How to be OP in the Metroid-verse.
Local to City Scale Threat:
At this tier are the general alien species, and advanced human soldiers of the distant future. These scale to Zero Suit Samus who was able to survive the crash of her ship on the planet Zebes, a kiloton level event, consistent with the supergravity the verse's fighters regularly have to tank as well as Samus "rather useless" pistol being able to vaporize large amounts of metal only being able to stun space pirates.This form of Samus is comparable to base space pirates, who were able to pilot spaceships in real space fighting space battles across several planets in rapid succession, requiring likely ftl reflexes, though their movement speed would only be MHS scaling off Zero Suit Samus moving comparable to lightning.
The footsoldiers of the Metroid verse advanced tech allowing for a wide variety of abilities such as freezing, massive electrical surge, phazon blasts, teleportation, invisibility and so forth. Also on this tier are the various cosmic parasites and plagues that infest the Galaxy.
For instance the Metroids, space parasites that absorb the energy and lifeforce of all technology and organic beings that they can that hyper-evolve into far more dangerous forms. Another example is the x-parasite, which absorbs the genetic code of all beings they encounter and add it to their collective abilities, able to absorb and replicate all organic entities. Yet another example is phazon, a highly radioactive and bizarre superorganism that can corrode or corrupt on a physical, astral or mental plane as well as duplicates itself by infecting other organisms (or inorganic matter like rock or metal) turning them into phazon generators, warp spacetime, creating physical matter out of phazon called phazite etc.
I'm not gonna lie, this verse is REALLY hard to fight without just being able to overpower them outright. On this tier there is many forms of highly dangerous offensive hax. The best counters I can see are keeping your range which doesn't work for higher tiers but should work here as most of the entities need to be relatively close if not outright requiring physical contact to work.
A lot of them are physical, and so a partial defense is being a higher plane entity. This doesn't protect against everything by any means, especially against phazon, but it does give a pretty strong defense against most things on this tier.
There's a lot of specific weaknesses; Metroids are created specifically to exploit the weakness of the X-Parasite, stealing the energy X needs for cellular division, the metroids have a weakness to cold that many people who fight them exploit with freezing based weapons. Both the Space Pirates and the Galactic Federation have technology to allow them to control and weaponize amounts of phazon in combat. The trick then is not necessarily finding a character with all these various abilities, but a character that via manipulation or mind hax can turn the verse against itself, using their own weapons against them (like Gorea did against the Alimbic). The Galaxy is an environment like any other, a delicate ecosystem like any others, with almost everything having a natural counter-balance somewhere.
This brings me to my first potential counter
At this tier are the general alien species, and advanced human soldiers of the distant future. These scale to Zero Suit Samus who was able to survive the crash of her ship on the planet Zebes, a kiloton level event, consistent with the supergravity the verse's fighters regularly have to tank as well as Samus "rather useless" pistol being able to vaporize large amounts of metal only being able to stun space pirates.This form of Samus is comparable to base space pirates, who were able to pilot spaceships in real space fighting space battles across several planets in rapid succession, requiring likely ftl reflexes, though their movement speed would only be MHS scaling off Zero Suit Samus moving comparable to lightning.
The footsoldiers of the Metroid verse advanced tech allowing for a wide variety of abilities such as freezing, massive electrical surge, phazon blasts, teleportation, invisibility and so forth. Also on this tier are the various cosmic parasites and plagues that infest the Galaxy.
For instance the Metroids, space parasites that absorb the energy and lifeforce of all technology and organic beings that they can that hyper-evolve into far more dangerous forms. Another example is the x-parasite, which absorbs the genetic code of all beings they encounter and add it to their collective abilities, able to absorb and replicate all organic entities. Yet another example is phazon, a highly radioactive and bizarre superorganism that can corrode or corrupt on a physical, astral or mental plane as well as duplicates itself by infecting other organisms (or inorganic matter like rock or metal) turning them into phazon generators, warp spacetime, creating physical matter out of phazon called phazite etc.
I'm not gonna lie, this verse is REALLY hard to fight without just being able to overpower them outright. On this tier there is many forms of highly dangerous offensive hax. The best counters I can see are keeping your range which doesn't work for higher tiers but should work here as most of the entities need to be relatively close if not outright requiring physical contact to work.
A lot of them are physical, and so a partial defense is being a higher plane entity. This doesn't protect against everything by any means, especially against phazon, but it does give a pretty strong defense against most things on this tier.
There's a lot of specific weaknesses; Metroids are created specifically to exploit the weakness of the X-Parasite, stealing the energy X needs for cellular division, the metroids have a weakness to cold that many people who fight them exploit with freezing based weapons. Both the Space Pirates and the Galactic Federation have technology to allow them to control and weaponize amounts of phazon in combat. The trick then is not necessarily finding a character with all these various abilities, but a character that via manipulation or mind hax can turn the verse against itself, using their own weapons against them (like Gorea did against the Alimbic). The Galaxy is an environment like any other, a delicate ecosystem like any others, with almost everything having a natural counter-balance somewhere.
This brings me to my first potential counter

Kagato from Tenchi Muyo!
Kagato should scale to the space pirate Ryoko without her gems from the fight between the two. Ryoko for reference was able to survive an anti-matter explosion which would likely be in the city block to multi-city block range and by scaling should have relativistic reactions as fights using energy weapons in the TM!-universe involve dodging and block lightspeed attacks. This means he would be a bit weaker and slower then the verse, but probably could keep up some.
However his physical abilities are not that relevant, as it's his abilities that would be his main asset. Kagato is a genius intellect and famously manipulative, and would likely be able to work his way up to a commanding role in the Space Pirates, manipulating their technology. In combat his abilities would be extremely dangerous to the tier, as with any physical contact he could turn people to stone, especially when coupled with his ability to turn intangible at will and yet still physically contact things as much as he wills.
He can also confuse enemies by creating illusory copies of himself. This wouldn't be too useful against the technology users given their scanners, but against the parasite species this would probably be helpful.
That said Kagato would need to be very careful against the verse, for a character that can act with more impunity you could use
Pluie from Wedding Peach.
Pluie as a powerful demon should be stronger then Wedding Peach's transformation which destroyed a dimension stretching to the horizon, which should give him a notable power advantage. He should scale to the light of the Angels which can casually go all the way to Angel World and back in seconds, likely giving him a substantial speed advantage as well.
Pluie is a Wind Demon and should be able to keep distance pretty easily with his agility, flight, inter-dimensional teleportation and ability to control wind. Not that he needs it very much as Wedding Peach Demons are spirits of hatred making him all but invulnerable to the tier. Beyond that he can brainwash and corrupt people casually, as can any demon, turning them into hateful beings of destruction and the verse at this tier lacks pure-hearted souls that could resist this.
And if he does get into a dangerous situation, he also his final resort, using the Dimension Ring to create a large building sized dimensional portal to dimensional bfr. Of this tier, only Phazon would have any change of getting out of dimensional bfr without external technological aid. If any enemy would get close enough to potentially threaten Pluie, he could simply open a dimensional rift to trap them.
Still he might be potentially vulnerable to phazon's reality-warping properties and Samus is implied to be able to hit non-physical entities would could potentially work against him even in her zero suit form.....for my best counter to this tier I would suggest using
Zoisite from Sailor Moon.
Zoisite is massively stronger then the youma (Nephrite said the youma were pathetically weak compared to the Kings of Heaven), the youma able to easily survive an attack from Sailor Moon that threatened a dimension easily extending to the horizon. Likewise Zoisite was swifter then the First Arc Senshi pre-fully awakening who should easily scale to Minako before her first henshin who accidentally sent her to Venus at over 10 times the speed of light. As such Zoisite should have a substantial advantage in all stats.
Zoisite also has city-scale energy-draining, basically having the ability of the Metroids on steroids. Even more incredible, Zoisite has country-scale technopathy and mind hax. Given the amount of advanced tech in the Metroid universe, this would allow him to easily make himself king of almost any world he found himself on just by causally warping the minds of everyone there. Zoisite can also make it difficult to even get to him given his flight, inter-dimensional teleportation and ability to conjure up a massive storm.
Zoisite is also a clever fighter and has attack reflection meaning if the tier's fighters tried launching any hax projectile at him, he could simply reflect it back at them. This tier would have to get in close despite him being able to mindhax anything on a country wide scale, energy-drain and push back everything in a city wide scale and even if they get close they would have to fight someone massively stronger and can reflect any ranged attacks.
Planetary to Star System Scale Threat:
At this tier you find many of the verse's powerful fighters. Numerous Bounty Hunters, including the famed Samus Aran using her Chozo Power Suit and many of it's variants. The Leaders of the Space Pirates like the Malevolent Ridley and the diabolic Mother Brain, the ancient genius races of Chozo, Alimbic and Luminoth, the Luminoth's dark counterpart the Ing, as well as the technology of the verse.
Metroid-verse includes advanced technology like scanners that give full information about objects including all weak points, the ability to create life, terraforming, invisibility, advanced ai, absolute zero, planetary shields, spaceships with missiles that can destroy whole countries and can reach at least high thousands of times the speed of light and possibly millions of times the speed of light using hyperspace, superweapons capable of destroying eldritch abominations and more.
The previous parasite races all have manifestations at this tier. Metroids evolve into greater forms after in-taking enough energy reaching this tier, the X Parasite has created X-versions of beings on at least this tier, Phazon has fused with entities turning the composite phazon entities into beings of at least this tier. They are joined by the Ing, the denizens of Dark Aether and possess other entities, bonding on a cellular level turning them into more powerful dark versions of who they once were and who even without a host body would be at least this tier.
Other notable threats on this tier include the hypergenius psychic Mother Brain who has a molecular rebuilding shield, can mind warp on a planetary scale, can sense things on a planetary scale, and so forth, designed as a supergenius AI to protect the Chozo gone rogue, the ghostlike manifestation of Mother Brain's hatred Phantoon, there's the gravity manipulating robot Nightmare, and Gorea, an eldritch entity capable of altering and controlling all it's own atoms (or regen-ing from them) and controlling technology, wiping out a galactic civilization (The Alimbic) by turning their own weapons against them.
In terms of power this tier should at least be island level from Ridley's fire breath casually destroying a mountain that could survive the 960g gravity of Zebes and most fighters should scale partially to the impact of a Leviathan, which due to surface area would likely be in the teraton value, meaning this tier should consistently be in the island to country range. In terms of speed this tier scales from the spaceships of the Metroid verse from Ridley keeping pace and even outpacing them, which would be in the high thousands of times the speed of light at least, as well as Gorea destroying a galactic scale civilization fairly quickly likely requiring millions of times the speed of light.
Prior weaknesses are a bit outdated by this point. Turning the verse's weapons against itself is still probably helpful but range isn't really a problem for this tier, as many of the verse can get up to planetary+ range which is on the high side for characters of this power.
A number of the antagonists in this tier have the weakness of actual weak "points" on the body, and also are generally over-confident. However that doesn't apply and it's not that helpful relatively speaking.
My first pick is one that seems like it would actually be heavily favored against, but I actually do think would do exceptionally well in the verse, that being

Mister Fantastic from Marvel Comics.
Look, look I know this seems like a really terrible idea since he's specifically weak to "cold" and to "energy" attacks both of which are everywhere in the Metroid-universe. However those are almost entirely technology-based and Reed's suit has an computer that can hack any nearby technology to turn it off, which has worked on technology from civilizations even more advanced then the Galactic Federation.
That's really the big thing Reed has, his hacking and supergenius intellect, like absolutely ridiculous supergenius intellect would give him the ability to access the GF's sci-fi technology and turn them against the tier casually.
Reed has been able to reach island level power by buffing himself up, and has ftl+ reactions at least which is highly bolstered by his supergenius intellect that allows him to somehow mathematically predict everything his opponents are going to do. This means in a fight he could potentially actually physically beat opponents even without manipulating their technology, especially if he can logically deduce his opponents weaknesses. That said if he was in a fight it's more likely he would just use his hypnosis which was potent enough to convince 3 Skrulls they were cows.
Reed has invented herald level robots and even devices that can hurt supercosmic entities, and that's just at his home, given access to the starting points of the Metroid technology, he would be unstoppable hypothetically, with the only real threat being if they attacked him right away.
Reed can use his stretching powers to shapeshift and disguise himself. "But that wouldn't work because of scanners!" Well it would work if he just turned off all the nearby scanners with his hacking.
You might be wondering about the mind hax, however Reed can outright mind hax even from planetary telepaths suggesting he could outright resist even Mother Brain's mind hax.
However if Reed was rushed right away, he'd probably get overwhelmed. For a character whom being rushed isn't really a problem I would suggest

Ghatanotoa from the Cthulhu Mythos.
As a Great Old One, Ghat should physically scale to Cthulhu as Cthulhu is considered a lesser Great Old One. Cthulhu for reference easily scales to his offspring Ythogtha whose fingertips were the size of mountains. Cthulhu and the Starspawn also tanked the core of a neutron star and came to Earth from a distant star. This should give Ghatanotoa stats to compete comfortably with the tier.
Being a Great Old One intrinsically gives Ghatantoa a very high level of survivability, being an extra-dimensional being (and inter-dimensional capacity in Metroid are somewhat limited) that can regen on a low-godly scale. However it's Ghat's most famous trait that would make it such a massive threat to the Metroid-verse. Gazing on Ghatanotoa paralyzes whatever does. Sensory information in Metroid is extremely advanced, to the point that if Ghatantoa actually appeared on a world's surface, anyone in the system would probably be able to view on it, and immediately be paralyzed for all eternity.
The Great Old Ones are also said to have universe-spanning telepahy, and so Ghatanotoa could simply leave the dimension and re-emerge wherever people are looking at, quickly paralyzing much of the galaxy, leaving whole systems inert and unchanging. Only the non-seeing species, mostly the parasite races would have any chance of fighting the thing, and those are the species that would have the most difficulty even harming Ghatanotoa.
That said while turning the verse's sight against them would be strong, there's a character whose ability to turn the verse against itself would be so much worse, a character that would be an even better counter, that being

Yamame Kurodani from Touhou.
Yamame in terms of power scales to the fairy Cirno who can launch ice at near-light speeds requiring gigatons of force, and scales in speed to the moon rabbits who make often inter-stellar trips, putting her at comparable levels of speed to the tier and power comparable to a lower tier.
Yamame controls illness and that which spreads it like viruses and bacteria...meaning that conceptually in the Metroid-universe she would be able to control the various cosmic space plagues like x-parasite and phazon and possibly even things like the Ing and Metroids. Remember how the galaxy is a delicate ecosystem? What would happen if one being could take 2-4 of the strongest forces in the verse and merge their forces creating forsaken hybrid entities and not wasting power in in-fighting. She would be able to easily overrun the galaxy!
Yamame can also resist high levels of mind hax as the true moon can not affect the youkai despite being able to send humanity into insanity. She can also regenerate from her incorporeal mind. The tier does have the ability to destroy minds...it belongs to phazon something she likely can control.
Also intangible entities would be not a problem for her as she would has the ability to affect evil spirits and fight on the spiritual plane which the Metroid-verse can not counter.
Yamame could overrun the Metroid-Galaxy with composite X-Phazon and possibly X-Phazon-Boosted Ing Metroid while being nigh-impossible to kill.
Galactic to Universal Scale Threat:
Here exists the cosmic beings existing far above the weaker beings. There exists a living planet of phazon, Phaaze who sent out it's seeds the Leviathan, beings who could survive planetary level impacts. Stronger then then the Leviathan is lord of the Ing, Emperor Ing, born from a Levathian's form falling into the dark aether the Ing call home.
Emperor Ing was able to contend with Samus Light Suit which brings us to the 2 Top Tiers in the verse, Samus Aran, Heroine of the Galaxy and Dark Samus. Samus was able to stop all threats mentioned in the prior tiers before gaining her light suit, the power used to stabilize two worlds (Light Aether and Dark Aether) and return them to being one world. Light Suit Samus and Dark Samus, the ultimate child of Phazon and Metroid fused with Samus suit, did do battle with Light Suit Samus proving victorious, Dark Samus reduced to particles and caught in a collapsing planetary+ sized dimension. Despite this Dark Samus returned and even fuse with Phaaze itself yet Samus using max power PED suit, was able to defeat Dark Samus destroying both it and Phaaze.
Powerwise, as suggested by that, the tier is consistently planetary+ and in terms of speed should be faster then the above tier, making them likely millions of times c.
In terms of hax, it's mostly the same as the above forms of hax. Dark Samus and Samus both have lots of different forms of offensive hax, mostly projectile based. Dark Samus has a regen factor that lets her come back from particles at most and Samus has a time slow ability. They both are extremely skilled fighters with high levels of intellect. Dark Samus also has a form pseudo duplication with the Dark Echos and Dark Wraiths.
Interestingly both Samus and Dark Samus are weak to phazon usage themselves, Dark Samus can be overloaded by it, while Samus can be corrupted by it. Dark Samus also seems to prefer to fight at strangely close range given her long-range potential, and Samus actually lacks flight though she does have really good superleaping ability.
In terms of strategies, I actually think playing defensive and long-range could be a viable tactic of one can stop incoming projectiles. This brings me to my first counter

Trishula, the Dragon of the Icy Barrier from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Trishula is much stronger then duel spirits like Giant Soldier of Stone that a computer designed to interpret like an rpg said could destroy a moon and Divine Dragon Ragnarok which could sink the lands into the seas. Trishula itself was able to casually freeze an entire world. It should also be much faster then Doma the Angel of Silence which flew from the edge of the universe, having to overcome the expansion of the universe at 10,000c as well as should be similar in speed to Blue-Eyes White Dragon which despite first emerging in Ancient Egypt a few thousand years, was able to fly into inter-stellar space likely requiring cosmic levels of speed.
Trishula has really only quality against the Metroid-verse and that's the fact that it's ice is cold enough to freeze time, up to a planetary scale. It seems like a realistic scenario for a top tier fighter from Metroid to fire a projectile at Trishula only for Trishula to freeze both the projectile and the fighter in time. Also if this is Samus post Fusion she actually has metroid dna as does Dark Samus meaning cold enough temperatures should be damaging to them.
While I think this would work, it's a bit speculative, so moving on to a more definitive counter, I would suggest

Gabriel from Bastard!!
Gabriel as a Seraph has the power to pulverize a planet. She also flew to the center of the galaxy at speeds at least 7,000 times the speed of light, as well as seemingly moved at speeds comparable to a blast that engulfed the whole galactic center quickly, requiring millions of times the speed of light which should put her relative to the verse.
As a Seraph, Gabriel has hundreds of millions of forcefields that block every type of hax which would make her very difficult, though not impossible for the Metroid-verse to get past. Even if they do, Gabriel can regenerate from a single physical, astral or spiritual atom, which would also be very difficult for the Metroid verse to get past.
Besides that Gabriel has the unique quality that her tears nullify any evil energy, which could potentially nullify the phazon that gives all the strongest fighters in Metroid (save Light Suit Samus) their powers. Gabriel also has her ultimate attack Jet to Jet uppercut which can destroy the eternal atoms of an opponent, erasing someone on a physical, astral and spiritual level which could erase even Dark Samus' level of regen. This basically means she could nullify and kill anyone in the verse fairly quickly, especially if high ranking angels level of mastery over mystical abilities suggest they also have sealing abilities.
It helps that Gabriel would not at all seem like a threat. Metroid-verse scanners wouldn't be able to get past Dispel Bounds and so she would seem like a bizarre girl with strange powers that can't be identified. Given her personality she would not at all seem like a threat until much to late.
However for the best counter to the verse I would suggest

Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue.
In terms of power, Noel would be comparable to the verse, scaling to Makoto Nanaya who can split the moon at relativistic speeds, putting her at well into the planetary range. In terms of speed she should be at least FTL scaling off Tsubaki's light manipulation as well numerous other ftl feats.
It's her powers where Noel really shines. Noel is said to exist outside "Logic" showing that normal attacks on the universe, even phazon corroding the parts of reality, would not be able to affect her which especially combined with her regen factor, said to be able to regen even after doomsday wiping out reality, would make her functionally unkillable to the Metroid-verse.
Dark Samus might be able to regen from subatomic particles or even from a higher plane, but Noel can use the power of the Azure Grimoire can negate regen to the point that even if reality was reset the wounds would still linger, showing Dark Samus would not be able to regen from her attacks, even without her using Phenomena Intervention. While Samus can distort time, Noel can distort SPACE-time to an even greater extent. She also has casual dimensional travel, more casual then the Metroid-verse, and also concealed her presence from Nu during their fight accidentally suggesting she could avoid detection even from the Metroid-verse scanners.
All this is bolstered by her ability to resist essentially every single hax the verse has. While the verse is hypothetically faster, this doesn't matter when she is an acausal being that can tank literally every single thing they could possibly do.
And that's how to be OP in the Metroid-verse.
That has to be one of my favorites you have Ever Done! like the verse is SUPER interesting with strange stats and LOTS of hax that make it both really dangerous and super hard to counter. But I also think that made the counters you did give Extra well thought out to the point of perfection! but Damn did you have to try hard for it, I dont know if you realized but every single verse you used in this entire blog is either Insanely powerful, or Haxy as bawlz, Mostly BOTH. I liked how you used Reed despite it looking like he would actually be in trouble at first, the fact you saw past it to realize how unstoppable hed be again shows hoe thorough you were.
ReplyDeleteReally there wasnt a single pic in this entire blog i didnt find Fascinating, which in itself is extremely impressive, you even gave Noel a much needed spotlight so show off how ultimately powerful she is as a Nu (Why do people wand Aigis to fight her again?)
Fave pic though was easily Yamame, like that was INSANE, I would have never thought to use her in that way but the picture you managed to paint with how shed just make the ultimate plague against the verse outta what would normally be its best strong suits isnt op but Nightmarishly OP and some much needed love to a minor Touhou gal. I gaurentee if she saw you praise her like that it would put a giant grin on her face.
It's always interesting seeing the variety of abilities in the Metroid verse. Really lends credit to how inhospitable the Metroid universe is with all these threats. You did a good job in counters once again! I'm surprised you made Mr. Fantastic work but your explanation about hacking abilities really make a lot of sense. I also like the idea of Ghatanotoa using the Metroid's verse's normally useful scanning abilities against them. I also appreciate the use of Yugioh and Tenchi Muyo! characters being used as counters.
ReplyDeleteAlright, a Metroid blog! Love this series, been a fan for decades. It's impressive how dangerous it is at even the lowest tier here, the stats you'd have to work with would result in a lot of characters dying and/or being unable to kill some of the more pestilent foes.
ReplyDeleteI wanna give you props for looking at the verse as a balanced ecosystem and trying to unravel it by destabilizing or controlling said ecosystem. It's a really neat and thematic plan of attack! I feel like Yamame does this best, even if she's not the strongest in this guide. The cosmic spider, spinning her unbreakable web. Still, she's super OP! That Great Old One was also very impressive, basically suspending the whole galaxy forever with its powers.
It's the top tiers where I was truly blown away though, specifically your last two counter picks. Gabriel and Noel are playing on god mode here, no ifs about it. They're invincible, can walk through the verse at their leisure and effortlessly take out anything they come across with the greatest of ease. And I can say all that with confidence AFTER reading how you detailed the crazy powers and stats Metroid has to offer. Your closing line says it all, you absolutely delivered on how to stomp the Metroidverse, great job!
P.S. Shoutout to Mister Fantastic making like a Civ player and getting a tech victory, that was really cool :P