Thursday, January 4, 2018

How they compare: Sailor Galaxia (new vs series)

Welcome to "How they compare", a simpler character analysis meant to quickly give a character's information and then a comparison of how well they'd do in various verses. To begin, I am gonna do my favorite villain in all of fiction; Sailor Galaxia!

Image result for Sailor Galaxia manga

"A dream...a dream of bygone times...when I was still searching for answers. Sailor Moon will come here soon. Drawn here like I was by Chaos. To know the truth. Hurry up Sailor Moon, your tiny world is not a suitable battlefield for us! Hurry and come to me. To unleash our powers!"

Galaxia is the penultimate villain of Sailor Moon, she views herself as the supreme messiah of the universe, and yet holds complete contempt for the universe with chaos in it. She planned in orchestrating the end of the universe and recreating it all in her image. She wields one of the two greatest Sailor Crystals within the Cosmos, the Saphir Crystal of Destruction. 

Galaxia's primary power is her ability to force the power of destruction on others, removing their star seed, and causing their complete collapse to be recreated mind and body however she wishes. She does this simply by gesturing to those things she wishes destroyed. This is a very complex hax and can affect on several different planes of existence.

In terms of raw power, Sailor Galaxia was able to fight Eternal Sailor Moon at the height of her power. Eternal Sailor Moon uses the power of the other strongest Sailor Crystal, the Silver Crystal of Creation. The Silver Crystal destroyed Nehelenia, who maintained her entire parallel mirror universe when Eternal Sailor Moon was at her weakest. This is consistent with how it was said to have the ability to warp all of space and time, and how it was said to be able to create a universe by Chaos. This would put Sailor Galaxia well into the Universal Range. In fact the same Nehelenia mentioned earlier is not as strong as even Galaxia's civilian form.

In terms of speed, Sailor Galaxia is able to move at speeds comparable to the Silver Crystal's light which can easily travel the universe in seconds, making her likely quintillions of times faster then light. Like all Sailor Senshi, Sailor Galaxia can also teleport, even between dimensions.

Beyond this in terms of other hax abilities Galaxia has been able to hear thoughts of other people as far as thousands of lightyears away along with being able to see a similar distance, or directly see into the past to know everything she needs about an opponent. Galaxia can also move directly through forcefields as if they weren't present and can attack her opponent in their dreams directly suggesting a more direct form of mental attack then her Star Seed Hax. Also because spacetime warping in the Sailor Moon Universe, in a manner actually sort of similar to real life, is merely an expression of power and will, Sailor Galaxia's raw power can allow her to create warps in spacetime and in fact Galaxia and Chaos' power was causing space and time to warp all the way to the far reaches of it.

In terms of Sailor Moon, depending on how you count, Sailor Galaxia is most likely the fifth strongest entity, just above Queen Serenity the First, but below The Gods/Guardian Cosmos.

So with that in mind how well would Sailor Galaxia do in other verses?

In the DC Universe, Sailor Galaxia would have power roughly on par with Pre-Crisis Justice League Powerhouses such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern or similarly powered individuals on other super teams such as the Justice Society of America. She would able to fight roughly even with any one of them one-on-one and and would be a powerful opponent. In the Post-Crisis Era Sailor Galaxia would be a Crisis-Level Threat and would require the JLA Team to fight though together they could potentially defeat her. She may struggle with the high level of speed of the DC Universe but her spacetime warping may give at least a partial counter to that.

In the Marvel Universe Galaxia would be roughly as strong as high level skyfather entities such as Odin or Thanos. She can cause some level of even conflict to Cosmic Cube level Entities however their more versatile abilities would likely get the better of her in the end. 

In the Saint Seiya Universe, Galaxia would be roughly the power of strong Gold Saint Level Entities like Gemini Saga and Virgo Shaka or some deity level entites, though similar to her own verse could not fight the stronger Deities or the God Saints. Though Speed may be an issue similar to above.

In the CLAMP Multiverse, Galaxia would hold a very decisive speed advantage over the entirety of the verse and would be well stronger then most powerful magic-users or local God entities like Dimensional Witch Yuuko or Mokona. Against the likes of Fei Wang Reed or even Clow Reed, Galaxia would be weaker in terms of DC/Durability (as well as versatility) but might still win via speed and star seed removal.

In the Madoka Multiverse, Sailor Galaxia would again have a massive speed advantage and be well stronger then any physical entity in the multiverse, easily able to rule anything she can normally see with her massive amounts of firepower and speed, as well as her hax, including even the Incubators or the strongest witch Kriemhild Gretchen. That said she would very likely have difficulty with the absolute strongest entities in the verse Kami Madoka and Akuma Homura should they get involved due to their abstract nature and powerful reality-warping

In the Digimon franchise, Sailor Galaxia would be roughly on par with one of the Royal Knights, possessing not quite as high destructive power and durability but being notably faster. She would likely be able to defeat even the likes of the Demon Lord Digimon by recreating their nature as being loyal to her via her Star Seed Steal.

In the Pokemon Universe, Sailor Galaxia would rank at a similar level to the Creation Trio and would most likely due to her ability to create massive spacetime warps with her power be able to defeat either Palkia or Dialgia by herself, despite their ability to create universes. That said she would still be below Full-Powered Arceus given his multiversal reality-warping status and if multiple members of the Creation Trio fought her at once it is unlikely she'd win though her raw power may prove enough.

In the Undertale Verse, Sailor Galaxia would be a massive threat given that she has power at least comparable to the strongest entities, far greater speed, and her star seed steal and subsequent soul manipulation being a massive danger. That said the strongest entities like Asriel, God of Hyperdeath can at least pose some threat and given the amount of spacetime and metafictional manipulation in the verse it's unlikely she could solo the verse by herself should they be prepared to fight her. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice blog Imp! From what I can see, Galaxia would make a pretty good matchup for Beerus, especially with their statuses as beings of destruction. I’m interested to see how that power of destruction hax would work in a matchup such as this. Just from a power standpoint, I can see how this character might be intriguing. Maybe I’ll find time to finally watch/read Sailor Moon one day.
