How to be OP in the Freedom Force-verse
I want to start by quickly saying, Freedom Force scaling, if you include game mechanics, makes no sense. It's scaling is hilariously enough, similar to the Silver Age Comics it homages where characters that are hypothetically cosmically stronger, don't blitz or one-shot beings far weaker then them. I did my best to make coherent scaling out of this.
Local Scale Threat:
On this tier are the non-Energy X powered fighters. The Golden Age Heroes would likely be here as both in-universe and out of universe for thematic reasons the Golden Age Heroes are weaker then the Silver Age Heroes as they lack the energy x of the Silver Age Heroes. This is thematically to represent their courage to oppose the superpowered Third Reich despite lacking the crazy powers of the silver age. If you want you could say the GA Heroes are stronger based on
A: Blackjack defeating a Red Sun by himself, but that was a duplicate of Red Sun and as I will mention later, Red Sun's duplicates are implied to not be as strong as the original.
B: One of the rumble room what if scenarios suggests the GA Heroes could possibly have defeated Blitzkrieg even if the SA Heroes had never come back in time, though the mechanism is unknown and could possibly have involved stealing Energy-X.
Within Patriot City lies gangs of thugs, armed with pistols, tommy guns, bats and bombs. Also appearing within the narrative of Freedom Force is modern military forces as well as the military of the Nazi Regime of World War 2 era Germany. Nazi Era Germany also created mutated gorillas called kill-a-rillas wielding whips and guns. The force of a gorilla would be easily enough to crush a human skull and qualifies as wall level.
The Golden Age heroes Blackjack, Tricolour and Sky King would be here due to their weapons and their ability to defeat the Kill-a-rillas.
It should be noted there are also nazi panzer tanks as well as supersonic us air force jets and nazi bomber jets, and there's also the freedom flyer, the Freedom Force's transport vehicle which can quickly bring them from Patriot City in the US to Cuba, meaning the upper level of the tier would be low building level and higher supersonic.
In terms of speed one of Blackjack's moves is noted as being faster then the eye can see, Tricolour is so skilled and has such good reflexes she can deflect bullets out of air with her sabre, and Sky King has a move that allows him to create a sonic boom, though it's implied he doesn't have much control at that speed. All of this implied the GA heroes are roughly in the upper subsonic to lower supersonic range.
Of the ground forces, these three heroes are the most notable fighters so going over their capacities first
Tricolour: Highly skilled swordswoman who can avoid and block bullets with her sabre, can blind people by reflecting light off her blade, and whose known to go into a blinding fearsome rage in combat. If she gets in close she can really do a lot of damage to a wall level character quickly from her rapid sword slashes in berserk mode
Sky King: Flying superhero wearing a bulletproof metal suit of armor that can shoot bullets and bombs, can engage a sonic boom burning the nearby area.
Black Jack: British Special Agent with a pistol, skilled melee fighter, using playing cards dipped in acid, paralyzing wire rope (Which he can use to climb buildings), flash grenades that blind or lion's roar grenades that panic and also the ability to create a fake baloon copy of himself while he stealth-s away.
Speaking of stealth, Black Jack's stealth is the biggest danger on this tier, outside of berserk close range Tricolour. It's so good that Mentor whose mental awareness can scan the solar system, was deceived by it!
Enhanced senses to track him, while seemingly obvious is not at all a good idea. Unless your super senses are absolutely insane, it's unlikely to work on him, as shown by the above "I can sense the entire solar system but not this British secret agent" feat. Plus it makes you vulnerable to his lion's roar and fawkers' flashers grenades.
Instead I think the best counter ironically enough is your own stealth. Black Jack when he's caught unawares has been caught completely in the open. Being able to hide cosmically well doesn't help if you don't know when to hide.
Other things that would probably be helpful are being able to hijack and use the vehicles of the verse, advanced movement options so even if you can't see Black Jack he won't be able keep up (and is also generally helpful against the Golden Age Heroes since it allows you to hit Sky King and get him out of the air where he's strongest and keep away from Tricolour), as well as some way of stopping Tricolour if she gets in close.
My first counter has all these traits in an elegant package, that being

James Bond from James Bond.
James Bond should be comparable to the tier as he could avoid close quarter bullets as well as using firearms of this level and being physically able to bust down thick wooden doors requiring wall level strength. In Tomorrow Never Dies he survived a jump from high up with his parachute opening only a few meters above the water he hit.
James Bond is a stealth expert, able to disguise himself to be unnoticeable in foreign countries of primarily different races then his own, able to bluff his way into areas with no knowledge of the area, bluffing his way out of death traps etc. It's very likely that without the detection technology or supergenius intellects of the higher tiers, he could make himself functionally invisible to the tier. Considering his intelligence he would likely hit Black Jack before Black Jack can use his own stealth though even if Black Jack manages to escape, the two would enter into a stealth-off, functionally a battle between two beings that are mutually invisible to each other. Yet in this case Bond would have the advantage as while Black Jack is smart scientifically, having helped make the compound for his acid, Bond simply has much better feats of tactical intelligence such as using powder and a hair to make sure later if a room has been tampered with.
Bond would also be able to hypothetically use any of the vehicles the verse has, as he is highly proficient with vehicles as he was able to navigate a personal helicopter through an aerial dogfight in You Only Live Twice and was able to drive through grenade blasts and gunfire in From Russia With Love. In some depictions he has been shown to have a grappling hook and his own jetpack to compete with Sky King and Black Jack's forms of movement options.
As for Tricolour, Tricolour noticably was smitten by Bullet's charm, and it's very likely that Bond could do the same given that he was able to seduce Pussy Galore, a lesbian working for his enemy as well as the KGB agent Tatina Romanov who was assigned to assassinate him. He could very likely use his charm to overcome her rage power.
This isn't even including whatever gadgets he might have for this particular mission. That said it could be argued that the sheer amount of gunfire from the enemy side would be a problem for Bond. For a counter that it wouldn't be, you could use

Storm Shadow from G.I. Joe
Storm Shadow was able to slice through the head of a bulletproof android showing that he would be stronger then the tier, able to slice through Sky King's armor. He's also fast enough that he can walk around bullets and considers them no real threat to him.
Storm Shadow has teleportation abilities as well as stealth strong enough to get into Cobra Commander's bedroom for infiltration purposes suggesting he could sneak up and teleport on the tier's strongest fighters and slice at them before they would know what was happening.
He also has telekinesis via the amulet he was given in the comics which would allow him to literally hold in place anyone who was causing trouble, keeping Black Jack from getting away into stealth, Tricolour from getting near, or Sky King from taking off. Given he was able to life a very large cunk of Earth, it's possible he could do this to all 3 at once.
At that point they would be almost entirely helpful with their only real possibility being Tricolour blinding Storm Shadow with her blade however Storm Shadow has perfected the ears that see technique that bolsters his hearing to the point it acts like a second vision and he could hit 3 bullseyes blindfolded.
That said Storm Shadow would be at a disadvantage against fighter jets and to a lesser extent tanks if they are included in this. If they are however, there is one counter that I think would work well against the entire tier, that being
Cutie Honey from Cutie Honey.
Cutie Honey is strong enough to turn Panther Claw agents to ash and has more power then an anti-tank missile suggesting she could tear through enemy vehicles. She is also fast enough to dodge bullet fire at close range.
Not that she would need too, but she could also just any vehicle in the verse as her form as Hurricane Honey allows her to operate any vehicle.
Honey is a master at stealth, able to change her form to disguise herself, and her brain is connected to a satelite that can link up and scan through any technology in the world for anti-stealth capacity which gives her a non-sense based form of stealth that could help find Black Jack.
It's also notable that she would be the most skilled fighter in the tier, as she was able to fight 10 powerful Panther Claw agents at the same time. In melee she could also immediately one-shot since the I-system allows her reconfigure particles to transmute things.
Even if the verse did try to hit her, she could likely just take and regen the damage. Not only is her durability high enough that the GA heroes would have difficulty even harming her but she passively regenerates on a scale faster they could realistically damage her.
Cutie Honey also has an ability to use her beauty to distract and disorient enemies. Basically what Tricolour can do with her "beautiful" in-game attribute, Honey could also do which his pretty strong as there is only one notable female on this tier. Speaking of, Honey can also create a blinding light like Tricolour though notably easier.
In conclusion, any offense the verse tried to throw at Honey would do minimal damage which she could regen. She can use the verse's tech against them, and can out-melee or one-shot any of the strongest fighters on this tier and even against the famous stealth of Black Jack, Honey could stop him from going into stealth by blinding him, distracting him, or could repeatedly technologically scan the entire Earth until she finds him.
Sub-City Scale Threat:
This is the tier of most villain minions. Most characters on this tier are building level scaling from 3 giant ants creating a massive tunnel rapidly. In terms of speed at first I was unable to find anything and was worried I'd be limited to subsonic to supersonic for this whole guide however I actually managed to find another feat. The subterrestrial, an underground race in service to Entropy emerged from the center of the Earth rapidly, requiring likely massively hypersonic speed, which scales to this tier. This is honestly more consistent given that lightning is one of the 10 common types of attacks (piercing, crushing, heat, cold, lightning, energy, acid, radiation, mystical and mental). Radiation suggests they could even be higher.
There are many forms of minions on this tier, ranging from dinosaurs to mechs, from giant ants to evil clones of citizens that explode with chaos energy, from the man-o-taur to the fearsome Russian snow creature known as the Shurale.
There exists elementals of snow and of fire. There exists sylphs, the female followers of the old god Pan, controlling plants, fire or lightning depending on variety. There are the domain, extra-terrestrial conquerers of the multiverse outside Earth with jet and pulse rifles and energy shields, gain sub-terrestrial ants that spit acid, brains of nazi psychics put in flying war robots called Eyes of the Reich (with scanners that detect enemy weaknesses and various forms of beams), and the communist ice troopers who shoot bullets of ice and freeze rays. There also exists in the dark depths of the Earth, the ugly-worshipping society of the Darkmen who control darkness and lightning and can turn invisible in dark places as well as the dark shaman, mystical sorcerers practicing witchcraft.
There are large numbers of panicking based attacks, the Man-o-Taur and Shurale can both give out panicking bellows, and the Eyes of the Reich can shoot out panicking beams so having large amounts of courage or mental resistance would probably be good.
The two sidekicks are probably also on this tier. The young patriot lad serving by Minute Man's side is the Liberty Lad, a melee-r with danger sense and an assortment of grenades including one that disrupts things on a molecular level. There'a also the young stowaway Merry Mason, given powers by the sea, turned into the young water-breathing Sea Urchin. Sea Urchin has various bubble themed powers, can shoot a sonic ray, can drain energy, and can fly.....for some reason. Oh, sorry "swim through the air" right.
There's also the Red Sun who can summon fire elementals and uses a katana and fire shurikens. Red Sun can also create duplicates. Each duplicate weakens his power, though when they die, the rest get the strength back.
So what strategies are good here? Well to be honest most of the minions and both the sidekicks are prone to manipulation and are gullible so a solid manipulator would probably work. Range is also not great here, only generally being a dozen meters away or so.
More notably, most of the powers here are panicking powers, or are only physical, meaning an intangible character would be nigh-impossible to put down. And then finally there's the big one for Freedom Force, that being energy-draining. All the Freedom Force characters from this tier up rely on energy x to use their powers and can't when they run out. While they do naturally generate energy x and replenish over time, stamina based builds or even better energy-draining based builds would do great. The amount of brainwashing is also here because most of the FF characters don't have resistance to mind hax.
Speaking of brainwashing, that brings us to our first counter
The two sidekicks are probably also on this tier. The young patriot lad serving by Minute Man's side is the Liberty Lad, a melee-r with danger sense and an assortment of grenades including one that disrupts things on a molecular level. There'a also the young stowaway Merry Mason, given powers by the sea, turned into the young water-breathing Sea Urchin. Sea Urchin has various bubble themed powers, can shoot a sonic ray, can drain energy, and can fly.....for some reason. Oh, sorry "swim through the air" right.
There's also the Red Sun who can summon fire elementals and uses a katana and fire shurikens. Red Sun can also create duplicates. Each duplicate weakens his power, though when they die, the rest get the strength back.
So what strategies are good here? Well to be honest most of the minions and both the sidekicks are prone to manipulation and are gullible so a solid manipulator would probably work. Range is also not great here, only generally being a dozen meters away or so.
More notably, most of the powers here are panicking powers, or are only physical, meaning an intangible character would be nigh-impossible to put down. And then finally there's the big one for Freedom Force, that being energy-draining. All the Freedom Force characters from this tier up rely on energy x to use their powers and can't when they run out. While they do naturally generate energy x and replenish over time, stamina based builds or even better energy-draining based builds would do great. The amount of brainwashing is also here because most of the FF characters don't have resistance to mind hax.
Speaking of brainwashing, that brings us to our first counter

Kyle Rondart from Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles.
Kyle scales to early Syaoran and Kurogane who could create building scale explosions, and also the many lightning timing feats in Clamp.
Kyle can do both the manipulator and stamina based builds while also being a brainwasher. Not only can Kyle casually brainwash people, he also has extremely high manipulation abilities, and would be good at tricking the tier. On the other hand he was also able to create a magic shield that would protect him against basically anything this tier could throw at him for a while, which was deceiving them.
Kyle if he seems he would be at trouble could also dimension hop away and return at some other points, giving him as much as time as he needs. If he can dimensional bfr them by taking them with him that would also be an instant one-shot as dimensional travel is highly rare in Freedom Force.
Given his intelligence it's very likely he could stalk the tier's fighters until finding energy x cannisters and imbue-ing himself with their power. The only real threat would be if several characters got into melee range of him at once.
For another character that can do the mental threat, you could use

Bloody Mary from DC Comics.
Bloody Mary is an energy vampire, and a member of the junior Female Furies of Apokalips. As a strong DC street tier, she would probably scale to stats similar to the tier.
Bloody Mary can telepathically sense people and telekinetically hold them from outside the range of anyone on this tier, meaning that in a one on one fight she would be absolutely unstoppable as she could simply sense them and then telekinetically hold them and pull them apart.
Bloody Mary also flies, meaning she would stay out of range even against multiple enemies, but that leads to her biggest advantages. Bloody Mary can casually brainwash and can also drain energy from opponents, hence her being an energy vampire. Draining their energy x would leave any enemy on this tier helpless and she could rip them to shreds. She could very well solo most of the tier at once, with the only threats again being numbers.
If you want to get around the number, perhaps a more stealthy option would be good. If that's the case you could use

Hibiscusy from Sailor Moon.
Hibiscusy is much stronger then DeVleene, a Dark Agency Agent whose sole job was to provide tea and sweets to Danburite yet could maintain a whole building and is faster then Artemis who could bring Minako from the Moon to Earth in one night, likely MHS speed. This suggests she would be stronger and faster then the tier.
However more notable is the fact that Hibiscusy can blend in well with a human population, yet she can casually energy drain and enslave people to her will with a flash of her camera without anything even seeming suspicion.
She's also a fair manipulator and can turn people into magical supervillains, which the effect on beings that already super might be even better.
Hibiscusy could walk around and simply convert most of the tier to her will before any of them have any idea what's going on and even when she is discovered could still overpower the tier and force numbers to her side while fighting.
City to Planetary Scale Threat:
At this tier are the superheroes that make up the bulk of Freedom Force, the guardians of Patriot City. This tier is likely in the city to island tier scaling off the subterrestrials surviving the center of the Earth, Shadow causing tremors from deep underground, Nucleur Winter causing snow in Cuba in the Summer with his presence and Pan causing his magical island to fly around in the air at his will. You could also take Glacial Giant's claim to have the power of the ice age to suggest that he is country level and Freedom Force managing to contend with him as support though I think it may be hyperbole. Also Eve suggests the Earth, "Gaia" may be alive, though it's left ambiguous. The tier is MHS for same reason, scaling to Subterestrials, though Mentor also has FTL reflexes for being able to fly a Domain ship in close quarters and note their presence despite them being able to fly the solar system in a short time.
Freedom Force has 10 categories of powers: crushing, piercing, heat, cold, electric, energy, acid, radiation, mystical and mental. This tier has all forms, though crushing and piercing are most common forms of attacks and most common forms of resistances. Mystical, Mental and Radiation are the rarest forms with Radiation being a weakness for all living members of the tier.
In terms of abilities the tier has a vast diverse array of powers. There are numerous forms of mental attacks including hypnosis, panicking, enraging, mind blank, and possession. El Diablo and Man-Bot can cause objects to spontaneously explode and Microwave can attack the genes of a person, or disrupt their very atomic structure.
The supervillain Nuclear Winter has freezing, enough to freeze all of Patriot City park. The witch Red Oktober can turn people into frogs while the heroine Green Genie can also transmute people usually into lovely flowers. Numerous beings can cause blindness or paralysis. Red Oktober and Tombstone can both manipulate the soul, as Red Oktober did to displace the soul of Mentor while Tombstone then consequently guided back to it's body.
The Bard and Tombstone both know necromancy and cause bring back the dead to fight for them temporarily. Red Oktober knows illusions that can hide her entire base. The sorceress Alchemiss can inflict a foe with bad luck or banish them temporarily to another plane of existence. Microwave and Deja Vu can both make duplicates though like Red Sun duplicates seem to be weaker.
The god Pan can brainwash people, generally women to fall in love with him, as befell the Sylphs. The vile Blitzkrieg possess his own array of mental powers as does the heroic Mentor, ranging from shaping reality, creating mental shields, causing the above mentioned mental effects, scanning an area, creating illusions and so on.
However all this is leading up to the best abilities. The Alchemiss magic allows her to siphon power, as she did even from Multiversal Cosmic Time Master and add their power to her own. Mentor's great psychic mind can be used to scan even a star system, to maintain people across time, to maintain himself against a multiversal existence erasure and even to seal the mighty Time Master's power. The monstrous Wraiths of Chaos, servants of Entropy, paradoxes formed of the celestial clock and Earth, have the ability to life-drain, even draining the life of multiversal entities.
Trying to fight the tier using any of their own forms of fighting, from fire to ice to mental is a suicidal plan for the most part. This is because they will have numerous characters resistant to that very form of attack and numerous characters that fight on that style.
Freedom Force is a tactical superhero rpg, adding one more character with one of the powers already in the verse is only going to change the internal dynamic, not break it. So what does break it?
As mentioned above, energy-draining is extremely potent since it can be used to essentially strip the tier of their powers.
Intangibility is strong canonically. When Tombstone fought the other members of Freedom Force, he was canonically winning against almost all of them, with only Mentor able to stop him since Tombstone was immune to almost everything being non-corporeal. While there are still things that can hit intangibles, using intangibility is not a bad idea. It's also notable that despite the psychics of the verse being versatile, they've never been shown to mind hax large numbers of people at once, meaning a little mind resistance might go a long way.
Dimensional BFR is another good idea, as alluded to earlier, basically just doing what Alchemiss broken "purgatory" power does only permanently. Freedom Force canonically struggled greatly when Time Master BFR-ed them to the dinosaur age, and that was just another time, getting to the actual celestial clock required the help of the Domain.
There's one more tactic, it's a very complicated one, but it just might work. I believe master Piccolo expressed it best when he said:
Freedom Force does have direct powers but almost all the hax are projectile or beam based, meaning the key is to stay agile and avoiding the opponent shooting something god-forsaken at you or running out of the way if a strange circle appears underneath you. Of course you don't need to dodge if your opponents' attacks can't even get close to you, which brings me to my first counter
Freedom Force has 10 categories of powers: crushing, piercing, heat, cold, electric, energy, acid, radiation, mystical and mental. This tier has all forms, though crushing and piercing are most common forms of attacks and most common forms of resistances. Mystical, Mental and Radiation are the rarest forms with Radiation being a weakness for all living members of the tier.
In terms of abilities the tier has a vast diverse array of powers. There are numerous forms of mental attacks including hypnosis, panicking, enraging, mind blank, and possession. El Diablo and Man-Bot can cause objects to spontaneously explode and Microwave can attack the genes of a person, or disrupt their very atomic structure.
The supervillain Nuclear Winter has freezing, enough to freeze all of Patriot City park. The witch Red Oktober can turn people into frogs while the heroine Green Genie can also transmute people usually into lovely flowers. Numerous beings can cause blindness or paralysis. Red Oktober and Tombstone can both manipulate the soul, as Red Oktober did to displace the soul of Mentor while Tombstone then consequently guided back to it's body.
The Bard and Tombstone both know necromancy and cause bring back the dead to fight for them temporarily. Red Oktober knows illusions that can hide her entire base. The sorceress Alchemiss can inflict a foe with bad luck or banish them temporarily to another plane of existence. Microwave and Deja Vu can both make duplicates though like Red Sun duplicates seem to be weaker.
The god Pan can brainwash people, generally women to fall in love with him, as befell the Sylphs. The vile Blitzkrieg possess his own array of mental powers as does the heroic Mentor, ranging from shaping reality, creating mental shields, causing the above mentioned mental effects, scanning an area, creating illusions and so on.
However all this is leading up to the best abilities. The Alchemiss magic allows her to siphon power, as she did even from Multiversal Cosmic Time Master and add their power to her own. Mentor's great psychic mind can be used to scan even a star system, to maintain people across time, to maintain himself against a multiversal existence erasure and even to seal the mighty Time Master's power. The monstrous Wraiths of Chaos, servants of Entropy, paradoxes formed of the celestial clock and Earth, have the ability to life-drain, even draining the life of multiversal entities.
Trying to fight the tier using any of their own forms of fighting, from fire to ice to mental is a suicidal plan for the most part. This is because they will have numerous characters resistant to that very form of attack and numerous characters that fight on that style.
Freedom Force is a tactical superhero rpg, adding one more character with one of the powers already in the verse is only going to change the internal dynamic, not break it. So what does break it?
As mentioned above, energy-draining is extremely potent since it can be used to essentially strip the tier of their powers.
Intangibility is strong canonically. When Tombstone fought the other members of Freedom Force, he was canonically winning against almost all of them, with only Mentor able to stop him since Tombstone was immune to almost everything being non-corporeal. While there are still things that can hit intangibles, using intangibility is not a bad idea. It's also notable that despite the psychics of the verse being versatile, they've never been shown to mind hax large numbers of people at once, meaning a little mind resistance might go a long way.
Dimensional BFR is another good idea, as alluded to earlier, basically just doing what Alchemiss broken "purgatory" power does only permanently. Freedom Force canonically struggled greatly when Time Master BFR-ed them to the dinosaur age, and that was just another time, getting to the actual celestial clock required the help of the Domain.
There's one more tactic, it's a very complicated one, but it just might work. I believe master Piccolo expressed it best when he said:
Freedom Force does have direct powers but almost all the hax are projectile or beam based, meaning the key is to stay agile and avoiding the opponent shooting something god-forsaken at you or running out of the way if a strange circle appears underneath you. Of course you don't need to dodge if your opponents' attacks can't even get close to you, which brings me to my first counter

Breach from Generator Rex.
Breach from her fights with Rex and Six would scale to gigaton level and to the MHS range putting her comparable to the tier's fighters.
Breach has the ability to create portals to other dimensions. These portals can be massive, the size of huge vehicles and or be highly numerous and can trap many fighters in them at once. These rifts will automatically activate to protect Breach from harm, as shown when she had her limbs suspended yet the rifts still open to protect her, meaning any hax that would threaten her, her portals can dimensional bfr the attacks.
Breach has her own pocket dimension she can go to if she would eve be threatened, where the tier would have massive problems trying to even get too. Only the domain's technology would allow for inter-dimensional travel, and if they tried, Breach has telekinesis in her own dimension and she could simply turn their shields off and shoot them with their own rad pistols. She can also summon evos in that dimension.
Breach can one-shot basically anyone in the tier by dimensional bfr-ing them. She would also be immune from practically all harm as her portals would automatically protect her from any attacks thrown at her. The only notable challenges would be the intangible Tombstone and the few forms of direct attacks the verse has. Other then that her one tactic would be sufficient to win.
However this lack of versatility might mean the verse could come up with something to counter her, especially with supergenius intellects such as Mentor and Blitzkrieg. For a more versatile counter, you could use

Kevin 11 from Ben 10.
Kevin 11 has the powers of all of Ben's 10 original heroes, reduced. That said he should still be comparable to gigaton level aliens like Four-Arms and Cannonbolt. He would also scale to MHS speeds, meaning he would be able to compete with the tier in abilities.
Kevin 11 has numerous useful abilities. His 10 different superhero powers gives him versatility to hit various forms of enemies with the power type they are weak to, such as using Heatblast's fire against the Sylph's or Fourarms' strength against Deja Vu.
He also has the hypothetical mental resistance of Upgrade which would potentially keep him safe from the psychics of the verse and he could use Ghostfreak's intangibility and possession to pull the tactic Tombstone did to make him so potent.
However he also has one more factor: his absorbtion. Kevin's base power, the 11 in "Kevin 11". Kevin can absorb energy which allowed him to absorb the Omnitrix's powers in the first place. It's clear he would be able to absorb the energy x of any of the tier's fighters he came into contact with.
The only real threat with Kevin 11 is that he's not the most tactical fighter in this state, and could be possibly be tricked. For a more composed counter you could use
Nellial from Bleach.
Nellial scales to weaker Bleach characters who can avoid the Aushwalen light meaning that if you are going up to reaction speed instead of movement speed, she would fit in correctly with Mentor's reflex speed. She's also easily an order of magnitude then Shikai Ichigo who dispersed a rainstorm with a force of over 230 megatons. This would put her near the verse's power even without using her gran ray cero.
Any of the Espada that fit the tier would do absolutely amazingly being essentially the perfect counter. Espada have dimensional travel and inter-dimensional portals and bfr. They can "fly" and move fast enough with their Sonido to avoid attacks from the tier. They have energy absorption and their spiritual pressure is enough to repel low level mental attacks and most physical hax of the tier.
Oh and if that's not enough, she's invisible meaning most of the verse wouldn't even be able to detect her and her gran ray cero distorts space to the point that it would mess up the tier's fighters. She has also has the ability to attack on an astral level, with better astral feats then Tombstone or Red Oktober.
Nel's spiritual pressure can passively cause fear and paralysis, ie the two most annoying status ailments in Freedom Force. And she can instill it just by walking past. She can sense beings with her reiatsu meaning stealth wouldn't work even if she didn't passively inflict this.
I picked Nel because she is composed and because changing into her child form would probably keep the heroic members of Freedom Force from attacking her, giving her the opportunity to turn things around if they do somehow manage to get the upper hand.
Multiversal Scale Threat:
Here are the god tiers of Freedom Force. Technically there's 4 characters here, though realistically there's only 3.
The Man-Bot is here as the infinite energy contained in his armor, the energy of energy x is what could stop the celestial clock, which provides all change and motion and time in the multiverse. However he doesn't have the speed or versatility to compare to the other characters here.
Here is great Time Master, the original cosmic big bad of Freedom Force. Time Master is the lord of space and time on a multiversal scale, able to bfr across space and time, threaten the celestial clock, summon his duplicates from other times or other timelines, freeze beings in time, enter and exit the timesteam, pull Entropy from the time stream, and so forth.
He is opposed great chaos witch Entropy, embodiment of multiversal chaos, who mere presence caused realities to collide and be destroyed, caused the multiverse to warp. She can switch the possible and impossible, can cause things to have never been, summon her chaos wraiths (or indeed numerous random things), can use the magic abilities of Alchemiss such as dimensional bfr or power-stealing and so forth. Her resistances and weakness are random and hitting her with a weakness causing her weaknesses and resistance to swap.
Finally transcending all of this is Energy X, which is a living entity and forms all energy x, granting powers unto all characters who possess it within Freedom Force.
In terms of power, the god tiers are multiversal from scaling to the celestial clock and are at least ftl being superior to the Domain's starships, though it likely doesn't matter to them as they can exist outside spacetime.
In terms of weakness, truly cosmic levels of energy-draining would probably still work, though it would have to be on a multiversal scale. Time Master and Entropy are both notably arrogant which is possibly something to note.
Also interestingly they don't necessarily have very strong hax resistance. Time Stop was Time Master's ultimate goal, to attain immortality by ceasing the movement of time (the celestial clock) implying time stop would actually work on him.
A good counter would be someone really smart that could manipulate, with a strong cosmic tier hax, that can at least somewhat contend with the god tiers. For an example, I suggest as a counter

The Data Overmind, through it's avatar Yuki Nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
The Data Overmind, sentient data background of existence overseeing unaware God-Being Haruhi Suzumiya could very well manipulate the godlike entities of Freedom Force just as it does Haruhi.
The Data Overmind has been known to use time manipulation including time stop which might actually work. Even if it doesn't work, destroying one avatar doesn't work, and the Overmind can simply generate a different looking avatars and repeat trying different tactics and so long as Time Master and Entropy don't destroy all of existence, which the Overmind should be able to cease for a time, then it should eventually succeed.
It is notable that the Data Overmind's avatars are FTL for moving faster then lightspeed lasers. They also possess what Kyon calls "bogus magic" altering physical properties, which could be used to separate Energy X from any physical manifestation like Entropy and Time Master, making energy x inert and rendering all of the verse's fighters powerless. So long as the true threat isn't noticed, the Data Overmind's vast superintellect should be able to figure out a way to win.
The Data Overmind was even able to usurp the very power of Haruhi, which means it may able to manipulate the much more easily understood energy x it usurps, turning itself into a god tier.
This only works however if they don't notice the threat. If they do they can probably destroy the Overmind, despite it's ability to regenerate from data. For a character that has a better chance fighting them in direct combat you could use

The Candlemaker from DC.
The Candlemaker is a being from the world of dreaming made up of the insecurities of mortals, that threatens the whole multiverse, held within the mind of Doom Patrol member Dorothy Spinner.
The Candlemaker would destroy the minds of Time Master, be revealing the nature of mortality and it's inevitability. It would torment Entropy by showing her how she's killing all her loved ones, how she's betrayed everyone. It could torment Man-Bot by reminding him how he accidentally killed his brother, though after his heroic sacrifice in Freedom Force 1, he seemed to finally be at peace about that. The main threat would be Energy X.
The Candlemaker is an archetypal being from the Dreaming and couldn't be affected by physical energy, but if it was freed it could destroy such an embodiment as it was able to destroy embodiments and even dreams and concepts, it being said that the Candlemaker was the end of all things and that even Death itself feared the Candlemaker as the Candlemaker can bfr concepts to an eternal hell. It's very likely could do that even to Energy X which would immediately power nullify the entire verse.
Of course you could argue that if Time Master and Entropy could resist Candle Maker they could probably find some way of stopping it, especially Entropy's Chaos Magic. But for probably the best counter I would suggest
The Nothing from Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2.
The Nothing was made to equal the power of the 52 clow cards as a natural counter-balance. Clow Reed put all his power into the 52 Clow Cards and Clow Reed was a sorcerer who could warp the entire multiverse with an accidental thought which means the Nothing would be likely more powerful then even the God Tiers of Freedom Force. The Nothing can also equal the Clow Cards in speed, including the Dash which runs faster then The Light, The Dark and the Shadow which move at lightspeed.
The Nothing's presence passively erases the existence of anything that comes close. As soon as any energy-x wielding being approached the Nothing, her presence would passively warp not just the being out of existence but Energy X the being as well which would immediately destroy all powers in the verse. Even with prior knowledge, any attacks thrown at the Nothing would simply be nullified and turned to nothing.
Freedom Force simply has nothing that can get through and defeat the Nothing by force, and none of the God Tiers would have the empathy to know how to beat her.
And that's how to be OP in Freedom Force.
Well that was certainly a long but really fun blog, this is another one of those series i dont actually know that much about going in, so a great deal of the fun was hearing about all the powers and tiers and characters contained within as it really helps me to know as many verses as possible. A lot of the characters here seem really op from secret agents to ghosts to a literal evil version of mother nature and father time as gods and wow was it informative to hear those weaknesses. I love how James Bond could out Spy VS Spy the low tiers, but even more how Honey would basically be undefeatable. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, you using Candlemaker and Nothing to counter the god tiers was Extremely clever due to their very specific resistances blanket immunizing them.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tier her was easily the 3rd one though. the characters reminded me of my stitch blog with how they're so numerous and powerful with like a metric ton of powers and hax and a single particular character that makes you have to change your whole strategy to account for him, that being Tombstone here. Energy draining is a great way to stop this and DAMN did you pic some great counters, I know all 3 of those characters and the former two especially with Breach and Kevin both being one of the best written villains in the show they are from and its cool to see theyed both be op, ESPECIALLY cause they superhero villains in this new superhero verse
also Nell was a clever choice too, like cartoonishly perfect
Really looking forward to the Next one!
Freedom Force! For a game I've never played, I feel like I know a lot about it now. It seems to keep appearing in your blogs and each time it gets more interesting. Now to see how it falls apart :P
ReplyDeleteA lot to cover here, looks like there's more tiers than usual and thus more counters. Double thus, more content! I was impressed to see James Bond going up against superheroes; the advantages of having heroes that don't really have powers per se. And then when you stick someone with powers like Honey in the mix, then things get really OP. I knew as soon as you mentioned energy-draining, more magical girl characters were on the way! That ability is so OP outside of a certain genre where it's thrown around every day ;) It ended up carrying through most of the blog too. I guess that's what happens when powers are tied directly to a certain kind of energy. Man, you really know how to go for the throat with these things. That's a compliment by the way!
Intangibility really stood out too, which makes sense given how OP Tombstone is in his own verse. Nellial made my favorite use of it here, being able to paralyze anyone she incorporeally encounters.
Speaking of just passively wrecking this verse though, The Nothing takes the cake! Each blog you gotta find that one OP character that's even OP to the other OP characters and boy does this unassuming-looking "girl" utterly wreck everything on this page. She's definitely playing on god mode not just for Freedom Force but for many other games. Everything used against her becomes nothing, and everything she passes zipping around faster than light also becomes nothing. A lonely but decisive victory, excellent work picking the right tool for the job! I'm not surprised the right tool in this case was a universal eraser; "for really big mistakes!" :P
Thanks for the blog Imp, I really enjoyed it.
Interesting blog. I haven't heard of Freedom Force before, but it seems like there are a lot of similarities to Marvel/DC verses with its own twist of energy x. Your description Entropy makes her seem pretty interesting as a major villain.
ReplyDeleteGood call on using energy absorption powers; it's surprising how far up the power tiers that strategy still works. My favorite counters from each respective tier are Cutie Honey, Bloody Mary, Kevin 11, and the Candlemaker. It was cool to see a Ben 10 character mentioned and Kevin's powers should be perfect. Both Bloody Mary and Cutie sound like fun choices for their abilities (funny how beauty and attraction seem a play a big role in the local scale). The Candlemaker also sounds like a great idea, especially with your suggestion that he would give Entropy insecurity for all her crimes.
So overall, good blog. Side note: Some of images aren't showing in the blog but that's no big deal.