Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Could the Super Love Angels defeat the Dark Kingdom

When I was really young these (along with Cardcaptor Sakura) were the magical girl shows I really enjoyed; they were the most famous of them. Sailor Moon and Wedding Peach. The two have been compared a lot. This is partially because the anime versions of both shared character designers and script writers. This led to two manga that are honestly not that similar having two somewhat similar seeming animes. 

Due to a similar feel, the idea of crossing over these two was relatively popular for a time, which begged the question of how strong characters would be compared to each other. This was something I had briefly wondered at a young age. However this is not one of those debates that becomes easy once you know a bunch of information about how strong the two are. If comparing certain characters from one to the other it's actually still relatively hard for a serious vs debater.

I am Imperator100. Without bragging, I am probably one of, if not THE, most famous Sailor Moon versus debaters. Before I came around people though Usagi had planet level durability, and was only low galactic in destructive capacity at her absolute peak, and now the OBD has her at galactic in her super form and vs wiki thinks she is Multiversal at Peak (Which I don't agree with personally...). I am also, I think, one of the best Wedding Peach versus debaters though this is not a hugely impressive title as the amount of versus debaters who powerscale Wedding Peach is very small. As someone who is a fan of both of these series, who is considered relatively high up there in versus knowledge for both of these series, and who has thought about this topic on and off for a while, I am here to give my explanation.

Sailor Moon goes on a lot longer then Wedding Peach and correspondingly it's power scale gets way stronger then Wedding Peach's. I think most people who have read both series can see pretty clearly that someone like Sailor Galaxia would clearly stomp the WP verse. The most fair matchup between these two is specifically the First Arc + Prequel Manga of Sailor Moon including sidestories and later scaling with the manga of Wedding Peach + Sidestories. So this is a question of if the Angels from WP could defeat the Dark Kingdom, the enemy for the first arc in SM. While I obviously want the good guys to win, I am going to try and do my best to be objective here and say the most likely event.

This scenario simply replaces the Demons with the Dark Kingdom. To release Metaria, they need the Sacred 4 instead of the Silver Crystal, which is actually relatively fitting as the Sacred 4 act relatively similar to the Silver Crystal. Spoilers for both series.

Perhaps unconventionally, I am going to compare the speed of both verses first.

I should note that in Wedding Peach and in Sailor Moon the speed of the characters is somewhat undefined in relative terms. What I mean by that is unlike in say shonen series or in western superhero comic books, characters very rarely speedblitz or even show any clear superiority to each other in terms of speed. As such internal scaling can be somewhat strange with internal speed scaling and most vs debaters simply resort to saying that characters that are more powerful in general should also likely be faster. For the verse itself there are advantages and disadvantages of this. The disadvantage of this is that even though low tiers seem to keep up with high tiers just fine and are never noticeably blitzed or have difficulty keeping up in speed, they don't actually get scaled to any higher tiers speed feats.  The advantage of this is that whatever the highest speed tier feats, any beings on an even higher tier get treated as being an unknown amount higher even though they never actually demonstrate feats of blitzing. This is not necessarily a wrong approach to take as again, it's not that they are established in verse as being comparable in speed but more so the internal speed scale is a lot less defined then most verses.

Starting with Wedding Peach, most of the verse's speed comes from the tiny reformed demon Jama-P who is treated as a joke by the demons. Pluie the first Demon in the series treats Jama-P as insignificant and casually corrupts him with a single blast

and Wedding Peach in her civilian state literally just emanating her love is strong enough to overpower Jama-P, like literally not even fighting but just standing there was enough to emanate energy enough to overpower him

Jama-P is fast enough to threaten all love on the Earth. This is his stated goal which he states clearly three separate times

Note that Jama-P's plan of destroying all love on Earth is literally just attacking couples. 

And Jama-P is never implied to be like an idiot who doesn't know his own plans. If his plan was just idiotic, Pluie would have said as much to him instead of saying he would observe him.

There is a lot of loving couples across the Earth and Jama-P does not have particularly vast range or senses. Light circles the Earth about 7.5 times a second, meaning even if this means in one second Jama-P has to travel Earth's circumference once (and it's likely much more times since he again would have to hit every loving couple which he doesn't know where they are) this would be (1/7.5) times lightspeed, or relativistic speeds. And again, Jama-P is so weak that Wedding Peach in her civilian form can overpower him by just standing there.

This Relativistic to FTL speed range is the general speed range for Wedding Peach. 

Wedding Peach's attacks involve usage of light, which demons regularly react to

While this seems like it's de facto lightspeed, it may actually even be faster since Wedding Peach's love wave actually reached all the way to Angel World in a short amount of time

And it's also noticeable that the a love wave in the form of light returned to her in a very fast timeframe. 

This shows that Angels attacks can travel inter-planetary distances in second which is in the FTL range. You could make the argument that this should be massively FTL since they are also in other dimensions, but similar to the Pretty Cure feat people sometimes use I don't think this is really supported. FTL seems to be what's most consistent.

Beyond that the high ranking Angel Selece was able to travel the same inter-planetary distance while basically memory-less, meaning she was completely without memory of who she was. Completely without memory she just meandered and still managed to travel accidentally all the way from Angel World to Human World

Now granted, Selece is supposed to be a really strong Angel, but this is a very casual feat that should  scale to the really trying speeds of the Angels and Demons, and at the very least to the Super Love Angels with the power of the Sacred 4.

The Sacred 4 also have a speed feat of transforming into love energy and instantly scattering from the Angel World across the Human World to protect themselves

Note this is the speed of how fast they moved as love energy, which is the general attacks the Angels use (albeit an absolutely immense amount, given that these are the Sacred 4) meaning that an Angel's love wave that is comparable in immensity (such as one of the Angels using a Sacred 4) should be comparable in speed.

Overall it's pretty consistent that the Wedding Peach cast are FTL at speeds roughly fast enough to travel inter-planetary distances rapidly. 

In terms of Sailor Moon's speed, again some bits of scaling can be rather nebulous as it's not established very much what characters are superior other then the fact that most of the characters rarely blitz each other and can watch each other move just fine even when there is a supposed massive discrepancy in power, with the general consensus seeming to be it's fine to scale a character with more raw power to one with less in terms of speed unless specifically noted otherwise, but the inverse is not alright.

The general place to start is with Artemis the Mautian, who moved Minako from just above the planet Venus to Earth in an unspecified timespan that at most has to be the length of a single night

This speed would be at the very least MHS, over mach 2,500 if one assumes average Earth-Venus distance and at most 12 hours. In reality it could and arguably SHOULD be much faster in the relativistic range at least since if it really had taken hours and hours Minako would probably have recovered from fainting, particularly if Artemis was carrying her at massive speeds across space, but this is the conservative estimate.

This is consistent with Artemis taking Luna to the Moon in minutes at most, possibly seconds in Act 13

Even if this had taken an hour this would be over Mach 313 and is most likely much faster.

The Mautions are relative fodder, to the point that Artemis needed Minako to transform to defeat the first Dark Agency Member, Narcissus.

Speaking of Minako, she has the feat that is most often used to demonstrate low tier Sailor Moon speeds. Minako before she even transformed for the first time, before she even knew what a Sailor Senshi was able to, with just a tiny bit of her planet power, accidentally propelled herself all the way from Earth to Venus in seconds.

Under a reasonable timeframe, this would be FTL speeds.

What's also mentioned often in this context is Civilian Form Hotaru flying to Charon Castle orbiting Pluto in the time it takes Galaxia to point

Given the distance and timeframe this is regularly given speeds of hundreds to thousands of times the speed of light. And no it's not Sailor Teleport since Sailor Teleport is not at all precise like this to the point that Sailor Mercury had to lock on to an energy signature to teleport to Sailor Moon's position but it also is actually a utilization of the Henshin power that transforms them into Sailor Senshi

which means if Hotaru had teleported she would have been in her Sailor Form when she appeared there and as you can see in the second panel she is clearly in her civilian form.

That said I'm not sure you can really scale Hotaru's movement feat to the earlier SM characters since Sailor Senshi arguably get stronger even in their civilian forms as Usagi tanked Galaxia's power which was greater then any of her prior enemies while in her civilian form

though this may be strictly a function of the Power of the Silver Crystal as Seiya hypothesizes

Beyond that, in terms of a very clear direct FTL feat, Heavenly King Zoisite reacted to a beam of reflected moonlight from Sailor Moon's "Moon Twilight Flash" attack at close range and teleported behind her

Overall the best feats of this timespan are in the inter-planetary FTL range. At best you might be able to scale the Fully Awoken Sailor Senshi and from them the strongest characters in the First Arc to the Weaver Stars who travel numerous lightyears every year, arguably within the span of a single day likely requiring speeds raning from low FTL to THOUSANDS of times ftl yet can get fodderized by Chibi-Moon

However this is only MFTL with a more liberal interpretation and either way is only speculatively able to scale since Chibi-Moon at the time was about equal to Second Arc Sailor Moon who was stronger then her First Arc Self who was the absolute top tier of the First Arc, stronger then any of the Dark Kingdom and the Weaver Stars only fought Chibi-Moon.


In terms of Power, the Wedding Peach-verse is often underrated mostly due to a very low amount of analysis of the feats and strange lowballing of the verse in violation of standard versus axioms such that things are assumed to be equal to their closest real world equivalents unless otherwise noted by the verse (such as cities being treated as city sized, planets being treated as planet sized, and so forth)

The feat that is used on vs battles wiki to give the Angels their ranking of building level is the feat of Lily and Daisy destroying a house in their battle with Pluie

However this is not just an accidental feat, not something they were specifically trying to do, but is also not even the best feat for the lowest level version of the Love Angels. 

Earlier on Pluie had used the Dimension Ring which was casually threatening Wedding Peach's school from up in the sky.

Bear in mind the Dimension Ring isn't some kind of offensive attack meant to destroy, it's just opening a portal and the sheer power of it's spatial tearing was tearing apart a large building at range. Wedding Peach was sucked into the vortex and not only did she survive it in civilian form but her just transforming into an Early Wedding Peach closed the vortex

This is despite being in a dimension that nullified Angels powers

This is likely consistent with the very weak Demon Tornado who was only on par with the Love Angels, the weaker forms of the Fighter Angels who was strong enough to create winds powerful enough to create a vacuum which would likely take building level energy

This building to casual large building level is only really the low tiers of the verse. Most of the Demons and Angels of the verse are actually stronger then this. The Demon Nocturn created her own dimension of "thick darkness" that stretched visually to near the horizon suggesting that it's radius stretched over 4.5 kilometers

Wedding Peach's light then went on to destroy that darkness

The Demon Arushion also created her own "world" or dimension to deceive Wedding Peach


You could try and argue this is a planetary feat, though that's a bit out there of an interpretation. It's more conservative and probably more consistent to just what is shown of the dimension which is about to the horizon distance again

A mid series-ish Wedding Peach, after finding out that it was just a deception was able to destroy this dimension, visually ripping out of it, just by transforming

so that should give a pretty good idea as to her relative power.

I have previously done a calc of destroying a dimension extending to the horizon as a town level feat, and that is most likely the general level of Angels and Demons in Wedding Peach.

However it is notable that this is base power. Angels can boost their defenses massively with their love wave, to the point that Angel Limone was able to protect the Fighter Angels from far stronger demons

and a single very strong Angel, Selece was capable of creating a barrier around all of Angel World herself

while Demons can massively amp their attack briefly with their hate waves, to the point that Half-Demon Yusuke planned on assassinating the Queen Demon herself

Generally the Power Source that the strongest characters in the verse are being compared to are The Sacred 4. The Sacred 4 are the strongest power source in the verse capable of granting control over all the worlds

maintaining love across all the world

proving the Love Energy of Angel World

and so on. Each of the Sacred 4 alone can boost the Fighter Angels into their Super Form the Super Love Angels and together they boost Wedding Peach to her ultimate form. The 4 Together were able to create a massive love wave that vastly eclipsed Angel World repelling all the demons that had invaded

Demons seemingly incredibly large by comparing to Angel World

and also broke flung things across space and time, causing the souls of the Angels to cross spacetime, sending them 100 years into the future

The Goddess of Love Aphrodite, noble equivalent to Demon Queen Reine was capable of creating a barrier to protect Angel World for a vast time

Wedding Peach's love rivaling even Aphrodite's

Explaining her ability to create a love wave powerful enough to reach all the way from the human world to the Angel World (also Celeste creating a love wave to reach her back all the way from Angel World)

They also scale to being over a large fraction of the Sacred 4, as Queen Reine could easily overpower one of the Sacred 4 and it is stated that all 4 would be needed to beat her

This suggests that Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love and Queen Reine of the Demons would probably be over 75% the power of the the Sacred 4 Together, the 4 together giving Wedding Peach her ultimate form which was capable of transmuting the entire demon world to purify it and transmuting all the demon energy in Demon World, Human World (Earth) and Heaven into love energy with one burst

As an matter-energy manipulation feat this energy area should scale to her attack power. Even just using the diameter of 3 planets the size of Earth, this would be (2.41e23 meters cubed) well over the volume of Neptune (6.38e22 meters cubed) and Uranus (7.02e22 meters cubed) and would be a significant fraction of the volume of Saturn (9.23e23 meters cubed). As such this would likely qualify as a large planet level feat, with each of the Sacred 4 likely being planet+ level which is consistent with prior feats.

In terms of Sailor Moon's power, the first thing to cover that most people seem to just ignore is power of absolute nameless fodder.

The original people of the Moon Kingdom were able to live on the planets of the Solar System without problem, such as Danburite mentioning that in his past life he was a Venusian who lived amidst the sulfuric acid of Venus

Even just using the planets of the inner solar system, this would require tanking gravity 40% Earth's or well over 2 times's Earth Gravity, sulfuric acid, extreme temperatures and cosmic radiation. This is notable because the People of Earth when brainwashed were capable of killing the people of the Moon

These brainwashed humans, even over 1 billion of them are used as mere fodder by the Dark Agency

The Dark Fodder are a comical villain group that Sailor V treats mostly as joke villains. A Dark Agency Member named DeVleene whose sole job was just to serve tea and sweets to their leader, was able to maintain a large building until she died

Getting into actually notable feats, the Dark Agency Member Luuga was able to create and change at will her own dimension extending to the horizon

It's unclear how various Dark Agency members compare to each other outside of a vague sense that Vivian and Princess Lin-Lin are fairly high up in rank. Luuga is never implied to be an especially powerful Dark Agency Member outside of her stating that she is "the strongest fighter in the electronic world" for whatever that is worth

and on a similar level is Usagi's "ultrasonic crying" which was powerful enough to collapse Jadeite's dimension

Jadeite's dimension was large enough to contain a castle and to get lost in and lose track of a bus

and has no visible horizon

Bear in mind that the Ultrasonic Crying is a complete joke of an attack that only hurts the first Youma Morga

In the Crystal Anime, the second Youma tanks the attack outright. In the manga, the youma's reaction isn't seen though at the very least the attack doesn't do her any serious injury as we see her right after

Notably Sailor Mars destroyed Jadeite's dimension as a side-effect of her first attack completely by accident

Speaking of Jadeite, the Heavenly Kings Jadeite, Nephrite Zoisite are more then likely significantly stronger then then Ultrasonic Crying. Heavenly King Zoisite was able to create and maintain a storm of heavy rainfail extending over the entire country of Japan for days on end

Though unclear weather feats are often taken as suspect, I figured I would put this feat as well.

Regardless the last Heavenly King Kunzite is even stronger then the other 3, capable of casual city destruction

as well as shifting the Earth's Crust to turn Tokyo into the North Pole

Note, some people seem to think this was Metaria's doing, however there is no suggestion of that anywhere in the chapter and is highly unlikely as Metaria had not grown stronger in weeks without causing any effect on the Earth as she has last gotten stronger when Princess Serenity has unleashed the energy of the Silver Crystal

and the Sailor Senshi had waited for the Night of the Full Moon to leave for the Moon before Kunzite's attack

If it had been Metaria then she would have been causing effects for a while. The chapter explicitly says that Kunzite was trying to turn Tokyo into the North Pole for Metaria and never implies Metaria was performing the effect.

The Strongest Members of the Dark Kingdom, including Kunzite. Kunzite's forcefield actually briefly held against  the power of Princess Serenity who released and tanked a burst of power of the Silver Crystal that revitalized the Earth and was compared to a supernova

Queen Beryl, who is well knowledgeable of the Silver Crystal's power, was shocked at the level of power pouring out

When Luna was asked what the threat would be if the enemy gets the Silver Crystal she says the following

This is the level of casual power of the Silver Crystal yet Princess Serenity can tank it outright. I should note that some translations use "planet" instead of "star" there

While I think contextually it's clearly supposed to be star there, if you prefer to use planet here, that can be seen as a low-ball. Though given the violence of the explosion this would be large planet level.

After seeing the power of the Silver Crystal up close, Kunzite was still confident in his capacity to kill Sailor Moon

Kunzite also seems to harm Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus after they had fully awoken and moved to protect the Princess

when later the 4 Fully Awoken Senshi overpower Kunzite's shield which previously maintained against the power of the Silver Crystal

And the strongest members of the Dark Kingdom are actually a lot stronger then this. A lot of people underestimate the relative power of Queen Beryl based on her not doing much in the 90s anime, however in the manga she clearly thought she was stronger then Princess Serenity despite earlier seeing her power. Also when Sailor Venus managed to kill Queen Beryl, Metaria was in disbelief and wondered if the people of the Moon Kingdom had gotten stronger. Despite sensing the same energy of Princess Serenity earlier, Queen Metaria couldn't believe the Senshi killed Beryl

Nevermind that Beryl was clearly stronger then the Senshi in their actual confrontation

Dark Endymion was similar, and was clearly superior to the Senshi in their confrontation


This is obviously just the most relevant abilities.

The primary abilities of the Angels is their famous "love waves", an emanation of a holy light carrying energies of love, friendship, hope and other such good things.

This can be used to do basically all the stereotypical purification/good magic type things including revival

Heal injuries and broken hearts

Dispel Possession and Restore Memories

Attack Repelling and Reflection

Neutralize energies and attacks of evil, hatred, and anger

Create Light and purify matter-energy

Can destroy malice and darkness-based powers

Fights against Evil Spirits (The Demons, spirits of hatred)

Angels also possess lower level psychic abilities; including psychic dreams, detecting emotional states, see the memories of others and sensing enemies and energies

The attacks of Angels also have the power to tear into other dimensions

And experienced Angels can simply teleport between dimensions

The Dark Kingdom possess numerous abilities, particularly in terms of haxes. Flight and Inter-Dimensional Teleportation are common for the Heavenly Kings. The main abilities of the verse are energy hax and mind hax.

In terms of energy hax many members of the Dark Agency as well as Jadeite and Nephrite has low level energy draining feats though the most impressive feats go to Zoisite and Kunzite. Zoisite was able to drain energy across a city

and Kunzite had even more casual city-scale energy draining

However the Mind Hax is what is most dangerous. A single Dark Agency Member, Pandora, was able to mind hax everyone in Japan

and a stronger Dark Agency Member, Princess Lin-Lin was able to brainwash all of China, which given China's size would likely qualify as a continent level mind hax feat

Heavenly Kings Nephrite and Zoisite also possess brainwashing abilities that likely scale to these feats. Dark Prince Endymion has a brainwashing feat that actually worked on a Sailor Senshi showing that it does scale since these feats didn't work on a Senshi.

Other notable abilities of the Dark Kingdom include

Narcissus draining consciousness and causing paralysis with an attack


Luuga appearing as an ethereal form and sucks up Sailor V into her video game

Chuu-Chuu controlling mosquitos with many possible diseases

Lin-Lin summoning a Chinese Dragon Spirit

Heavenly King Jadeite forcefully controlling peoples bodies

Heavenly King Jadeite transmutes a mist into a hail

Heavenly King Jadeite creates a bus-sized portal to another dimension

Heavenly King Nephrite can use his shadow to possess people

Heavenly King Nephrite can absorb people into the darkness

Heavenly King Zoisite can reflect attacks with his forcefield

Heavenly King Kunzite can freeze on a city scale

Queen Beryl can control the bodies and minds of others, as she did to the Heavenly Kings to turn them against the Earth and Prince Endymion

Queen Beryl can bind someone to her will across the cycles of reincarnation


What's interesting about the two sides here is that the stats are actually really similar, ranging from a likely relativistic building level+ to a ftl town level and if you lowball the Silver Crystal feat in the first arc, Final Form Wedding Peach would actually be similarly leveled to the upper tiers of the Dark Kingdom. The rough tiers would be something along the lines off

Weaker Dark Agency Members/Brainwashed Humans~Love Angels
Stronger Dark Agency Members/Youma/Heavenly Kings~Fighter Angels (As well as most Angels in general)
Super Fighter Angels
Kunzite/Beryl/Dark Endymion~Wedding Peach Final Form

Speed is really close and honestly it's hard to say who would actually be faster. If I had to guess, I would suggest that the WP characters in general are a bit faster then the SM cast. The Artemis feat while it was likely faster then MHS, would probably be relativistic however the Jama-P feat would very likely be FTL by itself, and while SM characters scale to Minako quickly traveling to Venus, the WP characters scale to quickly traveling to a planet of unknown distance that is conservatively assumed to be close like Venus. The fact that it's a lowball suggests to me that the WP characters would have the speed advantage.

Contrary to this, I think the SM characters would have more raw power with the exception of maybe the building level feat. The Town Level feat for SM is a larger lowballing of Jadeite's dimension then either of the WP dimension feats both of which are pretty vague in terms of size (Jadeite's dimension is also vague but is implied to at least be pretty large since Usagi can get lost in it and not be able to find a bus). Also while a lowball of Kunzite's feat would put it at the same rough range as Wedding Peach's final form feat, it should be noted that it IS a lowball, and Princess Serenity TANKED that energy, while Beryl and Dark Endymion are clearly more powerful then Serenity.

So what would happen if the two were actually in the same verse? The Dark Kingdom replaces the Demons, the Angels replace the Sailor Senshi, and the Sacred 4 replace the Ginzuisho. Beryl discovers Metaria underground and the Dark Kingdom is reborn as she summons the Heavenly Kings, bounds across cycles of reincarnation to her. The 4 Heavenly Kings are sent to search for the Sacred 4, with Jadeite being sent to search the Far East and Kunzite setting up the Dark Agency. Limone gets a premonition of the arcane alien invasion searching for the Sacred 4 and awakens the Love Angels, possibly after an encounter with the Dark Agency, for consistency's sake let's say it was Narcissus. What would happen?

Obviously I have to talk in the sense of probabilities here since none of this is certain. However if the Angels run into a Youma or a Dark Agency member they would get an immediate advantage. While they don't have super senses like Sailor Senshi, they do possess emotional sensing, and would be able to sense negative energy and dark magic around any Dark Kingdom-related energy-stealing stunt and in fact would even be able to sense the individual that was a member of the villain group. They could theoretically be threatened by a large scale hax. Things like city scale energy hax, country-continent scale mind hax, or city scale freezing are things that simply don't exist in the Wedding Peach verse.

That said Dark Kingdom and especially Dark Agency schemes don't tend to be very immediate, they tend to take like a day, which is well more then enough time for the Angels to attack the invaders, especially if they get around the hax by being in another dimension, something only the Heavenly Kings can really do.

Angel Salvia, depending on timeline in particular would not be affected at all at first by any hax hitting Tokyo or Japan since she is from America and could restore the other Love Angels with her love energy if they get energy/mind haxed or frozen.

Beyond that it would actually be pretty simple for the Angels to win. Even ignoring raw numbers, the Angels have comparable, maybe slightly lower, power, faster speed and an advantage in hax. While both sides can essentially one-shot with hax, the Angels have sensory abilities and defensive abilities while the Dark Kingdom members are ironically pretty much sitting ducks against haxes. The Angels would be able to sense their positions at all times, even if they were disguised, could change dimensions at will, and can repel/reflect attacks with love waves.

What makes this even better for the Angels is that the sheer number of little enemies the Dark Kingdom throws out is really more a long-term problem for their own side. Wedding Peach's love waves were strong enough to convert a lesser demon just from her presence, like literally just standing there. Power-wise, if they have the Sacred 4 their Love Waves would comically overpower anyone weaker then Kunzite.

The Dark Agency and the Heavenly Kings are humans and human-like aliens. They regularly have human motivations like greed, lust, vengeance etc. The Demons on the other hand are literally spirits of hatred. Jama-P originally didn't want to destroy all the love in the world because he was envious of love, or because he wanted to sadistically playful, or because he wanted to exploit the people. He did it literally just because he's a demon and a natural spirit of hatred that is opposed to love. There's nothing like that in Sailor Moon outside the Chaos Spawn themselves. And Wedding Peach was able to purify that with her presence.

The Heavenly Kings and Dark Endymion are even more so likely to be purified as they were brainwashed to be evil and had their memories taken and the Love Waves inherently restore memories and destroy negative magic brainwashing someone.

If the Fighter Angels got into a fight with the Heavenly Kings without their Sacred 4, they would be weaker in terms of power technically, but against the first 3 they would be able to use their love waves to boost their defense to protect themselves. If you consider how they would do against them

Jadite: Body Control would work but Jadeite's only ever shown it on one person at a time meaning he can get outnumbered. Not to mention Angels can use Love Waves while literally just standing still, meaning they can likely use it even if body if constrolled, and it not only can possibly restore them but would knock Jadeite around. Dimensional BFR is super not gonna work given they can tear open holes in dimensions with their attacks.

Nephrite: Nephrite's powers work the least against the Angels since they are all based around his shadow using darkness powers which the Light of the Love Waves would absolutely tear through.

Zoicite: Attack Reflection might seem strong but it's basically just something the Angels already have and besides that the Angels outnumber and out-versatility him.

Kunzite: While it's true that Kunzite could technically one-shot any of them outside of MAYBE Final Form Wedding Peach, he's at a disadvantage in numbers, range, sensory abilities and is notably overconfident which would be bad when dealing with 4 people who could hypothetically one-shot purify.

Endymion would be similar to Kunzite. Beryl would be most likely the hardest fight. I think purification ability probably would work on her, but even if it doesn't, at this point the Angels would have purified pretty much the entire Dark Kingdom to fight against her, not to mention they can nullify her dark magical abilities at the very least.

If they had to fight Queen Metaria, ironically she'd actually likely be a lot easier then Beryl since Metaria is weak to holy light and....well......that's all the Love Angels' attacks. Obviously if Metaria reached too big a size they wouldn't be able to stop her, but unless she grows to planetary size or so, they should be able to contain her.

Sailor Moon compared to other Magical Girls is notable in the sheer scale of everything, due in part I think to it's astronomical aesthetic. Even other Magical Girl Series that get to universal+ levels like Cardcaptor Sakura, Puella Magi Madoka Magicka, Magic Knight Rayearth, etc. Most of the characters in those are usually nowhere near that strong. They'll have a lot of haxes but they will usually be on a pretty normal scale, maybe up to city scale. Sailor Moon is the series where random one-shot enemies have city-scale haxes, where joke villains are supposed to be threats to the entire world, and where the serious villains will regularly perform haxes and abilities on a cosmic scale like Death Phantom warping the spacetime contiuum and erasing planets from existence, Nehelenia covering the Earth and Moon, Galaxia appearing on a planet wiping all lifeforms and souls from it, etc. Sailor Moon has been called "The Cthulhu Mythos but with friendly Eldritch Abominations as well"

Wedding Peach on the other hand is not as much about cosmological themes. While there is technically a war between planets, and it does get up to cosmic levels of raw power, it's more so a spiritual war between the holy spirits of love and the unholy spirits of hatred, and the cosmic level of power of the high tiers is more a consequence of the profoundly high holy levels of immense love or profoundly high unholy level of immense hatred.

All the enemies in Wedding Peach are spirits, they are spirits of hatred. The characters in general fight on a spiritual level with purification and corruption. The Dark Kingdom is super not equipped to fight a spiritual war. The Dark Kingdom are a group of humans and humanoids in a magocratic-monarchial system under the service of a dark eldritch abomination. They are all though still physical beings and are again not equipped to fight on a spiritual level. While they do have SM's signature thing on their side, namely the raw scale and scope of power up to a level that is significant on a planetary scale, that is really their only advantage.

My conclusion is that the Super Love Angels would, in fact, be able to defeat the Dark Kingdom. 


  1. Ya know this turned into a surprisingly interesting topic, its an unconventional blog for sure but i have a weakness for blogs born out of passion they are way more intriguing.

    Whats Interesting is it feels like comparing two groups than two series with how we go with arc one's villains (That actually really makes me wonder if Usagi and the inner senshi would be able to defeat the WP Villains if they were limited only to Arc 1) I'm also wondering how much more powerful the WP Gals would get to if they were allowed to run longer like SM, that might make a new goddess my word.

    I really liked the opening of this blog, reminded me of my Dexter vs Jimmy Neutron blogs opening where you thoroughly explained the rivalry and why they are paired up so that even plebs like me can get invested.

    its legit spooky how well the two groups matched up in terms of stats, its like they planned this ALL ALONG ;) but then you go into powers

    I'm gonna be honest, i initally thought the Dark Kingdom may have this, their powers just sounded a lot cooler while the WP ones sounded like more generic anti bad stuff, which were good for dealing with bad stuff, but at the same time they had some powers like transmutation i didnt think they could deal with

    boy you sure proved me wrong with how useful and numerous the WP advantages are, point to the good guys I guess. I actually hope i can see more blogs like this one day, its kinda like your how strong is series, only its a group of villains and its only being compared to 1 verse.

  2. Wow, this one is a surprise! And a very cool premise I might add. There are a ton of discussions out there about "X character(s) enters Y verse, what happens" which usually just amount to how much can the invaders murderize until (or if) they're stopped. I really like how this blog focuses on a specific arc and doesn't just talk about the fights but also tries to predict how the characters would act and what route they would take to accomplish their goal.

    I really need to congratulate you on the sheer amount of proof you compiled for this blog to both properly analyze the situation and back up your conclusion. It feels like almost every sentence up there had an accompanying page/panel of manga to back it up with a visual. I've had the wonderful opportunity to read the manga for both these series so I didn't need much convincing (:P) but for others it looks to be a clear benefit. To be honest I think I'm in the minority of people who've read Wedding Peach, it doesn't seem to have taken off over here nearly as well as Sailor Moon did. At the very least the sources made for a lovely trip down memory lane for me.

    I too shared your desire to see the good guys (gals) win here and while things seemed surprisingly close indeed just looking at the stats, I started to worry when reading all the Dark Kingdom abilities. Your comparison at the end washed away these worries though, and I definitely agree with your conclusion. The powers the Angels have and the fundamental way that they operate have a massive advantage against these particular Sailor Moon foes and having fairly even stats just means they can take full advantage of, well, their advantages! I also really like the idea of the Angels freeing some of the most powerful villains from mind control and adding them to the team.

    In conclusion, I think this very enjoyable and unique blog can serve as a cautionary tale for those dealing in crossovers: abilities that allow heroes to just barely eke out a win in their home universe may be very broken in others ;) Excellent work Imp, thanks for the blog!
