Sakura within the first manga, anime and movie set collected a grand total of 55 Cards...sort of. These range greatly in power. This is my ranking of them in terms of weakest to strongest.
1: I'm assuming their abilities actually CAN affect each other despite being spirits. Not only does this seem confirmed by them using their abilities on each other at many points in the series, but without it they wouldn't be able to interact at all
2: Winner is determined primarily by who they can and can not beat in a one on one fight with NO outside help.
3: Fight takes place in Tomoeda, the fictional place Sakura lives
4: Fight is full out. Cards vary in willingness to fight, but here this is assuming that both cards are properly motivated to fight.
5: Cards are at peak
6: Cards are considered "different" if they possess different names, meaning that Sakura's version of the 52 Cards of Clow Reed are all still the same "card"

55: The Change
- Body-Switching
The Change's power while broken in a lot of fight scenarios, only really works if there is at least two other entities so it can switch their minds into each other's bodies. In a real fight this is a powerful card of Sakura's since she can use it to swap the mind of her opponent with a civilian...or with say a rat, or a fly. That said it's arguable whether that counts as outside help or not. Without it's signature ability, The Change is a very small creature and would be easily bodied by any of the other cards. If you're wondering where it would place if there was outside presence, like humans or animals for it to use the body-swap ability it would probably get place 30.

54: The Libra
- Forces others to tell the truth
The Libra's ability while it is very helpful in social situations, is not immediately combat useful and without it, The Libra is mostly in the same boat as The Change. The Libra would probably beat The Change however since it's a bit bigger and looks to be made of a spiritual metal which would likely be "tougher" then the animal-like Change.

53: The Song
- Copies Voices
- Creates magical music
The Song's ability to create a beautiful magical music or copy sounds it's heard is at best a very minor distraction in terms of combat potential. That said she actually has hands and is a bit bigger then the last two cards.

52: The Voice
- Steals Voices
- Can use the voices she's stolen
Sakura used the actual Song card to capture Voice. Voice had stolen Tomoyo's beautiful singing voice and so to recover it Sakura used Song to replicate Tomoyo's singing voice which confused Voice. Given this already happened, I think Voice would probably not fall for the same trick again, and the two are pretty comparable in every other regard, with maybe a slight advantage in reach to Voice given she has those wing things on her arms.

51: The Glow
- Creates lots of tiny floating glowing orbs
The Glow is smaller then Voice and Song, but she has a more notable distraction ability, since she can hide behind under any of her glowing orbs and unless her shadow gives her away, she could stealth. It's not particularly strong, but it should be enough to give her a slight majority.

50: The Bubbles
- Creation of a lot of foam bubbles
Originally created to wash dishes. Basically has the same distraction ability as Glow, except a bit more straightfoward since the bubbles are more condensed, also there's no shadow to give her away in the thick foam.

49: The Move
- Teleports Small Things
The ability to teleport small things mean against the smaller cards, it provides a bit of an ability to weaponize them by teleporting the objects above them and having them fall on them, and can be used sort of as impromptu shields by conjuring them between Move and the Enemy. I can't see Bubbles getting through to Move, even with the foam hiding her presence.

48: The Silent
- Causes a silence
- Can teleport objects that make noise a small distance away from her
Silent was very difficult for Sakura to capture since anytime she made noise to to command a card to capture it, she would be teleported away. That said in an actual fight, most of the cards don't need to use sound to use their abilities. Most of the cards can't even speak with the ones that can being Mirror, Light, Dark, Nothing and Hope. That said The Silent is an elegant card with I imagine good dexterity, and sheer size on most of the previous cards.

47: The Float
- Causes things to float
Against the prior cards, has the advantage of having basically a very limited form of spatial manipulation, able to raise them up into the air and drop them, without them being able to do anything about it as Float floats safetly out of range.

46: The Jump
- Highly Enhanced Jumping Ability
The Jump can leap up and knock The Float, disorienting it over and over until The Jump wins.

45: The Twin
- Duplicates things
- Is two entities that must be defeated at the exact same time
Not sure what in a neutral battlefield The Twin could duplicate to be particularly useful that said it's dual nature makes it hard for any of the cards to without massive AOE to deal with. I can't see the semi-dim-witted jump figuring out how to beat both of them at once, while The Twin will probably catch the Jump eventually, maybe by duplicating traps everywhere

44: The Fly
- Can cause things to fly
The Fly is really big bird, I don't think if either or both of the Twin tried to get in physical range of it they would do very well, and the Fly could possibly take one of the Twin really high and drop them, and then before the first his the ground bring the second high up and drop that one as well from the same height as the still falling first one. The Twin would have to use some kind of trap, same way they might have to with the Float, but the Fly is much more active and agile then the Float since it can freely move in all 3 dimensions as opposed to simply hovering or going upwards.

43: The Lock
- Seals an area off
None of the previous cards would be able to stop Lock quickly enough to keep from being sealed off, and would not be able to escape once it did so, becoming sealed.

42: The Return
- Temporal Projection (projects spirit across in time)
- Can appear as a black mist
If Sealed in by Lock, can go back in time to stop it. Physically much bigger then Lock's true form.

41: The Dash
- Grants super speed
- Runs at speeds faster then any of the other Cards, including light and shadow
The Dash is a speedster and requires a card capable of either outlasting it or being able to capture it in a massive AOE since none of the other cards can catch it by manual speed.

40: The Shield
- The Ultimate Defensive Card, creates a forcefield only capable of being broken by one other card
The Shield is the ultimate defensive card, the card meant for outlasting enemies. The Dash can ram or pounce on The Shield as much as wanted, it's never getting through and will exhaust itself trying. Only 1 of the other cards can get through Shield, that said Shield itself can't actually beat any of the stronger cards, as such Shield's position is based on it's relation to the card right above it.

39: The Sword
- The Ultimate Offensive Card, is a magical sword capable of piercing through supposedly anything.
The Sword is the one card able to pierce through The Shield, as well as slicing through spacetime loops, being able to physically piece shadows, and so forth. That said while it can cut through any of the other cards, it does have the disadvantage of not having much defense so any card at range has a bit of an advantage.

38: The Sleep
- Creates a magical powder that puts things to sleep
Sleep's powder can render most enemies relatively helpless by sending them to sleep

37: The Illusion
- Appears to people as what they expect or want to see, often what they fear or love the most.
Illusion's ability to change it's appearance can greatly throw off many of the prior cards. It's power is more automatic then Sleep's powder, and in a fight between them Sleep would probably see itself beating Illusion, only for the whole thing to be an Illusion.

36: The Dream
- Can put a person to sleep and give them specific dreams
- Is wise, and knows some of the future referencing visionary or prophetic dreams which fall under her domain and she can grant
While it's not as strong as either of theirs, Dream basically has the abilities of both Illusion and Sleep and is wise enough to not fall for either of their tricks.

35: The Arrow
- Fires a volley of arrows at an incredibly rate of fire
The Arrow can attack the prior cards from outside their range at a range fast enough making it very hard to avoid

34: The Shot
- Shoots lasers blasts
- Travels as a ball of light
Arrows would be hard, if not impossible to hurt the extremely fast and agile Shot, and The Shot's laser blasts while not to the same incredibly rate of fire as Arrow, are highly accurate.

33: The Little
- Shrinks things
The Little is hard to hit due to it's tiny size, and it can easily shrink it's opponent, weakening their power. The Shot's laser blasts MIGHT tag The Little, but The Little's shrinking would probably work first, even on the ball of Light The Shot travels as.

32: The Big
- Makes things grow
The Little and The Big cancel each other out, that said The Big's starting size is much larger then The Little, and the Big would probably eventually tag The Little.

31: The Fight
- Grants Supernatural Fighting Skills
The Big could try and crush The Fight, but the Fight is probably too skilled and would avoid that, and The Fight could do some kind of momentum pressure point thing to take down The Big.

30: The Power
- Grants Super Strength, enough to casually crater the ground and throw Elephants into the air
The Power and The Fight are rivals and could go either way, that said Sakura beat The Fight with The Power, so putting it ahead.

29: The Sweet
- Converts things into sweets
Sweet basically has a one-shot attack against most of the other cards below her, save for Shield. That said there are cards above her with higher range and AOE.

28: The Freeze
- Freezing
While Freeze's freezing ability takes a second or two longer then Sweet's sweets transmutation, it can do so at a much larger range it seems and doesn't need to target like Sweet needs to do with her magic fairy dust

27: The Through
- Temporary Intangibility
Through can phase out of being frozen in the 2-3 seconds it takes to freeze, meaning Freeze would have a hard time freezing her, and she can easily hurt it if she can reach it.

26: The Create
- Conjures things into being
The Create is hard to place since it's only and main ability is somewhat of an NLF. I placed it here based on it's relation to the card above it.

25: The Erase
- Erases things from existence, including non-physical things like memories
The Erase is the opposite of the Create, capable of erasing any of the cards below it on the list fairly easily with non-targeting instant one-shot. Erase and Create are pretty even, putting Erase higher pretty much solely because Create has only created physical things on screen while Erase has erased non-physical things.

24: The Mirror
- Can reflect things, including appearances and attacks
Pretty self-explanatory. If Erase attempted to Erase Mirror, Mirror would reflect it and Erase Erase. To defeat Mirror would require what I call the "pseudo-elemental" cards, cards that can affect such a massive area of effect that Mirror reflecting a section equal to herself would still have getting completely overwhelmed from every other direction.

23: The Sand
- Is a living mass of sand, manipulating all available sand, capable of forming sand structures and sand vortexes
The Sand is the first of the pseudo-elementals. It could have been higher, but it is weaker simply because the arena Tomoeda doesn't have a huge amount of sand, though it does have a sizable amount. Mirror could reflect Sand at Sand but that wouldn't even disrupt Sand who would reabsorb it, and can attack Mirror with sand fists from every direction.

22: The Flower
- Her dance creates a rain of flowers, fast enough to quickly engulf and drown a city.
A Pseudo-Elemental. She can drown Sand in flower petals. That said she is a weaker pseudo-elemental due to her flowers being relatively fragile.

21: The Cloud
- Manipulation of the clouds, able to create cloud patterns and structures
A Pseudo-Elemental, a relatively weak one, but can create a cloud fist capable of harming Flower before Flower's flower rain would get high enough to threaten Cloud.

20: The Mist
- Creation of a Corrosive Mist
A Pseudo-Elemental. Cloud would have difficulty overwhelming Mist as it's cloud strikes get corroded into mist

19: The Wave
- This card's power is unclear though it seems a lesser form of The Watery, capable of creating missive tidal waves.
Pseudo-Elemental. The Wave's tidal waves might be able to disperse the mist before it's wholly corroded, or just be able to overwhelm The Mist's mist creation.

18: The Rain
- Creation of powerful rains and downpours, rainbows, and water bursts and waterfalls
Pseudo-Elemental. Water Manipulator like The Wave but more versatile.

17: The Thunder
- Projection of electricity, enough to supercharge an entire city
- Can inhabit electrical devices
Pseudo-Elemental. The Water Pseudo-Elementals would do poorly against The Thunder who can move as lightning across their water

16: The Snow
- Creation of a snowstorm capable of freezing a city
Pseudo-Elemental. Snow and Ice doesn't conduct electricity very well unlike liquid water from my quick research, which suggests the Thunder would fare poorly against The Snow since it would find itself sluggish and hard to move against the frozen land

15: The Storm
- Creation of a powerful storm, including a powerful tornado which she manifests as
Pseudo-Elemental. The Storm is noted as being a very powerful card generally as she was able to disrupt the power of the great sorcerer Madoushi in Movie 1. Storm's storm could probably overpower Snow's storm.

14: The Wood
- Control of plants and wood
Pseudo-Elemental. The Wood is noted as having a secret level of power, due to being one of the 5 Chinese Elementals and was able to defeat The Earthy itself in combat, suggesting she is she is very high up in the Pseudo-Elementals.

13: The Maze
- Manifests as a living labyrinth that can reform and restructure itself at will.
- Can dimensional BFR opponents into the Labyrinth
Most of the cards have no defense to be trapped in a separate dimension and Maze can simply outlast them this way. It's not like they would be able to damage it enough since it can reform itself at will. I don't know how the Pseudo-Elementals could possibly defeat The Maze

12: The Loop
- Spatial Manipulation, Loops a Space back in on itself
The Loop is basically the Mirror's attack reflection ability but for the big name cards, able to reflect the whole space back on the opponent by looping the space back around. Maze would be tricky, but Loop seems to be a better space manipulator.

11: The Time
- Can freeze time
- Can accelerate time
- Can reverse time up to at least one day
If Loop tried to loop Time into an infinite spatial loop, Time could reverse the day, and stop Loop from doing that by freezing time on it before it can. At which point Time has plenty of time to defeat Loop.

10: The Shadow
- Particularly evasive and hard to affect, to the point even the Great Sorcerer Clow Reed struggled to capture the card
- Control of and absorption of all shadows
- Can distort it's shape at will
I am not sure whether the Loop and The Time's abilities would affect The Shadow, however their own shadows would be part of the Shadow, who would probably exist outside the spatial warp or the temporal freeze. The Shadow should be the strongest of the sub-Elemental cards, as even Clow Reed struggled against it.

9: The Windy
- Control of the wind, able to create powerful wind torrents or bind, even intangibles like The Shadow
- Dominion and control of all the cards under it's domain: The Dash, The Float, The Fly, The Jump, The Move, The Song, The Storm and the Voice.
One of the 4 Elemental Cards. Cards are implied to be able to use the powers of all the cards under their domain. The Windy is the gentlest of the 4 Elemental Cards which is reflected in the gentle Sakura having the greatest affinity with The Windy. It's gentle nature is reflected in how it's powers are the least aggressive and combative of the 4 Elemental Cards.

8: The Firey
- Control of Fire, able to evaporate the snow covering a town in one burst
- Dominion and control of all the cards under it's domain: The Arrow, The Fight, The Power, The Shot, The Through, The Thunder and The Twin
One of the 4 Elemental Cards. The Fiery's pure aggressive strategy should allow it to overwhelm The Windy but it's lacking many defensive options outside The Through.

7: The Watery
- Control of water, including it's implied entire oceans
- Dominion and control of all the cards under it's domain: The Bubbles, The Cloud, The Freeze, The Mist, The Rain, The Snow, The Wave and The Wood
One of the 4 Elemental Cards. Watery has a pretty strong arsenal of cards, including a lot of pseudo-elementals. Given the elemental advantage and the amount of pseudo-elementals Watery has, seems Watery would beat Firey.

6: The Earthy
- Control of earth, including creating city-busting Earthquakes
- Dominion and control of all the cards under it's domain: The Flower, The Libra, The Lock, The Loop, The Maze, The Mirror, The Sand and The Shield
One of the 4 Elementals. The Earthy just has the most broken cards under it. Loop, Mirror, and Shield provide for almost impenetrable defense on top of it's already immense defense. Mirror, Loop and Maze also provide for powerful offensive options.

5: The Dark
- Darkness Manipulation, able to blot out the Sun and other Stars from the night sky
- Dominion and control of all the cards in it's domain: The Change, The Dream, The Erase, The Illusion, The Silent, The Sleep and The Time as well as the two elementals The Watery and The Windy and all associated cards.
One of the two cards that rule of the entire deck of 52 Clow Cards. Above even the Elementals.

4: The Light
- Light Manipulation. Can cause the sun rise, bring light to the stars and can illuminate even the darkness of The Dark.
- Dominion and control of all the cards in it's domain: The Big, The Create, The Glow, The Little, The Return, The Shadow and The Sweet as well as the two elementals The Firey and The Earthy and all associated cards.
One of the two cards that rule of the entire deck of 52 Clow Cards. Above even the Elementals. The Light and The Dark are equals and the order is arbitrary. I put The Light ahead basically because it's Elementals are stronger imo.

3: The Nameless Card
- Represents Sakura's love for Syaoran, and her spirit
Not a Clow Card, created by Sakura herself as a Sakura card, representing her spirit and her love for Syaoran. The Nameless Card's spirit is stronger then the Clow Cards as Sakura transcended Clow Reed.

2: The Nothing
- Card with enough negative energy to balance out the 52 Clow Cards, cards which had all Clow Reed's power within them
- The empty void
- All Clow Spirits that came into contact with The Nothing ceased to be
The Nothing is the negative counterbalance to the whole of the Clow Cards together. Merely her attempt to get close to the cards in her infinite isolation caused the other cards to be erased. The Nothing merely wished someone to reciprocate her affection so she wouldn't be alone for all eternity yet even just getting near the other cards erased them. Sakura's nameless card alone would not be strong enough to stop The Nothing.

1: The Hope
- Represents the Hope of Sakura Kinomoto, the hope that allows her to continue past any event.
- Restored all the things that were erased.
- Sakura's ultimate power embodied.
Sakura realized The Nothing's nature and it fused with The Nameless card forming a new card, The Hope, representing Sakura's greatest strength, the ability to find hope even from nothing, to be optimistic in any situation. The Nothing was on the same level of power as Clow Reed himself, yet Sakura transformed it with her own power, showing The New Card, The Hope to be even more powerful then Clow Reed himself, a sorcerer capable of warping the multiverse with a stray thought. The Hope is Sakura's ultimate power and easily above any of the other cards.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for the images of the letters. I was looking for somewhere that was perfect both in quality and in size. I found them thanks to your website, at least most of them. And I am very grateful. I do not know if you are the responsible creator of the images but if you can or have them in the same quality and size and could distribute them I would be very happy.
And again thank you.