Magneto was born Max Eisenhardt as a Jew in Germany...in the last 1920s....you can probably tell where things are going from here. He and his family attempted to escape from the Nazi Regime to Poland only to be betrayed and given to the Nazis. His whole family was murdered in front of him by the Nazis though he survived, possibly due to his latent abilities. This caused Magneto to hold an understandable repressed rage within him towards the whole of humanity. Following the war he married a gypsy girl who was also a survivor of the Camps called Magda, the two having a daughter named Anya.
However Max was a mutant, a genetic anomaly born with inhuman capacities, in particular he was born with the capacity to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum. Following a demonstration of his abilities, an angry mob scared of his abilities burned down his house killing Anya. Magneto released his repressed killing the mob and a large part of the city.
Determined to protect mutantkind, from further atrocities, and convinced that they would always be feared, Magneto launched a violent aggressive campaign to cause terror and destruction among the homo sapiens so they would be always be afraid of them as their untouchable superiors and not afraid of them as vermin to be extinguished.
However Max was a mutant, a genetic anomaly born with inhuman capacities, in particular he was born with the capacity to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum. Following a demonstration of his abilities, an angry mob scared of his abilities burned down his house killing Anya. Magneto released his repressed killing the mob and a large part of the city.
Determined to protect mutantkind, from further atrocities, and convinced that they would always be feared, Magneto launched a violent aggressive campaign to cause terror and destruction among the homo sapiens so they would be always be afraid of them as their untouchable superiors and not afraid of them as vermin to be extinguished.

Magneto physically is superior to all but the greatest of humans, due to his intense physical training and the natural genetic predisposition towards endurance given by his mutant nature. He has numerous feats of fighting physically powerful Marvel Street Levels including beating the Nazi Supervillain Red Skull to death with his bare hands. He has physically defeated an Asgardian Troll, the Asgardians on average being as strong as Spider-Man who scales to Deadpool and Luke Cage's feats of surviving with extreme damage nuclear missiles, suggesting that Magneto should scale to Multi-City Block Level physically.
Even more impressive is his incredible endurance. Magneto is infamous for his will to survive which has given an ability to survive incredible even for his strength. The mighty punches of Namor who can hold up large islands and the optic blasts of Cyclops that can tear the top of mountains and is said to even be able to rip a small planet in half have failed to bring down the Master of Magnetism. He has survived winds so cold as to render unconsciousness for any normal man, continued fighting after being deeply slashed by Wolverine's Adamantium Claws, and was even able to continue after most of his blood was turned into lead by the sheer power of his will.
Magneto bolsters his attack power and defenses with his control of the electromagnetic spectrum which spans to control the entire electromagnetic spectrum of the planet Earth. This has allowed him to perform cosmic level feats, able to stop and reverse the kinetic energy of a planet destroying bullet, as well as controlling planetary sized asteroids and with his full concentration created a shield that blocked a weapon designed to destroy planets.
His barriers have taken attacks from even stronger beings like Thor, Captain Universe Spider-Man, and Phoenix though this drains them massively faster and is highly taxing to his power reserve.
In terms of speed, Magneto scales to numerous lightning timing feats of Marvel Street Levels. His reactions are even greater, able to percieve photons moving at lightspeed and able to catch the mutant Northstar and with great effort caught his son Quicksilver who can run faster then the speed of light.

Magneto is most famous for his mutant ability to control magnetism. He has complete control over the Earth's electromagnetic field and can use it to create a planetary scale EMP disrupting the magnetosphere. In space he has absorbed the magnetic energy of even larger planets and many planets at once to amp himself even further. His control of electromagnetism is so great that he can use it to do such things as negate earthquakes, cause volcanic eruptions, rip adamantium Sentinels apart, and throw the planetoid sized asteroid Avalon into space. He could control technology across the planet and he was even able to control the enchanted metal of Thor's hammer Mjolnir and could fling it away, though he was unable to physically touch it without being pinned.
He can affect objects as far as outside the solar system, such as moving the Breakworld Bullet, a city-sized bullet moving at relativistic or higher speed and bringing it to Earth, though this effort nearly killed him and his precision is so good that he can affect iron on an atomic level, in fact his helmet's edge is shaped to the nanoedge, and he was able to cause volcanic destruction of a city without killing a single person within.
Magneto can use his electromagnetism for flight, even causing numerous people to levitate. He can create a pseudo atmosphere around himself to survive in space, and can magnetize objects in sight, causing all nearby metal to race towards the object. He can use his EM manipulation to create lightning and laser blasts strong enough to hurt Meta Level entities like Namor and Iron Man. He can manipulate light well enough to turn Dazzler's lasers back on her or create holograms of himself.
Magneto is so linked up to the electromagnetism of the planet he can sense any change down to individual particles moving. This allows him to sense invisible entities, or to know the destination of teleporters based on the direction and momentum of the particles left behind. He can detect dimensional rifts or even the destruction of planets, as though millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced, by feeling the rush of particles nearby.
Magneto can perform a few other tricks with his EM control. He can bend light around him to turn invisible or somehow create a wormhole, an inter-dimensional portal with it. He can control the trace amounts of metal in the blood to control peoples bodies, even able to incapacitate the Avengers. He can manipulate the electromagnetism in the brain to control peoples thoughts or disperse the electromagnetism making up someone's consciousness, causing instant death for any entity up to the consciousness plane of reality. He can also create a magnetism vortex removing the heat from an area freezing the area down to near absolute zero.
Magneto compliments his EM control with his high level of technology intellect, amplified by his control of technology, to the point that he can create advanced bases, his famous helmet that cancels out mind manipulation, robots and advanced space stations. He is a clever tactician that can lead his generally weaker mutants against Xavier's X-Men to victories, as well as whole nations and is a skilled enough fighter to beat 14 men without his powers.
Finally his greatest strength is his sheer willpower. Magneto has an indomitable will to persist, a will said to be "second to none". His will is so strong he can contend mentally with Charles Xavier, a planetary+ level psychic and defend his mind. Even when Psylocke was amped and tried to attack Magneto's mind, his will was strong enough to not only defend himself but reverse her psychic attack back onto her. Magneto's will is so strong it can actually act as a form of psionics itself, allowing him to perceive the dreams of others, astral project, and forcefully put two people to sleep by manipulating their brains. It's implied his true mental might could extend even further as when Xavier helped him release his full will it was strong enough to boost Xavier enough to mentally contact Galactus.
In terms of weaknesses, he can be overconfident and can't control non magnetic materials. Also manipulating to his full extent is exerting on his mind and his EM control is dependent on the state of his body, meaning if he is injured or exhausted his ability to manipulate EM won't be at full capacity. He can also be very stubborn, his own will driving him to single-mindedness.
Name: Magneto, Max Eisenhardt, Magnus
Origin: Marvel Comics
Classification: Mutant Supervillain
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical capacities, Electromagnetism manipulation, invisibility (activated), light manipulation, can create wormholes, can disperse consciousness, can magnetize objects, energy-matter manipulation (atomic), freezing (near absolute zero), technopathy, can control peoples bodies and minds via the blood in their bodies, flight (can also levitate others), can create a pseudo atmosphere, lightning and energy projection, superhuman willpower and mental resistance (planetary), psionic (astral projection, can induce sleep, can perceive dreams)
Weaknesses: Can be overconfident and arrogant. His abilities are dependent on his physical condition.
Destructive Capacity: Multi-City Block Level physically, Planetary with EM Manipulation
Range: Planetary normally, can reach as high as inter-stellar
Speed: Massively Hypersonic, Lightspeed attack/reaction speed
Durability: Planetary+ with shields, possibly higher for briefer periods of time (shields have withstood the blows of Thor, Cosmic Spider-Man, and Phoenix)
Stamina: Can fight for hours at a time, a superhuman level of will
Intelligence: Superhuman (Can create advanced tech like robots and space stations)
So how would he do in other verses?
In DC Comics, Magneto would be a low mid tier. Magneto is sometimes called a "mini-Green Lantern" due to his versatility and type of powers. Magneto would likely be able to beat a normal Kryptonian in a one on one fight, despite their ability to bust planets and move faster then light, due to being able to rival their stats with massively higher versatility. Also say most Kryptonians probably aren't trained in Torquasm Vo meaning Magneto's psionics, which would probably honestly rank as mid tier in DC, would completely work.
Magneto would probably be relative to one of the agents of the Reach in terms of power, versatility, and hax, meaning he would be a threat on most planets and capable of conquering via stealth and subterfuge along with raw ability. Magneto could likely grow stronger if he could gain access to DC tech like a motherbox.

In Image Comics, Magneto would be relative to most powerful bricks who scale to Allen, Omni-Man and Invincible destroying a planet. He would be at a disadvantage in terms of speed given most of these beings can traverse inter-stellar space but given his range and sheer versatility/hax he could likely beat a number of them, particularly with prep or via a surprise attack.
That said, Magneto wouldn't be able to go any further since after that is lots of powerful solar system and even universal entities with the same speed but also with versatility and hax rivaling him.
In the Champions Universe, Magneto would fit in very well as a Mid to High Tier villain who are generally planetary scaling off Gravitar who is stated to be able to accidentally tear the world apart. The Champions High Tiers are generally relativistic scaling off the lightspeed travel travel power which most villains can somewhat move comparable too, despite being lightspeed travel meaning he would have higher reaction speed but lower movement speed.
While stats are similar, Magneto could very well be an even bigger threat then any of the similarly powered villains, due to having a similar level of average hax but a greater variety of abilities and hax, as well as a nigh uncontested range. This would be especially true if he got Kinematik, the Magneto Homage Master Villain, as his ally. That said Magneto probably wouldn't beat a Top Tier Master Villain comparable to a King of Edom and thus Universal via scaling from Takofanes due to significantly less power and comparable to lesser versatility or hax. Overall Magneto would be a mif to high High Tier of the verse.
However he ironically might beat the big bad of the entire setting Doctor Destroyer, since Dr Destroyer is a Power Armor based villain who relies on his power armor to stay alive, which Magneto could likely remove. While Shadow Destroyer could not remove Doctor Destroyer's armor, Magneto's EM control has far greater feats then Shadow Destroyer's magic for telekinesis. Magneto can actually match the god tier intelligence of Doctor Destroyer, able to create comparable advanced sci-fi technology, can match his skill, and might become enraged and overwhelm him if he learns that in this reality Doctor Destroyer was the scientist behind the Third Reich's science.

In the One-Punch Man Universe, Magneto would be near the top of the verse. He has performed planetary feats more casually then Lord Boros' Collapsing Star Roar Cannon but not as casually as Saitama punched it away. As said his raw power is likely somewhere between Lord Boros and Serious Saitama. His speed would be somewhat similar as the verse scales to numerous near lightspeed feats with Saitama viewing them as "a bad joke".
Given his massive versatility, Magneto could be a threat to the whole of the setting, especially if he is bloodlusted and going for the complete kill. However if he is being overconfident Saitama could potentially one-shot him, especially if he is distracted by Boros or Garou. Overall Magneto would be a Top Tier threat and it would be very dangerous and hard to beat him for the verse, though not impossible.

In the Guyver-verse, Magneto would be roughly equal to the power of the strongest being in the verse Alkanphel (outside maybe Apollon and the Creators) who was able to shatter an asteroid the size of Mars which could destroy the planet. His speed on average would be fairly normal for the verse with Zoaloads being able to move fast enough to disappear from Guyver's sight despite his ability to react to lasers.
Magneto in the Guyver-verse would be a real fight of electromagnetism vs gravity manipulation considering the high amount of gravity manipulation in Guyver. As such the verse may be able to compete against him despite the gap in power for most given spacetime distortions, common in the verse and caused by gravity, distort electromagnetic charges, which is why light can't escape black holes despite having no matter. It would be similar to him finding that his attacks are veering off target based on mathematical equations.
That said Magneto is highly intelligent, skilled and versatile for the verse meaning it wouldn't be one-sided in the direction.
Overall Magneto would be an extremely interesting fighter in the Guyver-verse, comparable in raw abilities to one of the Zoaloads, or to Guyver Exceed/Gigantic Dark Exceed (against those two in particular however Magneto would be at a massive advantage, able to just take the control metal out of their heads) but not quite the capacities of Alkanphel though he could be a threat to the whole verse over time given his intellect, suggesting he would be a viable third faction against both the Guyvers and the Zoalords.
I Loved this SO Much, Magneto is SUCH a cool villain, you have said numerous times he is your favorite Marvel Villain and honestly speaking that is a VERY fair choice, the guy is very Threathening, Compelling AND Entertaining in almost everything he is in, so its clear to see why they kept him around so long (and that certainly helped him in the abilities department)
ReplyDeleteYour analysis for him was REALLY impressive, a good half of this stuff even I didn't know and it really puts into perspective just how unstoppable he can seem, even in a verse as competitive as this.
the verses you compared him too were really interesting to hear about, being able to be a top tier villain in One Punch Man and get into Natural Forces contests with Really high tier villains in Champions and Guyver was Impressive to say the least.
What shocked me is how he didnt do all that well in DC Comics despite being such a Boss in Marvel, i guess that really Does Go To Show the distinction between the verses, Because DC relies much more on Magic than Tech Magneto cant abuse his abilities nearly as well and I found that really cool. But another thing to question is I dont even think Magneto would have become a VIllain if he was born there, given DC humans are WAY more accepting of metahumans he probably would be valued hero