Ai Enma is strong enough to easily destroy entire temples in single strikes, and fast enough rapidly fly across a mountain putting her on the upper end of the stat range for this tier.
Ai Enma is an onryo, a ghostly entity that would be immune to almost all everything the tier could use to fight her. She regularly spends her time in the Realm of Eternal Twilight, a dimension outside the spacetime continuum meaning that nobody in the tier would be able to see her coming and she could simply pop in and kill them with any number of broken haxes. She would even be able to manifest the Wraith from its spiritual form as she did to the spirit of a specific sword. Not even Mister Z's cane's sealing would work on Ai Enma, as she has resisted superior sealing from Hell and its Lord.
Ai Enma can also travel through dimensions and through time easier than anyone in the tier, and more importantly also can sense things across those distances, able to see things on Earth from the Realm of Eternal Twilight and see things across time meanwhile against any similar spacetime manipulator not only would she have better mobility but she would be able to always see them, while they would be fighting blind against Ai, not that any of the spacetime manipulators really have any way of hitting her on this tier.
Ai Enma is also a powerful technopath and telekinetic who could easily disarm every bit of technology the tier has, while the inverse wouldn't work as she has no technological components. Similarly, the strongest psychic on this tier usually would be Manchester Black who would be crippled against Ai Enma as he would be able to sense the immense pain and suffering within her, let alone if she uses his own tragic past against him with her illusions, her standard strategy. Even against Brainiac-Amped Lois, while Lois could escape from any of Ai's normal dimensions via Torquasm Vo, and is in fact the only person on this tier that can likely escape from Hell, Ai could use her immersion power to put Lois inside a piece of fiction, something that not even Torquasm Vo can escape from. Ai could also use her biological manipulation to undo Brainiac's manipulation of Lois' body, reverting her to normal.
Even the transmutation of Wrath's creatures would not work. While Ai Enma does horrific things, she is not an onryo motivated by rage, but instead is famously emotionless and stoic in her expression, as part of her job as the Hell Girl is to remain perfectly composed.
Planetary Tier:
Superman would quickly get stronger in all continuities he appeared in, getting up to the range of destroying large parts of planets up to planets themselves. By the end of his first year of superhero-ing in Post-Crisis Superman would one-shot an enemy with the strength of a planet, an entity absorbing Superman's power fighting a royal Atlantean (Aquaman) in physical combat, and later in Post-Crisis it is stated Post-Crisis Superman could split a planet in half with a sneeze. Similarly in the New 52, Superman began a training regimen that involved lifting the weight of the world for days in no sunlight, only giving off a single sweatdrop, and surviving the shockwaves of a violent planet explosion despise being weakened. It's likely the Truth Arc Superman where Superman was depowered in the New 52 is in this tier as well, as he fought an enemy that absorbed his own power, likely his base power untrained as well as an Aquaman villain, Black Manta. If you think that the Sand Superman Truth Arc Superman fought had 80% of End of New 52 Superman's power instead of his base power, he'd be in the next arc up, and would scale the characters up accordingly, but that would be inconsistent with how Superman was depicted as dramatically weaker.
In terms of speed, the characters in this tier are FTL, generally significantly FTL. Post-Crisis Superman, even relatively early on was able to travel between Star Systems and to the Sun and back, while New 52 Superman flew from Pluto to Earth in moments, speed feats hundreds of times the speed of light.
Kryptonians in general in the DC Multiverse tend to be depicted as being in this tier, and broadly a general metric for if a metahuman is particularly strong is that they can compare to a Kryptonian. Kryptonians from other universes are seen sometimes in Superman's series, and usually they're treated as being broadly in this tier. Even Superman analogues from other universes tend to end up in this tier. Kryptonians are a race of aliens that with enough solar energy gain superhuman stats, flight, heat vision, freeze breath, cosmic-tier senses along with x-ray vision. They also tend to possess resistance to a wide variety of environments and abilities, enhanced intellects with even normal Kryptonians being considered a genius by human standards, and have developed advanced mental plane martial arts and advanced technologies like projectors that trap people into a metaphysical dimension called the Phantom Zone. Kryptonians can take over most planets single-handedly, and to be able to beat them in single combat is considered an accolade in the DC Universe.
This tier includes numerous villains the New 52 Superman fought early in his career including the New 52 version of Titano, whose a giant ape as per usual, a phasing villainess called Anguish, and a nanite imposter of Superman with his abilities but made out of nanites that can regenerate from its component parts. However the most famous New 52 villain of this tier would be Lord Helspont, leader of the Daemonites. As a Daemonite himself, Lord Helspont would have all their normal abilities but stronger than normal. Given he is likely the same as his Wildstorm Universe counterpart, Lord Helspont would also possess energy manipulation and possession strong enough to possess numerous host bodies at once and also showed in the New 52 the ability to teleport himself and his entire ship.
This tier likely includes the characters from the "Truth" arc of the New 52 where Superman was depowered. As mentioned during this arc he fought an enemy with 80% of his power. Given that Superman was clearly much weaker than his prior self, it really wouldn't make sense if it was 80% his trained power, and was moreso 80% of his power untrained and more like the power of early New 52 Superman. If you think that Truth Arc Superman and the Sand Superman are 80% and 20% of his late power, that would put them easily in the next tier up as well as everyone who scales to them. This group of characters includes the Sand Superman himself, a group of animate sand in which 80% of New 52 Superman's power was drained into, having his abilities including the solar flare as well as sand-based logia. The descendant of Vandal Savage, Salvaxe was a bruiser capable of somewhat fighting Truth Arc Superman. This also includes the former villain Albert Michaels, the original Atomic Skull who fought evenly with Truth Arc Superman. Atomic Skull produces radiation passively and can shoot radiation blasts, electricity, and automatically comes back to life after being killed. Atomic Skull after becoming a good guy in DC Rebirth would fight his old crime partner Shockwave evenly, Shockwave being a power-suit wielding enemy who creates shockwaves and can shatter matter by targeting their molecular structure. However the biggest threat of this period and probably the biggest threat of the tier is the villainess Wrath. Wrath is a supernatural villainess that can manipulate darkness, both literal darkness and the metaphorical darkness of wrath within people, turning them into infected empowered wrath monsters that serve her. She can see, hear, and feal the sensations of everyone infected by her and can shape her darkness into physical tendrils and spikes to use as weapons. However her most dangerous ability is she gets stronger via the rage of others making it essentially impossible to beat her without a heart pure of anger. She's also a cunning manipulator, acting as Metropolis mayor while manipulating events to her favor.
There's also a few Pre-52 characters that would fall in this tier. Post-Crisis Superman had to fight a giant rock monster with the strength of a planet in Year One, and along with aid from the Justice League battled the alien duo of Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught. Psi-Phon was a small psychic alien that stole the powers of other metahumans and added them to Dreadnaught, a big bruiser alien, though Psi-Phon can only steal powers one by one. He managed to steal the powers of Superman, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter adding their abilities at the time, which includes all their basic powersets, though still early in Post-Crisis and not developed that much, until Shazam was able to stop him.
Finally this tier includes the Pre-Crisis Alien Super-Thief Grax. Grax has famously and repeatedly claimed to be a 20th level intellect, an intellect completely and totally unparalleled to anything in the DCU, beyond even 12th level intellect Brainiac who can make technology equivalent to Type 5 civilizations. Grax has developed the K-Meson Bomb, a bomb that causes atoms to fall apart which can destroy entire planets, and has stolen Brainiac's forcefield technology which even Superman can't break. If he is truly is as intelligent as he claims, it would be a form of hax in itself given Brainiac has shown the ability to do things like predicting the future via algorithms and Lex Luthor being able to basically mind hax people by talking to them.
So how to counter this tier? Well there is one thing that consistently would be really helpful on this tier and that is magic. While Top Tier Kryptonians have developed some resistance to magic, famously the Kryptonians invulnerability doesn't work on magic and it's basically like they have no inherent resistance save raw durability. Magical transmutation, mind hax, or anything else works on them as it would anyone else even if they would otherwise have resistance. Even Hypergenius intellects in DC can't predict magic. Dreadnaught despite having the powers of three powerful metahumans was defeated by Shazam in part due to his lack of any resistance to Shazam's magical abilities. This isn't a perfect counter on its own, Lord Helspont and Wrath both have no real weakness to magic but supernatural abilities in general would help against a lot of the enemies.
Of the entities that can fight magic normally, Lord Helspont and Wrath are the biggest threats and a power helpful against both would be exorcism or banishment. Lord Helspont is a Daemonite possessing an Acurian body, and could possess anyone by touching them with his intangible Daemonite body. Outside their bodies Daemonites lack stats nearly as strong, and can't even survive Earth-like planets' environments, though Helspont should be stronger than normal to this. Likewise Wrath infects people with her darkness, turning them into wrath monsters and draws power form the anger of people nearby so the ability to purify them would allow for cutting off her power. Not an instant win button, but a helpful power for sure.
Wrath is generally the biggest threat of this tier. Not only does she basically require a character with a heart devoid of rage to beat her lest they be transmuted and every blow of theirs would strengthen her, but if they can't stop her infected minions spreading rage or stomp her via pure stats, she will eventually grow vastly higher in stats just from absorbing power from the rage of all the bystanders. The key to bypassing her greatest weapon is a rageless character who can fight without anger and can use a power over an area of effect to take care of all her creatures.
This brings me to my first counter
Witchcraft from the Champions Universe.
Witchcraft is a high tier Champion, with powers that are given as examples of their power level include villains who can destroy planets via megalasers or heroes who can push planets around. Similarly the villainess Gravitar is said to be able to rip a planet in half and the lower end cosmic villainess Istvasha V'han is said to be able to obliterate planets. High tier Champions are also stated to be able to travel around the planet and the solar system with easy, and easily scale above a standard Champions speedsters build which can move at 8 lightyears per year, or exactly 8c, putting her very clearly in this tier. Her reactions may be even higher as while she doesn't have cosmic speed, it's likely she can react to those who do, with "standard" cosmic speed involving traveling 32,000 lightyears per year.
Witchcraft is the premier mystic of the Champions with a versatile magical ability she can shape into a wide variety of effects. However her basic starting move is to use "Irresistible Slumber", a spell that puts people to sleep. Not only would this work on basically everyone in the tier, but if used on civilians, would keep them from feeling rage and cut off Wrath's powerset. And Wrath couldn't draw from Witchcraft's anger as Witchcraft has none. Witchcraft is, of all the Champions, the one most known for her gentle and compassionate personality not even feeling anger towards her enemies. For this she can channel the magical light of the Bright Moon and the purifying witchflame which would be absolute anathema and burn away the darkness of Wrath.
The witchflame would also be a secondary defense against Psi-Phon as it can't be used by evil and would burn Dreadnaught trying to wield. Like with pretty much everyone in this tier, they're also not immune to her own basic spells like turning people into frogs or making herself irresistibly beautiful, something which can also counter the rage strategy of Wrath.
Even against a group, the tier couldn't do much against her as Witchcraft has a mystical danger sense telling her of all threats and can conjure a mystical shield as well as use area effects like the witchflame against numerous enemies.
The only major threat to her would be Lord Helspont. Time Manipulation is a rare power seen as really powerful in the Champions Universe and Witchcraft has no inherent resistance to possession. Similarly Witchcraft is actually one of the newer less experienced Champions while Lord Helspont is a highly skilled warrior and conqueror. While Witchcraft can likely beat him at any time due to her being a skilled occultist with knowledge on how to exile possessing entities from their host bodies, Helspont might present a danger with no knowledge. It's also possible Kryptonians could trap her in another dimension with a Phantom Zone Projector.
An even better counter might be
Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach: Hell Verse
Apparently it's contentious if Hell Verse is canon, but if it is not just assume it is specifically that version of Ulquiorra. While it's a one-sided fight against him, Ulquiorra is able to somewhat withstand several attacks from Vasto Lord Ichigo who in Hell Verse is stated to be able to threat to the world and a threat to Hell, a realm implied to be similar or larger to the Earth in size. He also scales above lesser characters being able to light-time. This puts him somewhat relative to the tier, probably in the middle somewhere.
Ulquiorra as a Hollow passively erodes the souls of those around him and, as an Arrancar, can use his spiritual pressure to crush weaker enemies around him including Psi-Phon and all the people giving Wrath her powers. Wrath herself couldn't transmute or gain energy from Ulquiorra as Ulquiorra represents the emptiness of death and is a totally stoic composed entity lacking any rage in his heart. Ulquiorra could also completely negate her darkness by trapping her in the light of Negacion.
Ulquiorra is naturally invisible, and would be undetectable to most entities in the tier conventionally and could use long range attacks stronger than him at a range most couldn't match with even his transformation threatening the entirety of Las Noches. Ulquiorra's basic attacks as a Hollow can hit the soul, and probably just his basic spiritual pressure would completely bypass the durability of most of the entities here including Helspont's true form and the Kryptonians. In contrast Helspont would not be able to possess him as his mind is entwined within his soul, something Helspont has never shown the ability to possess, and even if Helspont manages to get a strike on him via something like time manipulation and his telepathy, Ulquiorra has a natural regen factor strong enough to quickly regenerate from anything but his internal organs. Beyond that Ulquiorra is a likely similar or greater fighter, having centuries of direct combat experience and would likely one-shot before Helspont could hit him, and definitely one-shot him before Helspont hits him twice.
Shockwave's molecular disruption as well as Grax's K-Bomb would likely not work on Ulquiorra who is made of Reishi particles rather than conventional atoms. Likewise, Ulquiorra's spiritual pressure would likely penetrate right through Brainiac's forcefield which has only shown the ability to block physical strike punches. Even if the Kryptonians managed to send Ulquiorra to the Phantom Zone, Ulquiorra can easily create portals between realms as he has explicitly shown the ability to create such portals, which are considered common in Bleach.
The only way anyone in this tier could defeat Ulquiorra would be a Kryptonian using Torquasm Vo to trap him in a mental battlefield as it's unknown if Ulquiorra's powers would work on the mental plane. However for the best counter to the tier I would suggest
Wedding Peach from Wedding Peach
Wedding Peach even outside her final love wave, was able to fight powerful demons of the Rafaal tribe, superior to demon Petora who can destroy the human world outright and similar to Angel Selece who could create a barrier around the entire Angel World by herself. Wedding Peach in terms of speed scales to her own love waves which quickly traveled from the Human World to the Angel World and back quickly. This would put her in this tier, at the upper end for stats.
Wedding Peach seems like a character personally designed to beat Wrath. She and the Angels use a holy spiritual light that dispels evil darknesses like her. Wedding Peach is an angelic entity representing love and forgiveness that Wrath would get even less rage from than Superman. Just her presence was powerful enough to purify less devils in her civilian state which would purify all the people infected by Wrath.
Against Lord Helspont, Wedding Peach's power can nullify powers drawn from dark sources, and she can easily exorcise entities, even spiritual entities like Devils. She can also absorb energies and would just absorb Lord Helspont's energy powers. Similarly against Atomic Skull, Wedding Peach's purifying light would just purify the radiation and heal those affected. Neither them or any of the beaters would be able to do much lasting damage given her own power can heal herself, even on a metaphysical scale and their hostile energies would be passively purified by her love wave.
Even if Psi-Phon could steal Wedding Peach's holy light, which is unlikely, Wedding Peach's own power would do nothing against her, as seen in the anime, due to her own good nature. Similarly Wedding Peach's odd quirky logic and supernatural levels of love and goodness equaling the goddess of Love Aphrodite would likely be unpredictable against even the hypergenius Grax who is arrogant and unempathetic.
Against all of them, Wedding Peach would also have the advantage of stealth as the friendship between the angels make their civilian identity impossible to connect to their transformed selves, as well as psychic information on her enemies through psychometry, prophetic dreams, and being able to look into their hearts and see their memories.
The Kryptonians would be the toughest problem as some of them are good, and she likely couldn't do any direct damage to them. That said her passive aura can reflect attacks which would likely turn any attempt to use heat vision or a solar flare back on them instantly beating most Kryptonians given those are their strongest powers or can just absorb the energy. And she can keep distance to keep them from doing else via her teleportation. At the end of the series she could also use a final love wave that put the Devil Queen to sleep and which would likely work on the Kryptonians. Even if they tried to use Torquasm Vo on her, Wedding Peach's powers clearly work on the mental plane as seen in her battle in the dream world of Arushion's, and if they tried to bfr her into the Phantom Zone, not only can the Angels' attacks tear through dimensions, but her final love wave has an inter-dimensional range that encompassed all of Devil World, Earth, and Angel World, a range no one in the tier can match.

Stellar Tier:
This tier includes characters from Star Level to Star System level. By the end of the Golden Age, the Superman of Earth-2, Kal-L has risen to this level, somehow throwing two moons together with enough force to create a star and withstanding an explosion that almost rocked the solar system, a level of power the other Earth-2 Kryptonians scale to from his fight against the Kryptonian Criminals Kizo, Mala and U-Ban. During the Post-Crisis era, near the end of the first period a monster known as Doomsday appeared, the strongest enemy Superman had faced yet that tore through the Justice League, and Superman would have to adapt and reach a level of strength he didn't know he had in him. This Superman demonstrated the ability to survive the implosion of a Sun-Eater calced into the large star level and fought the monster Doomsday who tore through Green Lanterns, the Protectors of the Universe, whose shields can protect from Black Holes and Supernovas. After the Death of Superman storyline would be the Reign of the Superman storyline, where four entities would try to replace Superman, each being a reflection of one of his aspects, and each being here during the time period and which a lot of characters use for scaling. Later characters in Post-Crisis Superman's timeline that Superman didn't use his full power against would also be here, as later on Superman could easily throw a black hole threatening the Solar System and weakened survived an explosion equal to 50 of Keplar's Supernova. After his training regimen the New 52 Superman would reach this level as well, being able to survive, alongside the New 52 Brainiac, a Black Hole calced at 2.4 supernova worth of energy. People get confused about this since Superman was infected with the Doomsday Virus at the time, but the Black Hole burned away the virus while Superman was still inside it on panel and he still withstood it, plus he's stronger than New 52 Brainiac who also briefly survived it. New 52 Superman also fought Orion whose shockwaves in his fight against the Galactic Golem destroyed a star system. There's a lot more feats of this scale for this tier, these are just the ones connected to Superman.
Speed-wise, this tier scales to characters that can traverse the universe in hours or days, requiring speeds trillions to quadrillions of times the speed of light. The New 52 Superman traveled from the edge of the Universe to Earth in 60 days. The Supergirls traveled to the Source Wall at the edge of the universe in hours. The Lanterns regularly patrol entire space sectors that comprise signifying sections of the universe and can travel the entire universe in hours. Probes from Brainiac and Imperiex traverse the universe in a not cosmic span of time.
This tier includes numerous Kryptonians. Most Kryptonians from Earth-2 are in this tier based on the three Kryptonian criminals U-Ban, Kizo, and Mala, the first Kryptonians ever seen outside Superman, fighting the Golden Age Superman evenly. They also had a piece of Kryptonian technology that removes the moisture from the air causing rapid dehydration. This tier also includes numerous Daxamites, an extremely similar species to Kryptonians except with their weakness to Kryptonite replaced by a weakness to lead. Brainiac, in an attempt to develop a weapon to kill Superman, genetically modified the homeless girl Mia into a Kryptonian, tricking her into think she was the Kryptonian Girl Cir-El, and briefly became Supergirl. Cir-El Supergirl has the ability to produce red sunlight bursts. Similarly, the dictator of Pokolioston Avruskin through Soviet Experimentation was given, named after the Kryptonian General Zod due to his Reverse Kryptonian powers where he would gain Kryptonian powers under a Red Sun but lose them under a Yellow Sun. Dana Dearden was a Superman stalker who stole enchanted coins giving her Kryptonian like powers as well as lightning manipulation, dubbing herself "Superwoman" but which Jimmy Olsen named in the papers "Obsession." Obsession was able to fight the Psychic Maxima who was on par with Death of Superman-Superman and Doomsday. The New 52 would add as well an Imposter Superman which had the New 52 Superman's powers, as well as heat and energy manipulation. Supergirl Kara Zor-El during the New 52 would briefly become a Red Lantern adding Red Lantern Constructs and Rage Empowerment to the Kryptonian powerset. However the New 52 also added three major arc villains for Superman with Kryptonian type powers; Wraith, H'el, and Superdoom.
Wraith was an Alien Superweapon used by the US Government with similar powers to the New 52 Superman, though significantly stronger and faster, and with the abilities to turn invisible and to absorb and drain all forms of electromagnetic energy including solar power. Though he fought alongside and even admired Superman, he was forced to battle him for interference with General Lane's plans. Superdoom, the Superman of Earth-45, is a thoughtform, a being created by belief, that represents the commercialization and darkening of the comics industry, a killer Superman franchise that wants to destroy all rival Supermen in the multiverse to maintain brand singularity, who grows stronger or gets weaker based on peoples belief in his superiority. He has rapid adaptation abilities such as when his outer hide immediately adapted to K-Blasts after being hit by a K-Blast. However most dangerous of them was H'el, a composite clone of numerous Kryptonians designed to preserve Krypton's legacy. H'el has numerous psychic abilities including the ability to enter the astral plane and fight physical entities from there, the ability to alter the size of others such that Supergirl could go into the shrunken city of Kandor, and teleportation strong enough to affect structures the size of the Fortress of Solitude and go all the way to the Sun from Earth. He has telekinesis that lets him rip apart the atoms of entities or attack their internal organs through their body, psychic barriers powerful enough to protect from strikes from even New 52 Superman, and telepathy strong enough to create illusions, mind control, or telepathically destroy the brains of other Kryptonians, despite their mental resistances. After exposure to the Star Chamber, H'el also developed time manipulation, able to time travel, see someone's past and future psychically, and even duplicate himself through time though this required a huge strain. H'el is also a supergenius capable of creating time travel and dimensional travel, cloning extinct species from Krypton, hacking into Apokalyptian Boom Tubes, and conquered Krypton itself in one timeline, and has an extremely high stealth proficiency, able to hide from Superman and Supergirl at close range despite their Kryptonian senses. It's pretty easy to see why H'el is broadly considered Superman's strongest New 52 villain.
This tier includes numerous entities that are emanations from the metaphysical entities in the Godsphere. From Apokalips are the two mad scientists Simyan and Mokkari, comparable to earlier Pre-Resurrection Superboy and should be comparable to Desaad who, while disguised as Darkseid, was able to fight an Early Post-Crisis Superman. As scientists for the New Gods, Simyan and Mokkari are scientific hypergeniuses, creating various monsters to attack Superman. Also from Apokalips is Amazing Grace, a godly psychology manipulator, who manipulates the lowlies into revolt so they can be crushed again, breaking their spirit and possesses mind control. The demon of chaos Bloodthirst is here, and though he only appears briefly, he should have all the standard demon powers such as possession. The human Ulysses was warped by being sent into the Fourth World into a flying brick with energy manipulation strong enough to match a machine that was meant to drain millions of humans of their energy, gives him infinite stamina, and allows him to make portals to the Fourth World dimension. He hunted the fourth dimensional monster Klerik, a being with similar stats to him and Superman, until he was aided by Superman in the fight. The New 52 also had the Ghost Soldier, an assassin sent to kill Superman who can phase, even phasing his knife's molecules to be able to cut the super-durable molecules of New 52 Superman, as well as teleport as far as the Phantom Zone.
More conventionally, this tier has numerous various assorted metahumans including the mind-reading material-copying Anomaly, the shapeshifting underground giant pet Baka, and the phasing magnetism manipulator Baud. Cary Richards made a deal with Satanus to gain supernatural powers including teleportation, flight, enhanced stats, and psychokinesis as the gritty 90s metahuman Adversary. Though Superman defeated him relatively easily, he was at least in the same tier enough to downscale. Similarly gritty 90s villain Equus is a cybernetically enhanced human with metal Wolverine claws capable of scratching Supergirl and, again like Wolverine, quickly regenerate limbs. The second Atomic Skull, Joseph Martin, is here after his deal with Neron, gaining extreme radiation powers. The Post-Crisis Insect Queen is an Alien Hive Mind Queen who can control all insects or insectoid entities, metamorphosis herself into different insect forms or turn others into insect monsters, as well as having telepathy strong enough to control her entire Hive and overwhelm Post-Crisis Superman briefly, and possessing her subjects. An unrelated but similar entity called the Hive Queen was one of Brainiac's experiments in the New 52 with general psychic powers including using the negativity in Metropolis to bombard New 52 Superman mentally and a regen factor of unknown strength. Stronger than any of these was Lexus, Devourer of Life, a cosmic evil and threat to the galaxy, a giant being who can shoot energy bolts supposedly nothing in the universe could survive...until Superman withstood them. Lexus had an unique healing factor. So long as it's heart wasn't destroyed, whenever it was damaged, it would suck up nearby matter, incorporating that as part of its being. It could only be killed by damage to its heart.
Like every tier of Superman's series, this tier includes numerous psychics. While some are included in other categories, this tier also includes Maxima, the warrior queen of an advanced planet known for her psychic power who was on par with Death of Superman-Superman and Doomsday. She's an extremely potent psychic able to telepathically destroy peoples minds, mentally overwhelm characters with mental resistances like Wonder Woman and another alien psychic. She can shoot bolts of psychic power, create forcefields, and can telekinetically disassemble Red Tornado. She can telepathically scan a city, and create illusions and avatars to fight for her. She can also teleport people across the galaxy and has transmuted her suit from one form to another. Another powerful psychic on this tier would be "Savior", Ramsay Murdoch who believed the true Superman died against Doomsday and the Superman who returned was just an imposter. Savior can manipulate psychic energy to warp reality, creating things like a stampede of pink elephants and suffocating smog that worked on Superman, turn himself into pure energy, give himself the powers of Superman, "anything he can imagine." However the strongest psychic on this tier is even greater, one of the biggest threats on this tier, that being Oracle. Oracle is a cosmic entity accidentally awoken by H'el stated by Word of God to be able to destroy the solar system with a sideways glance. After Superboy died, Oracle resurrected him as his herald. The Oracle has perfect knowledge of the timeline, seeing the past and future, and to aid against H'el's disruptions to the timeline, send Hel's Krypton to a different timeline and sent Superman, Supergirl, and Superboy to different points of the timeline to help fix history. Oracle naturally exists at the edge of spacetime, is stated to perceive "a few infinities" more than humans do and is implied to be able to duplicate itself. Oracle is one of the two biggest threats of the tier.
There's also numerous very powerful technology-wielding entities in this tier. One of the four characters to try and take Superman's place in the Reign of the Supermen arc was John Henry Irons, Steel, representing Superman's aspect "The Man of Steel." His first three armors would be here, and while they have slightly different capabilities; all have superhuman stats in this range, jet boosters, a kinetic hammer for melee, and a rivet gun for ranged warfare. The second has trackers, tracers, and teleportation capabilities and can be summoned to him from a remote distance. The third sacrifices power for mobility, can disguise itself as normal clothes, and can absorb energy. Another of Superman's replacements was Hank Henshaw, the Cyborg Superman, reflecting Superman's aspect as "The Man of Tomorrow", a cyborg man infused with Kryptonian genetics. He has power rivaling 90s Post-Crisis Superman himself and was considered a powerhouse compared to the others at the time able to put down First Armor Steel and Eradicator's body with one or two strikes. He's able to easily regen from any spare metal around, assimilates nearby technology or can possess it, transmitting himself as electricity or as a disembodied ghost to take control of technology. His control of technology extended even to Apokalips' technology or the JLA Watchtower. While he would eventually grow out of this tier, his initial body was this tier. Very similar is the villain Metallo, a robot with the ability to control and incorporate technology. While his technopathy isn't as strong as Cyborg Superman, Metallo possess in addition the ability to shoot blasts of any form of radiation, including kryptonite radiation, and possesses a body made out of a super tough metal considered indestructible even to Superman. Brainiac's agent Cyber Angel would also be in this tier, a robot capable of fighting Superman with teleportation and the ability to transmute matter into energy.
Speaking of, this tier has numerous Brainiac bodies, all of whom are hypergenius intellects considered among the finest minds in Creation and being 12th level intellects. This tier includes Fine-iac, the psychic Brainiac with pretty much all the psychic powers mentioned before as well as numerous others including pain inducement, separating peoples consciousness into good and evil halves, switching peoples bodies, time/dimensional travel, manifesting psychic energy as physical objects or absorbing them outright, and being able to sense things on a galactic scale. He's also a mental plane entity that possesses various bodies. This is the same Brainiac as Brainiac 2.5 the technopathic Brainiac, who developed numerous advanced gadgets including bfr on the galactic scale, and whose technopathy was so strong that he was able to contend with Brainiac 13 who has casual planetary technopathy, consistent with his own feat of manipulating Earth's technology all at once. Brainiac 2.5 was also able to plan every single one of Superman's moves with predictive analysis through sheer intelligence. This tier includes the New 52 Vril Dox Brainiac a broad overarching villain for the New 52, who in addition to many of the prior abilities had physical, astral, and mental manipulation; amping Lois from lightyears away, creating things like the Hive Queen, fighting the ghost army of the Phantom Zone, and manipulating the psychic energy of the Earth to reality-warp the universe. He also has an army of robots relative to him in strength and technology that can spy into the fifth dimension. The most dangerous Brainiac of this tier, and one of the biggest threats of the tier is Brainiac 12, the disembodied essence of Brainiac 13, the future Brainiac, able to travel in time, create time rifts, assimilate matter, disguise himself, create techno-bugs and is generally hard to fight as Brainiac 13's essence.
This tier has one more threat, possibly the strongest threat on this tier, that being The Eradicator, one of the other four replacements for Superman, his aspect as "The Last Son of Krypton." The Eradicator is a Kryptonian weapon/supercomputer designed to preserve Krypton's purity and genetics. In the Reign of the Supermen The Eradicator was a thematic contrast to Cyborg Superman. While Cyborg Superman was a man who looked like a machine who acted like he had Superman's values at the start, but slowly revealed his internal evil, the Eradicator was a machine that looked like a man who initially had no value for human life, but grew to understand Superman's code and rose into heroism. The Eradicator has matter-energy manipulation that is so advanced it's basically magic. Of course he can do simple tricks like phasing, making Phantom Zone projectors, changing kryptonite into solar power to amp Superman, give Jimmy Olsen superpowers, teleport people galactic distances and creating an energy field Superman couldn't break but these are all honestly bit feats for him. The Eradicator can manipulate all forms of energy, even Superman's bio-energy, and even when an energy vampire tried to drain him, he controlled his energy inside of it. He was able to, without his memories, make a clone of Superman out of stone, cloned Wonder Woman and Daxamites, even removing the latter's weakness to lead, terraform Earth into an identical copy of Krypton, changing the people into the exact people that were on Krypton based on Jor-El's memories. He could change the Sun into a copy of Krypton's red sun Rao, altered the genetic code of all Kryptonians to make it so they would die if they left Krypton, and altered Krypton so any alien entity would instantly die if they entered its atmosphere. Its advanced enough that Brainiac 13, the reality-warping Brainic of the future fled the Eradicator and later tried to use it as a weapon. His mind hax is strong enough to read Superman's thoughts, control him for weeks, overpower Maxima, and mindwipe people of his existence. While the Eradicator's original body wasn't that strong for the tier, it doesn't really matter as when his body dies, his essence will fuse with whatever is nearby including human minds or the energies of the Sun. Even when his energies were destroyed, he was recreated at the Fortress of Solitude due to a failsafe he had prepared, a form of Mid-Godly regen. He can also fight on higher planes of being being able to fight Superman in Torquasm Vo which is insane considering how good Superman is at T-Vo. He also battled his own xenophobic programming given to him by his creator Kem-L, which had changed into a mental being resembling Kem-L telling Eradicator to destroy all alien filth. This Kem-L tried to drain away all of Eradicator's spirit, his life energies, his essence, yet Eradicator purposefully fed him only the hate and xenophobia of the original Kem-L, flooding him with metaphysical darkness before dying him with one blast, proclaiming he no longer needs them. Oh and if that isn't enough, after his upgrade Eradicator can now gain data from the entire multiverse, giving him a cosmic awareness on a multiversal scale and would let him see every version of a fight.
So how to fight this tier? The biggest threats are probably Oracle, Brainiac 12, and the Eradicator and to be more specific about abilities awareness of all spacetime, spacetime manipulation, mind hax, technopathy, spiritual plane entities, mid-godly regen, planetary mind-energy hax, as well as just a little bit of everything.
While awareness of all spacetime is strong, it's not necessarily absolute awareness. If a character comes from a dimension outside a spacetime continuum, like a metaphysical dimension ala the Godsphere realms neither Oracle or the Eradicator would be able to normally sense it, and only New 52 Vril Dox could with special technology, plus it would be hard for anyone here to access, with only the Eradicator and the Fourth World entities being able to reach there. This would also protect against the time-traveling tactics of people like H'el and Oracle. If the character can affect the physical world from there, that's even better as it would be hard to figure out where the attack is coming from and counter-attack.
Similar to prior tiers, a character using mystical type abilities would be an outside context problem for most of the tier, and would bypass almost all the resistances the tier has. Similarly intangibility is considered a strong enough ability that it's basically Ghost Soldier's only power, and two of the biggest threats like Brainiac 12 and The Eradicator are so hard to kill since they are basically disembodied essences. As such a more ethereal type enemy would be particularly strong.
Eradicator due to being essentially technology has struggled against technopaths like Cyborg Superman before and also while he can regenerate from just his energies, or even his energies dispersed, he can't fight as disembodied energies meaning that affecting his brain with things like mind control or memory wiping should still work, especially since he has lost his memories before. Less is known about Brainiac 12 but while he is Brainiac's 13 essence, he can be trapped as the way Superman stopped him was trapping him in a skip in time. Either could hypothetically be stopped by energy absorption as well just absorbing their disembodied energy, though Eradicator's energies could possibly absorb the counter as well.
All this seems to add up to a very particular type of strategy to me; that being that of the demonic trickster. A metaphysical demon from a metaphysical Hell dimension, or at least some kind of metaphysical evil from a nightmare realm would be very difficult for the tier to both find and to reach, with no individual character being able to do both and with a lot of characters like that having the types of abilities that would be strong against this tier such as magical mind manipulation or transmuting, absorption, spiritual attacks such as corruption or making a duplicate of one's evil self. That brings me to my first counter
Lord Darkar from Winx Club.
Lord Darkar probably scales to the Winx using convergence to stop the shaking of every planet in the universe, a feat calced as taking as a low-end 442 supernova worth of energy, and probably scales to various characters flying from Earth to another dimension at likely quadrillions of times the speed of light, meaning he is likely around this tier in speed, and stronger than everyone save Oracle. It should be noted that Darkar's feats and hype are somewhat contradictory, and this is more of a midballed interpretation, and he could be anywhere from multi-city block level to universe level depending on how you interpret the statements made about him.
Lord Darkar naturally resides within the magic dimension outside the conventional spacetime continuum. He is an ancient deity of the pure darkness of the void before the Great Dragon, and being made of darkness things like matter-energy manipulation from someone like the Eradicator wouldn't work on him. Darkar would be essentially Wrath from the prior tier but on a higher level. His basic powerset is manipulation of darkness, including making basic dark energy beams and shields, creating armies of monsters made of darkness, and corrupting/controlling people with the darkness inside them.
Due to his nature as a supernatural darkness from a magical dimension outside the spacetime continuum, the only tactics the tier would have against him would be mind/soul hax, BFR-ing him, creating enough light to destroy him, or Eradicator absorbing him. Mind/Soul hax-ing him is possibly but unlikely because while there are strong psychics in this tier in terms of potency, they lack the area of effect to hax a large number of people and Darkar in-character would first overwhelm them with large armies of shadow monsters and evil versions of the fighters in the tier before getting involved himself so they wouldn't know who to target. BFR-ing is unlikely as most of the characters in the series including his subordinates can create inter-dimensional portals and so it would take BFR to somewhere like the Phantom Zone to trap Darkar. He's far too durable for the tier to be able to create enough light to hurt him. Absorption from Eradicator is unlikely to work as in order to try it, Eradicator would have to get in close range to Darkar who could then use his own absorption, and so it would be a question of whose absorption is stronger. Eradicator was able to fuse with the energies of the Sun, but Darkar is treated as the dark equivalent to Winx Club's original God Tier, the Great Dragon because the Great Dragon can create all things, the universe itself, while Darkar can absorb all things, even the Great Dragon's flame. And it's not like Eradicator can overwhelm Darkar with the dark parts of his psyche, given that Darkar is darkness embodied. Meanwhile Darkar can one-shot anyone in this tier via his corruption save maybe Eradicator who can delete negative aspects of his own programming, but he could just destroy Eradicator's body with one dark energy blast and then absorb his energy.
With that said, there's enough psychics on this tier, that maybe one will luckily hit him with mind hax, particularly Maxima or Fine-iac via their telepathic scanning or he could be hit by a phantom zone projector. I think this is unlikely given his usual MO of using henchmen rather than risking himself. He also might not belong in this tier though. For a better counter you could use
HIM from the Powerpuff Girls
HIM maintained a chalk dimension including its own sun, and based on the PPG's performances against the Justice Friends, shouldn't be cosmically weaker than Monkey, who once moved the solar system at ftl speeds. He also scales to the Powerpuff Girls in speed, who can become omnipresent in a city through speed, calced at over 230 trillion times the speed of light, as well as to spaceships which can traverse the universe in presumably not a cosmic length of time. Overall his stats would be fairly normal for this tier.
HIM naturally exists in his own dimension that seems to be outside the spacetime continuum and possibly is within nightmares. Either way he definitely can enter nightmares and attack peoples minds from there. While the PPG have the ability to fight on the mental plane, that ability is fairly rare on this tier limited to basically Kryptonians with Torquasm Vo, The Eradicator, Fine-Iac, and possibly Superdoom and Savior. The latter two are truly not a problem as Savior relies on using psychic energy from people and Superdoom relies on the belief of others for their power while HIM has shown the ability to turn the people of Townsville's love for the Powerpuff Girls to hate, literally inverting their power source.
In the same episode HIM showed the ability to control the City of Townsville directly. While Fine-iac has a brokenly versatile amount of mindhax, he's only shown the ability to affect a small crowd at once, meaning HIM could actually just mind control Fine-Iac himself, the same way Maxima did after Fine-Iac lost the Warworld Enhancement to his psychic power. That would be a hilarious fight due to both characters super theatrical personalities but HIM is more devious and also has transmutation abilities, even able to turn chalk into giant monsters on the PPG's level and Fine-Iac had the major weakness that his psychic powers were confined to his body and alterations to his body would limit his ability to use them so if HIM just transformed him with magic into, say, a mouse, that would keep him from using any of his powers. Against both Eradicator and Brainiac 12, HIM can counter their essence regeneration by creating shadow clones made of their Sins as he did to Blossom and Buttercup in the comics, something should work even on spirits. Even if Eradicator is able to defeat his dark half, the way he beat Kem-L, HIM also has seemingly demonstrated memory erasure which should work fine on him.
Against the Kryptonians HIM's other abilities should come to play. HIM has demonstrated the ability to act as a red smoke, even on the mental plane, which most Kryptonians wouldn't be able to fight while he can use magical attacks to negate their Kryptonian invulnerability. If they tried to use a Phantom Zone Projector on him, he could bring it to life or possess it outright, or at the very least just teleport away when they would try to use it on him. Add onto this a general reality-warping on a scale no one in the tier has shown resistance too, and HIM could hypothetically one-shot anyone in the tier on the physical or mental again for Brainiac 12 or The Eradicator but he can fight them in other ways.
The only way he can really lose is if he gets arrogant and tries to fight the tier physically as his defenses are not as potent as his offenses. In a physical fight someone like Oracle would just one-shot HIM with overwhelming power. For the best counter to the tier, I would suggest
Queen Nehelenia from the 90s Sailor Moon Anime.
Nehelenia withstood a direct hit from the Golden Crystal, a magical crystal said to be able to destroy the stars. She's also easily comparable, likely superior, to the Super Sailor Senshi, with Super Sailor Moon having flown to the center of Pharaoh 90, a universe encompassing the Sailor Moon universe in seconds, putting her in the same stat range as the tier, maybe a little bit on the faster weaker side.
Nehelenia is basically the last two counters mixed with the Mirror Master. Nehelenia is sealed inside of a mirror dimension, that she can't leave even if she wants too. In this dimension time and light are stopped. Light being unable to move is pretty notable as it means any Kryptonian there wouldn't be able to get the sunlight that empowers them, but more notably time is frozen. That means anyone who enters there would be frozen unless they can resist time stop, which is just the Fourth World Entities. Even Brainiac 12 could not enter Nehelenia's dimension, as being thrown into a skip in time, a place with no time, is how Superman stopped Brainiac 12. This means for the most part Nehelenia would be free to attack with little-room for counter-attack.
Nehelenia, after being given the mirror of hatred by Galaxia, was able to rain down mirror shards on the Sailor Moon Earth, these shards if they hit a person's eye, rendering them obsessive over her mirrors and eventually comatose, or otherwise grow into mirror parodies, mirror replicates of Nehelenia seemingly able to use all her abilities. This can do things like disperse or reflect ranged attacks, a particularly strong ability for the tier given how many powerful energy attacks there are. She can also command the spiders to create a web that can block out the Sun over cities, which is relevant given the number of solar-powered characters in this tier. These webs can bind even Super Sailor Senshi and can shock with electricity or drain energy from people. Nehelenia would be a nightmare for Kryptonians particularly if they were around actual Kryptonian technology like the Fortress of Solitude or the City of Kandor. Kryptonian objects are noted for their crystaline appearence which gives many reflections of the Sun. However Nehelenia can appear in any number of reflective surfaces to attack from, draw people into her nightmare dimension or put into eternal sleep. Similarly all the technology this tier has would provide innumerable more reflective surfaces to attack from.
Even the metaphysical nature of the Eradicator and Brainiac 12 wouldn't help, as Nehelenia is leader of the Dead Moon Circus with their powers and can summon her court at will, the Dead Moon Circus being able to drain the life from the plane of Elysian, the plane of dreams. Spiritual energy draining is probably the single most dangerous power for the tier, and not only can Nehelenia do it, every single one of her minions can, along with knocking out peoples dream mirrors, rendering them memoryless. Similarly H'el, Brainiac 12, and Oracle's temporal attacks are unlikely to work. While Nehelenia was defeated by Sailor Moon using the Silver Crystal's power to change time in the past to make it so Nehelenia was never evil, this was the mystical crystal affecting something in another dimension as Nehelenia is native to the dream realm, something none of those three would know about or have any way to get too. For comparison, Sailor Pluto can also travel through time freely yet was unable to simply stop Nehelenia that way.
Nehelenia usually attacks via creating an eclipse, attacking with illusory flowers that brainwash or illusory fire that burns or similar illusory forms of attack. An eclipse would depower the Kryptonians, particularly in conjunction with the Dead Moon Circus' energy-draining attacks, and the illusions are something only the psychics and Torquasm Vo users would be able to really fight given they cause real physical effects. Meanwhile the only ones in the tier that could really even try to counter-attack are the Fourth World Entities who can go to the Fourth World, a place outside space and time. However Nehelenia has a far more broken and dangerous powerset than any of the Fourth World characters on this tier, and should be able to overwhelm them with dangerous hax like attack reflection, energy-draining, overwhelming them with mirror parody duplicates, and even magical transmutation which she did to turn the Amazon Trio into humanoid states. That even assumes that they can get to her as they use Boom Tube portals to travel, however Nehelenia can remotely close portals as she did to Chibiusa's time portal to travel back to the future. It's possibly Nehelenia could prevent them from even reaching her realm. They'd have to coordinate to try to overclock her attention by creating numerous portals at once, only to enter a realm she has far better abilities and a realm she seems to be able to control.
The only one who has really any chance at doing this would be Amazing Grace, the Apokoliptian Manipulator of Darkseid, who could enter Nehelenia's dimension and maybe manipulate Nehelenia's vanity, like the sad lonely little girl she really is, Amazing Grace being a character whose main purpose in Darkseid's design being incredibly psychological manipulation. However, hilariously, even this would not work permanently as Nehelenia has one last trick. The Dead Moon Circus have a form of conditional immortality and regen, that so long as humans have dreams to waste, the Dead Moon Circus can not fall to ruin. The realm of nightmares exists parasitically on the realm of dreams. Even if Amazing Grace beats Nehelenia once, Nehelenia will eventually return and, being known for her insane grudges, would kill Amazing Grace first. And without foreknowledge, Amazing Grace would definitely not be able to stop this, as her purpose given by Darkseid is to inspire revolt so he can crush it, the cycle of dreams and nightmares meaning Amazing Grace's own mission would ensure Nehelenia's revival.

Galactic Tier:
Superman in Post-Crisis would learn that he placed Mental Barriers on himself to avoid accidentally destroying things and would learn to release his restraints with Mongul. Early in Post-Crisis, the comparison made for Superman regularly both in and out of universe was that he was weaker than the Pre-Crisis Kryptonians, outclassed by the "Pocket Universe Kryptonians" unaffected by the Crisis, and out of universe being said to be much weaker by author interviewers. However in the leadup to the Event Infinite Crisis, numerous parts of Pre-Crisis history were being referenced, leading up to the event where a major thematic part is the conflict between the Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis morality system and worldview, with Superman having to fight two Pre-Crisis Kryptonians; Kal-L, Superman from Earth-2 and Superboy Prime. Superboy Prime was treated as a major next level threat in the crisis itself, ripping through the Green Lantern Corps killing them en mass, easily overwhelming the Justice League, matching the speed of the speedsters, only to be fought and eventually beaten by Kal-El and Kal-L including a brief fight before they are weakened. This event would bring back into Post-Crisis canonicity Superman's adventures as Superboy with the Legion of Super-Heroes, and start the reintroduction of elements from the Silver Age into canonicity.
This tier includes two subtiers; the Silver Age characters and the top tiers post Our Worlds at War in 2001, and the higher tier of the early Bronze Age, and the late Post-Crisis period post Infinite Crisis in 2005-2006. The characters in this tier scale to galaxy to multi-galaxy level with the first subtier being galaxy level and the latter being galaxy level+ up to multi-galaxy level. During Our Worlds at War Post-Crisis Superman was able to absorb enough anti-sunlight to vaporize half a galaxy, and in Pre-Crisis Superboy was stated to be able to destroy half a galaxy without breaking a sweat. Sun-Eaters, not that large a threat in the Pre-Crisis period but a large one in the Post-Crisis period, are stated to be able to swallow galaxies whole. Superboy Prime tanked a galaxy busting bomb and tore through the Green Lantern Corps who could stop a galaxy-busting explosion with singular green lanterns pushing them to the limit withstanding black holes that are imminent threats to their space sector. Kal Kent, Superman 1,000,000 demonstrated the ability to use his Force Vision to hold back a galaxy temporarily, Superman later demonstrating through use of his Torquasm Vo the ability to use the powers of various forms of Superman including Kal Kent. Superman also beat Earth 616 Thor in the canonical 2003 crossover JLA/Avengers. With the coming of the Bronze Age and the introduction of the titanic New Gods, Superman's power grew in the Bronze Age, with early Bronze Age Pre-Crisis Superman being only slightly hurt by Magnar hitting with the magnetic repulsion flow of a hundred galaxies and enduring the weight and gravity of heavymass galaxies. Broadly speaking I think Earth-1 Kryptonians without Mental Blocks are Galaxy Level, Military Tier Kryptonians are several times stronger then that with Post-Crisis Superman requiring several other Kryptonians to hold him down, similar to the difference between normal humans and military personnel, and characters that scale to Bronze Age Superman are multi-galaxy level based on the feats against the new gods.
This tier has a notable speed increase from characters who can travel the universe in an extended time frame vs very quickly or instantly, calced at speeds of quintillions or sextillions of times the speed of light. Initially in Post-Crisis this tier of speed was reserved for speedforce users, but as Post-Crisis progressed, the fastest non-speedforce users began to catch up to this level of speed, the level of speed had in the Pre-Crisis era. Wonder Woman famously blocked the pieces of the shattered god, trillions of particles quickly traversing the universe, calced at being between 52-315 quintillion times the speed of light. A feat for Wally West that should apply to some of the fastest Post-Crisis characters as this was Pre-Infinite Crisis where Superboy Prime would match the speedforce users was Wally outpacing the Big Bang, lowballed at 3.7 sextillion times the speed of light. In Final Crisis near the end of Post-Crisis, Superman, Shazam, and Overman stopped reality-blitzing missiles at a speed calced at being just over 3 sextillion times the speed of light. This actually makes a degree of sense as Shazam and Wonder Woman both use the Speed of Mercury, a God who has outpaced an early Wally West, with Shazam performing similarly vs an Early Wally West, both of whom have the same power source as Jay Garrick who also has the Speed of Mercury and is a relevant speedster to Wally, if significantly slower than Later Post-Crisis Wally. Near the end of Pre-Crisis, Superman traveled billions of lightyears in a nanosecond, 63 septillion times the speed of light, so they may be as high as that if you think Kal-L was close to him in speed, and if he is a notable fraction then that speaks for itself. There are numerous other Pre-Crisis feats of characters traveling or moving objects between dimensions instantly requiring speeds easily quintillions of times the speed of light supporting this. Characters in this speed tier of DC can break the time barrier, allowing them to travel through time via their own speed. Broadly, Pre-Crisis Kryptonian tier characters are quintillions of times the speed of light, and speedforce tier characters are sextillions of times the speed of light.
This tier includes the Kryptonians from Earth-1 under a Yellow Sun, so long as they don't have mental barriers around their powers. Any Earth-1 Kryptonian can reach this tier as when Doomsday returned with his latest evolution late in Post-Crisis during the New Krypton arc , he was dogpilled by about a dozen untrained kryptonians who curbstomped him, a scene meant to showcase to the viewer just how impactful having so many Kryptonians was. 27 Kryptonians were able to defeat the Heroes of DC Earth, with 4 Kryptonians being able to hold down Post-Crisis Superman, consistently said in late Post-Crisis to be the strongest hero of Earth. Post-Crisis Supergirl, a Kryptonian without mental barriers was hyped up during the mid Post-Crisis period as having all of Superman's strength and later to be the strongest girl on Earth with the exception of Wonder Woman. Likewise in Pre-Crisis until near the end, all Kryptonians were treated as having equal superhuman stats with even scientist types like Jax-Ur being stated to have the same "earthly powers" as Superman. Just as being able to beat a Kryptonian is a great accomplishment in the DC multiverse in general, being able to beat an Earth-1 Kryptonian is a great accomplishment for Earth-1.
Kryptonians in the lower sub-tier of power includes the thousands of Kryptonians from Kandor and potentially all of Earth-1 Krypton under a Yellow Sun as well as a few others, starting at the bottom with the Kryptonian Juvenile Deliquent Dev-Em, clashing with the Goodie Good Boy Superboy Kal-El in Pre-Crisis. Preus was one of the law enforcers in the city of Kandor. In the Pre-Crisis period, numerous Kryptonians were saved from Krypton's destruction by being trapped in the Phantom Zone, mostly criminals, especially scientists. Xa-Du is a scientist who whose illegal experiments on people in suspended animation accidentally killed people. He has an ecto-suit that lets him "project his willpower into reality" allowing him to do things like teleport, plant subliminal suggestions in three different people, and enhancing himself, and an artificial virus allow him to rewrite peoples' memories and minds. He was also basically the only one of the Kryptonians to realize "Hey, I'm not a fighter, I should avoid Superman." Nam-Ek is a Kryptonian scientist that turned him into a monstrous entity seeking immortality. Despite his horrid visage, he can regenerate from "almost any injury", even from Kryptonite, is immune to toxins, and can heal anyone around him. Jax-Ur was the first Kryptonian criminal to be consigned to the Phantom Zone for his accidental destruction of one of Krypton's moons and its people with one of his missiles. He aided Superman in his fight with Pre-Crisis Black Zero, enemy of all Krypton, and is considered perhaps smartest of the Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone. He has super hypnosis that even works on other Kryptonians and can command people to build time machines, phantom zone projectors, and other sci-fi gadgetry. Quex-Ul was a bountry hunter who hunted the endangered Rondors, however was secretly under mind control. After being freed, he became an ally of Superman's. Va-Kox is a notorious Kryptonian Criminal who can mentally control people all the way from the Phantom Zone, and has various powerful technology including a laser gun, aranchoids, robots that destabilize spacetime, erasing several galaxies and creating a bridge between the Phantom Zone and material reality, and disguises so good that it can fool Superman into thinking he was Clark Kent. Kru-El, cousin to Jor-El, was a Kryptonian weapons dealer with some advanced weapons of his own including a mind-over-matter device which manifests anything he wants, a temporal forcefield, a mind-transfer device that would swap peoples minds through time, a disintegrator gun, an orbital cannon phantom zone projector and more. Speaking of, this tier would include Superman's parents, Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van. Jor-El is Krypton's most brilliant mind, a mind Brainiac considers a kindred mind, perhaps suggesting he was smarter than even Lex Luthor, a level of intellect that could give himself 5D powers via science. Jor-El discovered the Phantom Zone, a metaphysical dimension outside spacetime, created the Phantom Zone projector, and is responsible for Krypton's most wonderous technologies. Lyla was a Kandorian telepath who stole Superman's powers after pulling him into Kandor. This tier also includes Power Girl, strongest of the Earth-2 Kryptonians, explicitly the equal of Post-Crisis Supergirl who is her alternate universe counterpart.
The strongest Kryptonian on this sub-tier is Superman 1 Million, Kal Kent. Not only does Kal Kent have Kryptonian powers, he has a boom tube generator to create inter-dimensional portals even to metaphysical dimensions, 5D senses and the ability to enter the fifth dimensional, a metafictional space, and psychic powers allowing for mental manipulation of a crowd, force vision able to hold back a galaxy, telekinesis able to dissemble weapons from a distance, creating telekinetic bubbles, memory erasure, and freezing people in place. He can also punch through the time barrier if need be and is stated to be immune to magic.
Krypton also has a military, characters that are considered physical powerhouses even in comparison to other Kryptonians like the difference between normal humans and trained soldiers. This includes the deadly Faora Hu-Ul, a Kryptonian war criminal in the serve of Dru-Zod. Faora is an extraordinarily skilled fighter, much more than even Superman, and is trained in the Kryptonian Martial Art of Horu-Kanu which uses pressure points to cripple or kill enemies. On the side of good, the heroes of Kandor Flamebird and Nightwing, Thara Ak-Var and Lor-Zod. Flamebird was provided power by the mythical Flamebird, giving her fire manipulation, immunity to Red Sun radiation, a resistance to mind hax, and enough power to fight a god-amped Jax-Ur. She also is skilled enough to fight Ursa, a Kryptonian soldier serving Zod and carries a Phantom Zone projector and a grappling hook. Her partner Lor-Zod was the child of Zod and Ursa in the Phantom Zone, but defected to the side of good becoming the hero Nightwing. Due to the strange conditions of his birth in the Phantom Zone, he can maintain his physical form in the Phantom Zone. He has darkness manipulation which he can turn into darkness constructs and allows him to sense all things happening in darkness, and he has psychic powers including teleportation strong enough to teleport an artificial Sun into the Phantom Zone and telekinesis strong enough to work on Kryptonians. This tier includes Kingdom Come Superman, an alternate version of Post-Crisis Superman who should have most of his powers and also has a vastly higher resistance to Kryptonite and Magic, and senses strong enough to see through the time barrier, seeing the past and future. It also includes the original Superman, the Superman of Earth-2, Kal-L, the Golden Age Superman who was able to equal the early Bronze Age Superman. Kal-L has most of the same powers as Post-Crisis Superman along with a few random abilities like ventriloquism and shapeshifting. He's a master of pressure point combat, has resistance to mind hax, and can hypnotize people including himself. Ultraman, the Evil Superman of Earth-3 would also be here due to his repeated fights with the Supermen of Earth-1 and Earth-2.
There are numerous other entities in this tier that have Kryptonian abilities. Krypto the Super-Dog, Streaky the Super-Cat, Beppo the Super-Monkey, and Comet the Super-Horse are Kryptonian animals with relations to Kryptonians the way those animals would with humans, Krypto having some of the best senses in the entire DC Universe with a powerful sonic attack the super-bark, Comet being a particularly quick speedster. This tier includes daxamites like Mon-El who are similar to Kryptonians but different weaknesses. Pre-Crisis Superboy had numerous duplicates including Rebello, a robot duplicate of him, The Negative Superboy, a reverse of Superboy created by a cosmic energy storm and an energy dragon within, and the first Bizarro, a clone of Superboy. The criminal scientist Professor Sardon gave the runt Pee Wee Ragan Superboy's powers to encourage him to get revenge. In Post-Crisis, a monster known as Kancer was generated from cancerous growths removed from Superman. Kancer was a creature with Kryptonian DNA and so had Kryptonian powers, but also radiated kryptonite that didn't affect it, and had a necrotic touch dissolving everything it touched.
The fourth of the four replacement Supermen after Superman's death was Superboy, Conner Kent, Kon-El, representing Superman's aspect as the Metropolis Kid, who after his death and rebirth was strong enough to fight Superboy Prime himself. Superboy is a clone created with the DNA of Superman and Lex Luthor who has Kryptonian powers and, for some reason, psychic abilities. His psychic abilities are unaffected by Kryptonite or Red Sun radiation. It's a vast and versatile arsenal including telekinesis strong enough to fight people on his level and telepathy strong enough to read Supergirl's mind before mind wiping her. He can directly interact with energy, and manipulate psychic energy which he used to negate H'el's powers. He can communicate directly with the planet, can feel danger and the emotions of all things around him, and can learn languages through touch. He can also create visible or invisible forcefields that can reflect attacks and a bright battle aura around himself. The level of power he would eventually reach was foreshadowed by one of his earlier villains, Post-Crisis Black Zero, an evil future Conner Kent from an alternate reality, who has all of Conner's powers amplified by age and experience, who was able to fight Pre-Crisis Kryptonians and Krypto, but using Hypertherium can travel through Hypertime, metafictional time, and bfr opponents into it. Using this he also got access to an army of Doomsdays.
The other replacement Supermen would also get to this level at different points. Cyborg Superman was upgraded and by merging with a piece of the Source Wall would itself or when he fused with the Watchtower would reach this tier. If he can use any part of the Source Wall's sealing then he would have absolutely broken sealing, which would work on almost anyone in this entire blog since it could seal even Perpetua. The Eradicator would go on to fuse with the Fortress of Solitude, becoming strong enough to overpower Superman post his training with Mongul and could fly to Earth instantly from the ends of space-time. Steel used two new armors superior to his last ones that kept up with the power creep in the Post-Crisis Superman series. The first was the "Shining Armor", that drew blood from Atlas, and has most of the capabilities of previous armors. The Shining Armor had greater sensory abilities, spikes, sonic cannons, and adaptable nanotech that adapted to fighting a Kryptonian by producing Kryptonite radiation. To aid in the fight against Imperiex, Darkseid gave an Apokoliptian super-weapon armor to Steel, the Entropy Aegis, probably the strongest thing on this tier in raw power able to bat away the tendrils of Brainiac 13. It easily overpowered Metallo despite his normally indestructible metal, and can use boom tube technology, even channeling the energy of Apokolips to create a boom tube to the Big Bang. The Entropy Aegis will automatically go to Steel and protect him.
Pre-Crisis Superboy and Silver Age Superman had a lot of one-shot villains who were usually treated as being human level or "super" level like them, and as such there's a lot of random Pre-Crisis villains on this tier. This includes the planet of Xenon, whose people have super powers like Pre-Crisis Superboy, and are a cruel tyranny. Solar Boy is a particularly cruel villain, who sadistically tormented Krypto and powers on Superboy's level. Turlock the Barbarian is a stereotypical Swords and Swords Barbarian who fought Superboy with a magic sword and a pair of two-headed dogs. Glowman is a fire-themed villain, and Pulsar is an energy and magnetism manipulator. Mister Cipher was a supergenius who created numerous robots, each with the strength of Superboy. The Gem was a crystal life-form that consumed all matter it came into contact with and The Seeker, a possible inspiration for both The Eradicator and the World Engine in the DCEU, is a sentient Kryptonian spacecraft with the mission to terraform Earth into a new Krypton that conflicted with Superboy. Mighto is an Ulgarian, a Kryptonian level species with a weakness to music who created a machine that could send the Earth into the prehistoric past, and wiped Ma and Pa Kent's memories of him. Kosmon the Hunter is an alien bounty hunter who uses a Lightning Lance, shapeshifting protoplasm, and a combination of manipulation and learning his preys weaknesses such as kryptonite. Ron-Avon is a youth from the planet Belphagor forced to fight Superboy or have his parents killed, but later befriended Superboy after they managed to rescue his parents. His tech can let him fly at speeds similar to Superboy, create force blasts, heat blasts with the heat of three suns, darkness and lightning. His tech can also grant people elasticity and he has an invisible spacecraft that can travel to Belphagor instantly despite the fact that it would take Superboy weeks to travel to Belpaghor. Nylor Truggs, 30th century criminal stole the H-Dial to give them abilities of a wide variety of superpowers at different times. There's also the psychics Dyna-Mind who has telekinesis and can both create and animate large statues, and Mind's Eye who mind haxed Smallville High, amping himself up on their psychic energy to fight Superboy.
As he grew to adulthood, he would encounter more rogues. Xasnu is an alien plant monster whose fruit grant superpowers on the level of Silver Age Superman's, but the spores contained give Xasnu the ability to possess the individual which usually tries to infiltrate a planet stealthily. Pan is a music-themed supervillain with the ability to brainwash crowds with his hypnotizing music. Annihilator and his successor Annihilator Jr. are living bombs are superhumans with a dangerous explosive chemical compound in their bodies, such that if they are attacked, the explode with a planetary blast radius and enough force to kill even Superman. Pre-Crisis Black Zero is a particularly wicked villain who engineered the destruction of Krypton forcing Superman and Jax-Ur to work together to stop him, with fire manipulation, intangibility, resistance to hypnosis, and with the ability to create matter with just his mind such as red-solar energy bullets. Zha-Vam is a Captain Marvel reference, a being made by the Gods to be a rival to Superman with lightning manipulation that Superman outclassed. On one adventure Superman ran across the ghost of a space criminal Aabur-Z and the ghost of the lawman Enforcer NS-II, still pursuing him even after going to the grave. These two would possess clothing and physically fight, with Aabur-Z being relative to Superman. The Kryptonite Man is also here, a man emanating deadly green radiation and superman tier stats regardless, able to fight Krypto powering through the kryptonite. Chemo is a walking man of chemicals, who just standing in an ocean chemically irradiates it so no life can exist within it, whose presence no normal human can withstand and Superman can only temporarily do so. He can shoot out or replicate any chemicals and can extend over an entire world, or shift his logia chemicals body to perfectly replicate people, even Superman. Chemo is one of the few characters unaffected by the Crisis as part of him actually withstood the crisis event, and actually regenerated from it, the same regeneration feat Swamp Thing is much vaunted for.
Pre-Crisis Vril Dox is also here. Pre-Metamorphosis he already had accumulated many abilities. This includes a forcefield with universal durability, size manipulation on the scale of planets which could erase things from existence, space-time radio, time travel, temporal bfr, a coma-ring that can paralyze even Superman, a "doom-o-mat" that can summon "space-bats" which shoot matter-dissolving rays, creating phantom images of a target that will disintegrate each other upon contact, invisibility/intangibility, voodoo, and personality aspect stealing, among many other abilities. He also created at least 12 other versions of himself including the female one Genia that possessed several additional abilities including martials arts and illusions. Nanite-iac who fought Superman post training with Mongul would be here, being a being made of nanites who can enter cyberspace, and regenerate from nanite components.
Post-Crisis, Superman has a few other villains in the first subtier, villains who fought his true strength Post-training with Mongul, but before Infinite Crisis and the one year timeskip. Mongal is Mongul's daughter who is basically a brick with a chest laser that fought Superman. Emperor Joker created the villain Ignition, a nuclear themed villain with superhuman stats and flight specifically to fight Superman and prove an equal to him. Sodom and Gomorrah are supervillain couple who, when together, can shoot fire blasts that turns people hit by it into salt, also with superstats and flight.
Higher subtier villains would battle Superman in the late Bronze Age and late Post-Crisis, as Superman's strength grew strong enough to battle even Kryptonian military leaders. Atlas was a gladiator given a magic crystal to amplify his strength and durability to the level of Post-Crisis and Kingdom Come Superman's. The Aunctioneer is a giant alien robot that wanted to sell the superheroes of Earth, including Superman as toys, and somehow doesn't come from Pre-Crisis, tanking the Post-Crisis heroes of Earth's attacks. Subjekt-17 was an alien who crash landed in the Soviet Union as a baby, developed by torture into a superweapon with the same stats and Superman, and mild telepathy and telekinesis, going on a rampage after the fall of the Soviet Union and it was released, serving as a mirror image to Superman on what he might have been raised to be if he had landed in a harsh and bleak world. The "main" Bizarro would be here, after the Bizarro universe was created in Post-Crisis by Emperor Joker, Bizarro being a reverse Superman strong enough to fight the Kryptonian soldier Non. He has "reverse" versions of Superman's powers such as fire-breathing and cold vision, enhanced stealth abilities he used to sneak up on Batzarro, and unconventional resistance to probability manipulation. Since Bizarro thinks with backwards logic, trying to give him "bad" luck, will give him good luck by a normal standards, something Mxyxtplk used to defeat the probability manipulator A.
The upper subtier has numerous energy/matter manipulator. Galactic Golem is an energy-draining enemy, that can drain energy from every star in the universe at once, made of the primordial matter-energy of the early universe. Blackrock is a human with energy-manipulating power armor which can be used to shorten out technology, create illusions or a forcefield, fire lasers and more. Microwave Man is a two-parter one-shot Bronze Age villain with the ability to manipulate energy and the molecules making up matter. Jarod Naylor is given faith based powers from his religious congregation on his mission to protect missionaries in Africa, becoming the metahuman Redemption, with flight, superhuman stats, energy absorption, and gravity manipulation. Momentus is a Bronze Age villain who also has gravity manipulation along with a logia liquid like body. The Quarmer is another logia-like being made of sand that can drain energy and replicate them, replicating Superman's powerset and appearance. Its true form is non-corporeal as it came from an intangible dimension.
Other metahumans including the technopathic metal creature the Kryptonoid. Khyber is an immortal assassin using stealth techniques and a power suit that brings him up to Superman's level and Alexander Luthor is is the Lex Luthor of Earth-3 where he is the Hero fighting the villainous Ultraman, his powersuit giving him the stats to do. His super suit also allowed him to fly, shoot energy blasts, and turn intangible. Tolos is an Alien Wizard who was temporarily thought to be the one to have shrunken the city of Kandor when Brainiac's history was retconned early in Post-Crisis before being restored. Tolos is a being made of energy, that can phase, possess people, absorb the energy of beings, and obviously has size manipulation on a city-wide scale. Gog is a metahuman villain given powers by the dormant deity...Gog....who has superhuman stats on the level of Kingdom Come Superman, time travel so good that he can travel though hypertime, metafictional time, and teleportation that can work on groups of people at once. He also has the power staff of Gog capable of killing or threatening multiversal beings way stronger than Gog including the deity Gog, the god Zeus, and Mister Mxyzptlk.
Finally this tier has two more versions of Brainiac. Post-Metamorphosis, Pre-Crisis Vril Dox was even stronger than his Pre-Metamorphosis self and could threaten Bronze Age Superman. He also gained in addition to his old powers; mental plane being, power draining, more advanced matter manipulation and more. The Post-Crisis Vril Dox has literal armies of Pre-Metamorphosis Vril Dox as drones. He also has more abilities including information-stealing, technological fields that nullify metahuman powers and potentially acausality.
So, how to fight this tier?
This verse has an insanely dangerous set of abilities, and part of the problem of fighting them is just that they're really fast even for their tier. No one ability is going to handle everything due to the numbers and versatility of the tier. With that said some commonalities of weaknesses can be seen. One of the broadest as a weakness is surprisingly range. Kryptonians and their enemies tend to fight at melee or at essentially melee from a cosmic perspective. Even their large scale abilities like heat vision and frost breath which have been shown to work on the planetary or stellar scale are....really nothing compared to the scale of galaxies, galactic range making stellar range look like melee in comparison. The only characters who can attack at a galactic range on this tier as Kal Kent's Force Vision and Galactic Golem draining energy from every star in the universe. You might think this wouldn't super matter as there are so many characters with cosmic senses as well as so many characters with advanced forms of movement like time travel, teleportation, metafictional space/time movement, that they could easily get within any range they want and for the most part that's true but it does give a few extra perks to someone who can actually fight at that range. If the character doesn't look out of place and doesn't give indication they are the ones attacking, then it provides a whole new stealth strategy because the tier's characters wouldn't have the counter anywhere near them and wouldn't know where to find them in the universe. Range advantage, even made up almost instantly, so long as the speeds are comparable, would give the character with farther range the first hit meaning anything that works instantly becomes far more dangerous. Finally if a character is just really really big, then the tier any power has to either be significant enough in size to be relevant to them, or it has to ignore size entirely meaning a galaxy-sized character would be very hard for most characters in this tier to fight even if they hypothetically have the attack potency for it.
This tier, like honestly pretty much all the tiers before it isn't that strong against higher plane entities. There are a few astral plane entities (The Phantom Zone Prisoners, Aabur-Z, and NS-II), one mental plane entity (Brainiac), and kind of a spiritual plane entity. (The Eradicator) They have some ways of fighting higher plane entities. There's significant mental hax and mental plane fighting with Torquasm Vo, but above that there's only the Phantom Zone projector, BFRing into metafictional spacetime (Kal Kent's Fifth World Portals, Post-Crisis Black Zero's Hypertime Travel, Gog's Hypertime Travel), Gog's power staff being able to hurt metafictional entities, and possibly Cyborg Superman using sealing if he can use the sealing of the Source Wall. That's a significant amount still, but a spiritual character or a conceptual character would immediately be outside most of the threats of the tier.
Finally there's one thing that comes up a LOT in this tier which is energy manipulation. There's a lot of energy manipulation because Kryptonians rely on stellar energy for their powers. Starfire, a relative mid tier of DC Earth, was able to relatively easily beat a Kryptonian by draining them of their energy, and Starfire's energy-draining isn't even that strong. There's also a lot of technology usage which relies on energy. This also gets around the logia characters and can just absorb Tolos outright.
So to be a good counter to this tier, one should use a character that's a higher plane entity with energy-draining and massive range, maybe massive size. One example of this would be
Aurelion Sol from League of Legends
Aurelion Sol casually creates galaxies for his attacks and created all the stars in the universe putting him on the upper end of the in terms of power. He's able to casually fly around the universe which is fairly low in speed for the tier, though it really doesn't matter. It's also possible he's even faster if you think he creates each star individually involving going there, and can slow down enemies with "Voice of Light" and speed himself up with "Comet of Light."
Aurelion Sol is a Celestial Dragon, Celestials being a race of conceptual entities that filled the celestial sphere of spacetime with wonders, Aurelion Sol doing so with stars. He's expressly the size of a galaxy in his true form, meaning it would be already be difficult for the tier to fight him, outside of the fact that he's a conceptual entity.
Aurelion Sol fights via creation and manipulation of the stars, which would be obviously very dangerous in this tier as, if wanted, he could just replace the nearby stars with Red Stars that Kryptonians can't fight under. He also fights by bringing constellations to life to fight for him, these constellations being individually trouble for the tier due to lack of area of effect. And he would know to do this as Celestials know all things about a person via cosmic awareness from their birth to death.
He also possesses energy and matter manipulation able to create stars and galaxies from material nearby, allowing him to drain any of the technology wielding enemies of their electrical energy or Kryptonians of their solar energy, along with a variety of other useful abilities like paralysis inducement or opening/closing holes in reality.
However Aurelion is also arrogant and was tricked into defeat by the Targonians despite his cosmic awareness. Brainiac might be able to perform a similar feat given his hypergenius intellect able to mentally compete with the multiversal embodiment of Entropy, The Time Trapper, especially given Sol does not have an immediate way of killing a mental plane entity like Brainiac. An even stronger counter would be
Morgoth from Lord of the Rings
Morgoth is the fallen Vala, the Vala being a council of 14 beings created by Eru which collectively had complete control over the physical universe Ea. Morgoth was greatest of their number, able to war against the rest by himself. Most of the tier's stronger fighters downscale from a space sector which is 1/3600th's of the universe, with a green lantern being able to stop a black hole that was an imminent threat to the space sector, while Morgoth upwards scales from 1/14th of the universe, making him more than 250 times stronger than even a generous interpretation of most of the tier's fighters. He for the most part lacks speed feats to remotely compare to the tier but as his true self exists beyond time, even able to enter the Timeless Halls, dwelling place of Eru creator of Ea, speed would be somewhat irrelevant to him.
Morgoth is a spiritual entity without physical form residing in the unseen world, possibly which he created. His true size is unclear, but is possibly relative or superior to stars depending on how one interprets the two trees being stars, which especially in conjunction with his spiritual form would make it difficult for the tier to affect Morgoth.
Morgoth has many powerful abilities for the tier. He has spiritual manipulation able to corrupt things, up to and including the universal songs, being able to curse people with doom, despair, and eternal life, necromancy including the summoning of dark spirits, and affecting the other Ainur who are other spiritual entities. This would be a form of attack that would work on everyone on the tier. While the dark spirits he summon would be fodder in statwise, they would still be a distraction since it would be hard for most of the tier to hurt him.
Morgoth as the lord of shadows has the power to drain the energy from things, including light itself which is relevant as the Kryptonians gain the energy from the light of the Stars, and many characters rely on cosmic energy sources or technology that relies on electrical energy. His spear, the Black Spear, was even able to pierce the two trees, associated with the stars and drain their light. He even has hypothetical access to the Silmarils which contain the trees energy to more directly stellar manipulate the tier, though it burns Morgoth to use them due to their holy nature. He also has a lot of basic useful powers such as energy manipulation and shields. It's possible he many have time stop abilities as well as the Vala Vaire, their queen, makes a record which is the history of Ea, and he has the powers of the others Vala. Superman has shown some time stop resistance but not to universal time stop, and this may not scale to most Kryptonians anyway.
However, all of this could be overcome by teamwork and numbers from the tier. He has one surefire weapon however that would be nigh-impossible for the tier to counter, Morgoth's most famous feat. In the beginning all was the beautiful harmony of Eru, but Morgoth wove the first discordant music into the theme; introducing all chaos and discord into the world, a form of music-based universal reality-warping, bringing discord and darkness. Similarly in DC all the worlds are as well a musical harmony and manipulation of frequency and music allows for incredibly potent abilities. Superman was able to stop the Godhead of Darkseid himself by the musical harmony of the multiverse. It's incredibly clear that Morgoth's ability to effect the Ainulindale, the symphony of the cosmos, would make him even more powerful in DC then he was in Lord of the Rings.
The one weakness Morgoth would have, is he would be vulnerable to a time travel strategy. While the Vala can go back in time to a previous time, they cannot effect the past, moreso seeing what once was. Similarly Morgoth's power wanes with time due to the decomposing nature of evil. While this would take literal ages to happen, it wasn't uncommon for Silver Age DC speedsters to just casually zip into the far past or far future. Plus if Morgoth's not cosmically sized it's possible Gog could one-shot him via the Staff of Gog which crippled a metafictional entity much stronger (Mr. Mxyzptlk.) While I don't think either is likely to happen against Morgoth, for the best counter I would suggest
Satan from Bastard!!
Satan from Bastard!! is cosmically stronger than Fallen Uriel with his Augoeides being the size of the center of the galaxy, and Uriel's being the size of mountains, Fallen Uriel and Dark Schneider having reached the level of power to destroy a galaxy before rising in power by 130 times twice. This is consistent with being called the destroyer of the universe repeatedly, though in an unknown but not that long timeframe with it being stated to being dragging into a dark void, and being able to scratch Alcatraz space which required the energy of the Big Bang to be fully opened, putting him at near the top of this tier in terms of power with only maybe the Entropy Aegis being similar in power. His speed is far lesser but it's somewhat irrelevant as Satan exists at once on the physical, astral, and spiritual planes with the spiritual being outside conventional space-time, with destruction of the spirit being ridding one across time from the cycle of causation, along with a particular ability of Satan's.
Satan can basically do the strategy Morgoth could do, but WAY better. Satan, as a demon is composed of Eternal Atoms, separate bodies, one each on the physical, astral, and spiritual planes that can act independently and which he can regenerate quickly from a single atom of any of the three. These three bodies are protected by countless millions upon millions of shields protecting against various hax called Dispel Bounds, which protect against almost every ability in the tier. Gog's staff, while it would be able to penetrate Dispel Bounds and Eternal Atoms would only create a small hole in Satan's giant form, which would be instantly regenerated. Especially given that as a demon his spiritual atoms are made out of spiritual darkness, direct attacks from the tier are never gonna kill Satan, leaving the only ways of beating him being higher dimensional BFR/Sealing, namely Kal Kent opening a portal to the fifth dimension, Post-Crisis Black Zero BFR-ing into hypertime, Kru-El's orbital cannon phantom zone projector, Va-kox's robots merging a physical universe's space into the Phantom Zone, and Cyborg Superman's potential sealing with the Source Wall. Of those only Va-Kox's has even been shown to work on a scale that could be relevant to Satan's true body, and Satan has other defenses that would take care of any of those five strategies if they tried. Satan is surrounded by a massive aura of dark matter reducing the cosmos of a void. Angels of a far weaker rank than Satan has caused paralyzed, transmuted to salt, or taken complete control of the mind and soul of normal mortals just looking at them. While the characters that might be able to get past Eternal Atoms might resist one of those abilities, they certainly don't resist all of them making even looking at Satan a dangerous proposition. As if to make it even harder, Satan being of the highest rank of demons can cause the area around him to be frozen in time, or even reverse in time, on a level no one on the tier has shown resistance too.
While defensively Satan would be nearly unstoppable, offensively he could one-shot anyone in the tier, if not everyone. Satan's signature strike, "Arch-Enemy" can one-shot even Seraphim despite their Eternal Atoms showing he can casually kill spiritual plane entities. Satan as a demon can amplify their negative feelings in enemies, eventually turning them into monsterous minions of his, which would work on four of the five characters that can get around his Eternal Atoms, the only other one being Kal Kent. But Kal Kent relies on the Super-Sun, just as the normal Kryptonians rely on the Normal Suns. Powers-rank Angels control atoms and electrons, and Virtue-rank Angels control the physical laws of the universe which could be used to manipulate all the electricity and light in a surrounding area, or indeed the very laws of electromagnetic propagation to reverse the usual properties of stars, making all Suns drain Kryptonians of their powers rather than grant them. All Augoeides can also manipulate the energy of the universe, meaning he could likely drain the energy of everyone in the tier, like the Galactic Golem but more aggressively and quickly. The physical law manipulation also causes Augoeides to reflect any physical attacks meaning for most of the tier even trying to attack Satan would hurt them more than it would him. Satan can one-shot basically everyone in the tier, even at once, especially considering that he should have access to basically every spell in Bastard!!
Finally it's likely Satan has some manipulation of the Song, the mystical chorus the Angels used to create the universe, which should give the ability to tap into the multiversal chorus as mentioned above. And if he wanted to, he could do all this while just keeping his physical form disguised as a normal if intimidating looking humanoid figure.

Universal Tier:
By the end of Pre-Crisis Superman had reached a new tier of power, which due to Rebirth recanonizing everything in DC and Rebirth's more loose power scaling has allowed numerous characters to reach this new tier of character. Characters in this tier have universal to macrocosmic power. Superman was able to withstand the Big Bang, Maaldor turned into a living evil universe Superman had to seal away with his Heat Vision, Blackstarr had control over the universe in every aspect, and Supergirl managed to break Anti-Monitor's armor, Anti-Monitor being an entity who prior stalemated the Monitor for a million universes who created a netherverse containing two universes with his dying energy. There's also a few other characters in this tier just from personal direct feats. Pulsar Stargrave created ruptures threatening the spacetime continuum, Brainiac 13 reformatted a cosmos, Brainiac 1,000,000 bottled hypertimes, and Superman Prime, the amped Superboy Prime fought Monarch whose armor contained the energy of a Big Bang, rupturing it destroying that universe and was fine.
In terms of speed, Superman could travel the length of the infinite multiverse, almost flying into Heaven, in a finite timeframe, requiring infinite speed. There are similar feats for numerous characters in this tier. Not everyone in this tier has infinitely movement speed, but they all can react to Superman or similar characters requiring infinite reaction/attack speed.
This tier includes most of Superman's classic villains including his central villain across his entire series; Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor is the smartest man on Earth, relative to Brainiac the smartest being in the universe, both outscaling Superman by far, Superman being a Type 5 intelligence. Lex has given himself 5D Imp powers as a teenager, and can talk people into suicide just by speaking to them. Lex has had many extremely powerful pieces of technology, most often warsuits capable of matching Kryptonians and Kryptonian tier enemies. He temporarily become the Zone Child a universal conceptual reality-warper in Post-Crisis though had the weakness of forced pacifism. However as of Rebirth, Lex was given by Perpetua an even greater power, becoming Apex Lex. Apex Predators are the pinnacles of evolution with "all the powers of the universe." He has all the abilities of the Martians including superhuman stats on the level of Superman, flight, heat vision, psychic powers, invisibility/intangibility, regeneration/elasticity and more, but that's really scratching the surface. Apex Lex has infinite metaconceptual acausality able to perform actions not written in the Book of Destiny of the Endless and can use the Seven Crisis Energies, the ultimate seven dark powers of Perpetua opposite the Seven Connective Energies, these being the energies all creations are made from. The Crisis Energies include The Still Force, the cosmic current towards stillness and death, The Ultraviolent Spectrum, the invisible self-destruction emotional energies, The Void Wind, a malevolent wind that nullifies sound, magic and divinities, The Tear of Extinction, which drives entities to isolation and causes instant death, nullifying all healing or regeneration, The Black Apple, the forbidden knowledge that drives one insane, The Sixth Note, an underlying frequency that governs the unimaginable, and Faithlessness, which causes a sense of fatalistic doom. These can work at a potency so strong that it would work even on sixth world super-celestials.
Lex Luthor's Silver Age often-partner in crime the alien Brainiac has numerous versions here. His Silver Age self's greatest creation, the Planet Eater, a giant machine that sought to undo the Big Bang, absorbing all matter-energy, and easily overpowered late Bronze Age Superman. Pulsar Stargrave, another version of him in the Pre-Crisis would be here as he could create and fix space-time ruptures, threatening whole space-time continuums. He could also remake matter from energy, and was said to be the embodiment of a star's solar force. The briefly seen Flashpoint Brainiac was likely here, being Post-Crisis Vril Dox with five centuries of advancement after taking over the Earth, showing power/energy-draining with his technology, able to drain the speedforce from Kid Flash's cells. During the Post-Crisis period, the strongest Brainiac was the fearsome Brainiac 13 from the end of the time who reformatted the entire cosmos in his digital image, showing universal reality-warping and battling the similarly powerful Imperiex Prime evenly. He showed many of the abilities of his less advanced selves, as well the regeneration from just his consciousness, projecting his essence Brainiac 12 backwards in time, the ability to split his consciousness into one billion to fight Imperiex Prime in an "omni-temporal fight", and planetary, possibly universal, scale digitization and technopathy. Brainiac 13 also temporarily fused with Imperiex, with Imperiex-iac having universal mental plane reality-warping, threatening to turn the entire cosmos into his perfect orderly mind-cosmos. Even more advanced then even this was Brainiac 1,000,000, the Brainiac upgraded by the super-celestial Perpetua and the equivalent to Apex Lex. Brainiac 1,000,000 gained the ability to bottle sections of hypertime, hypertime being metafictional time, time from the real world, three-dimensional time.
Various other classic villains would be here as well. Mongul, conqueror of worlds and lord of Warworld, is a brick capable of smashing Pre-Crisis Superman with dangerous acquired "pets" like Sun-Eaters and the Black Mercy, a plant that causes those that touch it to hallucinate they are in their ideal world. Parasite is a power-absorbing villain who drains the power, information, matter-energy, and all else from anyone around him, stealing the powers of Pre-Crisis Superman to become as strong as him, with a regenerative factor to come back from atoms. His power-draining is so advanced it even effected Kismet, the Lord of Order. He also possesses the "Prism of Power", a small object that seems to do whatever Parasite wants including reviving and empowering Solomon Grundy, protecting Parasite, removing Superman inhibitions and more. The Ultra-Humanite was Superman's first villain, who in his current body of a modified Gorilla can fight Superman. The Ultra-Humanite has various mental powers including telepathy/telekinesis relevant to Kryptonians, bringing people from the past to his present, linking telepathically with himself in the future to bolster their combined mental power, enhanced intellect, psychic beams/forcefields, resistance to illusions and possession, and most famously body-stealing. The Eradicator and Cyborg Superman in the New 52 were initially different, having different backstories but merged together with their Post-Crisis selves to become their Rebirth selves having their old abilities but being relevant to Rebirth Superman physically. Cyborg Superman has also gotten a Phantom Lantern Ring, which is a special Lantern Ring outside the normal color spectrum, giving him lantern constructs as well. The most famous of Superman's post-crisis era villains has also grown to become a relevant threat in Rebirth as well, that being the monster Doomsday.
Doomsday, the monster that killed Superman, is a brick stronger than even Rebirth Superman, known for his regeneration and adaptation, regenerating from complete destruction and gaining resistance to whatever killed him last time, as well as growing more powerful and adapting weapons to exploit enemy weaknesses. He also has poison, emanating poison and radiation strong enough to affect a continent sized area, and passively drains the lifeforce of anything nearby. He can punch through dimensions like the Phantom Zone, can physically interact with beings of energy, and absorb energy as strong as that of the Guardians of Oa, on the level of the Big Bang. He is considered the ultimate weapon and as fundamental to the universe as death itself.
This tier has various other super-powerful aliens Superman has run across in his travels. Vartox, champion of the planet of Valeron is a alien superhero with a wide powerset including psychic abilities, energy manipulation, phasing, teleportation, illusions, hydrokinesis, brainwashing crowds of people, precognition, temperature control, magnetism manipulation, and, most broken of all, being styled after Sean Connery. Validus was a normal infant warped by Darkseid into a monstrous being with little intellect, as strong as three Pre-Crisis Kryptonians, and able to shoot psychic lightning, who was manipulated by Superman's villains into going on rampages. The Thing from 40,000 AD was one of the first aliens Superman of Earth-1 would fight, and would return near the end. It was a protoplasm blob that replicated the appearance, mannerisms and abilities of other entities it came across and naturally replicated Superman, ending up allowing itself to be disintegrated to save others and coming to understand what it truly means to be Superman revealed in the epilogue to be a non-physical that was trying to learn about the world. However most dangerous and evil of these was the dreaded Maaldor. Maaldor was born of the creation of an alternate dimension and could wield the cosmic energies of the universe, even the life-energy of other entities to kill them. He can summon beings from different dimensions and drive people insane through dimensions. He is specifically associated with insanity, as when Superman tricked him into turning his life-draining inwards he collapsed into a dark dimension of pure insanity, threatening the rest of the multiverse by breaking dimensional bounds.
Superman has also run across other powerful metahumans from Earth. King Kosmos is the human tyrannical dictator from a dark future of Earth. He can use technology to create city-wide illusions, brainwash Earth to fear Superman, drain Superman's energy or empower people with stolen energy, bfr people through dimensions or time, or shut down their nervous system. However while his technology can allow him to fight Superman, without it he's only as strong as a normal human. Blanque was a serial killer with psychic powers, particularly strong telekinesis who fought the Pre-Flashpoint Superman Post-Convergence which merged the Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis periods. His telekinesis was strong enough to throw around Pre-Flashpoint Superman, and has a degree of fire manipulation and telepathy, able to control technology or normal people, and telepathically contact people across dimensions. The Planeteer, not to be confused with Captain Planet, was a child prodigy who developed magnetism manipulating technology to rival even Late Bronze Age Superman, particularly his magnetically repulsive forcefield Superman couldn't breach. However most powerful of them was Blackstarr, who after unlocking the Unified Field Theory was fused with the cosmic forces, being a universal elemental being commanding every aspect of the universe itself and who battled Pre-Crisis Superman and Supergirl. She has universal reality-warping, able to control every single aspect of the universe.
This tier includes as well numerous magic-wielding metahumans. L'Call or "Godslayer" is an alien with enhanced stats, teleportation, and the magical ability to see the future who seeks to assassinate people will commit atrocities in the future, which caused him to collide with Warsuit Lex and caused Superman to have to come to the aid to his long-term enemy, Godslayer being able to contend with both temporarily, along with his psychic ally Zade who can dampen the powers of others, including dampening Lex's supergenius intellect. The second Bizarro, a clone of Superman created by Lex, came back during Rebirth, temporarily possessed and amped in power by a demonic possession, eventually going into Hell and killing Trigon, taking his throne. Pre-Crisis Superman also had to deal with two cosmically powerful evil magic-users, the sorcerer Lord Satanis and the witch Syrene and their battle for supremacy. Both demonstrated numerous magic powers including binding, temporal/spatial bfr, magical blasts and forcefields, telekinesis, animation, and more. Satanis also demonstrated the power to turn to atoms and back, split Superman into two, created illusions that could fool Superman, and claimed to be able to summon chains from Hell that could put Superman into eternal sleep. Syrene was able to drain power or empower others, or call upon Satan himself to drag an opponent down to Hell.
Not much is known about them, but the Gods of Krypton should be here as well. The chief God of the Kryptonians was Rao, for whom their Red Star was named, a god of fire and creation who could create whole universes and their concepts from pure chaos. His three children Flamebird, the immortal phoenix goddess of fire, Nightwing the god of darkness, and the creation god Vohc the Builder all have intervened to grant Kryptonians great power. The House of El is known to be descended from Rao through one of these three, granting characters like Superman their potential greater than even most Kryptonians. Cythonna, the ice goddess was a rival to Rao, whose casual backhand was as strong as the full power blows of Bronze Age Kryptonians. Her passive presence was freezing the Earth into a new ice age, and her mind control was strong enough even Superman struggled to resist her commands. There are two Goddess of Beauty; Kara and Lorra, a God of Strength, Mordo, and a God of Wisdom, Telle. Trolius is the God of Air, and Yuda is the Goddess of the Moons and Marriage. They should all also possess the standard god powers in DC; reality-warping, conceptual existence, possession, invisibility/intangibility, and empowerment based on belief.
That brings us to the Kryptonians themselves. This tier has some of the strongest Kryptonians, many of them Demigods among the Kryptonians due to their lineage tracing back to one of the Gods themselves. In the history of the Kryptonians it is said there has been 211 recorded demigods, though how many are currently alive is unknown. Superboy Prime after his amp became Superman Prime and was here, being able to fight the quantum manipulating Monarch in a battle that destroyed the universe they were in, surviving, has resistance to magic and could even punch into the fifth dimension. General Dru-Zod is a Kryptonian General considered the greatest military mind Krypton has ever seen, with the general abilities of a Rebirth Kryptonian, able to match Rebirth Superman, with Torquasm Rao/Vo training, and has developed minor mind-reading and an aura that incites bloodlust in all around him. Due to the intervention of Doctor Manhattan Jor-El was taken from Krypton as it was being destroyed and forced to witness the atrocities of mankind, Jor-El eventually confronting his son, the two treated as relative in physical and mental capabilities. The classic Supergirl, Kara Zor-El would be here, being repeatedly stated to have exactly the same powers as Pre-Crisis Superman. This tier also includes the second to take on the mantle of Superman, Superman's son Jonathan Samuel Kent, who possesses similarly the powerset of Rebirth Superman, if not quite as experienced, and a similarly strong will able to just power through time freeze. He also temporarily fused with Conner Kent, Kon-El, the Two Superboys forming the Jon-Kon fusion with both their powers. Jonathan Kent recently proved his mettle in Dark Crisis able to temporarily hold off Pariah's entire Dark Army by himself including Ares, Darkseid, Doomsday, Eclipso, Nekron, Neron, and Aztar all cosmically powerful villains that would normally take the Justice League to stop. However before Doomsday could give the final blow on him, he was saved by the last character in this tier, the main character of the series, his father.
The Man of Tomorrow, The Last Son of Krypton, The Man of Steel, The Metropolis Kid, The Most Famous Superhero, The Champion of Truth, Justice, and the American Way....SUPERMAN! Superman is generally considered the strongest person on Earth, with anyone scaling fully to him being considered controversial both in and out of universe. He's invulnerable given him a greater durability even relative to his strength compared to a human, and giving him resistance to...basically every conceivable ability, able to resist basically every ability in this entire series and more. He's fast enough to nearly fly into the Heaven, considered so fast only Wally West and Barry Allen are cleanly faster than him, faster than entities that can nearly reach the speedforce. He can see as far as other universes, as small as the sub-atomic, as fundamental as conceptual deities, into higher dimensional space, and across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He was able to hear Kal-L shout from another universe, and can hear individual molecules around him. He could smell brownies in North Dakota from the Watchtower and has a danger sense. He is skilled enough to beat a Kryptonian dragon without his powers and has out-skilled Kobra, a master of every martial art, while he was in Kobra's body and Kobra was in Batman's body. He is smart enough to trick Mr Mxyzptlk, a being who sees all of the infinite timelines at once, and rebuild the Miracle Machine, a machine that can create a multiversal metafictional happy ending through wishes. Superman has cosmically precise Heat Vision he can use to burn and freeze breath, both of which he can use on the scale of stars, and which can hit the astral plane, or higher. Superman can also use his heat vision to reflect attacks. He can use Torquasm Vo and Torquasm Rao at a masterful level even using it to counter the Multiversal Lord of Order Dominus via bringing him into a mental plane battlefield and using the powers of different versions of him. Superman can phase so well that he can phase a planet out of the omniverse, and can create counter frequencies so powerful as to nullify True Form Darkseid, a conceptual multiversal entity. Superman also boost his power level by going into the Sun, gaining a cosmic power boost. While Kryptonians are broadly weak to kryptonite, red sun radiation, and magic, Superman has developed a limited resistance to all these things as well. The only weakness Superman has not gained any resistance to is that he still can't see through lead.
Superman's resistances are probably his most insane trait, he is the tank of the Justice League who withstands abilities vastly beyond his own already impressive tier. He resisted the sealing of the Source Wall that can seal Perpetua (in fact it was made to do), can resist the infinite conceptual existence erasure of Darkseid's Omega Effect, resisted the infinite soul manipulation and fusion of Aethyr the Oversoul, resisted the infinite mind hax of the Lord of Chaos Dominus, resisted universal death manipulation from the embodiment of his own death, resisted the possession of Eclipso who can possess entire galaxies and higher plane entities like the Spectre, resisted the Hollow Men who manipulate information, emotions, life-force, willpower, powers, and the actual script of the comic, and has a general resistance to plot hax strong enough that even Retconn Corps can't change his story. Time Trapper, the multiversal embodiment of Entropy focusing on spacetime powers, can't erase Superman from the timestream. Superman and Supergirl resisted Blackstarr who has control of the universe in "every aspect." Superman also has more minor resistance to basically every power you can think off.
So how to fight this tier? It's difficult because this tier includes, for this tier of DC Comics, probably the single strongest offense Apex Lex being able to use some of the most overpowered attack techniques in DC, as well as the strongest defense in Superman, the tank of the Justice League. With that said there are some strategies that would be helpful here that aren't even particularly that rare. An oddly recurring ability that would be really helpful is attack reflection. Lex Luthor's offenses are ridiculously potent but a clever counter could turn that to their advantage by turning it back on him. Superman has defeated numerous enemies here by using their own powers against them. Even Lord Satanus who uses magic, something Superman is supposed to be weaker against had his magic attacks reflected by Superman spinning around at super speeds. Blackstarr was defeated when Supergirl turned her own power against her. Likewise while Superman himself resists seemingly everything in the universe, there's nothing stating his ATTACKS have the same resistance, so reflecting them the way Wonder Woman did in her few fights with Superman would be a really helpful tactic.
This tier is also relatively low in terms of macrocosmic power. Supergirl's feat is based on scaling to a Netherverse containing only two universes. While it's a super casual feat made of Monitor's dying energy, nonetheless a character with feats like destroying thousands of universes at once or similarly large structures would be likely hundreds of times stronger than most of the characters in the tier. Outside Brainiac 1,000,000 who can bottle hundreds of universes only Superman/Kryptonians or Doomsday would be able to rise to that kind of level via sundipping or adaptation respectively. Validus being only three times stronger than a Pre-Crisis Kryptonian made it very difficult for Superman to stop him. Another classic tactic that would likely work is psychological manipulation. Superman most often defeats enemies on his own tier not by overpowering them but by using his intellect. While it wouldn't be a one-way street; Superman and Lex are both extremely good tricksters and there are numerous other super-intellects like Brainiac, the Ultra-Humanite, and Jor-El, a lot of the characters here are defined by psychological weaknesses rather than physical ones; either being arrogant and haughty like Lex, Ultra-Humanite and Maaldor, untactical like Doomsday, Bizarro or Validus, or are concerned moreso with the protection of innocents than their lives and are prone to trying to tank the attacks of enemies like Superman, Supergirl and Superboy. Even Brainiac, the smartest intellect in the universe, usually loses because he thinks mechanically and doesn't understand "irrational" things like emotions.
Of the characters who are the big threats of the tier, about half of them are characters who have been heavily warped from their normal states; Apex Lex, Brainiac 1,000,000, Doomsday, Parasite, Blackstarr etc. Usage of purification or age manipulation (backwards) would remove their powers. A lot of the others have been beaten by being trapped in a space they can't escape the way Brainiac 13 was sealed inside Kryptonian technology or Cythonna was by the Sun's heat, or Lord Satanis was by Hell. So having sufficiently strong spatial manipulation or bfr in combination with purification or de-aging would be a very potent combination. The only one who has resistance to both sets of abilities is Superman himself. While using one of Superman's classical weaknesses would be fine, there's a power I think would be even greater, that being the strategy Mxyzptlk uses and Superman never resists; toonforce and metafictional powers. While Superman has some resistance to plot manipulation specifically, he's never shown resistance to being metafictionally erased or having his design messed with, or his action sound effects removed, or being put inside a fictional setting. So the trifecta of abilities to get for this tier would be 1: Purification or Age Manipulation, 2: Spatial Manipulation or BFR, 3: Toonforce or Metafictional Hax. Toonforce had the added benefit of being something Brainiac would have absolutely no idea how to counter given it works on humor rather than logic, even though he's the only one in this tier with metafictional abilities. Conversely Lex might be able to understand it since he could replicate the 5D Imps powers with tech, but without prep would have no counter. Immersion in particular would be an exceptional power to have being a metafictional bfr, being something that would work on everyone here except Brainiac 1,000,000 due to his feat of manipulating hypertime and maybe Lex over time by creating tech to recreate the Imps metafictional powers.
Finally there is one semi-common type of hax that Superman oddly doesn't seem to have resistance too, that being probability manipulation. The Post-Crisis villain Major Disaster specifically used it against Superman and he didn't really have a counter. The only thing that could potentially be resistance to it is if you think probability is one of the aspects of the universe Blackstarr has control of, as she has control over every aspect of the cosmos. However because probability in DC is based on the many worlds interpretation where universes are formed in the multiverse based on probability, it's actually likely that probability would not be considered an aspect of a singular cosmos. So Probability manipulation could be seen as a little added bonus. At the very least even if Superman does resist making himself unlucky, the user could still make THEMSELVES lucky.
So who would be a good counter? You could use
Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump
Arale in Dragon Ball Super was able to casually fight Super Saiyan Blue Goku, who at the time would have been even heavily conservatively hundreds if not thousands of times stronger than he was when fighting Beerus, their clashes accidentally threatening the Dragon Ball cosmos, putting her at having a significant power advantage vs this tier. She can also travel through time, literally just by running, and she's acausal to the point that her past self being erased doesn't effect her and the Arale of every page is basically an independent character so she could avoid a blitz via going back in time and protecting her past self.
Arale is a gag-based characters with extremely potent metahax, being considered one of the best gag power users in manga in general, including plot hax, the ability to manipulate many aspects of the metafictional series she's in, the ability to casually learn the metafictional history of the character she's fighting and immersion ability to trap enemies in fictional settings or casually get out of them herself, a type of attack only Brainiac and MAYBE Lex could recover from.
Arale also has the ability to absorb attacks used against her and either reflect it or gain the ability to do it herself giving her a potent defense against whatever the tier might try to use against her, and has a passive friendship aura that causes people to become her friends and even break out into song just from her presence giving her plenty of time to work her powers.
Arale has also gotten a time stopwatch that can stop time for as long as she'd like, something few of the characters here would be able to resist and a "Restore Gun" which shoots people back to the way they were, and given her hammerspace power she could likely just pull these out whenever she would want them.
With that said, Arale is a super unfocused character whose not a fighter at all, and is also a robot that relies on electrical charge. Plus technically one could say the Restore Gun and Time Stopwatch are not standard even though she almost certainly could get them via her gag powers. Brainiac 1,000,000 might be able to beat her via technopathy and energy-draining, especially as he is one of the few characters that could return from immersion and has the ability to survive physical attacks from her, though given her extremely irrational thought-process he would be unlikely to predict and general ability to one-shot him anytime with her broken abilities she'd likely still win. That said for a counter that's a lot more of a fighter, you could use
Axe Cop from Axe Cop
Axe Cop were able to beat the robots Tu and Bu which could destroy a universe in one attack and arguably is far stronger due fighting characters who power multiplies after naming objects after them, suggesting he'd be in this tier for power or perhaps significantly high into it, especially if he uses the Power of Christmas to amp himself. He also is arguably in the same speed tier as his daily workout routine involves doing "infinite amounts of reps in everything" and doing infinite actions in finite time would be infinite speed.
Axe Cop is a versatile gag-based character who is a master tier fighter with a highly broken powerset. He can use a unicorn horn to gain universal reality-warping yet can also resist similar reality-warping which means he could resist the reality-warping from characters like Brainiac 13, Maaldor, and Blackstarr while reality-warping them back in turn. Axe Cop primarily uses his axe which can be used to reflect attacks and can create waves that insta-kill anyone evil which combined with his reality-warping is a combination of abilities that should be able to beat anyone in the tier save the Kryptonians specifically who could resist reality warping from Blackstarr and are good characters. That said against them Axe Cop could just his immersion, able to easily enter and exit fictional settings or grab things from them. This metafictional bfr would work on anyone save Brainiac 1,000,000 specifically and maybe Apex Lex who he could use his reality-warping against, or use special flowers he has that can de-age people back into babies, which would undo the gifts given to them by Perpetua.
Axe Cop also has some additional defenses that could aid him. He can fight as a ghost, which is not super difficult to fight for this tier with most of the characters being able to fight astral plane entities, but would make him invulnerable to a few of them such as Blanque, Godslayer, and maybe Blackstarr. Combined with his blood that prevents him from becoming evil and his reality-warping resistance he would also be immune to Maaldor. More notably, Axe Cop has 500 extra lives, which would make it extraordinarily difficult for anyone in this tier to defeat him in any kind of conventional way, and would basically require one of the stronger haxes. However his most notable possible defense is that he has clones of himself in his closet. Even if Brainiac 13 divided his consciousness into billions of copies of himself, Axe Cop has trillions of clones of himself meaning Axe Cop would outnumber the tier.
However, the feat of him doing infinite amounts of reps in everything is contested, and also he doesn't seem to have any probability manipulation so it's possible someone like Apex Lex could get a lucky shot in with a hax like the Tear of Extinction. For the best counter to the tier, I would suggest
Bugs Bunny (Super Rabbit) from The Looney Tunes
Bugs Bunny via his Super Rabbit transformation has canonically overpowered Validus, an enemy with three times the strength of Pre-Crisis Superman, pretty much canonically putting him in this tier. It's possibly that with Superman's training/solar absorption and Doomsday's adaptation that they might have increased their power by 3x since then, but he's probably in their range regardless.
Bugs Bunny is considered one of the textbook masters of toonforce, with a broken arsenal of goofy metahax. He famously was able to make himself the animator able to draw and shape the reality of the universe around Daffy on a metafictional level and erase things metafictionally with a pencil. Superman and Doomsday have both been able to withstand conceptual existence erasure from withstanding the Omega Effect which can effect other New Gods, but neither have shown the ability to resist metafictional existence erasure. He can also just exit the cartoon he's in which only Brainiac and Lex with prep can follow, and while they both are hypergeniuses they are classic examples of arrogant intellects Bugs is used to tricking. Similarly he can immerse people easily, being able to trap Daffy in a video game and sending Daffy and Elmer into a movie.
Even outside that Bugs has a broken arsenal of abilities. Bugs is immune to conventional death as the Grim Rabbit doesn't want Bugs' soul anymore, as well as the fact that he will continue to persist so long as he continues to make children laugh. He was also unaffected to changes in his past meaning that conventional attacking and a trans-time assault would likely do nothing to Bugs forcing a reliance on hax but he has resistance to most haxes of the tier. He was unaffected by a chemical that drove most people insane meaning he could resist Maaldor's madness and he both can easily travel on a metafictional plane and tanked Elmer's attempt to hypnotize and send him asleep showing that Lord Satanus' chains that induce sleep and send people through dimensions would do nothing to him, as an example.
While things like Apex Lex's Hidden Forces would work on him, Bugs has the ability to use a toon gag called force/causality reversal where when one person tries to attack them, the logical effects of what they were going to do are applied to the attacker instead, for instance if a person was going to kick Bugs out of a building, the kicker would themself going flying out of the building. With this he could easily reverse the attacks of someone like Apex Lex back onto him. Against someone like Brainiac who relies on his technology Bugs has shown the ability to directly enter into data and physically effect it with his normal abilities meaning he could basically turn off Brainiac's tech from the inside. Not to mention, Bugs has shown the ability to affect the ages of things, turning eggs into birds or vice versa, which he could use to reverse characters like Lex and Brainiac back to their normal selves.
Even if they tried to overwhelm him, Bugs also has particularly strong time manipulation, able to freeze time for characters who would normally even resist time manipulation on a large scale, or duplicate himself at will. He also has his secret weapon. As a rabbit, Bugs is naturally lucky. He can easily win casino games that are statistically impossible to win including impossible feats like asking for 21 cards in blackjack and having each of them being an ace, getting a perfect 21. With that level of luck, no one on the tier would ever get even close to being able to hit Bugs let alone all his other powers.