One day a human girl was born that carried a massive psychic potential called the amorphous. The scientific research lab of Asclepius isolated her and tested her, keeping her powers dormant and keeping her in a dull dreary life of nothing. However she was introduced to the son of the head scientist named Salt and a young excitable girl named Papikana who became her only friends, and who got permission to show her the outside world.
Time passed and Mimi bore Salt a daughter named Cocona. Mimi knew that the scientists wanted to take her daughter away from her, and so she and Cocona attempted to plan an escape but were apprehended. Upon having her daughter removed from her, Mimi's psychic power exploded, and from then on she lived as a twisted vengeful psionic projection whose only desire was to protect Cocona.

Mimi's power is absolutely insane. Mere fragments of her Amorphous were capable of reality-warping city-sized areas and causing a variety of bizarre effects. Notable of these include forcing a city-sized area to reset 1 day every day at midnight, creating small worlds, creating many alternate timeline duplicates of Papika, and warping matter to turn a normal bunny into a rabbit-themed superhero. As all of these were mere shards of amorphous, her true should power should easily be able to do all of these.
Her full power is far more threatening. It was said that her power could merge the worlds of Pure Illusion, the world of dreams, and the real world together. It's arguable whether or not the "world" in this context refers to the planet or the universe, but conservatively this would make her at least planetary+. Mimi also turned into a black hole capable of destroying both worlds at once. Given that Earth and Pure Illusion are established to at least be in different universes this not only supports her planetary+ power but also shows an inter-universal range.

Mimi does have some more "standard" powers. She can fly and can move at superhuman speeds. Papika and Cocona were easily able to fly around a world conjured within Pure Illusion. Even if the world is small, this speed would have to be at least hypersonic, consistent with other feats such as them flinging characters into the horizon. If the world is truly the size of a normal world this would the speed would be massively hypersonic. Considering her power was quickly enveloping two entire worlds, it's likely her magic speed is massively hypersonic anyway, which would likely scale to her reaction speed as it was comparable to that of Pre-Final Form Papika and Cocona who could react to it.
She also has the ability to form weapons out of nothing, alter the environment to suit her precious daughter's wishes and cause people to die from her sheer presence like she did to the members of Asclepinus. However especially potent is her mental manipulation abilities. She can completely and utterly warp peoples memories to be how she wants, and can also possess people, as seen when she possessed her daughter to keep her away from Papika. Her true form does not seem to be a physical being, but instead a psychic projection that takes controls of minds to manifest.
An OBD-style profile for Mimi:
Name: Mimi
Origin: Flip
Classification: Psychic,
Mental Ghost
Powers and
Abilities: Enhanced Stats, Exists as a Psionic Projection, Reality-Warping (Planetary+),
Energy Projection, can turn into a black hole, Can alter memories, can possess
people, Can rewind time on at least a city wide scale, can kill people with her
presence, can conjure weapons from nothing, flight, create alternate timeline
duplicates, transmutation
Weaknesses: Emotionally
Capacity: At least planet level, possibly universe level+
Range: Inter-universal
Speed: Hypersonic,
potentially massively hypersonic
Durability: At
least planet level
Strength: Unknown
Strength: At least Class NJ
Stamina: Likely
Equipment: Nothing in particular
Intelligence: Average
So how would she do in other verses?

In the DC Universe, Mimi would be very difficult to place. Most Alpha Level Bricks would have no response to her, and likely be beaten by her sheer reality-warping ability. That said most magicians assuming they aren't blitzed could probably stop her, though it would be still likely be difficult as she has greater range and power and comparable versatility to most Magicians. She would likely be a very major threat and require the calling in of one of the Strongest Metahumans to stop her. That said she likely wouldn't be able to beat them. J'onn or Arthur could certainly overwhelm her mental abilities with their own, Clark with his Torquasm-Vo and so on.

In Marvel Comics, Mimi would be relatively similar to her placement in DC Comics, though I honestly think Marvel would probably do a little bit better against her. While DC has more potential psychics then Marvel since everyone in DC has potential psychic abilities, Marvel seems to have more active psychics in general, and the one thing that could really mess up Mimi in a fight would be strong psychic abilities. Giving Mimi's backstory and powerset, it's likely she would be considered an Alpha-Level Mutant, fitting in surprisingly thematically. While Mimi has a general power level on par with an Alpha Level Mutant, she'd be pretty hax for one, more on par with an Omega Level Mutant, though would lack potency and power compared to someone on that power range.

In Shamanic Princess, Mimi would solo everyone in the verse except potentially for Throne of Yord. Mimi and the Throne of Yord would be very even, sharing similar levels of power, range, and versatility. Yord is far older, with greater experience and intellectual would be harder to effect due to it's strange nature. That said Mimi's has an arguablly higher level of displayed hax, as well as being a lot physically faster and less likely to play around then Yord.

In Wedding Peach, Mimi would be in an interesting position. She is well above the low to mid tiers, but is only comparable to the high tiers in power and is far inferior in speed. That said so long as she can avoid being speedblitzed, some of her more esoteric powers as well as a greater ease at affecting other dimensions she could very likely defeat some of the main high tiers, though a lot of the spiritually affecting attacks of the Wedding Peach verse Mimi would have almost no defense against.

In the Pokemon verse, Mimi would likely be comparable to high tier Psychic Pokemon of Earth. She would have sheer hax and versatility on even some of the legendaries of Earth although would be lacking in speed. That said she likely could not beat Top Tier Earth Pokemon like Mewtwo, even in his Base Form, due to having lesser versatility, almost no mental defense, and being inferior in speed, even if she technically has higher levels of hax and range.

In the Magic: The Gathering Universe, Mimi would be comparable to a New Style Planeswalker focused around Blue Mana. Her psychic powerset fits heavily blue mana abilities and her backstory is even similar to the story of planeswalker sparks, though her temperment is very red for a blue planeswalker. Speedwise she would be very similar to New Planeswalkers, though powerwise she'd either be above (for the country level planeswalkers) or below (for the multi-stellar planeswalkers). That said ability wise she'd fit in very well. That said obviously she'd be well below old Planeswalkers.
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