Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How hax is your verse

This is an attempt to give a way of telling easily how hax a verse is relative to most verses. First you are going to find an A, B, C, and D score for the verse between 0 and 8.

A: Highest Plane Affected: Showing how fundamental a level of reality the verse can affect.

0: Characters have no special ability to control reality
1: Elemental Manipulation. Characters have very specific abilities to control the physical realm like water or earth manipulation.
2: Matter-Energy Manipulation. Characters have broad ability to control matter or energy or both, the fundamental objects of the physical realm. Intangibility would fall here since it's a manipulation of matter.
3: Space-Time Manipulation. Characters have broad ability to control the fabric of spacetime. Sealing falls here since it's a Spatial Lock.
4: Astral Manipulation. Characters can affect souls or the astral plane.
5: Mental Manipulation. Characters can affect minds or the mental plane.
6: Consciousness or Spiritual Manipulation. Characters can directly affect the consciousness or the spirit (either plane since consciousness manipulation is so rare).
7: Abstract or Conceptual Manipulation. Can directly manipulate abstract concepts.
8: Absolute or Metafictional Manipulation. Can affect the nature of reality itself.

B: Hax Breadth. Take the maximum number of abilities from A that a single character possess and that's the score. 1 of the 8 is 1. 2 of the 8 is 2.

C: Scale of Hax: The most large-scale manipulation of the hax known (if greater then, then round down)

0: No Scale at all, ability does not exist.
1: Local Scale (immediate surroundings)
2: City Scale
3: Planet Scale
4: Stellar Scale
5: Galactic Scale
6: Universal Scale
7: Multiversal Scale
8: Omniversal Scale

D: Commonness of Hax: How common is the highest hax in the verse? This is in numbers of people. You can use a lower degree of hax and if you do lower points equal to the difference between the two degree of haxes (for instance if the highest hax is Spiritual Hax (6) but there is a lot of Astral Hax (4), you can take the commonness score of Astral and then subtract the difference between them (6-4=2) so subtract 2.

0: None
1: Only a Few
2: A Small Community Worth (Thousands of people)
3: A Planet's Worth (Millions of people)
4: Numerous Planet's Worth/A Star System's Worth (Trillions of people)
5: A Galactic Civilization's Worth
6: A Universal Civilization's Worth
7: A Multiversal Civilization's Worth
8: Literally Infinite

Take A, B, C, and D score and average them (add them and then divide by 4.) Then divide that by the verse's relative power score. IE the highest dc feat shown in the verse.

1: Local
2: City
3: Planetary
4: Stellar
5: Galactic
6: Universal
7: Multiversal
8: Omniversal

This should get a relative haxness between 0 and 8. (though it rarely goes above 1) This can also be done with a single character just by taking only A, B, and C and averaging those alone.

Hax Levels Examples:
0: No Hax Levels at all.
0.125 (1/8): Very low. Verse is mostly just physical force showings and the characters haxes is at a much lower level that what would be expected normally. Power is pretty much just raw power and haxing people is rare.
0.25 (1/4): Relatively Low. Verse likely has some degree of important haxes in-verse but relative to other verses their haxes aren't very strong.
0.5 (1/2): Hax. Verse hax enough haxes to be competitive in the hax scene against similarly powerful verses.
1: Very Hax. Verse is relatively broken and would be able to stomp most similarly powered verses due to having very hard to counter abilities.
2: Broken. Verse is outright broken and can majorly stomp anything except verses similarly broken  verses or verse much stronger.

There are more specific numbers but those should give a good indication.

This was just a sort of prototype, hopefully it's found interesting. It is likely still flawed but it seems to have basic functionality so far.

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