Friday, August 19, 2022

How they Compare: Malchior (Teen Titans)


Once there was a great battle between a powerful dragon named Malchior and a wizard named Rorek. The dragon's power was seemingly unstoppable but as a last restore the wizard sealed the dragon within a book to contain it. Long after, the dragon through the book would speak to a young lonely mage named Raven under the guide that he was the wizard instead, convincing her they were kindred spirits such that she would free him again.

Teen Titans scaling can be kinda off but Malchior's has a pretty strong claim to be near the top of the scaling. None of the Teen Titans' attacks, Raven included, could even harm him, and his instructions allowed Raven to strengthen her skills dramatically. Raven's powers are determined by her emotions but even in season 1 in a mental battle Raven was able to defeat her father Trigon in her mind with the combined efforts of all her emotional selves, Trigon being a demon capable of reducing the world to ruin at relativistic speeds calced at about 1.23e37 joules, which is nearly 55,000 times the energy needed to destroy the Earth. Malchior dramatically increased this Raven's power and the same White Raven that beat Trigon twice failed to harm Malchior. Even if Malchior scaled to a fraction of Trigon's power, he would be well within Large Planetary. 

Speedwise Malchior can keep up with most of the Teen Titans who are able to move relative to the attacks of the villain Doctor Light, who attacks with, well, light and should be at least relativistic. He also was able to react to attacks from and tag the alien superhero Starfire, and scales above characters with that level of reaction speed, Starfire having quickly flown galactic distances before requiring speeds of likely billions of times lightspeed.

Malchior is only a villain for a single episode so he doesn't have that much time to demonstrate abilities, though what he does show makes him out to be extremely dangerous. Even when completely sealed inside his book he was able to shift his book around to help facilitate his disguised identity, changing the words and images and even shaping one of the pages into the shape of a flower.

When partially freed, he demonstrated being a master of dark magic, having the knowledge of dozens of books which he taught to Raven. Malchior's sheer breadth of knowledge is impressed dramatically upon Raven. He demonstrated telekinesis moving the books and information transfer, moving the information directly into Raven's mind. He taught her a spell to morph Beast Boy from his fly form to a rat form without even speaking and a dark magic Raven could not control that would negate Kardiac's regenerative properties. He also taught Raven a chant that would free him from the book he was sealed within. In his true draconic form, Malchior has the usual benefits of dragonhood: flight, fire-breathing, claws and fangs.

As a magical entity clearly far more skilled than Raven, he also likely scales to Raven's own abilities in magic especially common ones like phasing/teleportation, energy projection, energy shields, and telepathy which he seems to demonstrate speaking to Raven, speaking to Raven despite being a dragon. If he has her more rarely used abilities he would also have reality-warping that causes subconscious things like fears to physically manifest, healing, time stop and time travel, inter-dimensional and portal creation, disguise power, memory-reading/manipulation, and astral projection. He may even have knowledge of the curse that sealed him inside the book as Raven learned the seal from the book which he was trapped within for a long time with as he put it nothing to do but read.

In terms of weaknesses, while Malchior was sealed by the curse his magic was heavily limited such that he could not escape even with knowledge of the spell to do so. When partially freed from the seal he still could not leave the area near the book or he'd begin to unravel. Also magic in the Teen Titans universe seems to require usually some magical invocations as well as sometimes minor rituals so a lot of Malchior's powerful abilities have a slight delay.

Name: Malchior
Origin: Teen Titans
Powers and Abilities: Draconic Physiology, Dark Magic, Matter Manipulation, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Regeneration Negation, Emmersion (taught Raven a spell to release him being within a book), Likely Energy Projection, Forcefield Creation, Phasing/Teleportation, Potentially Portal Creation (Through time and dimensions), Time Stop, Disguise Power, Healing, Memory-Reading and Manipulation, Astral Projection, Mental Plane Summoning, and Sealing Curse
Weaknesses: Most spells require a vocal incantation, when partially or fully sealed his magic is weakened 
Destructive Capacity: Large Planet Level (Is a far more powerful mage than Raven, whose power is relevant to Trigon)
Range: At least tens of meters, likely far higher
Speed: Relativistic Movement Speed, MFTL Reaction/Attack Speed
Durability: Large Planet Level (Was unharmed by any of the Titans attacks including White Raven)
Stamina: Unknown
Standard Equipment: Spellbooks
Intelligence: Extremely knowledgeable Dark Mage, Skilled Manipulator

So how would Malchior do in other universes?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Malchior would be an immense threat, albeit not an insurmountable one. The Power Stone, one of the Infinity Gems, was able to rip apart one of Saturn's moons at relativistic speed was calced at large planet level suggesting that Malchior would be roughly equivalent to one of the Infinity Stones in terms of power. In terms of speed Malchior's movement speed would be considerably fast for the verse though with Captain Marvel being calced at moving in the sub-relativistic range they should be able to somewhat fight Malchior especially given his size and relatively stationary form of combat.

While there are some entities that would crush Malchior like the Celestials or Dormammu and Malchior wouldn't be as much an immediate threat to the universe as someone like Thanos, it would be somewhat similarly dangerous to trying to fight Malchior for most of the Avengers as fighting Infinity Gauntlet Thanos. Malchior is not as powerful or hax, but he's himself highly versatile and powerful as well as quicker. I think a really interesting fight would be Malchior vs Doctor Strange. Both seem to have similar matter and dimensional haxes, Strange can resist Malchior's time and potentially memory hax. While Strange is not as strong and fast, he was able to somewhat press Infinity Gauntlet Thanos and would hypothetically be able to reflect Malchior's fire breath or similar attacks back at him. I think if Strange does not have the time stone Malchior would probably win a difficult fight and if Strange DOES then he probably wins a close fight, or if Strange has assistance from some of his allies.  

In the Spyro-verse, Malchior would be physically comparable to the top tiers. Spyro at the end of the Legends timeline pulled the planet back together at 5% the speed of light, a feat calced at 2.47e37 joules, suggesting the tier would be several times slower but a few times stronger than Malchior. While Malchior's versatility would be fairly normal for the tier, his hax would be exceedingly powerful. While the tier has some time and dimensional hax, Malchior's is a lot stronger and he would be an immediate immense threat. With a single blast of Dark Aether would destroy Malchior since he has no atomic destruction resistance, Malchior would be able to avoid such attaccks or create shields to block them.

Generally speaking Malchior would have a lot of broken abilities and while the verse's top tiers could kill him in one hit, landing the hit is going to be the difficult part. The verse does have the difference their elemental abilities don't require invocations, and if Spyro uses time slow when Malchior isn't expecting it, he or an ally might be able to score a critical hit. With that said Malchior would likely be a top tier threat that would require multiple characters to beat with high difficulty.

In the Xiaolin Showdown-universe, Malchior would be considered easily a threat to the Xiaolin Monks as of the final season. Chase Young famously split the Earth at relativistic speeds, however this value was calced to only a tenth of Trigon's power, though admittingly this was with a casual strike. As such Malchior is probably a bit stronger in raw power, perhaps around the level of the Wudai Warriors using Wudai Orion. In terms of speed he's fairly low with Season 3 Omi being able to somewhat contend with the Fancy Feet, faster than anything including the Showdown arenas which move hundreds of times the speed of light, though due to Malchior's reaction times they couldn't blitz him. It would be somewhat like a powerful wizard vs a bunch of martial artists.

Malchior's abilities wouldn't be unheard of in Xiaolin Showdown, pretty much all of them save Immersion are things that different Sheng Gong Wu could do. However most characters in this series in base or with their standard equipment are nowhere near as hax as Malchior and in an unprepped fight, Malchior would be a very difficult opponent for most of the verse. One of the things he would struggle with is how skilled everyone in this verse is and how a few of them, Omi and Chase specifically have a "Tiger Instinct" that tells them their opponent's next move would warn them of any spell he intended to cast, and would be able to put pressure on him via melee attacks to keep him from casting. Granted even without speaking Malchior is able to morph people but Chase has shown something similar turning warriors he defeats into his cats. Chase in particular might go after Malchior as he must consume Lao Mang Lone Soup sporadically to maintain his immortality, the main ingrediant of which being dragon. Chase Young, especially Omi's chi absorbed Chase vs Malchior would be a really cool fight as Chase would have to continually be pressuring Malchior to keep him from casting one of his broken spells but Chase would know to do so via his precognition. 

Regardless of if Malchior can get past that tier, he does probably hard stop at Unsealed Wuya, whose a similarly skilled dark mage, whose also a skilled fighter, way stronger, similarly good at manipulation, and whose reality-warping is more general and hax. Though given their similar backstories and motivations, I think Malchior and Wuya might team up. 

In Ben 10, Malchior would be stronger than most alien races but physically would not be that strong in the magical community. Raven would be considered similar to an immature Anodite in Ben 10 both in terms of general power level, power peaks, and abilities. While Malchior was stronger than Raven, Anodites after 75 years master their abilities can easily destroy Highbreed fleets, including spaceships that can violently destroy planets calced at nearly 500 times the power of Trigon's feat in Teen Titans and can fight Chromastone without being blitzed, Chromastone being capable of flying across half the galaxy in a short timespan, requiring speeds billions of times the speed of light. Because he can react to the similarly quick Starfire, Malchior can probably avoid being blitzed by Anodites, but his power is essentially irrelevant in comparison. 

Malchior's abilities are strong but outside potentially time manipulation all of his abilities including mental plane summoning, inter-dimensional portals, and emmersion are all things Charmcaster has demonstrated and time manipulation is something Gwen has demonstrated. Much worse for him is the iconic ability of the Anodites, mana absorption. Just being around them would remove Malchior's magical abilities rendering him just a dragon. His best opportunity would be if he manipulated the mentally unstable Charmcaster as taking him on as an advisor due to his large knowledge of dark magic, though this would be a constantly dangerous position given Charmcaster's mental instability is primarily paranoia. Though both in their dragon forms would be quite the sight.

In the My Life as a Teenage Robot-verse, most powerful fighters scale off episode 1 Jenny violently shattering a planetary scale meteor, which would be considerably weaker than Malchior in the upper half of large planet level. Malchior would probably be more similar physically to Armagedroid. Jenny also flew galactic distances in a short timeframe, giving them a dramatic movement speed advantage, though Malchior can react to and tag them given his reaction speed. 

Malchior fighting most of the verse would be a very strange battle as it's a fantasy wizard dark dragon that was trapped in a book with a magic spell fighting science-fiction robot and alien superheroes and villains, though some level of fantastical elements are in the MLaaTR-verse such as elementals and Misty. Some abilities can sort of intersect, random civilians in the MLaaTR-verse have shown immersion weirdly enough so finding a way out of his seal would probably prove less of a problem, and conversely Vexus is able to make portals with a slash of her claws. This would also probably work as a durability-negating hax against Malchior since it rips the space itself, though on the other hand Malchior's dark magic that negates regeneration which worked on Kardiac would be a massive danger to members of the Cluster since they usually rely on their machine regeneration to return from heavy damage. Jenny would maybe be able to stop Malchior via her danger sense warning her of Malchior's threat level and freezing him which would prevent him from speaking and casting spells, though it would be dangerous as even without spells Malchior could morph Jenny and while she's way more skilled and could probably dodge his attacks, if he gets even one hit in, it would likely destroy her. This is not helped by the fact that Jenny and Vexus, as well as several of the top tiers can be somewhat easy to trick or manipulate though Vexus herself is a supergenius that made a functional spaceship out of literal garbage that could manipulate him in return.

However the best character to fight Malchior in this verse would be, humorously enough, Misty. Misty was part of the Teen Team, a parody of the Teen Titans with Misty being its take on Raven. Misty is a Ninja Superhero that primarily uses stealth and skill, something Malchior does not really have a strong counter to as he was unaware of Beast Boy in fly form spying on his and Raven's conversation. Misty has a paralysis inducing ability that would keep Malchior from casting spells conventionally and while he could try and morph her, she is a natural shapeshifter that could likely shapeshift the same way Beast Boy did when Raven morphed from one form to another. Most notably is that Misty can and usually does turn into a mental plane mist. While Malchior probably has from scaling some mental plane abilities, these are only physical mental plane abilities and mist-body Misty would interact with them similar to how mist interacts with solids objects in the physical world meaning Malchior would struggle to damage her. Even if he tried to portal her, she has teleportation that could likely get out of the way the portal fight and she's a stubborn personality that's not easy to manipulate.


  1. This was SOOOOO Cool Imp! I love Teen Titan's It is one of my favorite pieces of DC Comics Media and absolutely holds up! I think they did a really good job adapting numerous characters from the comics, but I always find whenever they created an original character, especially for Villains, they came out AMAZING. You have tons of really funny and terrifying characters under this category, like Mumbo Jumbo, Control Freak and Mother Mae Eye, and also the one who covered today, Malchior! His was a really cool ep of the show, I remember distinctly just how interesting and sophisticated he was as he manipulated circles around Raven into doing his bidding and his cool Arthurian style origin. He was very high in all 3 villain categories for me! It's super cool to me just how diverse and powerful his arsenal is despite having such little screen-time relatively, Upscaling in abilities from the most versatile and hax of the main characters definitely has its perks! I was really impressed by your analysis of Teen Titans here. But also, I was REALLY impressed by your analysis' of the verses he was compared to. Seeing you use an Alt universe Marvel against an Alt Universe DC was fun and Spyro was really fitting too for obvious reasons, but Yeah my favorite part was you comparing him against Multiple cartoons from the same time period as Teen Titans that I am just as Nostalgic for! I really liked that in each of those Verses He ended up being a serious threat who could wipe out most characters, but also has a fair number of characters that have pretty good chances against him using skill, and then characters who can basically flattly counter him that he has very low chances of getting past. It really helps that Wuya, Gwen, Charmcaster and Misty are some of my FAVE characters in their series, but It was also cool how his manipulation skills could help him possibly survive against some of them too

  2. This was a cool blog to see; I watched a lot of Teen Titans when I was younger and it is definitely a good show. I wouldn’t have expected Malchior to be large planet level, but I liked that you made note of Raven’s various fights with Trigon and how even White Raven struggled against Malchior to justify the scaling.MCU was a good choice for a verse comparison to start with as another comic alternate continuity and just demonstrates how impressive Malchior is from the get go, that he would be able to take on someone as powerful as Dr. Strange. I like that you chose mostly action cartoons from a similar time period in the 2000’s; general note but these “how they compare '' blogs are so fun because you can see how characters would do in similar verses, rival verses, and verses that have similar character tropes that you wouldn’t normally compare (in this case, Spyro). Chase vs Malchior is the most interesting matchup that you brought up for me personally; that just seems like a cool fight. Overall, great blog.
