Sunday, June 16, 2019

What happens if you exploit multipliers

This is a joke. This is a joke. This is NOT serious. This is just for comedic purposes. I do not think this. I have never claimed canon SM is multiversal.

So there's a feat I think people are overlooking when discussing how strong Sailor Moon is in versus debating.

Civilian form Usagi was able to withstand the power of Civilian form Galaxia. 

Why is this impressive? Well Galaxia's civilian power was stronger then any of Usagi's prior enemies

Sailor Galaxia's civilian form also casually destroys the Holy Grail:

For comparison, last arc the Holy Grail tanked the power that Usagi used to turn into Eternal Sailor Moon

and destroy Queen Nehelenia, the universe-maintaining final boss of the fourth arc:

In other words Fifth Arc Usagi is stronger then 4th Arc Eternal Sailor Moon who casually one-shot Queen Nehelenia. But how big is the difference between Base Usagi and Eternal Sailor Moon?

Well the multipliers needed to be known then are Usagi to Base Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon to Super Sailor Moon, and Super Sailor Moon to Eternal Sailor Moon.

The Base Sailor Moon to Super Sailor Moon transition is the only one where there is any stated multiplier. We know that Super Sailor Moon was tens of thousands of times more powerful then the Taioron Crystal.

File:Sailor Moon Infinity Silver Crystal Terrifies Pharoah 90.jpg

Super Sailor Moon > 10,000 x Taioron Crystal (at it's MAX)

The much weaker Taioron Crystal (weaker from some massive amount of time where it's power has diminished) is stronger then the Witches V, able to grant them a level of power of "Magus" beyond even them

One of the Witches V, Telulu was able to tank the power of Sailor Moon, who thought she would need to use her FULL power to defeat her

Yet Telulu is still only level 404

while another one of the Witches V, still weaker then the Taioron Crystal is over 2.5x stronger, being level 999

Super Sailor Moon > 10,000x Taioron Crystal > 2.5x Base Sailor Moon

Super Sailor Moon > 25,000x Base Sailor Moon

While the third arc has a lot of clear quantification, the Usagi to Base SM and Super SM to Eternal SM multipliers require a bit more clarification.

The Base Usagi to Base Sailor Moon jump is CLEARLY the biggest one, going from a civilian to a cosmic guardian. That said let's downplay the multiplier needed.

In Chapter 3 Usagi's crying threatened to destroying a dimension

which is of course consistent with Rei destroying the same dimension with her first attack as Sailor Mars purely by accident

as well as Sailor V defeating Luuga who controlled her own dimension

Normal human crying at a high end gets up to 120 decibels. A nuke level event which is what would be needed at least for something like destroying dimensions of these sizes has a low end of 240 decibels in terms of sound. Adding 10 decibels multiplies by 10 so we know Usagi's crying is 10^((240-120)/10)=10^(120/10)=10^12=1,000,000,000,000x more energetic as a massive lowball.

Super Sailor Moon > 25,000x Base Sailor Moon > 1,000,000,000,000x Base Usagi
Super Sailor Moon > 25,000,000,000,000,000x Base Usagi 

So let's talk about the Eternal Sailor Senshi multiplier. 

There's pretty much no information to discuss how much stronger an Eternal Sailor Senshi is over a Super Sailor Senshi but there is a way to massively lowball it

Queen Nehelenia can't impact the Earth very much due to Nehelenia's seal. The only thing she can do is project her spiritual avatar, Zirconia onto Earth. Zirconia is an extremely weak Nehelenia, to the point that when she was almost dead Nehelenia reverted to Zirconia

In other words, Zirconia is basically a dying Nehelenia. Yet 7 Super Sailor Senshi's powers together only winded Zirconia

Yet as mentioned above, Eternal Sailor Moon completely one-shot Nehelenia. In other words an Eternal Sailor Senshi one-shot an enemy 7 Super Sailor Senshi couldn't even kill a basically dying version off. So let's say this multiplier is 7x as a massive lowball.

Eternal Sailor Moon = 7x Super Sailor Moon > 25,000,000,000,000,000x Base Usagi
Eternal Sailor Moon > 175,000,000,000,000,000x Base Usagi

Recall that Fifth Arc Base Usagi is stronger then 4th Arc Eternal Sailor Moon, meaning that Fifth Arc Eternal Sailor Moon would be over 175 Quadrillion times Universe Level. BUT it goes even further since this isn't even using her full power, since she gets ANOTHER power boost.

During the final arc, Galaxia takes control of Usagi's friends who themselves are Eternal Sailor Senshi and their normal attacks are able to harm Eternal Sailor Moon fine, showing that they are indeed comparable to her

and this was BEFORE they called down MORE power from Galaxia and using Galactica attacks

How strong is the Galactica Upgrade? Well Sailor Animamates with Galactica Upgrades are strong enough to fight Eternal Sailor Senshi INCLUDING ETERNAL SAILOR MOON

and without the Galactica power, the Animamates aren't even real sailor senshi

Galactica's powerup makes beings weaker then Base Sailor Senshi to Eternal Sailor Senshi meaning it's a powerup of at least 175,000x 

Yet Eternal Sailor Moon accessing her full power has power greater then 8 Galactica Eternal Sailor Senshi destroying them all in one attack

Full Power Eternal Sailor Moon > 8x Galactica Eternal Sailor Senshi > 175,000x Base Eternal Sailor Moon > 175,000,000,000,000,000x Universal

Full Power Eternal Sailor Moon > 1,400,000x Base Sailor Moon > 175,000,000,000,000,000x Universal

Full Power Eternal Sailor Moon > 245,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x Universal (245 Sextillion)

Sailor Galaxia equals this attack exactly, the impact so intense that at distance Chibi-Chibi has to create a shield to protect Chibi-Moon (who is an Eternal Sailor Senshi)

As such it's clear that Sailor Galaxia and Full Power Eternal Sailor Moon should be sextillions of times above universal and are definitely multiversal beings.

Again, and I cannot stress this enough, this is a joke. It was not meant seriously. It was just a parody of misuses of multipliers in the versus community.

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