Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How they Compare: Drosselmeyer

(Spoilers for Princess Tutu)

Once there was a master writer working on his absolute magnum opus "The Prince and The Raven". However he died before completing the work, leaving The Prince and the Raven trapped in eternal battle. His passion and will transcended the physical reality and his characters came to life, commanded from the grave by the ghost of the great writer. Drosselmeyer is that writer, comitting to writing his beautiful tragedy, and entertain the presumed audience.

Drosselmeyer is a ghost that haunts the town where the story takes place, turning it all into a part of his story. As such he is incorporeal. He is also not restricted by space and time, able to appear in multiple places of the town at once, giving him a pseudo-omnipresence in that area, as well as having an ability to simply exit spacetime at will and observe from the outside. These provide him primary defenses: existing as an intangible ghost; being able to exist outside spacetime, being invisible to the naked eye, and being able to duplicate himself to be seemingly omnipresent in a town. 

Drosselmeyer's power is quite extensive. River, a sentient river deep enough for lights to fall in and be invisible from the surface is considered very weak compared to Drosselmeyer and Raven, a giant raven large enough to dwarf a town and holds a desert dimension within him carries merely a part of Drosselmeyer's power.  Drosselmeyer channels this through his main ability: he can literally write the story, manipulating the plot to doom an enemy. 

Beyond this Drosselmeyer has demonstrated several abilities. He has the ability to bfr opponents into his strange dimension outside spacetime or into the puppet world, which exists in a gap in time not in it's normal flow. By sending beings into the puppet world he can convert them into puppets to control at his will, and speaking of time he can also freeze time at will. 

Drosselmeyer compliments all his abilities with his cunning wit and manipulative nature. His intelligence eventually led him to realize that even he was a character in a greater story (the anime Princess Tutu) giving him the ability to break the fourth wall. He uses this knowledge of tropes to manipulate situations to his benefits.

Drosselmeyer does have a bit of a weakness however in that he can't resist a good story, so he tends to let possible threats go on longer then he "should" just to see what happens. 

So how would he do in other verses?

In Marvel Comics, Drosselmeyer would do....interestingly. If he stayed out of spacetime he could be a massive threat to Earth, though in the wider context of the universe, most Herald Level Entities out in the cosmos should be able to defeat him quite handily. 

If he entered spacetime, he would still be a major threat given his incorporeal duplicative nature, that said he could probably be defeated by several Alpha-Level+ Metahumans like Professor X who could sense his presence and disable his mind just as an example. The more physical threats however would have be at significant disadvantage. The biggest threat of the strictly Earth based physical Heroes would likely be Hulk who is herald level and is able to resist transmutation and able to hit intangibles when angry enough. 

In DC Comics, Drosselmeyer would be very slightly easier to deal with as DC Heroes even on Earth tend to have more anti-intangible options then Marvel though again Drosselmeyer would be a threat, especially if he appeared during the "New 52" era. He would likely be considered an Alpha Level threat though couldn't fight against any of the DC Comics Big Names like Clark or Diana.

In the Stanley Parable, Drosselmeyer would fair....interestingly. His power is enough to warp the entirety of the main world which is quite small though his power still pales in comparison to the Narrator who can recreate the worlds of Portal and Minecraft at will. That said while Drosselmeyer is less powerful then the Narrator, he is as versatile, could likely beat him with his plot manipulation, and is less tied down by his character flaws. 

A fight between The Narrator and Drosselmeyer would be uncertain, though even if Drosselmeyer he could not beat the High Tiers of the Verse: Female Narrator and the Essence of the Divine Art

In Shamanic Princess Drosselmeyer would occupy a unique place in the tiering system, being not so strong that the Main Mages of the verse with their planetary reality-warping shields and city-level stats could not compete with, and being strong enough with his haxes that the God Tier Throne of Yord/Ascended Tiara would struggle with. As such he would be essentially an intermediate tier, being on the same level of power as most in the verse, but with the hax level of the God Tier. 

In the Undertale Universe, Drosselmeyer would be a significant threat, to all but the top tiers, and his powers would fit in thematically though he would be significantly more hax then most verse. That said he would lost against any of the Top Tiers due to their DETERMINATION being able to likely override his abilities. 

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