- Superman
- Batman
- Wonder Woman
- Green Lantern
- The Flash
- Aquaman
- Martian Manhunter
So how strong are they, assuming I'm right? I'll try to stick to relevant stuff (best stat feats and haxes). This is only what I know, but hopefully it is of use.
Superman (Clark Kent):
Physical Stats:
- Superman survives the Big Bang (should be noted that the Big Bang in DC created the Multiverse instead of a Single Universe which Superman should know since he has personally flown to other Universes....however it's unknown if Superman survived the full impact of the Big Bang)
- Superman destroys a structure which withstands the Big Bang
- The Magnetic Repulsion Flow of a hundred galaxies and he MAY be in trouble
- As Superboy, moved all the planets of a galaxy
- Supergirl, who had the same power as Superman destroyed most of the body of the Anti-Monitor going all-out
- Travels Billions of lightyears in less then a nanosecond
- Could rather casually break the time barrier, even as a child.
- With acceleration breaks through the bounds of infinity (Infinite speed?)
- Can seal off a universe from the rest of the multiverse
- Repairs a Tear in Reality
- Creates an EMP
- Hits on the atomic level and can hit intangible ghosts
- Is highly accurate with it
- Can lobotomize by shooting Heat Vision through their pupils, also indicates he can make his Heat Vision invisible
- Ionizes the air, preventing further power absorption
- Superboy can push planets with his breathe
- Can Freeze Stars Easily and Push Massive Stars
- Freezes Wonder Woman
- Hits Particles and Intangible Things
- Can answer math questions wrong, and yet somehow be right. What kind of reality-warping nonsense is this?
Speed-Based Powers:
- Time Travel
- Can Phase Intangible, even entire planets
- Invisibility
- Disintegration
- Deflects Magic Attacks by spinning
Martial Arts:
- Can disable an opponent's body via pressure points
- Torquasm Rao allows for astral projection
- Uses Torquasm Vo to fight on the mental plane
- Mental Plane Him can change his version?
Vibration Attack:
- In Final Crisis, Superman uses his superintelligence to calculate and then his supervoice to cancel out the vibrations of Darkseid's strings. This is True Form Darkseid too, albeit dying True Form Darkseid. This attack wipes Darkseid from existence.
Superflare Attack:
There are probably a bunch more in Pre-Crisis. That is the era that I am least knowledgeable in due to it's length.
Batman (Bruce Wayne):
- Lifts a sarcophagus (this would weigh in excess of 2 tons)
- Holds down against the force of an explosion
- Holds back a car
- Kicks a motorcycle in half
- Despite dying from poison gas, cracks glass designed to withstand bazookas
- No Body Armor, can take being smashed through buildings
- Survives being submerged in acid
- Fireproof
- Takes a Hellfire attack from Blaze, the Queen of Hell
- Sub-Machine Gun does nothing
- Takes Vigilante using his entire arsenal
- Blows up a building he's in and casually strolls out
- Is fine after Harley Quinn destroys the building he's in
- Basically tanks a large-ish explosion
- Survives Tank shell
- Cape Protects him from Bombardment from Mongul's Ship
- Faster then the Eye to the Suicide Squad
- Blitzes and disarms thugs
- Has twice taken Green Lantern rings from Green Lanterns before they realized it
- Tags Kid Flash
- Dodges Supergirl's Heat Vision
- Dodges Doctor's Light light blasts at close range
- Has like a million bullet-timing feats, including helicopter machine gun and Wrath's Machine gun which fires at a rate of 5,000 rounds per minute
Martial Arts:
- Can control his body temperature
- Trained in special techniques to beat Demons
- Can incapacitate someone in 463 ways without drawing blood
- Can cause someone to not be able to breathe
- Nerve strike can erase short term memories
- Can disable nerve clusters
- Can Disable limbs with his strikes
- Knows Lady Shiva's famously lethal move, The Leopard Blow
- KOs Solomun Grundy, who can physically fight Superman, using pressure points
Other Technques:
- In Addition to Zatara teaching Batman sleight of hand and escape artistry, he taught him how to best fight magical foes. This was buffered when his daughter Zatanna gave him a spell that prevents the use of magic for an hour
- Can use Hypnosis even against himself
- Has "cold iron" fillings to counter magic
- His suit can give off 20,000 volts
- Can holographically disguise himself
- Suit redirects an electricity attack
- Tear gas that works even on Solomon Grundy
- Can see an invisible robot due to it's heat signature
- Tranquilizers
- Hardening Foam. Can even contain a explosion
- Chloroform
- His Utility Belt Buckle can release knockout gas
- Taser strong enough to temporarily stun Superman
- Acid Spray
- Sound Reflecter
- Freezing canister that drops the temperature in a room by 100 degrees. Also has a Freeze Ray and liquid nitrogen capsules which freeze intangible ghosts
- Paralyzing Toxin
- Has an EMP that can take out all of Arkham Asylum
- Explosive Gas
- Lots of Batarangs, including electric, acid, fire, magnetic and nth metal that can hit intangibles
- Has a Mother Box which can warp reality
- Has the Silver Age Utility Belt, which has weapons to fight basically everyone in the DC Omniverse
A New 52 Armor, and his strongest Armor, made to go up against Darkseid himself.
- Far stronger then Parademons
- Invisible to Apokalips Technology
- Makes Darkseid bleed with a punch
- Takes an attack from Darkseid
- Energy-Blast capable of pushing Darkseid back
- Creates hundreds of Batarangs
- Can absorb matter/energy even temporarily the entire Omega Force
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince):
So, something about Wonder Woman not understood. Her power comes from the Gods, and the more Gods rest their power in her, the more powerful she becomes. Without their favor, she loses all her powers. Her normal state is her gaining power from the goddess Athena, who is the Patron of the Amazons.
Physical Stats:
- In her Normal State, she is about equal in physical power to Post-Crisis Superman and has a bunch of feats around the same level
- When she has the support Zeus, she is strong enough to battle skyfather level entities, like her battle with Pele
- When she has the support of all the Olympians, she is likely the strongest member of the Justice League, able to defeat Nemesis who is stronger then all the Gods of Olympus at once
- Was given the speed of Hermes as a baby
- Impresses the god Mercury
- Deflects Trillions upon trillions of pieces of the Shattered God that were fast enough to travel across the entire universe in seconds
- Enters the Speedforce of her own power
- With the Speed of Hermes she can teleport across dimensions, even across the Chaos void which is supposed to be impossible without divine interference
Equipment-Bracelets of Submission:
- Has the Bracelets of Submission, which reflect the power of Olympus
- Blocks Nekron's Magic
- Blocks the Omega Force
- When she has Zeus's favor, she can channel the Aegis Lightning through her bracelets, powerful enough to destroy Elder God Cottus
Equipment-Lasso of Truth:
- Is the Focus of Truth in the Universe, it can bind people and make them tell the truth
- Can restore a timeline
- Can Dispel Magic
- Holds onto the soul, can also destroy it
- Summons the Fires of Hestia
- Has Weapons with the Power of the Godwave
- Has Ceremonial Battle Armor that make her look like a Gold Saint
- Has the Gauntlets of Atlas which multiply her strength by 10
- Wonder Woman can briefly use the power of the Godwave, a portion of the power of the Presence itself. Such is strong enough to kill True Form Gods like Ares.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan):
Physical Stats:
- Can Subdue Lobo
- Takes a hit from Superboy Prime
- Survives torture by all 7 Emotional Electromagnetic Entites
- Flies across the Universe in less then a day
- Travels from Earth to Oa in a second
- Barry Allen has trouble losing Hal Jordan
- His Probes can search the entire universe in a heartbeat
Spacetime Manipulation:
- Can Easily Time Travel
- Can Make an inch stretch like a parsec
- Seals the Time Masters in time
- Can cause a massive time dilation, causing a nanosecond to stretch into eternity
- Attacks through time
- Stops time for an entire star system
- Can Materializes Spatial Warps at will
Energy Manipulation:
- Reflects Energy
- Creates bolts of anti-energy
- When a device expels the energy of Hal's ring he can still control and just re-absorbs it
- Converts himself and his friends into negative radiant energy
- Creates energy so intense it causes reality to bend and turns a toy spaceship into a real one shatter
- Is one of 4 Green Lanterns, and the central members to attack Parallax, the Embodiment of all Fear in the Multiverse, a powerful Abstract being, absorbing it's energy and sealing it inside the Power Battery
- Can Phase an energy blast into someone's head
- Sends his power over a phone line
- Focuses his energy in energy constructs which in the Pre-Crisis Era were strong enough to even contain Superman
Matter Manipulation:
- Shrinks himself to the sub-atomic level
- Detects a molecular structure for weaknesses
- Affects every atom of a dangerous"Empath" star
- Reconstructs Oa
- Converts an energy blast into confetti
- Without his memories purely from instinct, turns a toy spaceship into a real one
- Changed his atomic structure to that of a robot
- Takes over the minds of an entire mind
- Can brainwash the Justice League
- Blocks the Martian Manhunter
A Specific Version of Hal Jordan....not the current version so I'm not including it's feats here, but for the record Hal has become powerful enough to cause one of the major DC Crisis, Zero Hour.
The Flash (Barry Allen):
Swan made an amazing RT for him already that still holds after the Rebirth:
Aquaman (Arthur Curry):
- Hurt Pre-Crisis Amazo
- One-Shots Olympian
- Breaks the bonds of Ocean Master powered by the 5 Orbs of Atlantis
- Overpowers Thanatos
- Pieced Darkseid's Chest with his Trident
- Tanks an attack from the guy who sunk Atlantis
- Takes a blast from Poseidon
- The True Power of the Ocean knocks Pre-Crisis Hal and Martian Manhunter Half-unconscious, Aquaman swims perfectly fine in it
- Survives Pre-Crisis Amazo's Heat Vision
- Tanking Hellfire
- Outruns Lightning on Land
- Swim Speed is fast enough to surprise running Barry Allen
- Regenerates from multiple stab wounds
- Regenerates from being shot through in a single panel
- Heals even Faster in Water
- All Life in the Sea is under Arthur's command
- This includes creatures of Myth and Nightmare
- His command extends even to Plankton, omnipresent in the seas
- Alien Sea Creatures obey him as well
- Aquaman shares the experience and information with all who obey him
- Animals under Aquaman's control are stronger then normal as well. His Whales can create tsunamis and the bite of his sharks hurt Despero
- Telepathically overpowers Tiamat the All-Knowing
- Telepathically battles Kordax and triumphs.
- Creates fear not even Nekron could
- Telepathically controls an AI
- Telepathically controls a Green Lantern's ring
- Probes Martian Manhunter's Mind
Hook Hand:
- Negates Energy
- Can extend, such as through a sea monster's hand
- Pierces the Shield of Thanatos
- Tears him out of Tiamat's Mouth
Waterbearer Hand:
- Explanation
- Resurrection
- Can Negate Magic
- Can Access the Spiritual Sea, the World's Counciousness
- Can open a Portal between Realms
- Supposedly Indestructible
- Redirects Energy Blast
- Absorbs Energy Blast
- Counters Phasing
- Absorbed Kryptonite Radiation
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
- Essentially the same physically as Superman, in all eras
- Quickly travels "too many lightyears to count"
- Moves Faster then thought along with Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash
- Moves Faster then Madame Xanadu's teleportation
- Is hit by a machine that destroys 94% of whatever is placed in it. His parts regenerate into different aspects of him.
- Regenerates from his hand.
- Regenerates from a splat on the wall
- It takes destruction of each of his atoms to destroy the Martian Manhunter
- Phases through a force field Superman and Green Lantern couldn't
- Kills White Martians by phasing their hearts
- Phases through Anti-Phasing Doors
- Feels every mind in the galaxy
- Spectre can't resist his telepathy
- Works on an AI
- Mental Power works on the rest of the JL
- Mentally scans different realities to find The Flash
- Telepathically defeats the God Vishnu, who has 1/3rd the power of the Presence
Ice Cream Vision:
- Yes. This is a real thing. Technically it's just molecular control on an extremely fine level but still.
In Conclusion....

Respect The Justice League.
May I please get the issue number in which Martian Manhunter puts Vishnu to sleep?