Wednesday, December 13, 2017

YOUR favorite verse can stop a Chaos-Spawn Invasion

So if you don’t know the villains of the first 4 of 5 arcs of Sailor Moon are beings called Chaos-Spawn, cosmic horrors that are aspects of the primordial evil known as Chaos. I LOVE them, they are the most well-designed eldritch abominations in my perspective.
But believe it or not, I think there’s a good chance your favorite verse can probably stop a Chaos-Spawn outbreak. However, despite the strength of the verse I don’t see them as particularly broken, they are actually quite fate to introduce as a test for verses. While they are horrific cosmic horrors capable of wreaking devastation through the cosmos, if you know what to do, I strongly believe any mid tier or up verse, even some of the stronger low tier verses can take them down. If your favorite verse has a decently large power variety and at least some enhanced stats, it’s totally possible for them stop an infection of these horrors. Let’s discuss how:

Chaos-Spawn 1: Queen Metalia, The Goddess of Darkness

Metalia is not a physical entity, a recurring theme among the Chaos-Spawn. Instead she is a living mass of darkness. Her goal is to expand, covering everything in her darkness.

That said, when she starts out on Earth as opposed to around a Star, she actually isn’t that powerful. While she can grow very powerful over time, more and more as she gains more and more energy, originally, she has no more impact on the physical world then a particularly malevolent shadow.
Her only really capacities early on are her ability to drain energy (something all the Chaos-Spawn can do) and her manipulative intelligence. If you have someone with good stamina and isn’t easily manipulated, you are good to go! You have a while too, as it took Metalia weeks at least to become to size of a human after energy-draining.

There is the real trouble of killing Metalia however, since Metalia is an intangible entity. If you want to harm her, you need to use either something esoteric like reality-warping or her one weakness which fortunately isn’t that uncommon in fiction and that is light powers. Light, especially Holy Light, can push on Metalia’s body like physical force does to us, and so a powerful light, especially a holy light, will be able to destroy her.

The real danger of course is if she grows too big. As she grows her rate of increase grows too at a literally exponential rate as she went from the size of a room to covering an entire planet in a few minutes. The bigger she is, the stronger a light she’ll need to beat her as her very presence becomes so monstrous it drives people looking at her insane and she eventually grows large enough to plunge the universe into eternal night, with all the stars going dark and all matter converting to stone and eventually disappearing in darkness completely, causing the universe to die in dark, cold, stillness, and suffering.

Hence the need to stop her before that.

Chaos Spawn 2: Death Phantom, The Wiseman

Like Metalia, Death Phantom is scary if he gets powerful enough, but he doesn’t actually start off that bad. Interestingly, Death Phantom started off as a human, or rather an evil spirit taken human form. In his human form he has some dangerous techniques, but he can be overwhelmed. As a human he has his supergenius intellect, his beast hands technique which gives him stretchy arms that can drain peoples’ energy, and his evil eye technique which grants him control of peoples’ minds and can also shoot energy blasts and protect from mind tricks.

Wiseman can become a threat in almost any verse if he can start hypnotizing people with the Evil Eye, but he can be put down by someone who is willing to use any real degree of super speed to hit him from the side instead of charging him straight on and getting mind controlled.

If he starts to do well, he’ll hypnotize an army of people and use his supergenius to command them, and eventually take dominion of a planet and fuse his consciousness, eventually warping it into a Black Hole, absorbing matter and energy into his singularity until giant holes rip the timeline apart and all of space and time are condensed inside an infinite singularity inside his black hole under his control, his ultimate goal being the eradication of cosmic unevenness and non-symmetry.

Note, there is a difference between beating Death Phantom and killing Death Phantom. Beating Death Phantom early on, IE killing his human manifestation is relatively simple. Killing the Death Phantom spirit is trickier, as it involves something like a spiritual banishment, or exorcism, or really anything that can affect spirits. That said beating him is really all that is needed most of the time. The positive spirits of a life-filled world like Earth will essentially hold down Death Phantom the spirit and keep it from acting. The only real trouble is if it somehow gets to an uninhabited planet to fuse with.

Chaos-Spawn 3: Pharaoh 90, The Tau Overlord

So, Pharaoh 90 is theoretically a lot harder then Queen Metalia or Death Phantom because it starts out cosmically strong. Pharaoh 90 is essentially a cosmic psionic entity, who’s telepathy commands the armies of Daimons that are its brood and who telekinetically moves it’s galaxy around, fusing itself with life-sustaining planets after daimon infiltration, and slowly causing a cosmic convergence where dimensions are merged into it’s weird Tau Dimension and the Daimon infest all the cosmos. Given its raw telekinetic power and it’s variety of abilities

That said Pharaoh 90 has a pretty big weakness, that being its mind. Pharaoh 90 while smarter than the average human is very unintelligent for a Chaos-Spawn, and is not as smart as some real-life earth humans. It’s psionics also act as a major weakness. Its telepathic thoughts used to command the daimon are so big and powerful that even the most low-tier telepaths can hear it’s “thoughts”. 
Likewise, any amount of mind hax, like hypnosis or brainwashing would give command of Pharaoh 90 and thus victory.

Without mind hax it’s significantly harder, but a smart enough character could theoretically trick Pharaoh 90 in some way, perhaps by convincing the Tau Overlord that some section of the cosmos is riper for life then the Earth.

Chaos-Spawn 4: Queen Nehelenia, the Nightmare Queen

The big one, and definitely the harder to beat for most verses. Queen Nehelenia was sealed away inside her Dark Dimension by Queen Serenity the first. She has turned her world of darkness into an endless procession of mirror dimensions to reflect her nightmares, which she sees as her own beauty.
So good news about this one, Nehelenia has no reason to strike at most verses. She attacked the Sailor Moon Earth out of a desire for revenge against the people of the Moon and to take the Silver Crystal which sealed her away, so she could get out. Without those things there is no reason for her to care about most worlds. Other good news, because of Serenity’s seal Nehelenia’s ability to impact the real world is profoundly limited. She can only do so through her projection, an avatar of herself, called Zirconia.

Bad news, if she does attack most verses, Zirconia is still a monster to deal with. Zirconia is at least planet level given she said that to her destroying a planet is as easy as breaking a baby’s neck, as well as covered a planet in darkness. She’s also FTL by scaling, which makes this unhelpful. That said, it’s not as hopeless as it looks.

First off Zirconia is vain, just as the Nightmare Queen is, and flattery and manipulation can get one close enough to her to launch a surprise attack. Likewise, Zirconia doesn’t go for outright destruction, instead preferring to show people their deepest nightmare and bask in it’s “beauty”. A character with true courage can break through one of these nightmares, which would shock Zirconia and give them a second to act against her. Likewise, Zirconia and Nehelenia have little idea of the concept of working together with others, and so things like distractions and the like can also buy people time to use some form of ability on her. It is possible through cleverness and virtue to get off an ability of Zirconia even if you aren’t actually as strong or fast as her.

Now as to what will stop her, matter/energy manipulation probably will not give her nature as a Chaos-Spawn and the fact that she isn’t actually made of matter-energy. Likewise dimensional manipulation likely won’t work given she can travel between dimension at will. That said, they do have minds, and are implied to have souls, so both of those should work, time manipulation would work but the really big one is Sealing. Sealing is a particular sore spot for Nehelenia given how it was originally she was defeated, and sealing would absolutely definitely work on Zirconia if it can be managed.

On the Matter of being Tricked or Manipulated:
So that is for the most part what it takes to stop a Chaos-Spawn outbreak, however there is one more factor that’s honestly possibly the most important. Namely on the matter of how to stop the Chaos-Spawn from manipulating people to get them on their side.

The Chaos-Spawn manage to convince beings of the cosmos, of existence to turn against existence, to side with the aspects of non-existence themselves. Seemingly this doesn’t make sense right?

But what the Chaos-Spawn do is actually both realistic and sinister, which is that they exploit what you want, whatever you are willing to have at any price.

“I want him to love me!”
“I want to have all the power!”
“I don’t want her to die!”
“I want to be young forever!”

The Chaos-Spawn whisper to people promises of the world they want, of the things they want and that they are willing to be rid of the current world to get. They take advantage of the tiny hatred of the world that festers in the heart. That little bit of self-justifying hatred that says “This part of the world shouldn’t exist, I want it gone”. They exploit hatred of the current world to get people to feed them the energy and services they need. You got what you wanted, the world you hated a little bit is gone…

That is why Usagi is the hero of the story that can stop them, she is the one who loves and accepts the world as it is, and doesn’t want to force it to be something else.

To be able to beat the Chaos-Spawn requires powers and abilities, but really what is needed to beat them more then anything is just the willingness to love the world and everything in it, and to not demand that the world be what you want it to be. It is this reason that when Beryl merges with Metalia in the musicals she says that as long as hatred exists in the hearts of humans, she can return. The Chaos-Spawn live in the tiny festering self-justifying hatreds we hold, and that grow until it consumes us, and to defeat them is to let go of our hatred.

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of surprised nobody played this game and see how their verses would fair against the Chaos Spawn, at least from what I saw.

    Also, did this have any inspiration on your ideas on Strategy Guides, or was it just coincidental?
