As a major fan of the Sailor Moon manga I've uncovered something big. There is a character that is secretly the top tier of the Sailor Moon verse and it was a character that was with the Senshi for the majority of the arcs, but was hiding their power the entire time.
I know this might sound strange but I have discovered definitive and undeniable proof that one of the characters in the Sailor Moon Manga is not just very powerful, but the secret God Tier of the verse.
Who is this secret god tier?

This kitten.
This is Diana, cat partner of Usagi "Chibiusa" Small Lady Tsukino otherwise known as Sailor Chibi-Moon. The two of them come from the future and are introduced during the second arc of the manga. She is the daughter of Luna, cat partner of Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon and Artemis, cat partner of Minako Aino, Sailor Venus.

Technically Diana is not a normal cat. She is a "Mautian", a species of aliens from the planet Mau that can change (though not at will) between a catlike form and a humanoid form. The crescent moons on their foreheads give them magical abilities, most notably the ability to speak. That said they're not particularly that high up on the magic power scale.
Or are they?
I've uncovered ironclad evidence that this tiny kitten is in fact the strongest character in all of Sailor Moon and is merely pretending to be small and weak.

It all starts with Diana's introduction. In Act 19 of the Sailor Moon Manga, Chibiusa brings Usagi into the future of her own time to save it from the Black Moon Clan. The future Utopian city of Crystal Tokyo has been devastated by the Black Moon Clan's vicious attacks powered by the Poison Black Crystal, causing the deaths of all the civilians by means of chemical weapons and causing them to be ERASED FROM EXISTENCE.

Later that same chapter Chibiusa is reunited with Diana, and Chibiusa is ecstatic that Diana is still alive and the two have a heartwarming reunion:

However, notice what isn't commented on. Chibiusa says in surprise and happiness "Diana! You're still alive!"
Yeah....Diana....how did you survive the bombing that wiped out the populace of the city, wiping them from existence?
Diana never address that, and sure she was excited and it's understandable that she forgot how to speak and reverted to meowing in excitement but she never explains how she survived the attack on Crystal Tokyo. King Endymion in fact goes out of his way to explain that the ONLY two that survived were Chibiusa and Diana who were unaffected entirely:

Chibiusa makes sense, as she is the bearer of the Silver Crystal, the ultimate defensive force in the Sailor Moon universe, so it would make sense she was unaffected, and Usagi was able to survive her star seed stolen by Nehelenia, an ability that normally erases the affected.
But Diana? Why would Diana have been unaffected by an attack that massive?

Diana's ability to survive things is actually rather uncanny. In act 38 Sailor Saturn wipes the Earth of all life

and yet Diana is confirmed to be completely fine.

How is it that a small kitten like Diana can survive these things?
Maybe Diana's been hiding her true power....maybe she's really much stronger then we've been led to believe. Maybe she's not WHO we have been led to believe.

The face of the secret god.
Diana actually has a major impact on the second arc of the story. During the second arc, the Guardian Senshi are engaged in battle with the forces of Death Phantom on Earth. One of those forces on Earth, Prince Demande is currently threatening the whole of spacetime by coming close to creating a paradox that would end space and time. Meanwhile at the door of spacetime, the powerful Outer Senshi Sailor Pluto is stationed, forced to watch the distortion of spacetime, but forbidden from leaving her door unattended.
This is where Diana comes in, going to Sailor Pluto to tell her of the dangers to spacetime
This is where Diana comes in, going to Sailor Pluto to tell her of the dangers to spacetime

This is the event that triggers Sailor Pluto to go to Earth and save the space and time of the cosmos.
The drama of the scene might be distracted however if you think of it, a pretty big question emerges. How DID Diana get there?

It's not like travel through spacetime is easy. In fact it's emphasized how difficult it is to travel through the corridor of spacetime on several occasions and it's not like Diana has a time key.

In fact the only natural power shown to be able to travel through time is the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal:

and Wiseman comments that Chibiusa accidentally came to the end of spacetime, his domain, because her hidden power was too strong for the world to contain, referring to her Silver Crystal.

So for Diana to just casually run to the spacetime door outside spacetime itself, would seem to require a power on par with the Silver Crystal, the "ultimate power of the universe". But how could that be remotely possible?

Travel through the spacetime corridor as casual as Diana's is seen only once more in the series. In the fifth arc, we are introduced to the lambda power, the power that all the other sailor crystal's powers derive from, including the Silver Crystal and the Pluto Crystal of spacetime. After attained the lambda power, Chibiusa easily travels from the present to the future without using her time key.

The Lambda Power is the be all and end all of Sailor Moon powers, as it's the power that can defeat the ultimate evil Chaos in one burst without meaning too. There's one Sailor that uses the Lambda Power as her own, the mysterious Sailor Cosmos from the future.

Sailor Cosmos is the guardian of the entire cosmos, all of space and time. During the 5th arc, Sailor Cosmos returned to the past, hiding her true form as Chibi-chibi. When all of her past self Usagi's friends were killed Sailor Cosmos went to emotionally reassure her, at the same time being emotionally reassured of her own tragedies:

Sailor Cosmos has the ability and inclination to go back in time disguised and interact with the people from the past, especially to help them deal with the loss of their loved ones.
And where's the first time we see Diana?

Comforting Chibiusa after all that she knew and loved was destroyed.
What else does Diana arrive just in time in for....just in time to save the universe's space and time from being destroyed....ie the job of the actual Sailor Senshi of space and time, Sailor Cosmos who doesn't appear when you would think it would be highly relevant and important for her to appear.
Unless she actually did, maintaining a disguised form. A disguised form like an infant Mautian.
That's right. Diana....is Sailor Cosmos!!!

Oh and on a separate note, happy April 1st to my Western friends.
I KNEW IT! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Some may believe this is just a prank, but I know the truth! After all, wouldn't the best April Fool's joke be that the joke isn't actually a joke? ;)
ReplyDeleteI've seen my share of talk about the Silver Crystal's immense power and yeah, seems like Diana has power either equal to or greater than that. And as soon as I saw the picture of Chibi-Chibi up there I thought to myself "Wait...aren't the two of them never shown in the same panel/frame?" Then it hit me! And it seems you've reached the same conclusion. Holy cow, I can't believe it! But also, I can. Diana always seemed to have some mysterious air about her, like she always knew what was going on and was hiding her true capabilities. One person's theory might be a mistake but two people? We've got a fact on our hands Imp. Well done!