How to be OP in the Nanoha-verse
City Scale Tier:
In the Nanoha verse, there are 11 tiers in the mage rank used as the internal power system: F, E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, and SSS. These mage ranks are not strictly a measurement of raw magical power but also take into account the versatility and intelligence as the rank is a general rank of how good a mage they are. That said it can be used for a general range of power. The lowest ranks are rarely seen in the series as most fighters will have naturally trained their magic to be at least D Tier.
Governing the multiverse and it's many dimensions is the Time-Space Administration Bureau (TSAB). From the central world Midchila, the home base world of the TSAB, it's agents and officers try to enforce peace and prosperity across the multiverse using superadvanced technology to manipulate the magical energy mana to grant it's people their powers. In particular they are in charge of recovering the lost logia, the ancient pieces of the technology of the ancient Belkan Empire. Ancient Belka was the dominant world in the multiverse before Midchila, lost to civil war and a dimensional disturbance. Belka was even more advanced the Midchilda is now so it's technology can be even stronger.
Most TSAB agents rank between the D and B rank. These general ranks, particularly near the top likely scale to Einhart Stratos' feat of destroying Corona's giant golem calced in the multi-city block range. They may also scale to the Low A Tier Arf's feat of creating a storm over a city requiring kilotons of energy.
In terms of speed these characters scale to the speed of drones moving over mach 60. They also likely can scale in terms of reflexes and attack speed to Season 1 Nanoha and Fate breaking through the Garden of Time at over Mach 530.
Characters in the verse use barrier jackets, clothing under their clothes that gives them numerous layers of auto-barriers; including one for physical force such as matter and energy, one for environmental factors such as the vacuum of space, one for spacetime manipulation, one for dimensional manipulation, as well as one that negates mana and thus magic in general. These were strong enough that Season 1 Nanoha was able to withstand the tremor of power coming from a Jewel Seed, a lost logia, capable of destroying a significant fraction of the entire universe she was in's spacetime and dimension. They can also manually create more barriers if needed.
Mages manipulate mana, a magical energy source with their advanced technology to boslter their physical strikes, weapons, create energy blasts as well as to create elemental blasts. Different persons have different elemental associatons. This is called Mana Conversion Affinity, the affinity of a person to turn mana into different types of energy such as thermal energy (fire) or electrical energy (lightning). This seems to include all 4 Common elements, lightning, and freezing is also listed as a highly rare type.
Mages have other common types of spells. Binding spells are common as are sensory magic that can detect as well as technological scanners to detect objects and information. Most mages also have some form of ESP or at least passive telepathy. Despite this, the verse does have stealth fighters who can ignore all of this like the Numbers who can somehow avoid all this detection.
There is also "mage-killers" who are much weaker then most people in the tier but can shut off all mana manipulation, significantly weakening must of their usual targets and basically meaning you can't use magic users as a counter, even if magic barriers didn't already dissuade that.
The verse also has some really strong points. The verse is filled with AI that run the mages weapon systems, who are often incredibly loyal to their associated mage. Also all the mages in the verse are incredibly skilled fighters usually in one of three systems. Most common is the Midchilda system which focuses on long range bombardment and maintaining distance. There is also the Ancient Belka system which avoids ranged attacks and focuses on close range fighting and throwing opponents off guard practiced mostly by those who are remnants of Ancient Belka like the Wolkenritter and Stratos. Finally there is the Modern Belkan system which hybridizes the two made by the two magical girls of legend; Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa.
In terms of weaknesses there are weaknesses for verse in general and weaknesses for the tier. In terms of general weaknesses for the verse; the verse has a general weakness for technopathy and anti-magic as was already shown by Mage-killers. Particularly if you are not magical yourself being able to cut of your opponents abilities is really strong. In the same sort of vein, but to a lesser extent I think telekinesis could work pretty well. A lot of mages rely on their technomagic weapons and being able to telekinetically take them would give a strong advantage. There's one more strategy I would think is a bit weird to say. Despite the fact that there is a multi-dimensional civilization and there's all this advanced technology and A.I.....there's not actually any superintellects. The technology came about by people of normal intellect just over a cosmic span of time using an energy source that makes fantastic technology possible. Considering the verse is also known for being rather hotblooded and solving problems by attacking it directly, manipulation and intelligence based builds, especially dual intelligence builds that can manipulate both people and technology would probably be really strong.
For this tier in particular, despite the fact that their defenses is really excessively strong...their actual offenses aren't that potent if you aren't a magic user to be hit by anti-magic. They have energy projection...elemental projection....binding. Not much in the way of dura ignoring haxes. Someone with strong regen, let alone something like intangibility would be incredibly hard to fight. Also for fighters of this tier without the Modern Belkan system, a highly mobile hard to hit fighting style might be do really well if they can get up close to the Midchilda system fighters and keeping distance from Ancient Belka system fighters.
So who would be a strong counter going based on those weaknesses? Well my first idea would be
In the Nanoha verse, there are 11 tiers in the mage rank used as the internal power system: F, E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, and SSS. These mage ranks are not strictly a measurement of raw magical power but also take into account the versatility and intelligence as the rank is a general rank of how good a mage they are. That said it can be used for a general range of power. The lowest ranks are rarely seen in the series as most fighters will have naturally trained their magic to be at least D Tier.
Governing the multiverse and it's many dimensions is the Time-Space Administration Bureau (TSAB). From the central world Midchila, the home base world of the TSAB, it's agents and officers try to enforce peace and prosperity across the multiverse using superadvanced technology to manipulate the magical energy mana to grant it's people their powers. In particular they are in charge of recovering the lost logia, the ancient pieces of the technology of the ancient Belkan Empire. Ancient Belka was the dominant world in the multiverse before Midchila, lost to civil war and a dimensional disturbance. Belka was even more advanced the Midchilda is now so it's technology can be even stronger.
Most TSAB agents rank between the D and B rank. These general ranks, particularly near the top likely scale to Einhart Stratos' feat of destroying Corona's giant golem calced in the multi-city block range. They may also scale to the Low A Tier Arf's feat of creating a storm over a city requiring kilotons of energy.
In terms of speed these characters scale to the speed of drones moving over mach 60. They also likely can scale in terms of reflexes and attack speed to Season 1 Nanoha and Fate breaking through the Garden of Time at over Mach 530.
Characters in the verse use barrier jackets, clothing under their clothes that gives them numerous layers of auto-barriers; including one for physical force such as matter and energy, one for environmental factors such as the vacuum of space, one for spacetime manipulation, one for dimensional manipulation, as well as one that negates mana and thus magic in general. These were strong enough that Season 1 Nanoha was able to withstand the tremor of power coming from a Jewel Seed, a lost logia, capable of destroying a significant fraction of the entire universe she was in's spacetime and dimension. They can also manually create more barriers if needed.
Mages manipulate mana, a magical energy source with their advanced technology to boslter their physical strikes, weapons, create energy blasts as well as to create elemental blasts. Different persons have different elemental associatons. This is called Mana Conversion Affinity, the affinity of a person to turn mana into different types of energy such as thermal energy (fire) or electrical energy (lightning). This seems to include all 4 Common elements, lightning, and freezing is also listed as a highly rare type.
Mages have other common types of spells. Binding spells are common as are sensory magic that can detect as well as technological scanners to detect objects and information. Most mages also have some form of ESP or at least passive telepathy. Despite this, the verse does have stealth fighters who can ignore all of this like the Numbers who can somehow avoid all this detection.
There is also "mage-killers" who are much weaker then most people in the tier but can shut off all mana manipulation, significantly weakening must of their usual targets and basically meaning you can't use magic users as a counter, even if magic barriers didn't already dissuade that.
The verse also has some really strong points. The verse is filled with AI that run the mages weapon systems, who are often incredibly loyal to their associated mage. Also all the mages in the verse are incredibly skilled fighters usually in one of three systems. Most common is the Midchilda system which focuses on long range bombardment and maintaining distance. There is also the Ancient Belka system which avoids ranged attacks and focuses on close range fighting and throwing opponents off guard practiced mostly by those who are remnants of Ancient Belka like the Wolkenritter and Stratos. Finally there is the Modern Belkan system which hybridizes the two made by the two magical girls of legend; Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa.
In terms of weaknesses there are weaknesses for verse in general and weaknesses for the tier. In terms of general weaknesses for the verse; the verse has a general weakness for technopathy and anti-magic as was already shown by Mage-killers. Particularly if you are not magical yourself being able to cut of your opponents abilities is really strong. In the same sort of vein, but to a lesser extent I think telekinesis could work pretty well. A lot of mages rely on their technomagic weapons and being able to telekinetically take them would give a strong advantage. There's one more strategy I would think is a bit weird to say. Despite the fact that there is a multi-dimensional civilization and there's all this advanced technology and A.I.....there's not actually any superintellects. The technology came about by people of normal intellect just over a cosmic span of time using an energy source that makes fantastic technology possible. Considering the verse is also known for being rather hotblooded and solving problems by attacking it directly, manipulation and intelligence based builds, especially dual intelligence builds that can manipulate both people and technology would probably be really strong.
For this tier in particular, despite the fact that their defenses is really excessively strong...their actual offenses aren't that potent if you aren't a magic user to be hit by anti-magic. They have energy projection...elemental projection....binding. Not much in the way of dura ignoring haxes. Someone with strong regen, let alone something like intangibility would be incredibly hard to fight. Also for fighters of this tier without the Modern Belkan system, a highly mobile hard to hit fighting style might be do really well if they can get up close to the Midchilda system fighters and keeping distance from Ancient Belka system fighters.
So who would be a strong counter going based on those weaknesses? Well my first idea would be

Amon from The Legend of Korra.
Amon has competed with base Avatar Korra and even more impressively in an official Nick video was suggested to be able to fight Book 3 Avatar Aang in Base State. This means he would scale to numerous hundreds of tons to low kiloton feats from Avatar. He would also scale to numerous lightning timing feats suggesting that his reactions would be comparable to the verse.
Amon is skilled at fighting against elemental manipulation including all 4 prime Nanoha elements as well as freezing which in Avatar is simply a subset of water bending. Even lightning manipulation, while a rarity in the time period of the Last Airbender has become more common as well as ways of fighting against it in the Legend of Korra. Amon's own bending is a non-magical form of bending that can affect someone's blood past the barriers which would hypothetically let him ragdoll any of the tier's fighters or completely control their bodies.
Amon's normal MO of disguising his ability with physical fighting while subtly using his form of blood bending on enemies would very likely work against the verse since his ability would be unlike anything the tier would be used to since it's a form of telekinesis that is not blocked by barriers. He also has a highly mobile and skilled fighting style that would do well against either of the two major fighting styles this tier has. Such is the nature of water bending to be flexible and adaptable, to conform to it's environment just as water does to it's container.
It would seem Amon's one weakness would be the AI and artificial people whose bodies do not contain blood however this actually holds the potential to be Amon's greatest strength. AI, particularly early in the chronology were not looked on as equals by the TSAB, viewing them as just machines. It is very possible Amon could manipulate the AI just as he did Republic City, under the guide of equality. This is especially true if he expressed that his strange telekinesis was because he was an artifical human and a lost logia with this ability (as telekinesis like this is not unknown for lost logia). It's possible Amon could manipulate the AI and create his own virtual army.
That said his own defenses are limited, especially compared to the verse and he could get overwhelmed by raw numbers. For a character with a much more potent defense you could use
James Heller from Prototype.
James is far stronger then early game Alex Mercer who could bullet time and the two of them can survive a nuclear bomb, albeit barely.
James is a living virus weapon that assimilates biomass to add to his collective physical capacities and mental expanse of information. As a non-magical entity his infestation should be able to get past magic barrier able to spread across a dimension like a horrific plague.
He can infect any fighter he comes across and assimilate their capacities to his own. He's got a massive array of abilities including a large range of extra senses to detect even the stealth fighters, energy vortexes to suck up and keep distant close range fighters or long-range tendrils and shockwaves to hit long range fighters.
He has a ridiculous regen that would make it extremely hard to kill him for the verse, able to regenerate on the cellular level. Blackvirus beings have even been able to adapt to get around scanners made to detect them, which means even the Nanoha-verse scanners would likely have trouble detecting him.
He also has as large amount of technical and manipulative intelligence from the vast collective of humans he has absorbed, adding their knowledge to his own.
The one weakness is being immediately rushed and the fact that unless he incorporates the verse's technology he is limited to a single world meaning a planetary or dimensional quarantine and destruction though not available to the tier would stop him. For someone even harder to stop even if would take slower, my ultimate counter to the tier would be

Eve from Supernatural.
Eve is superior to most angels and demons including a minor angel like Hael who carved out the grand canyon at speeds requiring kilotons of energy. She also has lightning timing reflex/attack speed by scaling.
Eve has an immense regen and immortality to the point that even manipulating every single one of her cells would not kill her, meaning that the tier would immensely struggle trying to put her down since they don't have access to phoenix ash, her weakness.
It's unknown whether her powers qualify as magic given she is old enough to predate the angels. That said her power negation presence was strong enough to turn angels powerless which may outright the mana used to power the technology of the verse meaning it's up in the air whether her magic could affect the tier's fighters.
Eve's real strength lies in what she could do overtime given her nigh impossibility to kill. Even can turn humans into monsters strong enough to contend with the tier's fighters if not overpower them. She can do this with hypothetically huge swath of humans. She gains constant information from all of her "children". If she can convert the tier's fighters, then it's even worse. She also has telekinesis and can rip the weapons from the tier's fighters from outside their range.
What makes it worse is that she has inter-dimensional teleportation and is a billions of years old manipulator and shapeshifter suggesting she could roam the multiverse, creating her monstrous children to inform her spreading her infection manipulating the people of every dimension she visits.
Planet to Universal Scale Tier:
Commanding the TSAB are the Officers, A-Rank Mages scaling to Officer Chrono's freezing technique freezing such a large degree of water that it would equate to teratons of energy. The tier can move fast enough to compare the prior Mach 530 reactions and has 4 digit mach reactions and attack speed.
Here are also a large number of the programs beings created by the technology of Ancient Belka such as the Wolkenritter or the defense program of the Tome of Night Sky, a kaiju that could tank the attacks of multiple A-Tiers.
Transcending even these in power are the mages of legend, the S Tiers including the most famous Magical Girls of the multiverse; Nanoha Takamachi the White Devil, the Ace of the Navy Fate Testarossa, and the keeper of the Tome of the Night Sky Hayate Yagami. These are powerful enough to battle even the incredibly powerful warrior-rulers of Ancient Belka, the Saint Kings.
All of the above abilities are present on a higher scale but many more abilities are here. Mages can destroy dimensions in their battle, and forms of spacetime manipulation including limited time travel and inter-dimensional teleportation are present. Powerful mages can even break dimensional barriers and create dimensional tremors, shaking of dimensional fabrics capable of destroying even planets or whole universes.
Many more types of magic are known including sealing magic, light and dark magic manipulation, freezing capable of freezing entities for all eternity, illusions and anti-illusions, and magic reflection. Starships can travel across the stars or through dimensions and can create country-wide spatial distortions can nontheless get ripped through by S Tier Mages.
Speaking of many forms of superweapons of the TSAB as well as their general technology. There is also the lost logia here, capable of creating dimensional tremors, absorbtion, reality-warping and more. The most famous of these logia is the Tome of the Night Sky renamed by it's mistress Hayate to be Reinforce which showed the ability to absorb the data of other entities and manipulate them. The ability to manipulate souls and illusions, a regen and resurrection from raw data (in fact said, she would always come back unless her data was deleted), petrification and signal jamming.
They also have the most broken power; the yuriforce with which Nanoha can turn any enemy into a friend by blasting them with the maximum befriending beam.
In terms of weaknesses, the weakness to technopathy becomes more pronounced since their technology is even more radical and powerful relatively speaking. On the other hand the weakness of the prior tier no longer apply. This verse has ridiculously powerful offensive hax to punish someone with a defensive hax and the modern belkan style of fighting means that mobility is no longer helpful.
So who would be a good counter? Well I think you could use

Generator Rex from Generator Rex.
Generator Rex even in his base state scaled to gigaton level events particularly from matching Ben's aliens which scale off Cannonbolt tearing through the body of a giant entity that regularly survived violent planetary destruction and in his Omega Nanite Form was massively stronger, likely able to contend with A Tier Mages at least. Rex also scales to lightning timing suggesting he would keep up with the tier in terms of speed.
Rex has the ability to sense, communicate with and manipulate technology. In the Nanoha verse this would likely give him a godlike ability to manipulate all the TSAB's forces by turning their own weapons against him. Even if they do get hits in, Rex was able to go up against the Consortium with his Omega Form showing an immense resistance to spacetime, elemental, technology and matter-energy manipulation which are most of the abilities of the verse. The only threats to Rex would be the raw impact power of the S Tier Mages and Reinforce's soul manipulation however Rex could disable S Tier Mages with his technology manipulation and Reinforce's form of soul manipulation can be resisted by enough will and I think Rex's will is strong enough to resist Reinforce's soul manipulation until he can technopathy manipulate her as an A.I.
Rex is also a highly versatile and surprisingly intelligent fighter. Rex got a 98% on an a highly difficult trigonometry test and easily solved a really hard question on the topic, due likely in part due to his high amount of experience with the subject matter from battle.
That said Rex could likely get knocked out if he gets hit by a strong enough force or overwhelmed by numbers and running out of stamina. For a more defensive counter, you could use
Russia from Hetalia.
Russia is the Concept of Russia. As such the verse trying to affect him directly are unlikely to do anything to him. On the other hand since he naturally deflects all magic tried to be used against him, it's likely the verse would hurt themselves trying to hurt him.
However if Russia spawns in a version of Nanoha Earth with TSAB technology, he could access Nanoha Russia to use their own advanced technology against the verse.
Now granted his snowstorm summoning ability likely wouldn't help much given their environmental shields and scanners but he doesn't really need it. He's a supergenius abstract intellect and could likely manipulate any of the fighters he came across as well as the technology the verse has available to him. He'd easily be able to hit anyone in the verse with his strange form of metahax, able to even eat an episode ending.
However if he spawns in a Nanoha version of Russia that doesn't have advanced technology, he'll have difficulty getting out of the dimension and the high tier mages or superweapons could simply wipe the country of Russia off the map if they understand his nature (which to be fair would likely take a while)
For the best counter in my opinion, I would suggest

Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Loki scales to his brother Thor who was able to survive the heat of a neutron star and instantly create a storm across Wakanda. He also scales to Thor's hammer Mjolnir in speed which quickly left the atmosphere at massively hypersonic speeds.
Loki's powers are not magic. In the MCU the Asgardians powers are not magic or technology but a society advanced enough that they are one and the same. Loki's powers include huge amounts of deceptive abilities like memory manipulation, illusions, mind manipulation so far. All this on top of Loki's already infamous ability to psychologically manipulate people and take advantage of it allowing him to on multiple occasions nearly, and in one case succeed at taking control of an advanced society overseeing multiple universes with advanced technology and magic. There's no question that he would manipulate himself to a position of power in the TSAB.
But what if he actually gets into combat? Loki can use illusions and his invisibility, so good as to avoid detection by Heimdall who monitors multiple universes at once to completely avoid being hit and at the same time can telekinetic yoink any weapons away. He and Thor have both shown the ability to alter clothing at will as well....which is very relevant as all Nanoha mages rely on their barrier jackets for their enhanced durability meaning if he can even somewhat manipulate that, he can completely null their durability.
Loki is an also an immortal over 1,000 years old with combat skill that should likely be vastly superior even to the Saint-Kings.
Multiversal Scale:
At the very top of the Nanoha Multiverse are the two strongest beings, both born of the original Tome of the Night Sky. One is Unbreakable Dark, the darkness within the book. The other is Union Reinforce, the union of Hayate and Adult Reinforce in the game timeline. UD was able to destroy multiple planets in one shot showing that these power is large planetary directly and their speeds are enough to blitz multiple A to S tiers at once, showing they would be at least 4 Digit Mach speed.
Their abilities are mostly the same though amplified from the last tier. UD also has the abiltiy to summon alternate versions of characters from across time or even seemingly continuities to serve her as well as city-scale barriers and Union Reinforce shares the same powers of both Reinforce and Hayate. Due to the sheer anti-magic and technological manipulation abilities both possess, it's difficult to use either technology or magic for a counter
In terms of weaknesses both fighters are entirely or partly beings made of data. Also UD has notable weak points in the form of the linker cores, and both characters are particularly prone to psychological manipulation.
So who would be some good counters? Well my first counter idea would be

Magneto, the master of Magnetism from Marvel Comics.
Magneto has displayed planetary+ feats and his barriers have even held against beings much stronger briefly suggesting he could contend with UD and Union Reinforce physically. He also has reflexes fast enough to catch his FTL son which again suggests he would not be blitzed by them.
Magneto can control the electromagnetic spectrum of the entire planet which suggests he could wipe out UD's data and would severely hurt Union Reinforce who is part data. Union Reinforce he could also control the blood in the physical part of their body. He could also just flat disperse either of their counciousnesses.
While they have extremely powerful weapons, Magneto could simply deflect them away by creating a charged area or avoid it via a wormhole. Because his abilities are mutant abilities and not tech or magic they could not nullify his abilities.
Magneto could likely manipulate either psychologically and Reinforce's soul manipulation would flat out not work at all against a being with as much willpower as Magneto. Also as he perceives the whole electromagnetic spectrum, he would likely perceive the special energy charge of the linker core and be able to attack there.
That said he is physically a lot weaker then either and UD could hypothetically pull other forms of Magneto which are much stronger the main timeline Magneto if they exist to fight him. For another strong counter you could use

Deep Blue from Tokyo Mew Mew.
Deep Blue was powerful enough to obliterate Earth and tank his own power and could bolster his own defense with his light orb. He is also fast enough to blitz MHS beings like Kish.
Deep Blue's spirit is the spirit of humanity and he can regenerate as long as humans exist. This would be functionally impossible to detect or overwhelm in MGLN as humans have become a multiversal society existing in many dimensions (and he can affect other dimensions well). Union Reinforce is PART human meaning he can regen from HER existence.
Deep Blue can also casually delete consciousnesses and spirits which means he could outright null UD and Union Reinforce's durability and Union Reinforce's soul manipulation will definitely not work against a spirit as incredibly stubborn as Deep Blue's.
Deep Blue is also a supergenius intellect that could manipulate them and his song of oblivion attack which comes in from multiple angles is likely to hit the linker cores of UD and Union Reinforce.
However they do have two changes. Union Reinforce is a hero and if she does try to absorb Deep Blue's data, she would have the help of the other consciousness of Deep Blue, Masaya Aoyama. In addition data manipulation might be able to hit Deep Blue's spirit and delete his existence. While I don't think this is very likely for them to either figure out or be able to use before he one shots, there is one counter I think would do even better

Lord Vyce from Atop the Fourth Wall
Lord Vyce has overpowered Linkara despite Linkara being comparable to the Nostalgia Critic who obliterated a planet with triple digit yottaton energy and has existed the atmosphere at 4-digit mach. Linkara and Lord Vyce have both also lightning timed making them consistently MHS as well.
Lord Vyce is a supergenius technical intellect able to control technology with hacking and was able to build the shades who were a threat to Angry Joe who made a kamehameha that was triple digit teraton meaning they would scale to either of his potential opponents summons if not superior (scaling Angry Joe to Linkara and Nostalgia Critic). He is so proficient with technology that he created technology capable of fending off the Entity, a multiversal entity. In fact Lord Vyce has defeated numerous multiversal entities with his intellect and technology, with only The Entity survived. He is infamous for his intellect that allows him to escape most threatening situations.
Vyce can also travel between dimensions and absorb power from all technology shutting them down, including Large planet level tech, meaning he could immediately theaten both of the tier's fighters.
More recently Vyce has become a being of pure data that could possess robots and computers meaning he could possess the fighters and fight them data vs data. However while he can absorb their power and delete data to beat them, he has also resisted deletion meaning they not be able to delete him.
Truthfully Unbreakable Dark and Union Reinforce are basically much weaker versions of the type of entities Vyce fights on a regular basis. He would be able to drain or delete them, reprogram them or indeed the whole verse, possess them, and beat them in any physical confrontation.
And that's how to be OP in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Ya know in hindsight i really shoulda saw this blog coming, but I didnt and it was a Great Surprise! MGLN i believe is in my top 3 MG series, and thats despite me not having finished it yet, but Holy crap is the verse way more op than you realize when they lay it all out like this. WhitE Devils i tell you.
ReplyDeleteI liked a lot of these counters, especially the ones i knew like Rex, Amon or Magneto. I also gotta say these other ones are BROKEN af Eve is one of the deadliest characters ive seen from a CW show for example. and whenever i see Russia in a senario like this i imagine him when he was a kid talking to Lithuania cause that to me showed him as the haxy terrifying threat he is.
It was awesome how Eerily perfect Deep Blue was for the characters here, especially cause MGLN is a SIGNIFICANTLY more haxy verse than TMM so its super impressive to work out. Also using a Channel Awesome OC, LOL
I almost thought you were done making these with your complex DC Comics blog! Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha seems like an interesting series; I really like the ways that the verse seem to blend magical elements with technology.
ReplyDeleteTechnopathy definitely seems like a great, consistent counter against this verse from weakest to strongest. I think my favorite counters out of each tier are Amon, Russia, and Deep Blue. Your scenario of Amon manipulating the AI does pique my imagination of what Avatar characters would do if they were placed in a more sci-fi setting. I also like the scenario of Hetalia's Russia using Nanoha's Russia's technology against the verse (as well as the other abstract counters). I like the point that Deep Blue's spirit of humanity regeneration becomes amplified within the the multiversal societies of Nanoha.
Otherwise, I find it amusing that you found a practical use for clothing manipulation to use against the verse with MCU Loki lol. Also, pretty weird hearing Channel Awesome people being described in a versus setting :P
Nice, Nanoha! You ended up making me a fan of this series and because I know at least a little bit about it, I expected this to be a big one that reaches crazy levels of power. And that's what I got! I love the harmonious blend of magic and tech in this series, and it certainly makes taking it down tricky to do. I can't think of many characters that can get around advanced technology AND magic, but it seems you've provided quite the list here. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI really liked your counters for the first tier, especially the last two. The idea of a virus-type foe spreading throughout the universe, absorbing the knowledge of this futuristic tech and magic, creating a network that would inevitably gain the ability to spread to other dimensions...it's a spooky and cool thought! Very neat way of taking on an entire verse.
I didn't expect to find Hetalia here. Those country entities are a great example of finding a superb defense while sticking to the stat restrictions of the tier. I like the idea of him being automatically "plugged in" to the Nanoha tech his country would have in that verse. Though Loki's a better match for this tier, I agree. Gotta love manipulator counters, especially when they can fight back on the off chance they're actually cornered! I also appreciated putting a character from a world where the line between magic and technology blurs into the Nanoha verse. Fitting!
I was really, really pleased to see Old Buckethead on this list. As soon as you started talking about messing with their technology near the start of the blog, Magneto is the character that popped into my mind. And to have him go all the way? Awesome! Something I noticed about your final picks: having a consciousness, even if you're just conscious data, is quite a weakness! :P Seems like Deep Blue pulls that brutally quick trick off even better. Speaking of Deep Blue, I know I just gushed over Magneto but he's probably my favorite counter pick in this blog. That regen is soooo cool, I doubt Reinforce would be wiping out humanity anytime soon and regening FROM one of his opponents? Way too cool! Insta-delete, manipulation, a multi-dimensional existence due to the actions of Nanoha humans, massive willpower...it's the full package, I love it. For this one, I thought there couldn't be another more perfect counter than DB.
I was wrong. Boy was I wrong. But come on, how could I have expected THIS?! I haven't seen more than like, one video of Atop The Fourth Wall but jeepers this Vyce fella's crazy with a capital C! I don't know how you can be so creative with your choices blog after blog, but I hope you can manage to keep it up; this is fantastic! This dude's playing on easy mode, you said it best when you mentioned he is basically the god tiers of the Nanoha verse, but better. You outdid yourself with this one, take a bow! Thanks for the awesome blog, I hope it gets people more interested in this fine series.