Pre-Crisis Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1rBZIzr49k
Modern Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw_o7XUX3fg
Themiscyra, the land of the race of warrior women known as the Amazons, who have lived immortal and childless since the age of myth, having forsworn the race of men. The Amazon Queen Hippolyta wanted a daughter of her own, having no children. The Queen sculpted a child from the clay of the island and the Goddess of Love was so moved that she gave life to the little clay golem. At the celebration of the new Amazon, Diana Prince, named after her godmother Diana the Goddess, Several Olympians came and gifted this young girl with their powers and gifts to herald her great destiny. And so life was good for a time.....
But one day, a MAN washed up on the island, a man named Steve Trevor. From him the Amazons learned of the impending threat of Global Domination by the Axis Powers. To defend Man's world the Amazons elected to send the best of them to man's world. Diana disguised herself and competed with her sister Amazons, proving herself the best. Leaving the island with Steve Trevor she donned her costume and began to fight evil in man's world, serving doubly as ambassador of the nation of Themiscyra to the outside world.
Wonder Woman battles crime and the forces of the War God Ares using her gifts from the gods, her amazon training, and the holy relics of Themiscyra. However these are all mere tools, for Diana due to the amount of divine intervention used to bring her to life, qualifies as an Olympian and can become a God should she not restrain her inner power. That said she doesn't use her Godly powers the vast majority of the time for reasons that will be explained. When she is using her Godly powers and going all out it's usually presented by her removing her bracelets of submission, though I will still indicate when I think it's Olympian! Wonder Woman versus normal Wonder Woman.
As I explained in my post about DC Rebirth, there isn't a Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis divide anymore due to Convergence and Diana herself confirms the two timelines of New 52 and Post-Crisis have melded.
So yeah, Pre-Crisis Feats, Post-Crisis Feats, and New 52 Feats should all be fair game.

Building Level:
- As a toddler Wonder Woman could shatter meteors
- As a Young Girl, Wonder Woman could lift a temple
- Even without her God-Given Powers, Wonder Woman could match in strength the mythical Hero Beowulf
City/Island Level:
- Reactivates a Volcano at the bottom of the ocean with a punch
- Lifts a Volcano
- Lifts a Mountain
- Plugs a Volcano by putting an iceberg on it
- Lifts an Island Underwater
- Lifts Themiscyra
- Lifts Themiscyra underwater
- Wonder Woman throws a discus all the way around Mars
- Wonder Woman breaks down the door to the Fortress of Solitude, impervious to any earthly force
- Wonder Woman punches an Insane Batman with Kryptonian powers (don't ask) to the Moon
- With a tenth of her strength, Wonder Woman could knock Black Canary to Pluto
- Wonder Woman easily hurts Power Girl
- Punch hurts Konvict, who can tank planetary attacks
- Superman and Wonder Woman's battle rocks the Heavens and the Earth
- Wonder Woman tows a Moon at MFTL speeds into another universe
- Early in her career, Wonder Woman tows the Sun with the lasso and her strength
- Early in her career in the New 52 Canon, Wonder Woman hurts Apollo who literally is the Sun, with a punch
- Wonder Woman is officially one of the 4 physically strongest heroes of Earth, alongside Superman, Captain Marvel, and Martian Manhunter
- She pulls Martian Manhunter out of a Black Hole he couldn't escape
- Superman is the only force on Earth that can physically restrain her
- Wonder Woman is strong enough to break the energy constructs of high level Green Lanterns (bear in mind that even Low-Tier Post-Crisis Lanterns have Low Galactic Feats).
- Wonder Woman physically knocks away Ares, who is strong enough to become as large at least the Center of the Galaxy
- Manages to overpower the Hekatonchires Briareus who helped overthrow the Titans and should be at least as strong as Ares
- Strong enough to battle Genocide, an evil future version of Wonder Woman who killed the JLA.
Wonder Woman has never found an upper limit to her own strength and should she tap into her true Olympian power she can access a far greater power. Her opponents better hope she never takes off her bracelets of submission because they are there for their defense, not hers.
- Wonder Woman proves stronger then Hercules, who was strong enough to hold up the entirety of the sky during his 12 labors.
- Wonder Woman is one of the strongest beings to ever walk the Earth, including the age of Myth.
- Infamous Spectre Feat, "lifting eternity". This is an outlier, or at best you could say she was tapping into her power without realizing it. Of note, notice how the narration says Superman and Wonder Woman are two of the mightiest beings in the entire multiverse.
- Wonder Woman going all out manages to match the strength of the Pre-Crisis Martian Manhunter, the physical equal of Pre-Crisis Superman.
- Olympian! Wonder Woman manages to restrain Firstborn, a monstrous being capable of destroying all of underworld, an infinite plane of reality.
Wonder Woman's power depends on which God she is drawing power from. When is drawing power from all of Olympus, her power is raised far beyond her normal limits.
- Breaks Cronos' scepter capable of containing the power of the Godwave of which a small part is capable of destroying a universe.
- Olympus powered Wonder Woman defeats Nemesis in her own realm, and Nemesis was powerful enough to dispose of all the Olympians, even the Multiversal Power Zeus
A Subset of Super Strength, Wonder Woman doesn't use it much cause it's not very powerful compared to her normal strength, but she does have it.
- Wonder Girl's breath cuts like a knife
- Wonder Girl puts out a fire with her breath
- Wonder Woman spreads a fire with her breath
- Wonder Woman's breath freezes water
- Wonder Girl breezes away a meteor and cosmic dust
- Wonder Woman can create the force of a hurricane with her breath, and can use it to pull things to her

Building Level:
- Powerless takes a fall of a few stories
City Level:
- Any Amazon Teen can survive the heat of a volcano
- Tanks a Nuke
- After being beat down by Solar-Charged Zod and Faora, Clark and Diana take a nuclear blast at point blank
Planet Level:
- Year 1 Wonder Woman, as in Wonder Woman from in her first year of superheroing, takes an attack causing seisomographs (which measure earthquakes) to go off the chart ALL OVER THE WORLD.
- More experienced Wonder Woman tanks attacks from Power Girl
Stellar Level:
- Wonder Woman survives a Black Hole
- Wonder Woman takes 3 Infinite Mass Punches without much damage
- Takes a hit from Apollo, literally the Sun
- Diana and Clark keep going after 100 strikes from Zod and Faora
- Apollo supercharges Zod and Faora with sunlight, not only do Superman and Wonder Woman survive their assault after 100 strikes from them already, but even in this state it wouldstill take too long to kill them
Galactic Level:
- Takes a similar beating from OMAC Prime (upgraded Amazo with the powers of the Justice League International instead of Justice League of America)
- Wonder Woman survives an onslaught of Ares in his own dimension doing his absolute best to kill her (honestly this might be even higher)
- When Wonder Woman is drawing power from Zeus, she was able to easily take strikes from the Skyfather Level Entity Pele
Universe Level:
- When Wonder Woman was forced to use her full power due to emotion manipulation, without any power from the Gods at all she took attacks from the powerful Demon Lord Agony
Multiverse Level:
- With the backing of Olympus, Wonder Woman was able to take attacks from Nemesis in her own realm
Healing Factor:
Because of her divine blood, Diana heals quickly.
- Goes from being on the edge of Death to in perfection condition in 3 hours
- The Sea makes her heal faster due to her bond with the nereids
Corrosion Resistance:
- Wonder Woman resists Doomsday's corrosive energy and fights on
Reality-Warping Resistance:

Supersonic, Subluminal:
- Depowered, Diana still easily swats bullets out of the air
- Superheats her blade by moving it really fast, not a particularly big feat but the kind of thing I feel like DB would LOVE
- Somehow turns a sword literally into flame by moving really fast
- Does the Dragon Ball "Many Arms" Trick
- Wonder Woman wins a race against the other Amazons while running on her hands and without knocking over a single bottle
- Wonder Girl's speed is so fast she sets the air ablaze in a rainstorm
- Wonder Girl repairs a ship at super speeds
- Repairs a complex machine in less then 20 seconds
- Talks on over a dozen phones at once (Women amiright :P )
- Wonder Woman was already lightspeed as a teen
- Time seems relatively frozen
- Dodges Apollo's attack made of light
- Casually deflects beams of light
- Faster then thought, even early in her career
- Wonder Woman is faster then Superman, indeed widely believed to be the second fastest member of the Justice League after the Flash
- Wonder Woman blitzes Supergirl, who was able to keep up with an early career Flash, suggesting this feat is at least past the Time Barrier
- Blitzes Zod and Faora
- Battles evenly with The Cheetah, consistently said to be nearly as fast as The Flash
- Manages to tag Black Flash
- Wonder Woman deflects trillions upon trillions of particles from every corner of the universe going to the Shattered God. Calcs put the speed those projectiles must have been moving at dozens of QUINTILLIONS of times the speed of light and to block them would require speeds AT LEAST SEXTILLIONS of times the speed of light.
Speed of Hermes:
Hermes gifted Wonder Woman with his speed, and when she fully uses it, though she rarely does for the same reason she rarely uses her full strength, she enters into a mythic level of speed. You see in Greek Mythology, the God Hermes would escort each and every soul that died from the mortal universes down to the Underworld. If you know DC Comics and their idea of Speed you know what that entails.
- Yes, Wonder Woman can enter the speedforce of her own power and enter it's abstract levels of speed.
- Remember that God Hermes? Wonder Woman has beaten him in a race and fought him while keeping up with his speed
- She can use the Speed of Hermes to ascend between worlds, or fly within Skyland between the lands of the different pantheons
- Uses the Speed of Hermes for group teleportation
- Teleports herself across dimensions into Hell to save Artemis
- Teleports across the Chaos Void said to be impassable without divine power

- As a young girl, Wonder Woman had a duel to the death with Ares himself which she stalemated for hours
- Without her powers, defeats a pack of wolves
- Without her powers, defeats Demons with Beowulf
- Trained by I-Ching in human martial arts while she was without her powers
- Back when she briefly lost her powers she became a space pirate and liberate entire galaxies
- Fights a Team of Armed Metahumans who are at her strength level
- Uses her skill against Power Girl
- A Thousand Thousand soldiers and every weapon on Earth is irrelevant to Wonder Woman
- Can give off displays of unparalleled swordsmanship
- Sword Duels Neptune with a giant swordfish
- Wonder Woman spars and trains with Batman
- She must have impressed him because he refers to her as the best melee fighter in the world
- Wonder Woman is exceptionally good at blind-fighting to the point where she can fight against most of the rest of the Justice League at once blindfolded.

Wonder Woman has the Wisdom of Athena
- Wonder Woman has a photographic memory
- Wonder Woman is observant
- Wonder Woman out-manipulates Joker
- Determines the weight of the Earth using just a pea
- Invents a Healing Ray
- Knows how to invent magical interdimensional portals
- Wonder Woman can speak every language
- This extends to animals
- Works on Dinosaurs
Diana was given the Eyes of Artemis the Hunter. These generally give her vision comparable to Superman's with such specific feats as:
- Can see Plankton
- Can see in the dark
- Can see through illusions
- Her other senses are are also amplified due to her Amazon Training though not as much. It allowed her to hear a silenced pistol
- Wonder Woman defeated her sister amazons in a contest of lasso while blindfolded using her hearing
- Resists Planetary Scale mental manipulation from Maxwell Lord and from Brainiac
- Illusions that work on Gods, don't work on Wonder Woman
- Doctor Psycho is a telepath able to induce people to see other realities, but Wonder Woman sees right through him
- Endures a mental attack from Hades for 117 days relative time
- Can sense divinity and divinely charged objects
- Can sense heat
- Can communicate telepathically
- Can telepathically control robots
- In her God Form as God of War, Wonder Woman can control soldiers

As the God of War, Wonder Woman has gained the ability to summon, primarily weapons.
- Summons Energy Projectiles capable of one-shotting Metallo
- Summons an Energy Spear
- Summons her own lightning
- Can Summon a sword made for her by Hephasteus, The sword was capable of attacking on the atomic scale, creating a nuclear explosion and worked on both Darkseid and Doomsday.
- As the God of War, she can also summon the spirit of EVERY WARRIOR WHO EVER LIVED to fight alongside her.
Lasso of Truth:

The Lasso of Truth is the fundamental concept of truth for the universe and the one time it broke, all subjective truths became true (it didn't go well). Wonder Woman can use it to bind her foes at which point they must speak the truth and they must follow her commands. Of course it doesn't need to bind them to work, it works on people who are just touching it and is strong enough that Pre-Crisis Superman can't resist it's effect. The Lasso can expand and contract, to the point that Wonder Woman has called it "infinitely elastic" and suggested it can cover an entire island. The Lasso in a sense represents Diana herself, representing the binding power of truth.
- The Lasso has significant destructive power. It can slice clean through demon lords and can show Diana the pressure points of her opponent. The Lasso can also reveal the reality of life to someone, able to kill evil-doers out of sheer guilt.
- The Lasso also has notable restorative powers, able to restore the true nature of things and cancel out Circe's witchcraft. The Lasso can also regenerate Diana or restore an entire timeline
- The Lasso can manipulate the elements able to summon the fires of Hesta or whip up a tornado. It can also dispel energy.
- The Lasso can interact with the soul in a number of ways. It grabs onto the soul so one can't phase intangible to get away. It allows Diana to see into the soul and then either destroy it or send it to the afterlife.
- While the Lasso can dispel magic, it can also enhance it
Bracelets of Submission:

The Bracelets of Submission are forged from pure Amazonium, reforged from Aegis, the invulnerable shield of Zeus. Most people purport the Bracelets are invulnerable, and NLF though that that might be, they are the closet metal I have ever found in fiction to being actually invulnerable. The Bracelets of submission represent Diana's submission to the laws of mankind, and to the Gods, and so preserve her humanity in exchange for limiting her divine power. The Bracelets exude a small forcefield that is amount the hardest thing in DC Comics to be broken.
- Reflects Darkseid's Omega Beams
- Deflects the power of the Multiversal Dark Lord Necron, the source of the Black Lanterns
- Deflects the Infinite Power of All Olympus
- Deflects a Mind Attack from Brainiac
- Deflects a Conceptual Attack from Pandora
It has deflected so many things, basically if it hits those Bracelets, it's not going any further.
- Diana can slam the bracelets together to create powerful enough sonic waves to create an earthquake
- The Bracelets heal those in their presence as well
Lansinarian Morphing Disk (or as you probably know it, the Invisible Jet):

The Morphing Disk was a gift from an advanced alien race called the Lansianarians that is designed to assist and work with the assigned partner and is very adaptable.
- The Morphing Disk is a sentient machine that tracks Diana like a faithful hound.
- It can transform into a giant area called the Wonderdome, where it is strong enough to absorb blows from Superman and Wonder Woman, clean poison out of the air, and house the entire populace of Themiscyra.
- The Morphing Disk, especially in it's form as Invisible Jet is FAST. It can break the time barrier, break the dimension barrier and travel to other universes in seconds and generally be a more efficient form of travel to Wonder Woman then ever her own speed.
- The Morphing Disk has vast psychic potential. Probing it caused Martian Manhunter great pain. It's telepathic power has been compared to a supernova and can grow exponentially. It has hid Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman from Martian Manhunter's detection and has even psychically probed the entire universe before
- The Morphing Disk is mentally connected with Diana. It listens to her and her alone. It's interiors change to match her mind. When Wonder Woman uses their psychic connection it has allowed her to gain planetary scale mind-reading and fight on the mental plane.
Other Weapons:

- Unbeknownst to most people, Wonder Woman's bracelets are not the only Amazonium in existence. Her Tiara is also made of Amazonium. Because of that, Diana can throw the Tiara as a projectile weapon powerful enough to decapitate a god. The Tiara throw is also fast enough to tag Cheetah. She's crazy accurate with it.
- Wonder Woman also has a Godwave Powered Sword, meaning a sword with part of the power of the Godwave itself in it. With the power of the Godwave it can kill immortals and crush the head of Ares.
- She has the Gauntlets of Atlas which traditionally multiple strength by 10.
- She has what is basically Gold Cloth Armor. This isn't really more durable then she is, but it's not much weaker either. Basically just adds more layers the force has to get through.
- When she drew her power from Zeus she had the power to channel his lightning. This was able to harm the Skyfather level Pele and kill the Skyfather level Cottus.

The Lady Aphrodite's gift, Diana was given exceptional beauty, and exceptional love. She loves all and she is beloved by all. It was a plot point in the New 52 that when Hades asked her if she loved him in the Lasso of Truth and she replied yes, she was truthful. Because Diana loves all people and all creation.
- There is no one on Earth with more love then Diana
- When Diana became a Violet Lantern, she was their best, because of her "endless love for all creation"
- Diana is also considered beautiful by everyone in the DC Universe. Speaking of which, She officially has the second best breasts after Power Girl, and they are considered a "national treasure".
- Wonder Woman somehow turns a copper penny into a bridge.
- Somehow pushes a bunch of tiny magnets together and makes a big magnet
- Wonder Woman is observant of the Nereids, the water spirits which strengthen her soul in the water and protects her
- Wonder Woman speaks directly to the reader and apparently reads all their letters
- Wonder Woman has serious power in her allies, if she needs help the JLA, The JSA, THE SPECTRE AND THE PHANTOM STRANGER will be there for her.
- Wonder Woman is the modern incarnation of the Fairy Tale Princess.
- Is turned on by JUSTICE.
- Wonder Woman does NOT stand for misandry

Wonder Woman, though very powerful, has a few flaws. First of all, her power besides her innate Olympian power, is derived from the Gods and should they be unable or unwilling to give her their power, then she will lost the vast majority of her power. She is also generally unwilling to use her own Olympian powers, like the True Might of Hercules or Speed of Hermes for fearing of losing her humanity.
Secondly, she lacks any serious long-range attacks due to the Amazon code of fairness.

Wonder Woman provides the classical feminine touch to the DC Universe. It's emphasized from the very first issue that she is like any other girl really and it's in her femininity and her love for people, that she can really summon up her fiery rage and passion that allow her to fight so well. Despite being raised in a warrior society Diana will always try, as fitting of an ambassador, to find a peaceful solution. But if not she is a pragmatic and decisive warrior.
Diana completes the trinity of Clark and Bruce by providing a straight-forwardness and a closeness to base emotion and reality, an attunement to mother nature that the two boys with their abstract rational thinking have difficulties with. She fights for Truth, Justice and Peace everywhere and for EVERYONE and looks down on people who think it's OK to only serve their own kind.

Tier 7 Normally, Tier 5 in Olympian State
Low Galactic DC/Durability Normally, Universal+ in her Olympian State
MFTL+ Speed Normally, Unquantifiable/Pseudo-Omnipresent in her Olympian State
Can physically affect energy
Planetary Resistance to Mental Manipulation and Reality-Warping
Corrosion Resistance
Healing Factor
Pressure Point Combat
Enhanced Beauty and Love
Various Speed Based Abilities
Superhuman Skill
Superhuman Intellect
Portal Creation
Enhanced Senses
Mystical Senses
Can command Animals, Robots, and Soldiers (God Form)
Summoning (Weapons and Spirits)
Elemental Manipulation (Lightning, Fire, and Wind)
Water Empowerment (Stronger in Water)
Magic Enhancement or Nullification
Energy Dispersal
Matter Manipulation
Timeline Restoration
Can Kill Immortals
Emotion Manipulation
Soul Destruction (Astral Attack) and Soul Manipulation
Mind-Reading and Mental Probing
Can Command People or Force them to Tell the Truth
Can fight on the Mental Plane
Can redirect attacks up to Multiversal+, as well as mental and
conceptual plane attacks
-Dependent on the Gods for majority of power, unwilling to use personal divine power most of the time
-Lack of Long-Range Attacks
-Impulsive and Emotional at times
OBD Style Profile:
Name: Wonder Woman, Diana Prince
Origin: DC Comics (Rebirth)
Gender: Female
Classification: Magical Golem, Spirit of Truth, Goddess
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Enhanced Stats, Various Holy Relics | Super Stats, Likely speed-related abilities, Teleportation, Regen
(Low-Mid), Can physically affect energy, Omnilingual, can sense heat and
divinity, telepathy, can telepathically control robots and animals, Matter
Manipulation, Water Empowerment, occasionally 4th Wall Breaking | Godlike Stats, Abstract Existence, Summoning (Weapons and Spirits), Can
telepathically control Soldiers, likely the other abilities that Ares had
including Universal Scale Reality-Warping and Dimensional Manipulation
Weaknesses: Power is dependent on the Gods’ Favor in part, No
Destructive Long Range Powers, Impulsive, Reluctant to use her God Abilities
for fear of losing her humanity
Destructive Capacity: Large Building Level | Low Galactic Level, higher with certain magical weapons | Universal
Range: Extended Melee Range | Extended Melee Range, a few kilometers with certain powers,
Inter-Universal with Teleportation | Likely Universal via scaling to Ares
Speed: Transonic, Supersonic Reflexes | MFTL+, Unquantifiable with Speed of Hermes | Pseudo-Omnipresent as Goddess of War
Durability: Large Building Level | Low Galactic | Universal, Possibly Low Multiversal
Lifting Strength: Likely
Class 100 | Stellar | Universal
Striking Strength: Class GJ | Likely Class XZJ | Universe Class
Stamina: Superhuman (endured a mental attack that took
117 days in relative time) | Theoretically Inexhaustible
Standard Equipment: The Lasso of Truth (Can bind enemies compelling them
to listen to Wonder Woman and tell the truth, can reveal pressure points,
emotion manipulation, healing, can restore timelines, energy dispersal, magic
enhancement or nullification, fire manipulation, wind manipulation, soul
manipulation), Bracelets of Submission (Can deflect or reflect attacks up to
multiversal+ as well as mental and conceptual attacks, can create shockwaves,
can create a forcefield that heals nearby people), Lansinarian Morphing Disc
(Transforming sentient machine that can absorb low galactic strikes, shapeshifting,
air purification, has psychic offenses and defenses, can give Wonder Woman planetary
scale mind-reading and fight on the mental plane), Amazonium Tiara, Godwave
Sword (can harm universal Gods and kill immortals), Sword of Hephaestus
(Magical Sword that can cut atoms, cause nuclear explosions and harm universal
level entities)
Intelligence: Superhuman (Has the Wisdom of Athena), large knowledge
of magic and mythology, mastery of combat
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Godwave: Diana can briefly boost all her stats to Godlike levels but
can’t maintain it long without going insane.
Speed of Hermes: Diana can use the speed of Hermes to travel
between realms and universes, or teleport herself and crowds across the same.
This likely allows her to use heighted speed powers of other DC Speedsters.
Key: Powerless (without any God’s Favor) | Drawing from The Olympians (Normal) | Olympian Wonder Woman/Goddess of War Wonder Woman
Suggested Opponent:
Normally I'd be against bringing people back but if there were going to bring Wonder Woman back I would suggest her to fight:

Wonder Woman vs. (Lady) Thor
fanwank at its finest.