Millions of years ago, the Earth's myriad species were created and telepathically controlled by the mysterious Creators to create biological weapons to use. Chief of these were the zoanoid species. The greatest of the Zoanoids were the Zoaloads and their leader, the supreme creation and pride of the Creators was Alkanphel. Alkanphel looked to the Creators as both God and Parent and loyaly served as their greatest general. However as an experiment the Creators gave a human one of their living armors; Guyver Units. Unbeknownst to them, the Guyver Armor's adaptation to protect it's master would protect him even from the Creators's experiments and broke him free of their telepathic control as well as giving power far exceeding the power given to one of the Creators. The newly equipped Guyver-0 went rogue and to the Creators horror tore through whole armors of Zoanoids.
In an intense battle Alkanphel was able to defeat Guyver-0 but the damage was done. Fearing the possibility that a Zoalord could break free with the power of a Guyver Armor the Creators left the planet, abandoning Alkanphel and attempting to destroy the planet. His heart full of despair and wounded from his battle Alkanphel managed to push himself to the fullest extent and saved the Earth from the Creators but was put into terminal condition. Making his way back to his incubation chamber he slumbered for millions of years.
In the Modern Age Alkanphel awoke still highly damaged after his chamber was disturbed by a human. Turning the human into his first servant Alkanphel resumed production of Zoanoids and began pursuit of the few Guyver Suits hidden on Earth.

Alkanphel is consistently said to be the strongest lifeform on the Earth and this is by all respects, totally true. Even casually he can overcome the power of Guyver Humans and other Zoalords who have country to continent level feats such as creating a energy blast over an entire country with temperatures exceeding 100 centigrade. Alkanphel was also able to survive within a small black hole, with enough power to destroy a planet without problem. And bear in mind that Alkanphel in the Modern Age is considered in critical condition compared to how he was millions of years ago.
Alkanphel also has the single biggest power feat in the entire series. When the Creators left the Earth they launched an asteroid the size of the Mars at Earth planning to destroy it. To protect the Earth, Alkapnhel released all of his energy using his ultimate weapon and managed to shatter the asteroid with enough force to casually destroy the Earth, his barrier encompassing the Earth to protect it from being destroyed in the blast, though the sheer explosion severely damaged him. This was after being damaged in his battle with Guyver-0 and with the Creators telepathically weakening him.
In terms of speed, even lesser Zoalords can move fast enough that the Guyver Units have difficulty reacting to them despite their ability to react to lightspeed lasers. Alkanphel is even faster able to leave a black hole by sheer speed, requiring speeds exceeding the speed of light. His peak form might be much faster, as he briefly was able to pursue the spaceships of The Creators who travel inter-stellar distance casually as he cried out to them in despair about why they were abandoning him.

Alkanphel has a large variety of abilities. Like all Zoalords Alkanphel can fly, survive in the vacuum of space, command all lower Zoalords and teleport between dimensions. They can erupt into a battle aura and emanate energy.
Alkanphel is psychically gifted, able to telekinetically twist peoples heads around or cause a sea to split casually. He has complete mental awareness of all physical events occurring within 80 kilometers around him. His willpower was strong enough to gain free will from The Creators by himself and resist their telepathic command. His endurance and willpower was strong enough to survive in critical condition for 3 million years despite weakening overtime. He is also able to use minor mental manipulation on non Zoanoids making his presence seem even more imposing and powerful and can telepathically contact people.
Alkanphel like all Zoalords can project a barrier, but Alkanphel can extend his to planetary size and can reflect attacks. He also defensively can quickly shift into another dimension and back. He can also warp gravity to such a strong extent that he can create a black hole that could threaten the Earth or create cannons of pressure. As the source of the Zoacrystals that gave the other Zoalords their powers, it's possible in his peak that he could use their abilities as well. He is implied to possess some form of regeneration as well, as it's noted that he couldn't recover from the damage he sustained stopping the Creators annihilation because he used all his recovery energy in his attack but it's unknown how strong it would be. He can also cause vibrational swords to emerge from his hands to use as weapons. Vibrational Swords use vibrations to pseudo negate durability.
Alkanphel is also an incredibly intelligent, skilled warrior. He was intelligent enough to speak coherently seconds after his creation and has been semi aware for 3 million years. He was designed to be the General of the Zoanoid forces and is skilled in combat.
In terms of weaknesses, Alkanphel's main weakness is that he is still in terminal condition and nowhere near as strong as he used to be. Also his full power is highly draining and he seems protective of the Earth.
Name: Alkanphel
Origin: Bio Booster Armor Guyver
Classifications: Supreme Zoalord, Biological Weapon
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, flight, can survive in space, superhuman willpower and endurance, telepathy, telekinesis, complete mental awareness up to 80 kilometers, energy/barrier projection, attack reflection, can command Zoanoids, inter-dimensional teleportation, gravity manipulation, black hole creation, can create vibrational swords, regen (unknown), possibly the other abilities of the Zoalords
Weaknesses: His full power is highly draining
Destructive Capacity: Planetary+ at Full Power, at least multi-continent level when weakened
Range: Planetary
Speed: FTL
Durability: Planetary+ at Full Power, planetary when weakened (survived a black hole)
Stamina: His full power is draining on him, otherwise very high
Intelligence: Superhuman
So how would he do in other verses?

In the Marvel Universe, Alkanphel would be considered a High Meta Level entity when weakened and at full power would be considered a Low Herald Level entity. Grey Hulk has a very similar feat to Alkanphel's best feat. Grey Hulk did it much more casually though in fairness Alkanphel was damaged and telepathically weakened during his feat so it probably balances out. Alkanphel would probably have a relatively even fight against Grey Hulk or The Thing but win out due to superior haxes. Though he probably would not be able to beat the whole Fantastic Four, unless he fights really tactically. His enhanced willpower that could resist the telepathic command of the Creators should protect him from low tier telepaths though wouldn't help against anyone more substantial. His intelligence is also nothing special for the verse and his inter-dimensional teleportation would also be not unheard off. Overall he would be a fairly standard Low Herald Level entity.

In the DC Universe...... Blue Beetle vs Alkanphel is Guyver 0 fight round 2! More seriously he would be around Blue Beetle's level. Jaime would have stronger haxes and more versatile arsenal though Alkanphel has better feats of power.
Generally Alkanphel would be really weird in DC, with a lot easier inter-dimensional capacity and a power and speed combination not seen often in the main universe at least. In alternate continuities he would be between the DCEU Superman and Reeve Superman around the power of Red Son Superman, which would be a fairly good match.

In the Dragon Ball verse, Alkanphel would be somewhere between Late Saiyan Saga to Early Namek Saga based on early Dragon Ball Z Piccolo creating a near lightspeed beam that destroyed the moon with nearly enough force to destroy the Earth. He would have very strong hax for his place in the series though and could likely defeat most of Freeza's forces. I imagine he probably stops at the Ginyu Force due to their sheer relative power and hax.
His hax could hypothetically threaten later characters but they just get massively faster then him and could sense him even easier then he could them due to ki sensing. He could maybe kill Namek Saga Freeza or the Androids if he takes them by surprise with his black hole as they can't sense ki but if they detect him they can easily blitz him.
In the Lilo and Stitch verse Alkanphel would basically be like a combination of Early Stitch and Holio powerwise. Powerwise he would be comparable to most of the experiments who can do things like crack a planet sized asteroid, tanking the shockwave of two planets violently breaking apart, and surviving planetary sized explosions. That said he is significantly faster then most of the experiments and his black hole ability is an ability possessed by one of the stronger experiments meaning he would be able to defeat most of the experiments on on one especially given his wide variety of abilities and intelligence.
That said there are some experiments he would not do well against like the probability manipulating Shoe and Snafu, the de-evolving Retro which would reduce him to how he was in his incubation chamber, or Poxy who could infect him as he is the ultimate LIVING weapon. He also would also be one-shot by the strongest experiments on the level of Late Stitch again unless they didn't happen to notice him and he caught them by surprise with a black hole which is unlikely as all 3 have superintelligence and super senses. Overall a relatively strong fighter in the verse but nowhere near top tier.

In the Tokyo Mew Mew verse, Alkanphel would be easily above everyone outside Deep Blue. Him fighting or just interacting with Deep Blue would be very interesting given their similarities. In general the two are somewhat relative in power, maybe favoring Deep Blue. Deep Blue is more hax and has a larger arsenal however Alkanphel is much faster.
Bloodlusted, Alkanphel would probably win via speedblitz but in character Alkanphel would not life-wipe the Earth as would be needed to kill Deep Blue and Deep Blue could kill Alkanphel by some hax method.
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