Foxbat is a comical supervillain from the Champions Universe, including the MMO Champions Online. As a young boy he was enamored by comic books but his super wealthy parents took them away due to his unhealthy obsession. This "trauma" inspired him to train very hard both body and mind to become the ultimate supervillain so he could live in the comic book universe he was denied.

Physically Speaking, Foxbat has trained his body to very strong for a non-enhanced human, though he is still a joke to the Champions and can't scale at all to them at all in physical strength or durability. While in-game he can take repeated blows from bullets, concussive blasts, pure force, fire, lightning, ice and all manner of other kinds of attacks, it is possible this is just game mechanics. If you were to include it his durability would be at least building level.
However that said both in the comics and games he is able to at least keep up with the Champions in terms of Speed. The same Champions can move at comparable speeds to lightning powers from the lightning power tree as well as orbital bombardment lasers which would put him at least at MHS Speed. He can also tag Champions using the "Light Speed" Travel Power which gives high relativistic reflexes (Light Speed's description says that one "nears" light speed) and attack speed. There is a misconception that Champions can move comparable to the light from the Celestial Power Tree meaning they should be relativistic to ftl in movement speed, however the description of those powers says that it not light but "dimensional energies".
Foxbat does not rely purely on his physical capacities. He uses "Foxbatgadgets" most notably his "Amazing Ping Pong Gun" which shoots ping-pong balls at such high velocities that not even the Champions can keep up with them. At such speeds one of his "Hardballs" would impact with a force of millions of joules or well into the low building range. He also has a few other types of balls to use with his "Amazing Ping Pong Gun" including the explodoball which amplifies the destructive power with an explosion, a glueball which impacts with glue making the opponent sticky, and the KOball, which releases toxic gas upon impact. To get away he also has smokeballs which release plumes of smoke to obscure the opponent's vision.
Foxbat also has one more ability. Due to his intense love of comics, he recognizes genre tropes to such an extent that he can break the fourth wall to do things like choose his own sound effects when fighting and edit his in-game description. He could even do something like hijack a blog describing his powers and make up a bunch of stuff not that he would ever do that.
Of course this is all actually because Foxbat, in his dashing elegance, always holds back as part of my, I mean his genius master plan! Foxbat actually is the strongest character in fiction and the ultimate villain that can never be defeated unless he allows it. Also he's super cool and all the ladies love him and his parents will eventually give back his comics and apologize for what they did.
So anyway how would he do in other verses?

Strangely appropriate given the initial idea of Foxbat was Batman + The Joker. In the DC Universe, Foxbat would be relatively quick for his tier, but would get taken down by any of Batman's stronger villains like Bane or Killer Croc and while he could put up a fight against one of the Robins, they would likely be able to defeat him to their superior combat experience and versatility. That said he would make himself a real nuisance around Gotham if he went there.
In the Marvel Universe, Foxbat would be to the Avengers what he is to the Champions, a complete annoyance. He is fast enough to not get blitzed by Marvel Street Tiers and slightly above, that said he absolutely can't compete with them physically. Most likely he given his...nature he ends up a Deadpool villain and the two become best frenemies.

In the Image Universe, Foxbat would be with his weaponry able to equal a lot of the low level meta and powerful normal humans such as Youngblood or Wildcats although would be heavily different to most of the verse due to his heavily comical nature. Assuming no powerful metahumans intervened he very well could beat most of the verse at once due to his far superior speed and reflexes and comparable power with the Ping-Pong Gun, though they could pull off a win by exploiting his comical and not very serious nature. That said if a strong metahuman gets involved he would be doomed considering most of the verse seems to sit at MFTL Planet Level.
In the One-Punch Man Universe, Foxbat would be likely classified as a Tiger Level Threat. He would be significantly above most Tiger Level Threats and most C-Class Heroes would not be able to beat him, save possibly by outwitting him. That said, while he wouldn't get blitzed, he would get destroyed by any Demon Level Threat or B Class Hero he came across. Given his regarding himself as the ultimate villain the changes of him running into Saitama and getting one-punched are increased exponentially.

In the Tiger and Bunny Universe, Foxbat actually would reign as the supreme villain. He has comparable dc with his Ping-Pong Gun and potentially in durability. He would be massively above the verse in speed, though the verse may be able to pull of a win by using numbers and intelligence against him to allow Blue Rose to freeze him or something similar.

In the Freedom Force Verse, Foxbat would be an effective scourge of the low tiers, and weaker members of Freedom Force would heavily struggle trying to fight him. While he would be faster then most of the verse, he would not be fast enough to blitz since most of the fastest members of Freedom Force have at least MHS Reflexes. If he was to go up against a stronger member of freedom Force like Quetzalcoatl, Microwave, or Tombstone he would not only be at a power disadvantage but would also have far worse abilities and hax and his speed would definitely not allow him to overcome that.
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