Thursday, March 11, 2021

Finite Multiversal Baseline

This is going to be an attempted quantification for baseline finite multiversal, specifically of the type "everything that could have happened was it's own parallel universe."

There exists an idea called the Poincare Recurrence Time, the time that by random chance a set of conditions will return to the exact same state. The universe has one of these, with Max Tegmark calculating how far you would have to travel in an infinite universe to reach an identical copy of yourself, at a distance of 10^10^28 meters away. This could also be seen as a spherical multiverse where if you were to go that distance, you would reach where you are now, which would be the identical universe.

This number is huge enough that it doesn't actually change at all dividing it's volume by the universe's volume in meters cubed. As such I think baseline for Finite Multiversal, as opposed to Low Multiversal, any number of universes, should be 10^10^28 or 10^10 Octillion Universes. 

Functionally this will almost never come up. There's very few characters whose multiverse includes everything that could happen and isn't stated to be outright infinite but if there are this would be my guess as to how to quantify. 

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