The butterfly in it's cycle of dying and being reborn through the process of metamorphosis has long been a symbol of the soul and the boundary of life and death, the cycling through of being reborn again. Those characters who have the butterfly as their emblem then are often those who live on the boundary between the realm of life and the realm of death such as these two villains
Papillon Myu the Terrestrial Star Specter of the Bewitching Star from Saint Seiya
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon the Star Hunter and Palace Guardian of the Shadow Galactica from Sailor Moon
I'm Imperator100 and this is a mini Death Prediction.

Papillon Myu:
Throughout time the 108 stars of darkness are born into human bodies. These are the specters, soldiers of the emperor of the underworld, god Hades. They are eternally pledged to serve their lord Hades. When Hades does will it, the 108 awaken their dark souls inside their human bodies, recalling their prior lives and allegiance, and pursue their dark lord's goals.
Papillion Myu is a terrestrial star specter, one of the 2/3rds that serve the greater 1/3rd the celestial star specters, specifically serving in the division of the one of the judges of the underworld, the underworld's armies three strongest specters; Wyvern Rhadamanthys. He was commanded by his general Rhadamanthys to attack the Sanctuary protected by the gold saints of Athena where he faced off against the Aries gold saint Mu.
In the beginning of the universe, all things were a single mass and the energy of the resulting explosion remains within every person's body resembling a mini-universe. By focusing body and spirit one can bring this energy, one's cosmo out. This is capable of destroying atoms or even at highly developed levels even subatomic particles. It allows for manipulating the atoms making up all things, allowing for destroying the non physical like hitting on the astral, spiritual or even conceptual plane of reality or control of natural forces such as those developing one's cosmo can make a waterfall flow backwards (1) (2) (3) as well as giving resistance to many of the abilities cosmo grants.
Cosmo's development is tracked by what sense has been awoken. Beyond the 5 senses of humanity is the sixth sense; the composition of all mankind's mental skills and which reaches into various psychic abilities including teleportation, sensing presences even in other realms, react subconsciously to danger and so forth.
The star spectres of Hades have developed even further achieving the seventh sense, even if terrestrial star spectres generally do not have such mastery as the gold saints of humanity. The seventh sense can replace all lesser senses and have a limited reality-warping turning impossibilities to possibilities. This is called the power of miracles and is unlocked by driving one's cosmo to the utmost. Having awoken the seventh sense, Myu should be able to use miracles though it seems to be somewhat difficult.
Papillon Myu's cosmo is relative to Aries Mu's though admittingly at the time of their fight Aries Mu was weakened to the point that another terrestrial star spectre claimed he was on the "brink of death". Still Mu did fear that a cosmo of Myu's level or a group of them could kill Leo Aioria. This should scale to Taurus Aldebaran who casually lifted the Braebus Talaton containing the weight of humanity's sins heavier then the celestial firmament. The celestial firmament contains conservatively millions of stars, more then the mass of small galaxies, and could be considered universe level. Via the power of miracles Myu should be able to reach universe level for brief moments anyway as Pegasus Seiya was able to raise his cosmo to create a big bang during the sanctuary arc.
His cosmo should also be fast enough to scale to sanctuary arc Ikki without his cosmo believing he could fly to the edge of the universe (1) (2) (3) which would require speeds quadrillions of times the speed of light. Given his performance compared to Aries Mu he may scale to another mid tier gold saint Capricorn Shura blocking an attack from Anti-Pope Aiolos traversing inter-universal distances in seconds at most requiring speeds nearing to just exceeding 1 quintillions of times the speed of light. With the power of miracles the same Capricorn Shura reached the speed of the initial expansion of the Big Bang, septillions of times the speed of light.
Bewitching Star Specter:
Papillon Myu has the powers of his dark star and his surplice, mystical armor given by Lord Hades. Myu is most well known for his power of "evolution", the ability to evolve and metamorphosize for which he is given the title of Papillon. Wyvern Rhadamnyths even claimed this ability would allow him to potentially defeat the gold saints though I am skeptical given it takes time and seems to be semi impractical in combat. He DID use it to regen from being sliced in half however (1) (2) (3).
Myu is known for his psychokinetic capacities, able to even paralyze the Psychokinetic Gold Saint Aries Mu (this was later shown to be Myu). For comparison Aries Mu even without his gold cloth was able to psychokinetically fix and turn his fallen tower upright.
Myu has also shown three seperate techniques though it's unknown if he can do the first two in his peak humanoid state. He made energy burst out of him with an attack called "Ugly Eruption" which was strong enough that Mu used his defensive technique to protect himself.
He was able to use silky thread to bind Aries Mu so he could not move (1) (2) (3) and required him to use a desperate punch to get out of.
However Myu's ultimate attack is much more dangerous, called "Fairy Thronging" which summons a myriad of underworld butterflies that can block attacks even blocking the Stardust Revolution a technique of Aries Mu that can create a whole universe (1) (2) (3). These butterflies immobilize an enemy before opening a portal to the underworld that takes Myu's enemy to the underworld body and soul. This is especially dangerous as entering the underworld in Saint Seiya immediatly kills unless the affected has the eighth sense. Myu's butterflies can also track down people
Myu's biggest weakness is that his most potent ability, his evolution relies on taking time and as such isn't hugely helpful in one on one combat. Beyond that he wants to face opponents on even terms and doesn't abuse his haxes.
Papillon Myu, likes all the spectres of Hades is fanatically devoted to Hades, serving him across their incarnations and reincarnations. Outside of that he seems to be somewhat sadistically playful in fights as shown when he unparalyzed Aries Mu so he could fight him on even terms.
Stellar Energy:
Bestowed with the power of the Cocoon Crystal, Heavy Metal Papillon can use the energy of the star seeds, specificaly the guardian star seeds; the sailor crystals. Heavy Metal Papillon is a guardian of Galaxia's palace suggesting she is superior or at least comparable to the power of the other Sailor Animamates which were relative to the power of the Eternal Guardian Senshi. For instance Animamate Sailor Lead Crow equaled the power of Eternal Sailor Mars and even Sailor Tin Nyanko who harmed Eternal Sailor Moon. This is pretty important as the eternal sailor transformation is superior to the super sailor transformanation which is tens of thousands of times Sailor Moon's base state let alone her civilian form. Stars Arc Usagi in civilian form tanked a power greater then Eternal Sailor Moon's fourth form who one-shot Queen Nehelenia who maintained a parallel universe. In other words Heavy Metal Papillion scales to tens of thousands at least above baseline universal.
Eternal Sailor Senshi level entities also scale to the speeds of Eternal Amazon Senshi who moved comparable to the lambda power (1) (2). An aspect of the Lambda Power, the silver crystal's power traversed the universe instantly requiring speeds just exceeding 1 quintillion times the speed of light.
Stellar energies also give access to other abilities such as flight, the ability to survive in space, teleportation including teleporting with other people, restoration of the body (1) (2), undoing magic (1) (2), energy projection, sensing energy, and creating new techniques by charging material objects with energy
Cocoon Crystal:
Heavy Metal Papillion also has more abilities as the Sailor Animamate with abilities bestowed by the Cocoon Crystal.
The Cocoon crystal seems to have pyrokinesis primarily and Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion controls the dying flame of the stars which appears before her as butterflies. She can use her pyrokinesis to cremate enemies as strong as Eternal Sailor Moon as the guardian of the Galactica Palace graveyard. It's likely her ultimate attack "Galactica Scales" which by the title likely involves drawing power from Galaxia and becoming much stronger by comparison to the Galactica Sol Senshi fight involves fire though the technique was never actually seen.
Heavy Metal Papillon can also manipulate vines which were able to bind Eternal Sailor Moon and company despite their level of stellar energy. She is called the soul hunter suggesting she may be able to affect souls which would be consistent with other stellar energy users attacking non-physical ghosts and spirits.
Finally as a Sailor Animamate she has two Galactica Bracelets from Sailor Galaxia, binding her to Galaxia's will. These can absorb attacks and rip out enemy star seeds. All things have Star Seeds though interestingly Sailor Senshi are implied to have two, one representing their human identity and one representing their eternal nature as a Sailor Senshi (Sailor Crystal) suggesting that Star Seeds are connected to identities. Even Sailor Saturn gets existence erased having her star seed taken despite the fact that she can exist as a soul and can be reincarnated by her spirit. Even abstract Chaos who had fused with the source of all possibility, the galaxy cauldron has a star seed
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion is an overly emotional and theatrical personality. Also if both of her braclets are destroyed or disconnected from her, she dies. (1) (2). Also as she is not a true Sailor Senshi, she doesn't have the hax resistance of the other Sailor Senshi.
Like all the Sailor Animamates, Heavy Metal Papillion is a pragmatic killer, devoted to survival by aligning herself with Galaxia and by nature of her position willing to kill to preserve her life. She also is stated and to some extent shown in her brief time to be an overly emotional and dramatic personality.
Alright the combatants are set, it's time for a MINI DEATH PREDICTION
Deep in space, near the center of the galaxy Papillon Myu hurriedly advanced towards the center of this strange palace. General Wyvern Rhadamanthys had noticed a strange energy pattern emanating from deep in space and had sent him to investigate on the change it might interfere with Lord Hades' plans only for him to reach this place. Ahead he noticed a strange alien entity whose revealing blue outfit resembled a butterfly. What a strange irony.
Through the streaming butterflies born of star's last dying embers Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon saw two glowing eyes peering through the darkness before a man wearing a shining metal armor, resembling of all things another butterfly appear from the butterflies visage. The soul hunter readied herself mentally for the upcoming confrontation.
"Halt, passerby. This land is the sacred resting place of the stars belonging to queen of the galaxy! Your soul entering this land is forfeit to our glorious queen!" Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon said anticipating an easy fight. The star seed of this passerby was weak and dimmed only softly. How he had even gotten here was a mystery.
Papillon Myu felt a not hugely strong cosmo emanate from this woman, however he did sense via his developed sixth sense an incoming danger and internally braced himself before exclaiming "If this "queen" of yours does interfere with the plans of Lord Hades, then you shall both die!"
The two stood somewhat close in the beautiful galactica garden, the butterflies floated confused around them. Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon quickly shouted "Galactica..." preparing to finish this quickly with her ultimate attack.
However Papillon Myu had been informed of danger by his sixth sense and was prepared and quickly mentally released a wave of paralyzing force, holding Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's body prone.
"Hahahaha" laughed Papillon Myu "You must know who you are dealing with...I am terrestrial star specter of the bewitching star, the great psychokinetic and now you are helpless girl."
A wave of emotion struck Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon at the thought of dying. "No! I can't die here" she thought "I've sacrificed too much!" and with a surge of emotion came a surge of stellar energy which knocked Papillon Myu back slightly and restored Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's body.
"What power is this?!" mentally exclaimed Papillon Myu, not knowing how such power could have been hidden.
"Hehehehehe" now it was Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon "Now that you're introduction is done, allow me to introduce myself...Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon, palace guardian of the Shadow Galactica!" and saying so vines came up and bound up Papillon Myu. Despite struggling with his great might, Myu could not break these supernatural bindings.
Papillon Myu cried out in shock but as Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon again began to call forth a powerful burning fire to immolate him down to his soul Myu suddenly yelled "Ugly Eruption!" and powerful cosmo blasted out of him. Heavy Metal Papillon had no way of knowing how powerful his beams would be so she defensively brought up her bracelets to absorb the attack.
Myu hoped his attack would give him a moment and quickly called on the cosmo of the surrounding vines and flames and willed them away freeing himself.
Heavy Metal Papillon looked at him with a sour expression but he gave a self-assured grin in return. "Your little tricks won't hold me down for long" said Myu pleased with him. The soul hunter of the Shadow Galactica internally began to worry at the strange abilities of her enemy and if she could beat him.
Papillon Myu again tried to psychokinetically hold this enemy but she suddenly disappeared. Unbeknownst to him she had simply teleported behind him hoping a surprise attack would kill him but his sixth sense activated again, and he subconsciously dodged out of the way of her fire attack from behind, dodging to the ground before psychokinetically bringing up a bunch of gravestones to block her fire.
The collision of the two created a smokey cover sending illuminated only by tiny pricks of fiery light, the butterflies of the stars floating through the inky void of space. Under cover Myu charged at his opponent. The soul hunter sensed her opponent's spiritual energy and quickly called down more fire on the location to immolate him, causing a sudden inferno to shoot up in front of her. She quickly approached hoping to take the interloper's star seed. In the fire Myu grinned sadistically as his plan worked as he quickly replenished his atoms through his cosmo and spat out a bunch of silk threads causing Heavy Metal Papillon to shriek in fear as the threads enveloped her.
"Got you now, butterfly trapped in the webbing" he said only mildly conflicted on if a butterfly should say such. He quickly created a blast of cosmo he hoped to atomize her with but she quickly raised her hands and the cosmo was sucked into her bracelets. Heavy Metal Papillon in a fearful burst released another bursting of stellar energies, burning away at the webbing.
She began to fly over the area, hoping to stay mobile so as to not get tied down again but her opponent began to fly just as easily and the two butterflies floated through the misty sky, daring each other mentally to make a mis-step.
Papillon Myu was first to act calling down his ultimate attack "Fairy Thronging" which called down his astral butterflies. Heavy Metal Papillon watched the strange harmony and discord of the fiery butterflies of hers mixed with the dark butterflies of the underworld and held up her bracelets in preparation. However just as quickly she felt herself becoming immobilized again.
"With this shall be brought down to the underworld..." said Papillon Myu. "This is the fate of the butterfly, emissary of life and death, to go to Lord Hades as prisoner or loyal servant"
However to Myu's chagrin, Papillon Myu popped out of existence. "You're wrong" she said sadly, hr voice piercing through the haunting cacophony of butterflies, burning passionate in inferno and looming like the black abyss "The butterfly is symbol of life as much as death, and she will do anything to protect the lives of her own".
"Even if you hide, my butterflies will find you" said Myu only to feel his sixth sense flare up just as his own butterflies flew towards him.
Right behind him teleported Heavy Metal Papillon who quickly struck out and stole his star seed. She mentally relaxed and floated to the ground confident that this had finished him. However to her shock she saw a surging of energy floating in the area causing the nearby butterflies to be pushed away by a surging of energy.
"How!" She said in shock "I took your human star seed!"
"I am not just a man..." came the low growl of Papillon Myu "I am a soldier of Hades, across all eternity, loyal terrestrial specter of the bewitching star!" and with that Myu surged out moving at speeds far faster then Heavy Metal Papillon could perceive with enough force to rend the cosmos and punched her throwing off Sagitarius Alpha Star and shattered one of her bracelets.
Heavy Metal Papillon looked around desperately as she saw her enemy, no longer surging with as much cosmo but with a dangerous burning killing intent in her eyes approach her and desperately she called down her butterflies to protect her but Myu charged directly at her, flinging the butterflies with his psychokinesis. He approached dangerously, confident in her newfound strength to win and prepared to break through this enemy of Hades and Heavy Metal Papillon yelled
"Galactica Scales" creating a Galactica amped burst of fire at Myu's position. Myu brought his butterflies before him to protect him only for it to burn through to him.
"What?!" he exclaimed in shock as the fire tore into his form. He quickly tried to restore his atoms but in the brief moment, filled with fury and fear Heavy Metal Papillon teleported near him and again ripped his star seed from him, this time causing the star specter to disintegrate.
The star hunter gave a sigh of relief, almost crying from the intensity of the fight before hurrying to give the star seeds to Lady Galaxia.
So this fight is mostly determined by raw stats and mindset. In terms of stats Myu even with the power of miracles would be baseline universal or so while Heavy Metal Papillon would be over tens of thousands of times that meaning that Myu would have to rely on his hax to win while any even glancing blow from Heavy Metal Papillon would threaten to kill Papillon Myu.
In terms of speed outside of a miracle, which is not something Myu can just do normally, both scale to things traversing to outside the universe instantly or almost instantly, Anti-Pope Aiolos and the power of the Silver Crystal, but Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon scales to the Eternal Amazon Senshi who moved comparable to the Lamdba power which has the silver crystal's power as a mere aspect suggesting Heavy Metal Papillon would be equal or superior to Papillon Myu.
In terms of mindset, while Heavy Metal Papillon is a bit of a dramatic personality, she is also one who would quickly take a threat very seriously because of it, while Papillon Myu tends to sadistically play with his enemies and not abuse his haxes like he would need too. Papillon Myu might be a better fight that could use the sixth sense to anticipate his opponents moves to some extent but it doesn't help much if he doesn't exploit his main advantages in this fight, especially since nothing I could find suggests the sixth sense has ever shown an opponent's weak point to an SS character.
In addition outside of melee almost nothing Papillon Myu could do would work since Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon can absorb his ranged attacks with her bracelets and because she can teleport which is what caused him so much trouble against Aries Mu and how Aries Mu twice escaped his ultimate attack. Unfortunately if he tries to melee he puts himself in prime position to be star seed ripped.
While being a specter might give him a second star seed like the Senshi have, this would only protect him once if that (as Sailor Aluminem Seiren ripped two Senshi's star seeds at once and Heavy Metal Papillon's star seed rip should be similar)
Papillon Myu could arguably send away all of Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's attacks outside star seed rip and inter-dimensional teleport bfr with his control over natural forces and psychokinesis, though in fairness he and beings weaker then him don't have feats of controlling forces this strong, and even if they could, this really only pushes Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon into using her star seed rip. It doesn't help that again Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon could absorb almost all of his attacks in turn and while he could push away her bindings, she can not just destroy it with her stellar energy output but actually create a new attack with it by charging it with her stellar energy.
While it is true that if Papillon Myu's attack goes through and teleports her to the underworld that is an immediate gg for him, it should be noted Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon could also teleport him to another dimension to bfr, which is effectively a much stronger strategy as he has never shown teleportation between dimensions outside earth and underworld, and hers she can do at any point she is close while his requires a few moments to do, in which she can easily teleport away just like Aries Mu did.
Overall while both could counter most of each others arsenals, and Papillon Myu did have ways of killing her up close as well as more skill and mental ability, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's greater degree of raw power, more serious and focused mindset, and broken one-shot move suggest she is the more likely butterfly to fly away.
The winner is Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
His cosmo should also be fast enough to scale to sanctuary arc Ikki without his cosmo believing he could fly to the edge of the universe (1) (2) (3) which would require speeds quadrillions of times the speed of light. Given his performance compared to Aries Mu he may scale to another mid tier gold saint Capricorn Shura blocking an attack from Anti-Pope Aiolos traversing inter-universal distances in seconds at most requiring speeds nearing to just exceeding 1 quintillions of times the speed of light. With the power of miracles the same Capricorn Shura reached the speed of the initial expansion of the Big Bang, septillions of times the speed of light.
Bewitching Star Specter:
Papillon Myu has the powers of his dark star and his surplice, mystical armor given by Lord Hades. Myu is most well known for his power of "evolution", the ability to evolve and metamorphosize for which he is given the title of Papillon. Wyvern Rhadamnyths even claimed this ability would allow him to potentially defeat the gold saints though I am skeptical given it takes time and seems to be semi impractical in combat. He DID use it to regen from being sliced in half however (1) (2) (3).
Myu is known for his psychokinetic capacities, able to even paralyze the Psychokinetic Gold Saint Aries Mu (this was later shown to be Myu). For comparison Aries Mu even without his gold cloth was able to psychokinetically fix and turn his fallen tower upright.
Myu has also shown three seperate techniques though it's unknown if he can do the first two in his peak humanoid state. He made energy burst out of him with an attack called "Ugly Eruption" which was strong enough that Mu used his defensive technique to protect himself.
He was able to use silky thread to bind Aries Mu so he could not move (1) (2) (3) and required him to use a desperate punch to get out of.
However Myu's ultimate attack is much more dangerous, called "Fairy Thronging" which summons a myriad of underworld butterflies that can block attacks even blocking the Stardust Revolution a technique of Aries Mu that can create a whole universe (1) (2) (3). These butterflies immobilize an enemy before opening a portal to the underworld that takes Myu's enemy to the underworld body and soul. This is especially dangerous as entering the underworld in Saint Seiya immediatly kills unless the affected has the eighth sense. Myu's butterflies can also track down people
Myu's biggest weakness is that his most potent ability, his evolution relies on taking time and as such isn't hugely helpful in one on one combat. Beyond that he wants to face opponents on even terms and doesn't abuse his haxes.
Papillon Myu, likes all the spectres of Hades is fanatically devoted to Hades, serving him across their incarnations and reincarnations. Outside of that he seems to be somewhat sadistically playful in fights as shown when he unparalyzed Aries Mu so he could fight him on even terms.

Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon:
The galaxy has fallen to war, as the golden queen Sailor Galaxia's empire the Shadow Galactica stretched across the milky way galaxy. The golden queen proclaimed that anyone who would kill her planet's sailor senshi could join Galaxia as one of her Sailor Animamates and thus survive, being bestowed the power of the crystal of the dead senshi. This led to the Sailor Animamates who just from circumstance were born a group of cold warriors devoted to survival above all else, willing to kill even their own planetary guardian for survival.
Little is known about Heavy Metal Papillon. It is known she is from the planet Cocoon and killed Sailor Cocoon to gain it's powers. It is also known that she is a highly emotional person and is a mother, suggesting she may have joined Galaxia in an attempt to save her child.
Stellar Energy:
Bestowed with the power of the Cocoon Crystal, Heavy Metal Papillon can use the energy of the star seeds, specificaly the guardian star seeds; the sailor crystals. Heavy Metal Papillon is a guardian of Galaxia's palace suggesting she is superior or at least comparable to the power of the other Sailor Animamates which were relative to the power of the Eternal Guardian Senshi. For instance Animamate Sailor Lead Crow equaled the power of Eternal Sailor Mars and even Sailor Tin Nyanko who harmed Eternal Sailor Moon. This is pretty important as the eternal sailor transformation is superior to the super sailor transformanation which is tens of thousands of times Sailor Moon's base state let alone her civilian form. Stars Arc Usagi in civilian form tanked a power greater then Eternal Sailor Moon's fourth form who one-shot Queen Nehelenia who maintained a parallel universe. In other words Heavy Metal Papillion scales to tens of thousands at least above baseline universal.
Eternal Sailor Senshi level entities also scale to the speeds of Eternal Amazon Senshi who moved comparable to the lambda power (1) (2). An aspect of the Lambda Power, the silver crystal's power traversed the universe instantly requiring speeds just exceeding 1 quintillion times the speed of light.
Stellar energies also give access to other abilities such as flight, the ability to survive in space, teleportation including teleporting with other people, restoration of the body (1) (2), undoing magic (1) (2), energy projection, sensing energy, and creating new techniques by charging material objects with energy
Cocoon Crystal:
Heavy Metal Papillion also has more abilities as the Sailor Animamate with abilities bestowed by the Cocoon Crystal.
The Cocoon crystal seems to have pyrokinesis primarily and Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion controls the dying flame of the stars which appears before her as butterflies. She can use her pyrokinesis to cremate enemies as strong as Eternal Sailor Moon as the guardian of the Galactica Palace graveyard. It's likely her ultimate attack "Galactica Scales" which by the title likely involves drawing power from Galaxia and becoming much stronger by comparison to the Galactica Sol Senshi fight involves fire though the technique was never actually seen.
Heavy Metal Papillon can also manipulate vines which were able to bind Eternal Sailor Moon and company despite their level of stellar energy. She is called the soul hunter suggesting she may be able to affect souls which would be consistent with other stellar energy users attacking non-physical ghosts and spirits.
Finally as a Sailor Animamate she has two Galactica Bracelets from Sailor Galaxia, binding her to Galaxia's will. These can absorb attacks and rip out enemy star seeds. All things have Star Seeds though interestingly Sailor Senshi are implied to have two, one representing their human identity and one representing their eternal nature as a Sailor Senshi (Sailor Crystal) suggesting that Star Seeds are connected to identities. Even Sailor Saturn gets existence erased having her star seed taken despite the fact that she can exist as a soul and can be reincarnated by her spirit. Even abstract Chaos who had fused with the source of all possibility, the galaxy cauldron has a star seed
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion is an overly emotional and theatrical personality. Also if both of her braclets are destroyed or disconnected from her, she dies. (1) (2). Also as she is not a true Sailor Senshi, she doesn't have the hax resistance of the other Sailor Senshi.
Like all the Sailor Animamates, Heavy Metal Papillion is a pragmatic killer, devoted to survival by aligning herself with Galaxia and by nature of her position willing to kill to preserve her life. She also is stated and to some extent shown in her brief time to be an overly emotional and dramatic personality.
Alright the combatants are set, it's time for a MINI DEATH PREDICTION
Deep in space, near the center of the galaxy Papillon Myu hurriedly advanced towards the center of this strange palace. General Wyvern Rhadamanthys had noticed a strange energy pattern emanating from deep in space and had sent him to investigate on the change it might interfere with Lord Hades' plans only for him to reach this place. Ahead he noticed a strange alien entity whose revealing blue outfit resembled a butterfly. What a strange irony.
Through the streaming butterflies born of star's last dying embers Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon saw two glowing eyes peering through the darkness before a man wearing a shining metal armor, resembling of all things another butterfly appear from the butterflies visage. The soul hunter readied herself mentally for the upcoming confrontation.
"Halt, passerby. This land is the sacred resting place of the stars belonging to queen of the galaxy! Your soul entering this land is forfeit to our glorious queen!" Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon said anticipating an easy fight. The star seed of this passerby was weak and dimmed only softly. How he had even gotten here was a mystery.
Papillon Myu felt a not hugely strong cosmo emanate from this woman, however he did sense via his developed sixth sense an incoming danger and internally braced himself before exclaiming "If this "queen" of yours does interfere with the plans of Lord Hades, then you shall both die!"
The two stood somewhat close in the beautiful galactica garden, the butterflies floated confused around them. Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon quickly shouted "Galactica..." preparing to finish this quickly with her ultimate attack.
However Papillon Myu had been informed of danger by his sixth sense and was prepared and quickly mentally released a wave of paralyzing force, holding Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's body prone.
"Hahahaha" laughed Papillon Myu "You must know who you are dealing with...I am terrestrial star specter of the bewitching star, the great psychokinetic and now you are helpless girl."
A wave of emotion struck Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon at the thought of dying. "No! I can't die here" she thought "I've sacrificed too much!" and with a surge of emotion came a surge of stellar energy which knocked Papillon Myu back slightly and restored Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's body.
"What power is this?!" mentally exclaimed Papillon Myu, not knowing how such power could have been hidden.
"Hehehehehe" now it was Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon "Now that you're introduction is done, allow me to introduce myself...Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon, palace guardian of the Shadow Galactica!" and saying so vines came up and bound up Papillon Myu. Despite struggling with his great might, Myu could not break these supernatural bindings.
Papillon Myu cried out in shock but as Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon again began to call forth a powerful burning fire to immolate him down to his soul Myu suddenly yelled "Ugly Eruption!" and powerful cosmo blasted out of him. Heavy Metal Papillon had no way of knowing how powerful his beams would be so she defensively brought up her bracelets to absorb the attack.
Myu hoped his attack would give him a moment and quickly called on the cosmo of the surrounding vines and flames and willed them away freeing himself.
Heavy Metal Papillon looked at him with a sour expression but he gave a self-assured grin in return. "Your little tricks won't hold me down for long" said Myu pleased with him. The soul hunter of the Shadow Galactica internally began to worry at the strange abilities of her enemy and if she could beat him.
Papillon Myu again tried to psychokinetically hold this enemy but she suddenly disappeared. Unbeknownst to him she had simply teleported behind him hoping a surprise attack would kill him but his sixth sense activated again, and he subconsciously dodged out of the way of her fire attack from behind, dodging to the ground before psychokinetically bringing up a bunch of gravestones to block her fire.
The collision of the two created a smokey cover sending illuminated only by tiny pricks of fiery light, the butterflies of the stars floating through the inky void of space. Under cover Myu charged at his opponent. The soul hunter sensed her opponent's spiritual energy and quickly called down more fire on the location to immolate him, causing a sudden inferno to shoot up in front of her. She quickly approached hoping to take the interloper's star seed. In the fire Myu grinned sadistically as his plan worked as he quickly replenished his atoms through his cosmo and spat out a bunch of silk threads causing Heavy Metal Papillon to shriek in fear as the threads enveloped her.
"Got you now, butterfly trapped in the webbing" he said only mildly conflicted on if a butterfly should say such. He quickly created a blast of cosmo he hoped to atomize her with but she quickly raised her hands and the cosmo was sucked into her bracelets. Heavy Metal Papillon in a fearful burst released another bursting of stellar energies, burning away at the webbing.
She began to fly over the area, hoping to stay mobile so as to not get tied down again but her opponent began to fly just as easily and the two butterflies floated through the misty sky, daring each other mentally to make a mis-step.
Papillon Myu was first to act calling down his ultimate attack "Fairy Thronging" which called down his astral butterflies. Heavy Metal Papillon watched the strange harmony and discord of the fiery butterflies of hers mixed with the dark butterflies of the underworld and held up her bracelets in preparation. However just as quickly she felt herself becoming immobilized again.
"With this shall be brought down to the underworld..." said Papillon Myu. "This is the fate of the butterfly, emissary of life and death, to go to Lord Hades as prisoner or loyal servant"
However to Myu's chagrin, Papillon Myu popped out of existence. "You're wrong" she said sadly, hr voice piercing through the haunting cacophony of butterflies, burning passionate in inferno and looming like the black abyss "The butterfly is symbol of life as much as death, and she will do anything to protect the lives of her own".
"Even if you hide, my butterflies will find you" said Myu only to feel his sixth sense flare up just as his own butterflies flew towards him.
Right behind him teleported Heavy Metal Papillon who quickly struck out and stole his star seed. She mentally relaxed and floated to the ground confident that this had finished him. However to her shock she saw a surging of energy floating in the area causing the nearby butterflies to be pushed away by a surging of energy.
"How!" She said in shock "I took your human star seed!"
"I am not just a man..." came the low growl of Papillon Myu "I am a soldier of Hades, across all eternity, loyal terrestrial specter of the bewitching star!" and with that Myu surged out moving at speeds far faster then Heavy Metal Papillon could perceive with enough force to rend the cosmos and punched her throwing off Sagitarius Alpha Star and shattered one of her bracelets.
Heavy Metal Papillon looked around desperately as she saw her enemy, no longer surging with as much cosmo but with a dangerous burning killing intent in her eyes approach her and desperately she called down her butterflies to protect her but Myu charged directly at her, flinging the butterflies with his psychokinesis. He approached dangerously, confident in her newfound strength to win and prepared to break through this enemy of Hades and Heavy Metal Papillon yelled
"Galactica Scales" creating a Galactica amped burst of fire at Myu's position. Myu brought his butterflies before him to protect him only for it to burn through to him.
"What?!" he exclaimed in shock as the fire tore into his form. He quickly tried to restore his atoms but in the brief moment, filled with fury and fear Heavy Metal Papillon teleported near him and again ripped his star seed from him, this time causing the star specter to disintegrate.
The star hunter gave a sigh of relief, almost crying from the intensity of the fight before hurrying to give the star seeds to Lady Galaxia.
So this fight is mostly determined by raw stats and mindset. In terms of stats Myu even with the power of miracles would be baseline universal or so while Heavy Metal Papillon would be over tens of thousands of times that meaning that Myu would have to rely on his hax to win while any even glancing blow from Heavy Metal Papillon would threaten to kill Papillon Myu.
In terms of speed outside of a miracle, which is not something Myu can just do normally, both scale to things traversing to outside the universe instantly or almost instantly, Anti-Pope Aiolos and the power of the Silver Crystal, but Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon scales to the Eternal Amazon Senshi who moved comparable to the Lamdba power which has the silver crystal's power as a mere aspect suggesting Heavy Metal Papillon would be equal or superior to Papillon Myu.
In terms of mindset, while Heavy Metal Papillon is a bit of a dramatic personality, she is also one who would quickly take a threat very seriously because of it, while Papillon Myu tends to sadistically play with his enemies and not abuse his haxes like he would need too. Papillon Myu might be a better fight that could use the sixth sense to anticipate his opponents moves to some extent but it doesn't help much if he doesn't exploit his main advantages in this fight, especially since nothing I could find suggests the sixth sense has ever shown an opponent's weak point to an SS character.
In addition outside of melee almost nothing Papillon Myu could do would work since Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon can absorb his ranged attacks with her bracelets and because she can teleport which is what caused him so much trouble against Aries Mu and how Aries Mu twice escaped his ultimate attack. Unfortunately if he tries to melee he puts himself in prime position to be star seed ripped.
While being a specter might give him a second star seed like the Senshi have, this would only protect him once if that (as Sailor Aluminem Seiren ripped two Senshi's star seeds at once and Heavy Metal Papillon's star seed rip should be similar)
Papillon Myu could arguably send away all of Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's attacks outside star seed rip and inter-dimensional teleport bfr with his control over natural forces and psychokinesis, though in fairness he and beings weaker then him don't have feats of controlling forces this strong, and even if they could, this really only pushes Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon into using her star seed rip. It doesn't help that again Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon could absorb almost all of his attacks in turn and while he could push away her bindings, she can not just destroy it with her stellar energy output but actually create a new attack with it by charging it with her stellar energy.
While it is true that if Papillon Myu's attack goes through and teleports her to the underworld that is an immediate gg for him, it should be noted Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon could also teleport him to another dimension to bfr, which is effectively a much stronger strategy as he has never shown teleportation between dimensions outside earth and underworld, and hers she can do at any point she is close while his requires a few moments to do, in which she can easily teleport away just like Aries Mu did.
Overall while both could counter most of each others arsenals, and Papillon Myu did have ways of killing her up close as well as more skill and mental ability, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon's greater degree of raw power, more serious and focused mindset, and broken one-shot move suggest she is the more likely butterfly to fly away.
The winner is Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon

what an unexpected but very nice surprise! honestly these are two of the haxiest most badass cosmic warrior verses you know and are ALWAYS a treat to see you use, even in mini-predictions like this they are! These two may not be the most impressive of famous villains in their series but you did a really fantastic job at showing just how cool and powerful they really are when you take a step back and consider them in a vacuum and im sure fans of both characters would love it. Myu i actually did know and found especially interesting among the lessor Spectors for having interesting powers. the Soul Hunter on the other hand i knew like nothing about but im REALLY glad i do now cause damn shes a cool threat with a dark backstory.
ReplyDeleteI think you did an especially good job with all this butterfly simbolism, with their contrasting personalities and goals of life and death, i had no idea that all tied into being Butterflys though but i dont feel suprised, those things are monsters
Really glad i called it right, this was a doozie of a debate and a spectical of a fight made out of some humble source material for each and thats always a wonder to see
You had me at "Saint Seiya". Talk about giving minor characters some love! I believe you mentioned this match up to me a long time ago, I remember thinking it seemed good enough. Butterfly vs butterfly. Looks like you rose to the occasion and made me eat my words, this is far more than "good enough"! The connection seemed simple enough, but these two had plenty of interesting differences to play around with despite their similar appearances. I forgot Heavy Metal Papillon had those fire powers, very unusual for a bug-themed villain and a cool tool to use against a fellow manipulator of mystical winged insects. They each had ways to bind and slow down the other, though they were different in form (vines and sticky threads). Even their personalities had some major differences, differences that actually played a role in the outcome of the fight!
ReplyDeleteYou did a fantastic job of analyzing both of them; for a "mini" death prediction, this one felt quite meaty! I found the weaknesses sections to be especially interesting. A lot of very powerful characters don't have too much beyond their personalities leading them to be overconfident or something, but these two actually had weaknesses that played into each other. By that I mean Heavy Metal Papillon's weakness to hax and Myu's weakness of not relying on his hax. Cool stuff!
The fight itself was awesome. I thought Heavy Metal Papillon had things wrapped up going into it, but you spun me around and around with surprises! Things went back and forth, but in a good way and not one that made the fight feel dragged out. Guess I'm trying to say that the pacing was flawless. There was beautiful imagery in the aerial dance of the combatants and their butterflies and omg I thought for sure it was over with the star seed rip! And then I thought it was over with Myu's attack after that! And then, it was finally over. Really intense roller coaster ride at the end, thanks for the thrills! And the post fight analysis all made sense to me, I agree with ya. You're very thorough here too, there's a lot of elements to cover from stats to mindset to special defenses and even mobility. Looks like nothing escaped your gaze and I think it leaves the winner undisputed. Finally, I want to mention that stuff like your analysis of the verdict here makes me real happy to see how much work and thought goes into these. It's no wonder it leads to captivating battles and informative analyses! Great job on the blog Imp, thanks for sharing it!