Sunday, May 19, 2024

DC Exploration: X'Hal


Who is she?

X'Hal used to be one of the ancient race living on the alien planet of Okaara, in the Vega Star System, her people were naive to the universe, peaceful, and led by emotions and harmonious desires. X'Hal was abducted by members of the Psion race, cold logical experimenters. They experimented on and tortured the poor Okaaran, who had no understanding of what was going. However as the Psions noted the emergence of the alien emotion of hatred in X'Hal they decided to destroy her, converting her into pure energy as one final test. However this backfired on them as X'Hal maintained her sense of self and as an energy being gained cosmic power, which she used to wipe out the Psions in the Vega System and their lunar base. X'Hal is worshipped as a goddess by people of the Vega System, most notably by the Tamaraneans like Starfire (who particularly in Pre-Crisis would use the exclamation "X'Hal!") She is a goddess that represents the wild fire of emotion and can be equally generous and bountiful and destructively insane. 

How strong is she?

X'Hal's power seems to vary with her emotional state. That said broadly she's speaking she's very powerful. The Vega System used to have 25 planets, but in one of her furies she destroyed three of them so now there is only 22, she was able to destroy all the Psions in the Vega System easily. She is stated to be able to casually consume a star and stated multiple times to be able to destroy the Vega System, a star system that at one point contained 25 planets showing its size. Even her "birth" being transformed into a pure energy being created the energy of a supernova. All this is very impressive and definitely at least Mid Lantern Tier. 

She can also reach much higher as in the New 52 X'Hal was considered a relative force to White Lantern Kyle Rayner and members of the Guardians of Oa, which would be in the High Lantern Tier. However, an amped Blackfire's power was mistaken for hers by Starfire, and this Blackfire while stronger than Starfire, was not so much stronger that Starfire couldn't take attacks from her, suggesting that her normal/resting power isn't in this High Lantern Tier. Overall I think it's fair to say she's a Mid Lantern Tier entity with some variance based on her emotional state.

What are her powers?

X'Hal as a cosmic entity worshipped as a goddess has a measure of vague cosmic powers. Most commonly she is associated with fire and light, including traveling around as a fireball, and creating waves of fire or light that can encompass worlds and causing volcanic eruptions. This sounds destructive and she can be, though like the Polynesian Goddess Pele her destruction and creation are linked. She has brought prosperity and fertility to the planets of the Vega system, halted diseases, cleansed waters, increased crop fertility etc. She also healed her subjects and it's implied resurrected them, before granting them a measure of her power, as well as granting power to her sons Auron and Complex-Complex. Part of this comes from her transmutation which impressed even the Guardians of Oa, who claimed they could not molecularly manipulate in as short a time. This is consistent given X'Hal is a being of energy who reconstituted a body for herself. She has also shown teleportation and a level of cosmic awareness, sensing events across the Vega system. 

In Post-Crisis X'Hal was most famous for her emotional manipulation. She was able to induce Auron in a state of murderous anger. Interestingly Auron had completely mental faculties at the time. He knew he didn't want to kill or fight, his mind and rational faculties were completely present, but he was unable to resist even in the slightest X'Hal's emotional compulsion even knowing he didn't want to. She's also shown the ability to manipulate the emotions of crowds. Given she granted her sons their powers, she should be able to perform similar feats meaning she likely has Auron's energy manipulation and ability to form forcefields and energy constructs. 

What are her weaknesses?

X'Hal's biggest weakness is that she, like much of the people of the Vega system, is driven by her emotions to the point it affects her power level. While she can induce extreme emotions in others she ironically lacks much control over her own emotions. If despondent her flame would be weaker (Though this is out of character for her), and when angry she flies so into a rage that she destroyed three of the worlds of her own system. Also while being made of pure energy is usually an advantage, certain kinds of power dampeners can effectively "seal" her.

In conclusion, X'Hal is roughly a Mid Lantern Tier energy with cosmic powers she uses to help the people of the Vega system, but in a rage can rise to the High Lantern Tier. Going based off the showing that the Amped Blackfire was considered relative to presumably a base state X'Hal, it's pretty fair to say that X'Hal would be around the strength of other characters from the Teen Titans series who were depicted as being superior but not unfathomably superior such as Troia (Donna Troy after being made into a Pseudo-Titan) and Demon Raven, both of whom Starfire was treated as weaker than but both of whom Starfire was also considered the only Titan still somewhat in the same physical league as. Personally I think X'Hal would beat both of them due to having better abilities and similar power to Troia and greater power than Demon Raven, though it's possibly Demon Raven would win via some kind of hax. 

As for how she'd do against other characters from DC such as from the Justice League, how strong the Titans are relative to the Justice League is a little inconsistent. That said I'd presume she'd be somewhat relative to other characters that are treated like physical gods such as Orion's emanation. As such she'd probably around the range of many Mid Post-Crisis Justice League bricks. 


  1. Very interesting blog imp! I think one of the strengths of this blog series is not only do i get to learn about cool new characters I knew nothing or very little about, which is great in itself don't get me wrong, but also each one you do actually adds an interesting new aspect to the lore of characters I actually was fairly familiar with, in a way it makes the DC Universe somehow seem even more cool and fleshed out and explored and lived in than it always was. Case in point, X'hal being a sort of primordial being and functional Goddess figure to Starfire and the Tamaranians was super interesting and made me more interested in their culture!
    Something I thought was interesting was how X'Hal while stronger than the Tamaranians like Kori, wasn't Drastically stronger than them, it felt like if a group of them were to attack her she'd probably lose. But with X'Hal's Emotional control and the Tamaranians stats and abilities being dependent on their emotions it became pretty clear why she'd be so OP to them anyway.
    Her energy manipulation abilities were cool and flashy i thought, good for attack, defense and mobility and various other utility stuff plus the whole based on Pele from Polinesian culture thing was sweet and meaningful I thought. Some of her storylines did sound rather interesting especailly with Blackfire which I found interesting in that shes so willing to oppose her peoples God, but considering how much of an asshole she is to her own sister I don't know what COULD be taboo to her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cool blog Imp! I mainly knew about Starfire and her planet from the cartoons, so it is interesting to learn more about the background of Tamaranians from the comic. And yeah, X’hal sounds about right as a goddess to the Tamaranians, given how much her powers depend on emotions. It’s cool that her story combines mythological and sci-fi elements. Her alien abduction story is sad, but luckily it sounds like that backfired big time on the Psions. Interesting to see just how much her powers increase based on emotional state; from what I hear about Kyle Rayner, the fact that she can be comparable to him is pretty nuts. I think my favorite part of the blog is learning about her role in the culture of the Vega system in the powers section, helping with their crops and whatnot being similar to the goddess Pele. So fun blog as usual, and I look forward to seeing who you explore next.
