Sunday, July 21, 2024

DC Exploration: the Mighty Endowed


((Quick Warning, this blog's subject matter is kinda dumb and I'm doing this mostly because I said I would at one point))

Who is She?

Mighty Endowed was once the archeologist Nina Dowd. She was directing an archeological dig to find ancient artifacts when she came across a wheel-looking device left behind by the New Gods. While her team was hesitant to get close to it, Nina waved off such concerns and went up to it. 

When she touched it she was encased in a strange cocoon. When she emerged, she was transformed into a New God, with the most notable change being the massive expansion of her chest, declaring herself the New God Mighty Endowed. She's a very obscure villainess, with one appearance in the main timeline being the first villain fought by Young Justice. 

How Strong is She?

Actually kinda hard to say. She was beaten very easily by Young Justice, though it's more fair to say she was beaten by herself. She seemed much stronger in the Dark Crisis Young Justice special where she fights Young Justice Conner, Tim, Cassie, and Bart at once but this was a false reality made by Mickey Mxyzptlk so whether that means anything is your prerogative with them even commenting she seems much stronger and like an actual threat. Assuming she could get around her own weakness in some way, most likely she would be equivalent to a weak New God. The bigger question is how strong are weaker New Gods? The New Gods are a race of Kardashev Scale Type 5+ conceptual civilizations from the Godsphere but when interacting with the physical realm they purposefully limit themselves to physical emanations to interact with them safely. 

If she is comparable to the lowest degrees of New Gods physically such as Parademons or Mister Miracle who is considered "powerless" for a new god, this may suggest some degree of superhuman stats with parademons doing things like bringing down planes or fighting Batman, and Mister Miracle one-shotting a human with bulletproof armor or kicking a robot's head off. That said while these are similar low tier New Gods physically, it's totally possibly Mighty Endowed doesn't scale to either of them. This is the range it's likely she would scale logically but nothing really suggests either way and her anti-feat kinda suggests otherwise...

Broadly speaking if you think Mighty Endowed should scale to the feats of other low tier New Gods, she should be at least Low Metahuman Tier. Without she has no physical feats, one physical anti-feat and one power and would probably be a Low Vigilante Tier. 

What are her powers?

Mighty Endowed's most famous power and the only one she's really demonstrated is that her breasts can emanate a bright light that can be used to disorient or hypnotize. 

If she has the abilities of other New Gods, even physically substantiated ones she'd likely have several other abilities. New Gods, like early depictions of Kryptonians, are considered a hyper-evolved race whose physical and mental statistics are evolved past that of normal biological species with superhuman strength, durability, speed, endurance, stamina, and intelligence. They're also ageless (ceasing aging at the equivalent of about age 30), an immunity to many toxins or diseases, and often mild psychic powers such as supernatural sensing or mild telekinesis. 

What are her weaknesses?

So most infamously Mighty Endowed's breasts were amplified to such an extent that she could not actually stand up under her own weight. This could be taken as a strength anti-feat but I would argue probably not. The world's largest breasts are Annie-Hawkins Turner's at 102 ZZZ which are larger then Mighty Endowed and she can still stand up. This is quite clearly a joke and if you are to take the anti-feat "seriously" Nina would have to be not just "not New God" level strength but genuinely a weakling compared to real world humans. Broadly I would just take this as a weakness that she has trouble standing without trying to examine the real world physics of it.

Also technically Nina would have the weakness of other New Gods to Radion which is like Kryptonite to the New Gods. 

In conclusion Mighty Endowed is probably a Low Meta due mostly to scaling to the physical capabilities of other relatively weak New Gods. As for how she would do against them, she would probably lose against almost any named New God as she has almost no experience as one and only one power, with many new gods having some level of resistance to regardless. She could probably beat a normal foot soldier from either New Genesis or Apokolips such as one of the Bugs or one of the Parademons respectively just by controlling them, but wouldn't rank too highly regardless.

Compared to most DC Vigilantes, I would presume most Metahuman tier characters could take her out so long as they can avoid being brainwashed by her and I even think a fair number of higher vigilante tier characters would be able to possibly beat her. Granted if they don't have an outright physical superiority they are probably going to at least need willpower strong enough to not be hypnotized as well as physical training and coordination strong enough to fight an evolved species like a New God, but that's certainly not unheard of from DC Street Tiers. I think her best matchups would be characters that are bricks with high strength/durability but without particular willpower feats, and her worst would be characters with high willpower and combat skill.


  1. Ya know this character seems like one they thought up for a trashy joke....and thats about as far as they went with it. How does Stripperella come out the more nuanced character here :D The interesting thing about Mighty Endowed is that she reminds me of Black Orchid....and weirdly I actually think Black Orchid might have inspired her given her somewhat cat like appearance, similar Breast based power and the joke that her breasts don't appear that crazy large. but DC went a little too far with it I feel, as while Orchid is all that WHILE being this super powerful martial artist agent who has actually saved the world before, Mighty Endowed is this kinda pathetic weakling of a villain who on top of everything has the pretty meanspirited weakness of not even being able to stand cause of her breast size. Makes me kinda feel bad for Nina, as she seemed like a pretty cool brave Archaeologist, and then she got conceptually changed into some insane scantily clad villainous.

    All that said, i still woulda loved to see her in ep 1 of the Young Justice cartoon :D

  2. This villainess seems right up my alley, thanks for blogging on her! It's really a shame they couldn't do more with her, but it's cool to hear she sort of made a re-appearance in Dark Crisis. They really didn't give ya much to go off of here, so I thought you did a great job showing all the possibilities that could maybe turn this gal into someone who could be statted out and tiered to battle someone some day.

    I really didn't expect her power to be taking the joke term “headlights” SO literally, omg. Poor gal, that may be the most humiliating way I've seen a comic villain go out, and there's been countless silly examples over the years. Hey, at least she can say she's only lost to herself! I'm not sure why she's a catgirl, but I'm not complaining. I wonder who would make a good opponent for the Mighty Endowed. It would be crazy to see her pop up as a counter in one of your strategy guides, she seems hard to use like that! Thanks for taking the time to make this silly lil blog, Imp; I enjoyed it!
