This was requested as I recently completed watching Season 1 of Star vs FOE along with a friend.
I want to quickly explain the way I rate everything on a 5 point basis:
5/5: Very likely my favorite in it's genre. Potentially my favorite in the medium. Something I greatly enjoy, that has great intellectual and emotional resonance with me. I would view this again and again by myself. I would style my own work after the ideas in it. If someone loves this work, I would be instantly companions with them in some way.
4/5: I really enjoyed the work. Something I might recommend to people and would view again with other people or after a long time. Has at least a few elements that I absolutely loved and might try to replicate. If someone loves this work, I will chatter with them about it and have fun.
3/5: I thought it was enjoyable enough. It fills the time and serves it's purpose though I wouldn't go out of my way to call myself a fan or go to defend it. Glad I viewed it once but probably won't again. If someone loves this work, I will see why but I won't have much to say.
2/5: Generally meh. I didn't find it very entertaining or it has some good elements but they are too diluted for my to really enjoy. I kinda regret using the time on it, though I won't argue with someone who likes it or whatever. If someone loves this work, I will be a bit confused why, but will leave them to their enjoyment.
1/5: Actively angers, annoys, or offends me. A work that I actively avoid talking or thinking about when possible. A work I will only view if I have to. If someone loves this work, I will try my best to stay quiet so as not to show my disdain for it.
I judge everything by this metric, although primarily art. I also judge sub-sections by these metrics. So let me analyze various sections. In particular, I judge 5 sections in particular: Characters, Plots, Aesthetic (including World when applicable), Mood, and Genre.
The two primary protagonists of Star versus The Forces of Evil are Star Butterfly and Marco. The Standard Magical Girl Formula for Female and Male Leads involve a Girl with one particular Virtue and her character being backwards built to emphasize the point, and the Male acting as the counterpoint by being a contrast.
Star Butterfly's particular virtue seems to be her dynamism, as it were. Star is introduced as a fun, extroverted girl who shakes up and disrupts broken systems. She brings excitement and enjoyment to other mundane or dark situations. Marco act as her counterpoint, a calm, rational, vaguely introverted boy who is proficient in a discipline form of combat (Karate) as opposed to Star's more emotion-based magic. I found them an enjoyable pair of protagonists....
The biggest fault of Star vs. FOE so far is where most MG Shows falter...which is villains. he primary villain most of the season is Ludo who is entirely a joke, and not one I found funny. Most of his henchmen I didn't find particularly memorable save for Buff Frog who has a substantial and enjoyable part of the climax and has a small character arc within the last set of episodes. Near the end Ludo is temporarily replaced as Villain by Toffee. Toffee was a marked improvement as a villain, having drastically more menace, an interesting gimmick (hating magic), and a slightly more interesting arsenal (increased intellect and regeneration). That said he was only main villain briefly, and more could have been done with his character as very little is shared of his backstory and while his personality is a dimension ahead of Ludo's, it's still 2 dimensional really.
The minor characters are for the most part enjoyable and make for a well-defined world. Marco's Parents are fun to watch and it's good to see a marriage on screen that is still clearly loving, passionate, and romantic, especially considering the one other on-screen marriage is Star's parents. Speaking of which, Star's parents are surprisingly developed. With few exceptions, the parents of the main Magical Girl tend to be either A: Comically Perfect, B: Never mentioned. While I didn't like the introduction to Star's parents which them made out to be 1-dimensional archetypes of a manipulative angry overly strict mother and a bumbling wild father (the classical parents dynamic), they showed more character then that eventually. Particularly in the last episode. (Star: "You're mad at me." Star's Mother: "I'm just glad you're safe." DAWWWWWWWWWW, also total Chibiusa and Setsuna flashback.). Jackie is a cute love interest for Marco, though we don't really know much about her. Brittany, I'll be honest I'm pretty tired of the rich b*tch stereotype for personal reasons. Alfonzo and Ferguson are just sort of there. I'll be honest, I find the Earth-based characters less interesting. Though the angry teacher figure Miss Skullnick, is surprisingly in-depth. (The American Magical Girl is more respectful to the Sensei character. Go figure). Star's got a Magical Friend called "Flying Princess Pony Head", who is basically exactly what the name sounds like. I was pleasantly surprised that she was not the standard trope for these jealous old friend types who tend to turn out to have changed a lot and become a villain from jealousy. That's where it looks like it's going initially but she turns out to be more heroic then expected. The Laser Puppies are just adorable. Their are other characters but these are most of them, ones that appear in multiple episodes.
In general, the characters are fun to watch with clearly defined and entertaining personalities but tend to be overtly simple, doing pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
A lot of the episodes in Star are (or at least seem to be so far) one-shot filler. I'll be honest, I'm a pretty big opponent to filler, preferring overarching plots.
In terms of individual episode plots, they vary greatly like most shows of this type too. The lowest rating I'd give any of the episodes is a 2 (my least favorite episode so far is "Lobster Claws" which I felt was confusing, had unclear motivations for the characters, and didn't have a while lot of laughs or interest) and the highest is a 5 (Freeze Day which is an absolutely beautiful piece of art which shows the relevance of Star and people like her, explains her virtue in a way that is both meaningful and understandable, has again beautiful commentary on the nature of time and perception and repetition and featured a binding of the universal and the personal which is truly the moments I watch Magical Girl shows for). If you were to watch just one episode of the show I would definitely recommend Freeze Day, it doesn't even need the preceding episodes because it shows the characters so strongly.
It's hard to talk really about overall when the plots are of very different natures, which is another reason I dislike filler.
3/5 (it's pretty close to 4/5 though)
Star versus FOE has a hypergirly aesthetic.....there are two female aesthetics imo, hyperfeminine which is more exaggerated, extroverted, youngish and involve classical female symbols, examples in Star include Laser Puppies, Star's Unicorn Obsession, The Rainbow-Based attacks etc. Their is also the more subtle feminine aesthetic which tend to involve long panning shots of peaceful areas, costume design, classical archetypes that such as the moon, water, mother earth and nature, etc. Star has a little of that too (like the panning shot when it shows Star's dress in Blood Moon Ball) but for the most part it's more of the former due to the show's energetic nature. Neither is better or worse mind you, it depends on execution.
I'm happy to say Star pulls of the aesthetic well imo. They symbols are used often enough to be motifs but not so often that they become overtly cheesy or expected. When I say that Magical Girls involve the feminization of power, and the users of feminine power, Star really does emphasize that with attacks and power specifically using female imagery Star's various outfits are all very cute and emphasize her open, adventurous, optimistic and bubbly personality. She also wears devil horns which I suppose is to emphasize her mischievous and chaotic (though benevolent) nature.
The worlds Star visits are also very well realized, Everywhere from Olga's Reformatory School for Wayward Princesses (Princess Jail) to The Plane of Time, to Marco's house is fleshed out and feels like a real tangible environment, even though they are fantastical and really quite imaginative, for the most part.
If I have any real complaints it's on the lack of visual cohesiveness. It's not a huge problem but a lot of the character designs, location designs, equipment, powers and so forth feel like they were designed in isolation. If you look at Ludo and his henchmen, they all look really different even though they (or at least some of them) are from the same world? Their is a sort of chaos in the design of everything from city design to Character outfits, with mismatched colors and sizes (thought Star's outfit is still adorable). Thematically this might be to further the feel of Positive Chaos that Star represents but it reduces a bit the level of iconic-ness that can be had. Although I suppose points for originally that they didn't take the easy route of just copying designs like is common in Japanese Magical Girl Franchises.
Also Musical Aesthetic quickly. The Opening theme I go on a bit of rollercoaster from "THIS IS FUN!" to "OMG THIS IS GETTING REALLY LOUD AND SUGARY FOR ME". It varies I guess how much I like the OP, though the "GOOD TIME" part and the story behind that remains crazy cool to me. The Ending theme has remained consistenly good, being much calmed which still a good reflection of Star's character (Particularly "I think that strangers are just friends you haven't met.")
Mood (Comedy):
Star vs FOE is a comedy, in what we Japanese might call a "Bubblegum Pop Comedy", as in a high-energy sugar-ball kind of comedy. So for the mood category I have to judge how good a comedy it is. And it is for the most part really funny. I will give it that. It's not the funniest thing I've ever seen but it's got good quotable lines. It's very good at keeping it's style of High-Energy going without ever becoming tiring which is a real threat when dealing with so much excitement.
It hasn't tried to be really serious much, but it has been pretty effective particularly in the last episode with 1 very badass moment ("No."), 1 very saddening moment, and 1 very heartwarming moment. Hopefully it can keep up the ability to sparingly use it's seriousness for real dramatic weight.
Genre (Magical Girl):
Star vs FOE is a Magical Girl show, a genre I have personal great investment in. You might think I'm biased towards loving with Magical Girls in it, or you might think as a true connoisseur I'm more picky about my Magical Girl entertainment. The truth is kind of mixture, I will be forgiving of faults if it's in the package I love, but I will always want it to be better, to push the genre to new heights. So how does it do as a Magical Girl show?
Star vs FOE is at the start of it a TEXTBOOK case of Cute Witch subgenre which is a tried and true formula (first Magical Girl Anime ever was Sally the Witch and was one of these) with the only real difference being that she got into real fights to save the world with bad guys and stuff like a Magical Girl Warrior would. But their seems to be more going. This time it doesn't seem their is a "good" and "bad" dimension as you usually see in Magical Girl Shows but instead a vast multitude of dimensions, and the villains actually come from Star's dimension, having been the original inhabitants before being pushed out. This is a very interesting idea but not much has been done with it. I'm not even sure the monsters realize that Mewni is their home dimension.
Beyond that it does a lot of the usual Magical Girl stuff (including formal dance with mysterious masked boy that makes your heart swoon and your eyes glitter <3) and it does them well. It's femininity is more in your face then normal which is enjoyable so long as it's not overdone. Star fits the mold of Magical Girl Protagonist well with her primary virtue signaling her role in changing the world (pretty much vital to an MG series), The Wand serves as a fine magical macguffin to fight over (and their always is one), etc.
Star does have some problems but a lot of it is things that are emblematic of the Magical Girl Genre. Magic and Powers not being very well explained allowing for whatever the plot needs, villains that don't act as real threats, protagonist-centered morality, etc. but as a Magical Girl show itself it shows the strengths of the genre more often then the weaknesses.
Overall I'd probably give Star vs the Forces of Evil a 4/5
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
What is a Magical Girl, and why do people enjoy it?
I had a discussion the other day about what a Magical Girl series and I have seen confusion before about the appeal of the genre so I thought I'd give my thoughts as someone quite interested in the genre.
What is a Magical Girl:
For such a simple
question, you'd think there would be a very simple answer. While many Magical
Girl fans like me have a sort of intuition as to what is and isn't Magical
Girl, actually trying to find a hard and fast rule is difficult to say the
The question is
twofold....what is a "Magical Girl" Series and what is a
"Magical Girl" character archetype? After all you can surely have a
Magical Girl character inside a non-Magical Girl work....can't you?'s
not quite that simple. In that case what separates a Magical Girl from a
Magical Girl Homage or Reference or Parody? But let's start off with analyzing
the name....
Magical Girl contains
two words, both important, "Magic" and "Girl".
Magic is a term for
generally any supernatural power, although often separated from
"scientific" powers and powers based on human potential like Chi or
Spirit, as these are seen as being part of the natural universe, just based on
rules we don't understand. However this is a distinction unhelpful for Magical
Girls. There are Magical Girls powered by technology (like Tokyo Mew Mew).
However I think it's note the dearth of Magical Girls powered by ideas like Chi
and Spirit, natural Human potential. Likewise the Technology that Magical Girls
wield is generally magic-like being so advanced and often not fully in their
control but instead bestowed on them.
"Girl" is a
term for a female person. Alright so a Magical Girl must be a girl
right....Nooooooooooo. Oto x Maho and Is this a Zombie? both feature males in
their civilian forms that turn into female after transforming and are both
Magical Girls. Mahou Shoujo Ore features a girl who turns into a Male after
transforming. This isn't even getting into more "standard" Magical
Boy series like Cute High Defense Earth Club LOVE!
So analyzing it by
parts doesn't make sense but there is another way to consider the term
"Magical Girl" particular considering the terms describing each
other. "Magical Girl" would therefore be about Feminine Magic and the
magic of girls specifically. This to me gets to what a "Magical Girl"
series is. A Magical Girl series is a series about Magic, and consequently
power, that is feminine in nature as well as female characters who through
their femininity can wield said magic. This gets into the primary difference
between Eastern Female Empowerment and Western "Feminist" Female
Empowerment, and also why I get confused when Magical Girls series are considered
"Feminist" in the west. Western Female Empowerment is about
specifically androgenizing power and tropes, based on the Western Feminist
Thesis that differences between Males and Females are socially constructed,
Conversely Eastern
Female Empowerment is about the celebration and veneration of the things uniquely
female specifically. It is almost opposite in that it makes the genders as
different as possible but associates the feminine with power, although most
Magical Girl works are not in any way disrespectful or demeaning to males and
masculinity. You will notice that the Male Figure of Authority in a Western
Female Empowerment work is often the villain, while in Magical Girl works is
generally a helpful ally. Making your strong central villain a male devalues
the concept of associating power with the feminine, which is why Eastern Female
Empowerment doesn't do that.
As any form of
Empowerment, even just blatant fanservice wish-fufillment empowerment, Magical
Girl works have a heavy focus on the idea of transformation or as we call it in
Japan "Henshin". The change from the flawed Child Self to the Heroic
Adult Self with the series acting as the adolescence. Most Magical Works
feature an element of general transformation from the civilian self to the
superhero self that occurs regularly, but all of them have in common this
Transformation and general empowerment of self, and what makes it a Magical
Girl work, is that this empowerment comes from discovering oneself as a girl
and later a woman.
If a Magical Girl work
is about female empowerment via discovering the feminine power or
"magic" within, then what is a Magical Girl Character Archetype? Can
you have a Magical Girl in a non Magical Girl Show, as opposed to merely homage,
references, and parodies. Well I'd say yes hesitantly. To be a Magical Girl,
requires theoretically that one uses a supernatural power of the feminine, as
opposed to being a more general "Superheroine". If you have a
character in a verse and their power could just as easily be used by a male,
and would be used in the same general way, it's probably not a Magical Girl.
To better explain the Magical Girl genre, I want to explain the appeal by also explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the genre.
Strengths and
Weaknesses of the Magical Girl Genre:
Let me start with the
Weaknesses of the Magical Girl, because as much as I love the genre, I do
understand there are pretty noticeable weaknesses.
1: The Emotive Problem
(The Central Problem):
This is the main
problem that most problems come from. Magical Girls are a female genre, which
means that when making it the writers tend to appeal back to an old standard that
said males liked logic, women liked emotion....this leads to much of the
Magical Girl Genre to be based on appeals to emotion rather than trying to
change the audience viewpoints....the Magical Girl genre is a genre that is
almost intrinsically a female fanservice genre...even deconstructions and
parodies work within that framework, explaining why this is not what you
ACTUALLY want, making it's out to be a monkey's paw.
Now I love this fact
about the genre, I love the hyper-femininity of the genre, but I can't deny it
leads directly into the biggest problems of the genre, which are its overuse of
the appeal to emotion. Things don't have to make SENSE in the genre, so long as
it's emotionally satisfying. And yes, watching it is very emotionally satisfying,
but it is also is lazy writing in some sense. he Magical Girl Genre is rife
with protagonist-centered morality, making up the world-building as you go
along, BLATANT deus ex machinas, etc.
2: Villains:
It's no revelation if I
say most Magical Girl Villains are pretty uninteresting. Magical Girl Anime
Villains tend to be complete jokes without any menace, Magical Girl Manga
Villains tend to be one-note, and of course in both series you can have
villains that are just both. It's like you have one of those "pick two"
things. Threat, Depth, Villainous: Pick two. That's not to say the Genre
doesn't have any good villain characters. Sailor Galaxia is one of my favorite
villains of all time, and you also have characters like Phantom Ace, Michel,
Zagato, The Wolkenritter, etc. But for the most part Magical Girls do best when
they are fighting eldritch abominations, more dark forces of nature then
3: Shallow Action
I can easily imagine a
Battle Shonen fan trying Magical Girl Warrior and being disappointed with the
fights for a single reason....they are much shorter. Significant fights in
Magical Girl Manga only tend to last maybe 10 to 20 pages at most. Really big
fights, like at the end of an arc, will last about a chapter. These fights tend
to lack tactics for the most part, with both sides just throwing their
strongest magical attack at each other and the stronger side winning.
Magical Girl Anime is
similar, with a standard monster of the week tending to have a maybe 3-5
fight near the end of an episode. The longest Fight in Magical Girl Anime to my
recollection was the Sol Senshi fighting Sailor Galaxia at the end of Sailor
Moon which lasted about 4 episodes (halfway through 196 to halfway through
200). These have only slightly more tactics then their Manga counterparts.
Despite the drastic variety of powers Magical Girls have they rarely use it in
any complex way in fights, which I can very well understand causing a more
fight-happy fan from Battle Shonen or even something like Superhero Comics or
High Fantasy or whatever to be disappointed by.
However fans of the
genre like me do tend to appreciate the inverse that these very short, rather
simple battles provide which is sheer emotional intensity. The longer a fight
is, the harder it is to maintain any intense emotion over the entirety.
When the mindwashed
Captain of the Guard Lafarga attacks a helpless Umi and Fuu causing Hikaru to
take the attack for them before, despite being bloodied and bruised, charging
him declaring her that even at the cost of her life she will not abandon them
creating sword blows with Lafarga so powerful as to sweep the battlefield with
powerful wind....
or when twin brothers
Gackto and Kaito engage in psychic battle, Kaito fighting to protecting his
love and his adopted people unwilling to believe that only one sentient species
can exist and Gackto angrily fighting thinking Kaito has abandoned their people
leaving them to die for the sake of another people....
or when Kishi launches
a surprise attack and engages in a teleport duel with his own Overlord the
Planet-Destroyer Deep Blue because despite her mean-ness his affection for
Ichigo was true after all....
You just can't maintain
that intensity of emotion through long in-depth battles. That's why Magical
Girl fans like this combat form, though it may be relatively disappointing to a
Strengths of Magical
Girl Genre:
The Magical Girl Genre
does things that other genres have seemingly great trouble doing, often from
similar sources that their weakness come from. In general Magical Girl
1: The Merging of the
Personal and the Universal:
When we view of talk
about other works of similar natures to Magical Girl works we need to
distinguish between the "Magical Reality" and the "Mundane Reality",
even if the work takes place in a separate universe with its own rules like
High Fantasy or Far Future Science-Fiction. By this I mean that basically any
Non-Realistic Fiction Universe is distinguished by being Essentially "Our
Universe...+ These Elements". And at first glance it would seem that this
is the ONLY way of doing it....after all you can't very well create a universe
without new elements or it would just be our universe, right?
Well maybe but Magical
Girls do sort of have a way of skirting around that....In Magical Girls works,
the actual magic while important serves as more a connector between two real
forces, the realms of the mundane and the realms of the universal. Because of
their emotive nature, Magical Girl works I would argue have more in common with
poetry then they do with literature. Indeed Magical Girl stories often carry
much in common with the epic poetry of the classical age.
Magical Girl works are
at their best generally when they are merging the realms of the personal and
the universal, extrapolating the natural beauty of the human condition and
human drama onto the greater workings of the universe...
When Chibiusa is harassed
in her mind by a Grim Reaper representing Death and her own fear of the
inevitable failure and death after the trauma of witnessing her City and people
being destroyed , and
Sailor Moon asks Chibiusa to believe in her, giving her
the strength to defeat the monster, we are witnessing a dramatization of the
process of the traumatized coming to believe in people and their ability to
help them again, that tragedy need not be as inevitable as it seems if people
believe in each other's abilities.
Homura goes back in time over and over again to save Madoka, obsessing over her
and fighting off the feeling that she might not be able to save her at all, which
builds up the Magical Power in Madoka to the point that her wish allows her to
become an abstract concept and change the rules of existence, what we are
seeing is a dramatization of the personal become the impersonal based on need,
the way a person can become an impersonal law if that is what they are needed
to be by a dear one.
When we see Star's
history of constantly trying to seize new experiences and adventures contrasted
with Marco's history of doing the same thing over and over and finally Father
Time's history of doing the same thing in isolation for all eternity, what we
are seeing is the human drama played out even with the abstract concept of Time
as well as the human problem of falling into a stagnant rut played out on the
cosmic scale, also perfectly showing why a person Star is needed, even on a
mundane scale to introduce an element of change and prevent stagnation.
Magical Girl Works at
their apex are about the relation of the human elements with the universal
elements, both of which being real tangible things in our world, with the
magical elements acting more as a mechanism to relate these two things. In this
way Magical Girl works can allow for great scope, and the growth of wisdom in
both character and viewer, all the while remaining human, understandable, even
2: Innovation:
For whatever reason, there
seems to me no genre more prone to innovation, to a vast variety of elements,
styles, and themes then the Magical Girl genre. Magical Girls really really do
not rip each other off. Even when they use the same elements they use them in
entirely different ways. "Being a princess" is a common element for
instance. It's handled nothing alike in Sailor Moon, Mermaid Melody, Sally the
Witch and Star versus FOE (Sally the Witch and Star versus FOE seem similar at
the start but Star seems to be growing in almost the exact opposite direction).
There is almost nothing
I can think of that just doesn't exist anywhere in the Magical Girl Genre. It's
such an expansive genre, where the works can be so very different. Even things
you think are in every work just aren't. There aren't transformation scenes in
Cardcaptor Sakura for instance. On the other hard Cardcaptor Sakura has Mon
elements to it, Magic Knight Rayearth (and to some extent Nanoha) have Mecha
Elements, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne has Theological Elements in it, Panty and
Stocking with Garterbelt stars primarily a Psychopathic pair of a Nymphomaniac
and a Sweets-obsessed Goth and is heavily inspired by western cartoons, Ai to
Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin involves the Heroine turning into a Superpowered
Pig in a Cape. This is a genre that heavily encourages creativity and
innovation. There are no 2 Magical Girl series that are really alike. There are
HENTAI Magical Girl series that are more innovative then certain really
well-known anime series airing now, and also have better endings (Mahou Shoujo
Erena ends with basically an Evangelion rip-off but you get the idea).
This is connected to a
bigger reason, but the reason why this genre has so much innovation is because
people need a certain level of passion. I don't mean this in an arrogant
"other genres are filled cash-grab soullessness". What I mean is that
regardless of talent, making a proper Magical Girl work requires some level of
emotional investment from the creator. Magical Girl works are works that are
heavily emotional and as such take a significant emotion to properly write,
direct, or animate, if only because the emotions of the character will necessarily
rub off on the creator.
Because of this, the
emotional investment leads to a person trying to make their work different,
influencing it with their particular personal style....this leads to a more innovative
work. None of this is necessarily good, it's perfectly possible that emotional
investment could make a worse actually worse than generic if the writer's
tastes are poor or they are not talented in expressing what they want, but in
my personal opinions it's quite enjoyable to see such a wide versatility and
3: Interconnected
Complexity and Simplicity:
I want to go back to my
comparison to Poetry made earlier. Poetry as a medium often has a "less is
more" mindset, as often it is one of the mediums with the shortest amount
of time to tell a story then other mediums, As such it is often built so the
themes are layered rather than separate, with lines containing more symbolic
depth than other mediums which can be done do the fact that poetry is allowed
more freedom to jump around in space, time, and mood.
Magical Girl works seem
to me to accomplish the same effect due to its nature of connecting the
personal with the can layer itself giving messages about
psychology, society, daily life, and the universe at large all at once. This is
due to the fact that it is a genre so good at connecting things through the
idea of "magic" and "emotion".
Magical Girls are works
that are Female Empowerment of the Eastern Model, by associating power with the
feminine, this being the idea of magic. As a Consequence of this it become a highly
emotive work with various strengths and weaknesses, often having relatively
simple conflicts (and consequently villains), but layering those conflicts with
depths of emotions and connection to greater impersonal archetypes and
concepts. Because of its emotional depth it causes a highly personal effect
that allows for great innovation and appeal to a wide audience myself included.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Death Analysis: Sailor Moon

It's a normal day in Azabu-Juuban, Tokyo. Down the street runs 14-year old girl Usagi Tsukino, late for class as always. Usagi is a self-described "crybaby" and overall not particularly competent or heroic girl.
But all that changed when she ran into the talking cat Luna. Luna revealed she was actually a reincarnation of one of the Warriors of the Ancient Moon Kingdom. As Sailor Moon, her Superheroine identity, Sailor Moon would eventually discover that she was also the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, Future Queen of the Solar System, The Messiah of Light, The Savior of the Universe, and the Ultimate Light of the Cosmos....all in the course of 2 years, while developing into a young woman. Quite an interesting adolescence.
This is a blog about Sailor Moon, about her powers for a potential Death Battle showing the growth of her power first in the canon manga and then auxiliary works (generally any work where Usagi retains her name is close enough to use). I am going to be using what Manga Scans I can find and if necessary I can provide translations from the Kodansha, which is the latest official English translation and I have a physical copy of.
Sailor Moon's power is generally segmented in into 12 "sections" split up into forms and wands. Forms are the various Manifestations of Usagi's current level of power and are, with one exception, distinguishable by her costume changing. Wands are physical items Usagi uses to cast specific spells and act as channels for her power. I will be separating these sections by forms and including in each a specific section for each wand and corresponding spell within.
Henshin Power


Usagi, like all Sailor Senshi carries a power called Henshin Power. Henshin literally translates to "transformation". Like most Magical Girls, Sailor Senshi transform from their civilian state to their Superheroine Magical Girl Form, and Sailor Senshi do this via the Henshin Power. However Sailor Senshi can also use their Henshin Power for other purposes as well. As Noted by it's name Henshin power can be used for transformation, including restoration of one's body. Henshin Power can also be used to create a transformation in one's position in spacetime, teleporting one through dimensions.

Before she found that she was the reincarnation of Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon was originally nothing special for a Sailor Senshi. She was the weakest initially, considered only half as good at the others. She had no access to the Silver Crystal in this state. For the first 5 chapters she didn't even have a wand. That said she is far from weak, she is still a Planetary Guardian after all.
Her physical stats are greatly amplified in this form. She is strong enough to hurt a youma with her Sailor Moon Kick, the same youma was unaffected by her Ultrasonic Crying (later). She is durable enough to basically tank an attack from Kunzite. And Kunzite is strong enough to wipe out cities and shift the Earth's crust in order to turn Tokyo into the North Pole. She's a good fighter because she was secretly trained by the Heroine Sailor V.
She also has good movement capabilities. She is similar in speeds to Sailor V, and Minako (Sailor V's civilian form), even before she transformed for the first time was capable of flying to Venus in a short Sailor Senshi entrusted with the defense of the planets, Sailor Senshi need to get to places quickly. Her teleportation capacity is increased further, as with Sailor Teleport, she and other Sailor Senshi can teleport others with them as well.
She also is not going into combat unarmed. She has a number of gadgets to help her. For instance, she has the Disguise Pen, a pen which likely uses a variation of Henshin Power, and disguise Usagi as whatever she wants. Usagi never showed as much diversity with this power as Minako did though. She also has her mask and hairpieces, which give her enhanced senses. Speaking of her hairpieces, that brings us to her attacks.
Usagi's first attack is a rather comical one that came about when during her fight, she cowardly hid in the corner and began crying, which her hairpieces amplified into Ultrasonic Crying. This attack is powerful enough to collapse a dimension. It can also hit on the astral plane, able to hit ghosts like the dentist ghost. Of course, the Ultrasonic Crying is a joke attack, extremely inefficient as an attack, hence why the Sailor Moon Kick does more damage.
For real damage, even from the first chapter, Sailor Moon could use her signature, most iconic power, Moon Tiara Boomerang (Moon Tiara Action in the 90s Anime):

Usagi takes off her Tiara and throws it at her enemy, which turns them into moondust. She is quite skilled with this attack, able to hit right-on after throwing it off-the-cuff while turning. That was her second time using it. The Moon Tiara can also be used to capture enemies like Jadeite. And if she needs one she can literally create a new one out of nothing.
Her Tiara also has another attack stored in it, the Moon Twilight Flash. Sailor Moon uses her tiara to reflect a beam of the moon's holy light. This attack can hit intangible things like Nephrite's Shadow which previously resisted the Spirit-Banishing Charm of Rei. The Light of Moon Twilight Flash was also a threat to Dark Kingdom General Zoicite, considering he had to teleport away from it.
Of course Sailor Moon was not your run-of-the-mill Soldier of Justice. By the end of Chapter 5, Sailor Moon was bestowed the Moon Stick and despite her lack of powers, was proclaimed the Leader of the Guardian Senshi. The Moon Stick was Sailor Moon's first wand.

With the Moon Stick, Sailor Moon was able to cast the spell "Moon Healing Escalation". Moon Healing Escalation can output a lot of power generally for restorative purposes. It restored power to an entire city, and restored a city's worth of people back to life. And it was indeed people all throughout a city. She was also able to use it to de-brainwash a large crowd of people.
However it all changed when Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon's love, was struck down by Kunzite. This action caused Usagi to awaken as Princess Serenity and release the powers of the Maboroshi no Ginzhuisho (Closest Translation: Legendary Silver Crystal).
Silver Crystal

In Japan there is a Shinto belief in something called Kami. Kami loosely translate to the God or Spirit of something but more closely relate to the idea of a divine essence of inhabiting force that controls every aspect of a being. They are most closely connected to the Western Idea of the "Concept" or "Form" of western theology it would be connected to the idea of the "true name" spoken by God when creating that thing. In Sailor Moon these are called "Star Seeds". All things, no matter their size, shape or name, bear a star seed, and as the same page says, grow from their star seed, their essence. Sailor Soldiers have special star seeds called Sailor Crystals, which is what gives them their special powers and responsibilities. The Silver Crystal is the Sailor Crystal of Usagi. What the Lantern Ring is to a Green Lantern and the Helm of Fate is to Doctor Fate, the Silver Crystal is to Usagi.
The Silver Crystal is a very special Sailor Crystal, signifying Usagi's importance to the cosmos. The Silver Crystal is the Ultimate Power of the Universe. It is a force of infinite power and rebirth. It grants it's holder dominion over the entire cosmos. The Silver Crystal is the source of all energy in the universe, given energy to the other Star Seeds for them to grow into their own forms. If Chaos were to get it's hands on the Silver Crystal, it would be able to form a new universe.
The Silver Crystal is intimately connected with Usagi. It's power output depends on Usagi's heart. Like Usagi, the Silver Crystal stands for peace, protects people and brings love and tranquility. The Silver Crystal protects Usagi, it will grow to encompass her and protect her if she is ever threatened or dying.
The Silver Crystal also has notable control over spacetime. It's power never dimishes, it's the same no matter what era it's in. It lead Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Tuxedo Kamen out of a time purgatory between moments of time where otherwise they would have faded from existence. To Crystals as strong as the Silver Crystal and the Malevolent Black Crystal, "Space" and "Time" are just manipulations of energy and thought.
Princess Serenity

In her past life, Usagi was Princess Serenity, heir to the Solar-System-scale Civilization, the Silver Millenium. She can change to this form if wanted after awakening to her past life. Now if any evil-doer got their hands on the Silver Crystal they would have the capacity to easily blow apart a star. Princess Serenity should have power even beyond this as heir to the Silver Crystal. When Princess Serenity first unleashed the power of the Silver Crystal it revitalized the Earth and was compared to a supernova in terms of power. Princess Serenity herself tanked being near the energy of the Silver Crystal despite the fact that the Fully-Awoken Guardian Senshi couldn't get near it. The Guardian Senshi when fully awoken were perfectly able to take attacks from the strongest warriors of the Dark Kingdom like Dark Prince Endymion.
Princess Serenity was also able to casually and sneakily fly down to Earth many times to see Prince Endymion. And she was able to reverse the local flow of time in order to restore the Senshi's memories (it seems from the second scan like it could be poetic language but the pocket watch actually turning backwards does suggest it being literal).

After awakening to her past self as Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon began to draw directly from the power of the Silver Crystal and increased in power rapidly, becoming the famous Cosmic Guardian. This is the one time Sailor Moon got a different form without her costume changing, since this was merely her true power being unreleased alongside her memories.
In this state Sailor Moon has access to new powers from the Silver Crystal. During her fight with Metallia, she showed the ability to restore Mamoru's sight and had the power to seal enemies away. By the end of the first arc, she was crowned Queen of the Moon and had the ability to use the Silver Crystal in her civilian state. She can use the restorative power of the Silver Crystal to restore her friends' Henshin Power on Planet Nemesis. She can also use it's time transcendent properties to access her future self, Neo-Queen Serenity. She can channel Neo-Queen Serenity or call down more power from her.
Sailor Moon's physical stats are also much amplified in this form. Even in her civilian form, Usagi survived a pretty drastic spacetime warp and was strong enough to walk around pretty ok on Planet Nemesis despite it's MASSIVE gravity and radiation, as well as the fact that it's basically a black hole.
In her Sailor Form, even early on she was strong enough to jump into orbit, and was tough enough to survive attacks from Dark Prince Endymion and was hit with a Planet Power Attack from the Guardian Senshi that tore through Kunzite's Shield and completely tanked it.
Sailor Moon was also tough enough to survive within the eldritch abominations, Queen Metalia (who granted Dark Prince Endymion enough power to become the Dark Kingdom's Strongest Warrior and could turn entire kingdoms to stone and casually lifewipe the Earth) as well as Death Phantom (who can fade away entire planets and warp all of space and time). She also survived Death Phantom attacking her with the force of Malefic Black Crystal, the evil equivalent of the Silver Crystal as well as an attack from Mistress 9 amplified by the Silver Crystal.
Sailor Moon's movement is also on the cosmic level. She can casually flit from the Moon down to the Earth. In her civilian form she is able to move fast enough to surprise Prince Diamond who is fast enough to conquer all of space within a natural human's lifetime. She was even able to impress Sailor Uranus, the senshi of speed, with her speed. She also had the ability to teleport out of Metalia, despite Metalia's spatial warping.
Less well known about Sailor Moon is her psionic abilities, which she shows in this form. She was able to resist the hypnosis of Dark Mamoru and was able to telepathically sense her friends deep underground (farthest away from everything). She then telekinetically tore a hole in Nemesis down to where her friends were.
Of course Sailor Moon does not need to rely on her own abilities, she can also use her wands for more specialized effects.
She has her old Moon Stick, which she can now use to much greater effect. With the Moon Stick Sailor Moon could create a barrier powerful enough to stop the Sailor Planet Power. She can use Moon Healing Escalation to thaw a city in ice, or restore the damage done by Metalia to Earth. She can use the Moon Healing Escalation offensively, channeling it's power into a holy light attack. This was one of the few things somewhat effective against Dark Prince Endymion. With this attack she can reduce someone to dust. With the power of her Moon Stick Sailor Moon killed the Goddess of Darkness Metalia completely, the sheer positive energy from the fight restoring the ancient Moon Kingdom. But Sailor Moon has even greater wands in her Post-Serenity state.
The Second of these was the Cutie Moon Rod:

Made from the love of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen, the Cutie Moon Rod was single-handedly responsible for the deaths of most of the Black Moon Clan. The power of the Cutie Moon Rod was so great as to warp Sailor Moon and Death Phantom out to the edge of the Solar System. But let's get to it's best feat from the Spell "Moon Princess Halation". Death Phantom is a spirit possessing what is essentially a Black Hole, so large it can envelop the Solar System and despite being on the edge of the solar system, it looks the size of the Sun, which warps all of spacetime and can absorb or nullify even the energy of the Silver Crystal. Despite all that, two Moon Princess Halations from Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon completely destroy Death Phantom and Nemesis. This shows both the Power of Moon Princess Halation but also suggests it can blast through warped spacetime, can ignore conventional energy manipulation, and hit on the spiritual plane.
Sailor Moon also has one more wand in her Post-Serenity form. The Spiral Heart Moon Rod:

A gift from Neo-Queen Serenity, The Spiral Heart Moon Rod increases Usagi's power even further. With it she can cast "Moon Spiral Heart Attack", which fires a big heart projectile from the rod. This attack is powerful to kill members of the Witches V like Eudial. More interestingly, Sailor Moon has used this attack to destroy an illusory dimension, suggesting it can attack on the mental plane. Moon Spiral Heart Attack also harmed Snow Princess Kaguya, an Ice Spirit who created a nebula and is a gradual universal threat. This both shows it's power and it's ability to attack on the spiritual plane as well.
However Sailor Moon can only begin to call on the power of the Silver Crystal. When Base Sailor Moon, she can go Super.
Super Sailor Moon:

After attaining this state Usagi was stronger even in her civilian state. She and Mamoru in their civilian states were able to channel the powers of the Silver Crystal and the Golden Crystal together to repel Nehelenia. Super Sailor Moon's power was so great that she entered into Nehelenia's throne room itself, despite Nehelenia's dimensional control being good enough that she could seal a planet in a moment of time from another dimension. Super Sailor Moon's power was great enough that she could bust her way out of a dimension with a simple hand gesture. Her power was also able to distort and damage Pharaoh 90 despite his energy-absorbing nature. Super Sailor Moon is also physically more durable by a similar amount. She received no recoil damage from her henshin into Super Sailor Moon.
As Super Sailor Moon, Usagi uses two wands. The first is the Spiral Heart Moon Rod again, from which she can cast "Rainbow Moon Heartache", a powered up variant of Moon Spiral Heart Attack. This attack destroyed a much larger illusory dimension. It can apparently reduce an enemy down to particles. The attack destroyed the Death Busters leaders Kaorinite and Germatoid, as well as Snow Princess Kaguya.
Super Sailor Moon also has another wand, the Kaleidomoon Scope:
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Originally a normal kaleidoscope before it was blessed by Helios, The Kaleidomoon Scope is a unique wand in that it is sapient. No comment. With it Super Sailor Moon can use the Spell "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" which "shatters" an enemy's spacetime trapping them in a mirror dimension. She can also use it to get other people out of dimensions they were trapped in by shatter those dimensions.
However, not even at this stage could Usagi use the Full Power of the Silver Crystal. At the end of the fourth arc Usagi completed something not even Queen Serenity did and had united all the planets of the Star System, all the Sailor Crystals including the Golden Crystal and the Saturn Crystal. This caused her to power up drastically, to the point that Nehelenia mistook her energy for the power of Queen Serenity. Eternal Sailor Moon was using the power of all the Sailor Senshi using their Sailor Crystals and their Castles, all the planet power of the Sol System.
Eternal Sailor Moon:

Eternal Sailor Moon is the strongest form of Sailor Moon (but not Usagi). As Eternal Sailor Moon Usagi can draw upon all the power of the Silver Crystal, as well as the energy of the other crystals of the Star System.
She is far more durable in this form, even in her civilian form. She tanked more energy then any she's ever seen (and she's already encountered Sailor Animamates) from Civilian form Galaxia. Enough energy to destroy the Holy Grail which was the focus of the energy she used to change into an Eternal Sailor Senshi. She also survived the ultimate move of one of the strongest Sailor Animamates in her civilian form.
In her actual Eternal form she blocked the Galactica Violin tide from Galactica Neptune (Eternal Sailor Neptune with Galaxia's power). She blocked the "Galactica Gale" combination attack of the 4 Galactica Guardian Senshi.....yes she blocked the power of all 4 of the others at once. A Battle Royale with Sailor Moon and the Guardian Senshi really doesn't make sense. Also while it broke her wings, Eternal Sailor Moon survived the combination attack of the 8 Galactica Sol Senshi at once. This was all before her power-up, at which point she, despite being injured, battles against Galaxia, the Sailor Soldier of Destruction with the ultimate force of destruction, and protected an uncouncious Galaxia and herself from the power of Chaos, a being capable of forming a new universe, and was warping to the very edges of spacetime (Kodansha Translation: A Gigantic vortex is emanating power somewhere in the far reaches of space-time), a being stronger then the Silver Crystal.
Eternal Sailor Moon is fast enough to move galactic distances. She also has even more enhanced psionic abilities, able to sense energy in civilian form and able to recover her memories in the river of oblivion which erases memories.
Eternal Sailor Moon also has her own wand, the Eternal Tiare:
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The First Spell Eternal Sailor Moon got with the Eternal Tiare was "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss", an attack which used all the power of the Solar System, including Two Silver Crystals and the Golden Crystal. It attacked through dimensions, destroyed Nehelenia and wrecked her dimension. The attack was also powerful enough to destroy Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi, the strongest two Animamates. The attack is also accurate enough to hit Sailor Lead Crow without hitting Eternal Sailor Mars behind her.
She also has a second spell with the Eternal Tiare, Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss. This attack creates a powerful aura flash. Immediately after being hit by Galactica Planet Power from the 8 Galactica Sol Senshi and having her wings broken, Eternal Sailor Moon used this technique to one-shot all 8 Galactica Sol Senshi. It was also powerful to perfectly counter a technique from Sailor Galaxia, "Galactica Inflaction" the collision of the two being so strong that Chibi-Chibi had to shield Eternal Sailor Chibi-Moon.
However Eternal Sailor Moon's potential does not stop there. Eternal Sailor Moon had a great hidden potential. It was so great that if her full power was unlocked she could cause both her and Chaos to cease to exist, and also was strong enough to destroy Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron before even entering it.
Lambda Usagi:

At this point Usagi has surpassed being Sailor Moon, she no longer uses any wand as she no longer needs one. In the Galaxy Cauldron Sailor Moon calls upon all the Star Seeds within, unleashing the great Lambda Power. The Lambda Power is the power that restores the entire Cosmos (Kodansha Translation: This is the Cosmos Crystal's ultimate Lambda Power, which restores everything to the static cosmos.) Lambda itself is the cosmological constant which comes from the idea that the universe is actually a static orderly unit, a singular thing as opposed to primordial chaos.
The Cosmos Crystal is the Essence of all existence. This means all Star Seeds are aspects of the Cosmos Crystal, hence why all their powers were used in the usage of the Lambda Power, the Power of the Cosmos Crystal which all planet powers are aspects of. As such Lambda Usagi can use the powers of any other Sailor Senshi.With the Lambda Power, Usagi unleashed the strongest technique in the Sailor Moon Universe, "Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power", this power was unleashed into Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron. It melted Chaos down into the cauldron to "infinitesimally small" (Kodansha Translation: Both the Chaos Seed that was Chaos' core, and Guardian Chaos have dissolved into the Cauldron's sea and become infinitesimally small now.). And the best part is that she didn't even mean to. The attack was so powerful she destroyed Chaos by accident.
The Lambda Power also gives Usagi far greater survivability. She melted down into the Galaxy Cauldron, even her star seed. However the Lambda Power regenerated her from nothingness, and she was so durable she survived the Galaxy Cauldron in her civilian form. BTW there is this weird argument going around online that the Galaxy Cauldron itself regenerated Usagi. This is completely wrong. The Galaxy Cauldron doesn't regenerate anything. It just creates new Star Seeds. Galaxia specifically threw the star seeds of Usagi's friends into the Cauldron to show that they could never be revived again. Anyway beyond that Guardian Cosmos specifically praises Usagi for her ability to maintain her form inside the Galaxy Cauldron.
Usagi recieved the Lambda because she had attained the wisdom of the universe, understanding even why the Chaos-Spawn fought, that everyone in the universe wishes to join with others in some form.
Oh and this is only Usagi's Third Strongest Form.
In the Distant Future of the 30th century, Usagi rules the Solar System as Neo-Queen Serenity, having turned it into a utopia. Most of the feats of Neo-Queen Serenity are from a weaker timeline so bear that in mind.
The same person from different points in time are not supposed to ever be able to meet, because it will cause a paradox. Likewise two Silver Crystals are not supposed to work when near each other, to the point of causing an unstoppable spacetime paradox. Neo-Queen Serenity said "Screw that Paradox thingee, I wanna meet my younger self". Causality no longer really bounds the Neo-Queen. She reincarnated Sailor Pluto, making her exist without causing any sort of changes in the timeline. She made a person appear, gave them a history, without causing any problems....
Neo-Queen Serenity has more powers too. She can seal off an entire planet. She unseals the Amazon Quartet. She also reincarnates Hotaru though dimensions after Pluto sealed it off.
Her light can disrupt all of spacetime. Neo-Queen Serenity, despite being unconscious and without her Silver Crystal, senses her younger self is in danger on PlanetNemesis and sends a blast of light that transforms and strengthens her younger self despite Nemesis's power nullifying the Silver Crystal:
Sailor Cosmos

Sailor Cosmos comes from an even further future, during the battle with Sailor Chaos, her ultimate enemy and is the ultimate form of Usagi. Because Sailor Chaos is a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Cosmos can technically use the powers of Chaos!
Beyond that Sailor Cosmos can completely ignore paradoxes. Not even Sailor Chaos could kill Sailor Cosmos.
Some people wonder why I put Sailor Cosmos over Sailor Chaos on tier lists and stuff since Sailor Chaos clearly won their war. But that's mostly because Sailor Chaos wants to kill Sailor Cosmos and wasn't able to, she eventually tried to resort to emotionally breaking her which didn't work because Sailor Cosmos was inspired by her past self. Sailor Cosmos has all the powers of every Sailor Senshi including Sailor Chaos and every other Sailor Senshi.
Pre-Serenity Base:
Tier 13
Town Level DC
City, Potentially Continent Level Durability
FTL Speed
Teleportation (Through Dimensions)
Disguise Pen
Enhanced Senses
Can Attack on the Astral Plane and can hit shadows
Spatial Destruction
Princess Serenity:
Tier 9
Stellar Level DC
Stellar Level Durability
All the Above
Post-Serenity Base:
Tier 8
Black Hole/Nebula Level DC (Solar System to Multi-Stellar System)
Black Hole/Nebula Level Durability (Solar System to Multi-Stellar System)Likely MFTL Speed
All the Above
Sensory Restoration
Can Channel or Draw more power from her future self
Can Reduce something to dust
Spacetime Penetration
Can Attack on the Mental and Spiritual Plane
Super Sailor Moon:
Tier 7
Galactic+ DC
Galactic+ Durability
All the Above
Can reduce something to particles
Dimensional Shattering
Eternal Sailor Moon:
Tier 6 to 5
Multi-Galactic+ to Low Universal DC, Universal at Full Potential DC
Universal Durability
MFTL Speed
All the Above
Can Attack through dimensions
Can destroy an abstract concept
Higher Forms:
Tier 5
Universal DC/Durability
Speed basically Irrelevant due to Trans-Time Telepathy and Spacetime Warping
The Powers of every other Sailor Senshi
Can Act while unconscious
Mid-Godly Regen
Can put something to sleep for thousands of years
Can Ignore Paradoxes and Causality
Sailor Moon has a lot of alternate versions, this is a compilation of all the versions of Usagi Tsukino. Few quick notes, Sorry I can't include anything from the latest musicals, as they are not available online due to being so recent, for the hulu videos (-x) means x time from the end, and sorry I can not provide clips from the movies, but they were not actually uploaded on Hulu and finding them is nigh-impossible. That said there are only 2 notable feats and neither are particularly game-changing.
Henshin Power allows for the teleportation of a Sailor Senshi across dimensions. In the SuperS movie, Usagi uses the Henshin power to escape her own dream that Queen Badiyanu trapped her in.
Beyond that the Henshin Power can be used to restore oneself.
The Henshin Power is also extremely quick to activate. When the Mirror Parodies surprise attack the Senshi, they can still transform before the Mirror Parodies get to them (-8:40)
Pre-Serenity Base
Sailor Moon in her composite canon form is mostly the same as her canon form with extra perks.
Sailor Moon's planet power is the source of her powers. By slightly tapping into the Silver Crystal's power, Sailor Moon was able to create a massive earthquake (19:35). Her Planet Power also constantly fights to restore her body (7:40), giving her a form of regen and hax resistence (matter, sensory, and mental manipulation restoration).
Sailor Moon's physical form is also much enhanced. Her punching strength is at least peak human (-4:15). Her Kick is also superhuman, harming a youma that the Ultrasonic Crying did nothing too. She's durable enough to basically tank an attack from Kunzite, the strongest of the Shitennou, as well as block a beam from him (18:00). Usagi also took a spacetime destroying attack from Metalia Endymion (12:35) and also took an attack from Metalia Endymion (14:34) that transmutes peoples (14:06).
She also has enhanced movement capacities. She has empirically moved faster then the flash of light from a camera repeatedly (-8:00). She also dodged point-blank spear thrusts from Ramua after having all of her energy drained (-4:10). She can also use Sailor Teleport to teleport herself and other people through dimensions.
While she's still a rookie Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon's mental capacities are increased as well. This is partially because Sailor V secretly trained her via the Sailor V game. She also has enhanced willpower, able to overcome her past life Princess Serenity who was trying to take control of their body (20:45).
She also has a number of items to help her. For instance her mask and hairpieces give her enhanced senses. Her hairpieces also allow her to use the Ultrasonic Crying.
The Ultrasonic Crying is a joke attack. This attack is powerful enough to collapse a dimension. It can also hit on the astral plane, able to hit ghosts like the dentist ghost.
Sailor Moon can also use her Moon Tiara. The attack turns people to moondust. The attack can be controlled in midair (-4:40) and can stop it midair (-5:05). The Moon Tiara is also quite accurate. Here are some examples. (-3:35) (-3:35) (-4:00). The Moon Tiara can also trap people. She can also use it to cast the mind restorative spell "Moon Tiara Stardust" (-4:10). And if she needs a new one she can create a new one out of nothing.
She also has Moon Twilight Flash can be used to burn evil foes like Nephrite's Shadow. It can also take the form of light orbs that can dematerialize opponents. (21:50), and the attack was powerful enough to overcome Kunzite. (18:35).
Her Moon Stick also has more powers. The Moon Stick can detect evil presences (-11:05) and can also create a levitating energy bubble (20:18). The Moon Healing Escalation also has the abilities to exorcise an evil spirit (20:50) turn a monster back into a human (22:00) as well as restore power to an entire city, and restore a city's worth of people back to life. She was also able to use it to de-brainwash a large crowd of people.
Silver Crystal
The Silver Crystal is a very special Sailor Crystal, signifying Usagi's importance to the cosmos. The Silver Crystal is the Ultimate Power of the Universe. It is a force of infinite power and rebirth. It grants it's holder dominion over the entire cosmos. The Silver Crystal is the source of all energy in the universe, given energy to the other Star Seeds for them to grow into their own forms. If Chaos were to get it's hands on the Silver Crystal, it would be able to form a new universe.
The Silver Crystal has a Pseudo-Consciousness, when Kunzite tried to take it for his own, it knocked Kunzite's hand away before teleporting itself. (-19:45) Sailor Moon and company through dimensions to the moon The Silver Crystal is intimately connected with Usagi. It's power output depends on Usagi's heart. Like Usagi, the Silver Crystal stands for peace, protects people and brings love and tranquility. The Silver Crystal is described as the power that Science can't understand. Usagi's power is not of hatred, but of love. The Silver Crystal vibrates in response to evil, as a warning. The Silver Crystal if it was ever turned to evil could wrap the universe in eternal darkness. If the Silver Crystal and the Saphir Crystal ever clashed the sheer force of their collision would destroy the universe.
The Silver Crystal's primary purpose is restoration and protection. The Silver Crystal's very presence maintains the universe. It grants complete immortality to the user. The Silver Crystal's presence protected the Unconscious Chibiusa from the powers of the Opposito Senshi, anyone who was near enough to the Silver Crystal was immune to Apsu's spacetime warping. If necessary the Silver Crystal can surround Sailor Moon with energy to protect her. The Silver Crystal protects Usagi, it will grow to encompass her and protect her if she is ever threatened or dying. The Silver Crystal will also auto-resurrect Usagi. After everyone died, the Silver Crystal resurrected them all of it's own accord. The Light of the Silver Crystal was able to resurrect everything down to dinosaur bones and fossilized flowers. A mere emanation of the Silver Crystal restored Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoisite deep underground.
The Silver Crystal also has notable control over spacetime. It's power never dimishes, it's the same no matter what era it's in. The Silver Crystal links itself with the Silver Crystal from other points of time. (-9:55) It lead Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Tuxedo Kamen out of a time purgatory between moments of time where otherwise they would have faded from existence. To Crystals as strong as the Silver Crystal and the Malevolent Black Crystal, "Space" and "Time" are just manipulations of energy and thought.
Usagi can also enter inside of her own Silver Crystal, where the spirit of Queen Serenity resides and can strengthen her, during which she has no material externalization. (-8:55)
Princess Serenity
Princess Serenity has powerful abilities even casually do powerful effects. Her mere sadness lifewiped the Earth. She could just blow up the world, and restore it at will.
Now if any evil-doer got their hands on the Silver Crystal they would have the capacity to easily blow apart a star. Princess Serenity should have power even beyond this as heir to the Silver Crystal. When Princess Serenity first unleashed the power of the Silver Crystal it revitalized the Earth and was compared to a supernova in terms of power. Princess Serenity herself tanked being near the energy of the Silver Crystal despite the fact that the Fully-Awoken Guardian Senshi couldn't get near it. The Guardian Senshi when fully awoken were perfectly able to take attacks from the strongest warriors of the Dark Kingdom like Dark Prince Endymion.
Princess Serenity was also likely stronger then Princess Small Lady who contributed signifigantly in the fight against Anime Death Phantom, a universal threat. (-17:45) She tanked an attack from Queen Beryl merged with Metalia (-10:00), and her Moon Healing Escalation was roughly equaling Super-Beryl's power (-8:00)
Princess Serenity was also able to casually and sneakily fly down to Earth many times to see Prince Endymion. Princess Serenity was also able to enter the base of the Death Busters, despite the base being in subspace. And she was able to reverse the local flow of time in order to restore the Senshi's memories (it seems from the second scan like it could be poetic language but the pocket watch actually turning backwards does suggest it being literal).. Princess Serenity could also summon the Spirits of her friends to help her. (-6:10)
In the 90s Anime, Princess Serenity also gained a stronger Winged Form from the Light of Hope.
In this form Princess Serenity was able to dodge strikes from Chaos Galaxia (Sailor Galaxia fused with Chaos), (-15:55) and had the Sword of Sealing, a Sword made of the Light of Hope that could seal away even Chaos Galaxia (-19:10)
Post-Serenity Base
After awakening to her past self as Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon began to draw directly from the power of the Silver Crystal and increased in power rapidly, becoming the famous Cosmic Guardian. In PGSM this form was actually referred to as a separate form, called "Princess Sailor Moon"
In this state Sailor Moon has access to new powers from the Silver Crystal. Sailor Moon can seal beings away, even into darkness. She could also summon Youma to protect herself. (6:10). Her sheer planet power can have extremely drastic effects. She can casually lifewipe the Earth (12:45), her mere presence was collapsing the Dark Kingdom (9:40), and her accessing the Silver Crystal in her battle with Kunzite broke through a dimension the Senshi were trapped in. Sailor Moon was able to neutralize the power of Anime Death Phantom the Universal Threat. (-9:55)
Sailor Moon's physical stats are also much amplified in this form. Even in her civilian form, Usagi survived a pretty drastic spacetime warp and was strong enough to walk around pretty ok on Planet Nemesis despite it's MASSIVE gravity and radiation, as well as the fact that it's basically a black hole.
Sailor Moon was tough enough to survive within the eldritch abominations, Queen Metalia (who granted Dark Prince Endymion enough power to become the Dark Kingdom's Strongest Warrior and could turn entire kingdoms to stone and casually lifewipe the Earth) as well as Death Phantom (who can fade away entire planets and warp all of space and time).
She also survived Death Phantom attacking her with the force of Malefic Black Crystal, the evil equivalent of the Silver Crystal as well as an attack from Mistress 9 amplified by the Silver Crystal. She survived a blast from Anime Pharaoh 90 (-13:30-13:00), a living universe that can swallow whole galaxies (-10:40), and survived attacks from Hatred Queen Beryl who had fused with the hatred of all living beings and manipulated all the darkness in the universe.
She also has more physical feats. She survived Absolute Zero (-4:00-3:40). She survives being partially fused with glass (-10:25). Being a Sailor Senshi provides resistance to possession, and she had enough stamina to use the Moon Princess Halation despite having been recently energy-drained (-4:40 and -4:10).
Sailor Moon's movement is also on the cosmic level. Even in her civilian form she can walk at the same speed as a car. She can casually flit from the Moon down to the Earth and flew into space in light form (-4:23). In her civilian form she is able to move fast enough to surprise Prince Diamond who is fast enough to conquer all of space within a natural human's lifetime. Sailor Senshi are capable of "wandering" for hundreds of millions of lightyears She was able to keep up with Fiore in the Promise of the Rose Movie, who was able to fly to many worlds. (29:50) She was able to impress Sailor Uranus, the senshi of speed, with her speed. She even dodged her World Shaking, disappeared from her sight before dodging physical strikes from her (-4:55-4:15).
She also had the ability to teleport out of Metalia, despite Metalia's spatial warping. By the end of the first arc, she was crowned Queen of the Moon and had the ability to use the Silver Crystal in her civilian state
Sailor Moon has notable restorative abilities. A Sailor Senshi's power will naturally counter petrification. During her fight with Metallia, she showed the ability to restore Mamoru's sight. She can use the restorative power of the Silver Crystal to restore her friends' Henshin Power on Planet Nemesis.
Sailor Moon's powers can also affect or transcend spacetime if necessary. Using the Time Transcending powers of the Silver Crystal, she can channel Neo-Queen Serenity or call down more power from her. Alternatively, by linking their Silver Crystals, Sailor Moon can tag in Neo-Queen Serenity (-9:25). Even Time would run backwards if the Sailor Senshi desire it. At then end of season 1 of the original anime, a dying Usagi making a wish on the Silver Crystal was able to reverse time, retconning the Dark Kingdom out of existence (-4:10)
By this point is a veteran Sailor Senshi, and despite her book-dumb nature, is surprisingly clever. Usagi saw through Mistress 9's trick (-3:40) and tricks the more experienced Sailor Senshi, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, defeating them (-4:00). Less well known about Sailor Moon is her psionic abilities, which she shows in this form. She can sense presences and was able to telepathically sense her friends deep underground (farthest away from everything). She was able to resist the hypnosis of Dark Mamoru. It is said that her premonitions always come true. She can telekinetically tear a hole in Nemesis down to where her friends were or telekinetically throw objects. (3:40). She can also break the fourth wall...indeed she and her friends spent a whole episode arguing about who the main character should be and trying to convince the viewer that they should pick them. (Whole Episode)
Of course Sailor Moon does not need to rely on her own abilities, she can also use her wands for more specialized effects.
She has her old Moon Stick, which she can now use to much greater effect. With the Moon Stick Sailor Moon could create a barrier powerful enough to stop the Sailor Planet Power and she can reflect attacks (-3:20). She can use Moon Healing Escalation to thaw a city in ice, or indeed the entire world (-4:10). She could restore the damage done by Metalia to the Earth. She can use the Moon Healing Escalation offensively, channeling it's power into a holy light attack. This was one of the few things somewhat effective against Dark Prince Endymion. With this attack she can reduce someone to dust. With the power of her Moon Stick Sailor Moon killed the Goddess of Darkness Metalia completely, the sheer positive energy from the fight restoring the ancient Moon Kingdom. She could also use the Moon Healing Escalation like Queen Serenity did to destroy Metalia and the Dark Kingdom (-9:38) or reincarnate everyone in the future. But Sailor Moon has even greater wands in her Post-Serenity state.
The Second of these was the Cutie Moon Rod. The power of the Cutie Moon Rod was so great as to warp Sailor Moon and Death Phantom out to the edge of the Solar System. But let's get to it's best feat from the Spell "Moon Princess Halation". Two Moon Princess Halations from Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon completely destroy Death Phantom and Nemesis. Moon Princess Halation was also able to destroy Hatred Queen Beryl after a long struggle. The same Queen Beryl was so durable that she was sent to the end of spacetime to be safe.
The Spiral Heart Moon Rod increases Usagi's power even further. With it she can cast "Moon Spiral Heart Attack", which fires a big heart projectile from the rod. This attack is powerful to kill members of the Witches V like Eudial. The attack was also able to kill Daimon Senishienta (-10:20), second strongest Daimon after Ikasaman, and far stronger then Universal threat Death Phantom. She can also make the heart projectile very big if she wishes (15:55). More interestingly, Sailor Moon has used this attack to destroy an illusory dimension, suggesting it can attack on the mental plane. Moon Spiral Heart Attack also harmed Snow Princess Kaguya, an Ice Spirit who created a nebula and is a gradual universal threat. This both shows it's power and it's ability to attack on the spiritual plane as well.
In PGSM Princess Sailor Moon also has her sword:
This sword can absorb and deflect magic (19:00), and can reflect magic. (19:57). It can also do the same with fire (21:15).
She also has a few other attacks. She has a nameless attack where her hairpieces glow and deal damage to her enemies. She can use an attack called "Moon Sparkling Sensation" where she fires a few beams of light at her enemy. And she has her strongest attack where she blasts the Silver Crystal at her enemy. This attack was powerful enough to kill Demon Apsu. Base Shaman Apsu, was able to create and maintain a new Tower of Time which held all time and timelines. After merging with Sin, Apsu became the even stronger Demon Apsu. Demon Apsu was able to replace the Tower of Time with her own form. If you consider different timelines to be different universes....that's a multiversal feat....for Base Sailor Moon.
Super Sailor Moon:
After attaining this state Usagi was stronger even in her civilian state. She and Mamoru in their civilian states were able to channel the powers of the Silver Crystal and the Golden Crystal together to repel Nehelenia. Super Sailor Moon's power was great enough that she could bust her way out of a dimension with a simple hand gesture. Her power was also able to distort and damage Pharaoh 90 despite his energy-absorbing nature. In Sera Myu, Galaxia was strong enough that she could build a new universe and her mere presence was damaging the universe. When Super Sailor Moon became enraged, Sailor Galaxia confused her energy for the energy of her rival Princess Kakyuu and even stated Super Sailor Moon's power was equal to Princess Kakyuu's. With simple waves of her hand, Enraged Super Sailor Moon knocked aside all of Galaxia's minions, and even Galaxia herself.
Super Sailor Moon is also physically more durable by a similar amount. She received no recoil damage from her henshin into Super Sailor Moon. While just being within Pharaoh 90 would kill Base Sailor Moon (-6:45), Super Sailor Moon can easily enter into Pharaoh 90 to save Hotaru (-4:00). She survived the release of the full power of the Golden Crystal, said to be more powerful then her own Silver Crystal. Super Sailor Moon was able to take an attack from Galaxia, when literally the same scene the same sort of attack kills Princess Kakyuu. Of course Super Sailor Moon can also just reflect attacks with simple gestures. (-6:15)
Movement-wise, Super Sailor Moon's power was so great that she entered into Nehelenia's throne room itself, despite Nehelenia's dimensional control being good enough that she could seal a planet in a moment of time from another dimension.She was so fast enough that despite Pharaoh 90 being a living universe, Super Sailor Moon flew to the center of it to save Hotaru in seconds (-3:44-3:28). Usagi was at one point trapped in Galaxia's subspace and shouldn't be able to leave or transform.....she transformed and re-emerged anyway. After transforming into Super Sailor Moon, Usagi can move quite stealthily as well, being a ninja. Seriously though, despite Rei's Psychic Sixth Sense and the fact that's she wearing just red, Usagi avoids detection from Rei for hours (-14:50). Not bad for a supposed "clumsy girl"
As Super Sailor Moon, Usagi uses two wands. The first is the Spiral Heart Moon Rod again, from which she can cast "Rainbow Moon Heartache", a powered up variant of Moon Spiral Heart Attack. This attack destroyed a much larger illusory dimension. It can apparently reduce an enemy down to particles. The attack destroyed the Death Busters leaders Kaorinite and Germatoid, as well as Snow Princess Kaguya. Rainbow Moon Heartache also destroys the strongest daimon Ikasaman (-3:45). Ikasaman was the source of a dimensional flux (-18:29), that connected "countless dimensions" (-15:02), and not just connected them but fused and twisted them together (-10:46). And alternate dimensions in Anime Sailor Moon can be large enough to contain entire universes like Pharaoh 90 (-12:30), although of course Ikasaman as a mere Daimon is not powerful compared to Pharaoh 90 who Super Sailor Moon took attacks from and survived the destruction of.
Super Sailor Moon also has another wand, the Kaleidomoon Scope. Originally a normal kaleidoscope before it was blessed by Helios, The Kaleidomoon Scope is a unique wand in that it is sapient. No comment. With it Super Sailor Moon can use the Spell "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" which "shatters" an enemy's spacetime trapping them in a mirror dimension. She can also use it to get other people out of dimensions they were trapped in by shatter those dimensions.
Super Sailor Moon has one more trick, even greater fourht-wall breaking to the point of metafictional manipulation. Super Sailor Moon can gain power and even resurrect from the will of the audience. This allowed her to gain her eternal state in that musical.
Eternal Sailor Moon:
Eternal Sailor Moon is the strongest form of Sailor Moon (but not Usagi). As Eternal Sailor Moon Usagi can draw upon all the power of the Silver Crystal, as well as the energy of the other crystals of the Star System.
In this form her planet power is far higher then her super form. Eternal Sailor Moon's power overwhelmed Anime Galaxia (-10:45), a character who defeated with Anime Chaos, the root of all evil (-20:30). Likewise in Sera Myu, Eternal Sailor Moon's power overwhelms Sera Myu Galaxia. Eternal Sailor Moon's hidden potential was so great that if her full power was unlocked she could cause both her and Chaos to cease to exist, and also was strong enough to destroy Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron before even entering it.
In her Eternal Form, she blocked the "Galactica Gale" combination attack of the 4 Galactica Guardian Senshi.....Also while it broke her wings, Eternal Sailor Moon survived the combination attack of the 8 Galactica Sol Senshi at once. This was all before her power-up, at which point she, despite being injured, battles against Galaxia, the Sailor Soldier of Destruction with the ultimate force of destruction, and protected an uncouncious Galaxia and herself from the power of Chaos, a being capable of forming a new universe, and was warping to the very edges of spacetime (Kodansha Translation: A Gigantic vortex is emanating power somewhere in the far reaches of space-time), a being stronger then the Silver Crystal.
Eternal Sailor Moon is fast enough to easily move galactic distances. She was able to firectly fly into Nehelenia's Nightmare Dimension (-18:24)
She also has even more enhanced psionic abilities, able to sense energy in civilian form, has a danger sense, and able to recover her memories in the river of oblivion which erases memories.
Also recall how Anime Sailor Moon was able to retcon time in Season 1? By Season 5, she can do it casually, retconning time to give Nehelenia a happy life so she never becomes evil. (-4:15)
Eternal Sailor Moon also has her own wand, the Eternal Tiare:
The First Spell Eternal Sailor Moon got with the Eternal Tiare was "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss", an attack which used all the power of the Solar System, including Two Silver Crystals and the Golden Crystal. It attacked through dimensions, destroyed Nehelenia and wrecked her dimension. The attack was also powerful enough to destroy Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi, the strongest two Animamates. The attack is also accurate enough to hit Sailor Lead Crow without hitting Eternal Sailor Mars behind her.
Her second spell with the Eternal Tiare was Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss. This attack creates a powerful aura flash. Immediately after being hit by Galactica Planet Power from the 8 Galactica Sol Senshi and having her wings broken, Eternal Sailor Moon used this technique to one-shot all 8 Galactica Sol Senshi. It was also powerful to perfectly counter a technique from Sailor Galaxia, "Galactica Inflaction" the collision of the two being so strong that Chibi-Chibi had to shield Eternal Sailor Chibi-Moon.
The Anime gave Eternal Sailor Moon an additional spell, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. This attack creates a light stream powerful enough to beat 3 phages at once. (-5:15)
Eternal Sailor Moon also has one more piece of equipment. In Sera Myu, she got a sword made of the light of hope powerful enough to one-shot Chaos Galaxia (a stronger form of Sera Myu Sailor Galaxia)
Angel/Lambda Usagi:

The 90s Anime had an equivalent of Lambda Usagi, which I call Angel Usagi, that appears after Usagi fuses with the Light of Hope. Usagi's power was so great that she easily countered the power of Chaos Galaxia.
The Cosmos Crystal is the Essence of all existence. This means all Star Seeds are aspects of the Cosmos Crystal, hence why all their powers were used in the usage of the Lambda Power, the Power of the Cosmos Crystal which all planet powers are aspects of. As such Lambda Usagi can use the powers of any other Sailor Senshi. With the Lambda Power, Usagi unleashed the strongest technique in the Sailor Moon Universe, "Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power", this power was unleashed into Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron. It melted Chaos down into the cauldron to "infinitesimally small" (Kodansha Translation: Both the Chaos Seed that was Chaos' core, and Guardian Chaos have dissolved into the Cauldron's sea and become infinitesimally small now.). And the best part is that she didn't even mean to. The attack was so powerful she destroyed Chaos by accident. Angel Usagi dissolved Chaos and The Light of Hope and send them into the hearts of all beings, so that no being would ever have to hold the weight of Chaos alone again. (-8:32)
The Lambda Power also gives Usagi far greater survivability. She melted down into the Galaxy Cauldron, even her star seed. However the Lambda Power regenerated her from nothingness, and she was so durable she survived the Galaxy Cauldron in her civilian form. BTW there is this weird argument going around online that the Galaxy Cauldron itself regenerated Usagi. This is completely wrong. The Galaxy Cauldron doesn't regenerate anything. It just creates new Star Seeds. Galaxia specifically threw the star seeds of Usagi's friends into the Cauldron to show that they could never be revived again. Anyway beyond that Guardian Cosmos specifically praises Usagi for her ability to maintain her form inside the Galaxy Cauldron. Not even Chaos Galaxia could damage Angel Usagi significantly.
Usagi recieved the Lambda because she had attained the wisdom of the universe, understanding even why the Chaos-Spawn fought, that everyone in the universe wishes to join with others in some form.
In the Distant Future of the 30th century, Usagi rules the Solar System as Neo-Queen Serenity, having turned it into a utopia. She brought about the great peace of the universe.
She likely has the same abilities as Queen Serenity given her similar master of the Silver Crystal. Queen Serenity already knew Sailor Moon's identity despite her being from the future.
Sailor Cosmos
Sailor Cosmos does not appear in any SM work besides the Sailor Moon Manga.
Summary (Composite):
Tier 4 or 3
Casual Universal DC, Multiversal DC when going full-out (Destroyed Demon Apsu and Ikasaman (and beings far stronger then Ikasaman) despite both having Multiversal feats.
Can Tank at least Universal Attacks, Can survive Multiversal Attacks
MFTL Speed, Speed Somewhat Irrelevant
Teleportation (Through Dimensions)
Disguise Pen
Enhanced Senses
Can Attack on the Astral Plane, Mental, and Spirital Planes and can hit shadows
Spatial Destruction
Loga Intangibility (Light)
Sensory Restoration
Attack Absorbtion/Reflection
Can Channel or Draw more power from her future self
Can Reduce something to dust
Stealth (Is a Ninja)
Spacetime Penetration
Dimensional Shattering
Can Attack through dimensions
Existence Destruction
Can destroy an abstract concept
Can fragment an abstract concept, putting it in everyone's hearts
Can Act while unconscious
Mid-Godly Regen
Can put something to sleep for thousands of years
Can Ignore Paradoxes and Causality
Knows the Future
Can put something to sleep for millenia
The Techniques of every Sailor Senshi in the Manga
- Surpassed her thousands of years old mother's ability with the Ginzhuisho by the age of 16
- Made it almost a personal hobby to beat up Eldritch Abominations
- Is the Messiah of Light
- Saved the Universe many times
- Will Become High Queen of the Solar System and rule over a Utopia
- Is the most well-known Magical Girl in the world
- Somehow seduced her older self Sailor Cosmos
This is a bit odd because Usagi has lots and lots of weaknesses.....early on. Usagi starts the series a coward, a self-proclaimed crybaby, incompetent, clumsy, lazy and generally inheroic. But...part of the point of any SM series is seeing Usagi develop from her original state to the Heroic Young Woman she would become. This applies to her combat techniques as well. She has plenty of weaknesses early in the anime Usagi using the Silver Crystal early on like the first two seasons carried with it the change of overexerting and killing herself, but by season 5 she could casually use the Silver Crystal that way as evidenced by her warping reality to help Nehelenia.
However even by end of series, Usagi has one thing that really could be considered a weakness. Usagi hates fighting and violence, no longer just from laziness or cowardice but because she ideologically values all life. She even spared the life of Death Phantom, a Chaos-Spawn, exiling him to Nemesis instead of destroying him. Because she doesn't want to fight, and because the Silver Crystal reacts to Usagi's heart, Sailor Moon often doesn't use her full power trying to kill an enemy. But force her to fight by threatening her home and loved ones or....say, hypothetically.....putting her in an webshow that involves removes constants against killing.....then in the name of the moon.....Sailor Moon will punish you!

((Drunk Usagi is best Usagi. Which is good because she is a total lightweight.))
Usagi is quite comically flawed. Her hobbies she puts it...."eating, sleeping, and taking the easy way out". She's a crybaby, unheroic and incompetent, ditzy, unladylike, a weakling, lazy, and a coward. And that's all in the first 2 chapters. But despite all that she is very well liked. Usagi is very popular both in-universe and out of universe. She is praised and liked by people of all philosophical backgrounds, including deontologists, utilitarians, and nihilists, all in-universe as well. She is the most well-known Magical Girl for a reason. What makes her so popular?
The Villains in Sailor Moon, especially in the last arc have a recurring theme of not seeing people for who they are. Respectively, the villain groups see people as energy to be stolen, tools to be manipulated, vessels to be filled, dreams to corrupt, and star seeds to exploit. But whereas Galaxia only thinks of people in terms of their star seeds, Usagi sees importance in even these fragile material forms we have. Usagi is not only a compassionate person, but moreover one who sympathizes, empathizes with people. For one reason or another it occurs in our world that people are ostracized and set apart, these people are lost in an endless night, but they are not alone, for in their night there is the moon that shines down on us. Usagi sees us not as others see and even more importantly not as we portray ourselves, but how we truly are....our secret insecurities and doubts. The people who are lost in the darkness find Usagi's shining light and brings them to into a group where they can belong. Usagi will never leave anyone alone.
So strong is Usagi's compassion and understanding for people, that she understood even the desire of her fiercest enemies, that all things, even primordial Chaos, want to understand and join and be one with the all that is not us. Usagi's acceptance and desire to save all others outside of herself, removes the distinction between Usagi and others, which is why she was able to gain even the power of all existence and why she was able to surpass even Chaos, who for all it's power is limited by it's opposition to existence. Usagi's greatest strength is her understanding of others, not just because it lets her see their weaknesses, because it lets them turn potential enemies into allies and helpers. Usagi so loves the world that even though she knows she cannot save it, that everything but her will eventually die to Sailor Chaos, she trusts still that she will always love the world and always be willing to fight for it.
It is her love for a future she cannot know, that makes her eternal. Even if everything else in the world dies, Sailor Moon will shine on for all eternity, as the universe's most beautiful star.
The Villains in Sailor Moon, especially in the last arc have a recurring theme of not seeing people for who they are. Respectively, the villain groups see people as energy to be stolen, tools to be manipulated, vessels to be filled, dreams to corrupt, and star seeds to exploit. But whereas Galaxia only thinks of people in terms of their star seeds, Usagi sees importance in even these fragile material forms we have. Usagi is not only a compassionate person, but moreover one who sympathizes, empathizes with people. For one reason or another it occurs in our world that people are ostracized and set apart, these people are lost in an endless night, but they are not alone, for in their night there is the moon that shines down on us. Usagi sees us not as others see and even more importantly not as we portray ourselves, but how we truly are....our secret insecurities and doubts. The people who are lost in the darkness find Usagi's shining light and brings them to into a group where they can belong. Usagi will never leave anyone alone.
So strong is Usagi's compassion and understanding for people, that she understood even the desire of her fiercest enemies, that all things, even primordial Chaos, want to understand and join and be one with the all that is not us. Usagi's acceptance and desire to save all others outside of herself, removes the distinction between Usagi and others, which is why she was able to gain even the power of all existence and why she was able to surpass even Chaos, who for all it's power is limited by it's opposition to existence. Usagi's greatest strength is her understanding of others, not just because it lets her see their weaknesses, because it lets them turn potential enemies into allies and helpers. Usagi so loves the world that even though she knows she cannot save it, that everything but her will eventually die to Sailor Chaos, she trusts still that she will always love the world and always be willing to fight for it.
It is her love for a future she cannot know, that makes her eternal. Even if everything else in the world dies, Sailor Moon will shine on for all eternity, as the universe's most beautiful star.
Potential Opponents:
Gonna go over some opponents I've seen suggested and my thoughts.

Sailor Moon vs Mew Ichigo, Ryuko, or Nanoha:
Just because they are both Magical Girls does not make this even
Sailor Moon vs. Superman:
Just... why? I don't see the appeal. DB doesn't seem to have any idea what Superman's power level is anyway and he's already been on twice now. Is it because Sun-Powered vs Moon Powered? Is it because SM is Magic? Sailor Moon is my favorite character and Superman is my second favorite character but I don't see why people are asking for this one.
Sailor Moon vs. Goku:
I see why you are asking this one given they sorta rivalry and both being the big-name anime characters...but this is a sh*tstorm waiting to happen. Plus Goku's been on twice and it's not that thematic. Usagi and Goku don't have that much in common besides both being bookdumb and gluttons. Goku is all about training and fighting whereas Usagi hates fighting.
Sailor Moon vs. Madoka
Probably the most requested match for SM, I've made a whole blog on this. I don't like it for a pretty simple reason, Madoka doesn't have many feats. And the ones she does have don't really put her an equal opponent to Sailor Moon. I'm sorry.
Sailor Moon vs. Pegasus Seiya:
Now we are talking. This is probably my second choice. The two are both extremely powerful Astronomical Themed Heroes, that lead a team of 5 Astronomical Heroes. I don't know what Seiya's strength is currently sitting since I haven't read all of the SS series but it seems like it would be good. Plus you can see them powerup from their base form to their strongest forms throughout the fight. From what I hear there was even a rivalry between them in Latin America so that works out well.....but there is one fight I like more.
Now we are talking. This is probably my second choice. The two are both extremely powerful Astronomical Themed Heroes, that lead a team of 5 Astronomical Heroes. I don't know what Seiya's strength is currently sitting since I haven't read all of the SS series but it seems like it would be good. Plus you can see them powerup from their base form to their strongest forms throughout the fight. From what I hear there was even a rivalry between them in Latin America so that works out well.....but there is one fight I like more.

Sailor Moon vs. Cardcaptor Sakura:
THIS. ALL OF THIS. Cardcaptor Sakura is my second favorite anime and happens to star the second most popular and well-known Magical Girl, the eponymous Sakura. The two are surprisingly well-matched for each, depending on what versions you allow. They have had a longstanding rivalry in Japan and from what I can tell the rest of the world since the 90s. I have debated this fight with myself since childhood without coming to a conclusion, before I even knew what versus debating was.The two have extremely large amounts of moves which allow for lots of the "counters" that DB loves to do. This is the fight I want more then any other fight. It's like Magical Girl Doctor Fate vs. Doctor Strange. Please DB. PLEASEEEEEEEE.
Next Time:
I don't even know. I'm just gonna relax for a while honestly. This was a long blog to research for and make and I hope you enjoyed.
THIS. ALL OF THIS. Cardcaptor Sakura is my second favorite anime and happens to star the second most popular and well-known Magical Girl, the eponymous Sakura. The two are surprisingly well-matched for each, depending on what versions you allow. They have had a longstanding rivalry in Japan and from what I can tell the rest of the world since the 90s. I have debated this fight with myself since childhood without coming to a conclusion, before I even knew what versus debating was.The two have extremely large amounts of moves which allow for lots of the "counters" that DB loves to do. This is the fight I want more then any other fight. It's like Magical Girl Doctor Fate vs. Doctor Strange. Please DB. PLEASEEEEEEEE.
Next Time:
I don't even know. I'm just gonna relax for a while honestly. This was a long blog to research for and make and I hope you enjoyed.
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