Long ago in ancient Egypt, to form the powerful seven mystical objects known as the millennium items, a village was ordered massacred by one of the Pharaoh's advisors, unbeknownst to the Pharaoh. The long survivor of this massacre, a young boy would become in spite and hatred the great Thief King Bakura in defiance of the rule of the Pharaoh. Unbeknownst to the Thief King he was being manipulated by the ancient god of darkness Zorc Necroshades. The Pharaoh at the sacrifice of his life managed to seal the souls of three of them away only for them to be un-earthed and awoken with the relese of the millennium items. Bonded by shared hatred of the Pharaoh, the spirit of Zorc and Bakura fused over the long years sealed away, into the insidious Yami Bakura.
Awoken in modern day, Yami Bakura possessed the coindentially similarly named Ryo Bakura after Ryo Bakura was given the Millennium Ring that Yami Bakura was sealed in. Thus Yami Bakura began his master plan to not just enact vengeance on the Pharaoh, but to change history and ensure the victory of Zorc in Ancient Egypt.

Physically speaking, as a similar type of spiritual entity, it is likely that Yami Bakura is similar physically to Yami Yugi who has feats of surviving a wall of flame reaching into the sky, and lightning from a powerful mage capable of destroying parts of the ground. This would likely make him wall level in terms of strength and durability.
The Pharaoh also has a speed feat of moving fast enough to simply appear behind an opponent suggesting subsonic movement speed and the The Pharaoh, Jonouchi and the Meikyu brothers all have feats of reacting to lightning moving through water in the Labyrinth duel suggesting massively hypersonic reaction speeds.
More notable is the level of power of his summons. The power of these are somewhat variable as the games of darkness make real the mechanics of the game being played which can be variable, though his most notable summon outside any game of darkness is his Diabound, his Ka Spirit. Diabound by it's final evolution was able to battle against the Egyptian Gods, beings stated to have the power to destroy the world and recreate it as a world of darkness, which would likely make it planetary in terms of power.
In the form of Zorc Necroshades, he is much stronger. Zorc Necroshades was stated to have been the creator of all darkness, and in Dark Side of Dimensions his power trapped in the Millennium Ring in the form of dark particles was able to erase the existence of the whole world, possibly universe, including intangible spirits and recreate it again as a world of darkness in another dimension. He also scales to highly boosted Blue-Eyes White Dragon whose attack illuminated a seemingly endless dimension.

Yami Bakura has a highly versatile arsenal. Via expending his Ba lifeforce (spirit energy) he can create and maintain his Diabound, an intangible spirit that can evolve and mimic other powers in combat. Yami Bakura can also absorb the evil energy of other evil beings to power up Diabound even further. By Diabound's final evolution it was able to match the Egyptian Gods themselves.
Yami Bakura has the power to split the soul of anyone, himself included and seal them away in objects or people. He sealed away a part of his soul inside the Millennium Puzzle as part of his master plan to manipulate the Pharaoh. He was able to seal Yugi and friends into little minitures of an RPG. The Millennium Ring grants more abilities as well. It grants clairvoyance to find what the user wishes and precognition to grant senses of threats upcoming. It can be used for telekinetic purposes to paralyze an enemies body. The Millennium Ring also has Zorc's evil within which can possess and turn people evil as shown to Diva in Dark Side of Dimensions and erase the world, potentially the universe with dark particles that can transport them through dimensions
Also all Millennium Items have the ability to invoke the games of darkness. The games of darkness create a pocket reality where the mechanics of any chosen game come to life. Bear in mind that what constitutes a game is interpretated very generously including a fight or an entire world, the world of memories. Anyone who loses at a game of darkness is subject to penalty game, a curse which can include living under the experience of shock of death, various illusions or outright dying. A normal human's lifeforce is drained from a game of darkness. Games of darkness can not be observed by normal humans, but are powerful enough to absorb a human body and soul into darkness and shape destiny itself. In the final shadow rpg Zord manifested three hourglasses for Bakura to use; one to reverse time, one to freeze time, and one to cause a section of the ground to fall away to crush Yugi's friends.
Zorc has additional abilities outside there however. He can project energy, as well as fire and beams of darkness. He was also the one that was turn Akhendain into a more powerful dark sorceror showing he can bestow dark magical powers. Zorc's raw power was also enough to force time to move again after it had been frozen by the sheer strength of his attack. In the Monster World RPG, he demonstrated that parts of himself once removed become monsters in their own right. He has more powers in the anime like reality warping and petrification, but this is specfically the manga version.
In addition to the millennium ring, Yami Bakura carries around a deck of duel monster cards, duel monsters being the most popular game in the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe. Yami Bakura can summon these monsters outside a game of darkness similar to Diabound just by using his ba, though they have no feats outside the context of Duel Monsters above taking down armed security guards, though a number of them have intangibility. This is because Yami Bakura's deck focuses on occultism, containing mostly zombies and fiends, and focuses on mechanics such as attack manipulation, sacrifice/necromancy, and milling. Many of his monsters in the context of a duel monsters game scale to Giant Soldiers of Stone which had the capacity to destroy the moon and ends the tides, as determined by a computer designed to act as the tabletop game's DM. They also scale to monsters that come from the end of the universe, likely outpacing the expansion of the universe at 10,000c. This means Yami Bakura's summons in Duel Monsters get up to MFTL (thousands) Moon Level.
Yami Bakura is also a highly clever and tactical fighter, having manipulated the events of the series so as to bring about the resurrection of his self as Zorc Necroshades.
In terms of weaknesses, Ba is limited to the user's stamina, and should it run out they would no longer be able to maintain their Ka spirit (in Yami Bakura's case Diabound). Also because of the connection between Ka and Ba, if Diabound is injured it will damage Bakura similarly and if Diabound dies then Bakura shall also die. He is also somewhat limited by his host body, the fragile and delicate Ryo Bakura. Without his body he is limited strongly in his capacities as he can not use the millennium ring or his cards. And if he is trying to kill Ryo Bakura's friends, Ryo can fight against himself and move his body against his will.
Name: Yami Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Zorc Necroshades
Origin: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Classifications: Fusion of a God of Darkness and an Ancient Egyptian Bandit, Ghost haunting the Millennium Ring
Powers and Abilities: Astral Entity, possibly Spiritual Entity, Astral Sealing, Summoning, reality-warping (can invoke game of darkness), mind manipulation/death manipulation/spiritual draining/destiny manipulation (game of darkness), time manipulation/earth manipulation (hourglasses), can absorb evil energies, precognition/clairvoyance, telekinesis/paralysis, can absorb a body and soul into darkness, energy/fire/darkness projection (Zorc), Power Mimicry and Rapid Evolution (Diabound), possession, existence erasure/dimensional bfr (dark particles), various other powers via duel monsters cards
Weaknesses: Reliant on Ryo Bakura's body, Ba is limited and needed to maintain Monsters, Damage to Diabound can damage him
Destructive Capacity: Wall Level normally, Moon Level with most summons in duel monsters, Planetary with Diabound, Universal as Zorc Necroshades
Range: Universal as Zorc
Speed: Likely Subsonic, MHS Reflexes. Summons reach up to MFTL speed (thousands)
Durability: Wall Level normally, Most Summons reach up to Moon Level in Duel Monsters, Diabound is Planetary in Final Evolution, Universal as Zorc Necroshades
Stamina: Superhuman (can play lengthy games of darkness which drain the life force)
Standard Equipment: Millennium Ring, Duel Monsters Cards
Intelligence: Tactical Fighter and good manipulator (manipulated the events of the series)
So how would he do in other verses?

In the DC Universe, Yami Bakura would on par with most low tier magicians and the upper tiers of civilians physically. That said his summons would be able to match most non-kryptonian tier metahumans. His arsenal would be really strong, especialy his intangibility and astral sealing though the versatility of DC Mages may give him some trouble, especially as they would be able to sense his dark energy. If he can inflitrated one of the dark circles of magic, he would be able to quickly grow strong due to his ability to absorb dark energies and he could manipulate them, especially if he reveals his true nature as a Dark God. Generally he would be able to become a local scale threat, able to stake out his own small realm but punch far outside hsi realm with his summons being capable of threatening cities or weaker worlds and with a circle behind him, would grow to threaten the local universe.

In the Marvel Universe, Yami Bakura would simiarly be near the top of civilian tiers or the lower bounds of street levels around the physical tiers of non fighters, though his speed is enough to react to most street levelers. However his summons would be strong enough to fight against most high meta level entities. Bakura would have a lot less powerful warping mages around to threaten him but on the other hand most mages that do exist are already used to invoking Marvel Cosmic Entities so have much less reason to align with Zorc. He wouldn't be able to grow as far in power as easily, though he should be able to be a local to city scale threat depending on where he starts.

Another Egyptian verse. In the Mummy-verse, Bakura himself would be roughly even to general mummies in terms of stats as they can generally smash through walls and match the speed of vehicles. His summons would be able to match the powers of even the strongest Mummy Pharaohs like Imhotep who could create an eclipse while weakened, which would be relative to Diabound's power.
Bakura vs Imhotep would actually be a fairly interesting fight. Imhotep could potentially win via lifeforce absorbtion, and by invoking the 10th plague's death manipulation to instantly kill Ryo Bakura, leaving Yami Bakura without his host while on the other hand Bakura could kill Imhotep by sealing his soul inside something like the Millennium Ring or by absorbing his soul into darkness. The two would have a really even fight.
Overall Bakura would be a relative top tier, though perhaps not the strongest character in the verse.

Some other Shonen Jump verses. In the HST, Yami Bakura's physical strength would be neglible, below even fodder tiers in terms of power, though his summons would be relative high tiers for power relative to characters like the Nine-Tails or to Ulquiorra at his strongest at least and with speed beyond even that. His hax would also be relatively high for the verse, though he should be sensed pretty easily by any occulur jutsu (such as one Naruto's that can sense intent and was able to detect Madara's limbo clones on another plane of reality)/general spiritual sensing in the Bleach-verse, and Kenbunshoku Haki which would sense a second being invisbily hovering around Bakura.
Bakura via manipulation, summons and more haxes could become a larger threat, perhaps to a regional area though not the world if he can't summon Zorc, though if he can summon Zorc he could solo due to sheer power. He would probably do worst in Bleach as any reiuatsu user can use the most common and strongest sensing ability and can casually kill a normal human like his host body via reiatsu crush. They also have the most hypergenius that can outthink Yami Bakura's manipulation.

The main competitor of Duel Monsters in the TCG scene. In Magic the Gathering Yami Bakura's power would obviously depend whether this is pre-mending or post-mending. Pre-mending Yami Bakura would simply and obviously be outmatched against the multiversal reality warping pre-menting planeswalkers. That said he would probably do really well in the Post-Mending Multiverse. He would have comparable reaction speed to most Neowalkers, and be able to match them in versatility (in-MTG he would probably be primarily black aligned, with white and blue secondary colors).
While he can't travel through the blind eternities, so his reach would be severely limited, his summons would be ridiculously strong for the MTG verse, where most creatures "only" seem to get up to MHS and Island to Country Level. Just as most neowalkers are wills being made manifest physically, Bakura is also a non-physical being manifest physically though his case is more of possession then manifestation. Overall he would probably be able to beat most neowalkers, and his summons would outpace most creatures, his god form Zorc would also be able to easily overpower the MTG Gods who are multi-stellar to low galactic from being living constellations. That said it's not inconcievable he could be tricked by one of the hypergeniuses like Nicol Bolas or that he would be out-stamined as he has to rely on his personal Ba while Planeswalkers draw their mana from the lands themselves.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously that was cool cause it helped me see Bakura in another light as he kinda IS what a Mummy is suppose to be in an Ancient Egyptian sense, someone on their second life and all. Bakura was ALWAYS so cool to me, even as a little kid, and wow is he a diverse entity in verses, with his stats and variety being literally all over the place its not only really hard to get an even fight for him, but actually pin down a way to combat him. like he could Maybe solo Magic, he could fight Imhotep toe to toe apperantly this was awesome. thanks SO much for the blog