Yes, I can do these for series I don't neccesarily like.
Omega Shenron (Super Yi Xing Long) is the final villain of the Toei canonicity of Dragon Ball. He is one of the 7 Shadow Dragons created by the build up of the negative energy of overuse of the Dragon Balls. Initially the Dragon Balls disappitated the negative energy build up overtime but as modern tehcnology allowed for the finding and usage of the dragon ball many times relatively quickly, the negative energy manifested instead as powerful enemies.
Omega Shenron was the strongest of the Shadow Dragons as he was created by the largest wish, the wish to revive all the people killed by Frieza and his men. He is also of an evil disposition being the dark counterpart of the selflessness of the wish.
Omega Shenron due to his dark nature seeks the destruction of the universe and it's inhabitants.

Even in his weaker form, Syn Shenron (Yi Xing Long), Syn Shenron was vastly stronger then Toei canonicity Buu-Saga Goku who shook the afterlife simply by transforming into an SSJ3 and his battle with Buu did signifigant damage to a planet the size of many galaxies. Syn Shenron is thousands of times stronger then this version of Goku at least. He is likely relative to the original Shadow Shenron whose mere emergence destroyed the galaxy he was in, suggesting his base form is at least galaxy+ likely multi-galaxy.
As Omega Shenron, he is much stronger to the point that he was able to manipulate and condense the minus energy representing the negative energy of the Shadow Dragons and the sins of humanity, and was capable of wiping out the entire universe. As he was also able to contain this energy within his body and survive strikes from beings relative or superior to him he likely scales to this level of durability as well.
In terms of speed, Omega Shenron is vastly superior in speed to a form of Goku, that traversed the Underworld at over 4 quadrillions times the speed of light. Omega Shenron should be at over 4,000 times this though using multipliers is a bit sketchy. So he's a large deal faster then a quadrillions of times the speed of light entity.

In terms of abilities, Omega Shenron has at the very least the basic abilities of a DBZ ki user. He can control ki, a form of spiritual energy and project it as a beams, as a barrier or as an energy field. This energy emanation can reach into other dimensions as shown when Goku's ki reached all the way into Other World when he was first transforming into a SSJ3. Syn Shenron is skilled enough at fighting and with ki that he could copy ki techniques after seeing them one time which is consistent as he was able to go hand to hand with Goku who could do similar as a child
Syn Shenron has a low level of resistance to mental abilities like brainwashing and telekinesis scaling off Majin Vegeta resisting the brain control of wizard Babidi and Nappa resisting the telekinesis of Chiaotzu. Syn Shenron should also have city scale transmutation resistance as he scales to Vegito in DBZ who partially resisted the transmutation of Buu. As a high level ki manipulator he should also have telekinetical abilities scaling off lower level users like Piccolo who could lift an entire pyramid telekinetically and Frieza who lifted a mountain telekinetically. Syn Shenron should also be superior to Buu who could create an inter-dimensional portal by screaming (Vice Shout) Syn Shenron, like a lot of DBZ villains has the ability to fly through space unaided. As Omega Shenron can project the dragon balls to implode enemies from the inside
As Omega Shenron he possess the abilities of all the other Shadow Dragons:
From Haze Shenron he gains the ability to create toxic pollution that weakens the body and ki of those affected
From Eis Shenron he gains ice manipulation and freezing (Able to freeze an entire city)
From Nuova Shenron he gains heat manipulation and the ability to encase himself in a burning armor to do extra damage to enemies
From Rage Shenron he gains the abiltiy to grow in power and speed with his anger, the ability to project or absorb lightning and the ability to regenerate even from bits of slime
From Oceanus Shenron he gains the ability to manipulate water and winds as well as create invisible forcefields that can reflect attacks (possibly from wind manipulation)
From Naturon Shenon he gains the ability to absorb other living beings to bolster his own power
Omega Shenon also has the ability to manipulate the minus energy of the Shadow Dragons to give him a form of universal existence erasure
Omega Shenron is somewhat arrogant and has the weakness that a strong enough attack will force him to vomit up the Dragon Balls reverting him to Syn Shenron
Name: Omega Shenron
Origin: DBGT
Classification: Shadow Dragon
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Capacities, Ki/Energy Manipulation, superhuman skill, energy-sensing, telekinesis (mountain scale), inter-dimensional portal creation, can survive in space, flight, resistance to mind hax, resistance to telekinesis, resistance to transmutation (city scale) | Elemental Manipulation (Lightning, Fire, Ice, Wind, Water), Freezing (city scale), Absorbtion (Biological Entities, Lightning), regen (low-high), can grow in power with his rage, can create weakning toxins, attack reflection, can offensively project the dragon balls, existence erasure (universal scale)
Weaknesses: Arrogant, can be forced to vomit up the Dragon Balls
Destructive Capacity: Multi-Galactic as Syn Shenron, Universal as Omega Shenron
Range: Inter-Universal
Speed: MFTL (At least Quadrillions of times the speed of light, likely much faster)
Durability: Multi-Galactic as Syn Shenron, Univesal as Omega Shenron
Stamina: Superior to beings who could fight for days straight
Standard Equipment: None Notable
Intelligence: Superhumanly skilled fighter
So how would he do in other verses?

In Marvel, Omega Shenron would be in a very peculiar place as his power would be really high for his speed and his speed would be low for his power. Omega Shenron would have power on the level of skyfathers who can shake universes in their battle or manipulate whole universes but would only have speeds comparable to a Herald, who can quickly traverse the whole universe (Although arguably Omega Shenron should be much faster then that)
I think most Omega Shenron would be above most Herald and Transcedent entities. While they often in Marvel have haxes that could work on Omega Shenron most of them would not have prior knowledge and would likely get knocked out by a single punch or ki blast from Omega, especially as he would likely have speed against most of them. Though the likes of Surfer have a better chance as they have cosmic senses to know exactly how strong Omega is and given Omega's arrogance it's likely someone like Norrin could quickly manipulate the atoms of Omega's being before Omega tries to blitz with the minus energy.
Omega would do probably not that well against the skyfathers. While he might be able to do suprisingly well against them physically, most of them simply have hax on too wide a scale for him to fight. That said if he fights one that is even more arrogant then him, it's possible he could beat one in a quick fight. Against a Cube Being he simply wouldn't have a change.

In DC, Omega Shenron would be in an even wierder place as DC has an even higher speed to power ratio then Marvel. Omega Shenron's speed would only be about on par with that of the average lantern who can travel across the universe stretching 100 trillion light years in hours though his power would be much stronger then even the average pre-crisis lantern.
Omega Shenron would be really good at fighting a lot of the verse, he could actually defeat a lot of the Kryptonian level entities. For instance while Maxima has mental powers, her mental powers afaik have never been shown to be stronger then Babidi who Omega should be able to resist by scaling. And if he's fighting a Lantern at range he could hypothetically use the minus energy to envelop their lantern light which they don't have resistance too. That said the verse's broken speedsters would be impossible for him to fight, along with their crazy magic nonsense which would likely seal him back inside the Dragon Balls
In general he would bea little like a non-focusing Superboy Prime. Majorly destructive and hard to kill but not impossible to contain.

In Sailor Moon, Omega Shenron would be roughly comparable to an Eternal Sailor Senshi in power as they scale to being much stronger then Queen Nehelenia maintaining her mirror dimension which was stated to be it's own parallel universe and could move relative to the lambda power which could immediatly encompass the cosmos.
Omega Shenron would actually have a pretty fair fight against a lot of the Eternal Sailor Senshi level entities like the Starlights or the Animamates. He has a more versatile arsenal then most of the weaker ones do though, and is physically stronger, more skilled and has more stamina. That said Eternal Senshi are arguably more powerful as Omega Shenron is a bit over baseline universal while Eternal Senshi scale to 5th arc civilian form Usagi who tanked a power greater then Nehelenia's. A Sailor Senshi's dimensional bfr would do nothing against him as he could vice shout out. That said he would be at disadvantage against a Sailor Animamate as they have star seed steal which would destroy him past the point of his regen. At the very least I don't think he would be able to get past the Eternal Outer Senshi given their abilities and being much stronger then normal Eternal Senshi.

In Saint Seiya, Omega Shenron would arguably be between Low Tier Gold Saint and Mid Tier Gold Saint level. His speed of quadrillions of times the speed of light was matched by the Sanctuary Arc Bronze Saints and could likely be performed by serious Low Tier Gold Saints (even casually they scaled to millions of times the speed of light). Low Tier Gold Saints were easily low galactic and arguably could briefly rise to universal as they scale to Sanctuary Arc Seiya who could briefly create a big bang. Saints also have a ridiculous strong arsensel.
That said, Omega Shenron should arguably be able to defeat a low tier gold saint, as he would be equal to at least the peak of the low tier gold tier 's speed and power while normal. A low tier gold saint would have to raise their cosmo to the highest degree to match Omega Shenron, and Omega Shenron can also rise in power usign Rage Shenron's power, if to a much lower degree.
While the Gold Saints have a very strong arsenal I don't think a Low Tier Gold Saint's arsenal would be enough to beat Omega Shenron given that he has his own fairly decent arsenal including an existence erasure that would require stronger beings in Saint Seiya to duplicate. That said I definitely think he stops there, as a Mid Tier Gold Saint can definitely rise to universal, are casually at quadrillions like Omega but can rise to septillions of times the speed of light via miracle as shown by Shura reaching the Big Bang's speed as well as having an even stronger arsenal then a low tier Gold Saint.

In the original Dragon Ball continuity continued into Dragon Ball Super, Omega Shenron while he wouldn't do well in Dragon Ball Super would not be irrelevant totally. Restrained Beerus and initial Super Saiyan God Goku with a few punches threatened the whole macrocosm. This took multiple punches was multiple times the size of the universe so this is a universal feat in power. They also scale to casual inter-universal speeds that took a not too long speed, requiring quadrillions of times the speed of light. Over the course of Dragon Ball Super, Goku would grow thousands to millions of times stronger then even this. They have, as you might expect, many of the same abilities as an alternate continuity.
As he can likely match their level of power, has a large arsenal of abilities relatively, and is far faster then quadrillions of times the speed of light Z Goku, Omega Shenron would probably be able to beat Initial Super Saiyan God Goku and Restrained Beerus, though he wouldn't get much farther due to multipliers. At best, he might be able to beat ROF Arc Golden Frieza. Golden Frieza is signifantly stronger then this, but Golden Frieza is arrogant and could potentially be hit by the minus energy, as well as the fact that Golden Frieza seriously lacks stamina and Omega Shenron could potentially outlast him via his regen factor, attack reflection and his ability to get stronger via absorbing biological entities and getting angrier. Omega Shenron is likely fast enought to keep up with Golden Frieza though Golden Frieza would be likely tens of times stronger then him physically. Omega Shenron could potentially outlast Golden Frieza but that is probably the limit of what he could realistically be expected to do. In later arcs of Dragon Ball Super he would be above complete jokes but below anyone that scales even remotely to the serious fighters in all likelihood.
Cool to see another one so fast. It always impresses me your ability not only to make blogs of this quality but also to do it for series you don't even enjoy. Its interesting also to do a Noncanon character, as Toei canon Dragon Ball is not official, but i do love how you can find some pretty cool characters In that territory! Omega certainly impressed me with how hes basically a Lambda power of all the other Dragon Balls and through that has a great deal of abilities, more so than any Dragon Ball villain i had heard of. His stats are awesome, and he does suprisingly well in a lot of powerful series. but i think the most interesting one was comparing him to the Current Dragon Ball canon, Toei canon had always been a lot more powerful than the Main canon for a LONG time due to the things they would add in filler stuff, but i think its also cool that thanks to the recent Dragon Ball Super, the Main canon is the most powerful again, with the most powerful entity from Toei almost being a jobber now. Thanks so much for your hard work showing this!