The act begins right where the last act left off, with Sailor Moon being told by Sailor Pluto that Chibiusa and Mamoru disappearing into the space-time storm. Usagi's thoughts perfectly mirror Mamoru's, and she declares she has to go after them. Sailor Pluto tries to tell her not too, that you can't find distance or direction in the interval between space and time, that it would be dangerous to go even in optimal circumstances, but in the storm it's especially dangerous. However Sailor Moon remains resolute.
Sailor Pluto gives them some exposition about the area between points in space and moments in time, saying you need a time key to find a place anymore, as the forbidden area of the space-time interval causes people to disappear into the darkness. Minako expresses confidence that despite this Mamoru WILL be with Chibiusa. Sailor Moon isn't certain but Mars expresses that Mamoru is definitely with Chibiusa and Makoto telling Usagi that his love for Chibiusa is a part of Mamoru's love for her
The faith the Guardians have towards Mamoru is sweet, especially Rei. Rei was initially defined by her misandrist tendencies because her father abandoned her. But she sees Mamoru is a man with a sense of responsibility because of his refusal to abandon his daughter no matter what.
Sailor Moon responds that she knows, she's known rationally the entire time the way Mamoru loves her, and how he loves Chibiusa, and that she wishes to be with him again desperately. She wonders if God is messing with her due to the irony of finally returning wanting to see him again only for him to be gone. However her grief is broken by the return of Luna-P, malfunctioning. This worries Pluto further as Chibiusa ALWAYS took Luna-P with her.
Usagi from the extreme emotions of everything passes out, and it immediately cuts to Demande and Saphir waking up from their own passing out from the strain of the reactor meltdown. They awaken to find they are in the Room of Darkness, where Adult Chibiusa, who will later give herself the title of "Black Lady", mentions she brought them underground since the surface was too dangerous.
Saphir asks how that was possible, and Black Lady comments that it was all thanks to Saphir, that the Silver Crystal accelerated his Black Crystal reactor's fusion reactions creating an unbelievable amount of fire and energy on the surface, making Nemesis a planet without equal.
Demande tries asking her who she is but instead Black Lady takes them to the corner of spacetime, brought into existence by the space-time twisting energy absorption of the Black Crystal, bringing them to Wiseman's castle. Demande comments that Black Lady looks like Neo-Queen Serenity angrily.

This is a really cool part! Wiseman is a being presiding over the edge of spacetime, that place Chibiusa traveled to in her despair. It's a classic Naoko example of mixing the literal and metaphorical; the Wiseman, the Cult Leader, he reigns over the outskirts; the edge of being, the edge of society, those who in their despair have gone to the edge of their own perception to look into the abyss. This will be made more poetic by Wiseman's later title and backstory, as well as the ultimate revelation near the end of the series. Without saying precisely what it is, outside those dimensions, those ordering principles we call space and time, the procession of locations and events we order in our perception is the domain of primordial chaos, unordered instances without meaning. I also love the relationship between Demande and Black Lady, it's one of my favorite villain interactions in Sailor Moon. I will get more into it soon, but the way Demande sees the Queen behind Black Lady shows that very spirit he is driven to control in hate and twisted love he sees in Black Lady, yet he no longer feels that spark towards as her eyes are now cruel and capricious rather than the righteous eyes of the Queen.
Demande reaches Wiseman's castle, and finally showing some suspicion of his old advisor, Demande comments Wiseman has hidden this place well from them. Wiseman asks if they've met his pet rabbit referencing Black Lady, and Demande reacts in shock that this girl is the rabbit they've chased.
Demande in shock demands to know how this happened. Black Lady declares that Wiseman's will is absolute, that he is truth and all that you have to do to not go astray is follow him, once again evoking the idea of a cult leader. Black Lady ends the section by asking is Demande has already forgotten this, questioning his loyalty dangerously. Demande realizes Wiseman has been manipulating everything and demands to see his true form.
Wiseman basically goes "your usage has run out" before using the Evil Eye he taught to Demande on Demande and Saphir to control them, or so he thinks. Wiseman claims to bind them to his absolute will and Black Lady gives them even stronger Black Crystal Earrings to make them even stronger
This is the point, if one couldn't guess until now, that Wiseman will be the primary antagonist for the rest of the arc, and so makes a convenient point to talk about Wiseman's character. While not everything is revealed about him yet, Wiseman has been an excellent villain for this arc, fittingly creepy in all too human sense with his exploitation of a despairing child, yet also mysteriously cosmic. His presence has been both consistently felt yet not overwhelming despite his importance, and despite being a crafty manipulator he still has things emerge outside his plan and adapts opportunistically like Sailor Moon's power-up on Nemesis.
Wiseman holds Chibiusa's Silver Crystal, but doesn't understand why it's not emitting its usual glow. There are several possible reasons. Two Silver Crystal at the same time depowers both as shown earlier, and also only the true heir to the Silver Millennium can use it as shown in a later arc. Black Lady says it's because it's the Queen's and only she can use it, once again commenting on Chibiusa's lack of confidence in herself.
Wiseman commands Black Lady to bring him the other Silver Crystal which Black Lady accepts as a mission. However Demande, pretty strangely for someone who should just be a puppet for Wiseman at this point questions Black Lady's competence and loyalty, turning her old accusation of Demande's loyalty on its head.
The conflict between Demande and Black Lady is fascinating to me. Black Lady is repeatedly emphasized this arc as being like her mother. For Demande who is obsessed with Usagi, you'd think he would try to get Black Lady to be his, yet he seems to view Black Lady as something like a counterfeit Usagi. That in Black Lady being what Usagi would be like on his side, she no longer has what he wants, that fiery spirit he wants to break. Meanwhile of course, Demande is basically what authority is like to a spoiled teen metaphor like Black Lady. Authority is dumb and arbitrary and doesn't trust her or let her have her fun.
Black Lady petulantly tells Demande that she'll show him, that she's will add another Dark Crystal Pillar to the Earth in an effort to get the queen. Saphir boredly mentions if that's true, the Earth will be destroyed. Black Lady comments she doesn't care so long as she has what she wants, revealing that she has brainwashed Mamoru.
I love the way she refers to him as Endymion when Chibiusa always referred to him as Mamo-chan. It's showing how she is addressing him the way her mother addressed her father, referencing what she is. A little girl trying to act adult. Black Lady tells Saphir and Demande that they can leave the planet with their powered up Black Crystals. The two do, and Demande comments on how huge Nemesis has gotten, a reference to how blind he's been to Wiseman's manipulations, his control growing under Demande's nose.
Black Lady comments that now no one will come between her and Endymion, kissing him, which cuts to Usagi waking in bed. The other Senshi are there as is Mama Ikuko who asks Usagi if she was ok, telling her that she heard how she fell off the monkey bars. I'm not sure why the Guardian Senshi decided that was the lie to use. I could certainly see Usagi falling from them and being knocked out but I can't imagine her actually attempting it.
After Ikuko leaves, Luna-P enters it being mentioned they used it to erase Ikuko's memories...again, and that King Endymion fixed it much as Mamoru apparently could fix it earlier in the arc. I still don't know how he's able to just do that, but Naoko's dream boyfriend remains much smart, much big brain. The Guardians reassure Usagi, reminding her of what happened. Usagi briefly has a memory of Chibiusa walking in, asking to play. Usagi comments how it feels so unreal, how she is happy to be home, but that she is selfish, given Mamoru and Chibiusa aren't safe yet. Despite all their conflicts, Usagi comments how she feels pretty lonely without Chibiusa there, having a cute memory of Chibiusa talking about showing off Luna-P to her class. Minako comments that Usagi is being a killjoy when they're trying to cheer her up, and Makoto comments that Usagi is starting to seem a lot like a mom.
I do have to admit, whenever Usagi starts acting more maternal, I get all sentimental about it. There's a theme this act about responsibility, how Usagi and Chibiusa took responsibility for things that weren't truly their fault, how the Black Moon Clan always shifted the blame onto others. Though she didn't ask for her to be around, and though she was constantly annoyed by her presence, Usagi has come to accept the responsibility for this child, realizing what joy an innocent child gives. I don't think it's coincedence this happens after Usagi and Mamoru's intimacy earlier the arc. It's the development of the maternal spirit in her, and it's heartwarming to see everytime. Of course narratively, this is meant to make their reunion all the more heartbreaking when Usagi finally must face Black Lady.
Usagi comments to everyone that she needs their help, because she's going to go rescue them, causing Luna to comment on how strong Usagi has gotten, not in terms of her powers but in terms of her character, this cowardly crybaby going to face this immense danger willingly to save the man she loves and their child she never knew she had. Immediately following it cuts to Shingo asks Ikuko why she's spacing out. Ikuko comments she just noticed Usagi has recently blossomed, looking very beautiful causing Shingo shock.
I think it's a very sweet complement to the prior scene, the observation that Usagi is developing in her beauty, with a maternal spirit developing from his concern for Chibiusa. I think it connects to a moment later, as well as to the moment earlier where Demande saw the spirit of Neo-Queen Serenity, within Sailor Moon's defiant expression, that Usagi temporarily appears to be the woman she will become. That is the way of things in retrospect, you can see traces of the person someone will become in their present self.
Meanwhile at Crystal Tokyo, King Endymion goes to the sleeping form of Neo-Queen Serenity. He expresses guilt to her, that because he wasn't able to be there for her, their daughter has fallen to some darkness. Once again we see this theme of the heroes taking responsibility upon their shoulders even for things that they weren't truly the cause of. King Endymion comments he knows she was the one who sent power to her past self, as the past Silver Crystal of Sailor Moon's could have been used in the future
King Endymion asks if she's awoken again, to lend him her power, as he can't do anything to help their younger selves as just a spirit, that he can't do anything to help their daughter. He asks in despair why she doesn't response to him. But Diana, best kitten that she is, comes to comfort him, commenting that the Queen will save them when things are at their bleakest, that it's a good thing she still lays there healing, as it means they still have time.
It's a very astute point made by a tiny kitten, and shows too her faith in the queen.
Diana thinks back to both Luna and Sailor Pluto telling Diana to protect Chibiusa, Pluto expressing to the small kitten that the little princess is very dear to her, she would risk everything to protect her. Diana expresses her confidence that they will be able to save Chibiusa to King Endymion who pets her in thanks.
However everyone, throughout times suddenly senses a disturbance, which is....mildly confusing given that they're at different times so you'd think that would mean the past from Crystal Tokyo's perspective including up to the last few moments should have also sensed this or something. Back in the past....present......the Modern Times, Usagi suddenly is caught in a space-time distortion
Something is clearly messing up the spacetime continuum. The Time Key starts shining which Usagi thinks means Pluto must be calling them, and using it the Senshi go back off to the future.
Sailor Moon asks Pluto what's going on, that a shockwave hit them from the future, and Pluto reveals to her another Black Crystal pillar was placed.
Black Lady has arrived in Crystal Tokyo.
Black Lady goes over to the sleeping form of Crystal Tokyo, telling her that it's her daughter, Usagi Small Lady Serenity. King Endymion rushes over to the intruder saying she's not supposed to be here only to be stunned into silence when Black Lady turns, revealing her familiar visage.
Black Lady introduces herself again to her father to King Endymion's shock. He says in shock that it can't be, but only those of the Silver Millennium's royal family can enter this place, and asks how she underwent this transformation. Black Lady simply says someone gave her power, woke her up.
Sailor Moon and Luna-P arrive and enter. Black Lady seems almost afraid of Luna-P, the symbol of her innocent childhood. Sailor Moon recognizes Black Lady from her dreams, and Chibiusa tries to lunge for and grab Sailor Moon's Silver Crystal, but a light shines from Neo-Queen Serenity which throws Black Lady out of the Crystal Palace fairly comedically. I like Black Lady's indignance at being thrown out of her own home.
Sailor Moon and King Endymion go after Black Lady, King Endymion calling her small lady. Black Lady now declares however that they can't call her that anymore, she's no longer a little girl with Wiseman teleporting in behind her. I like how she used that title earlier, but now rejects it. On some level perhaps she wanted to come home and be accepted by her parents again, for them to marvel at how she's finally grown, but now that she's been treated like an outsider, she's renouncing the name they gave her, a name of affection and, in her mind, diminishment. This coincides with Wiseman's arrival as the one who gave Chibiusa her new identity.
The chapter ends with her saying she is now Black Lady, the queen of Nemesis
I know everyone makes the joke, but I can't resist.
Sailor Moon: Young lady, just where do you think you're going dressed like that?
Fun fact Naoko was a bit concerned about making Black Lady's dress so sexy, especially with the slit in her dress, worried it was too sexual for a shojo manga. Then, to her shock, the 90s anime actually made it BIGGER.
Act 23 is a really good act. It's got some absolutely great parts, and it a few things I'm not as fond of. It's a bit of a slower paced act, though that's by Sailor Moon standards which means it still moves at lightning speeds for most series.
This act does two things really well, I think. Firstly it's very good at sweet moments between the heroes. Rei's expression of trust towards Mamoru, the Guardian Senshi's attempting to cheer Usagi up, the development of Usagi's maternal love for Chibiusa, King Endymion talking to Neo-Queen Serenity and Diana. I think this act is really filled with humanizing sweet moments, my favorite being Usagi's tying into the central themes of the arc being Usagi accepting responsibility for Chibiusa.
The second thing it does really well is it characterizes the villains massively. Wiseman finally comes into the limelight as the primary villain of the arc, and is evoked in an expertly creepy way, as well as hyped up in power. Black Lady is a really good villainess, one of the most popular villains in the entire manga being an expression of pure teenage rebellion, a little girl acting out and trying to be as adult as possible with her sexy outfit and her defiance of authority. Demande's disdain for Black Lady is relatively subtle but rich with interpretation possibilities. While the arc humanizes our heroes in their virtues, it humanizes our villains in their differing flavors of vileness.
When talking about this act's faults, this act introduces a major plot point I'm of two minds on: that being the brainwashing of Endymion. On some level, I understand the symbolism of it. Chibiusa is attempting to falsely replicate her mother, to take all the things that her mother had as an expression of her defiance. On the other hand, the Dark Endymion subplot last arc is so recent that it feels repetitive. I don't really know how to fix that without removing the subplot from this arc entirely. I would say the act suffers a little bit from the plot holes caused by time travel and it's a bit more of a slow-paced act, good for arc variety but means it doesn't contribute as much to the overall plot as some acts.
I don't mean to make it sound like I dislike it, it's just most of the good things this act does are fairly self-explanatory, while it's problems which are neither numerous nor really that bad do require a bit of explanation. I think the biggest thing this act does both in terms of the overall plot significance and in terms of widespread fandom recognition is it properly introduces the villain Black Lady, who is one of the most popular villains because she's considered a really fun villain, different from most of the others, yet still possessing menace. I love how it connects to the overarching themes; how Black Lady is a relatively unique villain in that she has no large ambitions, she's wholly responsiblity-less, in the same act that Usagi grows in character by accepting responsibility.
Overall I think Act 23 is a really good act, with some great parts held back by some of the overarching plot elements of the arc not being as well implemented. It's best parts are the parts more unique to it; the characterization and humanization of both our heroes and the villains in opposite directions. It's failings are relatively minor in comparison and the fact that the act introduces Black Lady proper is a pretty solid point in its favor.
when Wiseman took over in this chapter i simultaneously went Yay and Oh No. Yay because he has been a great villain even just up to now, and On No cause hes just a lot harder to stop. On top of that you also get the extremely entertaining villain of Black Lady, who works great as like a dark mirror for Usagi this arc, as an immature person trying to be mature, and a former immature person becoming very mature. I liked the points you made about the large amount of super nice character moments that happened in this chapter with Rei, Diana and especially Usagi and it made the cold sick nature of that the villains were doing even more alien and dark in comparison. thinks like Black Lady kissing Mamoru still make me upset by this logic :D It is also cool how Demande is complete uninterested in Black Lady despite his damn near obsession with Serenity, which not only makes his character more defined and nuanced, but also probably can make Black Lady even more mad and resentful. Can't wait for what happens next!
ReplyDeleteI like how the theme of responsibility develops in this arc and how Usagi moves into a more parental role. And in general I like how it ties in to the recurring theme in seeing traces of what a person will become; I might be repeating myself, but that is a theme I am really coming to enjoy from the manga especially after reading your blogs. And I definitely agree on enjoying the character moments in this chapter; it is pretty nice to see stuff like Rei maturing after seeing Mamoru’s actions or interesting to see the dynamic between Demande and Black Lady. Also, I laughed at the “much smart, much big brain” comment :P.