A guilty pleasure is different from something that you think is good but is unpopular. A guilty pleasure is something you enjoy but recognize serious problems in. It's opposite is something that you dislike but respect, in my view.
I don't...how to put this, if someone gives a principle of their enjoyment, a rule, and then says they dislike something I like because it follows or contradicts that rule then to me that's very understandable.
However when someone says they don't like something I like for things I don't view as legitimate points about the work, I become irrationally annoyed. I also do with works I don't like. I do not like Revolutionary Girl Utena, but I have seen people criticize it for reasons that are irrational and similarly got highly annoyed.
With that said, there are definite things that are "flaws" or otherwise points that people in general dislike that I simply don't mind very much that appear in some of my favorite works. Examples:
1: Corniness: Stuff like the power of love, the power of hope, the power of friendship or positive thinking or eating your vegetables...I really don't mind these kind of themes. If anything, I'm kind of a saccharine person, I like works with sweet awwwwww moments, that wallow in idealism and optimism. If you are the type to mentally gag at ultra-sweetness and cuteness then yeah I can understand not liking some of my favorite stuff.
2: Preachyness: A lot of my favorite works I will completely admit are very heavy handed, and preach their message very directly and forcefully. I really don't mind this, and enjoy the intensity of the message. If you don't like my favorite works because they're all heavy handed and not subtle enough, then fair enough, my favorite works are usually not that subtle about their themes.
3: Sexuality: If the above two makes me sound very family friendly due to lack of edginess well....sorta. I am not a very edgy person, and am not fond of excessive gore or irreverence, but the content I like can sometimes have heavy sexuality. I'm a rather sex-positive person and honestly just don't mind eroticism in art, even when it doesn't "appeal" to me. Fanservice at worst makes me shrug and sexual characters I often find fun and/or interesting. If you are not as sex-positive as me, then I imagine this might prove less comfortable for you.
4: Exposition: I know logically "showing is better then telling" but honestly don't mind if a verse takes a quick exposition break to explain a bunch. Sure it's not that exciting but it seems very efficient a way of conveying information. That said I know most people dislike heavy exposition.
5: Repetitive/Unsurprising Plot Structure: This one is hard to explain why I don't mind it. A lot of my favorite series are on the predictable side and repeat a similar plot structure. I guess in general I prefer ht familiar to the unknown, so I don't mind having a smaller variance between what just happened and what is happening. If you really want a series to surprise you, I can understand not liking some of my favorite series.
All of these are perfectly legitimate reasons to dislike something that are in a lot of my favorite series that I don't mind personally but also would understand as perfectly acceptable reasons to dislike them.
I say all this to help explain why some of the below I enjoy even if they have relatively large problems.

5: Papillon Rose
Papillon Rose is what Panty and Stocking probably seems like to moral prudes. Which is unfair, only 90% of P&S's jokes are about sex lol
Note this is specifically the OVA. The Anime afterwards was just depressingly boring. The OVA is just a bunch of sex jokes disguised as a magical girl parody (as well as a blatant sailor moon reference and a blatant cutie honey reference). I'm gonna be honest, I only really like it because I have a bit of an immature sense of humor when it comes to sex jokes. Otherwise it's pretty unremarkable.
The characters are really flat, the plot was basically just an excuse to have girls in sexy attire fight, and there's also beastiality which was...unpleasant.
Regardless I thought it was pretty humorous.
That said the anime is really boring because it has everything the ova has but without the sex jokes.

4: Sailor Moon Abridged
Everyone has a favorite Abridged series. Most often it seems to be Yu-gi-oh! Abridged or DBZ Abridged. Sometimes it's One Piece Abridged or Hellsing Abridged or Sword Art Online Abridged (which is my favorite btw). SMA came out back when a new abridged series was being started for every mildly popular anime or anime-esque series to make an abridged series for. And like a whole 10% were good!
I like Megami33 and the SMA cast. They seem really cool and their bloopers are probably the funniest part of SMA....which leads to the biggest problem... namely that the bloopers are the funniest part of SMA.
SMA is not a DBZA or a YGOA. It's a lot cruder constructed with characters that are even more of caricatures then most Abridged Series. That said maybe it's just because I like SM so much but I really do still enjoy SMA and some jokes are just classics for me. That said a lot of the jokes are really predictable due to the characters being kind of one-note. Regardless, SMA still holds a soft place in my heart.

3: Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose
An independently made comic series about the witch Tarot that has lots and lots of fanservice.
As I mentioned above, I don't really mind fanservice, even when it doesn't really make sense. People also seem to dislike the proportions of the bodies of the characters. That's understandable but to be honest I'm not really a sensory person, I'm more of an abstract thinker kind of person so something having not the best visuals is not a huge problem to me, and from what I can tell most of the art is perfectly fine, it's just the proportions and body movements people dislike.
Series also has really strong and heavy-handed themes about bigotry and all the sort of themes of neo-paganism like being environmentally unconscious and do no harm and stuff of the sort. Again as I mentioned above that's something that doesn't really bother me.
I like Tarot personally because I like magic and occult related things in general, I think the series has a lot of really cool moments (I mean one issue has Tarot having to fight a Dragon Sorcerer naked on a snowy mountaintop to protect her cat familiar, having to fight quickly or she'll freeze to death, and that's just a normal issue for her....that seems cool to me). I also generally agree with themes of the series and think it's neo-pagan inspirations are cool.

2: Tomorrowland
Oh Tomorrowland....here's a film that I really like, but I REALLY get the dislike for. You have to be REALLY open to sappy corny to get past that, I get it.
I get the film's problems, they are there. It's even for things I like very heavy-handed. It's very sappy. It has pretty glaring plot holes. All of these I understand but don't really trouble me at all. I don't like how the middle of the film turns into a road trip film where they just go from place to place a bunch of times but that ending...
I adore the ending quarter of this movie or so. The message is so heavy handed, but I enjoyed it so very much because it's exactly how I think. and I'm gonna be honest, for all the hate this movie gets, for reasons that are sometimes undeserved sometimes pretty deserved, Governor Nix's speech near the end of the film is probably one of my favorite speeches of any villain ever.
Yes it's a very very corny family friendly Disney Live-Action Film and yes it has the exact problems you would imagine from that combination of words, but I really feel like there's something really good here.

1: DC Comic's The New 52
This is a bit of a weird one because it's not so much that I am saying I like what people don't like here, but more so there are good things to like that packaged in with the things you don't like.
When the New 52 was announced a lot of heavy DC fans were understandably upset because it seemed an erasure of legacy, which is bad and important to remember. That said now that the new 52 has been integrated with the prior continuity, can we stop sweeping everything that came out of DC for the entire 5 year New 52 Period with one big generalization. The New 52 has some really bad series, yes. It had a lot of continuity problems. But it did have some good series too.
The first New 52 Wonder Woman arc is among my favorite Wonder Woman Arcs. The New 52 Justice League Dark was cool and had an amazing ending with Pralaya. The New 52 Aquaman was so good the recent movie was made by it. Geoff Johns was a pretty good writer and he wrote a bunch of this stuff in this period. I hear good things about Demon Knights and the Batman stories of this time period. The New 52 Starfire solo series was finally a Starfire solo series and it was exactly what I wanted for the character even if it was a massive continuity mess.
Yes, the New 52 Superman stuff started out kind of awkward. Yes the New 52 Teen Titans and Superboy stuff was lackluster. Yes Red Hood and the Outlaws was pretty terrible and exploitative. The fact that I don't mind Starfire being even more sexual then she was in the Post-Crisis days doesn't change the fact that like everything else about her was wrong in that depiction. Yes integrating Wildstorm went terribly and messed with one of my favorite ships ie Apollo x Midnighter.
A lot of things were not great but there was still some pretty good stuff and I would really like if people stopped making the sweeping claim that nothing good came out of DC for like 5 years. I'm gonna be honest, I prefer the New 52 to the Silver Age, although only just.
So yeah, I have some guilty pleasures. I don't have many and it was honestly hard to find 5 of them, but yeah. These are some things I enjoy but recognize have like really big problems.
I understand most of these guilty pleasures but what made me interested was the fact that you said you are not a fan of a lot of gore or irreverence since you like GoW which has a ton of that stuff in it, just find it kind of ironic, plenty of sex in the original games though, so you're good there lol.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I could definitely tell you like sweet things with all the nice shows and games you usually have, which I don't mind, but it is still funny seeing the jump from Sailor Moon to God of War.
Speaking of GoW though, I was wondering what monster or character do you think the characters of RWBY would be able to beat, like what is the strongest one they could beat, including huntsmen in training, professional huntsmen, and other characters, kind of like a how they compare, but you don't need to do that as I'm just curious what you think. Also, maybe when you do more how they compares, use GoW sometimes, since I see a lot of DC and Marvel, which makes sense as they have way more characters and diverse powers and hax than GoW, but still. Also also, sorry for bringing up GoW so much, can you tell it's my favorite series lol?
I mean, yeah God of War does have a substantial amount of gorey-ness to it but....that's not why I like it lol. I like God of War for reasons that are not related to it's ultraviolence which if I'm honest is my least enjoyed part, though I understand that they are merely replicated the same ultraviolence present in actual Greek Mythology. Kratos tearing off the head of Medusa/any other gorgon is basically just the ending of the myth of Perseus again. Saint Seiya which is also mythological based also has some stuff like that like when Dragon Shiryu gouges out his eyes so to not be turned to stone by the mystical gorgon shield of Perseus Algol.
DeleteSM and GOW would be a funny mix lol. I like them for different reasons, though I like the mythology present in both, as well as the familial themes that are present a few points in SM and which are in a more tragic sense in the latest GOW.
GOW is a great series so no qualms there! I especially like 3, 4 and Ghost of Sparta. I don't think most of RWBY would get very far in GOW tbh. I mean the Cyclops which are an enemy so relatively weak that an early boss in the second game chronologically casually eats one are strong enough to build the planetoid sized Mt. Olympus with just their strength as they don't seem to have any technology behind basic clubs.
I have only made 1 DC how they compare technically lol, for Doomsday a long time ago. I only do 1 per series really, and it's usually for some big villain of the verse. I could do one for GOW if you like. I might do one for like Ares or Zeus.
I love talking any of the verses in my fandom (I can link to a list if you haven't seen it) so no problem, I could talk about GOW all day if I didn't have other things I have to do lol. I am working heavily on a GOW Death Prediction as showed in the trailer of my next death analysis specifically for Baldur from God of War vs Dubhe Alpha Siegfried: The Battle of the Two "Invulnerable" entities so I hope you like that!
I had a feeling you liked GoW for more than just it's gore, but just thought the huge difference between some of the series's you like was funny.
DeleteAlso, I know the Cyclopses do that, but I always imagined that it was multiple of them doing it overtime, although that would still mean they are super strong. I bet the stronger characters like the God of Light and Dark could get a little further, but I just was curious what bosses the characters could beat in general, but yeah it's as you said they likely wouldn't get far.
When I was talking about the How They Compare, I actually meant when doing a character see how they compare to the GoW verse kind of like you see how many of them compare with the DC and Marvel verse, like when you talk about what meta-human or superhero would be needed to stop them, but what you said would be cool also.
I too could talk about GoW all day, especially about theories for the next games, and if we eventually go to Egypt too. I have seen the verses you like, which is why I thought it funny you liked GoW since a lot of the verses you like are way friendlier and less "Literally everyone dies always and everything sucks" lol. That death prediction sounds awesome, can't wait to see it.
The RWBY Gods would likely be around the tier of the Lesser GOW god who also have planetary level abilities as Demeter's mere sadness causes global winter. Most of the Huntsmen and Huntresses are probably at least on the level of the Minotaurs/Titan Minotaurs in terms of raw power, though speed is a bit of a guess depending on if you think they scale speedwise to early Kratos at all.
DeleteAh, I understand now. Generally when I'm picking verses to compare too, I will do verses that are at least somewhat even and thematic with the other verse in question, verses that have something in common. Marvel and DC are a bit odd in that regard as the two have characters at basically every level of power.
Cool, if there's anything GOW related you want to talk about I'd love to.
Are you a fan of Saint Seiya at all? That's the verse Siegfried is from.
If I didn't have a constant barrage of College work I'd probably talk all day, and be on here more, but that's unfortunately not the case.
DeleteI have heard of Saint Seiya, but haven't watched it, but from parts I've seen it looks pretty awesome.
Also, I think we are on different time zones, because the replies you give me are usually when I should be going to sleep, but I stay up late most of the time.
Sorry to hear that.
DeleteMaybe my new death prediction will convince you to watch it ;)
Probably, it's late morning for me right now.
My reply is below this, forgot to hit the reply button lol, sorry about that.
DeleteIt might, and yeah for me it's the afternoon, the sun is already going down.
ReplyDeleteAny other verses you are a fan of that I am also a fan of out of curiosity?
DeleteI like DC stuff, Danny Phantom, Bayonetta, Undertale, and the Stanley Parable, and some of the others seem cool from what I've seen of them, I just know a lot less about them.
DeleteCool! Thank you for telling me! I'll keep that in mind! :)
DeleteNo problem.