Just for a quick fun thing I made. There's a pretty massive jump between some of the tiers both in terms of feats and in terms of how powerful the verse makes them out to be which I tried to reflect.
God Tier:
MASSIVE GAP. No one in the entire verse is remotely relative both in terms of feats and internal scaling
Hypothetical Peak Satan
Fortuna (Potentially)
Dante Post-Ascension?
Satan (Fallen)
High Tier 2:
Souls (Purgatory)
Damned Souls in Inferno
Normal Humans
The Three Beasts?
Some Notes:
-God is obviously the God Tier. Reguarly regarded by all the other characters as all-powerful, causes all motion, energy and time in the universe with his presence and created all matter and all the other most powerful characters with implied not much effort.
-The characters that have ascended are tier 1.
-Mary vs Peak Satan is impossible to know. We know that the internal ranks of the Ascended Souls of Humans in Angels and the 9 Ranks of Angels mirror each other. Satan was known to be highest of the ranks of Angels before falling, but Mary has better concrete "feats" of holiness of personally appealing to God to allow Dante to see his face, something none of the Angels certainly would have been able to do. She is also called the "Queen of Heaven" for what it's worth, by all the angels though I don't know how much of a showing this is.
-The Ascended characters are mostly ranked by the ranking of the Angels Dante himself gives which is a reflection of their closeness to God which grants their level of power and abilities.
-Fortuna is the concept of Luck and controls all luck though it's unclear if she exists or is merely an analogy that is being made.
-Dante after his ascension was able to see God directly and clearly could see the Ascended world of actus purus that the Angels and Ascended souls exist in, suggesting he has ascended to the same level though it's hard to say exactly where he would place.
-The intermediate characters are characters clearly stronger then the lower bound superhuman feats of the Tier 2s but are clearly far below the Ascended.
-Vergil defeated Cereberus clearly, Cereberus implied to be some form of demon.
-The Demons are the ones who command the monsters of Inferno including the Malabranche and Malacoda.
-The various Monsters of Mid Tier 2, I ranked just based on who I think would win between them. Erichtho's only feat was controlling Vergil in the past as a Necromancer. The Harpies were fast and had wings and could probably dive bomb her. The Centaurs were skilled archers and could shoot down the Harpies. The Minotaur was supposed to be a very powerful guard. Medusa could turn them to stone.
-Not sure where the Three Beasts would be. If taken strictly literally they would be above basic humans and that's it, but if taken as concepts as they are clearly implied to be (for the three types of sins) they should be much higher, either below Satan (for he represents evil) or below Fortuna (as she has better "feats" of conceptual manipulation and of a much more potent type controlling luck instead of one of the three types of sins.
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