Saturday, May 26, 2018

Imp's Top 5 moments from the MCU so far

Note, I haven't seen all of the MCU, I haven't seen a lot of the "latest" films. I am rather mixed on this series of films and I wanted to give my top 5 favorite moments from this film series. I do not share the common love for this series that others do but I hope that this will show I am not so cold as to judge the whole in a broad stroke.

Number 5: "Dormammu, I've come to Bargain" ("Doctor Strange")

I really like magic. Magic has the ability in fiction to let the writer's creativity flow unimpeded, to depict scenarios so fantastical that they break the mind. The ending of Doctor Strange is a great example of this. I love the way that he defeats this cosmic entity (btw I really like evil eldritch cosmic entities as antagonists) so much stronger then him by clever usage of the magical powers at hand and in a way that is not cliche but with a legitimate fantastical tactic.

It also ties well into Stephen's character arc, that he is willing to lose over and over against his ego to protect the world.

Number 4: Peter turns down the Avengers ("Spider-Man: Homecoming")

Peter Parker is the moral conscious of the Marvel Universe, in every Marvel Universe. There's something so heartwarming to see him refuse to become part of some giant network, and just want to stay close to the ground, support his local community, being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Maybe seems like an odd choice from this movie since there are a number of good moments to pick from, but I honestly remember being really touched at Peter's decision. We all dream of making a difference in the world, but Spider-Man is not Superman. He's not usually a hero by changing the world himself. He's a hero by showing us how we can tackle the strain and stress of our day to day lives. With Optimism and Determination.

If the world needs him, he'll be there, but otherwise he's just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Number 3: "I love you, Cassie" ("Ant-Man")

Ant-Man for the most part I thought was a fine comedy but nothing too spectacular, with one exception. The stuff about Scott's love for his daughter touched me deeply and seeing him and Paxton, the proverbial con and cop, work together trying to protect her, especially Scott's sacrifice at the end really moved me to tearing up.

I am a huge sucker for familial themes in fiction just in general.

Number 2: "There are always men like you" ("The Avengers")

THIS. This is the kind of stuff I absolutely adore in fiction. Loki lords over the civilians before an elderly man stands and refuses to submit to him. When Loki claims there are no men like him, the elderly man says "There are ALWAYS men like you."

I adore so much when normal people act heroic because I believe in the heroism of normal people very much. And it has such a nice sentiment behind it, that for all Loki's claim of power and godhood he is no different then any number of completely human people who have come before him claiming the same. We are all just people.

Number 1: Captain America vs Iron Man ("Captain America: Civil War")

Honestly this moment shocked me watching it. It's the closest this film series has ever come to being my favorite film series, albeit much darker. The raw pathos of the two as their two arcs, Tony's isolation since being a child and Steve's desire to find and protect his lost soldier in arms coming to head as the two former friends come to blows. It's an intensity I was unprepared for. It is not thematically pretty or bright, in ways I usually like, and yet I find myself compelled, like a screenplay in old times, into the human drama and tragedy of the situation. It is easily my favorite scene in the MCU so far.

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