How to be OP in the Wedding Peach-verse
Local Scale Threat:
For countless centuries the demons, the spirits of hatred, and the angels, spirits of love, have been at war, with the sole force able to tip the scales to one side or the other being the Sacred 4, the crowning power of Angel World lost to a demonic ambush fallen within the human world.
At the lowest level of this war are the most basic demons and angels, equivalent to civilians for the two species. For the demons these are considered pets like Jama-Pii, the joke of the Demon Forces and for the angels these seem to be the same as the base love angels, the state between their civilian form and their combat form.
Powerwise this tier is at least large building level scaling from early Wedding Peach surviving the power of the dimension ring which was able to tear apart her whole school from up in the sky before repairing it with her henshin as well as minor Demon Tornado creating winds so powerful as to create a vacuum.
More impressive is their speed, which was so great that Jama-Pii planned to attack every loving couple on Earth so that there was no love across the Earth, a feat which should be massively hypersonic to relativistic as well as arguably being relative to Wedding Peach's light.
In terms of abilities, there is the most famous ability of the verse and it's strongest assess; the demons waves of hatred and the angels waves of love. Both species can emanate waves of pure hatred/love fitting their nature. Demonic waves of hatred spread hatred and violent rage, create an unholy aura, drain people of their energy, create darkness, and can nullify positive powers. Love waves can purify peoples bodies and minds, heal/restore people (even revive the dead), reflect attacks, create a holy aura, create light, and neutralize all malice/negative energy. Obviously this is a massive threat, and any threat to the verse needs a way to not purified into a happy chibi or corrupted into a mindless monstrous villain, let alone the other things they can do.
Beyond that there are more things the tier can do. Demons are generally associated with fire, wind or water in the manga. In the anime there was 8 tribes of Demons. Jama-Pii can shoot fireballs while Demon Tornado takes the form of a violent wind. Demons are also known for possessing people.
Both species can naturally fly, teleport between dimensions, and are spiritual entities. Both a strength and a weakness of the verse, the strength of an angel and a demon depends on the amount of love/hatred exists around, able to empower themselves with love or hatred, but weaker in unholy/holy areas. Of course to take advantage of that would require generally a character to be able to manipulate holy and unholy which is pretty rare.
In terms of weaknesses, the characters of this tier specifically are not particularly skilled fighters. The verse also lacks supergenius intellects though it does have fairly wise and intelligent characters.
Overall the verse is very hard to counter. This tier because it's very fast for it's power, but in general because of the very versatile hax the verse has. However I thought about it a lot and there seems to be two relatively obscure weaknesses.
Firstly is sleep/dream manipulation. Defeating the big bad of the series involved using a powerful enough love wave to put her to sleep and the characters don't seem to have the same powers in their dreams as suggested later by Arushion the Illusion Manipulator.
The second is that surprisingly despite being spiritual entities coming from Angel World/Demon World, it seems like Angels and Demons need to breath and can't survive in space. Demon Tornado's vacuum was suffocating and threatening Love Angels. My guess as to why is that Angels and Demons are spirits connected to the positive or negative parts of living entities; love and hatred (also explaining their elemental association, since they are connected to the natural world) whereas there is no live in the vacuum. This can be seen as related as when Pluie trapped Wedding Peach to the negative space where she was considered much weaker. Angels and Demons powers are dependent on environment. Being able to create a vacuum or skilled enough dimensional bfr should be able to stop them.
This can allow certain characters to be good counters you might otherwise not expect, for instance like

The Top from DC Comics
The Top is powerful enough to destroy a building with his spinning and is able to start spinning and spin so fast as to impress The Flash himself, meaning his power should be comparable to the tier, and even if he can't keep up, he also won't be blitzed since his spin speed is so massively higher then their movement speed.
The Top's spinning allows him to redirect and reflect things, including magic and attacks, suggesting that so long as he's spinning, even the love waves and waves of hatred would be thrown away from him.
The Top is also a supergenius intellect capable of creating advanced top gadgets and should be able to trick the verse. His intellect is so high he was able to tap into psychic powers and can induce vertigo in people though given that the Demons and Angels are spiritual entities this may not work on them. Regardless The Top's ability to spin fast enough also gives him the ability to create a vacuum which should work on the tier.
The one potential fault in this plan is that The Top will run out of stamina long before the tier will. While his supergenius intellect will likely be able to think of a way around that it's not a guaranteed counter.
For a counter that can fight the tier fire vs fire, a spiritual entity, you could use

Yami Yugi from Yu-gi-oh!
Yugi Muto actually possess 2 identies, the light Hikari Yugi and the dark Yami Yugi meaning that he should be able to withstand both the waves of love and hatred by switching between his persona. It is in fact said that the 3 of the Millennium Items represent Light, 3 of them represent Darkness, and the Millennium Puzzle of Yugi represents the mixture.
Yami Yugi is a spiritual entity. He was able to react to lightning moving through water, and should thus be able to react to the lower bracket of the tier's speed. Beyond that though Yami Yugi has also displayed invisibility and this tier hasn't shown the sensing abilities of the higher tiers.
The Millennium Puzzle, like all the Millennium Items has the ability to seal spiritual entities in stone tablets, just as the Pharaoh did in the distant past.
The Pharaoh is a master tactician, the "king of games". He has beaten a game creator at his game, defeated ANOTHER game creator at his own game despite it being his first time playing and is known for his deceptive cunning intellect. He would run mental circles around the low class demons.
And if one of them possessed him they would find themselves in his soul room, an endless labyrinth filled with death traps that can kill spirits like Shadi.
In the memory world arc, it was noted that Hikari Yugi and his friends who were like spirits in Yami Yugi's world were unable to approach the Pharaoh's palace, showing that Yami Yugi can erect a barrier powerful enough to keep even spiritual entities UNCONSCIOUSLY. In other words they would not be able to get close to him if he didn't allow it. And while Angels can reflect attacks of malice with their love waves, Yami Yugi can use more general attack reflection able to reflect the attack of Zorc Necroshades himself just by speaking his own name.
Shadi also developed prana from Yami Yugi's power, prana being a swarm of particles that was erasing the existence of the universe, including duel spirits. The Pharaoh could use prana to erase the low class angels and demons if he wanted.
That said his speed is a little low for the tier. For the best counter to the tier in my opinion, you could use

A Chaunteur Wraith from Wraith: The Oblivion
Powerful Wraiths are relative to at least first tier Mages, who themselves can amp their physical durability with magic enough to tank an rpg and can move fast enough to be comparable to their own light attacks suggesting that the Wraith would be relative to the tier.
Wraiths are inhabitants of the spiritual land that are bounded still to the living world by their fetters. Their powers are Arcanoi, the skills of the dead which are powered by the passions, ie the emotional extremes they are feeling. Both waves of love and hatred would amp this, by driving up their passions.
They could not be beaten by waves of love or hatred because Wraiths are actualy multiple consciousness, including a psyche, the remains of their living identity and a shadow, the self-destructive urges of the Wraith. This means that a Wraith would be able to contain within them at once, great love and great hatred and any attempt to nullify one emotion would only drive up the Wraiths passions. Make the Wraith more loving and they will feel more passion to reconnect with the living world. Make them more hateful and the Shadow will make their passions that much more intense.
Wraiths bodies are much more malleable and gives them, if not more durability, a lot more endurance then the Angels and Demons who rely on their spiritual existence.
A Chaunteur Wraith would be the best choice, as Chaunteur Wraiths manipulate the emotions of their enemies and could nullify the love of the angels and the hatred of the demons, making them weak.
Wraiths have two weaknesses. As explained earlier, their divided identity and shadow actually help them here since it allows them to feel paradoxical love and hatred at the same time, driving up their passions as a result of internal chaos. However the other is that they have extreme difficulty affecting the physical world. However this is actually not relevant here, as all relevant enemies are spiritual entities. Granted the Wraith would have trouble killing the normal human civilians of the WP-verse but they also can't hurt it and aren't really fighters.
City Scale Tier:
Here are the fighters of both species; angels and demons.
This tier gets up to the town range scaling off Noctune of the Night creating a thick darkness covering near to the horizon only for Wedding Peach to destroy it with her light emanation and Arushion creating a mental dimension only for Wedding Peach to obliterate it with her transformation.
In terms of speed, the tier is FTL being relative to superior to Wedding Peach's light. This isn't even normal light as it was go all the way to Angel World only for Wedding Peach's mother to send a light back all the way to Earth in mere seconds to respond to her.
In terms of notable demons this includes Pluie the first major demon enemy. Pluie had wind manipulation and has brainwashing abilities more potent then the normal demon. He also had his dimension ring, a ring that created a large building sized portal to a negative dimension where angel powers are weakened, and also distorts gravity and space. There's Nocturn of the Night, a human who became a demon by Pluie's power, and served as his general. Nocturn is a darkness demon who can create a thick darkness stretching to the horizon, with which she can hide herself so well it may as well be invisibility, can cause people to disappear into the darkness, can brainwash and show illusions. The demon Arushion is a skilled illusionist who created a whole mental dimension of Angel World pretending to be Wedding Peach's mother to trick and torment her.
The Angels in their Fighter Angel state would likely be here as would the Angel Fighter Limone who was able to fight evenly with Pluie.
Both Angels and Demons of this tier can create inter-dimensional tears with their attacks and can manipulate memories of even each other. Angels of this tier can massively boost their durability to the point of Limone being able to block energy of Planetary Level entities with his shield though it strained him. Conversely Demons can create dark vortexes that massively amp their offense to match, to the point that an essentially newborne demon soldier thought he could assassinate the queen with a surprise attack.
Angels and Demons of this tier have generally fought for hundreds of years and so have a massive skill. They also have enhanced sensory abilities, able to detect emotional states like malice or love, as well as psychically "see" through the dark, have prophetic dreams, have a danger sense and get good or bad feelings of what will happen soon.
In terms of weaknesses the same weaknesses of sleep/dream manipulation and bfr into space or into another dimension are likely the best bet. Interestingly Wedding Peach could not sense Arushion's malicious intent inside the illusory dimension that she created, suggesting their powers are more limited there. Superintelligence might be handy but it's not a huge advantage since the verse isn't dumb or anything. That said the verse in general is pretty hard to kill. A character who I think would be able to "win" over the tier's fighters, even if he can't kill them would be

Mr. Mime from The Powerpuff Girls.
Mr. Mime is significantly stronger then the civilians of Townsville who were able to survive a city-busting bomb going off near them and should scale to the casual PPG speed which was just over the speed of light when they were a few days only and later in the pilot was 50 times the speed of light.
Mr. Mime creates a grey apathy aura that emanates from his body and spreads rapidly omnidirectionally. This mutes all sound, erases all color, and causes apathy. As Angels and Demons rely on love and hatred respectively, being forced apathetic would likely render them much weaker. Outside of a brute force attack immediatly they would have no way to even affect him anyway as he is passively at the center of his own apathy field, and probably would not feel either form of emotional wave.
That said he couldn't actually kill them, and he could get beaten if he got hit right away. For a very versatile character that would probably be able to actually kill them by taking advantage of their weaknesses, you could use

Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy tanked a nuclear bomb and strikes from Revenant Jason Voorhees who was able to survive similar things like a bomb powerful enough to make an earthquake and a mushroom cloud. While his physical dc can be equal to that, it can also rise with his powers to the point that his dream world can contain even a whole world. He is also fast enough to move faster then his own telekinesis which sent a house millions of miles into space in seconds, faster then the speed of light. As such stat wise he would likely be similar to a Demon Fighter in the Wedding Peach-verse.
However Freddy Krueger is massively more versatile then them. While there are hundreds of angel and demon fighters, Freddy can duplicate himself thousands of timse, matching his opponents one for one with some left over so he can't be endangered. In any of those fights he can also quickly or instantly win by draining their life force which should work on even on a Spiritual entity.
Freddy like a World of Darkness Mage has actual disbelief hax. He resists any magic less powerful then himself because he doesn't believe in fairy tales. This means he can resist basically any ability that the tier would throw at him. And while the verse does have spiritual entities, that doesn't mean they can easily destroy a spirit. Freddy can regenerate himself from just a consciousness, which would be incredibly hard for them to destroy even if he didn't resist their magic.
Freddy has gravity and dimension manipulation good enough to make the dimension ring look like a trinket and could easily dimensional or telekinetic bfr his opponents into oppositely charged dimensions or into space as he did a house.
However his biggest advantage is also his most iconic ability. Freddy can attack the angels and demons in their dreams and kill them there. He can even induce sleep with dream drops and then kill them where they don't have powers. It would be what Arushion did to Wedding Peach on steroids.
Demonic waves of hatred corruption are going to be lol worthy to Freddy and Angelic waves of love....they might hurt him like crazy but they are probably not going to be able to purify him. The Demons are by lore horrid spirits of hatred, but Freddy has way better "feats" of evilness as it were.
That said Freddy could maybe be threatened by the holy power of the Angels considering his weaknesses to holy powers and the sheer level of holy power they have. Also he is seems like just throwing in a very versatile powerful character rather then one specialized for the verse. There's one more character however, a very different character who I think would be an absolute unstoppable monster for the tier. This is, of course,

Bedtime Bear from Carebears.
The Carebears have demonstrated kiloton to megaton level feat like unfreezing the forest of feeling and and fighting Spirit who caused a massive cloudquake. They also regularly use light based abilities they seem to move relative too. As such Bedtime Bear should be relative to the tier in terms of power.
Bedtime Bear has the ability to use the "Care Bear Stare" a light based attack which has worked on the Spirit, a spiritual entity. It can be used to purify almost exactly like a Love Wave would, it even nullifies negative powers and as such would mean that Bedtime Bear would be considered relatively similar to a Fighter Angel. However Bedtime Bear also has a powerful resistance to corruption as though he was an Angel of the higher tier as the spirit was unable to drive the Carebears crazy or corrupt them. Love Waves would also do nothing since Bedtime Bear is basically what people affected by Love Waves already turn into.
Care Bears also have the power to bfr opponents to the Forest of Feeling which due to it's nature would likely have a similar effect on demons as the negative space of the dimension ring would have on angels. He also has enhanced senses since Carebears can hear the cries of children on Earth from Care-a-lot up in the clouds.
However Bedtime Bear also has sleep and dream manipulation and could likely defeat the tier's fighters by sending them to sleep which would hypothetically work. He's basically a mini version of the giant love wave Wedding Peach did at the end of the series.
Planet to Universal Scale Threat:
Here exists the Four Sacred Somethings, which together can produce >planetary effects and anyone who uses them becomes strong enough to control all the worlds. Most of the tier is planetary. and same speed as the prior tier by scaling.
Here lies the strongest Demons under the queen, the Wind Demon Uragano, the Water Demon Potamos and the Fire Demon Igneous. All have stronger versions of the demonic powers listed above. Uragano's Half-Human son Viento would also be here, as he and his father's clash threatened the Super Fighter Angels. These demons are strong enough that not even the power of one of the Sacred 4 can stop them.
On the angelic side, the 4 Super Fighter Angels, the magical girl main characters are here after gaining their individual Sacred 4. This includes Wedding Peach whose powers are light and love themed. She has such love that her passive presence was purifying Jama-Pii and her love rivaled Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, and reached all the way to Angel World from Earth. Her love wave is well known for it's incredible potency able to even bring people back from the dead.
There's also Angel Lily who creates a rainbow attack that can bind even powerful demons, Angel Daisy, a martial artist who can create a freezing ice attack that can affect spirits of hatred and angel Salvia, a master swordswoman with massively more experience then the other Super Fighter Angels who can create projectile slashes to slay demons with her aggressive holy energy.
There's also General Celeste, leader of the Angel's forces who is strong enough to rival the great demons and whose love wave answered her daughter's and was able to go all the way from Angel World to Earth. She was able to save the souls of Lily, Daisy and Salvia when their "bodies" were destroyed and brought them down to Earth despite losing her memories in the process. She is a very skilled warrior and strong enough to rival the Super Love Angels.
Above even these, with power exceeding even 3 of the Sacred 4 are the two queens. Ruling Angel World is Queen Aphrodite, queen of all love. Her prayer created a barrier around all of Angel World so powerful none of the demons, even the 3 listed above bolstering their offense could break it. At the same time she was still able to use magic on people on Earth to help the Love Angels while doing this.
Her opposite is the Big Bad Queen Reine Devilla. Reine Devilla is strong enough that her sheer presence threatened her generals. She can see across dimensions and can project her vortex as she did to kill Pluie after he failed her desire as well as Wedding Peach. She can also personally transport people across dimensions without any dimension ring, throwing her into a negative dimension to nullify her powers.
However above even these is the sheer power of the Sacred 4, and the one being who accessed their power, Wedding Peach in her final form. Wedding Peach with the Sacred 4 despite being in a dimension that nullified her powers created a love so powerful as to encompass and purify all of Demon World, Earth, and Angel World into light and purified matter. This is effectively large planet level transmutation/purification. It also managed to finally beat Reine Devilla sending her into a long sleep where she may finally be purified when she awakes.
You might think the weakness to the tier is obvious; just use a telekinetic that can telekientically grab the Sacred 4 from Wedding Peach and then the character will be god tier in the verse. However the Sacred 4 are not easy to grab, let alone use. To escape capture, they turned into pure love energy, the love energy of the entire world, and when that proved insufficient they crossed time itself to avoid being taken.
However that does lead into one of the few good counters to this tier; that being time manipulation. As shown when the sacred 4 transcended time to get away, time manipulation is non-existent in the verse and any good time manipulator will have an advantage with that.
This leads to my first counter

Methusaleh from Dies Irae.
Methusaleh is the Aristolen Concept of Darkness. Just the power of one night can crush half a planet and he can use the power of hundreds at once.
Methusaleh's power is determined by what conceptions of darkness exist, meaning that what people think of darkness gives him powers. As seen by the Noctune of the Night fight, the Wedding Peach verse associates a lot of things with darkness, meaning Methusaleh would likely be a lot more versatile then he normally is.
Even his normal abilities would be OP though. He can easily BFR opponents into an eternal darkness, basically what Queen Reine did. He can also hypothetically BFR his opponents into space. As the concept of darkness the verse would have extreme trouble finding a way to beat him with the only feasible way being 4 Sacred Somethings Wedding Peach doing her big feat again.
Even this might not work as Methusaleh's willpower and ability to resist from willpower is legendary to the point of resisting being conceptually erased from sheer willpower.
Methusaleh is also an ancient entity existing since people could percieve darkness and have ideas of it and would be able to manipulate the verse. He can also lock the verse into time loops, which they would have no ability to get out of.
That said it is possible that Wedding Peach's ultimate attack would one-shot him. For a counter with more possible paths to victory you could use
Sosuke Aizen from Bleach.
Aizen was comparable to Yamamoto whose passive presence while he was holding back was threatening Soul Society which is the size of the Earth and after he transformed with the Hogyoku he was stated to transcend shinigami including Yamamoto. He is also much faster then Lieutenants who could dodge the Aushwalen light.
Aizen uses reiatsu a spiritual form of energy that allows him to interact with spirits and thus should be able to fight the verse normally. Reiatsu in general allows Aizen to resist or replicate most of the abilities of the verse. His Hogyoku will also warp reality on a limited level changing his body to fulfill his wishes which should allow him to evolve past the verse's fighters.
Aizen can detect spiritual presence even from another dimension giving him senses that would rival even Queen Reine and can transfer souls to other dimensions like Celeste did. It would be easy for him to send Demons to Angel World or vice versa to weaken them.
However this is only really tapping into Aizen's biggest advantage, Aizen's mind. Aizen is infamous for his psychic powers, able to casually hypnotize numerous people so strongly that it even affect Yhwach who was able to see all potential realities and choose the best one, tricking him into thinking a good reality was a bad reality. He can defeat numerous other psychics at once. Beyond that, Aizen is infamous for his incredibly intelligence, able to manipulate everyone in Soul Society and only lost because deep down he felt alone for his all his power so the Hogyoku made him lose.
Aizen could also keep any weaker Angels or Demons from getting close because his sheer spiritual presence would keep anyone not strong enough away, which would likely at the very least anyone in a lower tier and possibly anyone below the Queens. This means he could instantly hypnotize the top 3 fighters in the verse and then use long-range reiatsu crush to beat anyone else in the verse while they can't even get close to him. All the while he could trick them and manipulte them as well as using the Hogyoku to transform into a stronger form of Aizen that could potentially even match the power of the Sacred 4, which by itself is supposedly enough to conquer all the worlds.
That said similarly with Freddy, this does a feel a bit unspecialized and like putting a generally strong versatile character in rather then someone very specialized for the verse. For that I would like to submit my ultimate counter
Darkrai from Pokemon.
Darkrai scales to Pokemon contributing the energy to overpower the Tree of Life which provided the spin and rotation of the Earth and scales to Pokemon fast enough to blitz other Pokemon capable of reacting to beams of solar light.
Darkrai is a dream pokemon who can use Dark Void to put enemies to sleep which should actually work before attacking them in their dreams.
Darkrai can hit intangibles, in it's power amped state it was even able to hit the conceptuals Dialgia and Palkia. Pokemon also regularly hit Ghost Types some of whom are spirits.
Darkrai also has spacetime manipulation surviving having the spacetime it was in ripped to bits and manipulating the fabric of spacetime suggesting he could become as uncapturable as the Sacred 4. It also can teleport using it, along with teleporting others, and can survive in space suggesting it can bfr the tier's fighters into space.
It also has a strong pre-cog then the tier suggesting it would better know what it is going to happen next. It can even absorb lifeforce.
Darkrai would be an unstoppable nightmare monster, draining their spirit, knowing their moves impossible to capture, able to put any of them to sleep and attack them where they are weakest or just end them there itself with it's spacetime manipulation.
And that's how to be OP in Wedding Peach.
Jesus this verse was HARD to counter, the stats were Weird in 2 of the 3 categories with disproportionate speeds, but even in the one they weren't weird it didn't matter because the HAX in this series is unreal, i know Maybe 4 other planet level series that can keep up with this but that doesnt make this easy. So the counters you used here were all REALLY smart, especailly considering the verse's general well rounded lack of weaknesses but you found some great ones i dont think i would have considered and the matchups you made here were just Out of this world impressive, with at least the latter 2 people in each tiers counters feeling like they were Made for this.
ReplyDeleteAtem really stands out to be in the low tiers as he just had exactly the right abilities to stop everyone AND i knew him.
Also you used the likes of Mr. Mime and Freddy! Freddy is an EXTREMELY Dangerous horror entity for his tier, the fact you would bust him out for this REALLY is a testimate to how op the characters in this verse actually are, but he really does seem made for the job.
and while i knew no one in the last tier, i did do a jaw drop at each one because holy crud they seem like endgame levels of haxy unstoppable in each of their series, and they are all kinda edgy which is ironic to put in a magical girl show.
Really fantastic guide imp chan, i think you outdid yourself
Interesting counters all the way through, especially since you had to deal with alternate forces in the form of love and hate all the way through. The Top is a pretty fun counter where his spinning just redirects both forces (amazing of all the weird superpowers you can find in DC). Yami Yugi's description just goes to show that there is a lot more to Yugioh characters than holographic monsters. You also really found a great all-encompassing weakness with dream manipulation. Bedtime Bear is just hilariously perfect all the way through (especially when you put him right after freakin' Freddy Krueger). I appreciate the inclusion of Darkrai in the last tier, not just because I like Pokemon, but it really does seem like a great specialized character for this verse, and even the vacuum of space weakness is accounted for in your description.
ReplyDeleteWedding Peach! Glad to see you blogging on it Imp, I feel like it's a rather niche series over here. Really good classic magical girl series imo, covers all the elements I love about the genre while still being unique. I remember love power being pretty overpowered. I mean, they weaponized the driving force behind these sort of stories; how do you get around that?
ReplyDeleteAt first I was thinking a robot or something that didn't feel emotion but that's not the problem. It's the angels and demons themselves generating these powerful emotions that need to be dealt with. Emotion nullification then? Looks like you picked the perfect counter in Mr. Mime (not the Pokemon, though more on that later) but that's not all! You managed to isolate a weakness that was totally off my radar: dreams! I don't normally think of angels and demons as sleeping and dreaming but as you pointed out right from the start, it's a weakness even the most powerful of demons in this series has!
Great seeing Freddy making his rounds here. Wherever there are characters that need to be attacked in dreams, he'll be there! Like a recurring nightmare. But BEDSIDE BEAR?! BEDSIDE. BEAR. I haven't been this shocked by a counter in one of these strategy guide blogs for a while. I grew up watching the old 80s cartoon as a wee lad and lemme tell you: hearing the Bears and stuff like the classic Care Bear Stare discussed in vs debating terms was a trip and a treat. I love Wedding Peach too but the inclusion of Bedside Bear alone would've made this an excellent blog in my books. My personal bias aside I think he's an excellent choice for this tier and verse. He's the demons' worst nightmare (more than Freddy?!) and is basically immune to the angels (would make an OP one himself). Nails that dream weakness too.
Oh, before discussing the big counters at the end I just wanna backtrack and compliment you on that Wraith you picked to curbstomp the lowest tier here. Very creative pick, probably my favorite emotion-based choice here. The amping off of both sides, the multi-layered consciousness...really cool stuff.
So, what can look OP in the face of the mightiest power in Wedding Peach, the 4 Sacred Somethings that can make multiple worlds bend to their power at once? Looks like darkness is on the menu. Oh, and Aizen's crazy "I talk at you and win" schtick :P Seriously, that dude is OP, it's very fitting he shows up at this level of power. Methusaleh's a neat choice, I like how he can be a nigh-invincible destroyer of worlds that keeps that time manipulation weakness you sussed out in his back pocket as a win button.
Darkrai though, wow. I didn't expect to see a Pokemon as the final, best counter to the highest tier in a series this strong. He's banned to Ubers for a reason! Tremendous showing from one of my favorite franchises here, I love how you thoroughly described every nasty trick this mon can do. He's not just darkness and nightmares! The spacetime stuff, the psychic powers...you really summed up it best in your final paragraph there, well done!
Great blog Imp, thanks for highlighting another series that deserves more love! Pun intended, of course ;)