The distant world of Cluster Prime, a world ruled by the metal alien species known as the Cluster who seek domination over all biological life forms. The Cluster have gone to war with and launched invasions of Earth numerous times. But one queen came closer to all others on numereous occassions to takeover off the Earth: Queen Vexus
Via propoganda and decieving her people into believing that humanity has broadly enslaved their machines as well as a combination of her own personal intellect and power Queen Vexus numerous times came close to the defeat of Earth's greatest defender Jenny Wakeman (XJ9), the destruction of Earth, and the enslavement of the human race.

Vexus regularly goes hand to hand with Jenny in physical combat. In Escape from Cluster Prime in a rage at Jenny, Vexus was able to show clear physical superiority in combat. While Jenny usually wins due to her vast technological arsenal and clever wits, Vexus should easily be able to scale to Jenny.
Jenny possess numerous planetary feats in the series including destroying a planet-threatening meteor in the first episode. As she recieves numerous technological upgrades over the course of the series, she and by extention Vexus should be signifigantly above baseline planetary. This is consistent with Jenny casually destroying a monsterous entity in one throw that claimed to be able to destroy the Earth, after dragging it to another galaxy.
Speaking of, Jenny dragged a monsterous entity into another galaxy at incredible speeds. The timeframe for this feat is unclear but even a very conservative calc of 1 hour got speeds over 200 million times lightspeed and the feat is likely even faster in the billions of times lightspeed range.

In terms of her abilities Vexus can fly and survive in space perfectly fine. She can release green energy beams to damage or tractor beams to move remotely. Vexus is also a master of disguise, able to alter her robot form to appear even as completely different robots for stealth and subterfuge.
Vexus' most infamous ability however is most likely her technopathy. Vexus control of machines was not just political. Vexus can communicate with and command all machinery nearby to her, including controling all machines at a convention of advanced machines commanding them to turn on their creators.
Vexus most exotic ability is her ability to use her claws to tear into spacetime itself, creating portals to other points of the universe, even back to Cluster Prime.
Vexus compliments these abilities with her malevolent intellect particularly in the field of technological functioning. Vexus was able to make a bomb capable of destroying an asteroid and a functional spaceship out of complete trash. Outside this field, Vexus is a skilled fighter and manipulater. Vexus is such a skilled fighter that she developed specialized counters to every single move Jenny had after gaining access to her blueprints. Vexus is a manipulator first and foremost and a fighter second. While she can fight Jenny evenly, she often uses plans and tricks to get an advantage beforehand and had the manipulative ability to command Cluster Prime and decieve them as to the nature between human-machine relations on Earth.
That said Vexus does have the weakness that she is easily rattled if one of her plans doesn't appear to be working. If one of her plans doesn't work, or even if it doesn't appear to be working for a moment (such as when she had developed counters to every one of Jenny's move but Jenny revealed one new piece of gear that Vexus wasn't aware off), Vexus will most likely retreat back to Cluster Prime. Though it's arguable how much of a weakness this is exactly as given Vexus is a robot and likely unaging, it's arguable that not engaging in unneccesary risk and biding time is tactical thinking.
Name: Vexus, Queen Vexus
Origin: My Life as a Teenage Robot
Powers and Ability: Superhumans physical capacities, machine physiology, enhanced intellect, energy projection, tractor beams, flight, technopathy, shapeshifting, inter-dimensional portal creation
Weaknesses: Can be rattled if her plan doesn't work right, machine weaknesses
Destructive Capacity: Planetary
Range: Inter-Dimensional with portals
Speed: MFTL (Millions to Billions of times)
Durability: Planetary
Stamina: Unknown, at least vastly superhuman
Standard Equipment: Varies
Intelligence: Supergenius scientific knowledge, superhuman skilled fighter, clever manipulator
So how would she in other verses?

In DC Comics, Vexus would be oddly placed.
In terms of power she would be comparable to the power of Teenage Kryptonians like Superboy who could split a planet in half and move the planet during battle but she wouldn't be able to keep up their speed able to fly to the edge of the universe in short time. She would be able to defeat most Sub-Kryptonian opponents however due to massive stat advantage. The big problem would be if she got her hands on any of the advanced technology in the DC Universe. ESPECIALLY a lantern ring.
While the green lantern rings have shown resistance to being manipulted the other colors of lantern rings have not and Vexus could manipulate their advanced technology to massively increase her own power. Fittingly for her color scheme, I think the yellow ring would be most fitting given her usage of fear of Jenny to propoganda-ize Cluster Prime. The DC Earth in general has access to advanced technology she could command that could hypothetically let her fight faster opponents like Kryptonians though she probably still stops against the stronger ranks of the Justice League.

In Marvel Comics, Vexus would fit at a high meta/low herald level being, and would be apporimxately in the stat range of Iron Man, though Iron Man would probably win against her given his greater overall intellect, versatility, and countering her technopathy with his own technopathy. That said Vexus would defeat most High Meta to Low Herald Entities like The Thing and Grey Hulk who scale to feats of destroying asteroids twice the size of planets and reacting to beings that can travel the solar system at millions of times the speed of light due to faster movement speed, more intelligence and versatility, and flight.
Similar to DC, Vexus could grow massively stronger by manipulating the advanced technology of the Marvel Empire, especially if the Cluster were to come into contact with empires like the Kree, Skrulls, or the Shi'ar.
In the Metroid-verse, Vexus would be an almost immediate god tier. The verse is flooded with advanced technology and she would have stats to equal or surpass the God Tiers who are planetary from numerous planetary feats such as the living asteroids Leviathans collisions with planets and likely millions of times the speed of light scaling from Gorea wiping out all civilization in an entire galaxy in a quick timeframe.
Vexus would, speaking off, basically be like Gorea with less versatility but far higher stats and intelligence, and would be a similar extra-galactic threat. I considered Vexus to be a counter to the verse for my Metroid Stratety Guide but was too worried about Samus and Dark Samus vast hax arsenals. That said I don't think that would be a one-sided conflict as Vexus can match them in stats, arguably control parts of their arsenal as well as manipulate the environment, and can overcome their range advantage by teleporting near them.
In the Metroid-verse Vexus would be in the highest tier, though whether she would be at the top or just below is a matter of debate.

In the Mega Man-verse, Vexus's relative position would be....complicated.
Vexus would be able to solo the weaker series of Mega Man Legends and Mega Man ZX casually just due to a massive stat advantage. In the middle strongest continuities, the original Mega Man and Mega Man X, Vexus in raw power would be relatively low tier, with Mega Man Mid Tiers being planetary and Mega Man X having most people at large planetary or higher. That said original Mega Man speed was around low ftl and Mega Man X's speeds got to thousands of times of speed of light. Vexus speed would be comparable or greater then literally transporters and teleporters in the verse which move at millions of times the speed of light, meaning her main advantage would be her incredibly quick speed compared to most of the series. In the Megaman Battle Network and Starforce continuities, the strongest ones, Vexus would be at an incredibly massive power disadvantage as they range from stellar to universal, though most of the cast is only at millions of times the speed of light save top tiers of Battle Network being Quadrillions of times the speed of light.
Thus in stats, Vexus would be a god tier in Legends and ZX, a mid to high tier in original Mega Man, a mid tier in X, and a low tier (though not fodder tier) in Battle Network and Starforce. While Vexus lacks the sheer hax of the most hax fighters in most of these series, in the 4 stronger canonicities, she would be considered relatively mid tier in terms of hax due to her supergenius technological intellect rivaling Dr. Wily and Dr. Light as well as her ability to control machines which would be likely incredibly helpful. Her ability to create portals would also be pretty helpful in boosting her hax rating.

In the Steven Universe-verse, if the Cluster came into contact with the Kluster, Vexus would do...probably pretty well.
A large number of SU characters scale in at least reaction speed to Lapis Lazuli who could traverse the galaxies at billions of times lightspeed. This would be comparable or superior to Vexus speed depending on interpretation. However Vexus is massively stronger then even most fused gems, as most of them get only up to the island level range or possibly higher. Even Lapis Lazuli's power who could manipulate all the oceans of Earth would pale in comparison to episode 1 Jenny destroying an asteroid that could threaten the whole of Earth. Vexus would rank on the level of the Diamonds mid tiers of whom could destroy a moon and their leader White Diamond being able to break a whole planet in two. In stats Vexus would still be stronger given she can contend and overpower upgraded Jenny though the Gems would be faster.
Granted the Gems would likely win via superior hax, though Vexus would grow to be an even greater threat. Interestingly earlier Homeworld technology based in rock and light like their bodies would be superior in usage then more modern Homeworld technology based in technology that Vexus would be able to manipulate.
Overall in SU-verse, Vexus would be ranked a Diamond Level powerhouse, not as fast (likely) or hax, but with an almost unmatched power, the ability to manipulate the strongest Homeworld tech, and an extremely high level of skill and intelligence, and would thus be a top tier, but not a god tier.
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