Death. The final embrace, the darkness at the end of being. Seemingly invincible, death's power is seen as truly inevitable. However in legend and fiction there exists some beings who not only challenge death, but transcend death to become known as the lords of death, masters of the undead. Like these two fighters.
Onaga, the Dragon King from Mortal Kombat
Takofanes, the Undying Lord from Champions
I am Imperator100 and this is a Death Prediction Special.

Amidst the shifting and scattered planes of reality, there exists warlike Outworld, dominated by vicious kombat. Initially engulfed in internal turmoil this realm had yet to become the major threat to the other realms as it would later come to be, for it was disunified...until the Dragon King Onaga emerged. Onaga, one of the dragon-kind, used power and cunning to unite Outworld as it's first emperor and began his true quest for eternal life.
Onaga in his drive to live eternally ordered the taking of the last great dragon egg, hoping to use the blood of an infant great dragon to preserve himself eternally. However such is fate that those seeking one thing invite the other, for as Onaga prepared to make himself Immortal God Emperor, he was poisoned by his adviser Shao Kahn who took the throne of Outworld for himself.
And to most of this world, this seemed the inglorious end of Onaga. However Onaga's will to transcend death would not cease from a single death. Onaga's soul attached itself to the egg he had put his ambition into, and he manipulated events from beyond the grave such that he would rise again. Upon the success of his plan, Onaga began his quest to gain revenge on the betrayer Shao Kahn and take not just the throne of Outworld back, but to become supreme lord of all creation.

Onaga is one of the strongest characters in Mortal Kombat short of the Elder Gods themselves. Onaga is powerful enough that Shao Kahn, the ruler of Outworld after him used poison rather then fight him directly, which given Shao Kahn's aggressive warlike personality showed that even Shao Kahn feared the power of Onaga, consistent with how Shao Kahn struggled with Onaga when Onaga grabbed him during their next fight. The Emperor Shao Kahn was capable of merging the realms of Outworld and Edenia which has been noted multiple times. How big are the realms? Well one realm is the Neatherrealm, which is basically Hell. Sub-Zero has called the Netherrealm "infinite" in size and Raiden with his divine perception has called the sea of blood contained within Outworld to be bottomless, such that an immortal can sink forever into it. As such these can conservative be compared to universes in size, and Shao Kahn merging two of them would be 2 times baseline universal.
Shao Kahn was also able to imbue Kano with power to rival Raiden's. Raiden for reference, in his battle with Shinnok in tie-in comic to Mortal Kombat 4 was able to create a power that could be felt on all Earths and shook the very foundation of the universe. In the same fight, Raiden and fellow god Fujin's power together was able to create a blast that could undo galaxies and surpassed even the Big Bang which Shinnok survived handily.
The same Raiden tried to use a suicide attack against Onaga and did absolutely nothing showing Onaga's raw durability, capable of at the very least tanking an attacking likely far more then half the power of the Big Bang and likely much higher then baseline universal. The fight prior to this also shows Onaga's magic resistance, as two of the multiverse's most dangerous sorcerers, the deadly alliance of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi could not harm Onaga. Onaga buffers this raw durability and magic resistance with his regenerative abilities which was strong enough to be able to regrow his hand after it was cut off, though the timeframe was unknown.
Also in case anyone brings up the word of god statement about bullets being a relevant threat to the MK cast, it's notable that bullets are stronger in the MK universe, likely due to them having advanced technology able to create robot ninjas capable of fighting ageless gods. Stryker's bullet was able to destroy the majority of a soldier's head which is impossible for a real world bullet. Given their nature of being guns in a verse with advanced tech and having feats of being above real world guns, these advanced guns would likely scale to the durability of the verse's Kombatants and not the other way around.

Shao Kahn scales from Kotal Kahn who he was able to get the better off in their fight. Kotal Kahn is a light based manipulator who, can move relative to his own light so that would be relativistic in speed.
This is potentially consistent with the electricity manipulator Raiden who not only uses lightning that the cast can move comparable to but is just directly stated to be as fast as lightning. Lightning in real life varies in speed from speeds of about mach 300 for cloud to ground lightning minimum with mach 1,294 being the "average" speed of cloud to ground lightning. However Lightning can reach up into the relativistic range for the return stroke of lightning which can be about 1/3rd the speed of light. As Raiden is the god of thunder and lightning and has control over it, it's possible the lightning in these feats could be the relativistic speeds lightning can potentially reach.
As might be expected, Onaga also has the ability to fly. He also potentially has teleportation as he was able to go from Outworld where his body was resurrected to the Nexus of Realities seemingly without a portal (Shujinko was facing the only portals there yet didn't see Onaga arrive)

As befitting the being who transcended death, Onaga has the ability to act even after dying, using just his soul. He was able to astral project himself into the physical world from beyond the grave. He was able to astral project into basically all of the realms, one example being the Netherrealm though the Netherrealm in particular could threaten to trap his astral projection.
He was also able to possess a living being's body and transmute it into his own, which he did to Reptile, which is how he was able to transcend even death.
As a dragon, Onaga possess fire breathing, able to breath out a spray of fire or a fireball. He can also create powerful bursts of wind with his wings. However more noted is his Dragon Heart which is what gives him his powerful necromancy, able to create the undead which he did to the fallen heroes after he resurrected them. The Dragon King's undead army is legendary in itself, to the point that Shang Tsung and Quan Chi believed they could use it to defeat Earth's defenders all by itself, including beings like Raiden, and it is called "undefeatable" at numerous points.
However perhaps Onaga's strongest sorcery is the ability he bestowed upon Shujinko, the ability to learn and use the abilities used against him, a form of magical power-duplication which has worked on a large variety of the fighters in the Mortal Kombat universe who had to fight Shujinko at one point or another.
Onaga in melee combat is also a skilled fighter using the "Dragon" style. This is not to be confused with Dragon Kung Fu which some of the other characters know. This is not the Dragon Fighting Style, this is just Dragon, the fighting style.

Onaga doesn't have much equipment but the ones he had are incredibly powerful, used in his resurrection. These are the Kamidogu, six relics crafted by the Elder Gods containing the essence of the six realms they oversee. The Kamidogu were used in the creation of all reality and possess enough power to merge all the realms and bestow ultimate power if they are fused. While they are in 6 pieces, Onaga can not use all of them at once, though even their power individually should give some form of creation and reality-warping, which is likely connected to his form of rebirth.
In Onaga's deleted ending for Mortal Kombat: Deception, Onaga was able to complete his plan of fusing the Kamidogu and basically became Heart of the Universe Thanos, absorbing the Elder Gods and all reality into himself and becoming the new One Being, the God Tier of the Mortal Kombat-verse.
Onaga is a clever manipulator, able to decieve Shujinko for essentially his entire life into gathering the Kamidogu for him. Onaga bolsters this with his telepathic abilities. Onaga was able to sense the change in Shujinko's soul after he suppressed the evil within him showing that he could sense his opponents souls, was able to watch both Shao Kahn and Shujinko from beyond the grave, and was able to sense another force pursuing the Edenian Kamidogu.
He also possibly has minor precognition as he knew that his rebirth in Outworld was to occur soon. The only other interpretation is that at the same time as he's speaking to Shujinko, Reptile is nearing the chamber where Onaga would possess him, which I don't think matches up timewise.

The Dragon King is overly proud and even more so vengeful. In Armageddon, Onaga could not release his vengeful drive to attack Shao Kahn, even when ultimate power was at stake.
Also in using the Kamidogu, Onaga has connected himself to them, and thus made himself vulnerable. Destroying one puts Onaga in a stunned state making him temporarily unable to act.

The Dragon King is a proud personality that is characterized by his power-hungriness, his attempt to take the throne back of Outworld. However Onaga is slightly different then the other manipulative power-hungry forces of the Mortal Kombat universe like a hot-headed fighter like Shao Kahn or a cold logical manipulator like Shinnok in his desire to avoid suffering and being victimized.
Onaga was initially driven by his desire to transcend death and avoid the ultimate in suffering, the final end. When he is pained he is ruthlessly and almost single-mindedly vengeful as shown with his hatred towards Shao Kahn, something that is not subject to change over time like a brief burst of passion nor can it be satiated long by logical pragmatism (as happened for instance when the sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung instantly stopped fighting in the face of a larger threat, Onaga). Onaga represents a cold emotional force, a force of vindictiveness and much like the ever regenerating dragon he is, dwelling constantly on past pains.

70,000 years ago, during the ancient forgotten Turkian age of the Earth, the majority of the world was ruled by the cruel king Kal-Turak who ravaged the world's continents and peoples for his pleasure. The King was a fantatical student of the arcane and his efforts were rewarded after his death. When his subjects rejoiced at his passing, his very magic animated himself after death, turning him into the undead lich king. In glee, Kal-Turk renamed himself "he who holds power over life and death in his hands" or in the ancient tongue "Takofanes". Takofanes began to gleefully destroy his subjects, happy to control the whole world eternally.
The people of the world, in despair, launched a final desperate assault against the mad lich king, where the greatest sorcerers of the lands managed to seal him away deep underground in a battle that shaped the Earth. There underground, Takofanes stewed in his hatred for life and defiance of him for 70,000 years. When Takofanes was accidentally freed by an oil drilling that hit his underground tomb, he slew the humans who freed him and rose them as his undead servants, beginning his assault on the new modern world he had awoken too.
Since then, Takofanes has repeatedly launched assaults against the modern world and it's superheroes, most famously in the 2009 Blood Moon Event, where he stole the souls of the 13 superheroes who died in the battle of Detroit and forced their bodies to be his undead soldiers.
(Sorry about lack of footage. There's not much footage of CO online, especially of Takofanes as the Blood Moon event to fight him doesn't happen often. Most of his abilities regardless come from his Champions rpg page in this book, with the MMO and rpg having been confirmed as canon with MMO events like the Blood Moon event being referenced in the RPG books).

Takofanes is one of the strongest characters in the Champions Universe short of the Kings of Edom. Takofanes is called "the most powerful magical villain threatening the Champions Universe (save perhaps for Shadow Destroyer and Tyrannon the Conqueror)" (Page 219). This suggests that Takofanes would scale to Therakiel the Nephillim who was stated in game to be a universal threat, as well as Skarn who has control of his own dimension which is many magical dimensions merged into a single universe (Page 173). Skarn's goal is to absorb his whole multiverse into his dimension.
Him being considered perhaps stronger then Tyrannon the Conqueror suggests that he scales to Tyrannon and possible to a single one of the Kings of Edom as they potentially see Tyrannon as a rival (Page 240). This is relevant as the Kings of Edom collectively are a threat to the multiverse and in their backstory were able to consume universal sized dimensions into their being.
All this suggests that Takofanes would be roughly universe level. This is consistent with how in the Blood Moon event his power was able to take control of Vanguard and turn him into one of his undead minions, with Vanguard being considered "perhaps the strongest superhero to ever live" Takofanes also is infamously undying, an ageless skeleton whose magic continually holds his being together against the power of death, making him immortal to conventional means unless his magic is overpowered.

In game Takofanes can move comparable to Champions using the "Lightspeed" travel power which is not just a description as it's official in-game description is that the character approaches lightspeed. This is consistent with having to fight characters and move relative to their attacks whose whole powersets are lightning based or light based. There are also multiple other powers designed as lightspeed in the name. This suggests that Takofanes should be relativistic in speed.
Takofanes can also fly with his spell of Levitation (Page 218). Takofanes can also teleport across dimensions which he often does to flee a combat not going well for him (Page 219)
Takofanes is a nigh-unrivaled master of sorcery with master of magic. Most famous is his necromancy, able to create the undead (up to 125 at a time) (Page 218) as well as control any undead within 20 meters (Page 218). Takofanes can also use his necromancy to seal peoples souls as he did to the fallen heroes of the battle of Detroid during the Blood Moon Event. Though he has only done this before to disembodied souls.
Takofanes also has other forms of magic. He can use Hellfire blast to create a burst of infernal fire and Mental Blast to create a mental surge of pain (Page 218). He can use Thandaki spell of Irresistible Paralysis to entangle his foes or Kal-Turak's spell of the invisible hand to use telekinesis (Page 218). Defensively he can use Power of Command to subtly increase his own presence to make him seem more intimidating and Spell of Protection to bolster his already considerable defense (Page 218). Takofanes has also created his own dimensions, which bolsters his power and which he can adjust at will.
His most powerful spell is Darkest Sorcery which can warp reality however he decides with some examples of what he can do being causing mental and physical weakness, ripping out souls, inducing sleep, mind controlling, turning the sun dark, and transforming people into werewolves (Page 219)
It's strongly implied Takofanes knows far more then spells which would include a vary myriad of spells in the Champions universe such as illusions, invisibility, spatial warping etc., with his only real spellcasting limitation being an inability to cast good or holy spells (Page 220) though as these are not listed under his main abilities presumably these are things he doesn't use often and is not very practiced with.
Takofanes has two major pieces of arcane equipment, both of which he can summon to him at any time (Page 218)
The first of these is the Scepter of the Undying King, acting as Takofanes wand, which can be used to perform most of his magic quickly without any invocation or words (only Darkest Sorcery and Raising the Dead require more power then the Scepter).
The second of these is the Dragon Crown which allows him to bolster any of his spells.
Takofanes is a highly intelligent sorcerer, highly well versed in the ways of magic. He also knows spells to bolster his awareness such as his Spell of Awareness which can detect physical objects and spell of comprehension allowing him to speak any language (Page 218).
Takofanes also has a danger sense (Page 218) and an intimidating aura of his pure raw evil (Page 219)
For all his power, the Undying Lord actually possesses numerous weaknesses. Without his scepter, he needs to manually cast his spells which requires making hand symbols and speaking an invocation. He is also highly vulnerable to holy powers and light based powers due to the corruption of his soul. (Page 219).
Beyond that, Takofanes has a number of psychological weaknesses. He is HIGHLY arrogant, viewing himself as the perfect embodiment of death and all living being as petty insects to brush aside. He also does not understand the modern world, it's mindsets and technologies and peoples which is why according to his profile is the reason behind all his defeats. He is also bound to his total psychological compulsion to end all life and is not very good at making allies or working with others (Page 219)
There are villains in the Champions Universe more powerful then Takofanes, but none more evil. Takofanes is a mind of total and utter malevolence, the most vile being in existence, dedicated to the destruction of all life, and total undead domination of existence. He lacks even the most basic sympathy for any other being. When other villains are compared to Takofanes, Takofanes is always the standard for complete and total evil. His 70,000 years of stewing in his own hatred has caused Takofanes' already twisted mind to grow darker beyond comprehension.
More particularly, Takofanes also represents the clinging claws of the past that restrains us. He delights in turning the fallen into his forces, turning the tragedies of yesterday into the threats of today. His weaknesses psychologically are his lack of being able to comprehend the world of today, and his inability to relate or cooperate with any force of life. He views himself as the complete and absolute embodiment of death, and has no mental space for compromise on that position.
Alright, the combatants are set. It's time for a DEATH PREDICTION
A blood red moon shone over the realm of Earthrealm. Onaga paid it no heed. He had heard the traitor Kahn had reappeared in his younger state by some manipulation of the timestream, and he was determined to take get his vengeance on the usurper, the rocky ground cracking beneath his feet.
Suddenly through the darkness appeared a strange skeletal figure, wearing an odd crown and dressed in a sorcerer's robes. A dark aura emanated around him and his soul....
"Elder Gods....I've never seen a soul more dark" thought Onaga.
Takofanes floated lightly above the ground, replaying in his mind the beautiful sounds of his latest conquest, the screams of terror the city had made when his zombies had overrun them. How beautiful. However in the remote land he teleported too, he saw a strange draconic humanoid, wearing a few pieces of heavy armor, whose eyes flared angrily.
"Move aside rotting bag of bones!" growled Onaga deeply "Or I shall you back to the Netherrealm where you belong!"
Takofanes gave a soul-curdling cackles and spoke "A dragon? I shall enjoy adding your bones to my Dragon Crown!"
Takofanes raised his scepter and shot a hellfire blast, but Onaga simply breathed a fireburst.
The two fires met and erupted in a burning flare that briefly caused the night around them glow white-hot. With a massive leap Onaga zipped through the sky in an arc to Takofanes position and hit him with a mighty punch, sending the Undying Lord flying.
"Hmmm....interesting" thought the necromancer, who indented into the ground, feeling his bones shake unevenly. Onaga laughed in the distance, his laugh a deep gutteral roar before suddenly bending over grabbing his head.
A higher pitched mad cackle came from Takofanes as he weaved his spell Mental Blast, telepathically harming his draconic foe.
Onaga's eyes burned with a glowing green fire of rage. With a mighty roar, he charged the Lich, but Takofanes raised his staff and conjured his paralyzing charm of Thandaki.
Suddenly, Onaga found every muscle in his bound, unable to move, just a hair breadth's away from the sorcerer. The undying king rubbed his hands maniacally as he thought of what he was going do to do with his now helpless victim however a sudden buzzing in his skull warned him of incoming danger.
A sudden smile appeared on the dragon king's face, despite his supposed frozen state. Takofanes barely had enough time to flash a protection spell into being when Onaga defiantly phyiscally broke the spell Takofanes had put him under. With a triumphant roar, Onaga grabbed the shielded form of Takofanes and plunged him into the ground,, flying forward in a dash to bash him with the ground.
"FOOL! You think mere sorcery tricks can defeat me?!" Onaga said in exhilaration before throwing the lich into a nearby mountain, causing it violently explode. "I am Onaga, Rightful King of Outworld!"
Takofanes felt his bones weary. He should retreat and come up with a plan....he couldn't risk the possibility of his great self being lost. Quickly Takofanes teleported away as his enemy approached.
Letting out a guttural snarl, Onaga saw his enemy teleport away.
"Coward!" Onaga had learned his opponents skills from fighting. Onaga pierced through shifting space and time with his draconic eye...
"There you are..." and with a flicker Onaga was gone.
In one of Takofanes' pocket dimensions, the undying king appeared. This particular dimension was had a primitive pyramid built by a legion of zombie followers that moved back and forth like ants. The building was built in the style of of buildings 70,000 years ago, with two flowing rivers of lava on either side. Takofanes felt the dark mystical energies of the realm rejuvenate him only to his shock to feel himself suddenly flung through the air.
Onaga had appeared in this dimension.
Takofanes laughed "You dare to follow me into my own dimension.....what a death wish hehehehe!"
Onaga looked and beheld the dimension. It appeared to be somewhere within the Netherrealm, fitting for a sorcerer like this.
However in the sheer moment that Onaga had looked away, Takofanes had disappeared into the dark. The dimension began shifting and sliding, as it's master controlled it too.
Onaga punched away various debris approaching at relativistic speeds and burned away some more with his fire breath, roaring in anger at this. Zombies below were torn to shreds by the powerful small projectiles or being flung into lava.
A spell to boost presence and from the void a giant floating skull, the head of Takofanes, but massive to the point of being comparable to his temple and spectral and floating emerged from the darkness laughing at Onaga's situation. Onaga attempted to charge at the skull only to pass through it harmlessly.
"I cONtroL rEaliTy!" said Takofanes, his voice shifting confusingly with the dimension shifts . "In My DOMain, I aM goDKing!....prepaRe oh lONg-liVED one to MEet your fINal End! HAHAHAHA" The skull released an eerie purple blast through the warped dark cosmos burning into Onaga's mind.
"NO!" Cried Onaga in suffering...."You can't....must retreat to the Nexus" and the Dragon King winked out of existence.
"NOTHING ESCAPES DEATH!" yelled Takofanes who eagerly followed.
Takofanes found himself in a small chamber with the Dragon King floating in the middle, surrounded by a number of glowing rings. Upon seeing Takofanes, Onaga casually flapped his wings. The Dead King raised his sceptre, but was still flung back across the chamber into a column. He painfully rose, and as he did the gems around Onaga suddenly glowed as a great spiral of darkness entered into each. At the same time, Onaga spoke.
"Idiot! You fell for the oldest trick in the book, I taunted you to bring you from where you were strongest to where I am!"
Takofanes realized he had been tricked and attempted to teleport away. Takofanes looked at Onaga, the two still in the same spot and asked "What the hell did you do?! Why can't I got to my dimension?!"
Onaga laughed at that. "I found your little hiding holes...and I ABSORBED them. There's nowhere left to hide!"
Declaring such, Onaga redoubled his assault. The power of the Kamidogu bolstering his power, such that he simply appeared before Takofanes and with a few mighty blows, the lich king felt his ancient magic struggling to hold up under such a vicious assault.
"What's the matter sorcerer? No more clever words! FIGHT BACK!" Yelled Onaga as he threw Takofanes into the air before slamming him into the ground again.
Little did he know, that Takofanes was drawing into the very blackest pits of his soul casting the Dark Sorcery. As Onaga divebombed Takofanes, prepared to end this fight fully Takofanes spoke "Demon lord Pharr-Khem, I call your wrath" and from Takofanes came horrid dark lightning.
Onaga saw the attack before it hit and attempted to block it but the lighting tore through him, leaving horrid burning aching gashes in his wings and tearing into his torso. Blood and bits began leaking out of him as he gave a roar of pain and landed on the ground.
The Undying King rose. "Do you really think you can defeat death? No one defeats death!!!" and with a wave of his hand, horrible dark magic crackled and emanated and a Kamidogu broke, causing a wave of pain to course through Onaga.
Takofanes madly began giggling and laughing as he destroyed another Kamidogu with his telekinesis, relishing every moment of his enemy's pain. On the ground, Onaga felt immense pain but his natural healing factor had stabilized him. Still, if he didn't stop him soon he would destroy all the Kamidogu and leave Onaga helpless.......
"Wait" "Onaga thought as Takofanes destroyed the fourth Kamidogu "Perhaps....if the Netherrealm powered him...."
As Takofanes destroyed the fifth Kamidogu, Onaga called on the power of his homeworld Kamidogu, the Kamidogu of distant Outworld. With a great pulsaing of his wings curled behind his back, Onaga created a burst of air sending Takofanes and he into the portal he had conjured behind them.
Takofanes found himself suddenly transported on what appeared to be some kind of floating platform, with a stylized asian dragon symbol emblazoned on it. From all sides....
Takofanes felt his dark soul burn from every angle as a number of strange giant astral forms emerged around him. "LIGHTS!" he thought in anguish "The Lights of Heaven?!"
"Elder Gods!" came the distant yell of Onaga. "In the Heavens, I challenge this being here to Mortal Kombat."
With his immense pain, came immense hatred, and with that hatred Takofanes called down a dark sun from the heavens, to engulf his area in darkness to protect him from this burning light.
From without the darkness, Onaga saw his opponent cover himself in darkness, confirming his suspicion on how he would handle the environment of Heaven, opposite the Netherrealm.
Onaga breathed a large surge of fire, lightening the area. Takofanes saw the bright shadowy silhoutte of his enemy through the darkness and felt spite unlike any he had ever felt. Onaga rushed in and launched a blow which Takofanes blocked with his scepter, but Onaga deftly crouched and with a quick kick, caused the sorcerer to collapse onto the ground.
Takofanes rapidly tried to backup, chanting quickly to cast another spell, when he saw something unbelievable. To his shock, Onaga was repeating perfectly the same gestures of his telekinesis spell and upon completing it Takofanes felt his sceptre break in his hands into two unusable pieces.
Takofanes, for the first time in many eons, felt fear creep into him. Onaga pounced on the lich. Takofanes barely managed to protect himself in time, conjuring a purple forcefield with his spell of protection and bolstering it with his Dragon Crown, however even this effort caused his bones to crack, a large gash appearing in his skull's eyehole.
"Only chance...." Takofanes thought and cast his spell.
Onaga felt the sorcerer's power grow weaker and weaker, and smiled, ready for the kill against this foe that had caused him such strife however to his shock he heard a familiar voice. Looking to his side Onaga's eyes widened in shock at seeing Shao Kahn on the arena, challenging him.
Onaga turned to face him, his eyes blazing with fury and he let out a roar of challenge.
Takofanes snickered internally. "My illusion of his greatest desire is sure to distract him....I only new a few moments to conjure a spell that will steal this insolent dragon's soul...." however Takofanes thoughts were suddenly cut off as he felt Onaga's claws pierce his ribcage.
"No! But how?!" He yelled in anger.
Onaga replied with uncharacteristic calmness "Your creation....lacked soul" before suddenly roaring "I AM CHAINED TO THE PAST NO LONGER!" and Onaga grabbed the Undying King, soaring high into the heavens before hurtling again back towards the platform in a super powerbomb.
Takofanes despeartely called dark lightning to chase them, the lightning rapidly getting closer, the two creating a burning white fire from the speed of their re-entry. Onaga spoke to Takofanes
"Thus I defeat Death for the second time!"
Takofanes roared in anger, hated and spite as the two reached the platform just before the lightning reached them, the sheer force of the impact sending a wave of force across Heaven, ripping the ancient magic holding Takofanes apart and sending his bones flying. Onaga stood before floating into the air.
"I am Onaga, the Dragon King! To the Undying I give death! To the Immortal I give..."
Onaga roared in triumph
While Takofanes might be more versatile then Onaga, Onaga is simply more powerful and counters Takofanes really hard.
Takofanes is universal by being relative to beings that can threaten our universe like Therakiel. Meanwhile Onaga was stronger then Shao Kahn, who was over 2 times the baseline of destroying a Mortal Kombat realm, which is likely far larger then our universe as Raiden who has divine perception called a part of one realm endless. This means that Onaga would be conservatively several times more powerful then Takofanes and Onaga is just insanely durable, able to tank Raiden's self-destruct. Especially given his regen, it would be extremely difficult for Takofanes to harm Onaga directly.
While Takofanes had forms of magic that could ignore durability, Onaga could resist magic like that of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. While it would be a NLF to suggest that Onaga could resist any magic, Takofanes doesn't have of mind hax or soul hax feats for instance that surpass that of Quan Chi.
While Takofanes COULD hypothetically defeat Onaga with some of his other abilities especially if he boosted his power with the Dragon Crowd, it would be difficult, and especially for a character as arrogant as he, not something he would do quickly.
His arrogance doesn't help, when Onaga is a good manipulator able to manipulate Shujinko for his entire lifetime into serving his will. Onaga could easily manipulate the arrogance of Takofanes.
Onaga's sheer power gap means that any hit of his against Takofanes when Takofanes is not shielded or boosted would threaten the Undying King's unlife. Onaga also doesn't really need to rely on the Kamidogu as any of his normal blows would be enough to threaten Takofanes however Takofanes really needs to rely on his sceptre as he wouldn't be able to cast fast enough to keep up if it was broken. This means Onaga breaking it would be extremely bad for Takofanes.
Also if their zombie servants come into play, it's notable that Onaga has MUCH stronger servants. Takofanes army was comprised of mostly basic human zombies and sometimes werewolves like the blood moon event. Even at peak, Takofanes army included 13 metahuman zombies, only one of whom, Vanguard would be comparable to him and Onaga.
Onaga's basic undead army was comparable to Earthrealm's defenders. So, how strong are Earthrealm's defenders? Well they have many showings of competing against Gods like Raiden and Shao Kahn and should scale to their feats. Some people claim that this is because the Gods restrict themselves for the Mortal Kombat tournament however I could not find ANYTHING to corroborate this claim. The closest I came to finding that was Shao Kahn stating that the rules of Mortal Kombat "shackled him" however this was almost certainly referring to the rules of Mortal Kombat requiring him to win 10 times in a row before absorbing a realm as he says later in the game, and in Mortal Kombat 1 Raiden being said to have "taken human form" to compete in the tournament which does not suggest his power was limited, just that the shapeshifting God took on a humanoid form to fight.
There are also many instances of non-god fighters fighting these beings in settings completely outside of any tournament. As early as Mortal Kombat 3, Liu Kang was able to defeat Shao Kahn and stop his invasion outside of a tournament and Nightwolf was able to protect his ancestral homeland from Shao Kahn's power. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were able to battle Raiden with nothing to do from any invasion. Taven was able to defeat Fujin outside of any tournament and his brother Daegon killed their godly father. And that's not getting into the new timeline. In one of the first fights of Mortal Kombat 9, Sonya defeats Raiden outside of a tournament fight.
Takofanes army at best has 1 being that can beat the beings in Takofanes army. Now granted Vanguard would be stronger then any single member of Onaga's army even if you gave him the zombie versions of character he resurrected, but the sheer numbers would be a massive advantage for Onaga.
You might think that Takofanes ability to control the dead would let him supercede this but Onaga can copy that technique which would be pretty much immediate victory for Onaga because Onaga is a living being while Takofanes is undead so Takofanes can't control Onaga but if Onaga learns that technique he absolutely could control Takofanes with his own technique.
Speaking of learning techniques, Onaga may or may not be able to teleport between realms but either way he would be able to copy it from Takofanes, as Onaga granted Shujinko the power to copy techniques including magical techniques like teleportation. Why this is important is because Takofanes might be able to teleport between dimensions but he absolutely can't see past dimensions. This can be seen by the fact that Takofanes was buried underground and couldn't even see the surface world and had no understand of the surface world. Onaga however was able to see past dimensions while he was dead. This means that in a dimension hopping fight, Onaga would constantly be able to see Takofanes while Takofanes would be essentially fighting blind until Onaga ambushes him from any dimension at all. Especially since Takofanes would need to cast a defensive spell or be massively damaged by any attack from Onaga, this is a pretty massive advantage for Onaga.
While both Takofanes and Onaga are arrogant, Takofanes is far more arrogant, Onaga could take better advantage of that because of his manipulative skills and because Onaga could immediatly see how evil Takofanes soul would be he would probably start trying a lot quicker then Takofanes would.
Takofanes might represent death, but Onaga is the one who triumphed over death.
The winner is...Onaga, the Dragon King.

Imp from the Bottom of my heart thank you for this! This may well be one of the most heartfelt gifts I have every received with just the sheer time and effort it must have taken to go through an ENTIRE series for me. That actually makes this great on multiple levels, as now I can make references to Mortal Kombat and you’ll get them!
ReplyDeleteI must admit, I am most impressed with just how Thorough you went through the series in that time, gathering all this information from even moveset descriptions in training, not even I’m that good!
Old Tacos seems like a really cool villain, like if a mummy was a Supervillain from DC (of which I’m sure probably do exist)
The fight was beyond fantastic as a MK fan that I am with so much good writing, references and even complex simbolisom with him overcoming his character flaw, makes me see you really do understand him on a deeper level!
MK so often gets unfairly downplayed to Batshit levels for really unfair reasons, like GOW ironically. To the point I’ve been afraid to blog on it myself because of fear from having to debate a hundred wankers at once. But this I think inspired me, I now am gonna start covering them!
Wow Imp, great blog! I honestly didn't expect a Mortal Kombat blog from you, but this was pretty awesome. I'm not familiar with either character (or series), but I can tell you did a lot of research on both which I appreciate.
ReplyDeleteThe fight was cool. I love how both characters use different dimensions to try and get an advantage over the other. My favorite moments were when Takofanes tried to draw power from his dimension only for Onaga to absorb it and also when Onaga no-sold Takofanes illusion (Can you tell that I have a character preference? :P). The explanation for the victor was very thorough as well. You really have a knack for finding thematic and fair matchups :)
Spooky skeletons, this blog is getting me in the Halloween mood! This one was quite the surprise, I certainly wasn't expecting this fight! I know a little bit about MK but only the oldest games so Dragon Dude was all new to me and the lich with a skeletal hateboner was way outta left field. To my surprise, I ended up liking them about the same, and liking them a lot!
ReplyDeleteI was quite stumped on this one, trying to figure out who would win. Normally when I read through both sides, my gut says A or B is gonna win (and then I debate with my gut and change my mind two dozen times :P) but this time my gut was silent. Lots of similar capabilities here and counters back and forth. In the end I decided to side with Onaga's tenacity; bending the souls of the dead to his will is Takofanes' bread and butter but I don't think he's ever dealt with a soul as defiant as Onaga's.
It seems I was right but that was hardly the only factor at play here. You know, I think the post-fight analysis here is one of the longer ones out of your many blogs. Scrolling back through it, I'm struck by how thorough it is, and I'm one of the guys usually commenting on how thorough you are on the regs. Onaga is REALLY well-equipped for this fight and I ended up getting so twisted up in what these two have in common that I didn't see that. Brings me back to my early Death Battle-watching days and the fact that this blog made me feel that way is very impressive, good job!
As for the fight itself, it was sufficiently awesome for something involving Mortal Kombat! A pyramid in a world of darkness flanked by lava flows? Put that stage in the next game! And then it ACTUALLY turned into a MK match before the Elder Gods! How sick is that? And we got a fatality to boot! Can you tell how much MK gets me pumped up? I think you did a brilliant job of pacing the fight, moving from one setting to another and making me second guess whether the battle had reached its end or not. Until I heard "FATALITY" I was half-expecting some magical shenanigans. Great blog, reading it was a very satisfying experience!