Some Quick Rules
1: I'm going by what I know about these verses, some of them have sequel series I don't know and these potentially upgraded the verses. Expect that I will know the original series at least for each.
2: This assumes the verses were put into an all-out war without prep
3: Only characters from the series, not other characters that are technically in same verse but don't appear in the series (though scaling to said characters is fine)
4: These are every verse (that I can remember) that I gave at least an 8/10 too that are not part of a larger franchise I gave a smaller score. Don't mock my tastes, and I won't mock yours lol
32: Ouran High School Host Club
All main characters are street level. Basically just a Modern Earth versus wise.

31: Over the Garden Wall (Warning: Spoilers)
Verse also has modern tech and population. Also has supernatural forces like the Beast that give it an edge. Also was made in 2014 while Ouran finished production in 2010 meaning it has an extra 4 years of development for whatever marginal difference that makes.

30: Cutey Honey
While set in modern times, has advanced tech and powerful enough high tiers to beat the supernatural forces of Over the Garden Wall. While the Robots of Cutey Honey are not advanced enough to solo modern Earth, they would certainly give a massive advantage against another Modern Earth.
29: Axis Powers Hetalia
Has the Countries which are Country Level Anthromorphic representations of the countries who as singular entites would probably solo anything in Cutey Honey. If it's ruled that they are just the countries in general and that they don't give any advantage, verse would still rank here as Hetalia also has the Pictonians from the movie which could transmute Cutey Honey verse from orbit.
28: Tokyo Mew Mew
Deep Blue could destroy the Earth from orbit with his attack and it would wipe out the countries. Against the pictonians he can arguably resist their transmutation since he can resist mew power and he can arguably slice up their ships easily with his casual strikes or contain them in light orbs.
Drosselmeyer is an intangible town scale reality-warper. Deep Blue has no way to strike his intangible ghost and would probably get reality-warped. While Deep Blue could fly away faster, he has finite stamina while Drosselmeyer would catch him eventually.
26: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Judgement dwarfs a city, can likely hit ghosts given Panty and Stocking are able too, and is fast enough to come down from Heaven outside the universe in seconds. She would just step on Drosselmeyer. If she is really God then she was the one who granted Garterbelt immunity to dying even from the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.

25: Yu Yu Hakusho
While much slower then Judgement, there's lots of characters raw stronger then her, able to solo the rest of the verse. I don't think Judgement can kill everyone in the verse and eventually they would probably bring her down.
24: Danny Phantom
Not sure whether to count reality-gauntlet since it was destroyed. Generally speaking the verse is slightly weaker powerwise then YYH but way more hax and more numerous threats. Arguably the YYH cast should be able to hit ghosts since they use spirit energy, that said even fodder ghosts can use invisibility and can intangibly phase people into walls insta-gibbing them. Also Walker's goons can overshadow someone which would mess up most of the YYH-verse. While the top tiers would be probably somewhat fair, the capacity of the fodder of DP to be a threat to YYH suggest it would win.
23: Shamanic Princess
SP REALLY depends on how you consider Yord. An Abstract? A Pseudo-Abstract? Regardless he's at least a casual planetary power with inter-dimensional range. He should be able to reality-warp most of the DP verse before they get close. Given his strange nature I can't see him getting effected by anything other then the Reality Gauntlet and if they were to fight I'd still give him at least a 50/50 shot by just controlling the user.
22: Magicka
Has Semi-Planetary Powers in Cthulhu and Assatur. Also has the Abstract Concept of Death and the Wizards can use pseudo-abstract defense ignoring powers like shooting raw entropy/death at their enemies. While Yord would be a really big threat, he'd probably get swarmed.

21: Xiaolin Showdown
Verse has just ridiculously higher dc/dura then Magicka verse on average. While the intangible verses would post a threat, XS has anti-intangibility with serpent's tail and reversing mirror. Also they have significant chi manipulation. As chi is life energy think it might be able to hit Death given that Death was weak to life mana.
20: Metroid
I think Metroid is lower then XS in terms of raw power (Metroid is planet level but XS is Large Planet Level to Low Stellar). That said the XS verse is a lot slower and can't protect against all the haxes. Things like the Phazon Plague would be very hard to hit. While XS does have some intangible and other dimensional shenanigans and would keep the verse alive for a while, Metroid also has such from Gorea and Phantoon.

19: Pretty Cure
Pretty Cure has a lot of stellar level stuff putting them higher even without Goyan and I think some of the anniversary movie villains at universe level. Also Dark King has some universal hype with the prism hope in one of the really early eps of Futari Wa. While they are slower and not hax, their hax resistance and the number of dimensions they can attack from should probably let them take Metroid eventually.

18: Bayonetta
Actually somewhat similar statwise, FTL Stellar Level for the high tiers. While Bayonneta doesn't have the same number of dimensions as Pretty Cure, Inferno and Paradiso are both WAY larger then any of the pretty cure verses, suggesting they have far more high tier fighters. Also Bayonneta-verse fighters can way more easily go between dimensions and attack between dimensions and their dimensions are far more geared for combat. Likewise the highly extensive spacetime hax should allow them a victory even against the superior raw firepower of the pretty cure god tiers.
17: The Powerpuff Girls
The verse is at stellar based on Him creating and maintaining a chalk dimension with a sun and partial scaling to Monkey who towed a star system. While they have less stellar level fighters, if they're serious they're fighters are likely faster at mftl (though admittingly Bayonetta does have a potential MFTL feat). That said PPG does have mental plane beings that could attack the Bayonetta verse doesn't have any easy counters too.

16: Okami
Okami-verse is comparable to faster given that Ammy has a casual mid-game speed feat equal to the best potential speed of PPG-verse. They're also galactic level which means top tiers could one-shot most of the PPG Top Tiers. While the Okami-verse has less top tiers then PPG-verse, the sheer range and AOE should give the Okami verse the win before it becomes a problem.

15: xxxHolic
Yuuko was implied to be a threat to Fei Wang Reed which means in terms of sheer power she should be a lot higher then Okami. While she's got no speed feat above them, given her nature outside space and time I can't imagine that she'd get blitzed. She probably reality-warps them out of existence.
14: Yuki Yuna is a Hero
While Yuuko is more versatile then the Yuki Yuna verse, the Yuki Yuna universals (which is like 1, and sorta 2 more :P ) have the advantage of range, AOE, sort of numbers and combat experience. I can't see Yuuko soloing the verse.
13: Magic Knight Rayearth
Has got 2 Universals basically, Mokona and Combined Rayearth. It would be mostly even between their top tiers, but Shinju's roots are are a weak point that Mokona and Combined Rayearth would probably exploit. Mokona is also a conceptual level universal reality-warper, which the Yuki Yuna universe doesn't have conceptual level feats to compare.
12: Wander over Yonder
Thought this verse had 1 universal initially but it actually has 2 looking back on it. Mrs Myrtle and the Celestial Being from episode 1 who is also a universal reality-warper. The two would be fairly even for Mokona and Combined Rayearth. That said they scale to better speed feats, for what it's worth at this level. Also the rest of the WOY-verse would stomp the rest of he MKR-verse and would be more help to their side then the inverse.
11: Yu-gi-oh!
Zorc is the creator of darkness, and the top tiers scale to a universal feat Blue-Eyes has in the prequel manga to Dark Side of Dimensions which also gives prana derived from the Pharaoh's power a universal feat. This gives the verse several universals, Ra-Horakthy, Zorc, The Power of the Pharaoh and any monster boosted to enough power to outnumber the Wander-verse. Also the verse has spiritual entities which would be difficult for the Wander-verse to beat.

10: Divine Comedy
God Tier is 1, sort of 3 being(s) that is a universal abstract. Unless destroying the universe works, which I don't think is how abstract works, the Yugioh verse has no way to hit an abstract like that adn Divine Comedy God would destroy the verse eventually.

9: Undertale
Arguable how multiple versions of the same character should count. Do they count as seperate beings? Undertale has it's own abstract I'd argue, that being Chara and has at least 2 more universal+ entities, those being Frisk and Asriel. There's also the gag character of the Annoying dog who fodderizes these fools. Given that Asriel can destroy reality on such a fundamental level as to destroy the game controls (Asgore can do this as well), they can probably hit Divine Comedy God and would win a fight. Also if Asriel falls any 7 human souls can make a monster into a God like being like Asriel Dreamurr.

8: The Stanley Parable
Narrator I'd argue is a fair fight for Asriel, a Top Tier of Undertale. Female Narrator and Essence of Divine Art are way stronger. Essence of Divine Art is a rather strong abstract and unless the Annoying Dog can beat it, I think the Stanley Parable would probably win because of it. This is a close one though.
7: God of War
Has an abstract itself, Fear Zeus which is Fear itself incarnated.
Kratos is also above Fear Zeus with Power of Hope and the verse is full
of deities some getting into the universal range, as well as
primordials. God of War verse has way better feats at this level the
Stanley Parable and the god tiers of GOW are a lot more versatile.

6: Puella Magi Madoka Magicka
There's not many characters in GOW that can hit abstracts and Kami Madoka can duplicate herself thousands of times over with her arrow ability. While GOW-verse has a lot of beings on the level of the Madoka God Tiers, the Madoka God Tiers also have powerful reality-warping that can take them out. Also Madoka likely wouldn't get blitzed being outside spacetime. Best chance for GOW-verse is if Kratos starts in range of Madoka. Otherwise Madoka shoots an arrow and creates thousands of her and overwhelms GOW-verse.

5: Freedom Force
Has 2 Abstracts, Entropy who was the multiversal embodiment of chaos and Energy X. Also had Time Master who was on par with Entropy, Man-Bot whose energy overwhelmed her and Mentor whose psionics were so powerful as to contain them. Time Master can also do Madoka's duplication ability. Entropy and Time Master both have comparable to better feats then Madoka and Homura. Unless the other strong characters in Madoka like Kyubey and Kriemhild Gretchen (if you count her since again, do you count alternate versions of the same character?) do unexpectedly well, I can't see them resisting getting overwhelmed.
4: Sailor Moon
Only one Abstract (Chaos), but their top tiers are a lot more versatile in displayed feats compared to Entropy and Time Master. Also if Sailor Cosmos and Sailor Chaos fight Entropy and Time Master, while they'd be weaker in raw power, and higher in versatility, the other characters have a way higher ability to help then the rest of FF. FF has Mentor, Man-Bot and the Energy X, but SM has dozens of universals at mftl speed and most of them have some degree of hax. Also Entropy and Time Master would probably struggle to deal with Cosmos and Chaos' regen, and Usagi can also duplicate across time just like Time Master.
3: Cardcaptor Sakura
I think Usagi vs Sakura is pretty even. That said CCS also has Clow Reed which is almost another Sakura. Clow Reed would fight and probably seal Chaos, solo the rest of the verse and then help Sakura beat Usagi.

2: Saint Seiya
While Sakura and Clow Reed's power would be comparable to SS Top Tiers, and their hax and versatility game would be equally formidable, they don't have speed feats anywhere near. While their nature as transcending space and time would somewhat mitigate this, it's still noteworthy. Also SS has way more characters at that level then 2 as it's basically the level of the primordials of which there is at least a half dozen known. Also the other SS character would be strong enough to help turn the tide of battle even if there was only 2.
1: DC Comics
Kind of obviously the strongest verse here. While SS Top Tiers would equal the strongest Gods of the DC Universe like Darkseid, there are beings in DC that dwarf even Darkseid in terms of power that would destroy even SS.
So God of War has actually been changed to Multiversal on Vs Wiki, due to how the nine realms and the Yggdrasil work, with Thor, the World Serpent, Baldur, and Kratos being as strong or stronger than it, I don't know if that changes your view point when it comes to strength though.
ReplyDeleteThank you for responding!
DeleteNot especially. While an increase in power is cool, it doesn't change that GOW-verse doesn't have a lot of characters that can hit abstracts and so unless Kratos starts in range Madoka can probably just shoot her arrows and duplicate herself thousands of times over and overwhelm the GOW-verse, especially since I don't think Kratos can see invisible enemies like Kami Madoka though I might be forgetting something there. It would be bigger if say GOW Thor got the ability to hit abstracts since they he could snipe Madoka from universes away before she does so. But unless they adapt the story with Thor wrestling an old woman who turns out to be old age itself, I don't see that happening.
I should note I don't agree with vs debating a lot. They wank a lot of verses I like. I strongly don't think Sailor Moon or Madoka is multiversal in any standard versus sense of the word, nor do I think Undertale is though I am less sure on that one. I also don't think the God Saints from Saint Seiya are multiversal since it took all 5 of them plus Athena to damage Hades whose best feat AFAIK is maintaining 3 universe sized dimensions. I am skeptical of their P&S upgrade as well tbh. They also sometimes downplay verses I like, like Pre-GOW4 God of War and to a more understandable extent the Stanley Parable.
Basically I don't agree with them a lot :P No offense.
I am surprised they don't have pages for Freedom Force. Seems like something they would like and would fit very cleanly into their tier system.
Sorry I meant to reply to you, so I just copied my earlier comment onto here.
DeleteI'd imagine Zeus probably can hit abstracts too due to Fear being in him, but it's not certain. I think the sirens actually turn invisible when they use their music and Kratos is able to reveal them with the Head, but I'm not quite sure there.
I don't agree with them a lot either, so no offense taken, I was just telling you, because I was really surprised since they usually downplay the crap out of it, I was pretty excited when I saw that though.
Eh, that seemed more like Fear was "possessing" Zeus if you will then it was Zeus could actually hit fear, though in fairness I do recall the game depicting Zeus placing fear and hope into the box maybe he can manipulate abstracts.
DeleteImagine it's getting to blatant for them to ignore and just claim it's hyperbole :P
Long response ahead lol, sorry in advance.
DeleteIt is interesting since Zeus was able to seal the power of Fear, and the various other evils, so I'd definitely say at least manipulating them, does the same go for Athena though, since she was the one who placed Hope in the box?
Well sort of, I probably should have said that just Norse Kratos, Baldur, Thor, and the World Serpent were the ones upgraded to multiversal, they haven't upgraded Greek Kratos or any Greek characters due to the scale of the feats having a large disparity despite the precedent for universal level characters already existing and being some of the lower level characters, when compared to the higher up Titans and Gods, not even including Fear Zeus and Hope Kratos. Although, I think in the future someone will try to make a thread that would backwards scale to the Greek ones. It's difficult with Matt though, he always calls the feats wank, even when he usually doesn't have an actual rebuttal, he's been why it took so long to get an upgrade, so I was surprised he said that this could work.
Honestly people on Reddit seem to have a harder time excepting things like this, even with the plethora of scans given, I had someone tell me that the the enemies are weak because they take multiple hits to kill, but the bosses also are weak, but not as weak, since they take more hits to kill, and they were dead serious, as if game mechanics counted. Some people still use it to downplay, which is infuriating, but people are stubborn and since they thought GoW was weak for so long they aren't likely to change their minds easily or ever unfortunately.
Also, will you change Kratos to multiversal due to the whole Yggdrasil having nine realms that are their own universe, and it having each strand, not just branch, surpass space and time, plus it has all the timelines in it, which is why the timeline with Kratos is different than the one that originally happened without him, where the Serpent was sent back, or are you just going to keep him where he's at. Will you do analyses on any of the characters from the new game ever, or no?
It's no trouble at all! I enjoy talking about any of these series! :)
DeletePerhaps...Athena and Zeus seem to have some form of sealing at the very least, and potentially some form of abstract manipulation.
Not trying to start with drama with Matt or anything but yeah I really don't get his viewpoint. Especially considering we are both big Saint Seiya supporters and fans and this is a somewhat similar scenario. Empirically often seems very low level but has some high feats and some high statements that are consistent with each other. Meh. Some people just never see eye to eye I suppose.
Oh reddit. Reddit is very hard to change the standing of any verse that is even moderately well known. They still argue about whether DBS Goku and Beerus are universal. You'd think they'd give that up after a while. Their axioms are rather shoddy imo.
Yeah I think current Kratos you can probably say is multiversal. There was the Thor vs Jormundangder feat, and then more support for the greek scaling, if anything probably higher. The Greek Gods Athena, Ares and Helios I had at galactic level or so from scaling from Ares creating a galactic dimension and Helios defeating the primordial Nyx every day, who contains many stars within her. Yet Kratos who has God of War powers less often as Ares, is holding back more, and is implied to be weaker from age can match multiversals? I am not saying this backwards scales to make Ares, Athena, and Helios multiversal (yet) but it should easily scale to the Big 3.
I'd love to make one for one of the Norse GOW characters, it's just time really, there's a lot of characters I wanna do. If a specific character gets requested I'll certainly consider it.
Yeah, Matt's reasoning was always weird to me, because they have Dark souls at least star level, and up to solar system level, yet there is literally no feats anywhere near that in game, so the lore is used, so why wouldn't it be used for GoW too?
DeleteYeah, Reddit is something else usually, still many people that just don't change their viewpoint no matter what, and they always got the old classic, just call everything an outlier lol.
Well the Devs did say that each Primordial was equal to each other, which makes sense due to the fact that a Primordial that doesn't have any stars in them can hurt Ouranos, mister universe maker himself, for the most part anyway, and Nyx did make the dimension in Ascension that has a statue of her instead of Apollo, and was always night time. It looked like a parallel universe/dimension, but if I recall correctly we only see the moon, so there may not be enough evidence to assume it's a normal universe. Also, I'm honestly not sure if Kratos is actually weaker, yeah he is holding back, but when he enters Spartan Rage mode he is vastly stronger than every character we have seen so far, including Baldur, and is literally incapable of being damaged in that mode, I'd say that he is around GoW 3 Kratos level whenever he does that, but there is no way to know for sure. Also, he was rusty for a lot of the game so that's a reason why Baldur was such an issue, plus he had his invulnerability.
Also also, the devs. did say that the Gods and Titans were equal to the Primordials so that can be a reason that even the non big 3 could be at least universe level, or you could say that someone like Ares had high AP and virtually no range to his attacks, so just because he wasn't shown making a whole universe or destroying one doesn't mean he can't, although that would be harder to argue I'd say.
I can definitely see an argument for GoW 3 Kratos and Zeus being at least multiversal since they are both individually stronger than Poseidon and Hades combined and those two are at least universe level individually, factoring Fear Zeus and Hope Kratos, who could stomp literally all the other characters pretty easily makes it even more possible, especially since a stronger Zeus, Fear form, couldn't even damage or make Hope Kratos flinch whatsoever, and that version of Zeus stomped GoW 3 Kratos. There is a whole lot of stomping and scaling lol.
Well, I'd say I'm a little biased because I would ask for a Nose Kratos analysis lol, but I think maybe Baldur or the Serpent would be cool, mainly Baldur, since the Serpent and Thor have like no in game feats yet, but it's up to you if you want to do them or not.
You make a pretty strong argument for Universal High Tier Greek Gods and Multiversal Top Tier ones. I do think it's been confirmed several times over that Greek Kratos>Norse Kratos, my interpretation being that this this based on Kratos no longer having the power of hope after he stabbed himself with the blade of olympus.
DeleteI'll definitely consider it! Thanks for the suggestion. Like I said it's really just a time thing, I have I'm not exaggerating when I say literally dozens of characters I wanna get too. As you can see by this list I really like a lot of verses.
I thought the same thing when it came to Kratos not having Hope, but GoW 3 Kratos only used it at the very end of the game, which is why I said that new Kratos might still be around GoW 3 Kratos's level, but not Hope Kratos, who is vastly stronger than anyone else. That being said, I recall Cory at one point saying that Kratos actually kept a small part of Hope for himself, so he still has a little bit of it, if he ever needs to use it, I can't remember where he said it though, I feel like he did in the video where he was asked like 50 questions or something, but I don't remember completely, I'm sure he said it though.
DeleteNo problem, and yeah I understand that it takes a lot of time to make an intuitive profile for a character, especially if you like it because you want to do it justice, so take as much time as you need.
Oh, and I don't know if you have heard of Seth the Programmer, but he has a pretty good video on how strong Kratos is, since he knows a lot about the lore. Also, I have an imgur profile that has basically everything relating to Kratos and GoW in it, including the Norse stuff that could help get an idea of how strong they are, I could link it if you want.
Kratos was using the power of hope since God of War 1 when he used it to kill Ares. It was what he absorbed from Pandora's box as Athena confirmed. It was what let him defeat the Fates according to the God of War 2 Novelization. End of God of War 3 Kratos only fully unleashed it's power.
DeleteThank you for your understanding.
I have definitely seen that imgur. Are you the creator? I ask because I still greatly regret not properly crediting the creator in my original Death Analysis blog, he is awesome, you if you made it.
I knew Kratos was using Hope since he got it, but I meant that he didn't use the full power of it until the end of GoW 3, as Athena said it was trapped and buried by his guilt so he never got to utilize it to it's full potential, I'd think of it more as a passive buff, until he fully unlocked it in GoW 3, I also knew that is what helped stop the Fates from killing him.
DeleteWhat confuses me though, is that in the beginning they were able to control him, they were the ones that sent Kratos to Rhodes, so obviously they still controlled his Fate, so why didn't Hope stop them from controlling him there, but eventually did later, that makes me think that maybe his own Rage is actually what overpowered their abilities since his Rage has been essential to him being as strong as he became, but honestly I'm not sure, just thought that was strange.
I'm not the creator, but I've talked to him over Reddit, he gave me the link to it, he's pretty much the reason why I know as much as I do, I used to be like most, completely unsure of how strong GoW is, but I'm not anymore. He's been adding to it, and still does every once in a while, so the original one you used may not have everything that it does now.
Yes he was able to start using it starting with God of War 1, and was able to use more and more of it as time went on culminating in his battle with Zeus at the end of God of War 3 where he used it's full power.
DeleteHe probably was using more of it by the time he got to the Fates such that he grown out of control of them.
I do have it but thanks for the offer. Also if you are in communication with him can you apologize to him on my behalf. I feel very regretful for not properly crediting him the first time.
Okay, I guess that makes sense, although we don't have a definitive answer.
DeleteYeah, I'll tell him you apologize, he doesn't mind though, he has actually responded to you here before, on your original Kratos profile Steve Charlesmene/CosmicComet on Reddit is the one that made the profile. He actually seemed to like that you organized all the stuff from the imgur profile so well, but as I said, I'll tell him you apologize.
Also, would this mean that Hope Kratos and Fear Zeus would be more around the lines of mid God Tier than low God Tier for your general power tiers since they should be at least multiversal?
DeleteI mean....probably not imo. They still seem about on par more so with the people in Low God Tier. Maybe. I'd have to consider it more! If you want I can provide info on any of the other characters so you can compare.
DeleteAnd thanks! Appreciate it!
Is it more due to the fact that Kratos is like the only one that can for sure hit abstracts? Or is it related to other hax?
DeleteAlso, no problem.
Well in terms of the individual characters, above the Low Godly Tier is Low to Mid Godly Tier which is where the Saint Seiya Olympians and Titans are, beings who are casually low multiversal, can regenerate on an abstract level, manipulate the atoms of the cosmos, can move at septillions of times lightspeed, and generally have a variety of bizarre and strong hax. Hope Kratos and Fear Zeus are very strong but I don't think they would be able to one on one someone like Saint Seiya Athena or Artemis. They seem more on par with the others in the tier they are currently, generally speaking people who are in the universal+ to low multiversal range with a variety of hax and can fight on the abstract plane, as opposed to the Olympians who can fodderize High-Tier Gold Saints like that.
DeleteBut, aren't Kratos and Zeus, infinite in speed anyway, because the speed thing wouldn't really be an issue, but the other stuff would be, also though, Hope seems to bring Kratos back from death no matter what happens to him, as his health bar was not only lowered but completely destroyed when Fear Zeus killed him, but he still came back. All the other stuff seems true though, I was kind of talking purely AP wise though, but the Olympians and Titans have some pretty strong hax too, just not as strong.
DeleteInfinite in speed I only attributed to reflex/attack/burst speed rather then full on maintainable movement speed which means while they wouldn't get blitzed it does give a bit of a disadvantage.
DeleteWhat you are describing in Saint Seiya terms would be similar to the 8th sense, something a lot of the high tier Saint Seiya Gold Saints already possesses.
In terms of raw power and hax Kratos seems similar to me to someone like Virgo Shaka or Gemini Saga both of whom would be fodderized by Athena in-universe.
If you want to compare, here are some fairly good profiles imo
But, doesn't Kratos have the boots of Hermes, so he could run that fast as much as he wants? Is Athena multiversal then, I've seen some of the profiles, so it's okay, was mostly curious is all.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePerhaps gameplay mechanics but that does not seem to be a speed he can maintain. It seems to be his burst speed
DeleteI guess that's possible, but why wouldn't he be able to maintain it, Hermes seemed capable, and Kratos is better than Hermes in literally every way except for straight running speed, and that was only until Kratos got the boots. Although, it could be argued that Kratos has less experience with them so that's why, but he seemed to be able to use the Nemean Cestus, and Claws of Hades, as well as various other items well as soon as he picked them up, but like you said the speed isn't the only reason he'd lose.
DeleteAlso, the creator of the Imgur profile said he may post on here every once in a while, since he may want to talk to you about GoW.
I mean my interpretation was that the power of the Boots of Hermes granted him infinite speed briefly but that he couldn't use it forever. That seems contradictory to how it's depicted.
DeleteThat would be great! TY. It's also nice talking to you! :) You really know your stuff.
Ok, makes sense.
DeleteYeah, hopefully you'll see him around, although he is usually busy. Thanks, it's nice talking to you too, and like I said earlier, I owe most of what I know to him, I knew some stuff, but not nearly as much as I do know.
I'd imagine Zeus probably can hit abstracts too due to Fear being in him, but it's not certain. I think the sirens actually turn invisible when they use their music and Kratos is able to reveal them with the Head, but I'm not quite sure there.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with them a lot either, so no offense taken, I was just telling you, because I was really surprised since they usually downplay the crap out of it, I was pretty excited when I saw that though.