Saturday, April 1, 2023

AI Invasion-verse Strategy Guide


This is Imp where we make strategy guides for verses that don't exist. How to be OP in the AI Invasion series by youtuber DougDoug.

Wall Tier:

Each of the four installments of AI Invasion, while they probably can't be scaled between each other in almost any way, do independently reach wall level for their armies of units. In AI Invasion 1 the armies developed the "Gunicorn" a small cannon mounted on horseback, cannons typically reaching into the kilojoules of energy as well as the "Battle Bears", bears prepared as a military unit, bears typically also reaching into the wall levels of energy. Notably the Swiss Army was able to kill these Battle Bears with their guns even when drunk to the point of forgetting who they were fighting. In AI Invasion 2, the Dougkotan army is specifically noted to use bombs, modern grenades typically containing around or above 1 megajoule of energy, near the upper end of wall level. In AI Invasion 3, all humans of the year 2200 can withstand the surface of other planets including Venus which typically has surface temperatures of 475 degrees celsius and is covered in lava, as well as Mercury which during AI Invasion 3 was also covered in lava, requiring the ability to tank energy of over 137 kilojoules with the insane Dr. Halsey, a physically normal scientist from the Chaturn Empire surviving a crash landing onto Mercury. Finally in AI Invasion 4 numerous animal species are the actual characters of the war for the zoo, including the largest land animal the elephant, who can typically release hundreds of kilojoules of energy with their charges. Overall the tier for the general armies of the AI Invasion-verse are generally wall level, usually at the upper end. It's worth noting all four installments also have the armies gain guns. Bullets actually have deceptively low energy, typically in the range of hundreds of joules or a couple of kilojoules. However, gunfire is deadly not for the energy produced but the extreme concentration of that energy, and could usually pierce through most wall-level characters.

In terms of speed, there's a general lack of speed feats, especially for the low tiers. However as mentioned AI Invasion 1 and especially 4 utilize animals as armies, with some animal species moving faster than humans. AI Invasion 4 in particular has the fastest land animal, the cheetah typically running between 22 meters per second and 36 meters per second, between about 2.1 and 3.4 times the speed of a peak human, ranging from superhuman speed to really low end subsonic. Just to be conservative here since these are Zoo Cheetahs who probably aren't close to peak Cheetah, superhuman speed will be the limit here. Even that would provide an advantage against most of the tier, as most of the characters here are only human speed.

AI Invasion 1 contains the Empire of Chatistan. Chatistan is an Empire based in the Vatican City who quickly conquered Italy and France. They did this partially through the development of the "girlboss army", an army of all-female warriors that seduced enemies to lull them into a false sense of security, the development of the "gunicorn", small cannons mounted on horseback, and the usage of biological weapons. They developed the "plaguettes", disease-infected baguettes that could quickly devastate the population of nations. 

Their sworn enemy was Dougtopia, a German Empire whose military is "very strong." They developed the Battle Bears, an army of bears prepared for warfare as well as German beer so delicious you can taste it through your skin. However, their greatest asset is their sheer military skill. Despite recently having their army wiped out, being drunk, and having lost their battle bears, they still easily repelled the invasion of Chatistan's army, despite Chatistan having the girlboss army and gunicorn. On another instance, a small Dougtopian detachment, despite being "vastly outnumbered" took a city from a Chatistan army without losing a single man. 

AI Invasion 1 also has the powerful armies of Luxembourg, which matched Germany, and Switzerland which outright beat them. It also includes the Girlboss Pope of Chatistan who regularly escaped them and hid in the forest, and Chatistan's Supreme Moderator under whose tactical guidance they finally managed to beat the Dougtopian Army, a strong tactical feat given their performance against them normally. The two possibly can travel between dimensions as they were able to travel to the depths of Hell personally. Chatistan also had another leader, but we'll get to him later...

AI Invasion 2 primarily features the war between Dougkota and Chatlantis. The Dougkotan armies are led by an evil war-criminal general known for his dirty tactics such as employing stealth bombs to assassinate enemy political figures, killing off civilian populaces, taking children hostage, and employing a wide network of spies that allowed him to learn secret details about the North Dakota King no one knew about. The Dougkotas in particular were most successful in their deployment of espionage with their spy network and the development of the Mormon FBI led by Jim. The North Dakotan King would be here, a powerful warrior that had the upper hand on the War-Criminal General until he used his son as a hostage against him. His son would grow up in the time of the Dougkotas in their employ to be the Legendary General "Iron-Balls" Sherman, a skilled general. They faced numerous enemies, including the powerful Idaho army who defeated the Dougkotan army "in minutes." 

However, their primary enemy was the Empire of Chatlantis. The Chatlantians are the remnants of an interstellar alien group that fled across the galaxy when their planet was destroyed by a meteor, settling partially on the Lunar jungle. Their popular seems on the low side as their main base on the Moon only contained "thousands" of them. They were led primarily by Dr. Tepes, son of their Empress who was given by the Space Pope knowledge of how to use satellites as weapons, though their ability to use them on single targets from orbit is unconfirmed. Chatlantis has a book containing their laws which contains the secret to eternal bliss, hypothetically giving them a resistance to emotional manipulation. Their military prowess is limited however, fended off by New Mexico alone. Of note is that the Chatlantians can interbreed with the people of the Earth and it is possibly by this interbreeding that humanity of year 2200 in AI Invasion 3 can survive the vacuum of space.

As of 2200 Humanity has developed into numerous advanced factions colonizing much of the Solar System and are of such resilience that they can withstand colonizing the other planets of the Solar System. Their militaries are advanced to the point that their Empires find it hard to break through Dougtopian armor, despite starship technology at this period of time being able to destroy cities in single blasts. 

The Solar System is torn in combat between two empires, one being the Dougtopian Empire. Dougtopian armor as mentioned before is extremely advanced to the point that their enemies found it hard to break through. The Dougtopian Emperor and his guards have particularly strong armor to the point that while Doom Guy finds it easy to destroy normal Dougtopian enemies despite armor, he can't break through their defenses, particularly notable as Doom Guy's weapon, the BFR can destroy entire celestial bodies. 

Their sworn enemies are the Chaturn Empire. Chaturn is known for its scientists including their lead scientist, the insane Dr. Halsey. Chaturn's scientist accidentally injected themselves with nanobots turning themselves into supergenius machines known as the Chatronomicon. They are responsible for creating numerous monstrosities including a second moon made of cheese populated by animals made of cheese called cheese creatures as well as several of the fighters in the next tier up. Chaturn is led by its Empress Ghost, who took the place of the real Emperor as well as the real Chaturn Emperor. Ghost is a master of martial arts and a supergenius who invented evil anti-matter bombs with severe delusions of grandeur. She is a trained assassin sent by the humans of Earth to assassinate the Chaturn Emperor who stopped her attempt by unknown means.

There are also several other factions including an ancient alien race creating megastructures across several planets and across more than half the planets' underground as well as a race living in the planet of Uranus made of gas. However most notable is the Humans of Earth, a faction that rivaled and fought the Chaturn Empire on numerous instances, and has a robot called ED-E who was sent to sneak about a spaceship and turn off Doom Guy's BFG weapon. There's also two more neutral characters, the companions of the Jedi Master Yoda the Wookiee which is "a big hairy dog" and Groot, a tree stump. These three due to living on Mercury for years must have survived the incident where Chaturn attempted to build a Death Star but failed to account for its gravity well, causing it to collapse in on itself and accidentally life-wipe Mercury. With a circumference of 15,329 kilometers, Mercury would require an explosion of 228.38 petatons to life-wipe (compared to 511.71 petatons for Earth), and for a human-sized entity on the surface would require an energy of about 5.19 kilotons of energy. Not quite as good as Dougtopian armor, but still very impressive durability for wall tier.

AI Invasion 4 features a battle for control of the zoo between two factions; The Cult of Chotters, a group of otters with short-term memory loss, the Dougama Herd which are Llamas holding guns, and the Cult of Chotters, a group of otters with short-term memory loss. These animal species may all be in same stat range as even the rats were able to fight a Hippo. These animals in an animation are shown using guns, grenades, a machine that drops an anvil, and spears. They also all seem to have the power of universal inter-breeding, numerous animals creating bizarre animal hybrids by breeding with each other, even being able to breed by the Welcome Sign. There are several neutral parties in the war for the zoo including an Elephant, the Cheetahs, and the main group of rats led by the Alpha Rat Jillian.

The Cult of Chotters is led by a group of Otters with short-term memory loss. They are led by Wiggly the Otter and his loyal friends Shiver, Hosepipe, and Zoot, Shiver being his third in command. Wiggly and troops were able to single-handedly capture the Monkey Exhibit and Wiggly himself was tough enough to tank fighting Butch the Gorilla for five minutes, Butch making a tool explode repeatedly to knock Wiggly to the other side of the room until he lost consciousness. Unfortunately they also have short-term memory loss. Numerous other animals joined the cult as well.  Monkeys led by Calvin the Monkey disguised as gorillas joined the Cult. They have monkey guns that shoot balloons but are very dumb and can't figure out how to use tools repeatedly. Other animals that joined include Giraffes with blowholes, single dad Lions, Pandas that learned Kung Fu but are scared of the color red and Crocodiles at risk of spontanteous combustion. They created several animal hybrids including the hair giraffe, born of otters and giraffes. They bodies and head are made of hair and they look like a giraffe but have the body of an otter. They're disguised as gorillas and are strong enough to fight the Otters. These Hair Giraffes were bred with Goldfish to create an animal that looks like a giant female gorilla, with a sagittal crest, holding a gun. She was joined by other gorillas, disguised as monkeys, including Butch the Gorilla who could repeatedly make his tool explode and tank it. Goldfish and Koala were interbred to create fish bears that look exactly like Hair Giraffes, though unfortunately were cannibals. However their greatest asset was the Koala Lawyer Parkzer. Parker has a taser and a gun, the latter of which he used to kill the gorilla Harambe. He was able to successfully sue the Zoo for custody of the Fish Bears and their Hippo leader and is strongly implied to know kung fu as the one who taught the Pandas kung fu. 

The Dougama Herd is led by the llamas and all its members have small penises which is the sign of being part of the Dougama Herd. They can shoot people with these to turn them into zombie llamas. It includes a large variety of animals including a crocodile, a hippo and a peacock. Their original leader was Precious the alpaca who was able to use diplomacy to win over the Welcome Sign even with the Cult of Chotters in the process of trying to seduce it. They have pregnant flamingos, pregnant goldfish led by Goldy the Goldfish, and Instagram influencer penguins led by Carlos the Penguin. They have a bunch of drunk gorillas led by Harambe the Gorilla who despite being drunk took over the monkey exhibit, as well as lawyer koalas with tasers that sued the Zoo successfully for control of the bathroom. They were able to win over the favor of the sentient welcome sign who is a ninja. They interbred the fish and penguins to create "baby penguins" who look like little Instagram influencers and interbred fish and the welcome sign to create a fish-sign hybrid called "Harambe." Finally there is a separate splinter cell of rats that worship the original Harambe led by Paul the Rat who joined the Dougama Herd. These rats, uniquely for the zoo, have short-term memory less. Their leader Paul led the Dougama Herd after Precious was deposed. Paul was able to fend off Jillian personally despite being a rat and her being an alpaca and was able to deflect a bullet shot from Parkzer with his small penis and block a taser from Parkzer similarly, meaning he has bullet-timing reflexes. 

In summation the threats of the tier are characters with ridiculously high durability for their attack potency (The Wookiee and Groot, Dougtopian Armor, Dougtopia's Emperor and Guards), elemental intangibility (Uranians which are made of gas), supersonic reactions (Paul), stealth and anti-stealth (the various animals' enhanced senses, Evil General's spy network, stealth bombs, Morman FBI/Jim, Ghost, The rats' small size, the Ninja Welcome Sign, possibly Chatistan's original girlboss pope), characters with A Tier Skill (Dougtopia, Switzerland, Luxembourg), Biological Warfare (Chatistan's plaguettes), Transmutation (Dougama Herd), Seduction Tactics (Chatistan's Girlboss Army), Inorganic Entities with access to Technopathy (Uranians made of Gas, Cheese Creatures, robots like ED-E), Type 3 Intellects (The Chatronomicon), possibly Inter-Dimensional travel (Chatistan's Emperor and Supreme Moderator) and armies of at least tens of thousands of humans, aliens, and assorted animals and robots armed with some combination of guns, grenades, swords, spears, tasers, and anvils.

So how to counter this mess?

Any particular counter is going to probably need two major types of offenses, one that can take care of large swaths of enemies at once or they risk getting overrun by literal armies (as well as hit Paul and the superhumanly skilled enemies) and one that can affect people regardless of their physical body to deal with the characters with town, city, or even star level durability and the gaseous Uranians. Of course these could be done at the same time by having a power that can affect an area containing many thousands of people as well as is non-physical like mind hax or soul hax though that's a tall ask for superhuman speed wall level. The best type of power would be a type of hax that's conditional on proximity such as a siren's song that brainwash all who hear it or a gorgon's whose gaze turns all who see it to stone.

The armies part can be partially countered by taking advantage of the tier's biggest weakness. Everyone in this verse is insane and lacks basic common sense getting into a long rambling arguments about which generals painted horses to look like they had the armor of what side or Chatlantis inviting people on romantic dates literally in the Sun. While the tier does have characters with technical superintelligence, superhuman skill, and lots of stealth/anti-stealth, a generally well rounded mental character with skill, intelligence, and stealth could run mental circles around everyone in the tier and probably use the environment and ambush tactics to Rambo the enemy armies. This strategy was used by Dougtopia to defeat a vastly larger army without losing a single man and that was only with skill. 

Finally while the tier's defense is absurdly high, its offense isn't actually that strong. Outside of conventional weapons/anvils, its only forms of offense are transmutation from the Dougama Herd, Biological Warfare whose transmission effectiveness in battle in questionable, seduction from the Girlboss army and technopathy if they're fighting a machine. Basic defensive powers like a forcefield or some resistances would go a long way in giving the counter time to fight.

So an ideal counter would be one with some anti-army ability like widescale hax or A tier skill, a form of non-physical hax that can affect the Uranians and the character with very high durability, broadly strong mental capabilities with skill, intelligence and stealth, and some level of defensive abilities. This leads to my first counter

Lewis, the 8 year old Lebanese Child.

Lewis has pretty poor physical stats in general for this tier. He's at least tough enough to survive being crushed under rubble which is alright durability but his original arms and legs were blown off by landmines and he's not skilled with his news one causing him to waddle around at slower then average human speeds. However he really doesn't need it.

Lewis has an ability that causes him to remain 8 years old for hundreds of years and somehow hasn't aged beyond 8. Likewise he has died numerous times and returned, a form of auto-resurrection that would keep almost anything from the tier from killing him permanently. He has survived across some of the worst diseases of history including the Black Death suggesting his agelessness protects his body in some way from disease which would protect him from the Plaguettes and being a pre-pubescent 8 year old gay boy the Girlboss Army's seduction would obviously do nothing. The only way the tier could deal with him permanently is the Dougama Herd's transmutation.

Lewis has gained superhuman skill from hundreds of years of combat experience, drafted into wars since the Middle Ages and single-handedly fending off the Nazi German army to protect his fellow British Orphans in retreat as well as making a suicidal supply run. Similar to the German army, he should be able to fend off enemy armies. He is intelligent enough to build parts for a tank and perform a critical organ transplant on a horse and stealthy enough to avoid the notice of the Nazi Germans with his combat rolls as he rescued another Lebanese captive boy. While the tier is full of characters lacking in common sense and even sanity, Lewis is known for the opposite, being comically sane and hyper-aware of the tragedies of war and would run mental circles around them. 

And that's without getting into his other powers of which he has a few. Due to scientific experimentation he was given the ability to project power enough to wipe out half the continent of Europe. While this attack potency is higher then most of the tier, it's not above the Dougtopian Emperor and Guards' shield technology so its allowed. That said it would definitely wipe out every other enemy at once if Lewis unleashed it, even the Uranians gaseous forms would be totally scattered by that much energy. Lewis has also trained in a supernatural form of Magic: The Gathering which he can use to cause opponents pain and even wound them physically just by playing cards which he could use to get around the shields of the Dougtopian Emperor and Guards.

The only things that could really stop Lewis are his own fairly notable weaknesses. Trapped in a prepubescent state, he can be rather childish and taken advantage off. I could se Dougkota's War Criminal General somehow manipulating the boy. Landmines are what blew off his original arms and legs, so stealth bombs from Dougkota would absolutely kill or severely wound him and even if he resurrects, given enough the Chatronomicon would probably find a way to stop him.

For a counter that can win quicker you could use

The Dazzlings from My Little Pony (if just one, then any of them would work but probably Adagio Dazzle if just one)

The Dazzlings are stronger then Human World Bon Bon who threw a log at calced ~41.6 meters per second, requiring energy of over 216 kilojoules over even the full speed tackle of an elephant at 125 kilojoules by over 70% and over the durability needed to tank lava at 137 kilojoules by over 50% making them 3/2rds the strength of even the stronger characters in this tier as well as possibly rivaling the cheetahs, the fastest characters in the tier by far, in terms of speed.

The Dazzlings as a group of exiled Sirens are known for their distinctive power, their siren song that allows them to control the minds of anyone who hears them. Indeed of their only two weaknesses is that their song doesn't work on people who can't hear them. While some animals like snakes lack the sense of hearing, literally none of the animals of AI Invasion 4 lack hearing meaning the only entities that might be able to resist their mind control are potentially the robots and the Uranians from AI Invasion 3. The Dazzlings generally use this to absorb the power of negative emotions by stoking the hatred between people to amp their personal power. This would be especially potent in AI Invasion as a commonly recurring element is major wars between two major sides with stoking the two sides against each other would be extremely common for the Dazzlings, especially Adagio.

This is pretty important as the Dazzlings would have to be defeated extremely quickly. Even regaining the power they had back in Equestria would make them extremely strong, giving them the powers to become flying siren creatures that can attack with sonic attacks, powerful enough to threaten Starswirl the Bearded who could easily control the Sun, meaning they would actually be powerful enough to break through the defenses of even Dougtopia's Emperor and Guards. However when they absorbed the negative emotions of everyone in a stadium of people at the battle of bands, driven into competitive fervor, they were able to undergo a Dark Transformation that made them more powerful then their primes, able to evenly fight the Rainbow Power of the Mane 6, a power that effortlessly defeated Midnight Sparkle threatening the Equestria dimension and the Human World dimension and reversed it, a macrocosmic level of power way beyond anything in the tier. This was the power of the competitive hatred of dozens to hundreds of people, let alone the hatred of armies comprised of tens of thousands of people in an actual war. 

However it's unlikely that the Dazzlings would be caught out in the open since their primary tactic is to stealthily infiltrate and manipulate things to their favor, particularly as Adagio, their leader, is especially smart. Even if caught out quickly, can easily hold their own in a fight due to comparable to high end stats for the tier, mind control, and their weakness, their reliance on their magic gems being not useful to the tier which lacks any telekinetics or geokinetics. 

The only possible counter would be if they were fought out quickly enough by the rats and the otters as their short-term memory loss might keep them from remembering their hatred and keep the Dazzlings from gaining any power or if the robots can't hear their song and lacks any emotions to feed off and even then would be a risky fight to try and counter them given how strong they are physically.

That said for the best counter you could use

The Harpists from Kung Fu Hustle. Once again they have the same powers so just one of them would also be fine.

The Harpists physically can contend with the Tailor and their air slashes can fragment cement and beat up the Tailor who can also fragment cement, calced at 955 kilojoules, making them around seven times stronger anyone in the tier in strength. Speedwise they're far above Sing at the start of the film who can run faster then a truck moving around 20 meters per second, putting them easily in the superhuman range and faster by a good margin then anyone but the cheetahs and even then the cheetahs only outpace for short distances. And that's just in movement speed. In terms of reactions and attack speed they can keep up with the Tailor, Donut and Coolie who can dodge their own harp attack, attacks made of soundwaves giving them similar reaction speed to Paul and similar attack speed to those with guns. The Harpists can also physically match the skill of the protectors of Pig Sty Alley Tailor, Donut, and Coolie who were able to casually defeat large hordes of the axe gang, the most feared and skilled gang in China that fodderize other similar gangs. This makes them top tiers in literally every single regard, sometimes by a dramatic degree.

The Harpists are skilled assassins that usually drop in and kill opponents out of nowhere. Through the usage of their harp and their qi they can materialize the sound waves of their music into deadly weapons like knives and spears and just a general cutting wall of force. This wall of force can also be used like a forcefield to push aways all projectiles, making them essentially unstoppable for any form of offense from this tier to touch them.

They can also material their soundwave as an army of ghostly warriors that can hypothetically just go through the advanced armor or shields from AI Invasion 3 and can presumably still hit even gaseous beings being incorporeal themselves.

Basically they drop in, fire off continual waves of force that slices through anyone and anything in the tier it comes across as a wave of ghost soldiers also acting as a forcefield that blocks any type of attack. At the same time they can easily dodge any attack even tried to be used against them on the tier, and even if an enemy did somehow get in close they can fodderize basically everyone in the tier in terms of skill and can overpower them by numerous factors could like a high tier martial artist would to a normal human.

Building Tier:

The first three AI Invasion included characters who, through supernatural means or superscience rose to the level of power of entire armies as well as advanced technology of a similar power. In AI Invasion 1 the God Emperor of Chatistan was able to wipe out an entire army at once. Destroying an army varies a lot in terms of potency, ranging from wall level to city level depending on tech level and army size, however generally even small battlefields are areas of 1-2 square kilometer with a blast area of 400 meters squared generally being used as a basis for building level and 2.5 square kilometers being used as a basis for large building level, suggesting that to destroy an army would be roughly upper end building level. This feat was repeatedly almost exactly in AI Invasion 2 by Saul Goodman wiping out an army of Dougkota at once. The Space Pope was also ambushed by renegade Chatlantian spaceships causing her to crash land on the Moon, yet she personally defeated them, which given the advanced nature of the Chatlanian Technology to flee across the galaxy, is likely an impressive feat of attack potency. AI Invasion 3 scaling mostly comes from the ambassador Jar Jar Binks surviving a spaceship blowing up a city he was in, sending him flying into a forest. The potency for this depends on his distance from the epicenter of the blast, but for a mid-ish distance, this would likely be building level or higher in potency. He also can single-handedly defeat armies as it was said that he could take control of Uranus by himself, which could support being in the similar tier as prior tiers. There also the Mjolnir Hammer which turns its wielder into a "godlike creature" which was defeated by Spartan 117. If you want to apply scaling between notably the God Emperor of Chatistan in AI Invasion 1 was also called "godlike" in capability and when Chatlantis in AI Invasion 2 attempted to gain possession of "God" the AI interpreted this as trying to take Jesus, a character with scaling in AI Invasion 2 which means you could argue the three are roughly equivalent in power.

Speedwise the ships of the Chaturn and Dougtopian Empires could regularly cross large parts of the Star System numerous times in one year. Crossing the average distance from the Sun to Neptune in one year would be speeds of ~Mach 420 let alone the numerous times in one year it happens. This arguably could scale back to the speeds of the characters in this tier. Master Chief and Jar Jar Binks could evade the capture of these ships with Jar Jar even catching up to one that was leaving a planet and holding onto it as it flew off, though what amount of its full speed it was using at the time is unknown. If you don't think it scales to them, that just makes my counters a lot stronger since they would also have a dramatic speed advantage on everyone but the spaceships here.

AI Invasion 1 included the ruler of Chatistan, the Supreme Emperor. He is a giant who can crush people with one arm and is described as "incredibly handsome." He's a crafty leader who was able to trick the Dougtopian Emperor in an involved deception involving painting their horses. He's also got magic and psychic powers, able to control whole armies with his mind, fly, and make his hands glow and shoot fire that can incinerate entire armies. He is described as the "master of magic and fireballs." It's also stated he doesn't even feel the pain of being stabbed and chopped at by the Dougtopian army and he may have dimensional travel as he was able to enter Hell at will. AI Invasion 1 also included Satan, of which not much is known but it seems to be implied he is even stronger than the Supreme Emperor of Chatistan, asking for his aid and generally being deferential to Satan.

AI Invasion 2 included several more powerful characters. Chatlantis had advanced ships that could traverse the galaxy yet despite this the Space Pope, Empress of Chatlantis withstood being shot down by them on the Moon, taking down the renegades. The Space Pope is described as being "hot and rich and pregnant" and she also possess the telepathic ability to read minds and gave her son Dr. Tepes the knowledge on how to turn satelites into weapons. Jesus also appears in AI Invasion 2 with not much knowledge on him save that he scales above the Space Pope as it is his mission to kill and can capture her soul. However even he was bested by the strongest character from AI Invasion 2 by far.

Saul Goodman. Even Pre-Death Saul Goodman was ready to take on armies by himself and was such a skilled lawyer he could legally acquire states for the Chatlantis Empire, described as the best lawyer. After his death Saul became an angel that came down from Heaven wiping out the Dougkotan army at once. Angel Saul was able to capture Jesus and was able to legally win Heaven from God for Chatlantis in a court case. 

However AI Invasion 3 added many more powers on this tier, being more of a soap opera of the Solar System's strongest heroes and their shifting allegiances then a tactical war of armies. Dougtopia and Chaturn both have as part of armies, spaceships that can traverse the Star System in an unknown amount of time less then a year, with Dougtopia's being able to destroy whole cities with one shot. Various artificial beings are made to help combat these armies, with several being created as special weapons to use against each other or the Humans of Earth, considered more important as an asset then their spaceships.

As an example, the humans of Earth thought the only way to defeat the Chaturn Empire was to arm a human soldier with the Mjolnir Hammer, a hammer which turned its user into a "Godlike creature." They also built the Arbiter, a genetically engineered human and robot (somehow) that was able to personally kill the Chaturn Emperor. Chaturn also developed their own Mega Robot Suit, though little is known about it. Chaturn also created a more powerful entity, the genetically engineered human head with an artificial body that personally defeated both the Mjolnir Hammer and the Arbiter, though ended up allying with the humans of Earth against Chaturn. Spartan 117 is considered only a prototype of Master Chief. Master Chief is a super soldier armed with an AI Companion Cortana and shield regeneration technology that evaded the Chaturn Empire for seemingly the majority of a year. He is also described as being "hot." There's also the Arbiter twins born from the Empress Ghost, who wield the weapon invented by their mother, evil anti-matter bombs capable of destroying planets they used to destroy the Death Star.

This tier also includes probably the most hax character in this tier, Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks is a fish man alien and a skilled negotiator sought by Dougtopia for his negotiation skills and can beat anyone in Chess including Master Chief, not for his skill at chess but by playing such simple games of chess that everyone else gets bored and leaves. Jar Jar is skilled enough to escape the Dougtopian fleet and was stated to be able to conquer Uranus by himself. Given Uranus was inhabited by the gaseous Uranites, he may have anti-logia abilities. Jar-Jar has a complete lack of fear of death as he's been threatened with death several times by Dougtopia's emperor yet just responded each time with "Eh, whatever." However his most notable ability is that he has magic, in particular the ability to erase the memories of entire planets as did to make everyone on Earth forget his existence. There's also a monster on the planet Zeltros that can eat Jar-Jar alive.

However that brings up who I believe to be the top three physically most capable people of this tier. Chaturn's ultimate weapon is probably Doom Guy. Doom Guy is stated to be more ripped and hot then Master Chief and incredibly skilled at slaying demons. He is described as "canonically immortal." He wields the BFR that can take down armor that the Dougtopian army couldn't, and is powerful enough to destroy the Sun. It may be even higher as Doom Guy is insane and wants to destroy the entire universe suggesting he may be able to destroy superdense objects like neutron stars if he's capable of this overtime. Second is perhaps Dougtopia's strongest weapon, General Grievous. General Grievous is Dougtopia's greatest leader, the Emperor's most trusted and loyal soldier. He is the most powerful and skilled warrior in the Dougtopian Empire, an Empire spanning numerous planets. He is a master strategist and tactician known for being quiet and mysterious. He also arguably regenerated from being sliced in half. His second in command, General Slith, master swordsman and battlefield commander as well as second most loyal and trusted general of the Emperor, may also be here. Even stronger however, hanging out on Mercury is the Jedi Master Yoda who sliced General Grievous in half casually. 

This tier is sort of the opposite of last tier. This tier has exceedingly powerful offensive abilities (Planet and Star busting weapons, anti-elemental intangibility, Soul Manipulation, Army Scale Mind Manipulation, Planetary Memory Manipulation) with much more limited defensive abilities (Master Chief's Shield Regeneration, the Space Pope's mind-reading, potentially General Grievous' regeneration.) A lot of these characters have some level of mental instability or lack of focus as common for the verse, and while it's common enough for someone like Doom Guy to just shoot a problem, Jar Jar and the God Emperor of Chatistan rarely use their mental hax first.

This to me suggests that a stealth type strategy, an ambush or sniper type character would do really well. The only anti-stealth on this tier is the Space Pope's mind-reading, and not only is she one of the physically weakest people here, but she wouldn't know to mind read somone stalking nearby. When you consider as well that the tier's offenses are mostly physical, a character that can turn intangible would be extremely hard to affect with only Jesus' soul manipulation, the God Emperor of Chatistan's mind control, and Jar Jar's memory manipulation. 

Therefore I think the best strategy to try to fight the tier are ghostly characters who can use invisibility and intangibility to avoid all the strongest offenses of the tier and ambush the characters, though they would need some way as well to counter the spaceships which presumably can fight from high in the sky. This brings me to my first counter

Wraiths of Asphodel from God of War

Wraiths are relatively strong monsters who should be comparable to Minotaurs that can pulvierze humans with one swipe, these humans being soldiers that scale to the crazy weak Icarus who easily withstood being smashed through several meter thick stone, as well as likely being similar in strength to the Last Spartan who withstood being crushed under a building of rubble, putting the Wraiths in the same general power range as the tier. Speedwise even normal human soldiers can move at the same speeds as harpies, harpies being able to fly the length of the planetoid sized Mount Olympus from the depths of Hades in minutes at most, putting them at similar speed to the tier.

Wraiths are incorporeal ghostly monsters that can phase through walls and specialize in ambush tactics, going inside the ground and springing up to attack unexpectant enemies. The Asphodel equivalent is particularly notable for removing their blade like arms and throwing them like a boomerang which could easily kill most people of this tier, as well as being significantly more durable then regular Wraiths. An Asphodel Wraith could simply hide pop out from a wall or the ground as is their normal tactic and slash through anyone in the tier, easily retreating there or phasing intangible to avoid counterattack. 

They also have a special counter to Jar Jar Binks' memory manipulation. Wraiths are spirits of rage that just indiscriminately attack what's nearby and even without their memories would still try and kill Jar Jar, similar presumably to the Zeltros Monster that could eat him whole. But what of the spaceships? Asphodel Wraiths are noted to rise from Hades itself to the realm of the living, an inter-universal teleportation, meaning they could similarly rise inside the Chatlantis, Dougtopia, and Chaturn spaceships and kill the pilots safely.

The only real threats would be that Wraiths normal forms are described as being smokelike, a lesser form of intangibility based on being a non-solid. This form of durability can be disrupted by enough force. While I think this is unlikely the Arbiter Twins or Doom Guy could perhaps catch the Wraith off guard with the Evil Anti-Matter Bombs or the BFG and destroy it. Similarly Jesus, a holy temperate character, could perhaps stop it with soul manipulation. For an even better counter you could use

M2 from Yu Yu Hakusho

M2 is a C Class Demon and should scale in a similar range to the Demon Suzaku who could lightning-time and should scale to somewhere near the energy of the Upper C Class between Yusuke and Suzaku that destroyed a large metal dome calced as requiring over 6.2 tons of TNT, putting him as being in this tier's range.

M2 is trained in the usage of yoki, spiritual energy which is a form of combat that is invisible to normal humans and can hit astral plane entities like ghosts and demons. With this he can walk around basically invisible to most of the characters. However his most notable feature is the Vircchi, a biomechnical device on him that is constantly rewriting his brain and his thoughts to follow Dr. Ichigaki's commands. This means that if the Space Pope tried to read his mind, she wouldn't have a clue what he was going to do, and may not even realize there was anything unusual about him. The God Emperor trying to control his mind or Jar Jar Binks trying to wipe his memories would similarly do nothing to him as his thoughts are constantly being rewritten to serve Dr. Ichigaki. Without technopathy, there is nothing anyone on this tier could do to control Kai (real name) without his mind instantly being returned to default. Beyond this as a C Class Demon M2 would be one of the entities strong enough to survive Toguro's soul-destroying yoki aura meaning even the tier's soul manipulation wouldn't work on him.

M2 is a skilled enough fighter to battle demons who are hundreds of years ago and battle characters with superhuman skill like Yusuke which when combined with his invisible spirit javelin technique and his ability to walk around seeming like a completely normal person means he could potentially one-shot anyone in the tier.

The only risk to him would be the spaceships. As a human M2 is neither invisible or intangible himself, though his attacks can be. While he has better range feats then the spaceships which have none whatsoever, they still most likely can attack from outside his range. While he could manipulate his way on board them, with large numbers Dougtopia and Chaturn could overwhelm him with spaceships. For the best counter I would suggest

Mahad the Black Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Mahad is able to battle Diabound, a spirit summoned from Yami Bakura which means he should scale to or above the High Priest of Darkness Akhendaten whom the Pharaoh withstood an attack from but the Pharaoh being unable to withstand strikes from Diabound, the High Priest of Darkness being an evil dark mage capable of destroying large sections of the ground and buildings with his dark magic. Mahad was able to blitz Diabound which should scale to the duelists in the Labyrinth Duel who reacted to electricity traveling through water, as well as the Pharaoh and Hasan seemingly reacting to the High Priest of Darkness' lightning magic after it was fired at them from close range but before it reached them, meaning Mahad should be similar to the tier in stats. Mahad has also reacted to attacks from Blue-Eyes White Dragon who in Dark Side of Dimensions was able to travel star systems in seconds, meaning regardless he should easily be able to react to everything from this tier at once.

Mahad fused with his Ka, his spirit the Magician of Illusions becoming the Black Magician. While this tier has extremely powerful offenses, if you've seen enough Duel Monsters you'll know that avoiding  one-shot attacks is what Mahad DOES. He has many forms of magical defenses: he can conjure magical hats around him to confuse his position, create mystic boxes to swap his position with his opponent, use magical cylinders to direct an attack back at his opponent, and more. His spatial warping has allowed him to reflect even the attack of the Egyptian Gods, beings similar in potency to the cosmic weapons of the tier. Combined with his ability to become like a spirit, invisible and intangible, as well as his flight, agility, and dramatically reactions no one in the tier is ever touching him conventionally and he can easily use their broken offenses against them.

Against the spaceships of the tier, Mahad can use spatial manipulation to reach them instantly by switching places with someone on the ship via mystical boxes or send their own attacks back at them. With his magical attack "Black Magic" he shoots a dark magical orb of energy whose shockwave is large enough it could hit everyone relevant in the tier at once. Even as Mahad he showed the ability to cast a spell to paralyze enemies which could keep the Arbiter Twins or Doom Guy from using their weapons. Plus in his intangible form, attacks would just go through him.

As Mahad he demonstrated the ability to suppress evil magical abilities which he did to keep the Millennium Ring from burning a soul ablaze which would allow him to suppress the magical abilities of Satan, the God Emperor of Chatistan and possibly Jar Jar Binks. Even beyond that via stealth and psychological manipulation, Mahad should be able to hit them before they can affect them via their hax. Even the tier's soul manipulation would not work as Mahad has auto-astral manipulation, manipulation of his own soul. When his king was endangered, despite Mahad's soul being bound, he converted himself to pure ectoplasm and moved his soul in front of Yami Yugi to protect him, which should allow him to protect his own soul from the soul manipulation of the tier. The only credible threat to Mahad would be Jar Jar Binks' memory manipulation but Mahad has seen memory wiping magic before in the Shadow World RPG and if he saw Jar Jar start to use him, would know to defeat him quickly, along with being a dramatically more focused, smarter, more skilled, and more versatile fighter whose basic Black Magic would probably one-shot Jar Jar.

Stellar Tier:

Some of the characters in AI Invasion 3 are the celestial bodies of the Solar System, who by the year 2200 are discovered to be alive and capable of independent thought and motion, as well as communication. The largest of these is the Sun, which has star level durability because...obviously. The Sun orbits the center of our galaxy at about Mach 586.5, producing a kinetic energy of roughly 4 * 10^40 joules or 9 ninatons of TNT, enough energy to destroy small stars. Though in fairness for a human-sized object if the Sun collided with them, the energy would be far lesser due to the small size being more like 2 teratons or low country level, with the highest energy for a humanoid sized object being planet level for the tier coming from the Death Star which can shoot lasers that destroys planets. Thus the power limit for this tier is small star level in power or durability and star level in the other based on the sun. Speedwise the tier is MHS scaling off the Sun's orbital speed and the same "crossing the Solar System in a year" feats from the past tier which is also performed by this tier.

The Sol System has the Sun and 8 currently recognized planets, with the Star System as depicted in AI Invasion having an additional planet called Zeltros. It's somewhat implied that the Moons of the System are similarly sentient. The International Astronomical Union currently lists the Solar System as having 146 moons. Meaning this tier would be inhabited by likely 150 sentient celestial bodies hanging in the void not including the likes of dwarf planets or their moons. Most of these would be mostly solid balls of material. However Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter are the "Gas Giants", supermassive planets comprised of gas rather then solid matter and thus would have a level of elemental intangibility. Greatest of the Celestial Bodies however is the Sun. The Sun is comprised of plasma, a fourth state of matter as non-dense as gas and thus with the same elemental intangibility, but comprised of charged particles primarily as opposed to neutral particles primarily, which causes the Sun to have an electromagnetic field which would disturb any technology used around it.

This tier also contains the heights of the Chaturn and Dougtopian Empires who created astronomical marvels to rival the planets. This would include the planetbusting Death Stars so large that one's collapse into its gravity well created an explosion that lifewiped Mercury. It also includes an artificial Sun that was ugly, weak, and mean (though it's implied they could have made an artificial sun on the scale of the original Sun). They developed weapons capable of reflecting the Light of the Sun as a weapon and the Mega Toilet, a planetary sized toilet on Uranus.  They also captured the Halo Ring, an artificial base from some past civilization that can lifewipe instantly any planet in the Solar System, showing clearly FTL attack speed.

Fighting a star, like an actual star without using a star level character is trying. I could just find a star level glass cannon but not only do they also need a star level area of effect but they also need to be beat everyone here including continent to planet level attacks from the Halo Ring or the Death Star. So that leads to another question, how do you destroy a star? There are a lot of possible avenues but they generally require the character to be in the small star range anyway. You could throw large amounts of iron into the Sun's core, iron being a material that requires more energy to undergo fusion then it produces from fusion would essentially cause the core of the Star to collapse. However this would require a ridiculously high amount of iron to do, with the Sun already having more iron in it then the entire rest of the Solar System combined. A time manipulator could speed up the Sun's nuclear fusion until it burns it out but that would require affecting a space the size of the Sun's core, larger than 11.5 Earth's in diameter with time manipulation strong enough to age it billions of years in the course of a battle. A character with atomic manipulation could artificially pump a section of the Sun's core with neutrinos by unbalancing the Star, creating an artificially superdense superhot region within it but once again the scale required for this is relatively prohibited. Turns out most ways of killing a star require nearly stellar scale powers regardless. However there is one thing in the universe most famed as the natural killer of stars.

Black Holes. Black Holes singularities are regions of space where mass is so compressed that the gravity around them is intense enough that light itself can't escape, and similarly thus nothing can. Mass-energy around Black Holes are absorbed and added to the Black Hole's mass. Nothing in the tier could get around a Black Hole shield, and a Black Hole as a weapon can destroy it, even credibly stars by absorbing their mass into the singularity. A character who can create a human-sized black hole would have the perfect offense and defense for the tier.

Combine that with a character whose has speed on par with the tier's, and skill/intelligence to fight them and you've got a good counter. This leads to me my first counter

Zoalord Richard Guyot from the Guyver

Zoalords are the elites of the Zoaforms, stronger than even the Guyvers in their base forms scaling to the Guyvers being able to fly multiple times into space at quadruple digit mach and react to lightspeed attacks, putting him at the upper end of the tier in speed with even superior reactions. In terms of power, Guyver in base was able to raise an area to 100,000,000 degrees centigrade, calced at over 6 petatons. Guyver Gigantic multiplies Guyver's power by 100, and Richard Guyot, the second strongest Zoalord, would scale to even Guyver Gigantic putting him at over 600 petatons meaning he could easily withstand a Halo Ring's energy discharge, especially with his forcefield creaiton and only the Death Star's laser would be any particular threat, and even it may not be able to kill him quickly given he actually has reactions fast enough to react to it, teleportation and a regen factor. Without knowledge of his Zoacrystal it's unlikely anyone in the tier could kill him.

Like all Zoalords, Richard can disguise himself as a numerous human and usually seeks to dominate worlds through subterfuge, which given has superior intelligence and skill to the tier, would likely be successful. He can like all Zoalords exude an electromagnetic wave which can disrupt technology which would be helpful against the advanced empires of Chaturn and Dougtopia. All this without getting into Richard's main power.

Richard's Zoalord ability is the ability to manipulate gravity which he can use in fights to create various gravity bullets or gravity waves. Not only would this be a powerful form of offense but with it he can use his ultimate move. He can gravitationally compress mass into a small enough space to create a small black hole that can quickly absorb a planet. With this he can one-shot anyone in the tier including the Sun, though that one might take a second. While his black hole might take a while to consume the Sun, the tier can't really do anything do to him when he's on guard. The only way to stop him would be a lucky shot from one of the super weapons hitting and destroying his Zoacrystal. While this is highly unlikely for a more streamlined counter you could use

Experiment 606 or "Holio" from Lilo and Stitch.

Holio scales physically to his cousins Phoon, Ace, and Sparky tanking the shockwave of two planets violently colliding and breaking apart as well as several other feats such as Pre-Powercell Stitch tanking a planet-sized collision and Richter being able to shatter a planet-busting asteroid. This is a level of power that means even the Death Star laser would only hurt him and he could withstand numerous blasts from it, if they even knew to target this small unassuming look pink alien quickly enough. Pre-Powercell Stitch was able to run across a large island hundreds of times in a second, calced in the 4 digit mach speed, giving Holio comparable to superior speed to the characters in the tier.

All experiments have a unique power, and 606's is the ability to turn into a black hole. Instead of summoning one, he literally becomes one. As a black hole he would literally immune to any form of conventional attacks from the tier as any attack would simply enter into his singularity and be absorbed.

You might wonder if the tier could just flee him as he lacks flight or teleportation, waiting for his singularity to die out through radioactive decay. A few problems with this. First this is clearly not in-character for the verse. But the bigger problem is that experiments don't actually age. This means even if everything else in the Solar System including the very celestial bodies were to flee, Holio would not diminish even slowly over time and could very slowly continue to grow via consuming stray cosmic dust and radiation. Fleeing him is simply impossible. Also a black hole 2 meters in diameter would take about 3.6e57 years or over 10^46 times the lifespan of the universe. I don't know if the black hole Holio creates would have a lifespan equal to one naturally forming but that adds another layer of why they can't just run away and wait for Holio to die of old age.

The only real way they could stop Holio would be to use the way he was already stopped. Using "anti-antimatter spheres" and firing it into his singularity with it, whatever that means. Given the superscience of Year 2200 and that they have developed antimatter bombs already, this is not totally implausible. Or an extremely lucky shot from the Death Star on Holio before he transforms. For the best counter, I would suggest

The Self-Creating Black Hole from Cthulhu Saves the World

The self-creating black hole is, as the name suggests, a sentient black hole that created itself. Via size this black hole was calced as having a mass 0.000682 solar masses, putting it in the Dwarf Star range which is exactly the limit for this tier. Except it's concentrated on an area that's actually useable against non-gigantic enemies. This Black Hole scales to the speed of Cthulhu flying to Earth from out space calced at over Mach 6,200 putting it near the limit of this tier for power and speed.

The Self-Creating Black Hole is always a black hole and there is no point it was weak to any kind of conventional attack. It uses the attacks energy drain and ultimate void. Energy drain allows it to drain the energy from a distance meaning even if the tier tries to keep at distance from it, it could still drain them. And if they tried to use some kind of science-fiction weapon to nullify it, ultimate void is an attack uses the power of the empty void to attack all enemies which against normal human scientists who might be carrying weapons would instantly kill them. It only wouldn't kill the celestial bodies due to their size and the Sun's durability but the Black Hole doesn't need that to kill them, it can just absorb them. It's also kind of implied it can teleported since it brought itself together inside of a treasure chest as a surprise boss. Therefore it could teleport to and spawn wherever the celestial bodies currently are.

Overall the Self-Creating Black Hole teleports to or remotely drains the energy of all the celestial bodies or super large technological constructs until their matter-energy is part of it and if the humans try to stop it, uses the power of the vacuum to instantly kill them, using power and speed even at the start as strong as the absolute top tiers of the verse.

And that's how to be OP in the AI Invasion-verse. On an unrelated note, a Happy April Fool's day to everyone!


  1. As someone who never watched the series and doesn't know the lore, this just felt like a bunch of random crap being thrown at a wall.

    Perfect for April Fools Day, and props for you to even make sense of it all. Here's to hoping we get a Bobobo Strategy Guide Next Year.

    Also, Lewis was the best counter.

    1. Thanks! I'll consider it but honestly this was a lot of effort for basically a joke already. I'm glad you enjoyed though.

  2. Happy April Fools Day Imp! I really love all 4 AI invasion videos, they are all hilarous in their own special way, between the insanity of Twitch Chat to the insanity of the AI, to the Hilarity of Comparatively Sane Doug trying to make sense of it all, and foolishly trying to match their levels of crazy, Wheather its conquering Europe, the United States, The entire Solar System, or just a medium sized Zoo, these two legendary rivals will stop at nothing to win, ESPECIALLY if doing so involves committing lots of Warcrimes, Crimes against Nature, and Crimes on an actually biblical scale, or they can also get drunk and dress up as a gorilla. I think the funniest part of this blog is Just How Seriously you had to take all this actual random nonsense, calcing whatever you possibly could to define this 'verse' 's stats and limitations through some genuinely very impressive research, that this series really didn't earn :D Your counters were amazing as ALWAYS and consistently very clever, My personal favorite being Holio cause I know Lilo and Stitch so well and hes cute, but The Dazzlers, The Harpists, Kai and Dark Magician were all Bizzarely perfectly fitting and incredibly cool in their own rights!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Happy Late April Fool’s Day! I have to commend you for making this complete mess of a verse and making it into coherent tiers. We have funny random weirdness like the Girlboss Pope, as well as a bunch of characters and tech from pop culture altered beyond recognition. I really oughta check out these crazy videos.

    Lewis the 8 year old Lebanese Boy seems like he would be right at home in all of this absurdity, while at the same time being much more sane than the tier. Using Magic the Gathering powers to get around shields was legit clever. So I gotta give you props for finding a counter that was so bizarrely perfect in how he fits :P. I haven’t seen Kung Fu Hustle, but the Harpists seem pretty cool as well with their ability to materialize sound waves into weapons and even ghostly warriors.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This wacky series looks like a blast, I gotta check it out sometime! Congrats to you, Imp, on sorting through all of this and making sense of it as best as someone could! I started off thinking this was just a silly joke blog, but the more I read, the more I realized how seriously you were applying vs debating logic and rules to such an absurd series. This blog was legit! Incredibly thorough. Even though I don't know the series firsthand to tell for certain, I felt some of the minor facts and abilities/resistances you noted must've come from you scouring every last inch of AI Invasion for something tangible you could use.

    Each tier felt stuffed full of things that needed to be countered, and even the first one felt quite complex based on the many elements you listed a counter needing/wanting in the short paragraph just before you revealed your first three counters. Lewis was definitely my favorite counter for the first tier, and possibly my favorite counter of the blog. He is unbelievably OP for a limbless eight year old XD. He dismantled this tier piece by piece until it looked like him, except far weaker. The best bit was how he could use Magic the Gathering cards to defeat the Emperor. I had never heard of The Dazzlings before, but their ability to grow stronger based off conflict is incredibly OP here; they'd stomp this tier, well done! And you also brought in The Harpists? This blog's counters feature a lot of deep cuts, feels really creative of ya! They'd definitely be the most efficient counters for mowing this tier down with force-based attacks.

    Tier 2, building tier, felt quite powerful with its intimidating capability to hit way above its weight class, but you made neutering it look effortless. It was kinda tricky for me to choose a fave here, but I'm giving one of the coolest YGO cards the edge with the sheer versatility of options he has plus the hilariously creative spaceship counter of magic boxing his way onboard. The nature of M2's unusual mind was super darn cool for countering some of the best hax this tier had to offer and the wraiths, besides looking badass as hell, did what wraiths do best and gave this tier nightmares with one of the most BS fighting styles I've encountered in games.

    The final tier surprised me by how large a gap it had between itself and the previous one, but all was quickly made clear once I saw the celestial bodies are alive (always a neat concept). By the way, I just wanted to say each of the images you picked to represent the tiers were totally hilarious. Thanks for the laughs! The black hole weakness theme for this tier was cool. I like themed counters and it was neat watching you refine this specific method of being OP over the course of three counters. Richard Guyot's my other contender for favorite counter in this blog, and he's my fave of the final three. Guyver bias is in full effect for me here, but he's legit a terrific counter, neatly combining the silver bullet for this tier with excellent infiltration capabilities. Holio seems busted as heck, just “poof! I'm a black hole now.” The ultimate offense and defense combined. Simple, yet effective. Though as I touched on it before, these counters were examples of you refining a process and the self-creating black hole has gotta be the crystallization of that. Having two tricks up its sleeve instead of one means this is one black hole who can neatly handle everything the final tier has access to, sealing its doom.

    I know I'm a month late for this, but Happy April Fool's! Fun(ny) and informative, this blog captured your style quite well!
