Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Imperator100 Reacts to Death Battle: Beerus vs Galaxia (Spoilers)

I've had a lot of personal problems in the last few days keeping me from doing much online but I was definitely not going to miss this. I want to personally thank Death Battle for using a Sailor Moon characters and it's research team for considering me in their creation of it. I am happy to help however I can.

I was internally debating just playing the video through, getting the full "impact" of it as it were and then giving my thoughts or continually pausing it to give my thoughts on each point. I decided on a hybrid where I would go through each section uninterrupted and then give my thoughts on it before continuing.

As I have pointed out before, I don't decide how I like an episode based on the verdict. I care much more about the character personalities being properly presented and the arguments used in the video rather then assessing based off who wins. What I like about this matchup in particular is, with a few exceptions, most seem to think this is a relatively even battle that could go either way. I won't be upset if Galaxia loses. My real hope is they present her personality well. She is my favorite villain and I hope people learn about her from this.

My pre-watching predictions and these aren't my thoughts on the fight, these are my guesses as to what they will say based on the previews and research blogs:
-I think they are going to end up saying Galaxia is a bit faster and Beerus is a bit stronger. They will probably say Galaxia is Uni and Beerus scales to Dragon Ball Macrocosm which has a few universal sized structures. They tend to go more off vs battles wiki type logic these days, so I am guessing they're scale Galaxia to the Usagi's light going to the end of spacetime feat calced at over 1 quintillion c and put Beerus at hundreds of quadrillions c. I could very well see them saying they mirror each other in stat advantage with something like Galaxia being ~3 times as fast as Beerus and Beerus being ~3 times as powerful as Galaxia
-I imagine they will say Galaxia and Beerus can't existence erase either one of each other. For Galaxia I imagine this is because Galaxia has resistance to existence erasure since they said in the blog for Galaxia that Senshi have resistence to physical, spiritual and temporal existence erasure. For Beerus probably because he scales above people who resisted destruction energy?
-They might bring up Galaxia being able to sense intent and Beerus being able to act without thinking as one of the counters since they seem to really like counters
-If they side with Galaxia, I imagine it will probably be either due to stamina or abilities. Stamina because in the Beerus prediction blog they said Beerus's omen can only last a few minutes while they stamina scale Galaxia to Usagi which I don't really agree with the logic for, but it's not a huge deal.
-If they side with Beerus it's probably just because they think he's stronger I imagine. He can counter her ability to sense intent but I don't think any of his abilities are super impressive enough for them to say Beerus wins, unless they are just really impressed by his pressure point combat. Though I imagine they could easily say Beerus is stronger as SM scaling is a lot more screwy.
-The prediction blog said that Senshi have regen and seem to use vs battles wiki's reasoning for it, which I am not a major fan off. It's based of it being stated that if Hotaru awoke as a Sailor Senshi her power as a Sailor Senshi would regenerate her. Now I always thought this was related to Hotaru's specific nature as the Soldier of the cycle of death and rebirth, hence why she has healing powers even in her civilian form. TBF it isn't stated that it's a power unique to her but if it isn't you have to ask why the senshi were threatened by normal physical attacks otherwise when Hotaru regenerated from physical and astral destruction. If you say well it's their energy that regenerates them so it only runs out when they run out of stamina, then Galaxia should stomp as she would be able to regen from even Hakai and they are going with she has infinite energy/stamina meaning she can't run out. Based off the preview vid for Galaxia, where they only stated she "heals fast" (going based on an anime scene, which tbf Anime Galaxia does have a mild healing factor) so they don't seem to be using that which is good.
-The thing I think could give Galaxia it is that the Sailor Moon manga has a whole bunch of random things happen in it via magic like exiting/entering video games or giving items conciousness and I could easily see them taking one of those and saying it was the decider.

My real hope going into this is that Galaxia's personality is maintained.

Beerus Section:

Don't have many comments here. I have seen barely any of Dragon Ball Super nor do I care very much either way about it.
-I thought it was cute that Beerus was based off Toriyama's cat (and the general cat footage)
-Interesting that he was put at 200 Quadrillion C (and I am glad they are describing it in multiples of light as opposed to just km/h per hour like they used to which sometimes obfuscated the answer). IIRC there was something putting him slightly higher then that wasn't there?
-I knew Beerus had energy nullification, didn't know how strong it was
-They didn't actually mention him having existence erasure resistance....perhaps that suggests they are gonna have Galaxia star seed remove him?

Galaxia Section:

-Small thing but I want to give credit to Ben's voice acting here, if he bothers to read this not that I think that's likely. At a few sections like when saying "the moon", talking about Galaxia's vanity or the climax of her arc I though he really captured the sense of gravitas the Sailor Moon series tries to build up.
-At one point a note comes up that Tuxedo Kamen is a Sailor Senshi. I am not sure where this comes from. Naoko has stated firmly and stronger that only women can be Sailor Senshi, which is why she was angry about the anime making the Starlights gender shifters. Tuxedo Kamen has the Sailor Crystal of Earth but he can't transform into a Senshi.
-The English Dub was a bit ehhhhhhh but I get it's for the casuals who half remember a few random anime eps.
-The DIC joke was funny. Have actually made similar joke before. I don't remember the context but we were talking about Sailor Moon and I said "Come on guys, don't be a DIC"
-Cute connection with Usagi being trained by a cat and Beerus being a cat
-Galaxia's age is a bit odd. I don't know what in the manga would suggest her age, unless it was something from the anime.
-Galaxia's star seed removal is, I think pretty well explained. I know the star seed stuff and the power of destruction can be somewhat confusing for new viewers.
-Just in case it's not known by any readers, Galaxia Superstring referes to the superstring theory of the cosmos being in 11 dimensions iirc. Galactica Inflation refers to the idea that empty space is expanding all the time.
-"Man, Magical Girls are metal as hell!" 😉 I love this genre.
-I am not sure where Galaxia desiring to kill Usagi to "maintain balance" comes from. Galaxia wanted Usagi to release the full power of the Silver Crystal to annihilate herself and Chaos so Galaxia could have both Silver and Saphire crystals and be supreme ruler of the universe.
-I am glad Anime and Manga Galaxias are being delinated, they are NOT the same character. The Sailor Moon Anime and Manga are basically differnet series, their plots being very unrelated.
-Interesting they are using Sailor Moon lighting up the universe as an attack for a feat. It's not a problem, but it's feels like one of the more sketchy feats to draw from. Still, no complaints if you want to use it. It's not like it's inconsistent given Nehelenia's feat.
-So they are giving Galaxia a speed advantage, albeit not as big a one as I thought they were going too, assuming they don't bring any more speed feats.
-In sidebar they mention the disrupting spacetime thing. It's a weird feat and I'm not sure if they are going to use it in the fight or if they do how they will.
-I am glad Wiz explained Galaxia's end. It is one of my favorite moments in fiction. The Soldier of Destruction rejected world after world unable to find something worthy of her, something eternal that would not leave, something worth loving. Usagi showed her that in loving the temporal, the fleeting, you find the eternal, that love. It is ironic, sad and beautiful that despite finally seeing the thing worth protecting she can never reach it.

Fight Section:

-I know what people are probably most interested to hear about it is my reaction to the results. Like I said earlier, this one seems like it could go either way so I am more interested in their reasoning for Beerus. I am going to talk about that in the conclusion section
-I thought the fight was really good. I think they did a good job of mixing Sailor Moon style combat with Dragon Ball style combat, which are not very similar overall.
-I thought the energy animations were really impressive
-I thought it was a bit odd that Galaxia tried to melee Beerus. Physical strength is not really her forte.
-They are going with the two both resisting each others' techniques.
-I was confused later on when Galaxia removed Beerus' star seed but he managed to restore it? Unless they were just saying he could resist existence erasure and didn't need his star seed I would think that would erase him.
-It was amusing that they broke spacetime while fighting. I imagine this is based on Galaxia warping spacetime and Beerus scaling above Buu who broke spacetime.
-It was weird hearing Galaxia in English. Her voice actress did a good job though I thought, particulaly in her saying "The hard way it is, then!"
-It seemed an odd halfway point between her manga and anime personalities. I am really glad they didn't do the whole "Galaxia would just stand there and let Beerus attack her because she's arrogant" thing. Anime Galaxia did stupid things like that, but first off all that wasn't even her real personality since she controlled by Chaos, and more importantly manga Galaxia doesn't do stupid things like that. I would say she acted over the top like Anime Galaxia but fought like Manga Galaxia.
-I would say in particular I liked the part where they were in the exploding star, I thought it was really aesthetically impressive there

Conclusion Section:

-"Galaxia is faster, but Beerus's ultra instinct and fighting skill made up for it." Yeah, while I think the two are both probably a bit faster then Death Battle had them, I would overall agree I think Galaxia is a bit faster but not so fast Beerus couldn't keep up.
-"Galaxia not having martial arts." This is definitely true, it's something I myself said would be an advantage for Beerus. Sailor Moon fights are usually just "I have more power so I one shot" or "I have broken ability so I one shot"
-There is a sidebar comment that both can resist destruction because both control it, and because both are similar to beings that resisted it. This isn't how I would phrase it, but I get what they are saying, both scale to existence erasure. Fair enough. I don't know how their potencies match up but that sounds reasonably plausible.
-"Beerus can break out of dimensions because he's stronger then weaker Dragon Ball characters who could do the same so Galaxia can't dimensional BFR". Wow. That's actually again something I said. This analysis is really good.
"Galaxia's arsenal is ranged attacks, mostly energy, and Beerus has power nullification." (paraphrased signifigantly) Yeah, that is perfectly legit.
-Really tiny note but props for pronunciation on "Nehelenia". I know it can be tricky to pronounce at first.
-Saying ESM is only 8 times stronger then Nehelenia during Galaxia fight is I think a pretty signifigant lowball since Civilian Form Galaxia was stronger then Nehelenia and the Base to Super Henshi is 10,000x Base. That said I know Beerus is also way stronger then baseline as well, and as far I know it's contentious who has actual power output.
-I am VERY impressed they are doing actual scaling of Animamate~Fourth Arc ESM. This is good SM scaling, even if I disagree on the degree of the power increase.
-Not sure I'd agree on Lowballed Beerus being > Highballed Galaxia but sure, I don't think Beerus having more raw power in general is unreasonable.
-I probably would have been ambigious about their energy but said they both nullify energy attacks while Galaxia's physical strength couldn't hurt Beerus and Beerus' could hurt Galaxia, but that's a minor thing really.

"Special Thanks: Imperator100"
Happy to help, I am glad to help spread information about Sailor Moon around.

General Thoughts:
In general, I thought it was pretty good. Didn't agree on everything but thought it was a very reasonable argument for Beerus. It's up there in my Death Battle ranking. Probably not my favorite ep, that would still be Doctor Fate vs Doctor Strange, but it's one of the greater ones, I would say. Thank you very much to the Death Battle Team for making this and accepting some help from me.


  1. I was actually wondering about your thoughts on this battle, considering your fondness of the Sailor Moon franchise as a whole. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised to see your name show-up in the episode's credits. XD
    Anyways, glad to hear you thought it was okay. I'll admit, I was Team Galaxia up until Ultra reminded me that Beerus is AT LEAST millions if not BILLIONS of times stronger then SSJG Goku when he shook the universe 7 macrocosm. Even if you argued the Tau Nebula was actually a universal space-time like how it was stated to be in the English version, and then multiply that by 10,000 and then by the 8 times Death Battle gave, it's still not quite as high as Beerus's scaling. This because even after Goku unlocked several more powerful forms and gained multiple zenkai boosts (basically permanent stat increases for his base form), Beerus was still considered Goku's superior until he unlocked Mastered Ultra Instinct.
    (Still won't allow him to beat a Composite Main-Comic Continuity Superman though, so don't worry. Our big blue boy-scout is still safe for now.)
    Speed is a bit more contentious, as both of them could be scaled to infinite speed feats, with characters weaker then Galaxia being able to reach "the edge of time and space" in a very short time-frame and Goku SUPPOSEDLY having a moving-in-zero-time speed feat against Hit while in SSJ Blue, but I'll need to verify it.
    (Though you could honestly just argue infinite-speed from Beerus and Goku moving in tandem with their shock-waves traveling across universe 7, which is what Death Battle did)
    Anyways, I really enjoyed this fight. Probably one of the best fights this season, though my personal favorite is still Gray vs Esdeath.
    I'm actually surprised to hear that Dr. Strange vs Dr. Fate is your favorite, considering that they kind of low-balled both of them in that one. Then again ... I am one to talk considering Thanos vs Darkseid is one of my favorites, and both of them were pretty heavily down-played in that one.
    (I love how disrespectful Darkseid was that fight, that's why it's one of my favorites. LOL)

  2. I was very interested in seeing your thoughts on this battle as soon as this battle was announced, so this was an entertaining read . I am happy to see that not only did they seem to represent Sailor Moon well, but they also acknowledged you in the credits (I didn’t even catch that, but that’s awesome! Congrats Imp :) ). I personally really liked the episode. I’m no expert on either character, but even from a casual‘s glance, I could tell it would be an interesting comparison (both vs wise and character wise). This is certainly a matchup they probably wouldn’t be able to pull off well in the earliest Death Battle seasons, but it’s nice to see how far they come in terms of animation, research, and respect to the characters.

  3. They did actually consider the 10,000 times multiplier and other details in their blog post Q&A.
