The final act of the Black Moon Clan arc begins. Sailor Moon casts magic missile at the darkness, and she and Death Phantom completely disappear. Everyone is terrified that Sailor Moon somehow destroyed both of them with her attack.
However their worrying is interrupted when Tuxedo Kamen feels his hands grow warm, feeling Usagi's power and suddenly disappearing.
Meanwhile in the palace itself, the Queen finally awakens and rises.
Wordlessly she goes over to the sleeping body of King Endymion and in mirror to the end of the first arc, kisses his comatose form. The Senshi outside notice King Endymion's spirit disappear as he awakens again in his body.
The King and Queen exit the palace and Chibiusa is finally reunited with her mother in a very sweet moment
Neo-Queen Serenity tells Chibiusa that her awakening as Chibi-Moon awoke the queen, her power is greater than even the Black Crystal. Chibiusa finally gets to say the apology she's wanted to say since the original fall of Crystal Tokyo, taking full responsibility on herself, telling the queen all that she did, that she is so regretful. That it's her fault Pluto is dead. While she takes more responsibility here than she should, it is an important moment showing she's grown as a person.
Neo-Queen Serenity comforts her daughter, calming her raging conscience and commending her, saying she's gone through so much, and grown more mature as a result. In an extremely sweet exchange Neo-Queen Serenity tells Chibi-Moon now they can protect this world together. Chibi-Moon comments she was worried that her perfect mother had no need of her, and if she can help her now, even if only a little? Neo-Queen Serenity tells her daughter that she's always been precious to her, and she will be the one to replace her.
This is one of the most beautiful things about the parental relationship to me, the way that the child goes from being helpless and protected to standing alongside their parent in protection of the world, and even one day taking their place.
Neo-Queen Serenity addresses the Guardian Senshi telling them she lost her ability to fight as a Senshi,. which I think is because the Silver Crystal was passed down to Chibiusa. She promises that Sailor Pluto will sleep peacefully forever in the Crystal Tokyo which um........ if you've read the series you know.....
Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion comment that the Nemesis they fought was just an illusion, and that Sailor Moon's attack blasted her all the way to Nemesis' real self...and that somehow Mamoru was drawn there with's kind of weird and out of nowhere to be honest. They tell Chibi-Moon she's the only one that can help them. Neo-Queen Serenity asks Chibi-Moon to use the time key to warp out to their fight and help Sailor Moon seal away Nemesis. Chibi-Moon gives an adorable little determined nod
Neo-Queen Serenity grants Chibi-Moon power and her Cutie Moon Rod, and invoking the power of Sailor Pluto teleports off to go aid Sailor Moon. The Guardian Senshi want to go off to help them, but Neo-Queen Serenity says they should wait here. It's kind of a weird thing to bring up. I imagine in universe given Nemesis' energy absorption it would just be a pointless risk for them, but it's just sort of brought up that the Senshi could go after to help them and then just un-ceremonially dropped. They don't even say they could emotionally support their princess.
Meanwhile, far away in space, Sailor Moon awakens in the arms of Tuxedo Kamen. As the two float in the cold quiet void, they see far away the cursed world of Nemesis
Death Phantom goes on a villain gloating monologue, proclaiming that he will soon absorb the whole Solar System, and that with the Silver Crystal which infinitely produces energy and the Black Crystal which infinitely absorbs energy, he will have dominion over the universe. It does give a pretty cool image of the Phantom's face imposed over the entire world of Nemesis showing the spiritual possession.

In worry that Nemesis will get the Silver Crystal and change all history, Sailor Moon's confidence wavers, and she briefly wonders if it would be better if she and the Silver Crystal didn't exist, remembering the Black Moon Clan's words that the Silver Crystal has thrown history off-course. Tuxedo Kamen won't let her think that way however and reminds her of all the many lives saved by the Silver Crystal, expressing to her his devotion, how she filled him with strength and how he would give every bit of that life energy back to help her fight. Because Usagi rescued Mamoru who was alone and without purpose and returned life to him.
Sailor Moon responds that it was because of Mamoru she was first able to use the power of the Silver Crystal, that it was because of him that she was able to be her, referring to the unification of her identities in the first arc, and as the two kiss she thinks that they became as one, that their power became as one.
I love Usagi and Mamoru's relationship so much. The two are always so supportive of each other. The two constantly improve each other. They make each other their truest self, yet at the same time more than they were. There are beautiful asymmetries in their relationship, in the different ways they've saved each other, but there is a beautiful symmetry in the way they want to come together, that they share the same purpose and wish to become as one for that purpose.
As they embrace, Usagi asks Mamoru if he can feel it, that his power is as infinite as hers. Dream Arc Foreshadowing.
From their embrace, the unification of their powers, Usagi feels a warm light in her arms, the light of creation from which emerges Sailor Chibi-Moon.
I think the symbolism on that one is pretty clear. The Female Heroine and the Male Hero coming together brings about the child, representing the future and potential. More literally it's the "newborn light", aka the newly awoken Sailor Senshi.
Chibi-Moon tells Sailor Moon she's there to help fight, and Sailor Moon asks Chibi-Moon to pray upon the Silver Crystal, to draw it's great power out. Together the two use Moon Princess Halation on Death Phantom and DEATH STAR THE PLANET
I feel like the theme and the symbolism could have been made more apparent, particularly if Naoko made it clear the Silver Moon Crystal of the Future had already begun to transform into the Pink Moon Crystal and if the rules were more consistently stated. Because while it's not clear, I do think there is a theme here as thematically powerful as the First Arc's.
The Moon Crystal is the most powerful force in the universe, its stated its power doesn't change depending on the era. But it cancels out if two are in the same time. Chibi-Moon couldn't use the Crystal until she began to develop herself, to move out from her mother's shadow, and change the Crystal to her own, the Pink Moon Crystal. The power to change the world is passed down from generation to generation. Each generation must make it her own, but it will always have the same power and the same essence, the way each generation is unique yet also carries the spirit of the generations before her. This ties the theme of responsibility, because the princess Chibusa being unable to develop is connected to her inability to take on any responsibility inside the coddled palace of Crystal Tokyo. It is in letting your children take on responsibility themselves that they can inherit the power to change the world and to save the world. It is in generations working together across time, that the power to change the world can compound, that they can do things neither could alone. It is the love that passes between the generations, that transcends time, that can finally defeat that "spirit of chaos." While much of that sentiment is in the arc, I feel it could have been stronger if these themes were presented more consistently and clearly.
Oh yeah, and planet Nemesis exploding is also pretty cool. 😋
Meanwhile back on Earth Neo-Queen Serenity casually restores Crystal Tokyo, just as Sailor Moon did back at the end of the first arc with the entire Earth
Death doesn't really have consequences in this universe. It does kind of make you wonder why she didn't just resurrect Sailor Pluto. The narrative reason is Sailor Moon was given this power by Naoko before she knew there was going to be multiple arcs and that she might need the main character to not have the power to resurrect whoever she wanted.
Neo-Queen Serenity tells the Guardian Senshi that Sailor Moon combined her powers with Mamoru and Chibiusa and then destroyed Nemesis. The Guardians are happy to hear Usagi is ok. The queen then grants them all stronger powers so they will always be able to fight alongside Sailor Moon with ease.....
Yeahhhhh, that's not going to age very well.
The Queens tells the Senshi they can go to the Time Gate and return home. She grants her younger self more power from afar, but can't meet her past self as it would cause paradox. Sailor Moon awakens with a new brooch created by the Queen giving her power. She finally meets up with the Guardian Senshi with Chibi-Moon preparing to take them back to the present.
Sailor Moon is obviously happy everything turned out okay but wishes she could have met her future self but recognizes it might change the course of history....except Neo-Queen Serenity then decides "screw it" and runs, literally physically runs, to go see her past self.
Because I guess the rules mean nothing if you're the queen. Or maybe the guardian of time is no longer there to tell her "No."
The two thank each other for all their help, which is sweetly poetic the way that from each of their perspective they are thanking their past or future self. King Endymion and the Future Senshi come to the Queen's side and Sailor Moon in another poetic statements states that she'll meet her again in the future, that she knows someday she'll meet "the future me." If there's one person you know you'll always have with you and meet again, it's yourself.
Usagi awakens in her bed, and briefly wonders if it was all a dream before Chibiusa comes in. Chibiusa tells Usagi it's time for her to go home. Usagi makes up an excuse and goes back to the house, thinking to herself she can't watch Chibiusa go. Chibiusa goes back and apologizes for making Usagi cry, asking "hasn't it been annoying having me around" but Usagi tearfully tells her that despite all their fighting, that Chibiusa isn't annoying and the two girls end up crying and hugging
Usagi sadly tells Chibiusa not to go away, that she'll be so lonely without her around. Of course Usagi knows Chibiusa has to go, but she still can hardly bear it. It's the pain of every parent, to someday see their child go away and a culmination to this arc that's had Chibiusa's adolescent acting out and tranformation into a greater degree of maturity. In both times Chibusa's mother wished to protect her and keep her close, but Chibiusa will gain more independence as she grows. It's emotionally moving to me seeing the love between Usagi and Chibiusa.
Usagi admits to herself and Chibiusa that she knows Chibiusa needs to go and Usagi shouldn't cry about it, needing to be responsible about it. They go to where Chibiusa first appeared, where Usagi and Mamoru kissed at the end of the first arc.
Mamoru is waiting there for them and gives Chibiusa Tuxedo Puppet as a gift. Chibiusa holds the puppet close and gets teary but Mamoru lovingly and paternally puts his hand on her head and tells her not to cry. Chibiusa tells Mamoru he was her prince
It's so sweet and loving!
Chibiusa prepares to go giving Usagi her new wand from Neo-Queen Serenity, Chibiusa says a little before going, saying that despite her initial annoyance at it, she likes when they call her Chibiusa, showing she's finally not struggling to create a false image of herself. She says living here with them was really fun, and she's happy she came.
She waves goodbye and as she leaves tells Usagi she loves her to the greatest extent. Usagi cries as Mamoru holds her, commenting on the way Chibiusa seems to disappear right in front of their eyes. Mamoru tells Usagi he knows they will meet again, as that's their daughter. Meanwhile we see a photo of them having a fun day at the circus, and a montage of the Senshi reuniting with people who care about them.
An unspecified time later, possibly immediately, Usagi and Mamoru are sitting together on the park bench where Chibiusa appeared and disappeared, talking about the craziness of the future with Usagi commenting it feels like a long dream. Usagi thinks to herself that so many crazy things are going to happen, but she has no need to be anxious, for she will always have Mamoru by her side.
The two kiss only to be interrupted in a very familiar way...
Well you know what they say about history repeating.
Chibiusa is back, and she hands them a letter written from Neo-Queen Serenity asking them to train her daughter to be a Sailor Senshi written entirely without Kanji, causing Mamoru to comment this is definitely the future Usagi's writing. Usagi annoyed ends this arc by yelling "CHIBIUSAAAAAAA"
Act 26 is a really good act for similar reasons as Act 14 back in the first arc. It's an epilogue act that's mostly just really sweet and you can read to feel nice. I love all the stuff with Usagi and Chibiusa as as the stuff between both of them and Mamoru. The three of them are probably the most important characters in the Sailor Moon and this act I think really shows the dynamic between the three of them.
On a similar vein I also really enjoy the interactions between Usagi and Mamoru earlier when they're facing down Death Phantom as well as the interaction between Chibi-Moon and Neo-Queen Serenity. Once again I think this act is really good at showing the dynamic between the three most important characters in the manga. Also fourth arc foreshadowing!
What I don't like about this act is basically what I haven't liked about the arc overall; some logical plot holes and the looseness of the theme. The first is one I don't care as much about, it's sort of universal in time travel stories, but the latter is more pressing. The second arc does have themes that could be as strong to me as the first arc's. It's themes are about responsibility and the interactions between generations. In a way this could even tie into the first arc's theme of identity given so much of the arc revolves around Chibiusa's sense of self. But the themes are less tightly connected this arc, it's not set up so clearly early on, nor expressed as clearly in the latter part.
That's not to reflect that badly on this act specifically. I think this act makes for a great ending to the second arc which is still a Sailor Moon arc, and still very dear to me. The final battle with Death Phantom is pretty short if you just include the ending, but really the battle has been spread out over the last 2-3 acts considering it really starts with Wiseman's invasion of the Earth. The act takes the time travel arc to its logical conclusion with Usagi meeting her future self and saving the entire timeline. Chibiusa is also a really good addition to the cast. Naoko does kind of have a problem of having too many characters for the story length, but having a secondary protagonist like Chibiusa does help make the story a little less purely Usagi focused. Usagi's my favorite character of all time, but still it's nice to have a little more variety.
As more minor notes I really liked the little montage of the Senshi returning to the various civilian characters who care for them, as well as Chibiusa's little determined not when the queen asks her if she can help Sailor Moon fight. Overall the act is really cute and sweet, has some really cool elements, and is a very fitting conclusion to the second arc.
Well Well, this was one of my favorite arcs in all of SM largely for how great of a horror atmosphere it built up in the beginning and continued to build on to the end with the occult and superstition. So it seems fitting that you would finally conclude this arc on Halloween itself, how cool is that? In some ways this chapter reminded me a lot of the final Ep of Fairy Tail, in that it has a beginning section about defeating the final boss and then spends the rest of the ep riding a high of victory, celebrating with the entire cast of characters we know and its just so happy and feel good and hits on all the sixes seeing these characters you love so much and are attached too interacting in cool ways and being happy and some of them finishing big character arcs. I really liked the parts with Chibusa and her newfound sense of responsibility, from over apologizing for all of the trouble she inadvertently caused to getting that adorable Tuxedo Puppet as a present it was just sweetness all around. I think this is the chapter that really sells how great a character Chibiusa truely as and she will continue to be that the whole rest of the manga, even in her more limited role in stars. Great job reviewing my second favorite arc! next is the Infinity Arc, which im especially interested to hear you break down as an arc i Liked, but probably less than any of the other major SM arcs overall, cause I am very opened to your breakdowns changing that
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. I think I found a lot more that I appreciate about the Black Moon arc going through it a second time through your blogs. I really appreciate the themes of family and responsibility running through this arc. I really like what you had to say regarding a child one day growing up and standing alongside their parents in this blog, in regards to Chibiusa. Other than that, I do like the scene of the past and future self of Usagi thanking each other. It’s a little unfortunate that death doesn’t have very much consequence in Sailor Moon, but I think that is a pretty small issue in the grand scheme of things.