Creamy Mami, the Magic Idol was the first of the Pierrot Magical Girl series that dominated the 80s Magical Girl market (outside of unluckiest Magical Girl Minky Momo). I thought to watch the original 52 episode anime series to note all the characters with abilities for vs debating.
I should note most of these characters are one-shot characters. Creamy Mami doesn't have a lot of magic-wielding characters. If you see a number in paranthesis after a character's name that just means all their feats come from this episode.
I am not including Mami's feats as of now, as she has canonical crossovers with other characters and I would need to know what their feats are first for scaling as well as watch the OVAs and stuff.
Civilian Feats:
The non-magical civilians perform some feats stronger then would be expected most humans though nothing too crazy. Yuu without her magic survived a dragon claw hitting her to the ground from high up (27), Midori cracked a wall by running into it (44) as well as somehow flipped a car (episode 1) and Megumi threw an office desk to the side in a rage as if weighed nothing (37)
Posi and Nega:
Posi and Nega are two beings from Feather Star disguised as Earth Kittens and act as Creamy Mami's guides. As they are not implied to be particularly special for Feather Star Beings, it's likely their abilities are common for Feather Star Beings. Also it should be noted that Feather Star Beings are stronger on Feather Star then elsewhere, meaning their feats are technically feats while weakened.
Feather Star Beings are implied to be metaphysical beings, with Feather Star being a metaphysical world of dreams (1), which is again implied at the end where it is said that Feather Star is everywhere and nowhere (52), with an example being how Mami reached there by simply walking into a puddle. On Feather Star it is noted that no one ever got sick and when Nega did, it was stated because they were on Earth (32). This sickness affected them oddly, causing Nega to swell in size with each sneeze until he reached the length of a park bench (32). It's likely at this size they would be comparable to the large cat species.
They have notable mental abilities. They are naturally telekinetic (1, 7, 20) and also can telepathically communicate (10). Their telepathy is implied to be strong enough to allow them to communicate with animals (20) and allowed them to see through Tachibana's disguise though it was good enough to fool his father (24). It may also have been what caused them to sense that something was strange (17). I think they telepathically transmitted memories to Yuu as well (episode 1).
Posi and Nega also have x-ray vision (3), can see whose on the other side of a phone call (3) and have some form of teleportation, though when not on Feather Star it is interferred with if something is in the way of where they are trying to teleport (3). They also apparently conjured some kind of machine to allow them to communicate with Feather Star (26).
Pino Pino:
The Feather Star being who granted Creamy Mami her magic (1). He only really shows teleportation (1, 52) though it's likely scales to what Creamy Mami can do as he gave her those powers. He was also the one who took them away though that may just be something he can do because he gave them (52)
Black Buck (6)
A Feather Star Being resembling a deer who was cursed to cause people to become unlucky from contact. Doesn't have any super major bad luck feats, with the biggest being causing a rockslide.
Cherubs (32)
Feather Star Beings that come to Earth from Feather Star on Valentine's day and imbue Valentine's chocolate with love. They are naturally invisible and intangible which is consistent with Feather Star being a metaphysical world.
Mr. Dream (14)
A man from Feather Star and easily one of the strongest characters in the verse. Gives children across the entire galaxy presents if they believe in him and have been good. Only shows up on Earth once every 10 years, riding his comet. One of his underlings created a pumpkin carriage that traveled from his clubhouse between Jupiter and Saturn to Earth in at most 10 seconds, requiring conservatively speeds 260 times that of light.
He is able to sense events on Earth from space, including sensing the hearts of those who believe in him. He also knew that Yuu had a car shaped erase in her pocket, which he turned into a giant car eraser which functioned like a real car that had an anthromorphic mouse driver.
He is skilled at magic. He pulled a chair out of his hat and later made a bunch of birds appear who conjured a new dress for Yuu. He was able to make Yuu float and made Posi and Nega fall sleep. Most impressive is his space manipulation, which was able to make the space under Yuu's desk a tunnel to the park and later turned the basement of the Parthenon Productions building into an accessway to his secret club between Jupiter and Saturn.
Banshee (9)
A spirit that steals away boys. Takes them to another dimension suggesting inter-dimensional movement. Maintained the existence of a building to lure them and when she left, it disappeared. Has some control of nature, controlling the leaves as well as making mist and clouds when it was supposed to be clear. Also has mind manipulation, seemingly stronger on boys. Only caused Yuu to be dizzy when she entered the Banshee's house, but hypnotized Toshio.
Ghost (12)
Random Ghost. Is intangible and shows teleportation at one point.
Bino (15)
An Imp like creature that wants to become a devil's assistant by telling a Woofnick that they are a Woofnick which cases the Woofnick to die. He is relatively small, only the size of a child. He carries a spear that can shoot lightning and can teleport.
Unicorn Deshi (17)
Created it's own world with it's own forest. This world is frozen in time. Deshi can put people to sleep. Controls lightning and implied to control plants. Gave a girl great talent with drawing.
Tongari Witch (20)
A witch of the Tongari people. Died 2,000 years ago yet lives on as an illusion. Petrified Kidokoro and cursed a ring so that it could not be taken off, even by modern technology.
Ojira (39)
A Godzilla homage. Implied to be some kind of giant dinosaur. Roughly the size of an oil derrick and was able to crush a small building underfoot easily.
Makoto (45)
A little esper boy who was apparently bullied for his psychic abilities and gets stronger with his anger. Caused a cigarette to turn into a flame and causes the ground to crack and shake with his anger. He was able to telekinetically fling projectiles with his anger and telekinetically move the ground under Creamy Mami to try to crush her. He somehow destroyed Toshio's house in an explosion by starring at him angrily (when neither of them were near his house) and was going to destroy a school (going super saiyan in the process)
Piku and Dina (43)
Probably the strongest characters in the series. Two tortoises, one red and one blue respesenting the past and the future. Them being freed caused the weather to change and caused massive shake up of time. Getting close to one caused that thing to age backwards until it disappears and getting close to the other caused that thing to age until it disappears. The two were causing all time periods to get jumbled up with dinosaurs, mammoths, cavemen, and futuristic robots and spaceships all appearing in the same place. It also had Yuu meeting her future self briefly and stepping into her own future wedding, showing that they were in fact messing around with the entire temporal continuum and not just bringing individuals outside their time periods.
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