I wanted to make a fun reference blog for all of Usagi's abilities. Back years ago I recall myself and friends trying to make this blog and we kept forgetting things, so I hope this truly is the complete list.
Because Usagi at the end of the series has absorbed the lambda power, the power of all the Sailor Crystals coming together as one
she has access hypothetically to any ability of any Sailor Senshi in the series which I'll specify with an added (Lambda Power) part.
9 Lives (Lambda Power):
The Mau Crystal in the materials collection is stated to grant the user "9 lives" a reference to the catlike nature of the inhabitants of Planet Mau.
As Sailor Mau is never seen in the series, what this means is unknown, though given Naoko I imagine it work like 9 lives in a video game given her tendency to include arcade video game concepts.
Usagi has mastered the Silver Crystal and so like Queen Serenity can absorb entities into the Silver Crystal

Paradoxes in the Sailor Moon universe, like the same thing from two times touching, are supposed to cause a distortion in time too strong to stop
Despite this, Usagi can come into contact with herself from other times without paradox
This allows Usagi the incredibly strong ability to aid her younger self, via things like strengthening her or protecting her without creating paradox
Advanced Skill:
While Usagi begins the series rather clumsy and not a good soldier, over the course of the series she gains 2 years of experience as a Magical Girl Superheroine, 900 more years of experience as Neo-Queen Serenity and unknown more as Sailor Cosmos. She was also trained to fight and be a soldier without her knowledge from the Sailor V game
She plays this game up until Sailor V's introduction in Act 8 starting in Act 1. This training increases one's skill and coordination massievely to the point that after playing it on only one instance, Minako went from getting just over 2,000,000 points on another game to getting nearly 6,000,000 easily the high score of the game.
Considering that was just from playing Sailor V once, it suggests the game rapidly increases one's skill.
Air Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Uranus uses wind-based attacks like Uranus World Shaking that Usagi should be able to replicate
Usages of stellar energy, the energy of the Sailor Senshi can undo magic if sufficiently strong enough. Sailor Moon undoes a spell on her via her henshin
Likewise, Sailor Moon's attacks destroy illusions
There are numerous examples of this across the series.
Astral Projection (Lambda Power):
Hotaru, Sailor Saturn's, soul was able to go to far off places from her body, doing so to return Chibiusa's soul and the Silver Crystal
King Endymion was also able to project his spirit as his body lay unconscious
Usagi can make the moon shine with the same intensity as the Silver Crystal
and with the Lambda Power could start a new history of the heavenly bodies, seeming to mean restart the universe, though this may require the Galaxy Cauldron to do
Attack Negation (Lambda Power):
Galaxia granted her followers the ability to negate incoming attacks
Sailor Moon's power creates an aura around her, giving off light and seeming to be the source of her barrier and flight
Usagi is supernaturally good, to the point of being the literal messiah, one whose light impressed even Chaos, and called the soldier who embraces all
Sailor Senshi can teleport others with them through dimensions
she gets the attack "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" which traps opponent in a spinning mirror dimension resembling the inside of a kaleidoscope
With the Lambda Power she also demonstrated the ability to BFR people in time, as Sailor Pluto could do
the Lambda Power sending all Star Seeds to their proper place in space-time
Sailor Moon can use her moon tiara to trap enemies
Biological Manipulation:
The Coronis Crystal is stated in the materials collection to "control rot"
Sailor Senshi are the legendary chosen soldiers, avatars of the Gods chosen to fate and born with duty
They are born under the protection of their guardian stars, the celestial bodies, granting them their resistances
Can Survive in Space:
Sailor Senshi are unaffected by the vacuum of space
Sailor Moon can channel the spirit or power of her future self
Sailor Moon's mask lets her see distant events
Cosmic Awareness:
Sailor Senshi have on numerous instances sensed things on a cosmic distance. Sailor Moon sensed her friends deep within planet Nemesis while she was on the surface
She should likely be similar to Sailor Venus who sensed her friends on Nemesis at the edge of the Solar System while Venus was on Earth
Usagi at numerous instances, created new magical items for herself out of her love
The Silver Crystal is the source of all energy
Death Inducement (Lambda Power):
Sailor Saturn, the Senshi of Death, can use a power known as the Silence which ends all life

Dimensional Travel:
Sailor Senshi can travel between dimensions with their teleportation
Usagi's power allows her to travel into dimensions normally barred
Dream Scrying:
The dreams of the Sailor Senshi can predict the future
Dream Travel (Lambda Power):
Sailor Galaxia attacked Usagi in her dreams
This dream tells Usagi of the Galaxy Cauldron where Galaxia was directing her, and was something Usagi had no knowledge of beforehand.
Also Helios, who draws his power from Mamoru's Golden Crystal, another Sailor Crystal, was able to take Chibiusa on a dream travel over the city of Tokyo
Electricity Projection (Lambda Power):
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Galaxia both use lightning-based powers
Sailor Senshi grow stronger in times astrologically beneficial to their guardian star allowing Sailor Venus to resist an attack from one Ayakashi sister channeling the spirit of her 3 sisters as well, when each Ayakashi previously matched one of the other Guardian Senshi
Sailor Senshi can imbue material objects with their energy to gain a new attack related to that object's nature. Sailor V did this to an anti-mosquito item to create an attack that would destroy mosquito type enemies
Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon did this to their kaleidoscopes to turn them into their new weapons, the Moon Kaleidoscopes which can trap an enemy in a dimension of spiraling mirrors resembling the inside of a kaleidoscope.

Energy Manipulation:
Sailor Senshi henshin, flight aura, attacks, and barrier often take the form of energy projection.
Their energy, the "stellar energy" is responsible for many of their unique powers.
Enhanced Senses (Feeling):
Usagi sensed the conception of her daughter within her

Chibiusa was able to feel the pain of her allies surging through across time

Enhanced Senses (Hearing):
Sailor Moon can hear distant sounds with her hair ornaments
The 30th Century Senshi were also able to "feel" Usagi's voice calling for them while they were on Earth and she was at the Galaxy Cauldron
Enhanced Senses (Sight) (Possibly only with Lambda Power):
The Outer Senshi were able to watch events happening on the Moon, from their outposts on Uranus, Neptune, and outside spacetime
Enhanced Senses (Smell) (Lambda Power):
The Sailor Starlights were able to smell Sailor Tin Nyanko's "alien pheremones" when no one else noticed anything suspicious about her
Essence Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Galaxia can remove the star seeds from things then recreate them loyal to her. With this Usagi can hypothetically manipulate anything about someone, making it manipulation above that of an Eternal Sailor Senshi's resistance level.
Existence Erasure (Possibly only with Lambda Power):
It seems that a generic energy blast from Sailor Venus physically erases Danburite
The Silver Crystal's sealing is referred to as "banishing from existence"
Sailor Galaxia has a form of existence erasure based on removing the Star Seed that even works on the Sailor Senshi and on whole planets. Sailor Senshi can resist the erasure of Planet Nemesis that was erasing the Earth and threatening even the spiritual projection of King Endymion

Explosion Inducement (Lambda Power):
Sailor V was able to create an explosion with a karate chop
Extrasensory Perception:
MANY types. Sailor Moon can see and hear souls
She and Chibiusa were able to see the dream projection of Helios
Usagi could see King Endymion's spiritual projection and the conceptual entity Chaos
With the Lambda Power she should also have access to Sailor V's toonforce, which allowed for perceptin of metafictional things like last time recaps and text boxes
Sailor Moon's brooch responds to danger
They can sense the danger and suffering of their allies
Sailor Venus was able to sense her allies, despite being some not even partially awoken yet, in another country
Sailor Senshi can see energy auras, and gain information from the energy type
They can also sense energy from touch
Having good sensitivity and judgement abilities are part of the qualifications for being a Sailor Senshi
Can sense that people are watching them or wish them harm
Senshi seems to possess sensory abilities connected to their element such as Ami sensing the flow of water or Setsuna sensing distortions in spacetime
This is an abridged description, there's even more detail about Extrasensory Perception one could go into.
Fire Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Mars uses fire-based attacks
and the Cocoon Crystal is also noted in the materials collection to grant the power to manipulate fire.
Sailor Moon can fly by creating an energy aura around her
She later was able to fly even without aura using her Eternal Form's wings
Forcefield Creation:
Sailor Moon can create a barrier around her
the Silver Crystal will automatically create a barrier around her, or grow to encompass her if she is threatened or dying
With the lambda power she can also replicate the barrier of Sailor Pluto which created a shield that blocked Mistress 9's soul-stealing attack
Fourth Wall Awareness (Probably only with Lambda Power):
Sailor V demonstrates fourth wall awareness likely as part of her toonforce, which Sailor Moon should be able to replicate with the Lambda Power.
Usagi DOES introduce herself to the readers in many of the early chapters, though this is likely just the general narrative trope, often employed in Shojo, of the main character having narration addressed to no one in particular. She never does it in dialogue unlike Minako.
Fragrance Manipulation:
In the materials collection Sailor Tin Nyanko is stated to manipulate scent. This may be connected to the Starlights' comment that she smells of alien phonemes.
An unexplained ability, Usagi stated she intended to "envelop Chaos with (herself)"
It's possible this was Absorption, it's not very clear.
Usagi is most famous in-universe for her healing ability. The Silver Crystal is the force of infinite rebirth
By the end of the first arc, Usagi could heal planets at once
With the Lambda Power, Usagi can restore the entire cosmos to the static cosmos, as this is the ultimate power of the Lambda Power.
Holy Projection:
Because the Sailor Senshi are incarnations of the Gods, their powers are considered holy, with their Henshin being the holiest of their powers
the Silver Crystal is also referred to as a "holy gem"
Ice Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Mercury while primarily using liquid water-based attacks, also uses some ice manipulation
In the Materials Collection it is also stated that Sailor Aluminum Seiren manipulates ice
Illusion Creation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Saturn was able to create illusory images with her power
Sailor Neptune is able to do similar
Immersion (Lambda Power):
Sailor V can enter and exit video games
The Silver Crystal grants eternal life, and granted it to all those in Crystal Tokyo, where Usagi reigned
Sailor Senshi have two lives, the mortal lives of their incarnations, and their immortal lives as a Sailor Senshi. When a Sailor Senshi dies, she reincarnates until she awakens again to her immortal existence, with the prior mortal life treated as just a disguise
Intangibility (Lambda Power):
Sailor Saturn demonstrated the ability to act as purely a non-corporeal soul including effecting other astral objects
Life-Force Manipulation:
The Silver Crystal is the power that grants life-energy to everything
this may be related to the fact that when the Lunar Senshi enchanted their kaleidoscopes, the objects literally came to life
Light Projection:
Sailor Senshi powers such as Henshin in general give off light
Sailor Moon in particular is associated with light, and her attacks are often light based
the first one being literally reflecting the light of the moon
Sailor Senshi are magical guardians.
Matter Manipulation:
Sailor Moon's Moon Tiara turns people to dust
Memory Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Lethe and Mnesmonye can use their powers to erase or restore memories respectively
Mind Control:
Galaxia can force people to obey her
Mind-Reading (Lambda Power):
Galaxia sensed Usagi's intent to battle her from across the galaxy
Mirror Manipulation:
Usagi can use "Moon Gorgeous Meditation" as mentioned above to trap an opponent in a dimension of revolving mirrors.
Mist Manipulation (Lambda):
Sailor Mercury can create a distracting freezing mist
Non-Physical Interaction:
Usagi's power could destroy the conceptual entity Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron, which predated and created all potential
with Minako's power she can likely interact with metafictional objects like text boxes and flashbacks
Pain Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor Saturn can use attacks of negative energy that induced pain in the non-corporeal Pharaoh 90
Paralysis Inducement (Lambda Power):
Sailor Saturn's attack could paralyze Pharaoh 90
Past Life Awareness:
When a Sailor Senshi fully awakens, she has the memories of her past life. These are considered part of her immortal life as a Sailor Senshi
Plant Manipulation:
Sailor Jupiter has numerous planet-themed abilities and Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion also uses plant based powers.
Sailor Moon can summon the Holy Sword of the moon, which is highly toxic
Possession (Limited):
Neo-Queen Serenity's spirit can possess her younger self

Power Bestowal:
Neo-Queen Serenity granted new powers on the Guardian Senshi
Precognition (Lambda Power):
Hotaru has visions which show her the future
She can also create a miniture solar system that shows future events
Psychometry (Lambda Power):
Mamoru, Tuxedo Kamen, can lay his hand on the Earth to gain information from it, even the status of individuals
Mamoru can also gain information about someone from touching them
This can be used to sent information and power to the past self
A power closely associated with Usagi's healing, the first appearence of the Silver Crystal purified the Earth
As the Lambda Power is the ultimate power that restores the static cosmos, it's likely her purification reaches universal status.
Reactive Power Level:
During times of crisis, a greater power comes to Sailor Moon from the Holy Grail, she gets stronger from the need to fight
Reality Warping:
The Silver Crystal has the power to make miracles and to grant wishes
Regeneration (Lambda Power):
The Lambda Power itself regenerated Usagi after she was erased in the Galaxy Cauldron, down to Sailor Crystal, erased from history
Sailor Moon can easily resurrect people, even resurrect the whole Earth first when the Silver Crystal appeared and later at the end of the arc.
Retrocognition (Lambda Power):
King Endymion can watch over Chibiusa, even as she adventures in the past
Sailor Moon can seal entities, banishing them from existence
Neo-Queen Serenity sealed away an entire planet
It's also somewhat suggested she can seal away even hatred itself
Most likely this is just a poetic way of talking about destroying Death Phantom, whose body had long since disappeared, his hatred becoming the mysterious phantom force animating planet Nemesis
Usagi has the disguise pen which can disguise her
assuming this is similar to Minako's disguise henshin, it should allow Usagi to disguise herself into specific persons real or historical and get all associated items of theirs
Sleep Inducement:
Neo-Queen Serenity put Luna and Artemis asleep for millennia from the fall of the Moon Kingdom before the current evolutionary period of Earth to the present day
Smoke Projection (Lambda Power):
Sailor V was able to create sulphuric smoke replicating the atmosphere of Venus
Soul Manipulation (Lambda Power):
As a soul, Hotaru was able to return the souls of the Sailor Senshi back to them
Sound Manipulation:
Usagi's first attack was her crying amplified by her hairpieces into Ultrasonic waves
This attack can threaten to destabilize the space of dimensions, and was effective against a ghost
Sailor Aluminem Seiren uses a brainwashing song
Spatial Manipulation:
As mentioned above, Usagi can destroy spatial dimensions with her crying. The Silver Crystal is said to have dominion over spacetime, its light warping spacetime multiple times
Sailor Mercury was able to create a hyperspace, meaning a higher dimensional space, bubble in order to minimize collateral damage
Statistics Amplification:
Sailor Moon's powers are dependent on the status of her heart, her faith, resolution, and love
This allows her power to rise or drop with her emotional state, to the point of going from an enemy tanking her attack to one-shotting her mid-blast
as well as going from weaker than Blady Lady, who Wiseman a tiny avatar created by Death Phantom who transmuted Chibusa into from sheer will, to being on the level of the real Death Phantom
Sulfur Manipulation (Lambda Power):
As mentioned above, Sailor Venus was able to create a sulphuric smoke/

Usagi can summon people and objects to her side
Superhuman Durability:
While weaker than it, Eternal Sailor Moon was able to withstand the attack from Chaos after it melded into one with the Galaxy Cauldron, the source of all potential in the Sailor Moon Cosmos
This is a god tier durability feat for Sailor Moon-verse, scaling above the Silver Crystal creating all energy
with the Lambda Power, Usagi's durability is an unknown amount higher.
Superhuman Intelligence (Lambda Power):
With the Lambda Power, Usagi has access to the superhuman intelligence granted by the Mercury Crystal, which grants an IQ of over 300
and should be relative to the intelligence of Professor Tomoe's "super life forms" which had an intelligence hundreds of times that of a human
Superhuman Speed:
On the lower end, Eternal Sailor Chibi-Moon and company flew from the Earth to the center of the Galaxy instantly to save Usagi, which Sailor Moon is above.
The Eternal Senshi also seem to be relative in speed to the Lambda Power which instantly restored the cosmos, and which should be superior to the power of the Silver Crystal which reached beyond spacetime in the moment of Saphir swinging his hand down to hit Usagi with the Black Crystal
This has been calced at just over 1 quintillion c and seems generally accepted.
Also with the Lambda Power, Sailor Moon should also have superhuman running speed
Superhuman Stamina:
The Silver Crystal gives infinite, never-ending energy

Superhuman Strength:
Despite its incredible gravity that can trap light, Usagi can stand on planet Nemesis and her physical strikes can harm youma comparable to herself at the beginning of the series
with the Jupiter Crystal's power through the Lambda Power, she gets an amplification to her striking strength that seems proportionally even stronger than her energy projection given Super Sailor Jupiter was able to punch out Queen Nehelenia
Supernatural Charisma:
Sailor Senshi transform into women of strength and beauty
and the Sol System Senshi are envied across the galaxy for their strength and beauty.
Minako was able to defeat a male enemy via transforming with disguise power into a form so beautiful he was knocked unconcious by nosebleed, something Usagi should hypothetically be able to do
Neo-Queen Serenity is so beautiful the madman terrorist Demande propogandized against her his whole life fell in love with her at first sight
The alien warlord Galaxia was so won over by Usagi's conviction and belief in the future that she believed Usagi was the perfect heavenly body she had searched for so long for, even though it would mean her own death to do so
Chaos, the primordial darkness did not want to destroy Usagi but for the light and darkness to join together as one again, entranced by her shine
Supernatural Wisdom:
Usagi is known for her empathy and ability to understand the feelings of others, to the point that at the end of the series she was even able to understand the motives of the conceptual darkness Chaos itself
Sailor Moon telekinetically shatters the surface of Nemesis
Telepathy (Lambda Power):
Galaxia telepathically transmitted the images of the Outer Senshis' deaths into Usagi's mind
Sailor Senshi can teleport using their henshin power

the Silver Crystal will also automatically teleport Sailor Moon away from danger
Text Manipulation (Lambda Power):
As mentioned above Artemis was able to scratch out a text box
Time Manipulation:
All the prior mentioned feats of spacetime manipulation apply here as well. When Usagi first fully awoke it seemed to cause time to turn backwards. It seems, at first like a poetic way of saying they are gaining their memories back but Mamoru's watch literally turns backwards
Sailor Moon with the Lambda Power can also use the Pluto Crystal's power of time manipulation such as time travel and temporal BFR
It's also somewhat implied Sailor Pluto can manipulate time in a general sense, though stopping it entirely is taboo for her
Time Stop (Lambda Power):
Just as Sailor Pluto, Usagi can stop time with the Lambda Power, though not being bound by the same taboo, Usagi will not die if she does so.
Toonforce (Possibly Lambda):
As mentioned before Sailor V has toonforce feats that likely apply to Sailor Moon with the Lambda Power. Usagi on rare instances also shows very mild toonforce feats in the main manga, most often reacting negatively at the words or thoughts attacking her even if she's not actually there.
Usagi summoned the Mautians to her side, transforming them from their cat forms to their human forms
Water Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Numerous Sailor Senshi including Sailor Mercury, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Aluminem Seiren have demonstrated water manipulation
Weather Manipulation (Lambda Power):
Sailor V was able to create a mystical purifying rain
Resistance to Absorption:
Queen Metaria and Death Phantom both have the ability to absorb entities, yet Sailor Moon withstood being inside of both
Resistance to Age Manipulation:
Sailor Crystals can control the aging of Senshi, keeping them from aging or rapidly aging them
Resistance to Blindness Inducement:
Metaria's presence made Mamoru go blind, but Sailor Moon was unaffected
Resistance to Body Control:
The Evil Eye gives one control of the bodies of others, yet Sailor Moon as she grew stronger resisted its power
Resistance to Energy Manipulation:
Withstood being with Metaria and Death Phantom, despite both draining energy
Resistance to Essence Manipulation:
Sailor Moon was not killed by having her Sailor Crystal removed, though was heavily affected
Resistance to Existence Erasure:
Sailor Moon withstood being within Death Phantom despite its existence erasing ability

Resistance to Fate Manipulation:
Super Sailor Moon broke Nehelenia's curse condemning Super Sailor Moon to die
Resistance to Fusion:
Resisted Pharaoh 90's assimilation ability which allows him to fuse with whole planets
Resistance to Matter Manipulation:
Resisted with heavy effort Chiral and Achiral's atomic magnetic control of atoms

Resistance to Memory Manipulation:
Sailor Moon regained her memories in the river of oblivion which erases memories
Resistance to Mind Manipulation:
People seem to distinguish this power into a lot of categories, though I'm not sure how specific a resistance one needs to resist a similar type of power. The Sailor Senshi have resisted all manners of mind manipulation including illusions, showing them horrific nightmares, showing them images of what they desire, mind manipulation that turns people violent, mind manipulation that turns people obsessive, and direct brain control. In terms of scale Metaria brainwashed the whole Earth yet Usagi tanked being within her, and the mental hax and resistance tier goes up further an unspecified amount.
Resistance to Paralysis:
Usagi recovered quickly from the paralyzing Silver Crystal and was later immune
Resistance to Petrification:
Metaria turned people to stone, and in the Silver Millennium, turned the whole Moon to stone from the lush planetoid it used to be. Despite this Sailor Moon was able to survive within her.
Resistance to Poison:
Sailor Senshi can tank the poison of the Black Crystal Monoliths
Resistance to Power Absorption:
The power of the Silver Crystal is controlled by Usagi even when in someone else
Resistance to Power Nullification:
Sailor Moon transformed and escaped from Nemesis' surface despite it nullifying all forms of power.

Resistance to Radiation:
The Sailor Senshi can tank the surface of Nemesis despite its massive radiation
Resistance to Soul Manipulation:
Pharaoh 90 planned to vesselize the planet, vesselize being the process his daimon used to remove the soul from people or animals and inhabit their bodies like bodysuits, suggesting Pharaoh 90 may have planetary soul manipulation as its goal was to become the worldsoul of Earth. Despite this Sailor Moon could withstand being Pharaoh 90 without losing her soul.
Resistance to Time Stop:
The Silver Crystal can grant resistance to time stop
Honestly each of these categories could have a way longer explanation. As a fun bonus outside the level of supernatural wisdom and charisma, this is basically the powerset of anyone who has gained the lambda power.
General Awesomeness:
I don't usually make a section in my blogs for general feats so I just wanted to, for once, make just a list of why this character is awesome for my favorite character.
- Regularly beats up horrific Cthulhu Mythos-esque monstrosities
- Despite being a rather cowardly 14 year old girl with no experience of the supernatural, courageously goes to face her first fight with a monster just because she heard her friend Naru was in danger
- Her awakening to her true identity resurrects people across Earth, curing disease, and revitalizing it
- Was forbidden to love someone from the Earth as a Lunarian. Did so anyway, a love so strong it would go on to save the universe multiple times.
- Defeats the Dark Kingdom's greatest warrior in a sword duel, despite his likely far greater swordsmanship training and her heart being in despair for having to fight her true love
- Unified her identities as Princess Serenity and Sailor Moon and turned a planet-sized energy-draining mind-warping cosmic darkness to space dust restoring the destroyed Moon Kingdom as a side-effect
- Became queen of the moon at age 14 and as her first act restored everyone to life on Earth
- Was abducted by a madman terrorist sexual harraser who used magical powers to control her body to a place where she had no powers and where they tried to blame her for their crimes. Slapped him in the face and defied him at every turn. Regained her powers of her own accord, rescued herself and her friends kept prisoner there but not before defying Demande again to his face saying she's not responsible for the evil he does.
- Holds back the existence-erasing power of a sentient black hole controlled by the phantom hate of a super-criminal with her light, that transcended time. This act was so incredible people thought it had to have had been performed by herself from 900 years later. She and her time traveling daughter later blew up that Black Hole with a double attack.
- Alien divine king from another dimension that sought to fuse with the Earth browned its metaphorical pants at how strong she was.
- Refused to sacrifice one innoncent life even to save the universe, earning the trust of the legendary Soldier of Ruin Saturn, breaking the universe from the threat of cyclical reset of life's history.
- Proclaimed the Messiah by 15.
- In less than 2 years reached the level of mastery with the Silver Crystal as Queen Serenity, a goddess with millennia of experience
- Despite her love having a contagious disease that was painfully fatal and seemingly could not be cured, refused to leave his side. Regret nothing when caught it.
- Usagi and Mamoru's love was so powerful it became known across spacetime.
- She singlehandedly ended a war of the Sailor Senshi that has devastated the galaxy at age 16.
- Sailor Galaxia was created as a character meant to challenge Usagi's ideals. Spent the entire fifth arc physically, emotionally, and mentally toturing her, destroying Usagi's loved ones such that they could never be resurrected. Usagi saved her anyway, an act that broke even Galaxia's will.
- Usagi's future self pled with her to let the universe die, as the future would be nothing but endless strife and conflict leaving her hopeless. Usagi at this point had lost all her loved ones, seemingly forever. Usagi refused, understanding the feelings of Chaos and Galaxia, and plunged into the existence-erasing soul-deleting source of all things with the ultimate evil Chaos to show even IT love, accepting the painful temporal chaotic nature of being, an act of love so immense it destroyed Chaos accidentally, an act of courage and hope so immense it inspired her future self to continue to fight.
- Guardian Cosmos, overseer of the universe, was shocked at how powerful Usagi was and asked HER if she wanted to start the universe over again
- At age 22, became queen of the Earth, turning it into a harmonious utopia of immortals
The Biggest Stuff:
if you just want to know the most important vs things about Usagi I would say those are:
Universal+ Power, Healing/Purification and Spacetime Hax
Planetary Mind/Soul/Essence Hax
Time Travel/Four-Dimensional Combat + Acausality
Time Stop
BFR/Sealing (Planetary, can BFR in dimensions and through time)
Superhuman ability to charm others through beauty and charisma
Existence Erasure/Death Manipulation
Cosmic Awareness
Infinite Stamina
Can hit conceptual and maybe even metafictional plane
Resistance to essentially every conventional hax
Holy shit what a blog, gonna use this for future references. I can only imagine how Naoko Takeuchi came up with this.
ReplyDeleteEditor: How many powers should we give her?
Naoko Takeuchi: ALL OF THEM
Editor: NANI?!
Sorry, didn't see your comment, I'm happy to help! :)