How to be OP in the Danny Phantom-verse.
Local Scale Threat:
Outside but connected to our universe (like the two sides of a coin) is the mysterious ghost zone, a plane of reality created of ectoplasma and ectoplasmic energy emanated by the inhabitants. When a human dies, at least some of their consciousness become connected to the ghost zone's strange energy and manifest a new body of ectoplasm. The Ghost Zone has other inhabitants seemingly native to it, though even these seem to be warped reflections of aspects of the human universe, be it fauna (Wulf the wolf ghost), flora (Undergrowth the plant ghost), elementals (Vortex the storm ghost) or concepts (Fright Knight, the spirit of Halloween). These two groups categorize the group known to humans as "Ghosts".
Ghosts are shown to have a large myriad of abilities. The creator has stated the reasons ghost can appear invisible at will is that they have moved from the "positive spectrum of light" to the "negative spectrum of light" and their ghost cells do not "retain" light the same. Presumably this means that their natural coloration has shifted beyond the visible spectrum of light which is why infrared does still seem to detect them. Ectoplasm also seems to only weakly interact with matter from our universe meaning gravity and energy exchange only occur weakly or not at all allowing ghosts to phase through solid objects (including on one instance sinking into the ground by accident), and to float through the air. In common parlance: they can walk through walls, disappear and fly.
Ghosts also possess other abilities. Ghosts bodies are made out of ectoplasm, a form of matter that can demonstrate a supernatural level of elasticity and return even being reduced to goo or to smoke. Based on their origination, some claim that ghosts can even regenerate from nothing but their will itself. Ghosts emanate their own form of energy, ectoplasmic energy. This energy is unique to each ghost but has some common properties, most notably it can be used a weapon itself or can be imbued into normal objects allowing the ghosts forms of telekinesis, energy constructs and occasionally weather manipulation. This energy is still a part of them however and on one notable occasion, the ghost Kitty charged her clothes with energy so that a human girl wearing them would be transformed into Kitty, allowing her to escape the ghost zone. Ghosts also possess the ability to "overshadow" or take control of others, sometimes even including inanimate objects but more often living beings.
So on this tier we have the lowest level of ghosts, like generic fodder ghosts that the ghost warden Walker uses as his prison guards, numerous ghosts using medieval weaponry serve the ghost prince Aragon, and of course the ancient king ghost pariah can summon forth legions of ghosts at this level simply via his malevolent will. This tier also includes the true god tier of the verse, the BOX GHOST (formerly known as the mechanical frog ghost). He has control of all boxes as he is the lord of all things cardboard and square.
Ghosts of this tier scale to the crater Danny Phantom made in episode 1 requiring over 700 tons of tnt worth of energy, or high end multi-city block level. Season 1 Danny was also able to move comparable to lightning, which these low tier ghosts should scale too. Various ghost-hunting humans should also be at this tier as with the help of ghost-hunting tech, they are able to hunt normal ghosts. There's also the human Freakshow who possess brainwashing capacities and has a few ghosts as his henchmen. These ghosts are also likely much more experienced then any human fighter could hope to be given their immortal long-lifespans. Prince Aragon has controlled his domain in the ghost zone since the Dark Ages of man hundreds of years ago, and Walker sentencing Danny to a "light sentence" in the ghost prison gave him a sentence of 1,000 years, suggesting many ghosts maybe thousands of years old, consistent with Pandora who seems to have existed since Ancient Greek times.
So yeah fighting even this tier is REALLY hard. Facing literal armies of entities each of whom can be invisible and intangible, can regenerate from most forms of destruction, can possess entities, likely have telekinetic properties....the options are limited.
Fortunately the verse has a number of weaknesses. A naturally forming element in space called ectoranium actually repels and pains ghosts so a powerful enough matter manipulation hypothetically should be able to change the atomic structure of nearby matter into ectoranium. However there are less extreme options. The verse has developed technology that nullifies ectoplasm and ectoplasmic energy, even creating missiles capable of nullifying the entirety of the ghost zone. While very strong ghosts do have some resistance to this (as shown when the strongest ghosts destroy city-wide anti-ghost shields or Vlad/Dark Danny being able to use some of their ghost powers having the specter deflector on). Also as alluded to above, ghosts can be detected by infrared sensors. A powerful technopath should be able to use the verse's advanced anti-ghost technology against the ghosts, and only have to worry about the verse's human fighters.
There's another option that's not talked about quite as much called blood blossoms. The people of earlier times used blood blossoms, a naturally occurring plant that wards off ghosts as primitive anti-ghost technology. This means a powerful plant manipulator could manipulate blood blossoms to trap or ward off ghosts, though this option is probably not quite as reliable as technology manipulation.
Beyond that ghosts are very prone to being sealed, which Danny generally does to most ghosts, sealing them in the Fentos Thermos before sending them back to the ghost zone. In addition most of ghosts abilities especially their hax are based on the lack of interactions between ectoplasma with Earthly matter. When a human enters the Ghost Zone, the circumstances are reversed and the human (or any object made of Earthly mass) can phase through any ectoplasmic structures or people without even thinking about it. In fact ghost are extremely susceptible to dimensional bfr. It was said by the creator there exists a region between the ghost zone and the human world called the "unworld", a nightmare realm where neither human nor ghost abilities can be used (presumably because as a void neither earthly or ectoplasmic matter can interact with anything) and one is stuck forever. Something similar was seen in the seen itself when Technus was dropped into a glitch within a video game, a black void called level 0 and despite being the ghost controlling technology could still not escape as the void nullified his abilities.
So we have the helpful abilities. Who would be some good counters? For my first counter I will suggest

Groot from Marvel Comics.
This is base Groot, Groot's power wildly amplifies depending on his current size and the amount of plant matter he has incorporated.
Groot is a member of the species Flora Colossus, a species of treelike people from another planet. He should at least scale to various Marvel Street Level feats including feats of Luke Cage and Deadpool surviving nukes (albeit with difficulty and not quite epicenter) which should put him in the high multi-city block range, similar to the tier. He also scales to various lightning timing feats, putting him similar to the tier. Much in the same way ghosts can regenerate and alter their body, Groot can also do so, healing his body, regenerating it and altering it at will.
Groot as a member of Flora Colossus can link up with other planets and manipulate them as well as growing them. It is not unreasonable to imagine he could simply cause blood blossom to grow on his body making him untouchable to any non-high tier ghosts. He could even grow them within himself or suddenly as a surprise tactic to trap an unsuspecting ghost. He can also clone himself and link up with his clones growing them as separate entities, a form of duplication which is a high tier power in DP.
This also gives him another layer of defense against mind hax, since anyone trying to overshadow him would find a network of minds in constant communication, and Freakshow brainwashing one would not be able to fully stop him. Also as Danny was able to overpower Freakshow's brainwashing to save Sam, it's possible Groot would be able to break Groot out of Freakshow's brainwashing.
The only real threat would be that the humans advanced technology might be able to win (thought Groot's wood is immune to small arms fire). While I don't think it's very likely, for a counter that would be even less likely for that to happen you could use

Upgrade from Ben 10.
Upgrade can survive the high-end multi-city block lightning of Viktor, despite his metal exterior, suggesting he would relative to the tier in terms of raw power and can fight a Nosedeenian, a lightning-based being, without getting blitzed showing he has massively hypersonic speed.
Upgrade would be able to go toe to toe with anyone on this tier, aided by his logia intangibility and his own regen factor. But the real possibilities open up with Upgrade merging with the advanced technology of the Danny Phantom-verse, gaining their incredible anti-ghost technologies. Upgrade has been able to increase his physical stats up to island level before suggesting by possessing technology suggesting he could even fight the higher tiers. Upgrade would be able to carve a niche or himself against the Local Scale Threats similar to what Technus does for the higher tier.
Upgrade's species, the galvanic megamorphs also can naturally resist mind hax such that even Ectonurites can't mind hax them, suggesting that the DP-verse ghosts or Freakshow's mind hax wouldn't affect Upgrade. Upgrade can even undo digitization as some DP ghosts can do. Even if the humans were to try stop Upgrade, he could simply turn their own technology against him, and possessing advanced technology his stats would be far too high for them to hurt, especially as anti-ghost technology would do nothing against Upgrade.
However Upgrade, much like Groot is technically vulnerable to being rushed as soon as they appear in the verse they are invading. If you want a character that is not the case for, you could use
Death from Dante's Inferno.
Death was able to create his own dimension containing city block to multi-city block size and should be somewhat comparable to Cleopatra who created a storm via her raw power, suggesting he should be multi-city block level in power. He was also relative to Dante who moved comparable to Cleopatra's lightning.
Death is possibly conceptual, possibly just an embodiment (meaning he would be the physical representation of a concept). If Death is the former then the verse literally can't affect him without the reality gauntlet which is far above this tier, and if it's the later they would probably be able to affect Death normally but wouldn't be able to put him down permanently without his scythe.
Speaking of which, Death's first action is to transport a battlefield to his own void dimension, a dimension where ghost powers probably wouldn't work, and he has soul manipulation enough to send souls to the afterlife which would very likely force any ghost of a human he was fighting to pass on to the proper afterlife and stop manifesting as ectoplasm. Even against non-exhuman ghosts this would probably deprive them of their abilities. It helps that he seems to have some level of reality-warping and time stop which only one character in this verse seems to be immune too, and that ghost is on a higher tier. The ghosts and humans of the verse would have immense trouble killing Death, while Death could casually nullify their abilities and one-shot them.
City Scale Threat:
The Ghost Zone contains numerous powerful fighters and ghosts that are much stronger then the majority of ghosts, ghosts capable of contending with S2 Danny. The ghost Spectra was able to survive a blast from the Fenton Ghost Peeler, which was stated to be able to tear apart a normal ghost "atom by atom". Tearing apart an atom requires a MASSIVE amount of energy. To tear the atoms apart of a human-sized entity would be gigaton level. Likewise the ghosts realms are made of and maintained from their ectoplasmic energy including Skulker whose domain is a whole island (it's possibly this would scale to the low tiers as well as Skulker is actually a very weak ghost in a powerful tech suit, but conservative assumption is that it scales to his full strength). Likewise the mid-tier ghost Hotep-Ra was able to use the Scarab Sceptre was able to reality-warp an entire city and the surrounding area, likely requiring island levels of reality-warping. As such these characters are likely island level. In terms of speed the characters likely scale to Technus ghost rays which went from the far atmosphere to the surface at 12% the speed of light.
Most of the same abilities carry over but the number of abilities and unique haxes grow significantly. The ghost scientist Technus can control technology. Kitty can bfr with a kiss while her boyfriend Johnny 13 has his bad luck granting shadow. The child pirate ghost Youngblood can only be seen by those young in heart and the ghost singer Ember can brainwash and manipulate emotions, in the right circumstance even on a planetary scale, and gets stronger for each one she does, (the two have teamed up before).
There's also numerous forms of reality-warping from the Scarab Sceptre to the wish-granting genie Desiree (who gets stronger from wishes granted) to the ghost writer whose rhyming writing warps reality to fit his story, even up to changing the face of the moon.
Most of these are projectiles suggesting that a build that can remain agile or otherwise avoid projectiles would be helpful, but even more helpful would be a high intelligence build. Most of these characters were beat by being outwit, ranging from abusing Desiree's inability to not grant a wish she hears, tricking the ghost writer into ending a line with orange (nothing rhymes with orange!), tricking Youngblood by taking advantage of his childishness...
Most of the same weaknesses from the prior tier would still work as well though technology manipulation may be less helpful as Technus, the technopath ghost is at this tier. While still helpful, it's not the universal trump card it was prior.
For my first counter for this tier I present

Cole McGrath from Infamous.
Cole was able to fight The Beast, a person capable of one-shotting a large city upon his first awakening, and only grew stronger with time. Cole was also fast enough to avoid radiation, which moves at lightspeed suggesting he would be faster by a fair margin then the tier while being strong enough to harm the ghosts of this tier.
Cole possess attack reflection and would be able to reflect most ghost projectiles back at them. More notably, Cole's electomagnetic control is so potent he can absorb the bio-electrical aura off other humans, knocking them unconscious and ignoring physical durability. DP-verse ghosts bodies are on the negative spectrum of light, showing that they are connected to electromagnetism (as lightwaves are electromagnetic waves by definition) and ghosts can be seen by infrared...in fact DP-verse ghosts bodies are ALL this ghostly material meaning that Cole could simply absorb the energy making up a ghosts body or anything maintained by a ghost's energy, draining them into his being. Cole was also able to resist the mind hax of a city-scale mind hax of Sasha could mind hax of a city showing that the verse would not be able to mind hax him.
Cole also can slow down time from his perception to help not get hit and he has a form of supergenius intellect, able to outhink organizations that are hundreds of years more advanced then Modern Earth and even beat his own future self from over a century in the future. Cole would be able to outthink any ghost he ran into and using speed quickly drain them until their bodies energy into him, as though he was a living Fenton Thermos.
For an even smarter counter you could use
Mentor from Freedom Force.
Mentor as one of the strongest superheroes, should scale to the supervillain Nuclear Winter who caused snowfall in a cuban village with just his presence, and also to his teammate Quetzalcoatl who was presented as an equal to the god Pan who could maintain a floating island and move it around casually. Mentor's supermind can react at great speeds able to fly one of the domain's ships which can casually traverse a star system in hours, requiring speeds surpassing that of light!
Mentor is a powerful psychic, to the point he would be able to collapse the mind of any Ghost that tried to fight against him. Mentor's psychic senses allow him to read minds and sense objects even on the edge of the solar system. Mentor can create psychic seals capable of sealing in even multiversal entities which would be able to contain any ghost he needed to. Mentor is also resistant to mental and mystical attacks even on a level beyond the mind hax and reality-warping of the ghosts of this tier (outside hypothetical peak Ember). This is why Mentor did the best and manage to actually briefly have the advantage against Tombstone when Freedom Force had to fight Tombstone (and Tombstone had prior defeated most of the FF by himself), simply because Mentor was able to resist Tombstone's possession and his mind hax could affect the spectre.
It helps that not only is Mentor an experienced superhero, but he is also a supergenius capable of creating advanced science-fiction technology from modern day technology, and even competing with the Domain, an alien race so advanced that they had nearly conquered the entire multiverse, and with their technology planned to stop Time Master, the multiversal lord of time. Hypothetically Mentor should be able to manipulate the fighters of the verse, play with their minds, seal them, etc. all while remaining relatively safe due to his natural resistance to his opponents hax and his casual psychic shields.
Oh and Mentor can also banish a spirit as he did to Tombstone. Basically Mentor vs any ghost on this would be similar to how Mentor fought Tombstone, except if Tombstone didn't have his mental resistance and Mentor wouldn't have any reason to hold back and could simply seal him or brainwash him. The verse would only be able to get the edge against Mentor if they swarmed him.
But for a counter that I think would maybe not be stronger, but would be more fitting I would suggest

Obito Uchiha from Naruto.
Obito with the power of the Bijuu was able to create explosions capable of destroying mountains calced at requiring over gigatons of energy, and even without should be at least high in the city range as he was able to overpower KCM Naruto. This would also make him relativistic in speed, as a shadow clone of KCM Naruto was able to equal and even surpass the Third Raikage who moves near the speed of light.
Obito has the sharingan which allows him to use advanced genjutsu. While basic genjutsu doesn't work on those without chakra, advanced genjutsu can affect beings without chakra or add their own chakra to others allowing them to use mind hax on them. This means that any opponent Obito can make eye contact, he could lock into a mental prison. This is especially deadly as he would have the speed advantage (near-light speed vs 12% lightspeed) and the Rinnegan allows for the seeing of astral forms like ghosts, with the only one able to that might be still invisible being Youngblood due to Obito's cynicism (as Obito lost the love of his life as a child, turning him bitter and spiteful).
Even if Obito does get hit, he can use Izanami to make it so it's like it didn't even happen as the Izanami alters reality to turn reality into fantasy, meaning unless Obito is one-shot he would be able to restore any damage. Obito is also proficient at sealing using his genjutsu so he could simply seal most of the ghosts he came across.
Obito is also a genius known for his massive intelligence and even outsmarting some of the most intelligent people verse. Obito is also skilled in the advanced style of wood style, the ability to control plants, to the point that Tobirama commended his ability to use wood style even after he first learned it, which is notable in that if he can use it to control plants, it's very likely he could use it to manipulate blood blossom.
However all this is really leading to Obito's main ability, his famous "Kamui". Obito's Kamui lets him create a portal to another dimension, a pocket dimension void, that sucks people in. He can use this for teleportation but more notably here is using it on the ghosts themselves as a form of BFR. Imagine it is as if he can create a portal at will to that level 0 glitch or to the unworld at will that also sucks people into it. The Kamui can be used for intangibility by having Obito use it on himself and the hypothetical weakness of it is that it only lasts 5 minutes however this weakness is not all relevant in Danny Phantom as Obito wouldn't be using it to make himself intangible as that wouldn't help at all, and would be using it on his opponents.
Obito would be an absolute monster in the Danny Phantom verse, able to use ghosts a number of ghosts primary weaknesses, able to out think them, able to turn any non-fatal hit into nothing, able to move much faster then them, able to see them while invisible and able to instantly trap any into a mental trap just via eyecontact.
Planetary to Multiversal Scale Threat:
Here we have the strongest beings from the depths of the Ghost Zone. Here are Undergrowth, lord of the plants, and Vortex the master of the weather. Here is Pandora, guardian of the accursed box, and observant Clockwork, ghost controlling time, watching it from above. The Fright Knight, spirit of Halloween with his legendary sword soul shredder which can create send people to a dimension of their own worst nightmare with a cut or bfr an entire city, and he is only a servant of the Malevolent King Pariah Dark, a ghost of such power that he can maintain a city being in another dimension and with his two items the ring of rage and the crown of fire is said to be unbeatable to any ghost in the ghost zone.
Here is also the "Halfa-s", those beings that exist on the boundary between human and ghost, Danielle Phantom, evil Vlad Plasmius, and of course the great hero and defender of Amity Park, Inviso-Bill (occasionally referred to as "Danny Phantom")
In terms of power, this verse should likely be country level. Undergrowth was able to cause a forest across much of North America and both the soul shredder and Vortex were able to create planetary storms, Vortex's planetary storm causing massively abnormal weather conditions, requiring trillions of tons of tnt worth of energy. In terms of speed they are relativistic scaling to the lower tiers.
In terms of hax, there is all the standard ghost abilities and more. Offensively, Fright Knight and Pariah Dark both have dimensional bfr that can work on a city-wide scale and speaking of spacetime Clockwork can freeze time or bfr in spacetime. Frostbite's people as well as Danny Phantom himself have the ability to freeze even on at least a city-wide scale. Pandora via her box was said to have trapped all the evils, suggesting a form of potentially conceptual sealing. Also Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius have both learned to duplicate themselves several times over.
Oh and lest we forget there's also the reality gauntlet, which gives stellar and potentially as high as universal reality-warping to whoever controls it. Because of it's power increase I can use characters with up to stellar dc or durability so long as it's only in one value as the reality gauntlet doesn't increase durability naturally.
This tier is really hard to fight because they lack much in the way of clear strategies. Dimensional BFR and sealing still seem the primary tactic to use though it has to be done immediately basically, as the amount of offensive hax here is overwhelming especially is coupled with duplication. That said even then dimensional bfr may not work as Pariah Dark was stated to be undefeatable even to ghosts with city-scale dimensional bfr. Plant manipulation is likely less useful due to Undergrowth all though technology manipulation returns in relevant.
There's one more strategy I think would work for a lot of these top tiers specifically and that is appealing to their pride. Most of the high tiers of Danny Phantom, even the intelligent ones, thematically are rather arrogant such as Vlad nearly dooming humanity twice over because of his desire for power (once with Vortex and once in the finale). A character that can lay low and not appear powerful could probably surprise them. Which leads to my first counter

Croix Meridies from Little Witch Academia.
Croix is able to react to attacks from Shiny Chariot, one of the best witches in the LWA-verse, suggesting she should scale to the relativistic moment of the witches broomsticks. She also scales to weaker witches who could survive an impact of such which would be in the continental levels of power. She doesn't have any major dc feats though being able to somewhat harm weaker witches would likely be in the country range.
Croix is very good at laying low and manipulating people, as she did to Luna Nova. She has a particular tactic of combining magic with technology and the sheer amount of versatility she could get if she merged her witch magic with the anti-ghost technology of the Danny Phantom-verse.
She also has memory manipulation, having erased a crowd's memories which could be used to wipe the mind of any opponent that happened to notice she was a threat and see her plans. While she would have to be steathy about it, Croix could take control of the technology of the world and created a magical supercharged version of Vlad's Master Blasters. Croix's Magic Blasters would hypothetically give her the ability to stop any ghost incursion.
The only real threat is being noticed too quickly, and possibly Clockwork getting involved. While I think her time magic may be able to stop Clockwork I acknowledge it's quite the threat. For a character who I think would be a bit more consistent I would suggest

Cthulhu from South Park.
Cthulhu is presented as being superior to the kids of south park who have survived an explosion visible from space, calced as being in the teraton range. Cthulhu was able to fly between the moon to the gulf of Mexico quickly, requiring likely relativistic speeds which is consistent with him being on par to superior to the Human Kite who could fly into the atmosphere at 5% lightspeed and Fastpass who could hobble around the Earth at over 13% the speed of light making Cthulhu really similar in terms of speed.
Cthulhu was stated to have the power to drive the entire planet mad, which would be a level of mind hax only amped Ember was suggested to be able to achieve, which only really scale in terms of resistance to Pariah Dark with the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire. Cthulhu can also dimensional bfr sending his opponents to his domain of R'lyeh.
Cthulhu also has the ability to kill an immortal being like Kenny, who can regen from having his entire body destroyed many times over, which suggests Cthulhu could nullify even a low-godly regen factor. This means he could actually kill a ghost with one of his strikes, instead of only disrupting their ectoplasma, and a few bolts of his lightning would be a big danger.
Pariah Dark would be the biggest threat as he could probably take a number of blasts from Cthulhu and resist his haxes. While I think Cthulhu would probably be able to outwit Pariah and or disarm him before Pariah can kill Cthulhu, that's arguable enough that it shouldn't be the ultimate counter.
But what is? Well...

Aladdin from Magi.
Aladdin by the end of series should far stronger then Sinbad who violently fragmented a large mountain with just over 1 trillion tons of tnt worth of energy. He is also comparable to Titus who could dodge and move nearly as fast as beams of light. This means he would be able to compete with the tier in terms of power and speed.
Aladdin has massively more versatility then anyone in the verse but I'll stick to his big abilities. Aladdin can use his connection to Ruhk and Solomon's wisdom to gain huge amounts of information about any opponent he fights including their weaknesses. He was immune to Sinbad's rewriting if the system of Rukh which manipulated the minds and souls of the entire planet, meaning he would be able to resist any mind-soul hax in the verse.
The main problem Aladdin would give the verse is his dimensional abilities. Aladdin can use his dimensional travel to travel to the Sacred Palace at will, the sacred palace being a different dimension that houses the principles of Rukh and is the channel for the Black God Ill Iiah's will. It is unlikely a ghost's abilities would function at full capacity there given it's nature and the big problem with a ghost trying to fight Aladdin is whenever Aladdin dies he respawns there. If a ghost tried to fight him and actually succeeded he would reappear there and come back to fight them again until they lost.
Aladdin also has potent sealing, surpassing even his father who could seal an entire organization into another dimension. Aladdin also has an acausality that would allow him to flat out resist Clockwork's abilities, as well as the ability to deconstruct and change something's atoms, which he could use to change the ectoplasmic atoms of ghost turning them into any object he wanted. This is related to his strongest powers which allows him to change the very laws of physics on a planetary scale, which means if he wanted he could change how ectoplasmic matter interacted with normal matter, making it so that he was the "ghost" regardless of if they were on Earth or the Ghost Zone and making it impossible for them to effect them.
Aladdin would be able to play the ghosts of the verse, changing their very nature to make them powerless or seal them between dimensions and he can easily bring them or retreat to an area they can't do anything to him in.
And that's how to be OP in the Danny Phantom-verse.
I have been looking FORWARD to this one, imp imma tell ya i think you outdid yourself this time! I mean the way you described each tier was like crazily professional with how you tied all the abilities together to single sources from the verses more obscure lore. I have watched through this entire series over a dozen times and felt like i was learning some new stuff I kid you not!
ReplyDeleteI Really love hearing about how Haxy this verse is, especially my fave villain Fright Knight! but where I was most impressed as always is your COUNTERS! my GOD first of all i did not suspect UPGRADE to be so OP here due to not having anti intange but MAN you really took advantage of the fact hes IN The DP series to use their anti hax against them, which is truely terrifying! I CANT BELIEVE HE WOULD BEAT THE MASTER OF ALL THINGS CARDBOARD AND SQUARE That being said my fave counter was Definitly Croix, it just warms my heart to see her get some love!
i will never disrespect Aladdin again though
Ah yes, I've been waiting for this one! I really like how you took the existence of anti-ghost technology and plants within the verse into account for your picks. It really does make characters like Groot and Upgrade much more oppressive threats. In the city tier, I like how you mentioned Cole McGrath, since he is thematically appropriate and his electromagnetic powers really poses a specific threat to the ghosts. Aladdin is my favorite of the high tier threats; him changing the properties of the world to where he is the ghost is a very smart strategy and his respawning powers would make him especially hard to put down.
ReplyDeleteI also love the the Danny Phantom humor references; I haven't watched the show in a while so those put a smile on my face.