The Dracon Beam is a laser weapon that was adapted from the Andalite Shredder weapon. While the shredder is designed to kill as harmlessly as possible, the Dracon beams are designed for the opposite purpose, to purposefully inflict as much pain as possible in the process of killing enemies to suppress resistance, though they can be set to lower settings to avoid killing enemies. In The Andalite Chronicles Elfangor describes the Shredder's full power as being capable of blasting a hole through ten feet (3.048 meters) of solid metal alloy. The power of Dracon beams is described as being able to completely vaporize a person, a handy trait for a device used to quickly dispose of evidence. Vaporizing a person is generally thought to take hundreds of millions of joules of energy, or enough power to destroy a small building. While Visser Three doesn't typically use a Dracon Beam, if he was going to what he believed to be a difficult battle, he would likely bring one just in case. He may also arrive in his personal vehicle, the Blade Ship.

The Blade Ship is Visser Three's personal spacecraft whose design resembles that of a battle ax. It is described as being eight to ten times the length of the normal Yeerk "Bug Fighter", spacecrafts the size of school buses. It's described as moving a few thousand miles in seconds, requiring speeds easily in the massively hypersonic range, and is likely similar in speed to Andalite Vessels that, in The Andalite Chronicles, are described as being able to reach near the speed of light, though would suffer the effects of relativity from doing so. The Blade Ship is equipped with a larger version of the Dracon Beam, known as the Dracon Assault Cannon. In Book 28 - The Experiment Ax suggests that these weapons are capable of burning off the atmosphere of Earth, a feat that would require continental levels of energy. In Book 53 - The Answer Ax says that the Blade Ship would be a threat that most alien species could not fight, that is more dangerous than even the Pool Ship, the main battleships of the Yeerk Empire as it is powerfully armed, and far faster and more maneuverable, though seemingly lacking in defenses. Its defenses are not as strong but in The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, the Blade Ship's forcefields protect it from the ground forces assault of the Andalites and Hork-Bajir liking tanking numerous Dracon Beam blasts. Its durability may be far higher. Visser Three considers it unlikely in Book 53 - The Answer that blasts from the Pool Ship when drained to one-quarter power will harm the Blade Ship and the Pool Ship would have similar atmosphere-destroying capabilities. Though it's possible this is referring to speed rather than power as the Blade Ship casually dodges the Pool Ship's beams. The Blade Ship also contains an internal space capable of carrying hundreds of crew members, a torture chamber, as well as a small portable Yeerk Pool for them to feed every three days. The Blade Ship does have a mild weakness that, unlike Bug Fighters, it is not amphibious and higher density surroundings like underwater keep it from functioning properly, requiring the Visser to build a special aquatic variant called the Sea Blade.
While Slappy is the face of Goosebumps, he is really part of a trio of famed icons from the series, and Slappy has wielded both of the others as technology.

Monster Blood, or specifically the most common green variant of Monster Blood, is a slimelike substance in the Goosebumps universe known for its fast growth rate. While it can grow itself, if consumed Monster Blood causes the person who consumed it to grow at a similar fast rate until they are the size of a building at least as demonstrated in Monster Blood III. In the Stage Play Goosebumps Live on Stage: Screams in the Night Slappy showed that he had Monster Blood and used it to instantly grow in size, somehow bypassing the normal time it takes to grow giant via monster blood. While pure Monster Blood naturally attempts to absorb anything it comes into contact with, Slappy also showed that he can somehow resist this effect. What's more, Monster Blood seems to give animating malevolence to what is consumed by it. Evan's Dog Trigger after consuming the monster blood became more enraged than normal in the first Monster Blood and in Monster Blood for Breakfast! when monster blood is given to two dead ivy plants, they return to life and grow into dangerous monstrous plants, beginning to attack Bradley without him noticing at the end of the story.

Slappy has also been known, on occasion to utilize the power of the Haunted Mask. The Haunted Mask is actually one of a group of Masks called "The Unloved", created by an Ugly Shopkeeper out of human flesh in an attempt to create a beautiful face, but with each face reflecting the ugly monstrosity of its creation. These Masks are alive and semi-possess the user, turning them more monstrous and feral. Along with the minor amplification of power that comes from animalistic rage, the main power of the Mask is its ability to induce extreme amounts of fear and horror in those who look at it, growing moreso as it slowly becomes the face of the person wearing it. The fear caused by the mask is so intense that in The Scream of the Haunted Mask, it is shown that horses die of fright just looking at the mask and a ghost flees the sight of a human wearing it, despite knowing the human can't even interact with them. The Haunted Mask resists any attempt to take it off, and can only be removed by "a symbol of love" though Slappy has presumably found some other way to remove it via his magic.
Slappy has also been seen using a few other pieces of equipment on occasion including makeshift weapons, an electric joy buzzer and, most notably, in Revenge of the Living Dummy Slappy used the Mind-Stealer, a shrunken head with the power to steal the minds of anyone near to it. However, Slappy is not immune to the Mind-Stealer's power and was defeated when it stole his mind.
So what would happen in this scenario?
It might seem pretty simple here that Visser Three flies in on the Blade Ship and fires atmosphere destroying blasts on Slappy's position and bombards him, getting victory by death. But is it that simple?
If Slappy showed up prepared to fight, presumably he would have already used the Monster Blood and that leads to the question, if Slappy died could Monster Blood revitalize him? Partly it depends on if Visser Three gets a direct hit on Slappy and just vaporizes the dummy body or if he blasts the surrounding area with the resulting flash heat burning Slappy's body. If it's the latter, Slappy's body could still be hypothetically within the range of being restored by Monster Blood's revitalizing properties. There's also the question of whether or not Monster Blood CAN revitalize an inanimate object like Slappy. Personally, my guess would be that it could because it has been shown to make him grow before and when Evan consumed Monster Blood in Monster Blood II it didn't just make Evan grow but also his clothes, suggesting that it works on inanimate material as well.
Assuming Slappy does indeed survive the initial assault, how could he counter-attack? Slappy's magic should work just normally, ridding Visser Three of his technology by transmuting it (though in fairness, he's never shown the ability to transmute something as big as the Blade Ship.) In this scenario, Slappy would also have access to the fear inducement and mind stealing of the Haunted Mask and the Mind-Stealer. The big difficulty Slappy would have in this scenario is range. While it's not really in character for Visser Three to bombard enemies from orbital range, The Blade Ship would probably let Visser Three attack Slappy from extreme ranges, comparable to the tens of thousands of kilometers that Fighter Jets attack from, especially combined with Visser Three's superhuman sense of spacetime. In contrast, the range of most of Slappy's magical abilities is unknown and has never shown a range greater than several meters. Slappy could somewhat mitigate this obviously by growing to building-sized with Monster Blood which presumably would amplify the range of his abilities but not only would it still likely be lower, but this is essentially just making himself a giant target.
The best chance Slappy has for this matchup is actually using the Monster Blood and Haunted Mask in combination to grow giant and project his horrifying visage to break the Visser's will when he sees Slappy on screen from a large distance away, and making him retreat from the fight. While this is somewhat of a credible scenario, I think Visser Three would probably win Scenario Two just due to overwhelming power and range.
Scenario 3:
Both Visser Three and Slappy have arguably attained a vastly higher level of power than their norm though in both cases it's somewhat arguable whether it should apply to the character. You can view this final scenario as the two fighters at their respective peaks, giving the full benefit of the doubt.

In The Andalite Chronicles Visser Three very temporarily had control over the Time Matrix, though he was fighting for control of it with Elfangor the entire time, but in this benefit-of-the-doubt peak scenario he would have it. The Time Matrix is the strongest weapon in Galactic History, stated to be the strongest weapon to have ever been made. If the user thinks of any place in spacetime, the Time Matrix brings them there, taking them through space and time alike to bring them there. If they imagine something that doesn't exist the Time Matrix will create a new reality with that thing existing, and if multiple try to control it at once, it will create a warped new universe comprised of both locations that were being imagined. It can also be used to control the minds of people such as when Loren in The Andalite Chronicles used it to return to Earth with no one questioning her difference in age. The Animorphs universe is actually used as part of a giant game between two universal reality-warping entities called the Ellimist and Crayak, higher dimensional entities. The Ellimist actually created the Time Matrix, a four-dimensional reality-warping machine as a tool, and when Visser Four gained the Time Matrix in Megamorphs 3 - Elfangor's Secret, the two actually set aside their game to allow the Animorphs to pursue Visser Four in time, as what a three-dimensional entity might do with that power scared even them into working together. Its only limitation is what can be imagined, meaning that with access to the Time Matrix, Visser Three would gain hypothetically time travel, teleportation, universal reality-warping and creation as well as higher dimensional manipulation.
Beyond that Scholastic owns the rights to both Animorphs and Goosebumps and has not made an official policy of canonicity clear. If it's accepted that other Animorphs products are canon to Visser Three, then in the video game Animorphs: Shattered Reality, Visser Three invents a machine that he uses alongside a "Continuum Crystal" which literally shatters reality into pieces. In an official toy description, Visser Three is also noted as having an inferno morph with enough power to "bring the entire universe under his control"

As mentioned above Scholastic has not made clear an official canon policy for both series. In the Goosebumps film series, Slappy, who is very strongly suggested to be the same as the one from the book series, is released from his books. An official film description states that Slappy is RL Stine's evil half (something heavily implied in the films themselves,) RL Stine being a writer with the strange ability to create real monsters, the monsters of the Goosebumps universe. Slappy gains control over RL Stine's manuscripts and the ability to bring the monsters to life, the Goosebumps monsters inherently viewing Slappy as their leader, likely due to being the part of RL Stine that brought them to life. Via this, Slappy has access to hypothetically every ability possessed by monsters in the Goosebumps universe, if only because he can summon them to his aid.
This would include the power of the Verona XG-20, a universal remote from the Tales to Give You Goosebumps short story "Click", a remote that can control the universe as though it was a remote controlling a tv show including turning the universe off with the power button. This also includes the Existence Erasure of the Cursed Camera in Say Cheese and Die! Clarisa's Wish-Granting Reality-Warping from Be Careful What You Wish For, The Masked Mutant's Metafictional Movement able to exit from a comic book world in Attack of the Mutant, The Grool's Probability Manipulation from It Came from Beneath the Sink!, Rip the Cat's Lifeforce Manipulation and 9 Lives from Cry of the Cat, The Body Squeezer's possession and time travel from Invasion of the Body Squeezers, Emmy the Rogue AI's technopathy from Don't Scream, Gargoyle Slime's petrification from the short story "I'm Telling" from Even More Tales to Give you Goosebumps, as well as ghostly abilities from a LOT of ghosts who tend to have invisibility, intangibility, and possession.
As seems to be the case in every scenario involving these two this scenario is a glass cannon battle where both have such overwhelming offenses compared to their defenses that either can win basically anytime. Slappy has more ways of killing Visser Three here but the question here is more a matter of who would get the first hit on each other when both are given reality-warping abilities this strong.
Obviously, both fighters here have time manipulation abilities with the Time Matrix's primary function being to take one anywhere in spacetime and Slappy having the Verona XG-20 which can "rewind" time like a remote controller. However, both fighters can avoid being wiped from the timeline from their opponent attacking their history. For Visser Three, the Time Matrix is a higher-dimensional object that can protect the user by keeping them outside the normal temporal dimension. Conversely, while the Verona XG-20 wouldn't inherently protect Slappy from having his timeline altered, he can use the metafictional movement of the Masked Mutant to escape the fictional reality he and Visser Three are fighting from, making it impossible for Visser Three's changes to affect him. Similarly, even if Visser Three segments reality with the Continuum Crystal Slappy could simply go around the division between reality segments by "exiting" into a metafictionally higher reality and then re-entering the story wherever Visser Three is.
That leads into Slappy's biggest advantage in this scenario which is his ability to gain information. Neither Visser Three or Slappy naturally have the ability to perceive four-dimensionally, so the moment Visser Three or Slappy begin time traveling, they would have no idea where each other is in the timeline the whole time and will by default only show up in the same time and close enough in space to find the other by sheer chance. However, Slappy can perceive metafictional narration and could likely "read" where Visser Three travels with the Time Matrix or simply leave the story and read where he went as though it was in a book.
Beyond this Slappy has a few more advantages. While neither has very strong defenses, Slappy does still have more than Visser Three. He is still a soul possessing a dummy, he can hypothetically gain access to the probability manipulation of the Grool or Rip the Cat's 9 lives. These probably won't last very long against a concentrated assault by someone as powerful as Visser Three would be with unchallenged control of the Time Matrix. However, especially given that Slappy is like nothing that exists in the Animorphs-universe, it might save him a few times as Visser Three focuses on trying to destroy him via conventional physical means. Meanwhile, Visser has essentially no such defense and a simple trick like Slappy showing up where Visser Three and is turning off the universe would probably one-shot Visser Three.
Now it's not entirely one-sided. Visser Three has greater reaction speed and is a more serious focused fighter than Slappy and if the two came down to a quickdraw situation, I would bet on Visser Three going for a lethal move with the Time Matrix before Slappy does with one of the Goosebumps Monsters. However, this one advantage is probably not big enough to circumvent Slappy's advantages and Slappy has one more advantage that basically guarantees he will win in the long run.
Visser Three's powers comes from an object, the Time Matrix, however anyone touching the Time Matrix when it's used takes part in controlling it and Visser Three in this scenario would depend pretty much entirely on technology for his abilities. Slappy can just as easily get this technology away either via destroying it, removing it from the Visser, or using Emmy to possess the Time Matrix. Conversely, Visser Three can't really remove Slappy's ability to summon the other monsters as it's inherent to his nature as the evil side of RL Stine.
This scenario really sort of mirrors the first scenario. Visser Three can win early on due to both characters being a glass cannon-y type of character in the scenario, as well as having a more focused serious personality and faster reaction times. But in the long run Slappy's larger number of advantages and higher versatility means he's almost certain to win if the fight goes on past the initial scuffle.
This was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IMP, REALLY COOL AND UNBELIEVEABLE WORK. I grew up with Goosebumps, when i was a LITTLE Kid they scared the crap outta me. But as I got older I was able to face my fears and read literally the entire classic series, in a way I guess you can say it helped me learn to BE brave for that reason :D and the entire collection populates my bookshelf to this day, I love the TV Show, movies, games, Etc! I never read an Animorphs book in my life, so Needless to say which Camp I was in going into this thing, but The covers of the books did used to intrigue me showing the cool inbetweens of their morphs! Learning more about Animorphs was about and the interesting mechanics of this alien supervillain was half the fun of this blog, and the other half was AMAZING Nostalgia!
ReplyDeleteYou reading the ENTIRETY of BOTH Series.....was Unbelievable, especially since you did it in like 2 months when it tool me several years to read all of goosebumps alone, and that wasnt doing vs research. So needless to say I was super impressed.
I am so happy that not only was this an awesome comparison, but DAMN did Slappy and Vissor Three compare surprisingly well both thematically, symbolically and from a hard VS perspective as you clearly demonstrated. I liked Vissors various Animal forms and how his win strategy kinda ended up being more of an aggressive beastly brute. And I liked Slappys crazy Magical Powers and how his involved more cunning trickery to pull off. It was kinda funny to me how much of a Quagmire Slappy became in the VS Scene, VS Wiki saying hes one of the most broken dudes ever, and me not knowing WHY cause of how he wasnt THAT impressive in just the 3 mainline books. And after you researched him.....Well hes a Lot more impressive to me, but not the GOD that VS Wiki claimed. I thought it was Really Awesome how you showed that Slappy would most likely win the battle through the thing that made his series so strong FEAR, as when you have a series about Survival of the Fittest, Fear is a CONTROLLING Element. Also, HOLY SHIT THESE SERIES HAVE HIGHENDS AT THE END. Anyway, thank you SO SOOOOO Much for making this blog, I loved the hell outta it, and i had Goosebumps the Whole a Good way
Very interesting blog Imp. Admittedly, I barely had any experience with either of these series growing up. Though after reading this blog, I do think I would have enjoyed them. I admire your initiative to just jump into 2 series you haven’t experienced beforehand, and make a vs blog out of them. I was slightly more familiar with Goosebumps in comparison, but it was fun hearing about both series’ lore.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t really know about the rivalry between these books before you told me, but these main antagonists definitely have some thematic similarities that generally makes a rivalry like this more interesting to compare. Maybe it’s just from his menacing alien appearance and my assumption that he would have advanced technology, but my initial prediction was that Visser Three would win. However, it was really cool to see that they both have solid arguments in their favor, including having fairly similar physical stats and even intelligence. Animorphs reminds me of Ben 10 with its morphing system, though it amuses me that with all alien species transformations, one of the few Earth species transformations is just an anteater :P. I wasn’t too surprised by Slappy’s magical abilities, though he certainly has quite the toolset he can pull from including metafictional abilities.
The three main scenarios you compared were pretty well thought out. I like how you go into the mindset both of them would have going into the fight, as that definitely would set the tone in how the battle would go. I wasn’t totally far off in my prediction that Visser Three would win, with him likely taking the lead if he is pretty aggressive from the get go. Though your prediction that Slappy might win over the long term and with transmutation makes a lot of sense to me. It seems like Slappy would get overwhelmed with advanced technology in the second scenario similar to how I predicted. The third scenario was absolutely bonkers, but I’m glad it is still debatable, with things such as metafictional abilities and the nature of the Time Matrix coming into play. In fact, the third scenario was probably my favorite part of the blog, and I love your breakdown of how Slappy’s combination of metafictional abilities, other monster abilities, and lack of reliance on tech would help net him the win in this absurd cosmic battle scenario.
Other than that, I appreciate your general thoroughness, such as taking feats from promotional art for Slappy in making your case. It was also fun to hear different win scenarios such as Slappy possessing Visser Three only to be taken over by Esplin. Overall, fun blog idea. And I hope Thor had a great birthday :)