Hi! I just wanted to share how I personally conceptualize and break down army vs army combat in versus debating on the chance that it proves valuable. Enjoy.
When it comes to Army vs Army combat, there are sort of three roles that form a fundamental triangle of tactics:
1: Speed
2: Range + Long-Range Offensive Power
3: Defense + Short Range Offensive Power
In the Medieval World there were essentially
1: Light Infantry or Cavalry
2: Archers or Siege Weapons (like Catapults)
3: Heavy Infantry, something like spearmen
In Classical Warfare, Light Infantry or Cavalry could close the distance on ranged attacks and get them at close range where they were vulnerable. Archers or Cannonball fire could take out heavily armored infantry who couldn't move as fast, yet if you advanced a light infantry division into a heavy infantry one, or worse a cavalry into a spear formation, it would be killing them.
In Modern Styles of Warfare, these three do have analogues:
1: Assault: Infantry of all types (Mobility)
2: Artillery: Morters, Howziters etc. (Range)
3: Armor: Tanks and such (Defense)
Infantry can capture artillery platforms easiest due to numbers and speed/mobility. Artillery can destroy armor with their heavy rounds. And Armor can withstand the light arms of Assault and crush them at close range.
Transplanting this to a Fictional Army is not as hard as it seems. All one needs to do is properly divide forces into rough types based on their utility in the forces; as either a close-range mobile unit, a long-rang blaster unit, or a tanky unit.
All Units are going to have some level of all 3, but this is merely a distinction of how they fit into the larger scheme.
Now obviously in some army vs army struggles, one side will simply be completely outclassed, this is an assessment on how to consider it in circumstances where it is marginally even.
A Ground Fight between Two Armies can be seen as a combination of 9 different individual conflicts (abstracted as Red Team and Blue Team for convenience). This includes three mirror matches, and three matches with each division at disadvantage. In each case, the division must do it's best to use the strategy that defeats the type of division it is fighting. These 9:
Red Assault vs Blue Assault: Generally a measure of which can become most "armor-like" since Armor beats Assault. Measure of who has better defenses and close-range capacities and thus can withstand the other's assault.
Red Artillery vs Blue Artillery: Generally a measure of which can become most "assault-like" since Assault beats Artillery. Measure of who has better speeds and thus can disable each other's firing capacities faster.
Red Armor vs Blue Armor: Generally a measure of which can become most "artillery-like" since Artillery beats Armor. Measure of who has better range and long-range firepower and thus can blast the other more accurately from safety.
Red Assault vs Blue Artillery: Red Advantage. Measure of Red's Speed, it's natural advantage, versus Blue's Defense, it's ability to become Armor-like.
Red Artillery vs Blue Armor: Red Advantage. Measure of Red's Range, it's natural advantage, versus Blue's Speed, it's ability to become Assault-like.
Red Armor vs Blue Assault. Red Advantage. Measure of Red's Defense, it's natural advantage, versus Blue's Range, it's ability to become Artillery-like.
Blue Assault vs Red Artillery: Blue Advantage. Measure of Blue's Speed, it's natural advantage, versus Red's Defense, it's ability to become Armor-like.
Blue Artillery vs Red Armor: Blue Advantage. Measure of Blue's Range, it's natural advantage, versus Red's Speed, it's ability to become Assault-like.
Blue Armor vs Red Assault. Blue Advantage. Measure of Blue's Defense, it's natural advantage, versus Red's Range, it's ability to become Artillery-like.
This should yield 9 advantages. Now it's obviously not purely a counting machine. Getting 4 massive advantages would likely beat 5 marginal advantages. That said, it is through number and depth of the advantages that one can understand where each side's strengths lies and who is most likely to win.
In versus debating, these are often biological, magical, or heavily technologically advanced compared to a Real Army, but the same principles, in my mind should apply to any ground combat. Most ground combat is going to come down to, trying to pin down enemy Assault with your Armor, while taking out enemy Artillery with your Assault while your Artillery destroys Enemy Armor.
Some other Points:
There are some units that are very good at multiple roles. Historical Examples would be things like the Heavy Cavalry with high Defense/Mobility or the famed Horse Archers with Mobility/Range. Choose the role that best fits their tactics.
What this means it that they will be very good at being like another role, which means in a mirror match or possibly even against what should be their disadvantage they can take the edge for their side, or at least minimize the depth of the edge.
Terrain. Terrain provides two important things before all else. Cover and Movement Restrictions. Usually but not always, the two are correlated. Cover minimizes effectiveness of long-range assault on the area and Movement Restriction slows down movement. If Mobility becomes 0, the terrain becomes "impassable" to the unit. Heavy Terrain with high cover and movement restrictions, like say a thick forest, favors Assault, since Armor is slowed down heavily to the point of sometimes not being able to move, and Artillery can't fire accurately at range.
Aquatic/Aerial Units:
Aquatic Battles have been a part of warfare for millenia. There is a difference between strictly aquatic units and amphibious units. On a strictly ground combat, Amphibious units are no different from other units. Aquatic Units can do almost or absolutely nothing in strict ground combat. In a fight with Water, Aquatic Units function as any other unit, though water physics dynamics are different enough that they likely use different types of weapons. Amphibious Units essentially get any large expanse of water on the battlefield go from impassable to normal mobility.
Aerial Units may seem a more radical change, since Air Combat is a relatively new type of warfare. However I don't find Airborne Units that difficult to integrate. Being able to fly essentially gives one a large boost to Mobility and thus making the unit far more powerful against Artillery. This means it is least useful for Assault, basically giving them an ever stronger game against Artillery. For Artillery having to fight a mirror match, Flight gives them a big advantage, same as with Armor going up against what is traditionally their weakness.
Their are in real life and occasionally in fiction there are dedicated anti-air units and ability, which completely neutralizes airbone advantages going against them and instead gives an advantage to the anti-air.
More Exotic Options
Fiction has a number of more exotic abilities that can make for interesting tactics.
There are some offensive haxes that ignore defenses. These abilities essentially give the unit an infinite Artillery-Like Potential at whatever range the hax works at against anything without resistance, and work as ideal anti-Armor.
There are some movement options that allow to exist outside the same range of combat, such as orbital units (existing in space), or going into other dimensions/planes and coming out again. When it comes to these there are really two options; that the unit can attack the enemy from that inaccessible area or they can't.
If they can't, then it's actually very similar to flight, in that it provides a big boost to mobility against anything that can't attack into that area. If they can however, then it provides an effectively infinite mobility. Unless the unit is just completely unable to do any damage to what they are attacking and will just die from exertion or the defending unit has some way to attack the inaccessible area, then the attacking unit will always win.
Infiltration/Stealth Units: Certain Special Units specialize in getting behind enemy lines without detection. These are hard to really account for, but the real defense is either anti-stealth abilities or intelligence large enough to detect them.
This is just my way of understanding army vs army and how to break it down and make it somewhat more manageable.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
List of my Death Predictions and Death Analyses
This is my 100th blog on Blogger soooooo
I'm really sorry that a lot of these are SUPER out of date, but I have re-evaluted my positions on some things, and for some things new material has come out. Please treat it as evidence as to my development making these blogs. Also before you comment on how much SM stuff I did, just know a lot of it was for scaling purposes.
Death Analysis:
Sailor Moon
Tuxedo Kamen
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto
Amazon Senshi
Sailor Starlights and Princess Kakyuu
Queen Serenity
Queen Beryl
Ayakashi Sisters
Black Moon Clan Leaders
Witches V
Death-Buster Leaders
Sailor Animamates
Sailor Galaxia
Queen Metaria
Death Phantom
Pharaoh 90
Queen Nehelenia
Snow Kaguya
Sailor Moon-Verse Spirits
SM Fodder
Some scattered SM People
Hikaru Shidou
Mew Ichigo
Magicka Wizards
Dante Alighieri
Wonder Woman
Yugi Muto
Samus Aran
Death Prediction:
Guardian Senshi Battle Royale
Mami vs Panty
Black Lady vs Mistress 9
Sailor Moon vs Cardcaptor Sakura
Hikaru Shidou vs Sayaka Miki
Flowey vs Narrator
Magicka Wizards vs Castle Crashers (Collaboration with Thor Gunderson 1058)
Rorschach vs V
Jedah Dohma vs Lucemon
I'm really sorry that a lot of these are SUPER out of date, but I have re-evaluted my positions on some things, and for some things new material has come out. Please treat it as evidence as to my development making these blogs. Also before you comment on how much SM stuff I did, just know a lot of it was for scaling purposes.
Death Analysis:
Sailor Moon
Tuxedo Kamen
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto
Amazon Senshi
Sailor Starlights and Princess Kakyuu
Queen Serenity
Queen Beryl
Ayakashi Sisters
Black Moon Clan Leaders
Witches V
Death-Buster Leaders
Sailor Animamates
Sailor Galaxia
Queen Metaria
Death Phantom
Pharaoh 90
Queen Nehelenia
Snow Kaguya
Sailor Moon-Verse Spirits
SM Fodder
Some scattered SM People
Hikaru Shidou
Mew Ichigo
Magicka Wizards
Dante Alighieri
Wonder Woman
Yugi Muto
Samus Aran
Death Prediction:
Guardian Senshi Battle Royale
Mami vs Panty
Black Lady vs Mistress 9
Sailor Moon vs Cardcaptor Sakura
Hikaru Shidou vs Sayaka Miki
Flowey vs Narrator
Magicka Wizards vs Castle Crashers (Collaboration with Thor Gunderson 1058)
Rorschach vs V
Jedah Dohma vs Lucemon
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Death Analysis: Samus Aran
Death Analysis: The Scourge of the Space Pirates, Hope of the Galaxy, Daughter of the Chozo, Many-Suited Hunter, Samus Aran!
Cosmic Year 2,000, The Galactic Federation maintains peace and order in the milky way galaxy. The Chozo, a race of birdlike aliens and masters of technology in the whole of the universe are visiting a small Earth colony K-2L when the planet is unexpectedly attacked in a devastating raid by the space pirates, led by the scourge of the galaxy, Space Dragon Ridley. The only survivor is a young 3-year old girl who had previously befriended the visiting Chozo and were with them at the time.
The Chozo took the young orphan Samus Aran under their tutelage. In order to better survive the inhospitable world of Zebes, the homeworld of the Chozo, they genetically altered Samus, integrating human and chozo dna together.
The Chozo knew that a dark time was on the horizon for a galaxy, with many threats appearing. They created many protections against it, but Samus, they symbolic child, was their final hope for the galaxy. She was trained by them from a young age and when she came of age, she donned the Chozo Battle Armor developed by the wisdom of the Chozo Elders and their superintelligent AI Mother Brain. With it she became the famed scourge of the space pirates.
Samus, like a lot of girls, likes to accessorize. However unlike most girls, for Samus new accessories means new upgrades to her power armor to make it even more powerful.
Samus has essentially 8 different chozo suits used by her canonically, along with her zero suit, and I will go over all of them.
Zero Suit:
Zero Suit Samus is Samus without her Chozo Power Armor at all. This form is by far her weakest form, though it still the dangerous bounty hunter of the galaxy
Samus lived all her life on Zebes. Zebes, according to the scan in Metroid Prime has a mass of an absolutely monsterous 4.8 TRILLION teratons or 4,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons, as mass twice as large as that of Jupiter (and apparently there is a lot of planets with similar mass in the Metroid Universe going by scans, to the point that there is a classification for how inhospitable they are, Class XIX). All this mass is concentrated on a planet with a diameter similar to Earth, 11,700 kilometers compared to Earth's 12,742 kilometers. This would give Zebes a gravity 960 times that of Earth's!
Samus can tank this level of force on her body, and even on a planet like this is a superhuman able to superleap at will. Samus in her zero suit was even able to survive a crash landing barely any distance from the epicenter of the crash when her ship was shot down over Zebes, a feat that would have imparted nearly 10 kilotons of energy on her body.
If there is one thing her Zero Suit does boost, it's her stealth ability. Zero Suit Samus in Zero Mission was able to sneak get around on the Space Pirate Mothership without getting caught.
She is armed with her emergency pistol. This pistol is "rather useless", only being able to stun and not hurt space pirates. That said it is able to destroy large quantities of metal in one-shot.
Base Armor:
Samus' base armor and her weakest armor that all the others build on. It is able to read Samus' thoughts directly allowing for faster reactions.
In this Suit Samus' capabilities are drastically boosted. This Armor should easily be stronger then other Chozo weaponry created in an ancient era, which are capable of creating a massive mushroom cloud and destroying space pirate ships in atmosphere from the surface of Zebes.
With this suit Samus was able to blitz space pirates. The same space pirates were able to conduct a spacefight around multiple planets in non-hyperspace, indicating ftl reflexes. She was also able to fight Base Ridley, who can regularly fly around planets in short spans of time.
Varia Suit:
Initially a mistranslation of "Barrier" Suit, Varia Suit adds another layer of armor onto the Base Power Suit. It grants far increased protection from damage of most types. Everything from Superheat, to Sub-Zero Temperatures to Tiny Parasites fail to have any affect on the Varia Suit. This suit is Samus' most iconic and is what she starts with in the Metroid Prime series.
Gaining this power allows in Metroid Prime for all damage to be reducted to 10%. The Newly aquired Varia Suit allowed Samus to tank the breath attack of Ridley which was able to destroy much of a mountain on Zebes. Due to Zebes' gravity this was a gigaton level feat.
With the Varia Suit Samus was able to fight and defeat Gorea.in a dimension of anti-matter. The same Gorea wiped all life from the Tetra Galaxy in the span of 3 months, a feat that require speeds at least thousands of times lightspeed, likely millions of times.
Gravity Suit:
The Gravity Suit's grants a further increase in defense onto the Varia Suit, but as the name implies, it's primary purpose is to negate the effects of gravity on Samus, allowing her to operate normally in situations with differing gravity like underwater or in the vacuum.
Gravity-Suit Samus was able to fight with great difficulty the Omega Pirate, a Space Pirate boosted by the power of the Phazon, a semi-sentient energy-virus-corruption that threatened the galaxy. The Omega Pirate was significantly stronger then entites that survived a small portion of the energy of the Leviathan's crash on Tallon, an impact calced to be planet-destroying levels of energy. Depending on surface area, it's possibly this would make the Gravity Suit country level.
Phazon Suit:
The Phazon Suit is signifigantly stronger then the Gravity Suit and is likely country level. The Phazon Suit cuts damage to Samus in half atop all other bonuses. It also protects Samus from less damaging variants of Phazon and gives Samus a limited ability to use Phazon herself.
Dark Suit:
The Dark Suit is a special suit created by the Luminoth to survive the atmosphere of Dark Aether, a dark planet created in the split of the planetary energies of Aether. The Dark Suit gives Samus protection from the corrosive and poisonous vapors of Dark Aether.
The Dark Suit's power was strong enough to allow Samus to overcome Dark Samus, a Fusion of the original Metroid with Samus' Phazon Suit so the Dark Suit should scale to the Phazon Suit.
Light Suit:
Created as the perfect fusion of Chozo and Luminoth Technology, The Light Suit is one of Samus' strongest armors. It is powered by the Light of Aether, the planetary energy of all of Aether capable of stabilizing planets, giving it a power source more potent then her previous armors.
The Light Suit gives Samus immunity too all the hazards of Dark Aether, such as corrosion and poisons. Light Suit Samus was able to defeat Dark Samus at her full power who would only a little later, greatly damaged from battle survive a planet-sized dimension collapsing in on her. This would suggest the Light Suit is Planet Level. Some suggest that the Dark Aether being converted to energy and returning to Light Aether to be stabilized is a feat for the weak Dark Samus, however given Dark Samus was mere PARTICLES at the time, it is highly unlikely she survived any kind of significant fraction of the energy. The dimension collapsing however is concentrated on a single point of space.
PED Suit:
The PED Suit was created from the Galactic Federation modifying Samus' Armor to allow her to "safetly" use the power of Phazon. Overusage of the power of Phazon will still corrupt Samus but as she uses the power she also grows stronger, with a nearly fully corrupted Phazon being one of the strongest suits in the series.
PED Samus went to Phaaze, a living planet and the source of all phazon as described by the artbook:
“No one knows when Phaaze
was born.
A planet completely
unique in an infinite universe, unlike any that came before it. Phaaze was
alive. A conscious, sentient being.
Like all living
creatures, Phaaze did its best to ensure the continued survival and prosperity
of its race. Every 100 years, seeds, similar in form to meteors, would be fired
from Phaaze to planets far away. These seeds, these children of Phaaze, were called
Leviathans. Leviathans had the ability to generate wormholes, allowing them to
travel to galaxies unbelievably far away."
there her PED suit was put into critical condition and it's strongest state, where Samus was able to beat Dark Samus with the planet itself, even after assimilating Biological Super-Computer Aurora Unit 313, their destruction caused Phaaze itself to explode
Fusion Suit:
Samus last suit chronologically (though she reverts to normal at the end of Metroid Fusion), The Fusion Suit theoretically can be combined with any other suit, though originally was an alternate to her earliest base Power Suit.
When Samus was infected by the x parasite, a horrific genetic monstrosity, radical surgery was required and so the DNA of the baby metroid, samus's symbolic child, who sacrificed itself to save her against Mother Brain in Super Metroid was implanted into Samus. Since Metroids are the natural predator to the x-virus, the metroid dna saved Samus' life, but radically altered Samus and her power armor that is genetically bonded to her due to the x-virus' influence. This technically makes Samus the last of the Metroid entities.
The Fusion suit, without the Varia upgrade, gave Samus a weakness to cold due to the Metroid's weakness to cold. However it also allows the absorption of virus to restore energy and health in the same way that the Metroids themselves did. The Fusion Gravity Suit was able to defeat SA-X, the virus x infected old Varia Suit of Samus that was fully upgraded, even after it evolved into a more monstrous form. As such it should easily scale to the Varia Suit.
Other Equipment:
Samus possesses a large variety of other weapons, that take forever to list. So you better be grateful ;)
Sensory Equipment:
Samus has a number of different pieces of sensory equipment to help her examine her environment. Her base helmet contains a selectively transparent visor and a hud that allows her to view her health level, energy level, and amount of ammunition. It also has a radar that allows her to scan for nearby enemies.
Samus' scanner can decrypt data in mere seconds and can scan enemies for history, information, and weak points.
Various upgrades allow Samus's scanner to see thermal and x-ray waves, as well as through low-light on Dark Aether and to see soundwaves.
Movement Technology:
Samus has a number of tech abilities that facilitate her movement. The most famous of this is her morph ball, where she turns her body into an orb 0.8 meters in diameter capable of laying bombs. This form has multiple upgrades like the spider ball, which allows her morph ball to stick and roll on walls so long as she is not damaged, and the Hyper Ball, which allows forms of Samus with phazon (Phazon Suit and PED Suit) to create arcs of lightning laced with phazon.
Another useful one is her grapple beam, which lets her grapple environmental factors (or enemies) to sling herself along. After the defeat of Gandraya, Samus gained the ability to make her grapple course with energy PED Samus can also use the grapple to inject an enemy with phazon
Samus can use her screw attack ability, which allows her to create a controversial versus show charge her jumps with energy turning herself into an energy blade.
Samus can use her speed booster to boost herself at past supersonic speeds even on planets with heavily intense gravity like Zebes. This is suplemented with the Shinespark ability which allows her to transfer for momentum from her running into a vertical jump.
Samus' most famous weapon, from her arm cannon she can produce a variety of beam attacks. And by a variety I mean a metric ton of them.
Her Standard is her famous Power Beam. This fires an energy blast from her arm. It allows Samus to destroy Space Pirates who can survive on the insane gravity of many Metroid Planets. It can be upgraded in a vast variety of ways. The Charge Beam upgrade allows the beam to be charged for more power. The Long Beam allows for the beam's range to be increased from 3-10 meters to hundreds of meters. The Wide Shot or Spazer shot allows for the firing of 3 beams at once. The Wave Beam upgrade allows Samus to release waves of energy able to harm Ridley himself. Samus can also control the temperature of this attack. She can use Ice Beam to shoot a freezing cold attack or can use Plasma Beam to shoot superheated plasma able to disintegrate most enemies.
Samus' most powerful "normal" beam is likely her Hyper Beam. Attained from the sacrifice of the baby Metroid who absorbed the energy of Mother Brain and transferred to it's "mother" Samus, the Hyper-Beam is symbolically the power of Samus' fury. The Hyperbeam fires rainbow colored energy blasts capable of destroying Mother Brain, a being much stronger then most of Samus' suits. A much weaker state of Mother Brain was able to create low exatons of energy with her self-destruction. The Hyper Beam is likely stronger then this.
Samus has more beams that are rarer. Phazon-Powered versions of her can use the Phazon Beam which can fire blasts of phazon to corrode enemies. She can use the Dark Beam which fires dark energy at her enemies which temporarily paralyze them. She can also use the Light Beam which shoot balls of white-hot energy that are harmful to the beings of darkness. And she can use both with her Annhilator beam which mixes light and darkness to launch a combination matter-antimatter homing blast at her enemies.
Along with her beams, Samus can use missiles as a mobile projectiles. These missiles can home in on enemies (in the 3-d games) but Samus carries a finite amount of them. She can fire 5 missiles in unison called a Super Missile for a much more damaging attack.
While not as many as Beams, Samus has numerous variations on missiles. She can use Seeker Missiles to fire 5 missiles at once at 5 separate targets. Ice Missiles do as the name suggests, freeze those hit. This can be augmented by Diffusion Missiles, an invention of the Galactic Federation which can shoot a freezing missile volley outwards as a spray.
Much like with her beams, a Phazon-Powered Samus can use Phazon-versions of her missiles called Hyper Missiles.
Charge Combo:
Special Attacks made by combining a certain type of beam with another type of projectile.
So in 2017, Nintendo decides to just give it up and make Samus a wizard. She can use the natural mystical energy of Zebes to boost her technological abilities.
With Scan Pulse can reveal map data to Samus. Lightning Armor can make Samus' armor pulse with electrical energy. It makes her immune to damage in-game and increases Samus' melee attacks. Beam Burst allows Samus to do extra damage and allows her to rapid-fire. Finally with Phase Drift, Samus can slow down time to half normal speed.
Samus is an expert fighter by all accounts, having on many occassions outright beat many of the Galactic Federation's best enforces and hunters as well as being the unstoppable hunter to the likes of the Space Pirates. She has good knowledge of the galaxy and it's creatures and has fought a rather....eclectic group of villains.
She has a superhuman willpower, able to resist the control of Mother Brain who was able to mentally control all the lifeforms of planet Zebes and has on occasion shown minor psychic abilities such as prophetic dreams.
While Samus can get airborne easily, she can not actually fly and needs a spaceship to travel the cosmos. Some of Samus' weapons, specifically missiles, are finite and while she has a very large amount it is possible for her to run out, meaning she will likely be a bit conservative with them. Also Samus' Phazon Abilities are dangerous to use and she is less likely in-character to use them.
Other M also tried to claim Samus had PTSD but this is......VERY inconsistent with the other games of the series.
"In the vast universe, the
history of humanity is but a flash of light from a lone star. The life of a
single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is
one light that burns brighter than all others. The light of Samus Aran. Her
battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history."
Samus generally seems like a very stoic, brooding and contemplative personality. She despises the villains of the galaxy and hunts them down to honor her fallen parents, her human parents and her chozo parents, alike. That said Samus has a compassionate side hidden, being protective of the weaklings of the galaxy. More then anything, Samus hates those that attack the defenseless. When she was growing up on Zebes she surprised the Chozo Elders by not attacking a species of wild butterfly creatures as everyone else was doing but instead disarming them and making peace with them. Samus is known by her superiors as being wholly unpredictable and impossible to predict.
What Mother Brain is afraid of, life and it's unpredictable ability to create new futures and to adapt, that is embodied in Samus. The Chozo foresaw a number of dark threats to the universe that no single system could possibly stop, and so as the last hope of the galaxy, they did create their symbolic daughter Samus, an indomitable will that adapted be what was needed to stop what threats emerged. Samus represents the Chozo's hope; peace for the entire universe.
+Tier 12-11
+Island-Country Level DC/Durability Normally, Potentially Planetoid Level with Hyperbeam, Planet Level with Light Suit and Full-Power PED Suit.
+MFTL Reflexes, MFTL Speed in most forms
+A Variety of Weaponry and Equipment
+Sensory Equipment
+Enhanced Strength
+Element Manipulation (Light, Darkness, Fire, Ice, Electricity, Plasma)
+Matter-Antimatter Attacks
+Dimensional BFR
+Phazon (Corruption, Corrosion, Mental Manipulation)
+Can distort spacetime
+Can Grapple Around
+Can use bombs and power bombs
+Can absorb parasites as health and energy
+Resistance to most Physical Haxes
+Mental Hax Resistance (Planetary)
+Can hit Intangibles
+Can bypass Phazon Shielding
+Low Level Psychic
+Superhumanly Skilled Fighter
-Can't fly
-Limited Ammunition for some of her weaponry
-Phazon can be dangerous to use
Possible Opponent:
Samus Aran vs Iron Man:
Apparently the casuals want this matchup and it doesn't seem unbalanced. The theme seems to be just having power-suit using heroes that have a large number of suits, and having an iconic energy blast attack.
Next Time:
Thanks to my friend Thor-kun for as always making my next times, he does a great job on them!
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Intelligence and Skill Tiers
This is basically just an update of this blog:
Intelligence and Skill are two things that don't have easy quantification like energy values or speed ratios. I just wanted to quickly give my internal method of classification that I think can be relatively feat-based and not conjecture based or otherwise floating in subjectivity. There will still be SOME subjectivity to this, but I hope it can reduce it to a more empirical level.
Intelligence Tiers:
This is specifically for intelligence as knowledge of the natural world and reasoning ability. A lot of my intelligence tiers relies on knowledge of the Kardashev Scale, a measurement of how advanced a society is, based on energy exponents. Here are some important baselines approximately of what technology might be considered indicative of a civilization at this scale:
Type 0.1 Civilization: Fire and Stone/Wood Tools
Type 0.2: More Complex Stone/Wood Tools
Type 0.25: Roman Empire at it's Height.
Type 0.5: Industrial Revolution
Type 0.75: Modern to Near-Future (Earth is currently a Type 0.7244 Civilization)
Type 1: Weather Manipulation, Life Creation, Asteroid/Planetary Mining/Colonization
Type 2: Cosmic Scale Construction like Dyson Spheres, Advanced A.I., Teleportation, Rudimentary Time Travel
Type 3: Advanced Time Travel, Technology that can survive massive cosmic events, able to create stellar or higher-level events, manipulation of reality on the quantum level to allow for basically reality-warping
So let's get into the tiers themselves
Tier 6: Sub-Human: Below Average Human Intelligence:
Low Sub-Human: Basically Mindless. Think Stereotypical Zombies for instance or most ants
Mid Sub-Human: Has Basic Cognition, Most animal species
High Sub-Human: Can use tools, level of more advanced animals
Tier 5: Basic Human: Normal Human Intelligence Range
Low Basic Human: Below Average Intelligence, Dumb
Mid Basic Human: Average Intelligence. Can with prep time create type 0.1 level technology.
High Basic Human: Above Average Intelligence. Clever. Can with prep time create type 0.2 level technology
Tier 4: Advanced Human: Heavily Intelligent Individuals
Low Advanced Human: Genius in one Field. Can with prep time create type 0.25 level technology.
Mid Advanced Human: Peak Human Intelligence by conventional standards. Genius in Myriad Fields. Can with prep time create type 0.5 level technology. Can create type 0.1 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Advanced Human: Unrealistic Genius. Genius in all Fields. Can with prep time create type 0.75 level technology. Can create type 0.2 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 3: Metahuman: Intelligence beyond what can exist in any realistic setting. Can uplift human society.
Low Metahuman: Can create science-fiction gadgets that are currently speculative. Can with prep time create type 1 level technology. Can create type 0.25 level technology during the course of a battle.
Mid Metahuman: Can create technology beyond what is currently known to be capable. Can with prep time create a type 2 level technology. Can create type 0.5 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Metahuman: Can create miraculous technology that defies explanation. Can with prep time create a type 3 level technology. Can create type 0.75 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 2: Superhuman: Intellectual Demigod able to regularly perform impossible feats of intelligence.
Low Superhuman: Intelligence has progressed to the point of near psychic abilities and ability to predict the future. Can be an immediate threat to a planetary civilization purely from intelligence. Can create type 1 level technology during the course of a battle.
Mid Superhuman: Intelligence allows for subtle mental manipulation purely via manipulation. Can be an immediate threat to a solar-system scale civilization purely through intellect. Can create type 2 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Superhuman: Intelligence allows for impossible feats. Can be an immediate threat to a galactic civilization purely through intellect. Can create type 3 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 1: Cosmic: Character has a degree of Cosmic Awareness of reality
Low Cosmic: Character's mind exists on a higher plane of reality. Character can directly warp reality through intellect. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of a celestial body like a planet or a star.
Mid Cosmic: Character's mind can understand the larger-workings of the cosmos in detail. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of at least a galaxy up to a whole universe.
High Cosmic: Character can view all possibilities and through intelligence choose the optimal reality to live in. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of the multiverse.
Tier 0: Nigh-Omniscience: Character knows all or almost all of the things that can be known in their fictional reality.
Skill Tier List:
This is simpler, in my view, though this is specifically combat skill, not tactical knowledge which seems more intelligence in my view.
D Tier: Mundane Level: No Real Fighting Skill
Low D Tier: Below Average Levels of Coordination, Clumsy
Mid D Tier: Average Human Levels of Coordination
High D Tier: Physically Competent and Dexterous but no fighting experience specfically
C Tier: Skilled Tier: Is a heavily competent fighter
Low C Tier: Rookie Fighter, has some combat experience. Has spent at least a few weeks fighting semi-regularly
Mid C Tier: Experienced Fighter, is notably proficient in combat, likely has at least a little combat training. Has spent at least a few months fighting semi-regularly.
High C Tier: Heavily Experienced Fighter. Has spent at least a few years fighting semi-regularly.
B Tier: Master Tier: Is a Master Fighter
Low B Tier: Master Fighter. Equivalent to a Black Belt. Has fully mastered at least one style of combat.
Mid B Tier: Advanced Master Fighter. Equivalent to a High-Degree Black Belt. Has mastered several related combat styles and can use them in conjunction. Can create own style of combat based on combination.
High B Tier: Master of Many Styles and unrelated styles of combat. The most physically skilled fighters in a normal world. Equivalent to a lifetime of combat experience. Can create whole school of combat styles.
A Tier: Superhuman Tier: Superhumanly Skilled
Low A Tier: Superhumanly skilled, able to perform unrealistically well. Immortals with heavily extensive lifespans can get here purely from age.
Mid A Tier: Can defeat a primitive army through sheer fighting skill.
High A Tier: Can defeat a modern army through sheer fighting skill.
S Tier: Godly Tier: Skill grants special abilities
Low S Tier: Can defeat an enemy literally many times as powerful as you purely through skill. Can perform superhuman abilities via skill.
Mid S Tier: Can defeat an enemy literally many orders of magnitude as powerful as you purely through skill. Can warp reality with skill.
High S Tier: Conceptually Skilled. The Literal Embodiment of Warfare or Fighting that is omnipresent at all fights or someone who can equal them.
Intelligence and Skill are two things that don't have easy quantification like energy values or speed ratios. I just wanted to quickly give my internal method of classification that I think can be relatively feat-based and not conjecture based or otherwise floating in subjectivity. There will still be SOME subjectivity to this, but I hope it can reduce it to a more empirical level.
Intelligence Tiers:
This is specifically for intelligence as knowledge of the natural world and reasoning ability. A lot of my intelligence tiers relies on knowledge of the Kardashev Scale, a measurement of how advanced a society is, based on energy exponents. Here are some important baselines approximately of what technology might be considered indicative of a civilization at this scale:
Type 0.1 Civilization: Fire and Stone/Wood Tools
Type 0.2: More Complex Stone/Wood Tools
Type 0.25: Roman Empire at it's Height.
Type 0.5: Industrial Revolution
Type 0.75: Modern to Near-Future (Earth is currently a Type 0.7244 Civilization)
Type 1: Weather Manipulation, Life Creation, Asteroid/Planetary Mining/Colonization
Type 2: Cosmic Scale Construction like Dyson Spheres, Advanced A.I., Teleportation, Rudimentary Time Travel
Type 3: Advanced Time Travel, Technology that can survive massive cosmic events, able to create stellar or higher-level events, manipulation of reality on the quantum level to allow for basically reality-warping
So let's get into the tiers themselves
Tier 6: Sub-Human: Below Average Human Intelligence:
Low Sub-Human: Basically Mindless. Think Stereotypical Zombies for instance or most ants
Mid Sub-Human: Has Basic Cognition, Most animal species
High Sub-Human: Can use tools, level of more advanced animals
Tier 5: Basic Human: Normal Human Intelligence Range
Low Basic Human: Below Average Intelligence, Dumb
Mid Basic Human: Average Intelligence. Can with prep time create type 0.1 level technology.
High Basic Human: Above Average Intelligence. Clever. Can with prep time create type 0.2 level technology
Tier 4: Advanced Human: Heavily Intelligent Individuals
Low Advanced Human: Genius in one Field. Can with prep time create type 0.25 level technology.
Mid Advanced Human: Peak Human Intelligence by conventional standards. Genius in Myriad Fields. Can with prep time create type 0.5 level technology. Can create type 0.1 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Advanced Human: Unrealistic Genius. Genius in all Fields. Can with prep time create type 0.75 level technology. Can create type 0.2 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 3: Metahuman: Intelligence beyond what can exist in any realistic setting. Can uplift human society.
Low Metahuman: Can create science-fiction gadgets that are currently speculative. Can with prep time create type 1 level technology. Can create type 0.25 level technology during the course of a battle.
Mid Metahuman: Can create technology beyond what is currently known to be capable. Can with prep time create a type 2 level technology. Can create type 0.5 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Metahuman: Can create miraculous technology that defies explanation. Can with prep time create a type 3 level technology. Can create type 0.75 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 2: Superhuman: Intellectual Demigod able to regularly perform impossible feats of intelligence.
Low Superhuman: Intelligence has progressed to the point of near psychic abilities and ability to predict the future. Can be an immediate threat to a planetary civilization purely from intelligence. Can create type 1 level technology during the course of a battle.
Mid Superhuman: Intelligence allows for subtle mental manipulation purely via manipulation. Can be an immediate threat to a solar-system scale civilization purely through intellect. Can create type 2 level technology during the course of a battle.
High Superhuman: Intelligence allows for impossible feats. Can be an immediate threat to a galactic civilization purely through intellect. Can create type 3 level technology during the course of a battle.
Tier 1: Cosmic: Character has a degree of Cosmic Awareness of reality
Low Cosmic: Character's mind exists on a higher plane of reality. Character can directly warp reality through intellect. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of a celestial body like a planet or a star.
Mid Cosmic: Character's mind can understand the larger-workings of the cosmos in detail. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of at least a galaxy up to a whole universe.
High Cosmic: Character can view all possibilities and through intelligence choose the optimal reality to live in. Character's mind is equivalent to the raw data of the multiverse.
Tier 0: Nigh-Omniscience: Character knows all or almost all of the things that can be known in their fictional reality.
Skill Tier List:
This is simpler, in my view, though this is specifically combat skill, not tactical knowledge which seems more intelligence in my view.
D Tier: Mundane Level: No Real Fighting Skill
Low D Tier: Below Average Levels of Coordination, Clumsy
Mid D Tier: Average Human Levels of Coordination
High D Tier: Physically Competent and Dexterous but no fighting experience specfically
C Tier: Skilled Tier: Is a heavily competent fighter
Low C Tier: Rookie Fighter, has some combat experience. Has spent at least a few weeks fighting semi-regularly
Mid C Tier: Experienced Fighter, is notably proficient in combat, likely has at least a little combat training. Has spent at least a few months fighting semi-regularly.
High C Tier: Heavily Experienced Fighter. Has spent at least a few years fighting semi-regularly.
B Tier: Master Tier: Is a Master Fighter
Low B Tier: Master Fighter. Equivalent to a Black Belt. Has fully mastered at least one style of combat.
Mid B Tier: Advanced Master Fighter. Equivalent to a High-Degree Black Belt. Has mastered several related combat styles and can use them in conjunction. Can create own style of combat based on combination.
High B Tier: Master of Many Styles and unrelated styles of combat. The most physically skilled fighters in a normal world. Equivalent to a lifetime of combat experience. Can create whole school of combat styles.
A Tier: Superhuman Tier: Superhumanly Skilled
Low A Tier: Superhumanly skilled, able to perform unrealistically well. Immortals with heavily extensive lifespans can get here purely from age.
Mid A Tier: Can defeat a primitive army through sheer fighting skill.
High A Tier: Can defeat a modern army through sheer fighting skill.
S Tier: Godly Tier: Skill grants special abilities
Low S Tier: Can defeat an enemy literally many times as powerful as you purely through skill. Can perform superhuman abilities via skill.
Mid S Tier: Can defeat an enemy literally many orders of magnitude as powerful as you purely through skill. Can warp reality with skill.
High S Tier: Conceptually Skilled. The Literal Embodiment of Warfare or Fighting that is omnipresent at all fights or someone who can equal them.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Sailor Senshi Hax Resistances (Reference Blog)
The Forces of Chaos have a myriad of haxes that they try to use against the Soldiers of Stars, The Sailor Senshi, this blog is a reference blog to show the level of hax resistance the Senshi possess.
Energy Manipulation Resistance:
1: Zoisite drains the energy of a town, it only gives First Arc Civilian Form Ami headaches (Town Level)
2: Kunzite casually drains the energy of Tokyo to the point normal humans were made like skeletons, yet only Makoto noticed the energy-drain immediately due to her electrical affinity and they were unaffected (City Level)
3: Queen Metaria drains the energy of wherever she is and she was large enough to encompass the planet Earth, yet First Arc Sailor Moon could tank being inside her (Planet Level)
4: Second Arc Civilian Form Usagi could walk on the surface of Nemesis, described as being like a black hole which drains energy drastically, and was only tired (Planet Level+ to Stellar Level)
5: Death Phantom took control of Nemesis and absorbed the Senshi to the center of the Nemesis and the edge of spacetime and they were fine (Star Level?)
6: The Lambda Power remade the Milky Way's mass-energy and reset the universe and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Galactic to Universal)
Matter Manipulation Resistance:
1: Queen Metaria converted the Moon Kingdom to Stone, yet First Arc Sailor Moon tanked being within her (Possibly Country Level)
2: Pharaoh 90 converted a large section of the Earth to Lava, yet Super Sailor Moon survived within Pharaoh 90 (Multi-Continent Level)
3: The Lambda Power remade the Milky Way's mass-energy and reset the universe and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Galactic to Universal)
Freezing Resistance:
1: Minako, before transforming for the first time, is able to survive in space (Superhuman)
2: Kunzite can freeze a city but couldn't beat the First Arc Senshi (City Level)
3: Princess Snow Kaguya can easily freeze a planet and was planning to freeze the universe yet Super Sailor Moon was beyond her power (Planet Level, possibly Universe Level)
Poison Resistance:
1: The Black Crystal Pillars can spread poisonous mists through over a space at least as large as Crystal Tokyo yet the Second Arc Senshi and second arc Chibiusa survive multiple times directly near that (City Level)
Disease Resistance:
1: The Silver Crystal purified the Earth of disease, as did the holy power of the Golden Crystal against Zirconia (Planet Level)
Corrosion Resistance:
1: The Room of Darkness causes matter to corrode, yet Civilian Second Arc Ami, Rei, and Makoto survive even uncouncious in The Room of Darkness (Superhuman)
Spacetime Resistance:
1: Queen Metaria warps space, able to warp the space over the Arctic Ocean while deep beneath the Earth. During her fight with Sailor Moon she was large enough to encompass the Earth (Unknown, Possibly Planet Level)
2: Second Arc Civilian Form Usagi survives within a tear in spacetime (???)
3: Chibiusa survives the end of spacetime in second arc civilian form (???)
4: Death Phantom absorbs The Second Arc Senshi Team inside him to the edge of spacetime despite being a black hole with such high gravity that he physically tears holes in spacetime (Likely Stellar Level)
5: Pharaoh 90 warps spacetime from a "very distant galaxy" yet Super Sailor Moon survived within him (Multi-Galactic Level)
6: Queen Nehelenia was maintaining the whole dark mirror universe, yet Galaxia's power and control over spacetime were above her even in civilian form and fifth arc Usagi in civilian form were able to survive her power (Universe Level)
Age Manipulation:
1: One-Directional, but the Silver Crystal can stop the Wielder from Aging so trying to age them would do nothing
Destiny/Curse Manipulation:
1: Queen Nehelenia's infamous Curse technique fated the Moon Kingdom to fall, and was also eating away the Earth and the plane of Elysium from the inside, yet the Golden Crystal defeated it. Lambda Senshi can use the Golden Crystal's power.
Sealing Resistance:
1: First Arc Sailor Moon was able to create a seal that could work on Metalia who had grown to encompass the Earth, and her mother Queen Serenity whom Usagi reached the same power was able to seal Nehelenia in another dimension and seal Metalia while dying and weakened when Metalia was large enough to encompass the Sun, yet Sailor Galaxia was powerful enough to resist the Silver Crystal's power (Planet Level+)
Soul Manipulation:
1: Mimete was able to manipulate the souls of a stadium of people, yet Disguised Civilian Form Third Arc Minako was unaffected (Low Building Level)
2: Sailor Galaxia can make a planet impossible to survive in for living beings and the dead souls, yet Eternal Sailor Moon persists against Galaxia trying to kill her (Planet Level)
3: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their souls, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Mind Manipulation:
1: Normal Dark Agency Members can brainwash countries regularly yet Codename: Sailor V Civilian Minako can resist their control (Country Level)
2: Lin-Lin, higher-end Dark Agency Member could take control of every single person in China, which is large enough to register as a continent by itself, yet Partially Awoken Sailor V was unaffected (Continent Level)
3: Queen Metalia caused all of humanity to descend into savagery with her awakening, and hypnotized all of humanity against Sailor Moon, yet Sailor Moon tanked being within her (Planet Level+)
4: Queen Nehelenia can trap a planet (which she should be basically powerless to affect) in eternal nightmares from another dimension, yet Mamoru with the Golden Crystal broke out of her nightmare and broke the other Senshi out. Lambda Senshi can use the Golden Crystal's power (Planet Level+++)
5: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their minds, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Counciousness Manipulation:
Possibly Implied. The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their consciousnesses, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Spirit Manipulation:
1: Basic Senshi attacks can hit spirits yet the Senshi have survived each others's attacks before as far back as the First Arc with Sailor Moon surviving unshielded a planet power attack from the 4 Guardian Senshi. (Superhuman)
2: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their spirits, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Abstract Manipulation:
1: Eternal Sailor Moon releasing her full power could have destroyed Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron, abstract bodies as large as the center of the galaxy which is larger then small galaxies, yet Galaxia would have survived near epicenter (Low Galaxy Level)
2: If Star Seeds are generalized as abstract concepts, Usagi reset the cosmos's star seeds with the Lambda Power and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Existence Erasure:
1: Sailor Venus' first basic energy attack directly after awakening erased Danburite, yet First Arc Sailor Moon survived the power of the 4 Guardian Senshi with no barrier (Superhuman)
2: Death Phantom was causing the whole Earth to fade, yet the second arc Senshi Team survived within Death Phantom (Planet Level)
3: Sailor Chaos caused such damage to the universe that not even Sailor Cosmos could recover what was lost, even though Lambda Usagi was able to reset the universe, yet Sailor Chaos could not kill Sailor Cosmos (Universe Level)
Unawoken Civilian State:
Town Level to City Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Freezing Resistance
Country Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Partially Awoken Senshi:
City Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
Continent Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
First Arc Senshi:
Planet Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Possibly Country Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
Possibly Planet Level Spacetime Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Superhuman Existence Erasure Resistance
Second Arc Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Possibly Country Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Likely Stellar Level Spacetime Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Full Power Base Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Likely Stellar Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Super Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Multi-Galactic Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Eternal Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Strongest Sailor Crystal-Bearing Senshi (Eternal Sailor Moon/Sailor Galaxia):
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Lambda Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level, Possibly Universal Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+++, Possibly Universal Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman, Possibly Universal Level Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level, Possibly Universal Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Sailor Cosmos:
Likely Stellar Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level, Possibly Universal Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+++, Possibly Universal Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman, Possibly Universal Level Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level, Possibly Universal Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Universe Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Energy Manipulation Resistance:
1: Zoisite drains the energy of a town, it only gives First Arc Civilian Form Ami headaches (Town Level)
2: Kunzite casually drains the energy of Tokyo to the point normal humans were made like skeletons, yet only Makoto noticed the energy-drain immediately due to her electrical affinity and they were unaffected (City Level)
3: Queen Metaria drains the energy of wherever she is and she was large enough to encompass the planet Earth, yet First Arc Sailor Moon could tank being inside her (Planet Level)
4: Second Arc Civilian Form Usagi could walk on the surface of Nemesis, described as being like a black hole which drains energy drastically, and was only tired (Planet Level+ to Stellar Level)
5: Death Phantom took control of Nemesis and absorbed the Senshi to the center of the Nemesis and the edge of spacetime and they were fine (Star Level?)
6: The Lambda Power remade the Milky Way's mass-energy and reset the universe and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Galactic to Universal)
Matter Manipulation Resistance:
1: Queen Metaria converted the Moon Kingdom to Stone, yet First Arc Sailor Moon tanked being within her (Possibly Country Level)
2: Pharaoh 90 converted a large section of the Earth to Lava, yet Super Sailor Moon survived within Pharaoh 90 (Multi-Continent Level)
3: The Lambda Power remade the Milky Way's mass-energy and reset the universe and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Galactic to Universal)
Freezing Resistance:
1: Minako, before transforming for the first time, is able to survive in space (Superhuman)
2: Kunzite can freeze a city but couldn't beat the First Arc Senshi (City Level)
3: Princess Snow Kaguya can easily freeze a planet and was planning to freeze the universe yet Super Sailor Moon was beyond her power (Planet Level, possibly Universe Level)
Poison Resistance:
1: The Black Crystal Pillars can spread poisonous mists through over a space at least as large as Crystal Tokyo yet the Second Arc Senshi and second arc Chibiusa survive multiple times directly near that (City Level)
Disease Resistance:
1: The Silver Crystal purified the Earth of disease, as did the holy power of the Golden Crystal against Zirconia (Planet Level)
Corrosion Resistance:
1: The Room of Darkness causes matter to corrode, yet Civilian Second Arc Ami, Rei, and Makoto survive even uncouncious in The Room of Darkness (Superhuman)
Spacetime Resistance:
1: Queen Metaria warps space, able to warp the space over the Arctic Ocean while deep beneath the Earth. During her fight with Sailor Moon she was large enough to encompass the Earth (Unknown, Possibly Planet Level)
2: Second Arc Civilian Form Usagi survives within a tear in spacetime (???)
3: Chibiusa survives the end of spacetime in second arc civilian form (???)
4: Death Phantom absorbs The Second Arc Senshi Team inside him to the edge of spacetime despite being a black hole with such high gravity that he physically tears holes in spacetime (Likely Stellar Level)
5: Pharaoh 90 warps spacetime from a "very distant galaxy" yet Super Sailor Moon survived within him (Multi-Galactic Level)
6: Queen Nehelenia was maintaining the whole dark mirror universe, yet Galaxia's power and control over spacetime were above her even in civilian form and fifth arc Usagi in civilian form were able to survive her power (Universe Level)
Age Manipulation:
1: One-Directional, but the Silver Crystal can stop the Wielder from Aging so trying to age them would do nothing
Destiny/Curse Manipulation:
1: Queen Nehelenia's infamous Curse technique fated the Moon Kingdom to fall, and was also eating away the Earth and the plane of Elysium from the inside, yet the Golden Crystal defeated it. Lambda Senshi can use the Golden Crystal's power.
Sealing Resistance:
1: First Arc Sailor Moon was able to create a seal that could work on Metalia who had grown to encompass the Earth, and her mother Queen Serenity whom Usagi reached the same power was able to seal Nehelenia in another dimension and seal Metalia while dying and weakened when Metalia was large enough to encompass the Sun, yet Sailor Galaxia was powerful enough to resist the Silver Crystal's power (Planet Level+)
Soul Manipulation:
1: Mimete was able to manipulate the souls of a stadium of people, yet Disguised Civilian Form Third Arc Minako was unaffected (Low Building Level)
2: Sailor Galaxia can make a planet impossible to survive in for living beings and the dead souls, yet Eternal Sailor Moon persists against Galaxia trying to kill her (Planet Level)
3: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their souls, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Mind Manipulation:
1: Normal Dark Agency Members can brainwash countries regularly yet Codename: Sailor V Civilian Minako can resist their control (Country Level)
2: Lin-Lin, higher-end Dark Agency Member could take control of every single person in China, which is large enough to register as a continent by itself, yet Partially Awoken Sailor V was unaffected (Continent Level)
3: Queen Metalia caused all of humanity to descend into savagery with her awakening, and hypnotized all of humanity against Sailor Moon, yet Sailor Moon tanked being within her (Planet Level+)
4: Queen Nehelenia can trap a planet (which she should be basically powerless to affect) in eternal nightmares from another dimension, yet Mamoru with the Golden Crystal broke out of her nightmare and broke the other Senshi out. Lambda Senshi can use the Golden Crystal's power (Planet Level+++)
5: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their minds, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Counciousness Manipulation:
Possibly Implied. The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their consciousnesses, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Spirit Manipulation:
1: Basic Senshi attacks can hit spirits yet the Senshi have survived each others's attacks before as far back as the First Arc with Sailor Moon surviving unshielded a planet power attack from the 4 Guardian Senshi. (Superhuman)
2: The Lambda Power reset the Cosmos' star seeds, which are the source of all parts of the person including their spirits, yet Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Abstract Manipulation:
1: Eternal Sailor Moon releasing her full power could have destroyed Chaos and the Galaxy Cauldron, abstract bodies as large as the center of the galaxy which is larger then small galaxies, yet Galaxia would have survived near epicenter (Low Galaxy Level)
2: If Star Seeds are generalized as abstract concepts, Usagi reset the cosmos's star seeds with the Lambda Power and Lambda Senshi can survive their own power (Possibly Universe Level)
Existence Erasure:
1: Sailor Venus' first basic energy attack directly after awakening erased Danburite, yet First Arc Sailor Moon survived the power of the 4 Guardian Senshi with no barrier (Superhuman)
2: Death Phantom was causing the whole Earth to fade, yet the second arc Senshi Team survived within Death Phantom (Planet Level)
3: Sailor Chaos caused such damage to the universe that not even Sailor Cosmos could recover what was lost, even though Lambda Usagi was able to reset the universe, yet Sailor Chaos could not kill Sailor Cosmos (Universe Level)
Unawoken Civilian State:
Town Level to City Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Freezing Resistance
Country Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Partially Awoken Senshi:
City Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
Continent Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
First Arc Senshi:
Planet Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Possibly Country Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
Possibly Planet Level Spacetime Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Superhuman Existence Erasure Resistance
Second Arc Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Possibly Country Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Likely Stellar Level Spacetime Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Full Power Base Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
City Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Likely Stellar Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Super Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Multi-Galactic Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Eternal Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Strongest Sailor Crystal-Bearing Senshi (Eternal Sailor Moon/Sailor Galaxia):
Likely Stellar Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Lambda Senshi:
Likely Stellar Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level, Possibly Universal Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+++, Possibly Universal Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman, Possibly Universal Level Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level, Possibly Universal Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Sailor Cosmos:
Likely Stellar Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Energy Manipulation Resistance
Multi-Continent Level, Possibly Galactic to Universal Level Matter Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level, Possibly Universe Level Freezing Resistance
City Level Poison Resistance
Planet Level Disease Resistance
Superhuman Corrosion Resistance
Universe Level Spacetime Resistance
Age Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+ Sealing Resistance
Low Building Level, Possibly Universal Level Soul Manipulation Resistance
Planet Level+++, Possibly Universal Level Mind Manipulation Resistance
Superhuman, Possibly Universal Level Spirit Resistance
Low Galactic Level, Possibly Universal Level Abstract Manipulation Resistance
Universe Level Existence Erasure Resistance
Top 10 Best Magical Girl Characters
Number 10: Mei Ling (Cardcaptor Sakura)
The Original Cardcaptor Sakura manga was heavily criticized for being overtly dark and serious so when it came time to adapt the series it's a good thing they added a character that could be both a very funny comedic relief as well as a cute heart of the show who could add more kawaii.
Mei Ling's love triangle with Sakura and Syaoran definitely improves the series and doesn't make the already messy love situation they have more confusing and her very aggressive nature towards Sakura is clearly both hilarious and a symbol of how genuine and pure her love for Syaoran is, which is clearly why she is the most beloved character in the show. Mei Ling is a good example of how an adaptations always make series even better then they already were.
9: Emille (Mahou Shoujo Erena)
Because really, if turning into a dark magical girl for LITERALLY NO REASON and proceeding to grow tentacles and tentacle rape your own sister and mother doesn't make you a good character, I don't know what will.
8: Naria Spring (Naria Girls)
Naria Spring, civilian name Urara, truly is the pinnacle of Magical Girl Leads. Quirky, Relatable, Beautiful, and Cool, she is a great example of the hero who lives in us all.
From the very first episode about her we learn that when giving internal monologues about her friends she refers to them as the big-breasted one and the delicious flat-chested one, she has weird dreams and gives exclamations at random points. Such deep insights show really Naria Girls characterization-driven storytelling and it continues all the way to the last episode where she spontaneously says that she can fly, fires literally one attack at the enemy and when it doesn't work gives a heroic sacrifice to stop it. Truly she is one of the most heroic figures in all of anime.
To capture Naria Spring's essence, the creators of Naria Girls had to create a whole new style of 3-D animation that truly tests the limits of how photorealistic animation can be, creating animation that is so real it looks tangible and yet so stylish that it looks like artwork. It is without competition the best animation ever created. Unfortunately it was clearly stolen and ripped-off by the creators of some Web Animation called "RWBY" who made it infinitely worse! How dare they?!
7: Princess Kenny (Princess Kenny)
Princess Kenny is without a doubt the pinnacle of magical girl leads. Quirky, Relable, Beautiful, and Cool, she is a great example of the hero who lives in us all.
She originally was allies with the humans of the Kingdom of Koopa Keep (KKK) in a violent war against the Evil Elven Kingdom led by Drow Kyle, over a magical stick that controls the universe, but united with them to stop it from falling into the hands of a greater enemy. She then shocked everyone by taking the stick for herself and died twice to protect the stick from falling in the hands of the warring factions and their innanities. All this despite being the victim of a sexual assault attempt earlier in the series and (possibly) being stabbed in the head by a unicorn's horn numerous times. Truly she is both an example of all the greatness of a classical princess combined with the pragmatic sensibilities of a modern woman. Truly she is one of the most heroic figures in all of anime.
To capture Princess Kenny's essence, her creators had to create a whole new style of 2-D animation that truly tests the limits of how photorealistic animation can be, creating animation that is so real it's tangible and yet so stylish it looks like artwork. It is without competition the best animation ever created. Unfortunately it was clearly stolen and ripped-off by the creators of some Television Animation called "South Park" who made it infinitely worse! How dare they?!
6: Kyousuke (Puella Magi Madoka Magicka)
Kyousuke is the love interests of both Sayaka, the magical girl, and Hitomi, the emotional soul of the series and fan-favorite character. But while either Hitomi or Kyousuke really could have gotten onto this list, I eventually had to give it to Kyousuke.
When his hands got destroyed to the point that he thought he would never play violin again, and his best friend Sayaka brought him violin music to cheer him up, he yelled at her for trying to torture him since he can't play violin anymore. This causing of Sayaka to go into an emotional turmoil of guilt and despair at his sadness because of his emotional outburst really shows how much Kyousuke values his violin playing. And later when his hands magically get healed for reasons he doesn't know, and he doesn't even vaguely apologize to Sayaka or get the slightest hint that she likes him despite everything eventually causing Sayaka to become a witch...that clearly shows just how focused he is on his violin-playing, and it was even said by the show's writer that if Sayaka and Kyousuke DID start dating, he would have stood her up on their dates....so that he can keep practicing with that FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF violin. Really that level of dedication and single-mindedness is rare in the modern world, and it's really inspiring to see that level of dedication to one very specific thing to the exclusion of all else. We all should try to put as obsessiveness into our hobbies as Kyousuke does.
5: Chloe (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chloe is a pretty blue-eyed blonde girl with feminine bodily proportions and made up features which automatically made her at least a contender for the top stop.
But beyond that Chloe, at least originally, is a big fan of the Ladybug, the main magical girl of the series and wants her to succeed. Boy, I am sure glad she's not another rich spoiled bully girl character who's vain and shallow. What an absolute cliche character archetype that would be. Good thing this show doesn't have that.
For averting one of my biggest pet peeves in all of fiction, along with looking how I hope to reincarnate someday, Chloe easily snags the Number 5 spot on this list.
4: Pretty Cure Max Heart Opening (Pretty Cure Max Heart)
Really on the entire team of Magical Girl Opening Theme Songs, this one absolutely deserves to be the main girl leader. She has everything you want in a proper magical girl, she's energetic, optimistic, she always has a final kick in her right at the end when you think she's died down.
Overall, the Pretty Cure Max Heart Opening is probably the most well-developed and interesting character in the Pretty Cure Franchise, and I definitely wish she would come back for another season, that wouldn't be awkward at all.
3: Umino (Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon)
At first glance, Umino might seem like a very typical 90s nerd character, one of the shallowest character in the Sailor Moon canon, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Umino may present himself as an awkward nerd just trying to get some action with Usagi or Naru, but he's really a secretly passionate person, who spends his spare time in his wholesome hobbies like crossdressing, wearing a tuxedo and a mask to fight monsters, and watching pretty girls from the shadows as a silhoutte. Yet he is not at all ashamed about this and will do them in front of the objects of his affection, even for them.
Umino is such a great character because he is an expression of how we assume what kinds of hobbies a person should and shouldn't have based on our pre-conceptions of them, and refutes that saying instead we should hold our weird hobbies with all the passion we can and that heartwarming message is why he gets the number 3 spot on this list.
2: Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Eh. He's alright.
And the number one best magical girl character isssssssssssssssssss
1: Me (Real Life)
Easily the least appreciated character by the fanbase, I spend a large amount of my free time watching animes for little girls and reading manga for teen girls about girls with magical powers fighting evil forces and analyzing it for the sake of understanding how it relates to the human condition and the feminine identity, and I get nothing for it.
Oh btw, I hear in the West it's some holiday that happens every first of April sooooooooooo uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Happy April Fool's Day.