(spoilers for Pretear)
Once in a generation a Pretear is born, a miraculous young woman with the power to create new leafe, new life energy, whose job is to replenish the life of the world. However with the potential to do good, comes the potenial to do harm. It is said that if Pretear's heart turns to darkness she will turn into Saihi, Princess of Disaster.
Once was born the Pretear Takako. Takako was a cowardly underconfident girl with nontheless a big heart and a love for creation who took up the role of Pretear under the guidance of the 7 Leafe Knights who encouraged and befriended her. Takako came to love the wind knight Hayate most of all, for his compassion towards her. When she confessed her love, Hayate not wishing the Pretear's heart to fall to darkness, pretended to love her back. However fate struck and Takako found out about Hayate's deception. Believing that all the love and friendship and encouragement the leafe knights ever gave her was just a ruse to use her abilities, her heart fell into a deep darkness and she became Saihi Fenrir, the destroyer of the world.
The 7 Leafe Knights engaged in desperate battle with Saihi Fenrir, 3 of them dying in the battle but they managed to seal her away. However 16 years later with the appointment of the new Pretear Himeno Awayuki, while her body was bound, Fenrir's malicious spirit projected into the world, determined to kill her "betrayers" the Leafe Knights, their beloved world, and the new Pretear who had taken her place.

Powerwise, Saihi Fenrir is clearly superior to a Saihi Seed, a piece of her, that was able to create an earthquake. While the quake didn't cause much damage to buildings it was clearly felt by all the people in the area strongly, and was called a "big" earthquake, suggesting that the earthquake was likely around a magnitude 5 on the richter scale, requiring around 500 tons of tnt, or multi-city block level.
Speedwise, Saihi in her physical body should be at least comparable to the Leafe Knights including Hayate who moves by projecting himself on the winds, which would be subsonic speeds. However her spiritual self is described as a "deep darkness" and she should scale to her Saihi Seeds one of which turned into darkness directly. As darkness is the absense of light, it thus moves at lightspeed. This would not be inconsistent as she was not blitzed fighting the 7 Leafe Knights, one of whom controls light as an element.

Saihi's most famous ability is that as the inverse of Pretear who can create new leafe, new life energy, Saihi can absorb it and steal it from things or destroy it forever. Even a Saihi Seed was able to turn into a singularity that was able to absorb and suck up all nearby leafe and was able to absorb any attack thrown at it. Leafe is the energy that is the source of all things, it is spirit and life energy, stated to be the foundation of all matter, as well as the foundation that structures the world. Leafe is called the existence of everything, and the power of all things.
Everywhere Saihi Fenrir goes is heralded by a accursed red snow that drains the leafe of anything it touches. When trying Saihi Fenrir could drain all the leafe of existence, and threatened to end the world during her battle with Pretear. As leafe is the foundation of all matter, the source of all things and existence, and because it is said that Saihi Fenrir's destruction of the world would leave only "an eternal void" without even "light, sound or the temperatures you feel" it's likely this would destroy not just the planet, but the entire universe.
Saihi Fenrir is able to create seeds of herself, seeds of destruction, which can not only become small singularities soaking up all nearby leafe but can possess any object, draining them of life and turning them into Saihi puppets under Saihi's control. One of these Saihi Seeds "ate" all sound leafe in an area so the leafe knights could not come to Himeno's aid. Saihi Fenrir was even able to do this to a whole city's worth of trees at once. She can also just directly possess a being.
Saihi also obviously has flight and intangibility as a spiritual projection. She should also scale to base Himeno who had a limited form of precognition, being aware that someone was watching her. It is also said that if a Pretear's heart turns to darkness, she will bring about misfortune, though this may be a figure of speech to just mean it would be bad, rather then any ability.
In terms of weaknesses, Saihi Fenrir is most notably weak to purification and sealing based abilities which are the only two things ever shown to work on her even remotely and the only things that can permenantly defeat even one of her seeds. At one point it is shown that a person who has come into contact with Saihi Fenrir had a negative aura, which could give away her presence. Also the power of love can overwhelm and dispel possession by Saihi or Saihi Seeds.
Name: Saihi, Saihi Fenrir, Princess of Disaster, Takako
Origin: Pretear
Classification: Saihi/Princess of Destruction, Dark Magical Girl
Powers and Abilities: Spiritual projection/existence, leafe (lifeforce/energy) draining (Universal), summoning (Saihi Seeds), transmutation (turned an entire city's worth of trees into Saihi Seeds), possession, flight, existence erasure (draining the leafe of an object erases it from existence as all matter is founded on leafe), weather creation (her spirit's movement creates red snow that drains the leafe of those it touches), likely absorption, minor precognition, possibly minor probability manipulation (said to cause misfortune)
Weakness: Purification, Sealing, contact with her causes a noticable dark aura, strong enough love can overcome her possession
Destructive Capacity: At least multi-city block level (a Saihi Seed created a large earthquake), possibly town level (can create a snowfall with her spirit's movement), universe level with leafe draining
Range: Universal with leafe draining, city-wide otherwise
Speed: At least subsonic movement speed, likely lightspeed attack/reflex speed, spiritual projection moves at lightspeed
Durability: At least multi-city block level, spiritual existence makes it hard to affect her
Stamina: Unknown
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: About average
So how would she do in other verses?

In the Marvel-verse, Saihi Fenrir would be rougly equivalent to an upper end Street Level in terms of physical capacities scaling from feats like Luke Cage and Deadpool being able to (Barely) survive nucleur weapons against them and while her movement speed would be lacking her reaction speed and spiritual projection speed would be slightly above and as such be able to counter. Her abilities are more hax then most marvel street tiers have and she would be very dangerous against most characters up through the meta levels. Her ability to threaten the universe would be as one would imagine extremely dangerous against most people in her rough tier range that said by the time you get to lower herald tiers they can usually affect her and blitz. That said in any verse where there is a lot of characters with powers, she would be much more dangeorous due to her possession, absorption and transmutation abilities that allow her to exploit enemy powers.While she could be stopped, it would require one of the strongest protectors of Earth most likely. The best strategy someone lower on the Marvel Tier List would have is via dimensional bfr since many supergenius in the Marvel Universe have access to inter-dimensional technology and Saihi Fenrir seems to lack inter-dimensional travel (though leafe itself has been confirmed to be able to move between dimensions)
In the DC Universe, Saihi Fenrir would simiarly be a massive threat due to her universe-ending capacity, and her ability to abuse the high number of powers that can be assimilated into her being. Physically she would be considered a planteary scale metahuman, though her abilities would be far more dangerous then most actual metahumans, like a metaphysical form of Morticcocus. That said I don't think she would do quite as well in DC as she would in Marvel as DC Mages in general have a particularly strong match-up against her given the preponderance of inter-dimensional travel and sealing that DC Mages have (7 of which were able to seal even Dream of the Endless). She would likely be similar to a high end Justice League Dark villain like Blight or the Upside Down Man.

Junichi Sato, the creator of Pretear, also worked on the anime of two other magical girl series, one being Sailor Moon. In Sailor Moon, Saihi Fenrir would be at a notable disadvantage in speed, though a number of characters would simply not be able to kill Saihi due to lacking spiritual plane attacks. By the end of the First Arc Usagi would definitely be able to defeat Saihi due to having planetary scale purification as well as sealing abilities, so Saihi would most likely be considered a first arc enemy, though given her level of attack power she could kill signifigant fighters of the verse up to basically the fourth arc. However, by the Stars Arc the characters are simply beyond that level of power scaling to Nehelenia. Sailor Mars would also be able to defeat Saihi after becoming Sailor Mars as she would possess greater speed as well as spiritual sealing and banishment with her ofuda.

In the other magical girl anime that Junichi Sato worked on, Saihi Fenrir would do interestingly. Both in terms of physically and in terms of movement speed, Saihi would be comparable to the Mid to High Tiers of the verse. That said Saihi's ability to destroy the universe far exceeds any capacity seen in Princess Tutu physically. It is totally possible, even probable that Drosselmeyer who exists outside spacetime and would not want his story meddled with would stop Saihi who has no feats of hitting outside spacetime would not be able to stop his plot hax. If she did somehow find a way to, possibly by converting Uzuru into a Saihi Seed and by manipulating Drosselmeyer's desire to incorporate tragedy like her story into his own, then she would be nigh unstoppable in the verse though Duck in her ultimate state was able to purify a town of the Raven's curse meaning it's possible that Princess Tutu would be able to beat her.
Some people compare the process of Pretear turning to darkness as being similar to a puella magi-verse Magical Girl turning into a Witch, so how would she do in the Puella Magi-verse? Physically speaking, she'd be considered rather weak, only about on par with a low tier magical girl. That said her universe busting attack would be something that would one-shot any non-god tier entity in the verse. Her arsenal is not neccesarily more versatile then most of the verse's fighters, but it more hax then the non-god tiers. Her spiritual nature and infection rate would make her extremely dangerous that said some of the Puella Magi-verse MG have both time travel (Homura) and access to alternate dimensions so BFR is a distinct possibility. Even wtihout the God Tiers, Tart would likely be able to use her holy purification to defeat Saihi.

For another verse where the protagonist uses a series of elemental themed powers in conjunction and represent the natural world, there's Magicka. In Magicka, Saihi would fit perfectly as one of the overpowered bosses like Assatur or Cthulhu withthe same physical stats as the wizards about, basically stationary in comparison but far faster attack speed and attack potency far in excess (Assatur had planetary, while Cthulhu had planetary+, possibly universal). Saihi Fenrir vs the player wizards would actually be an incredibly cool fight. Saihi Fenrir might be able to destroy the energy of the world, the wizards elements but the wizards spontatneously generate it like Pretear (by drawing it from elsewhere in the infinite multiverse). The wizards would be able to counter her red snow by calling their own weather events, and if she tried to destroy the universe, a wizard could hypothetically counter by using deflector to remove her leafe drain ability. Saihi Fenrir would be an immense threat, and an easy god tier to the verse, but if numerous top tiers fought her together, they could hypothetically beat her.
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