman and Peacemarker, both of whom are in the upper human range for a DC Human. Combined with his metahuman abilities, it's clear that Snowflame is meant to be at least a Low Metahuman Threat. 

His maximum extent has never really been seen as he has only fought relatively brief fights, but the first fight against the New Guardians puts special emphasis on his power level rising during the fight, so whether his maximum extent is any degree higher is unknown. As a Low Metahuman Tier Enemy, Snowflame is on roughly the power level of the strongest non-empowered humans and most of their strongest rogues, shown pretty directly in his fight with Catwoman. Given his ability to grow signicantly stronger with all the prior feats being early into his fights, as well as his reputation drawing many of the local supervillains, I would assume he would be particularly strong even someone of his ranking. It might be notable Snowflame has never been "fairly" defeated. The New Guardians after a significant struggle knocked him into a shed full of combustible chemicals that exploded, which was revealed to be a scheme to convince them he had died. Catwoman used a chemical compound that acted as an antidote and Peacemaker poisoned Snowflame's cocaine supply. 

What are his Powers?

After taking cocaine, Snowflame's physical stats are boosted to levels that are considered superhuman within the DC Universe. In the original comic he states that the level of this increase is contacted to his excitement level and that the rush of battle was getting him more excited nad stronger, something demonstrated by him being impressed by Ram's first blow, but then a series of many blows later being tanked by Snowflame. This explicitly applies to his speed as well shown by his text bubbles losing the spaces between words to express him talking at super speed. As another physical enhancement, Snowflame in his cocaine-addled state is stated to "feel no pain."

Snowflame also generates "psychokinetic white flames." These are constantly around him as an aura when on cocaine with it seeming to get more intense as he gets more existence. He can also shoot these out as a torrent of flame. These flames aren't extinguished by water. Beyond that Snowflame's touch or presence can cause contact highs, simulating the effects of being on cocaine. He's also able to control the minds of people who are actually on Cocaine. Snowflame's powers were able to work even on characters with mental defenses like the Floronic Man (Who is essentially evil Swamp Thing.) Snowflame claims to have advanced senses but this may be referring to his enhanced reaction speed based on his statement "I burn with thought--Accelerated thought generated by my fantastically heightened mental senses!"

What are his Weaknesses?

Snowflame's most obvious weakness is also what caused him to become so beloved. Namely that to use his power he has to take in a lot of cocaine and goes absolutely ballistic into an egomaniac power trip talking about the divinity of cocaine and considering himself its divine instrument. As such he's not exactly the most composed and rational fighter. 

Also his body is for the most part fairly conventional and he has been beaten by biological manipulation twice. Similarly Gloss was able to heal the Floronic Man of his contact high by siphoning the cocaine out of his body. If someone did that to Snowflame or if an antidote is applied like Catwoman did, Snowflame reverts to a fairly normal human.

In conclusion, Snowflame is a Low Meta Tier threat enemy, who may be able to rise higher if his combat excitement rises high enough. He was clearly stronger than the New Guardians though some of them definitely got strongh enough to beat him after their combat including Gloss and Extraño. 

He would do best against opponents who are close range fighters and rely on their wits and skills to fight as not only would his aura make it difficult for them to fight properly but unless they're very strong, they would have trouble doing damage to him. Snowflame would be a monster against someone like Tim Drake or Midnighter for instance, especially Tim who probably doesn't have the physical strength to harm Snowflame. 

His biggest weakness would be against characters who are long range fighters/and or have biological based abilities, especially ones who employ stealth to hit him before he's geared up. Someone like Green Arrow could handle Snowflame pretty easily by shooting him with tranquilizer arrows from a distance and someone like Bloodwork would not only likely be able to resist Snowflame by turning into a form made of pure blood could halt the blood carrying the Cocaine through Snowflame's body basically neutralizing or killing him by halting the blood flow to his brain. 

A character who would have an interesting matchup against Snowflame would be Bane. Bane's large experience with venom would probably give him some resistance through experience with Snowflame's contact high powers. Outside of that Bane has the advantage of far greater skill and intelligence than Snowflame but Snowflame would have the advantages of pyrokinesis, pain immunity, and growing stronger during battle so it would depend on Bane being able to defeat him quickly. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ranking Start of Series Protagonists

A ranking of how strong the protagonists of my favorite series were at the start of their series. So this is a blog I did a while back but with two crucial differences:

1: That was just using feats the characters had in their first episode/chapter/level without any scaling to anything outside of it. This is with all the retroactive scaling the characters had from the start of the series

2: I added a new series to the list

So yeah, this is an analysis on how I would rank the 33 protagonists from my 33 favorite series at the start of their series. I should note that for each of these it's the protagonist at the release order start rather than the chronological start. In other words, if there are prequels then it's the first appearance of the character from our chronology, not the first story to take place in the universe of the character. This doesn't change much for most characters, but for someone like Kratos from God of War for instance, this is at the end of the first level of the first God of War was to be released, God of War (2005) after the conclusion of the Hydra battle, not the first level of God of War: Ascension the earlier game chronologically.

33: Haruhi Fujioka: Haruhi is a normal human and teenage girl. She doesn't scale to any particularly notable physical feats and lacks superhuman abilities. She's quite smart, but that's her only super helpful capability in combat. 

32: Watanuki Kimihiro: Watanuki only has one supernatural ability, that being his ability to see spirits, which is not particularly helpful in combat. He does have a few comical physical feats of exaggeration. In comparison between Haruhi and Watanuki, it would be somewhat like a hypothetical fight between Haruhi and Tamaki. Watanuki has comical physical feats, mostly in durability, but is characteristically high-strung and foolish, particularly at the start of the story. It's possibly Haruhi could win if she manipulated Watanuki but start of series Haruhi is stubbornly unaware of her own limitations so I think most likely Watanuki would win. 

31: Wirt: Wirt doesn't have the same physical strength/durability feats that Watanuki does, but he has a weird feat of dodging the falling teardrops of a monster called "Papa" which almost immediately filled an entire clearing, a speed feat suggesting subsonic to supersonic speeds. Even with Watanuki's durability, I can't see Wirt not beating him via dodging his blows and punching him in the face when he gets the chance, maybe a couple times.

30: Dante Alighieri: Dante is an adult man and should have higher attack potency and durability than Wirt. He and Vergil travel the diameter of the Earth in 48 hours, a speed feat of 73.6 meters per second on average. That level of speed is likely similar to Wirt meaning that it would essentially be an adult man vs a teen boy, but faster. 

29: Madoka Kaname: So in the first episode Madoka is just a normal girl, however, she does prior to contracting avoid and keep up with familiars and Kyubey who avoids blasts from Homura. She also follows the fight between Sayaka and Kyoko. If you think she at all speed scales to that level of speed she can definitely bring Dante before he'll ever get a hit even if she's not as strong or durable. Also she at one point survives the familiars messing with her and supernaturally stretching her, though that's probably more so just the familiars playing with her rather than a durability feat of hers. 

28: Stanley: Stanley is never implied to get any stronger and can withstand these comically long falls that should give him wall level durability. Nobody prior has any real way to damage him and Madoka would probably wear herself out trying to even if she's way faster. 

27: Frisk: Frisk's stats and abilities are dependent on their current level of DETERMINATION but after the Ruins, Frisk should have a pretty decent level of determination. I imagine Frisk and Stanley probably have pretty similar levels of durability at this point but Frisk has better speed, attack potency, and mental stats as well as probably abilities. Frisk has a few abilities. Stanley might depending on if you think cheats are canon as the Narrator has responses to it. 

26: Cutie Honey: It's not clear if Honey get stronger overtime in the Cutie Honey Manga. That said assuming she's at least as strong as she is by the end of the first of the three canon manga, she probably has at least similar stats to Frisk. Both have scaling between wall to small building level at this point and subsonic to supersonic speeds. The difference is that Honey has far better combat skill and numerous weapons including nitroglycerin acid spit. 

25: Hikaru Shidou: Early MKR scaling can be tricky because the characters get vaguely stronger with their willpower due to the rules of Cephiro and the different pace of the anime and manga. If you're going by the first episode of just the anime, Hikaru doesn't even have a sword, just the fire magic Clef awoke, but this magic was able to fend of Alcyone, and should scale her at least to various large building type feats from the monsters in the anime. If you use just the manga, that scaling isn't there but the chapter does go longer and Hikaru gets her sword and armor. With just the Manga Hikaru would be slower than Honey but still able to react, while with the Anime she'd be faster and still have the reaction speed feats. Manga Only Hikaru has physical stats in the small building range from vaporizing a several meters tall monster. Using Anime timeframe she doesn't have those same physical stats but does have the Large Building Level Flame Arrow. Manga only Hikaru vs Early Honey might be a good fight. Hikaru might have better durability (since Honey in the first manga only might not scale to small bulding level durability) while Honey would have better abilities (fire arrows and speaking to animals vs acid spit and transformation.) Anime Only Hikaru would either melt Honey with Flame Arrow or die to a strike from Honey. If Hikaru has both (and both are written by Clamp), she should win fairly confidently. 

24: Princess Tutu: Tutu fighting is kind of weird as she never actually fights someone so how she would fight is not clear. She scales above Heart Shards with greater power feats than Flame Arrow. She's not as fast as Hikaru if anime feats are allowed for Hikaru but Hikaru would have to wear down Princess Tutu a lot, while Duck can probably hit Hikaru eventually with her reality-warping dance. I don't think her dancing would be an instant win against Hikaru as Willpower in MKR seems to grant some resistance to reality-warping, but it should give her the area of effect to hit Hikaru who usually fights at melee range. 

23: Luz Noceda: So at the start of the series Luz lacks magic and is a physically inept nerd with "weak nerd arms." That said she does have some oddly high physical stats scaling due mostly to being a cartoon character. In the first episode she knocks out a Boiling Isle Prison Warden with a staff, showing that she should at least scale to Boiling Isle Civilians who have a ton of feats and developed differently surviving on the treacherous Boiling Isles. She is likely strong enough to knock out Princess Tutu with a couple blows at most based on Boiling Isles School Children able to slightly impact Kikkimora's mech and is way, way faster based on Piniet able to react to a Light Glyph. Granted Episode 1 Luz is absolutely the type to be entranced and purified in heart by Princess Tutu so it feels like Tutu should win going by their "characters", but that's because Tutu doesn't really "fight" normally and in a fight scenario, Luz should win. 

22: Yusuke Urameshi: Yusuke in the first chapter or episode is a ghost. He would be mutually intangible with everyone prior. He can possess some of them including Luz and have them beat themselves, though some people before can likely resist and it's unlikely he could possess an android like Honey. That said anyone prior would never be able to hit Yusuke and eventually wear themselves out.

21: Yugi Muto: Yugi has the magical powers of the Millennium Puzzle and I think would probably be able to affect a ghost like Yusuke. The Games of Darkness can affect the minds of people and in the ancient past he sealed Ka and Ba spirits in tablets, though it's not clear if he could do that without his memories. Yugi also has defensive abilities that would presumably protect him against most of the characters prior. It's stated the Pharaoh's power protected his entire palace, and there's a page where he seems, at least to me, to phase intangible. Some people interpret it differently though so YMMV. Even without that, if Yugi has his forcefield power and the games of darkness he should be able to beat MOST people here. The only questionable one is Luz, but I think Luz at the start of the series would probably accept a request to play a game instead of fight to win. 

20: Danny Phantom: So Episode 1 Danny would sometimes accidentally switch between human and ghost form, and his power was somewhat inconsistent with his emotional state. Danny's power is relatively high, in the same tier as someone like Princess Tutu and with speed somewhat similar to Luz, so I think he could probably get through Yugi's forcefield and he can obviously get past intangibility. Even if Danny does revert, he does get the benefits of Danny Phantom-verse human feats. If Danny gets into a Game of Darkness with Yugi, Yugi almost certainly wins but I think Danny can probably overwhelm Yugi's defenses. He's basically like Luz against Yugi but with the ability to get around intangibility, and more aggressive as a fighter. 

19: Tiara: Tiara's got higher physical strength and durability than Danny unless he gets into an emotional state as she scales to kiloton level dimension maintaining feats. Danny at this point doesn't even know he can possess people and Tiara can arguably affect ghosts as the demons in Shamanic Princess show ghostlike properties. Danny is definitely faster and he could maybe wear down Tiara, but if he doesn't win fast enough, Danny will eventually revert and Tiara can one-shot him. It really just depends on if you think Tiara gets a solid hit on him and I don't think Danny at this point is skilled enough to avoid any hits from Tiara. 

18: Mew Ichigo: Ichigo's base form doesn't seem to get stronger over the course of the series so she scales to similar kiloton level feats and lightning timing. Ichigo vs Tiara would basically be Ichigo's greater speed vs Tiara's greater skill and teleportation. Personally I think the speed gap is too large, especially given Ichigo can heal herself with Mew Power. 

17: Sakura Kinomoto: Sakura is really not a fighter and her physical strength and durability are way below Ichigo's. That she is able to lightning-time naturally and so should be able to keep up and even in the first chapter/episode she has the Windy, which is an underratedly powerful card. The Windy is one of the elemental cards, equal to the Earthy which can create city-threatening earthquakes. The Windy would probably try to bind Ichigo which I think would probably work. In the manga she also has Wood and Jump in Chapter 1, the latter being able to help her keep up with Ichigo in agility and the former being enough strong card that could hurt or bind Ichigo. Granted if Ichigo gets any hit on Sakura, she would one-shot, but I think Sakura probably wins.

16: Player Wizard: The Player Wizard of Magicka is the finest student of Castle Aldreheim and is a far more experienced and skilled spellcaster. While The Player Wizard's stats are notably weaker than the Windy, they can easily protect themselves with shield while summoning down a meteor shower that will eventually beat Sakura and/or just outlast her as Sakura early on has very limited stamina while the Wizards went through an entire mountain range without stop destroying the goblin civilization. 

15: Minute Man: So I'm not sure what the stats of early Minute Man are as it's an RPG where the characters get stronger mechanically. Freedom Force, even early on, does fight Nuclear Winter so if you think he scales to any level of the power he has at his peak he should be here. Nuclear Winter froze Patriot Park with his power, lowered the temperature of a Cuban Village in Summer to the point there was snow, and likely scales to some fraction of Pan's power which levitated and moved Pan's flying island. If that's the case the Player Wizard doesn't really have attacks in his arsenal that can hurt Minute Man unless you think Death Mana ignores durability cause it's pure entropy. 

14: Feliciano Vargas: Feliciano is the personification of Northern Italy. I don't think Minute Man has the area of effect to do significant damage to Northern Italy before collapsing in exhaustion.

13: Pegasus Seiya: Seiya's got similar stats to Minute Man but higher in both power and speed as he atomized a section of the ground, calced into the upper gigatons and reached the speed of sound as a Bronze Saint before getting faster as well as having better abilities and combat skill. Against Feliciano he may or may not have the ability to actually destroy the nation but Cosmo has the ability to affect abstract concepts so Seiya should be able to just... punch Feliciano. 

12: Panty Anarchy: I'm not sure if Panty's guns can be used against most of the characters here, but she is fast enough to blitz Seiya at the start of SS based on scaling to Stocking who ran around the world for exercise. Her attack potency may or may not be able to overcome Seiya's natural durability but I think if she hits him somewhere like the eye, it probably would work, especially as she has a good luck aura that can counteract the good fortune given by his constellation. Seiya vs Panty really depends on if you think Panty can hurt Seiya at all as either Seiya tanks Panty's attacks and eventually hits her or Panty blitz and overwhelms him with dozens of attacks or accidentally knocks him into space. 

11: Omi: Omi vs Panty is a pretty clearcut one. The two should be similarly powerful if not favoring Omi based on him positively scaling to Jack's digger bots that can "reduce a mountain to rubble", have similar speed based on Omi being much faster than early Clay who can lightning time and keeping up with the Serpent's Tail which quickly travels the radius of the Earth. Omi has much more skill to the point of having precognition from it, and besides that the two don't have many other abilities. Panty's Good Luck Aura might cause Omi problems, but if the two stalemate for a bit due to Omi's Precognition Based Skill and Panty's Good Luck, Omi's definitely got the better stamina with the Dragons even in Season 1 able to search for a Wu nonstop for days with Omi being the only one not tired. 

10: Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon in Chapter 1 has her ultrasonic crying which can threaten a dimension, her tiara throw which can turn people to dust and has retroactive scaling to many FTL feats. Granted in Chapter 1 she's a crybaby and cowardly, but in most scenarios if Sailor Moon sees Omi or anyone prior moving in super slow motion she probably won't be as intimidated and her crying which can hit ghosts or her tiara throw should let her beat anyone here. Omi's Skill and Tiger Instincts might let him get a hit on her, but even if he does the Silver Crystal will automatically act to protect Usagi either teleporting her or forming a barrier around her. 

9: Samus Aran: Even Samus from the start of Metroid 1 scales to Base Ridley who has similar to greater power and speed feats to Sailor Moon. Samus is either equal or a tier above Usagi in both power and speed at the start of their series and even if they are equal has obviously way better mental capabilities and better armaments. 

8: Cure Black: Nagisa doesn't have many abilities and even less without her partner Cure White. That said she is probably similar skilled to Samus and likely even beginning of series scales to Cure Blossom who is stated to be the Weakest Cure in history who has planetary and light-timing feats. Samus might still be faster but Beginning of Series Samus lacks any durability ignoring hax and Cure Black Should be able to tank any of Samus attacks and eventually get a hit in. 

7: Kratos: So I don't think Hydra Fight Kratos has power and durability on par with Start of Futari Wa Nagisa's, though I don't think he's that far behind. Beyond that, he has probably even higher skill being superhumanly skilled, was able to beat an FTL opponent 10 years prior despite them using time manipulation to slow Kratos, and has the Blades of Chaos that drain the lifeforce from the people he hits. To be fair Nagisa's lifeforce is probably quite high as the Monochrome Cures get the power from the Power of Light that exists in all life, but I think Kratos can probably wear Nagisa down with the Blades of Chaos. Granted this is one I went back and forth on. 

6: Yuki Yuna: Yuna herself is much weaker than the last several characters physically speaking. But her fairies create a barrier that can withstand supernova and blackholes. The Blades of Chaos could bypass this by draining Yuna's lifeforce...except I think the Blades have to make contact in order to do so, and beyond that Yuna's lifeforce is maintained by her fairy which is part of the Shinju, a universal divine tree god. There are some people here that hypothetically could do something to Yuna, Yugi could maybe beat Yuna in a Game of Darkness for instance, but this is broadly where I think the Fairy Barrier would most consistently get Yuna. 

5: Bayonetta: Early in Bayonetta, Bayo is still rusty and lacking memories but she still scales to First Sphere Angels that would put her in the same physical range as Kratos and Nagisa but with Kratos' level of skill, time hax, and numerous other hax besides. Now she still wouldn't normally have a way around Yuna's Fairy Barriers, except Bayonetta can move into Purgatory and attack people from another dimension which I think would get around the forcefield in the same way a three-dimensional attack would get around a forcefield facing just in front of someone. 

4: Superman: It's implied that while his feats get much more impressive that Golden Age Superman doesn't get stronger during the Golden Age as when he fights the Kryptonian Criminals Kizo, Mala, and U-Ban despite them reaching Earth that day, they are treated as equal in powers to him. If that's the case he has speeds fast enough to travel into deep space quickly, probably millions of times the speed of light, can time travel, and has multiple stellar feats. I can see Bayo keeping up with Superman via Witch Time and can avoid attacks from him via moving into another dimension, but start of game Bayo doesn't have any weapons that would hurt Kal-L and if he gets a single strike in he wins. 

3: Amaterasu: Amaterasu at the start of the game is much more casually stellar than Kal-L in the Golden Age as she can create a new star or multiple with a dip of the celestial brush which can reach other star systems instantly. Granted if Kal-L time travels she doesn't have a way to counter that, but that's an unusual strategy for him and I don't see him being able to take more then a couple blows from the Celestial Brush.

2: Blossom: It's not clear whether the PPG get significantly stronger across seasons but the entire show happens with a year and they're able to beat up Mojo Jojo even in Season 1, Mojo not being implied to get stronger or anything and able to fight the PPG in later seasons, so they should at least downscale from their later feats. Blossom should be in the same stellar range as Superman and Amaterasu from scaling to HIM and being at least somewhat in the same tier as Monkey due to Justice Friends scaling, and has speeds far higher from nanobot, Justice Friends, and Super Friends scaling meaning she would probably blitz. 

1: Wander: It's not implied Wanders get any stronger over WOY. Wander has speed feats in the same tier or higher then the characters prior, and plugged a galaxy-threatening black hole with his finger. He wins. 

There are a few cases of rock paper scissors here but this was my best attempt to rank them based on who has the best overall matchups against the other characters here. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How I rank the other Stats

 Just made a blog for how I rate Power and Speed so wanted to make a followup blog on how I rate the other stats. What the lesser stats are is kind of contested but broadly I consider them:

-Range (Which can be broken down into sensory range and ability range)

-Intelligence (Which further breaks down in multiple categories)

-Combat Skill (Sometimes considered part of Intelligence)

-Other Relevant Skills (such as Stealth, Agility, etc.)

-Endurance (Which further breaks down into stamina, willpower, resilience etc.)

So to go over them:


Range is really simple, it's quite literally just a distance with the same values as something like attack potency. Usually, characters have separate sensory range and ability range, though if characters have abilities that work on anything they can perceive then the two can be one and the same. Sense Range can be higher so as a Knight who can see far greater distance than his sword can hit or lower such as someone who can teleport planetary distances but no special senses, though broadly to effectively attack a target one needs both to perceive where they are and to be able to reach them.

There's no obvious way to know what the starting range should be. Broadly I take the character who's ability range is higher and divide that by two. This I think is a fair balance between giving characters who's focus is on range like snipers and marksman the ability to use their range without starting characters at needlessly long range. 


With intelligence, there's general overall intelligence and then there's intelligence in specific categories. In real life types of intelligence have correlation such that if you are smart in one area you are more likely to be smart in other areas with the strength of the correlation being how close the two areas are to each other. In fiction this obviously doesn't have to be the case. It's easy to imagine a supergenius scientist who has absolutely zero social intelligence. That said I do think the default assumption should be if a character is superhumanly intelligent in one area, they should be relative in other areas of intelligence unless the verse says otherwise due to the tendency of intelligence in one area to correlate with other areas. 

Intelligence for powerscaling tends to focus on three areas and I want to give credit to my friend ThorGundersen1058 who was the one who observed these three categories:

-Scientific Intelligence: The ability to manipulate the general world. 

-Social/Psychological Intelligence: The ability to manipulate other people. 

-Tactical Intelligence: Broadly the ability to effectively strategize and make decisions in dynamic or complex scenarios. 

To rate characters I think there are three broad categories: Subhuman, Human, and Superhuman that I subdivide into five or six categories each:


-None: Characters genuinely lacks any reactivity to outside stimulus and acts more like a force of nature then a character. An example off the top of my head would be the Colour out of Space which is a malignant color from outer space that spreads and infects without reacting actively to outside stimulus.

-Reactivity: Characters can react to outside stimuli such as a Venus Flytrap which can react to bugs to consume them. The least intelligent animals like Jellyfish or Sponges would be here. Stereotypical zombies would probably be here.

 -Lower Sentience: Characters have intelligence equal to relatively unintelligent animals like Most Insects, Lizards, or Frogs. They have the ability to actually perceive the world and can make decisions based on that as opposed to instinctive reactions. 

-Upper Sentience: Characters have intelligence equal to normal animals such as Felines, Canines, Rodents, etc. All three types of intelligence start being seen here including usage of environment, pack behavior, and basic problem-solving. 

-Lower Sapience: Characters have intelligence equal to smarter animals like Parrots, Ravens, Apes, Octopi, or Elephants. These characters can show all three kinds of intelligence including tool use, using social structures, and/or employing complex problem-solving. Very young humans would likely be here as well.


-Upper Sapience/Below Average: Intelligence a standard deviation below normal human intelligence or more but still clearly human in intelligence or a relatively young human. This would also be the intelligence of races that are meant to be dumber than humans by a notable degree but are still clearlpy sapient and can communicate with them like stereotypical fantasy orcs or goblins. 

-Average: Intelligence is within the normal bounds for a human

-Above Average/Clever: Intelligence is a standard deviation above normal human intelligence.In Scientific Intelligence this is a character who is as smart as a normal person working in the scientific fields. In Social Intelligence this would be a character who is as smart as someone working in a field requiring social interaction like a salesman or diplomat. In Tactical Intelligence this would be someone who has to engage in broad problem solving and tactical thinking like a chess pro or a police chief. Someone who is Above Average overall is someone who has the intellectual capacity to perform any of these jobs if they tried.  

-Brilliant: Intelligence is two standard deviations above the average and their intelligence is very noticeable, which would be the top 2.5% of humans in the real world. This would be similar to the above except instead of a normal example of each profession, the character would be more akin to a highly qualified and impressive member of the above. 

-Genius/Realistic Genius: Intelligence is three standard deviations or more above the average, or the top 0.13% of humans in the real world, and would be equivalent to the smartest people in a region. Similar to the above, this would be people who are considered some of the best in a region in their field of intelligence or in overall intelligence. 

-Unrealistic Genius/Peak Human/Low Superhuman: Intelligence is five or more standard deviations above the average (1 in a Million) and would be equivalent to some of the smartest people in the world. Some feats of intelligence in the real world sound absolutely made up and what is and isn't peak human vs superhuman in intelligence is very unclear particularly when human intelligence can be easily exaggerated for fictional purposes, so this tier is used for this sort of broad level. 


-Type 1 Intelligence: Type 1 Intelligences are characters who would be one of the smartest people in a Kardashev 1 Civilization (Planetary to Inter-Planetary.) In Scientific Intelligence these are characters that can create the technology one might expect of a Kardashev 1 Civilization. In Social Intelligence these are characters that are some of the best manipulators in a Type 1 Civilization or can manipulate a Planet to Multiple Planets of realistic humans. In Tactical Intelligence these are characters that are some of the best tacticians in a planetary to inter-planetary populace, or can match the best commanders of such in a tactical challenge. Someone with overall Type 1 Intelligence can hypothetically do all three and/or can process the raw information of an entire planet.

-Type 2 Intelligence: As above but instead with a Kardashev Type 2 (Stellar to Interstellar) Civilization and/or can process the information of a stellar body or system.

-Type 3 Intelligence: As above but instead with a Kardashev Type 3 (Galactic to Intergalactic) Civilization and/or can process the information of a galaxy.

-Type 4 Intelligence: As above but instead with a Kardashev Type 4 (Universal to Interuniversal) Civilization and/or can process the information of a universe. 

-Type 5 Intelligence: As above but instead with a Kardashev Type 5 (Multiversal) Civilization and/or can process infinite information. 

Whether it makes sense to talk about higher is questionable as at some part it's arguably not intelligence so much as a form of cosmic awareness. If knowledge of all things that will ever happen knowledge or precognition? If I was to go higher it would be something like

Metaphysically Infinite: Can process a higher "metaphysical" infinite amount of information.

Conceptually Infinite: Can process a conceptually infinite amount of information

Metaconceptually Infinite: The character's intelligence is treated as above "concepts" but still limited in some regard.

Absolute Intelligence: Character's intelligence is treated as being at one with the ultimate nature of being. 


Skills obviously have a lot of overlap with intelligence but to me skills seem to be more specific and tend to be more physical as well as measured in a different way. The most commonly used Skill in Combat would obviously be Combat Skill, one's proficiency at fighting. While skills could be ranked in different ways, the way I categorized skill was deliberately designed to be applicable to any skill that might be used.

F Tier: Superhumanly Unskilled Tier: Characters that are poor at a skill to a degree beyond what humans could be. 

Low F Tier: Conceptually Unskilled: The Character is unskilled on a conceptual level. For Combat Skill this would be for instance a character who is the concept of losing battles.

Mid F Tier: Vastly Superhumanly Unskilled: The Character performs feats that are cartoonishly or cosmically bad at the skill. For combat skill this would be a character who somehow accidentally knocks out their own army. 

High F Tier: Mildly Superhumanly Unskilled: The Character performs feats that are superhumanly bad at the skill but not to a massively dramatic degree. A Character who fights like they're drunk would be an example.

D Tier: Unskilled Tier: The Tier of Normal Humans, Characters who are not proficient at the Skill in particular.

Low D Tier: Below Average: Characters who are below the average human at the skill but still within the general human range. For Combat Skill for instance, a character who's noticably clumsy would be here.

Mid D Tier: Average: The Skill Level of Average Humans.

High D Tier: Above Average: Equivalent to 1-10 Hours of Experience, these are for characters with some basic knowledge of the skill, a natural talent for the skill, or a lot of experience with a skill that is somewhat transferable. For instance, a Professional Athlete might not have any combat experience but would have a lot of experience knowing how to best maneuver his or her body. 

C Tier: Proficient Tier: The Tier of Humans who are Proficient at the Skill. 

Low C Tier: Equivalent to 10-100 Hours of Experience. Amateurs and Rookies at a skill on a professional level. Characters that can make some money at their skill but not a living. For Combat Skill, this would be soldiers who have gone through basic training or something like a militia town guard. 

Mid C Tier: Equivalent to 100-1,000 Hours of Experience. Professional Tier characters who can make a living from their skill. For Combat Skill, this would be professional warriors and soldiers.

High C Tier: Equivalent to 1,000-10,000 Hours of Experience. Elite Tier characters who are considered a tier above normal C Tier characters. For Combat Skill, this would be equivalent to special forces and elite warriors. 

B Tier: Master Tier: Characters that are masters at the skill and would be considered some of the best

Low B Tier: Equivalent to 10,000 Hours to 100,000 Hours of Experience. Characters who are considered masters of a skill and one of the best in a region. 

Mid B Tier: Equivalent to 100,000-1,000,000 Hours of Experience. Grandmasters of a skill who are considered some of the best in the world with a lifetime devoted to the skill. 

High B Tier: Unrealistic/Exaggerated Skill Tier. The feats of the greatest fighters who have lived sound like fiction and so it's not really clear what the boundary of skill for a human is. This would be the Skill of the best fighters in history or the skill of the best fighters in a Type 1 Civilization (Planetary to Interplanetary), which could have a similar population to the number of humans who have ever lived. While these people typically both have a lifetime of practice and huge natural talent, I also think this is where characters with Millions of Hours or Hundreds of Years of Experience even without natural talent would get to if they're an immortal or superhumanly long-aged character.

A Tier: Superhumanly Skilled Tier: Characters that are superhumanly good or are beyond the capacities modern day humans with our understanding of various skills could get too.

Low A Tier: Equivalent to Thousands of Years of Experience. Demonstrates Superhuman Feats of Skill (Examples: Physically beating someone multiple times as big, strong, and fast as you, defeating multiple opponents with your exact powers and abilities at once, etc.) The Best in a Type 2 (Stellar to Interstellar) Civilization. 

Mid A Tier: Equivalent to Millions of Years of Experience. Demonstrates Dramatically or Comically Superhuman Feats of Skill (Examples: Physically beating someone orders of magnitude stronger and faster than you, fighting an army with greater capabilities than you, etc.) The Best in a Type 3 (Galactic to Intergalactic) Civilization. 

High A Tier: Equivalent to Billions of Years of Experience or more. Demonstrates Cosmic Feats of Skill (Examples: Physically beating someone cosmically stronger and faster than you, defeating a planet of creatures with greater capabilities than you, etc.) The best in a Type 4 (Universal to Interuniversal) Civilization

S Tier: Transcendent/Infinitely Skilled Tier: Characters that are infinitely skilled

Low S Tier: Character is infinitely skilled. The most skilled in a Type 5 Civilization (Multiversal.) Can perform literally impossible feats via sheer skill (For Chess Skill for instance this would be something like checkmating with just a King and Knight which is impossible in Chess. For Combat Skill this would be characters that are basically so skilled at fighting it gives them abilities like non-physical interaction or flight even when that isn't something the powers would naturally or logically entail)

Mid S Tier: Character is metaphysically skilled. Character's skill can effect higher planes of reality that are more fundamental than the physical through sheer skill.

High S Tier: Character is conceptually skilled. This would include characters who are the literal concepts of things like warfare or martial arts and the like or characters that scale to them in skill. 

I deliberately tried to make this so it could apply to any skill, though some skills like stealth are usually moreso judged by other stats than the skill itself. Stealth for instance is very often measured by how good sensory range of other characters or objects that the stealth user was able to avoid. That said I think especially when you get higher up, it does look similar to combat skill in how it could be assessed. 


Probably the hardest stat here to quantify as it's several different stats: stamina, pain resistance, injury resistance, and willpower) that are all sort of correlated but different. These are rather hard to quantify, especially willpower, so the categories I would have for Endurance and for each individual category would be like

Subhuman: For characters who have endurance below that of a human

Low Human: For characters who have endurance on the lower end for a human

Average Human: For characters who have endurance around that of an average human

High Human: For characters who have endurance on the upper end for a human

Superhuman: For characters who have endurance that is beyond what a human could realistically have

Infinite: For characters whose endurance qualities are infinite. 

I think you could maybe divide superhuman into Low Superhuman and High Superhuman as feats like "fought for two days" feel like a different category than "fought for 1,000 years straight" but the border would be very vague. 


Strength is weird in that the part of strength that's actually useful in a fight is the part that overlaps with attack potency and the other aspects of strength are less useful than even the secondary stats mentioned above. 

Strength, talking about arm strength usually, is divided usually into lifting strength and striking strength, the former in real life being determined by the mass of one's muscles and the latter by the kinetic energy of the fist moving at a speed. So it's possible in real life to have wonky striking strength to lifting strength ratios if the character is really bulky but for some reason moves really slow or not very bulky but moving quickly though for obvious reasons the two tend to be correlated a lot similar to the parts of Endurance. 

Striking Strength is basically just one form of Attack Potency. Lifting Strength is measured in weight and goes up to infinite where it just merges with the the attack potency form of strength

Obviously, I'm not suggesting anyone should definitely use my criteria for assessing these other stats, this is just how I try to compare characters and I hope it gave some ideas on how you can organize them if you are trying to figure out how to.