Outside our dimension, called the garden of rainbows by the extra-dimensional beings, lies the two parallel dimensions, the dimension of light called the garden of light and the dimension of darkness, called the dotsuki zone, or dark zone. The main world of the Dark Zone exists in a great vortex of darkness caused by the supreme emperor of the Dark Zone known as Dark King. Where he comes from is unknown, though he is said to be the most evil being in existence, dedicated to the destruction of all other the worlds.
His malevolence manifests in the supreme power of the Dark Zone, the power of destruction opposed to the power of creation the supreme power of the Garden of Light. The Dark King seeks to gain the power of creation to gain unrivaled power.

The Dark King's power manifests primarily in her sheer capacity, able to casually destroy any of his underlings with ease. The Dark King's power was of such strength that with his rage he was able to casually explode a star and it's surrounding planet. Even when the 3 Dark Seeds, beings with aspects of his power gained the power of creation to equal his power of destruction he was able to equal the three of them in combat. And this was in his base state.
When he was able to absorb the power of creation, his power was such that it was causing space and time to come undone, creating cracks across spacetime, shaking the universe requiring his opposite Light Queen to stabilize it. It was suggested that if Dark King was not stopped, his power would have brought destruction unto all the worlds. Dark King was also arguably stronger when he re-incarnated, claiming to have the power to destroy the Garden of Light with a singular attack.
Dark King is also likely durable on the stellar level+. Even Light Queen his equal stated she could not defeat him, and it took Pretty Cure and Light Queen together to defeat him.
Dark King is also very fast. The Dark Seeds far weaker then him were able to casually fly inter-planetary and inter-dimensional distances, demonstrating FTL and Inter-Dimensional Capabilities. Dark King is also capable seeming of attacking across dimensions.

The Dark King has a number of abilities as well. He can project energy as energy beams, and control darkness. His darkness manipulation was so potent that after absorbing the power of creation, he was stated to be able to envelop all the worlds in darkness.
The Dark King has the ability to absorb or "swallow" other beings or energies. He did that to absorb the rebellious dark seeds with the power of creation absorbed.
He also has the ability to summon much weaker entities to serve his will.
The Dark King in his base state has a large weakness. The Power of Destruction is of such malevolence that it damages him greatly to use it's power, and so he usually relies on his minions rather then get involved personally. The Power of Creation can counteract this, allowing him to use the Power of Destruction freely. This is represents by his rage, which blinds him from thinking clearly.
Name: Dark King
Origin: Pretty Cure
Classification: Embodiment of Destruction, Dark Emperor
Powers and Abilities: Enhanced Stats, Energy Projection, Darkness Manipulation, Absorption, Summoning, Inter-Dimensional Travel, Spatial Manipulation (with the Power of Creation)
Weakness: Without the power of creation, the power of destruction harms him to use. His rage can blind him.
Destructive Capability: Stellar in Base, Potentially Universal with Power of Creation
Range: Inter-Stellar and Inter-Dimensional
Speed: FTL
Durability: Stellar+
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Stellar Class
Stamina: Low normally as his own power harms to use, Very high with the power of creation
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Above Average (Ancient Entity with lots of experience with tactics)
So how would he do in other verses?

In the DC Comics-Verse, the Dark King would be a drastic threat during the New 52 Era, due to having raw power over most of the Earth Metahumans, though he would be a speed disadvantage against the stronger Earthlings if he tried to battle directly instead of via another dimension (though DC Magicians and Super-Scientists do have inter-dimensional capacity). If he is strictly base, he might be overwhelmed by raw power and numbers, but if he has the power of creation he would be very difficult to stop and require a hax or the like to beat. He would do much worse in any stronger era.

In the Marvel Comics verse, Dark King would be rather interestingly placed, having power on the level of a Herald Entity but speed comparable to a Metahuman level entity. He would be a massive threat if none of the Herald Level Entities can interfere as inter-dimensional capacity is somewhat rare though again Magicians and Super-Scientists do have inter-dimensional capability. That said He would not be able to do much against even lower level herald level entities due to raw speed and versatility unless he gets a lucky shot in.
In the Sailor Moon verse, Dark King would be a powerful threat for the first two arcs, having stellar level power and ftl speed regardless of version, though the upper bounds of the second arc are likely too hax for him. That said with the power of creation would allow him to briefly rise to the power of the strongest Sailor Crystals, specifically the Silver, Golden, Saphir and Black Crystals which means even up to the fifth arc his power would be notable. He would likely be on par with the strongest members of the first arc and most of the members of the second arc. It doesn't help that inter-dimensional capabilities are very common. He could become a theoretically much stronger threat if he begins absorbing entities to use their magic.

In the Dragon Ball Universe, Dark King's relative standing depends a lot on what you think of Cell's Solar System Statement. Either way, his FTL Speed, Absorption and Stellar Power, he is likely either about on par with Super Perfect Cell or Base Majin Buu in terms of manga continuity. While his universe-busting power might be technically on par with the Super Saiyan Gods, he has neither the precision nor durability of one of them and would also get speedblitzed. He has a few neat abilities for the verse like Darkness Manipulation and Summoning, but his absorption is nothing new for the verse and so he would likely qualify as another strong villain.

In the Saint Seiya verse Dark King would be on par with someone first activating their 7th sense giving the abilities to fly at the speed of light and and crush stars with their fists. His absorption would be a fairly unique ability, and despite lacking the atomic manipulation of the verse, if he has the power of creation he could probably defeat the lowest bracket of 7th sense users. That said any Gold Saint would be able to beat him easily.

In the Bayonetta-verse, Dark King would qualify as a Top Tier Demon with some unique weaknesses. If taken on quickly enough, he would be fairly easy to beat as he does not seem to have the abilities to see the invisible or hit intangible enemies. That said if allowed to grow in power he could absorb the verse fodder and gain those abilities becoming far more dangerous. If allowed to grow in power he would have power comparable to a top tier like Jubileus and Queen Sheba. With the power of creation he would be able to threaten the trinity of realities just as he threatened the garden of rainbows, the garden of light and the dark zone with his power. However while he would be a massive threat, he could likely still be beaten one on one by someone like Bayonetta due to the power of her time manipulation, general versatility, as well as being able to manipulate his rage.
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