How to be OP in the Raimi Spider-Man-verse
Large Building Tier:
This tier includes most of the villains the Amazing Spider-Man came across during his career as a superhero. During Spider-Man 1, the Green Goblin used a missile to create an explosion nearly the size of a bridge calced at being nearly 4.5 tons of tnt worth of energy. Likewise his son in Spider-Man 3 using a flamethrower turned a substantial part of the Building-Sized Sandman to glass quickly, calced at just over 2.5 tons of tnt worth. This same Sandman would in Spider-Man: No Way Home get into inter-universal fights with the TASM-verse Electro. Electro's powers fluctuates based on his psychological state but generally stayed within the Building to Large Building Level range based on the mega-amperes he was giving off, with him eventually reaching into the low end city block level. Sandman fighting a fairly combat-focused Electro should scale him to Large Building level. The various villains would also then get into a fight with the Three Spider-Men including the TASM-verse Spider-Man who numerous times outsped and avoided Electro's lightning, the villains moving at fairly similar speeds to them, suggesting they would also be massively hypersonic.
This tier includes four threats. First of them was the Goblins, the first being the Green Goblin and then his son. Contrary to popular opinion Harry Osborne is never deemed the "Hobgoblin" in the third Spider-Man film, instead only ever deemed the "New Goblin." The Goblins are enhanced with a genetic serum and various experimental technology including a glider for flight and numerous forms of explosives including pumpkin bombs and missiles. Their technology also includes homing razors and knockout gas projected from their gauntlets. They also have an unconventional resistance to memory erasure as their insane split alter ego can remind them, even after losing memories of what they're fighting for. The Green Goblin is likely physically stronger then his son due to the enhanced serum within him, and is also dramatically cunning and manipulative, to the point of manipulating the superhuman intellects of the Spiders both in Spider-Man 1 and in No Way Home and is something of a scientist himself.
This tier includes the Sandman, Flint Marko, who was transmuted into a logia being of sand. This makes him extremely hard to conventionally hurt and gives him an extreme regenerative property, the ability to grow into a massive building sized form, and the ability to form weapons from his body. He can also somehow fly as a cloud of sand and has a generally strong will, to the point of reforming himself quickly through the love of his daughter, when earlier it was shown to be extremely difficult to do so.
Finally this tier includes the Symbiote entity which after de-coupling from Spider-Man, merged with the Eddie Brock to become the villain Venom. Venom can use it's own logia form to mimic Spider-Man's abilities such as "webs". He was able to form claws from his body, and most dangerously, the symbiote can attach itself to other entities, amplifying their power and aggression, and altering the host's mind to make it extraordinarily hard to remove the symbiote. This version of Venom also has a pseudo-spider sense that allowed him to quickly find the Sandman, suggesting he can counter at least mild stealth strategies and the symbiote in its natural state has a high level of regeneration.
Also Namor and Dr. Strange canonically exist in the Raimi-verse but nothing is known about them so it's kind of unhelpful.
So when considering the biggest threats it's sleeping gas, flight, logia (sand), and biological corruption/possession. The tier also has numerous forms of weaponry to use against a counter and notably has higher end power for large building level.
In terms of weaknesses, the Green Goblin is psychologically unstable, and both Goblins rely heavily on their technology. Anyway of disabling that would leave them, especially Harry, as completely helpless. The Sandman doesn't want to fight particularly, and his sand properties can be turned to mud by water making his regeneration vastly slower, while heat turns him to glass. The Symbiote makes an individual uninhibited and short-sighted, is weak to sonics and intense sound, and deprived of its host is significantly weaker.
So in general elemental forms of combat would work well. In general I think a character that stays at range would be good for the tier as the most broken offenses of the tier, the sleeping gas and the symbiote are at extremely close range which works well with most elemental type fighters. There's also just not that much combat skill in this tier so I think a highly skilled counter would work. Green Goblin can block a punch from Spider-Man while he was a novice, but he didn't have that much skill at that point. In Spider-Man 3, the villains pretty regularly struggled to deal with Spider-Man's level of agility and skill, and Raimi-verse Spider-Man doesn't have any skill feats beyond C Tier. So a particularly agile, skillful type character would probably aid that.
Well when I think elemental type powers and high skill for the same characters, I think of one verse which leads me to my first counter
Combustion Man, alternate alias Sparky Sparky Boom Man from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Combustion Man personally has one of the highest end large building feats I've ever seen destroying a rock formation with his explosion calced at 9.44 tons of tnt. He's also comparably fast to Prince Zuko who outpaced lightning to protect Katara, putting him at similar stats for the tier.
Combustion Man is a Fire Nation assassin who creates sudden explosions via his third eye. These explosions would be devastating to most of the villains of this tier, immediately glassing most of Sandman from heat potency and the sheer boom of the explosion would likely massively damage the symbiote. Given the power should be comparable to one of the Goblins higher end explosives, it would likely seriously damage the new Goblin as well given how just one of his normal pumpkin bombs did serious damage to Harry when Spider-Man flinged it back at him.
Combustion Man is also an extremely skilled fighter able to match master tier fighters like many of the members of Team Avatar as of Book 3 suggesting he should be able to dodge their attacks in turn similar to how Spider-Man was able to, or block them with his metal arm. His stealth assassin type strategy would be especially strong against this tier even if Venom should be able to hypothetically track him.
Also against Green Goblin specifically, if Goblin got into close range and used sleeping gas, while Combustion Man probably wouldn't know what it is, assuming he recognizes enough to know it's probably not good, he can likely avoid the effects. Firebenders as part of their training learn to control their breath and he can likely hold his for an extreme amount of time if need be.
However there's an argument he scales too high for the tier, and also it's possible Green Goblin's homing razors or Sandman's sandstorm would disrupt his third eye, causing him to blow up. For an even stronger counter you could use
Umi Ryuuzaki from Magic Knight Rayearth.
Just to clarify, you can arguably use the anime for MKR if you want. If you do the Knights scale far higher, this is just manga Umi. In the manga, Umi scales to the power of Lafarga's sword swings making fissues calced at 9.8 tons and partially took the energy of Esmeraude's castle collapse calced at over 12 tons of tnt putting her very consistently at this range of power. Speedwise even in the manga she is able to pilot Celes at FTL speeds in close quarters, suggesting she could easily react to these characters, though she can't really prevent them from getting in and out of close range with their superior movement speed.
Umi is a powerful swordswoman, to the point of fighting the best swordswoman in the world of Chizeta and winning showing a dramatic skill advantage to this tier in skill. She complements with three extremely helpful spells all themed around water manipulation. She can create a water dragon which can act independent of her, which is especially helpful when a tier has so few enemies. The water would obviously turn Sandman to mud, slowing his regen and generally weakening him, which is especially helpful when the Sandman wouldn't want to fight a young girl given his motivation. It's possible the water would also clog up the Goblins technology and even if it can't, Umi can easily block them with her escudo blade. Her second spell creates a sapphire whirlwind around her which can allow her to maintain distance if wanted, and be a general purpose area of effect attack, and her third spell icicle blades are the strongest of her attacks which given her normal level of power can likely one-shot any of the enemies here.
Umi also has a few other magical abilities, she can create magical portals to Cephiro which can bfr any of her opponents if they charge her or block any of their projectiles. If either Goblin tried to use sleeping gas, Umi could likely resist as she doesn't seem to need to breath given she can go underwater indefinitely without difficulty. Finally if the symbiote tried to possess Umi, it would absolutely fail as Umi's will is so powerful that it provided 1/3rd the will to overpower the universal reality-warping god Mokona. Umi would just pluck the symbiote off her, yell at it for rudeness and attack the weakened hostless symbiote.
The only real way I could see Umi losing here is if the Green Goblin manipulates her famous over-emotional nature and then quickly overwhelms her with attacks. Umi is the DPS and without Hikaru the tank to take the explosions or Fuu the support to heal her or see through the Goblin's manipulation, that strategy might work, though Umi does have Escudo armor and is more composed by the end of Magic Knight Rayearth so I don't think this is likely. Still for the best counter I would suggest
Static from Static Shock!
Static was able to vaporize a pillar of ice calced to this value, and in terms of reactions was able to create shields to block blasts of light from Green Lantern which moves at...lightspeed.
Static is a scientific gifted kid known for analyzing his opponents and using science and biology to figure out his own powers and defeat his opponents. Against the Goblins he would be completely unfair. Not only does he have the ability to use his electromagnetism to send all their weapons away from him just through his aura and not only can he resist knockout gas, he can reflect all their technological attacks back at them and his electromagnetic control can allow him to control technology including just turning it off. If he wanted he could simply turn off their battle armors, or make pumpkin grenades blow up in their hands. He also has the Static Saucer to levitate like them, and its unlikely Green Goblin could manipulate him since he is unlikely to be able to gather any personal information on him and without that it would be similar to when he tried to manipulate Spider-Man the first time which also didn't work, but with the added difficulty of Static being a far more experienced superhero.
Against the Sandman and Venom, Static can literally stay far in the air and ping them with lightning from outside their range, making it difficult for them to fight back. Basic electricity attacks would likely turn sections of Sandman to glass and when using most of his energy, Static was able to create an EMP nova effect across a large section of the city, which should be able to pretty easily encompass Sandman's giant form.
While it might take a bit for Static to figure out Venom's weakness, it'd be pretty difficult for Venom to get close to Static given Static is significantly more experienced to Peter, and has more options for keeping opponents at range. He was also able to amplify a store's sound system to hurt Talon, which he means once he figures out Venom's weakness, he should be able to win fairly quickly.
Overall Static can pretty easily supply the weakness for each of the tier's threats while keeping pretty much completely outside of their ability to counter-attack.

City Block Tier:
Characters on this tier are significantly stronger than the prior tier which were close to city block level, likely scale to TASM Electro's upper end power which reached low end city block level, and include the feat of Doctor Octopus of creating a miniature for the repeatedly stated purpose of harnessing the "power of the Sun, in the palm of one's hand." as a form of energy source capable of revolutionizing the world. The energy of the core of the Sun across the whole of one's body is a multi-city block feat, and even for that level of heat in the palm of the one's hand would likely be city block level, supported by Doctor Octopus's arms manipulating a Sun that was drawing in all the metal in New York.
In terms of speed, it's fairly similar. The characters in this tier are faster but not factors faster than the prior tier, so massively hypersonic.
This tier includes two, kind of three, characters. First is Doctor Octopus. While Doctor Octopus's normal body is normal human body, actually hurt when Aunt May hit him, his arms were able to completely overpower Tobey McGuire Spider-Man that could match the prior mentioned villains, would later restrain the other Spider-Men in No Way Home, and generally manipulate the small suns without damage which was the purpose of their invention. These four metal tentacles that adjust their length are Doctor Octopus' main weapon, having independent reactions and sensing all of which feed into Doctor Octopus' brain. They can allow him to climb up vertical surface or carry large objects, and have an especially strong resistance to heat and radiation. This is before their upgrade from the the Iron Spider's nano-technology which granted them a resistance to technopathy, and electrical resistance strong enough to grab TASM Electro. Doctor Octopus is also a supergenius intellect creating his arms AI purely as a side-effect of his main goal that he succeeded in, creating unlimited power, suns that could fit in ones hands.
Generally the Raimi-verse Spider-Man would have been in the prior tier, however that's not true on two occasions. When the symbiote merged with Spider-Man in Spider-Man 3, he temporarily became the far more aggressive Black-Suit Spider-Man who completely stomped Sandman and New Goblin who he would normally be relative too. However this is almost certainly transcended by the real threat of this tier, Spider-Man normally as of No Way Home, after upwards of two decades of more experience and his world's greatest hero.
Spider-Man has enhanced stats, including agility, surface scaling and the ability to create webs (notably biological in this version), which can be used to restrain people, swing from buildings, or grab objects. He has decades of experience as a superhero by NWH and is a supergenius intellect helping the other Spiders create serums to remove the biological transformations they've undergone, and actually understood Doctor Octopus' papers as college student. He has a level of stealth, dropping down behind criminals without them noticing it multiple times, a low healing factor, and his famous Spider-Sense. The Spider-Sense gives Peter a 360 degree awareness and danger sense "bordering on precognition", and can be used for clairvoyance to view distant events.
In terms of weaknesses, Doctor Octopus' biggest one is that his physical body is just as squishy as ever. It's difficult to get a strike off as his four appendages can all "see" and act individually, but if you can get around essentially the equivalent of four people on this tier, and hit his main-body you can one-shot him. Spider-Man's biggest weakness in the films is repeatedly shown to be his heart. When he lost faith in himself, his powers stopped working entirely, and he regularly becomes distracted trying to protect civilians. Both characters also significantly lack ranged attacks. Spider-Man at least has webbing, but Green Goblin and Sandman were both able to escape from Spider-Man, partially because they can fly. Finally the best thing to use on this tier is just being higher end into City Block Level. The feats Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus scale to are lower-end in City Block Level, and a character on the higher end will be several times stronger and be able to easily overpower them.
So who would be a good counter? The first counter I would suggest would be
Cleopatra from Dante's Inferno
Cleopatra is conservatively in the city block range of power scaling from Death who created a dimension which seemed to encompass a city block, and telekinetically moving a giant tower and creating a storm around it. She can move at comparable speed to Dante who can lightning time, putting her at similar stats to this tier even in her base state, let along her giant state which should overpower.
Cleopatra can create a powerful storm around her giant form, coursing with lightning, a magic neither Peter nor Otto have a particularly good counter. While Otto's tentacles post-nanobot upgrade would likely not be shorted out by the lightning since it can restrain Electro, it's unlikely they could protect him from the sweeping winds.
Cleopatra as queen of the circle of Lust has the ability to imbue lust to try and tempt humans into lust and would likely try to use the same strategy on Spider-Man as she did to Dante. It's feasible Peter could resist this through his love for Mary Jane, though he does not have the superhuman willpower feats that either his comic version or Dante Alighieri possess, so it's a bit up in the air. Either way, in a direct fight, Spider-Man would have a degree of difficulty dealing with such a large enemy similar as he has to the Sandman, especially one who could do dramatic damage with her own strikes and can surround herself with a powerful windstorm that can throw off his webs and which can shoot out lightning that would seriously damage him.
Against Otto, it's an even better fight for Cleopatra as he almost certainly couldn't resist her seduction unless his tentacles mind control can override it, her stormwinds are not something his tentacles could resist, and she can take from her breasts legions of demon babies with blades for arms that could swarm at Otto. While these babies are fairly weak, they are definitely strong enough to kill his human torso of his arms can't keep up. I don't know if it's outside help, but she also keeps Marc Anthony inside her mouth, which would be a zombie roman warrior capable of aiding her fight at the same stat range as well.
However it's arguably that Cleopatra might be outside the verse's power range depending on interpretation, and also she might be an astral entity. For an even more fitting counter one could you use
Emira Blight from the Owl House
Emira Blight is an Illusionist, and so her powers do not focus on attack potency or durability, though she should be comparable or superior to her lowerclassman illusionist Gus who learned a fire glyph calced at over 32 tons of tnt, making her likely a couple times stronger than the tier. In speed Emira is comparable to Luz who is not as fast as her mentor Eda but fast enough that in Season 2 the two were able to fight somewhat evenly, meaning Emira shouldn't be dramatically slower than Eda, Eda being a lightning timer. This means Emira would be somewhat relative, though perhaps slower than the tier, balancing out her power advantage.
Emira can create magical illusions to disguise herself or make her opponent misconstrue what they are perceiving and she, along with her brother summoned up Luz's worst fears to prepare her for Grom. Magical Illusions would be an extremely broken power for this verse in general being completely unlike anything shown, which Doctor Octopus' tentacles would not be able to see through too protect, and which it's unknown if even the Spider-Sense would see through. And unlike her brother, Emira is famously pragmatic and prone to using her illusions in practical ways to get an advantage and is mischievous and tricky enough to find their weaknesses.
Against Otto Emira could do things like disguise the ground to make it look safe so his arms will rest his body then when it's not safe, or make him think he's seeing his machine or Spider-Man or the like when he's not. Against Peter she could if wanted disguise herself as Mary Jane and fake "dying" or something to the effect to mess with his heart and short out his powers.
And even if discovered, it's not like she can't hold her own in a normal fight. She can restrain them with magical energy like she did the Slitherbeast, something neither of them would be able to break out of, and even if damaged can heal herself as she did her brother while hitting them with attacks twice as hard as their own strikes or escape via disguising herself with magic.
The only real danger is because they are faster if she's caught up by surprise in the open, either tentacle grab or spider-webs can likely restrain her as she isn't that physically strong to break out of it and if restrained likely can't use her magic to escape. So for the best counter I would suggest
Akito Tenkawa from Martian Successor Nadesico.
Akito's Aestivalis mech is able to one-shot Jovian warships the size of buildings, violently destroying them in massive explosions so long as they don't have shields up. It's also fast enough to fight mechs and ships that move comparably to the Nadesico which can travel from Earth to Mars in a month which requires speeds of over Mach 138 using average Earth-Mars distance and fight enemies that can quickly go from the orbit of planets to the ground in seconds. This would put him at comparable in stats to the tier, if not much stronger in raw power.
Aestivalis can fly around and shoot rocket fists from a distance which would be a difficult strategy for Peter or Otto to fight given the lack of ranged firepower. Even if Akito approaches them, not only is he comparably skilled in hand to hand with his own weapons but the Aestivalis is far larger than them and they lack significant area of effect.
However Akito also has probably the single most helpful power to have for this tier. He's an A-Class Boson Jumper, a teleporter whose teleportation skills are strong enough to teleport even across inter-planetary distances. Against Otto, Akito can just teleport into right next to him, going past his tentacles defenses, and one-shot him physically. Akito is personally physically strong enough to do that as he scales to gag feats of Yurika doing things like shaking things the entire warship Nadesisco meaning he could easily one-punch Otto before his tentacles could react.
Against Spider-Man it's notable that ALL his abilities work based on spacing. His webbings hold thing in one place, and if it could just teleport that wouldn't work. His Spider-Sense tells him the precise position of things and their motion but even in the comics it can't predict Boson Teleportation and certainly not here. His famed ability to avoid attacks comes from agility, acrobatics, positioning basically. Just teleporting next to him suddenly negs that. Basically teleportation would completely mess with Peter's normal strategy.
Bizarrely enough, even in the specific scenario where Otto created his Solar Machine and started drawing in all metal in a city-wide radius, it wouldn't work on the Aestivalis because they are made entirely of ceramics and ultra-hardened resins in their normal frames, and have no metal in their composition meaning it would not be drawn in at all.
Overall Akito's comparable to superior stats, the several weapons of his mech and single ability he has that perfectly counters both Otto and Peter's abilities means he would be able to pretty easily beat both of them.
And that's how to be OP in the Raimi-verse Spider-Man.
Awesome Imp! I Love the Raimi Spider-Man canon. It really is one of the best superhero trilogies I can name even to this day and The fact it was so good it got brought into the Current MCU for a Continuation is only a teastimate to how iconic it is for the superhero genre as a whole. Let alone Spider-Man. Reading this was kinda a nostalgia trip and a half, seeing all these classic comic villains and having all their one liners pop into my head. I thought it was really cool actually seeing the feats of this world calculated as due to my knowing that this isn't the main marvel canon I actually never bothered to keep track of these feats myself but my gosh are these movies fun to revisit and explore. I also thought it was kinda cool how not only was Doctor Octopus clearly the strongest Villain in terms of Raw Stats (Which I guess makes sense, he battled Spider-Man after he had defeated Goblin, and then after Otto they had to throw 3 Villains at him at once in the 3rd film) But how Peter himself rose above them by the time of No Way Home to the point he could deal with them more casually. It was pretty cool seeing you talk about things like Otto getting nanotech upgrades in No Way Home, or the obscure fact that apparently this world has its own Namor and Doctor Strange. As is Typical of an Imp Blog, even if i know the series i still learn new stuff!
ReplyDeleteThe Counters were pretty fun, I think the fact this verse didn't have a lot of INSANE Hax powers or nothing like that makes countering it more fun because you can be super creative with it. When theres a lotta hostile things to worry about that one oneshot most characters at this tier, doing these can often feel like trying to find a perfect piece of a Jigsaw puzzle, but here where they have more fun comic book-y type powers the amount of characters that could excel here is far greater letting you really lean into certain strategies that you think would be especially efficient with out having to worry about that one dude who can turn you into data with his mind or something. I thought Combustion Man was a pretty badass choice as I dont really think of him as a particularly dangerous figure most of the time, generally being just a boss with a cool attack for team avatar, but i think that showing the amount of damage he could clearly do to the Villain Cast here is the kinda beauty these blogs have, letting those overlooked characters shine. I also really loved your pic of Emeria, as she is not a combatant and doesn't even have any real offensive magic, but Wow you proved to me how easily she could mess with the top tiers here due to her trickery, manipulation and also the fact she can still fight them well enough if backed into a corner. MASSIVE Props to finding Akito too! I was not familiar with him before reading this but wow he is cartoonishly perfect here! I really liked that point about how just to add insult to injury even if you gave Otto prep time to make his big mcguffen machine from the end of Spider-Man 2 it STILL wouldnt stop him cause he isnt metal, reminded me of when me and Shade made Axe Cop VS Bobobo and one of the comics said that every hair on Axe Cop's Body is really a Tiny Sword, which ironically made Axe Cop immune to one of Bobobo's best powers!
I’m really happy to see you tackle the Raimi Spider-Man! I love these films a lot and it’s cool to see that this version of Spidey is a little more powerful than I thought. And I learned a couple of things I didn’t know, such as the fact that Namor apparently exists in the Raimi Spider-Verse. Combustion Man was an interesting choice for the first tier; I could easily see a villain like him fitting really well in Spider-Man. He seems like a perfect choice to fight Sandman in particular, but I also love the detail you included about firebenders learning to control their breath and how that would be a good counter for the sleeping gas. I don’t know much about the Rayearth verse, but Umi was a fun choice as well, and I like the mental image of her yanking the symbiote off herself and calling it rude. I did watch a fair bit of Static Shock growing up and the fact I can easily imagine a montage where he swoops in and easily takes down all the villains, makes it sound like an excellent choice for a counter.
ReplyDeleteI like that you take into account the relative weakness of Otto’s body in comparison to his tentacles. It makes things like Cleopatra’s demon babies (which I assume is fodder) more compelling threats. Also, it's cool that Emira Blight seems to fit a Mysterio role in her counter strategy. I think you did a great job explaining why teleportation would be so overpowered against the spidey sense, and it makes Akito Tenkawa really compelling as a counter.
Also, I like you pulling some quotes from the movie in your analysis such as “Something of a scientist himself” haha. Overall, fantastic blog.
A-KIII-TOOOOOO! Did ya like my Yurika impression? Oh man, I know I'm starting at the end but I lost my mind when the MC of my favorite anime showed up! I'm still smiling with excitement as I type this. I should probably start at the start though, I'll circle back to my man Akito later in this comment. Raimi-verse was such an unexpected surprise! I loved watching these films back when they came out, this will always be the live action Spider-Man I think of. Okay, so the biggest surprise in this blog was Akito but the second biggest surprise was how No Way Home affected this verse for the purpose of this strategy guide. I haven't kept up with recent Spider-Man flicks, so I was unaware NWH interacted with these old movies in such a way! Sandman upgrades are always good to me, as he was one of my fave Spider-Man villains.
ReplyDeleteI love it when I can follow along with the guides and predict what sort of counters are going to appear based on the weaknesses you highlight. For the first tier, I was thinking Avatar would be a good way to combine elemental powers and skill and sure enough, boom, first counter was from Avatar! Thanks for giving me the satisfaction. This counter was a pretty cool flexing of your ability to make minor characters shine, as while I've heard of all the main Avatar characters, I've never seen this super cool Combustion Man guy! Simple, yet super effective, and I like that there's more to him than just a strong-looking dude. Stealth and skill on a big guy is always impressive. It's always nice to see a Rayearth counter and Umi's my fave out of the three for this tier. I really like how you broke down the OP uses of each of her signature spells but one of the simplest powers she has, opening a portal to Cephiro, feels more OP than even all of that! And her hypothetical reaction to the symbiote made for a great laugh :D Static was another blast from my past and I enjoyed seeing how this superhero makes for the best counter against a tier full of villains. Range is really effective against this verse, and it continues to be in the next tier!
And then we have the top tiers: Doc Ock and Spidey, my favorite characters in these films. The doc's incredibly low durability weakness was something I didn't consider, very interesting stuff to play around with with counters. You already can guess my favorite counter here, but first I wanna talk a little bit about the other two, Cleo and Emira. I appreciated the brawn vs brains contrasting approaches here. It's impressive how OP simply being big is against this verse and Cleopatra had some very strong hax as well. Emira's quite small on the other hand, but illusions versus characters with no defense against them? Utterly broken. The way she could manipulate Peter and Otto into lowering their guard was likewise deliciously effective.
Okay, back to Akito. I can't stress enough how much of a treat it was seeing how effective he is here; this is a very creative counter! Even outside of his Aestivalis mech, his teleporting ability, which has only grown stronger and more precise over time, combined with gag strength (totally didn't expect that!) made him a deadly threat! I didn't realize just how effective teleportation could be here, ignoring Spider Sense and whatnot. Combined that with amazing range superiority and the power to eliminate targets with impunity, he'd be one threat the heroes and villains of this verse would fail time and again to overcome. You made me say it, he's OP! Thank you so much for including this character, Imp, and thanks for the blog!