Some villains are equal in power to their heroes, rivals that force each other to struggle to their highest extent. Some villains are stronger then their heroes forcing the heroes to rise to fight seeming forces of nature. And then there are some villains who are so unbelievably powerful that they can try and usurp the position of the Supreme Deity.
Synnar, the Demiurge
Protege, the God Child
I am Imperator100 and this is a Mini-Death Prediction

Long ago before the first creation, The Supreme One became aware and to fashion his first creation created his Architest, the nameless Demiurge. However the Demiurge's creation defied the laws of the Presence and were exiled from his sight. In anger at this treatment of his creations, he turned against his creator and was destroyed. Or so was thought. For a small subatomic part of him survived and waited.
It came to be there was a monstrous alien known as Synnar, powerful enough to fight the JLA alone. Synnar had been a vile scourge on the universe in every lifetime. He discovered a strange force called the nameless one who manipulated Synnar into serving his interests.
Eventually the nameless one came to possess and fuse with Synnar, revealing his true nature as the nameless Demiurge. Thus was born Synnar the Demiurge. With his rebirth he began his long plan to seize control of the cosmos from the Presence and become the new supreme lord.
True Nature:
Synnar's body has been destroyed and reformed multiple times, so it's unknown what, if anything, remains of the original Synnar's body exists. Though it is notable that the original Synnar was powerful enough to fight the JLA single-handely, one-shot Superman and turn from energy to matter through sheer force of will.
What the Demiurge was originally and what Synnar is now is not exact, though he was the first creation before things like matter, energy, space and time the endless, the monitor sphere and so forth. As the Demiurge it seems likely he shares the same role as Michael Demiurgos does currently especially given the role given to him by the Presence. If that is so it is possible he is "essence without shape" as the Angels are.
Regardless of his exact nature, he is able to survive in the subatomic realm of pure potentiality without any actuality.
Demiurgic Power:
If Synnar does occupy the same role as Michael, then it is likely he has the Dunamis Demiurgos, the supreme power of god, capable of destroying all of creation, creating a new one, or maintaining every atom of creation for every moment.
Synnar's power is seemingly comparable with this. A highly weakened Synnar's power is comparable to Mongul or Darkseid according to Starfire. He created and maintained the original creation and can reabsorb it at will. He was able to fight all of Creation itself rallied against him by the Presence and is described as nigh-omnipresent, existing across dimensions. When the insane entity known as The Weird got Synnar's power, he was capable of wiping out Creation by accident.
Cosmic Awareness:
Synnar is a cosmically aware entity. He knows both past and future and is said to be such a master of space and time as to be able to retrieve people from the past as he did to the original Synnar.
He is also a fairly tactical entity, and hid himself from The Presence, though this may be simply a part of the Presence's plan.
Synnar is extremely arrogant. Despite being utterly defeated the first time, he planned to try a second usurping of the Presence and take control of all reality. He initially thought he could hide his rebellious intent from the omniscient Presence.
Also while he's infinitely powerful in the raw power sense, his ability to warp or manipulate reality seems limited to what he can create. He does not have the infinite will of Lucifer for instance.
Synnar despises the Presence for the treatment of his creations. That said this seems related to Synnar's incredibly elevated sense of self-importance, that HIS creations would be treated as such, rather then any principle of justice. Synnar has a grandiose sense of purpose that is wholly ill-fitted for his fallen state outside his original role. That said with all his power he is the strongest villain living within the DC Multiverse.

In the reality of Earth-691, the Universal Church of Truth has become a dominant force in the universe in the 31st century, worshiping Adam Magus, the evil self of Adam Warlock. However Adam Magus had died long before and so they set about using his technology and magic to create their new messiah. This worked far too successfully, and some strange inter-dimensional power source was born to the new infant.
Raw Potential:
The power born to Protege was a power unlike any others. Protege's power was called by Eternity the strongest power to be ever born and Protege is called the strongest being to have ever been born. Eternity also says Protege's power is the strongest among both the mortals and the immortals. His power is virtually limitless, prompting Eternity and the Living Tribunal to watch him since his childhood.
Power Mimicry:
The primary ability of Protege, his power can mimic any power upon him observing it once. This extends to even the strongest cosmics. At a very weak stage he was able to use the magic of Malevolence, Mephisto's daughter by observing it. He would go on to be able to copy even the powers of The Beyonder and The Living Tribunal. Speaking of which...
Beyonder's Powers:
Protege was able to copy the powers of the Beyonder, more and more closing in on omnipotence. This event caused The Living Tribunal and Eternity to note that Protege was a threat to the multiverse outweighing all else and gave Protege the capacity to warp the completely infinite realm of the Beyond Realm to his liking. While it's unknown what abilities exactly of the Beyonder Protege gained, its' implied to be most of them, giving him a highly versatile ability to warp on a completely infinite scale.
The Living Tribunal's Powers:
Protege was also able to copy the powers of the Living Tribunal. He implied he could replicate any of the Living Tribunal, Eternity's or the Hawk God's abilities.
This would give him more capacity to control reality then even the various versions of the infinity gems. The Living Tribunal's power has been said to be second to the One Above All.
After mimicking the power of the Living Tribunal, Protege takes his final form and declares himself the new One Above All.
Cosmic Awareness:
Protege was able to copy the Cosmic Awareness of the Cosmics, including Living Tribunal giving him the same ability of "infinite awareness". Even before he attained this level though, in fact since he was a child, his awareness was strong enough to know that Mephisto and Malevolence were always going to betray him.
Protege can mimic any ability or skill but can't replicate technology, and originally could not replicate Beyonders powers that he did with just a thought though this seems to have changed.
Also, especially for a Cosmic, Protege is essentially a child, without much experience as a cosmic. He lacks much in the way of tactics.
Protege is not really evil, just a spoiled child. He selfishly wants to control all of existence and considers himself above concepts like good and evil and so doesn't care what method he has to use to take what he wants.
Alright the combatants are set, it's time for a MINI DEATH PREDICTION!
It began on a world as humble as any others. Born merely several thousand years ago, the tiny dark world orbited at a great distance for a world orbiting a red star. In the shadows and burning red light, a cloaked figure arose. Synnar's footsteps displaced the dust of the world, dust as insignificant to him as all the temporary galaxies, displaced in a timespan similarly insignificant from the view of Heaven's eternal being.
Synnar's powers had returned to it's apex. He bellowed to the Heavens. "So-called 'almighty'", as first of the creations I demand you appear before me such that I may take my proper place as supreme lord of creation". But a different form of supreme being appeared before him.
The lights of the heavens, converged inwards on each other, spiraling at speeds beyond imagination, the dots of light converging further and further, burning at different frequencies until the image formed vaguely circular, with two protrusions coming before it. Details emerged, as if engraved it into a statue by enough jewelers to fill an entire reality. The great face of a boy with 3 faces, his middle face angry and shining with fury appeared in the Heavens, the presence of the face of "God" sending the spiral galaxies and nebulae spiraling burning red across the night sky.
The two beings despite never meeting recognized each other immediately, their infinite awareness easily growing to accommodate each other.
"You can't have it!" bellowed Protege, his cosmic voice, sending such wind as to rip space and time. "Supreme is mine and mine alone! I am the new One Above All!"
Synnar growled angrily "Childish Welp! You shall not hinder my destiny!"
With a thought Protege caused Synnar's form to explode.
Synnar reappeared unharmed.
"Fool" he proclaimed and blasted Protege with his great power.
Protege's form was unharmed as a glimmering shield appearing around, him crackling electricity. Protege was sent hurtling across the multiverse, bursting through realities.
Angrily he caused the realities to cave in on the hole he had created, sending realities crashing down, with many galaxies, quasars and singularities crashing in on each other, sending burningly bright light through the multiverse and a great noise like the birth of the universe to sound.
Synnar floated through the vacuum and brought his mighty fist tearing his way through the reality maelstrom, annoyed at this detour to his plan.
Protege appeared to his side in the 52nd dimension and yelled in anger, his shout creating such a wave of pressure that a great tunnel of space and time, a singularity across all planes sent Synnar hurtling into hypertime.
The swirling mental range of possibilities annoyed Synnar, the "glorious" creation of the Presence. He dared not use the Dunamis against his foe for if he did Protege could gain his most glorious power.
From the world of imagination, The Demiurge spied on the God Child deep within the multiverse, his godly presence alone in the material world, causing a singularity many thousands of realities long, creating many big bangs along it's edge so small as to almost be invisible the blinking in and out of particles.
A great strike from Synnar hit the edge of the Hypertime, causing a tremor to shake creation. Protege's shield held against such an assault with only the most minor fluctuation. Crackles came across field of influence as his mighty awareness spied his foe flying down calmly.
The Two stared at each other for a moment in an eternity and an eternity in a moment.
"You can not copy the powers of machines?" spoke Synnar with a hateful tone. "Then behold my glorious creations!"
And with Synnar's words, came the creation of the great machines the meta-machines of the monitors, machines existing at once in this reality and in the monitor reality. They circled menancingly around the singularity that was Protege, orbiting him with such speed at to rival the speedforce.
Protege spoke angrily "Trying to outnumber me? Ha!" and from him he called upon the great power of the Living Tribunal Arbiter of the Multiverse, he who appears in every universe and multiverse and megaverse.
"Aid me!" Called the God-Child. Then speaking to Synnar he said "Behold, for now you fight against..."
And Indeed Assembled was the assembled beings of the omniverse, or at least a strange facimile of them.
The eyes of Synnar glowed dangerously. "I have fought against such a force once before" he thought but to aid him this time he called upon his own creation.
As Protege and his forces approached, a great energy unlike any seen before emerged and so too did his own creation.
"Fear oh Protege....I have summoned a force to match your own. I have summoned...
The Two Universes stood in opposition, illusions perhaps, or some strange copy of what they once were.
"We shall see whose cosmos is stronger!" Protege answered angrily and the two sides charged.
Even the mighty vision of Synnar was obscured in the chaos of battle. A burning orange cosmic Phoenix grappled with rainbow colored animals made of light. Purple burning waves of anti-matter from the anti-matter universe were countered by the shining golden ocean of the unfathomable power cosmic. The Lords of Order shimmered in and out of existence near the Cosmic Cubes emanating great fields of energy, both asserting their cosmological fundamentality. Supreme Forces of Magick, Technology and Spirit clashed and boomed across the shattering reality.
He realized only too late that this battle was giving his foe an infinitude of possibilities to buffer his own power and quickly attempted to find him.
Protege's infinite awareness was buffeted by the sheer cascade of powers surrounding him, every variety and possibilities. As the shadowy figure of his enemy approached him, he released the full extent of his power hoping to finish the enemy quickly.
Synnar's form once again was reduced to mostly void, but a few stray atoms escaped and hurtled still towards Protege.
The God Child knew that those atoms were Synnar but did not have the forethought or reactions to stop Synnar from appearing again in front of him and with one single blast of his mighty power, sending the two of them across the face of creation.
The sound of the great battle grew more and more distant, as did all light, as did matter and energy and the vacuum of space and time. The two fighters from the mighty blast found them in the infinite void, the place that was not, where the consciousness of the Over-Monitor developed and from where the Living Tribunal had thought to judge Protege. Below them, for the second time, the Cosmic Brothers, the two Creations battled with such a fight that even in distant void, their fight could be felt.
The great emptiness was comfortable to Synnar who spoke saying "My plan has succeeded. Here is where I was born. This is my natural domain" and saying such he shed his mortal body. Great Glowing Eyes appeared, Eyes holding the most supreme of powers encased in their orbs.
Protege was not as familiar with this place but quickly regained control and attempted to push off the great eyes of Synnar, the demiurge.
"I only have one chance at this" thought Synnar "I can not risk him gaining the supreme power" and thinking this Synnar released the more supreme of all powers, the Dunamis Demiurgos, the power of God.
The Void itself rippled, a new creation's worth of energy being born and called from the nothingness, a power strong enough to destroy anything in existence, the dunamis. The fire that breaks.
Protege felt his shield breaking. "Impossible!" he yelled. And just like that he was gone.
Synnar smiled to himself self-satisfied.
Suddenly before him Protege appeared.
Synnar shocked exclaimed "What?! How?!"
"My awareness observed you take the form of sub-atomic potentiality before to survive and I gained the same ability."
Speaking this Protege called upon the Dunamis of Synnar himself and Synnar felt himself reduced to mere atoms. Before he could reform, Protege called forth a crystal cage and encased Synnar, trapping him, as Beyonder had once done to him.
This fight was probably the only fight where the two were exactly equal in terms of raw power output, being completely infinite. The difference was in versatiliy.
Protege had the reality warping abilites of The Beyonder and the Living Tribunal. While Synnar had some reality-warping abilities, he mostly had creation-based abilities and never displayed reality-warping on any scale like that before.
Synnar could have won early on using his heavy survivability with his higher planar nature but both his arrogant nature and his tactical thinking would have suggested to him that he should hold off using the supreme power lest it get copied. That would likely provide his downfall as Protege was far more direct with his powers.
While Synnar was likely a very fundamental part of reality, Protege had the powers of the Living Tribunal which should allow him to replicate the reality gem, an infinite gem capable of warping even fundamental parts of reality like Synnar.
While both are cosmically aware, Synnar also has no awareness feats to compare with the infinite awareness of the Cosmics Protege copied.While Protege is technically inexperienced, his greater cosmic awareness should more then compensate.
The winner is...Protege

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