Act 27. the first act of the third arc, is tied for the longest act in the series at 75 pages, with Act 39, the first act of the fourth arc. I think Naoko learned from the first act of the second arc, Act 15, which was really kinda cramped and instead of putting the material to introduce the arc in multiple acts just said "let's make the acts giant-sized!" For comparison sake, the average Sailor Moon act is 45-55 pages earlier on in the series and 50-60 pages later on in the series, so this is considerably longer. The shortest is Act 5 at 32 pages. This doesn't really impact the plot of this act, but it does feel notably longer than normal.
The act begins with a mysterious voice speaking, this being the voice of an entity named this act as "Master Pharaoh 90." It states the light has awoken, a light that will lead their holy land, the Omega Area to ruin, but he senses another light, a light similar to the source of their life the Taioron Crystal, lights of stellar protection that guard the planet. They are drawn to the massive aura of the Omega Area, which they shall make their new home, build a new world from.
As a start, this is mysterious and it provides interesting information to tantalize the reader. We know that this enemy seeks to take the land called "the Omega Area", that there is two lights, one life-giving and one of destruction, and can infer several things about the villains. On the other hand it's also one of those endings that doesn't give you context for what you're reading, so I can also understand it being an alienating arc start.
We see that he is speaking to a woman in an occult mystical outfit. He tells her to purge the other lights, the lights of the stellar protectors (The Sailor Senshi) and to not allow the light that will lead them to ruin to awaken. Kaorinite hastens to his comman. Meanwhile a voice speaks to Mamoru and Rei in his prophetic dream and in her fire divination, telling them of a great light that guides the "three talismans", heralding the "destruction."

Once again, Naoko is trying her hand at crafting a different type atmosphere. If the first arc has an urban fantasy feel, and the second arc has a science-fiction feel, the third arc has a theological, apocalyptic "book of revelations" type feel. While I won't get into all the details now, already we are seeing this new group is led by a figure named after a god-king, the Pharaoh, prophetic revelations of the destruction, talk of holy lands and lights that lead to destruction or salvation. The villains in this arc are more spiritual in nature than the last arc. The prior villains were threats physically and mentally, this arc will really focus on the soul complimented by this arc's more mystical and otherworldly feel.
Meanwhile Usagi has a happy dream of her getting married to Mamoru
I find it immensely amusing that Usagi's mental image of herself older is just herself with cleavage.
Usagi is awoken by her alarm clock and does her usual mad scramble and "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP AHHHHHHHHHH" causing Ikuko to comment it's everyday with that girl. However differently Chibiusa and Diana are there now, staying with them. Chibiusa humorously comments "You're right, I can't believe she acts so much like a child" while having her breakfast. It's cute.
After that we get a little bit of an expository sequence where on the news they talk of people being attacked by a monster, believed to have been a human undergone atavism. I gotta say, the newscaster seems very calm for people literally undergoing atavism. Chibiusa asks Papa Kenji what "atavism" is, and he says it's humans receding in evolution, turning into gorilla-like apes. Basically "return to monkey." Chibiusa...apparently perfectly content with that explanation cheerfully heads out for school. She's a lot braver than Usagi, who would have been scared and not wanna go after hearing that.
We cut to Usagi arriving late for her meeting with Mamoru who is annoyed. Usagi acts all cutesy in apology but before Usagi can get a "good morning kiss", Chibiusa tackles Mamoru. Also Diana adorably says good morning while wrapping her tail around Chibiusa's foot.
Mamoru scoops up the little kitten who affectionally licks his face and it's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen! Chibiusa and Usagi both complain that they want Mamoru's attention. Chibiusa says she wants to be held by Mamoru, and he snarks "all you need to do is be a cat, and I'll hold you more." which I find really funny and Usagi is like "this was supposed to be our secret morning rendezvous."
Chibiusa chastises Usagi for forgetting her lunch and for not eating breakfast which is the healthy way to start the day. Mamoru pats Chibiusa's head for being "so smart." Meanwhile Usagi is annoyed at Chibiusa lecturing her. I do have to admit I do think the sequence is being a little mean to Usagi, but I've seen much worse.
After a quick exposition memory from Usagi explaining Chibiusa is their future daughter (with a cute little sketch in Usagi's mind of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion labeled "Future me" and "Future Mamo-chan") Chiibusa sees her friends including Momo from the last arc and runs off to go to school with them.
Finally alone, Usagi and Mamoru look at each other affectionally with Usagi thinking to herself that with the end of the battle with the Black Moon Clan, she can just live as Usagi Tsukino for a while. A lovely dream, but as the heroine of a Magical Girl Warrior series....not likely. There is trouble in paradise for as the lovers kiss, they are hit with the feeling of unease, sensing the great destuction
Usagi thinks to herself that she has a feeling this happiness won't last, but it can't be helped. Her destiny is as a soldier, that she has a duty to bear, but she is sure they will be able to get past it. It's amazing how Usagi alternates so quickly between immaturity and maturity, but it feels so real. Usagi somehow develops but is always the same character, she is that girl that always shows a new side of her, a new face.
Far away, an elegant feminine woman rises from an extravagant swimming pool in a penthouse and calls in her private helicopter. Before she leaves, she comments that the oceans look unsettled today... an allusion to her abilities and her association.
I like this introduction. It's basic but it very quickly tells you what you need to know her; she's ladylike, elegant, highly affluent, and heavily associated with water.
Meanwhile we cut to an androgynous youth by the name of Haruka, a professional racecar driver, vaunted for "his" (wink wink) great talent and for being really popular with the ladies. Haruka demonstrates some trademark cockiness.
I'm sorry but with Haruka's introduction, I need to take a brief pause. I've been temporarily deafened by the cheering of fangirls.
Alright, I think it's safe to continue. The woman from before named Michiru shows up and it's revealed she's a violinist and in a relationship with Haruka
Haruka and Michiru are really cool characters, I love this super overblown introduction for them emphasizing their eliteness. Michiru is a beautiful elegant lady, a famous violinist. Haruka is a top tier racecar driver. with a million fangirls The two are in an elegant relationship and are so rich they go to school by private helicopter. They are meant to be comically super over the top characters. It's mentioned off-hand that the two go to Mugen Academy.
We cut back to Usagi who, along with Naru, get to the game arcade where the Guardian Senshi are waiting. Their basic gimmicks are re-introduced for any new readers. Ami mentions reading a whole book while they were waiting and Rei chastises Usagi for being late.Makoto and Minako invite Usagi to come play the new racing game with them. There is then a whole sequence where they describe how it's just like driving a real racecar and start getting in car terminology.
I know Naoko loves cars, however I have to admit that I lack much knowledge on the subject so if there's something really of note here I don't really know it.
Usagi begins racing against a mysterious second racer on the machine, going over 400 kilometers per hour in the game. Usagi quickly gets dizzy and crashes, commenting that even the crashes are realistic. The mysterious racer is revealed dramatically to be Haruka, causing Makoto and Minako to swoon at the hotness.
It's interesting that Usagi comments on that she couldn't feel the speed she was going in her helmet, and Haruka comments those are the thoughts of a true racer. Haruka is associated heavily with the wind, and the sense of freedom. Haruka was also not depicted with a helmet earlier in the actual race, as if to associate Haruka with the sense of freedom and feeling actual sensations rather than protecting yourself from it.
Meanwhile Mamoru crosses paths with Michiru. Michiru drops her mirror and the two both bend down at the same time to pick it up, leading to their hands touching. Michiru comments on the nobility of Mamoru's eyes, suggesting that he must have been a prince in his past life. She expresses that her mirror lets her learn of someone's past lives
Usagi and Haruka's interaction are deliberately mirrored with Mamoru and Michiru's for reasons that will become important later.
Haruka and Michiru say goodbye to Usagi and Mamoru respectively and meetup. Mamoru comments that Michiru is a beautiful lady but he couldn't read her expression at all. I think that's sorta cute on a meta level. Naoko has admitted Michiru is the hardest of the girls to write in SM because Michiru is most opposite to Naoko while Usagi is the closest. The thing Mamoru loved about Usagi was the way she always showed a new side of her to him, yet Michiru is the opposite, she shows none of her true self.
Haruka and Michiru talk with Michiru feinging jealousy, commenting Haruka got really friendly with that girl. Haruka comments Usagi is cute, but she's still a child. This is interesting to me because Haruka and Michiru are not much older than Usagi and company, I think this is referring to the eventual idealogical conflict between them; idealism vs cynicism.
The Senshi go into an exposition sequence explaining about Mugen Academy that Haruka and Michiru were wearing uniforms from. Mugen is a school for geniuses that teach the best of the best. Meanwhile Makoto and Minako are still going all love-sick over Haruka
Minako's reasons for liking Haruka are pretty obvious. She has a crush on a new hot "guy" every week. Meanwhile Makoto is probably just thinking think she found an attractive "guy" taller than her. Poor Makoto.
Usagi and Naru leavev and see some girls in Mugen uniforms when Usagi's brooch begins shining in response to danger. That's new. The two Mugen girls are chatting about going for tea when suddenly a monster bursts out of one Xenomorph-style
Once again, I love how Naoko just doesn't care about what would be considered appropriate to put it in a Shojo magazine. The Daimon are a creepy concept in the way they hide inside other entities and just pop out of them to attack.
The Senshi transform and Sailor Moon gives her pre-battle speech but with all the Guardian Senshi for the first time in a real while. It's a small point but I really enjoy how Naoko draws the Sailor Senshi looking all model-like and cool and confident and like they're about to kick some butt. The Senshi can be cute and all, but in a lot of continuities the original five senshi for some rarely get to look all bad*ss.
The daimon seems less than impressed and goes to attack random civilians. Mercury comments it's attacks are random and Rei mentions it seems the daimon is in pain. Well that's new. Maybe the Senshi will try to find a way to contain it and find out what's wrong with it....
or Jupiter and Venus can just blow it up, that works too.
As a minor note, I don't have a strong preference for which attacks of the Senshi I like most, but I feel the Mugen Arc are probably the weakest in design, which may explain why they are the ones the 90s anime never adapted save for the Ami special. Mercury Aqua Mirage is kind of nebulous what it is, Jupiter Coconut Cyclone is fine but having coconut in the name is a little distracting. Mars Snake Fire and Venus Wink Chain Sword are more imaginative since they summon a snake made of fire and a sword made of light but I still would prefer their other attacks. I think Naoko was focusing too hard on making the attacks themed around the elements this arc rather than creating attacks that more naturally reflect the characters the way past attacks and future attacks. It's a pretty minor point, it's not like the attacks were some masterful symbolism, but just wanted to quickly mention it.
Turns out the human the daimon popped out of is still alive though not doing well so Sailor Jupiter calls out to the crowd to call an ambulance. It's so unfortunate they don't have anyone there with healing magic. Meanwhile Sailor Venus feels someone watching them. At the same time Usagi comments that her Brooch lit up in response to the danger. These seem disconnected but I think it's being used to signal that the people watching them are not a danger to the Senshi since Usagi's Silver Crystal wasn't lighting up in response to them. The manga briefly highlights Haruka and Michiru in the far background to strongly suggest they were the two Minako felt watching them.
Luna comments that the monster was an example of the Atavism that Kenji was telling Chibiusa about earlier, that the daimon was somekind of de-evolved human. I wasn't the best in biology in school but I'm pretty sure humans never came from anything looking like THAT.
Ami thinks there's something fishy about that Mugen Academy. Minako says they should go investigate. Usagi returns home to find Chibiusa talking on the phone to Mamoru and the two do the whole jealous squabbling routine again. I have to admit, I don't find it that amusing when Usagi moved past this in the second arc. Ikuko yells at them to stop fighting and says that Chibiusa and her friends are going to the amusement park tomorrow but because she can't go, and because they need an adult around with all the atavism stuff going on, she asked Mamoru to watch over them.
Wait, Ikuko has Mamoru's number? And she trusts him enough to call him and ask him to watch over the children? That's interesting.
Usagi wants to go too but is supposed to investigate Mugen tomorrow before crying about it. See this is Usagi humor I can get. Mamoru mentions Mugen is near the academy so she can come with them. If she needs anything he can come to her help. There's a quick bit about exposition about Infinity district, that three reclaimed landbanks; the Ten'ou Sandbank, the Kaiou Sandbank, and the Meiou Sandbank form a triangle delta, the Mugen Sanbank upon which Mugen Academy is built. If you don't recall Haruka and Michiru's last names are Tenou and Kaiou. So that's also...interesting.
We cut away to the Witch Kaorinite referring to an unknown male leader of hers, commenting that the release of the daimon was an unacceptable failure, suggesting the prior battle with a mistake on their part. She then comments to her own inferiors that the ones with stellar protection, the Sailor Senshi, must be eliminated. Kaorinite reveals her minions are 5 witches whom she promises to give power from the Taioron Crystal, and the rank of Magus/Sorceress like her if they can defeat the Sailor Senshi
The Sailor Senshi go to investigate the Mugen Academy. Rei senses a powerful aura surrounding the building. Ami analyzing the building comments on the space around the building being distorted. Makoto similarly states that the wind is giving them a bad omen and Minako comments that they're being watched again. I think it would make more sense if Ami had her visor here as I don't know how she's able to tell the space is warped when no one else could, and Makoto isn't really associated with wind.
Meanwhile at the amusement park, Chibiusa and friends are going on crazy rides, when her hat gets blown off. She chases after it afterwards, causing Mamoru to freak out finding she's suddenly gone, Chibiusa going over to the Mugen Academy where the wind blew.
Back with the Senshi's investigation, Usagi actually uses her disguise pen again, something haven't been seen since the first arc, to change into a Mugen Academy student to sneak inside the guarded building.

It's nice to see it again, and sadly for the last time Usagi uses it in the series. It's unfortunately not a practical element to include in the plot most of the time since only Usagi has one. I do find the Senshi facials expressions at Usagi's antics to be really funny, especially Ami's; first a bored but disappointed putting head in hand followed by concerned putting both hands to her face.
Usagi starts searching Mugen finding the school to be huge and super elite. She's stopped in her investigation by a strange music which everyone, including Mamoru and Chibiusa can hear.
The purpose of the scene is how beautiful Michiru's music is but I'm just wondering at how loud she must be playing it for everyone across two the area of two (large) buildings to hear it. And it's a violin.
Usagi finds Michiru and comments that her music is "like lapping waves" as though Michiru's water theme wasn't hammered home enough. She was introduced as swimming, talked about the water being unsettled, has hair resembling waves, her last name is "Kaioh" meaning "Sea King" referring to the planet Neptune or "Sea King Star" in Japanese. Music is already also somewhat water associated from things like the Sirens or the Song of the Sea, but of course we need to clarify that no her music is also like water. I no it's a small point but it's pretty on the nose for Naoko.
Haruka jumps out of nowhere to confront the Senshi, at the same time as Michiru confronts Usagi. Disguise pen did nothing to stop Michiru from knowing her identity...because in the manga people tend to tell when people look similar.
Haruka and Michiru both confront the Senshi. Michiru does so more subtly, simply telling Usagi that she should not be here, and that her dangerous actions will lead to her downfall. Haruka, being far more direct, just tells the Guardian Senshi outright if they Guardians get in their way, Haruka will destroy them.
Usagi briefly gets caught by a hall monitor and runs away, commenting on how cold Michru's eyes were, running out the building coincidentally near to where Chibiusa has run off to. Mamoru also has come to the area to search for her. Cutting back to Chibiusa herself, she finds her hat and then sees a poor girl suffering from a fit of some sort. Chibiusa goes over to her, her face shrouded in darkness as she explains it's one of her normal attacks, trying to send her away.
Usagi comes over and chastises Chibiusa for running off and scaring everyone but Chibiusa explains what happened, in particular that this girl named Hotaru, seems to need help. However Usagi and Chibiusa's broochs both light up, as a daimon hiding behind the corner tries to ambush them, lunging for Chibiusa.
Usagi and Chibiusa transform to protect Hotaru, but little do they know two silhouetted figures are watching them from shadow.
Much in the same way Act 1 is a good broad example of the First Arc, and Act 15 is a good broad example of the Second Arc, Act 27 is a good broad example of the third arc. I will say trying to analyze some parts of it are weaker than I remember it in hindsight. Like a lot of parts of Sailor Moon it relies a little bit of contrivance to get the effect it wants. It also doesn't have any especially strong moments like the climax of Act 1, nor does it truly introduce as much of the important plot elements of the arc as the second act does, even though in introducing less it ironically introduces them thoroughly.
What's good about Act 27, the biggest thing is it introduces Hotaru and even moreso it introduces Haruka and Michiru. How much you'll like this act is proportional to how much you like the third arc as a whole which is proportional to a single fact that determines how much you like any of the versions of Mugen arc; the amount you like Haruka and Michiru as characters. There are 3 characters that this arc introduces; Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru and the amount you like them as characters; especially Haruka and Hotaru determines how much you're gonna like the third arc really depends on how much you like them because it super focuses on them. And on the downside I can say once again Naoko is not the best at cast usage; introducing a whole bunch of new characters and focusing on them rather then doing stuff with her old characters. You can tell that with this act, the way the Guardian Senshi do even less than they did in Act 15 which was actually focused around one.
What I will say as a positive however is first of all at the very least the characters she chose to focus on are really cool characters. I love Haruka and Michiru as characters; especially in the manga they're so incredibly over the top yet at the same time are so cool and interesting. I can't go fully into why in this act but I can tell Haruka is a gateway girlcrush for many people she's so cool and serious yet flirty and basically an action hero put into the body of a Japanese schoolgirl. And even moreso I LOVE Hotaru. Hotaru is maybe in my top 3 favorite characters in Sailor Moon. She's also in my top 10 favorite characters period. She's only briefly seen in this act but just seeing glimpses of her get me excited knowing what's to come. And look much as I might grumble that Naoko seems like she was the type of child to get a new toy then 10 minutes later start asking for a new one, when she does focus on one of her new characters like she did with Chibiusa in the second arc and like she will with a certain someone else in the fifth arc, it's usually fantastic. She's really good at tying characters emotional developments in with the plot developments so that the literal and the symbolic become one.
There are a few more minor points I like and dislike about this act. The opening is ominous and mysterious but also kind of cheating by just having the characters talk about things the viewer has no information about yet. It introduces new things that will never be seen again. It has the humorous bit with Usagi's dream future self. It's got Diana being cute. It's got the Senshi being cool, the reusage of the Disguise Pen, Naoko being heavy-handed on the water symbolism with Michiru. It has the enemies being introduced as witches and a grand magus which is kinda cool. Compared to prior acts this is not one I feel super strongly either way on. I mean I love Hotaru and all but she's only in the very end. If you compare to Act 1 and Act 15 where I had things I REALLY liked and things I disliked, here I have little things I liked and things I mildly disliked. As an introduction to the third arc it's alright, but could be better.
Great Blog imp, The Infinity arc to me is a very Heavy and Deep arc that is full of a lot of intricate details and themes. I personally think of all the arcs in SM it is the one most similar to Madoka. This can be seen in everything from the cold opening of the main villain who we don't know expositing things we don't understand yet, to the themes related to the extremely dark Revelations section of the Bible, to the character arc of the new senshi Haruka and Michiru. Since the two of them weirdly enough basically have the starring role this act i think its interesting how they are broken down, especially your point that it seems like ones proportionally like the Infinity Arc relative to how much they like these two. Michiru and Haruka are treated as basically flawless to an over the top degree. They are older than the senshi, they are richer than the senshi, they have world class talents, they go to an elite school for genius' implying they are smarter than at least most of them, they are much more powerful than they are at this point, Haruka even beats Makoto in martial arts later. Its like setting up, Wow these two are better than the senshi we've been following so far, and yet they are all cynical and play with lives because even as good as they are, they don't think they can stop any threat, so what chance do Usagi and the Guardians have? This probably is what made them my least liked Senshi overall, as an optimist who loves seeing hope triumph over despair, but its great later how this works out in the end when they get proven wrong. I think you did a good job breaking down this Act too, despite it being extra long this was a well paced read and I like that having a lot to talk about didnt stop you from going into detail about some interesting finer points like discussing why you think the new attacks the senshi get this arc aren't as cool as normal.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog to start off the new arc. I personally really like the apocalyptic feel of the Infinity arc. The ominous buildup to some great catastrophe is interesting and I do appreciate the different atmospheres that Naoko tries out in each arc. And I do like how Michiru and Haruka are handled in this arc, just seeing these mysterious and secretive Sailor Senshi come out of the blue working against some unknown threat, and how they are shown they are so much more elite than the rest of the Senshi. It kinda gives the feel that Usagi and the other’s are out of their depth at first I guess. I agree the Daimon are suitably creepy, and it is also cool that Ikuko approves of Mamoru. Also, I like the analogy of Naoko being like a child wanting a new toy in regards to adding new characters haha.